Final Fantasy Wiki

Omega is one of the two original superbosses in Final Fantasy V. It is a machine found in the Interdimensional Rift directly after a save point. Multiple Omegas can also be found in a room inside the Sealed Temple (GBA and the now discontinued 2013 versions only). Omega is visible on the field, so it can be avoided. To get by it, the player must move only when it is not moving, and mainly move along the edges of the ledge.

According to the thousand-year-old book in the library in the Interdimensional Rift, Omega and the dragon Shinryu were so powerful that not even the Sealed Weapons could stop them. Since its debut in Final Fantasy V, Omega has become a recurring superboss in the Final Fantasy series as an ancient war machine implied to travel the Void, and as a nemesis to Shinryu.

The theme that plays in the battle against Omega is the regular battle theme.

Defeating Omega in the discontinued 2013 Matrix Software versions earns the achievement "Mechanical Warrior".



Wave CannonFFV

Wave Cannon (GBA).

Omega is one of the few enemies whose level exceeds 99. It has permanent reflect and shell statuses.

It is weak to lightning and absorbs every other element. Omega is vulnerable to slow and stop status effects; however, its excessively high level, coupled with its 90% magic evasion, makes it very difficult for any status ailment to connect from spells. It is incapable of dodging the effects of songs.

Its 95% physical evasion and high defenses mean that many attacks will miss or be ineffective.

Omega's attacks include:

  • Wave Cannon - Inflicts sap, and deals major damage to all party members equal to half of a character's maximum HP. This is its most common attack, performed roughly every other turn.
  • Delta Attack - Damages, and inflicts petrify to a party member.
  • Maelstrom - Reduces the party's HP to single digits.
  • Blaster - Can either paralyze or kill a party member.
  • Encircle - Erases a party member from the battle. They cannot act or be targeted, and they gain no EXP or ABP at the battle's end. The only way to reverse this effect would be to reset to beginning of the battle through Return.
  • Earth Shaker - Major earth-elemental attack to all party members. Does not affect floating targets.
  • Rainbow Wind - Inflicts darkness, silence, and sap.
  • Flame Thrower - Deals fire-elemental damage to one target. Can be learned as Blue Magic.
  • Atomic Ray - Medium fire-elemental damage to all party members.
  • Mustard Bomb - Damages and inflicts sap to a party member.
  • Rocket Punch - Inflicts damage equal to half of target's current HP and inflicts confuse.
  • Search - Indicates the target for his next action. If reflected, Omega may hit itself with Rainbow Wind or Flame Thrower.

AI script[]

Each line represents a turn, and Omega randomly selects a move from the available actions in one line:

  1. Atomic Ray / Delta Attack / Blaster
  2. Wave Cannon
  3. Rainbow Wind / Flame Thrower / Atomic Ray
  4. Wave Cannon
  5. Double action
    1. Delta Attack / Blaster / Wave Cannon
    2. Maelstrom / Earth Shaker / Rainbow Wind
  6. Search
  7. Rainbow Wind / Flame Thrower / Atomic Ray
  8. Wave Cannon

The cycle repeats when it reaches the end.

Omega counters receiving HP damage with an immediate double action:

  1. Rocket Punch (66.6%), Mustard Bomb (33.3%)
  2. Rocker Punch (66.6%), Encircle (33.3%)

If Rocket Punch is selected twice and the same target chosen twice in a row, it is possible for a character to become confused on the first hit and then snap out of the confusion immediately on the second. Omega reacts to Dualcast and Dual-Wield attacks twice, for a total of four immediate actions.


It is recommended to aim for a pre-emptive strike/first move.

For equipment, the party should consider Flame Rings or Flame Shields to absorb Atomic Ray and Flame Thrower. Ribbons can block Rainbow Wind, Blaster, and the petrify from Delta Attack, but will not block confusion from Rocket Punch. To prevent confusion, the player must equip either the Lamia's Tiara, Rainbow Dress, Genji Armor, or Bone Mail. Reflect Rings can reflect Atomic Ray, Delta Attack, Blaster, and Search, though Atomic Ray and Search → Flame Thrower being reflected will heal Omega. The party should pre-cast Float on themselves before engaging to prepare for the possible Earth Shakers.

