Final Fantasy Wiki

Old Rivals is a side quest in Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII, where Lightning must reunite old rival merchants on the Dead Dunes. The quest has no time limit and is available from as soon as the player finds Tobias at Ruffian as part of "Bandits of the Desert" main quest.

Quest log[]

Entry 1 - Quest Begins
Tobias is a wealthy merchant who runs several shops across the Dead Dunes. But the lack of competitors out in the desert means his selection is poor and his customer service worse.
Tobias just can't bring himself to get excited about his business without competitors to spur him on. People like Ramon, for example, who was once a fierce rival but now does nothing but loiter around the Giant's Sandbox.
Entry 2 - Quest Complete
Now that Ramon has reopened his shop, Tobias is fired about his business again—it's the competition that he really loved. His soul is released from the ennui that had gripped him, and now Lightning can expect to find much better wares in his shop. Maybe Lightning should visit Tobias's General Store some time and see what new merchandise is available.


After talking with Tobias at the Ruffian settlement's general store, Lightning must seek out Ramon in Giant's Sandbox, near a cactuar waystone in Temple Ruins North Gate. After starting and completing "His Wife's Dream" quest, returning to Tobias completes the quest.


Completing the quest earns 500 gil, Snakeskin Hat adornment, Max HP +50, Strength +4, Magic +2, and refreshes Tobias's shop wares (he will get new wares the later in the game the player is). In new game plus, subsequent completions reward 750 gil, Max HP +20, and Strength +4.