It is advised to have at least one Bard and Romeo's Ballad, since Omega is not immune to stop, although it is not stopped for long. Bards can also use Mighty March to give regen to the whole party to partially counter the sap ailment and Hero's Rime to boost damage and healing from regen. In the Game Boy Advance version, Omega is also susceptible to Beastmaster's Calm.

The main key to the battle is staying above 50% HP so Wave Cannon will not kill. Characters with low HP (less than 1500 HP, but the lower the better) can achieve this by singing Mighty March and then temporarily level boosting via mixing Dragon Power, allowing the regen ticks to restore them to full HP before each of Omega's turns. Combined with pre-cast Float, equipping Reflect Rings, mixing Dragon Kiss (to prevent removal by Encircle and confusion from Rocket Punch) and Hasty-ade (to grant haste over reflect and increase regen speed), and either equipping Flame Shield or mixing Resist Fire, makes it impossible for Omega to kill or remove a character outside of its Mustard Bomb counter reaction. This allows the team to safely stack Dragon Power on one or two members to raise their damage as high as possible.

Higher HP parties will need to rely on extra healing outside of regen. White Wind is a powerful full party heal that ignores reflect, but it may not be adequate if Maelstrom connects on the caster, as the HP restored is equivalent to the caster's current HP. In this situation, the White Wind caster must be healed immediately with an Elixir before casting White Wind and before anyone dies to sap. Alternatively, the team can forgo Reflect Rings and use Flame Rings to freely use Curaga to heal with and Hastega to buff with.

The other key to the battle is to eliminate Omega with as few attacks as possible because it may react to damage with Encircle, ejecting party members and risking the party becoming too small to continue fighting. Aside from mixing Dragon Kiss, there are no other methods that can reduce or eliminate the chance of being erased by Encircle.


Omega superboss in FINAL FANTASY V Pixel Remaster

Romeo's Ballad + Thundaga Blade strategy.

A character who knows Thundaga Spellblade and Rapid Fire should be able to take Omega down in one or two turns. For versions other than the 2013 port, three Bards and a Mystic Knight with Thundaga Spellblade makes for an easy fight. With the slowest battle speed with using Romeo's Ballad every time Omega comes out of stop, it will be permanently stopped; this can be made easier with applying haste to the party. In the 2013 port, three hasted Bards are incapable of keeping stop up permanently due to lowered duration time for heavy type enemies, but Thundaga Spellblade-Rapid Fire remains one of the best ways to eliminate Omega quickly with minimal counterattacks.

Due to Omega's high evasion, attacks that always connect are the best. For physical options, this includes Aim, Jump, Throw, and the aforementioned Rapid Fire. Sword Dance also auto-hits, but is unreliable. Attacks used immediately after Romeo's Ballad will hit due to the stop effect.

If the party summons Carbuncle to counter Omega's auto-reflect and avoid Atomic Ray, they can have a Bard sing Romeo's Ballad constantly and dualcast Thundaga onto the party, and, if possible, equip Masamune to the Summoner, and Hermes Sandals on the Bard and Black Mage. With this strategy, Omega should go down in three turns.

Another strategy is for each character to equip a Flame Ring and have float status active. One party member should have Time Magic Level 6 and Zeninage with the Masamune equipped. The other two should have Mix and Zeninage, and the final character should have White Magic Level 6 and Zeninage. The party should have six Turtle Shells, six Antidotes, and 60,000 gil.

The player should start by casting Hastega and not attack until they mix a Turtle Shell and an Antidote six times, applying the mix each time to Omega, reducing its Defense to where the party can really hurt it. One should not refresh haste, and also not recast float unless there are no more characters with the float status left.

The party should attack with Zeninage, dealing about 9000 damage each time. The player should only hit once at a time, wait for the counterattack, heal, and then hit again with Zeninage. The final party member should repeatedly use Curaga on the party. With two Mix abilities, there are three characters who can cast Arise in the party (a Phoenix Down mixed with Potion makes the Arise spell).

Other appearances[]

Pictlogica Final Fantasy[]

PFF Omega

Omega appears as an enemy.

Final Fantasy Record Keeper[]

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Omega (capital: Ω, lowercase: ω; Greek Ωμέγα) is the twenty-fourth and last letter of the Greek alphabet, representing a longer Latin "o" as well as the "oo" and "ou" IPA vowel clusters. In mathematics, it is synonymous with a set's end or limit. In physics, uppercase omega is the SI abbreviation for the ohm, a unit of electrical resistance.

Related enemies[]
