Odin is a summon in Final Fantasy III, marking his first appearance as a series summon. Odin can be called forth into battle with the Catastro Summon Magic spell.
Odin appears as a knight with horns donning heavy armor with a cape. He wields a shield in his right hand, while wielding a curved sword in his left. When summoned in battle and fought as a boss, Odin is always seen riding his noble steed.
In the 2D editions of the game, Odin is entirely clad in silver armor; however, in the 3D remakes Odin is heavily inspired by his original Yoshitaka Amano art, revealing his yellow skin. In the original Famicom release, depending on the version of summoned, Odin's color scheme would be different.

The party encountering Odin in the Saronia Catacombs.
The Catastro spell to summon Odin can be obtained from defeating Odin in the Saronia Catacombs located beneath the sea southeast of Saronia. Odin can be obtained immediately after Doga upgrades the Nautilus to travel underwater.
Alternatively, the Catastro spell can also be purchased in the final room in Eureka, costing 60,000 gil to purchase from the vendors.
Catastro is a level 6 Summon Magic that can be used by the Evoker, Summoner, and Sage jobs.

Odin being summoned into battle (DS).
Odin is one of the stronger summons in the game with a variety of moves that can aid the player in battle. Should the Evoker or Sage (3D) summon Odin, the summon may cast Protective Light, which grants the Reflect status on the entire party, serving as an excellent support method against boss battles that primarily attack with magic abilities. In the original Famicom version, its parallel, Barrier, pales in comparison due to its 50% accuracy rate of bestowing the status.
In the original Famicom and the 3D remake, its Slash attack is subpar due to targeting a single enemy. However, in the Pixel Remaster, Odin's Slash attack deals damage to all enemies, increasing its usefulness when battling multiple enemies.
Odin's Zantetsuken attack available to Summoners and Sages (2D) is a powerful move that deals Instant Death to all enemies, granting it some use when battling multiple enemies in dungeons. However, due to some enemies being immune to the effect during the final dungeon, Odin can potentially lead to its summoner wasting a turn.
Famicom abilities[]
Ability | Spell Power | Effect | Job |
Barrier for All! | - | Grants Reflect to all allies. Has a 50% accuracy rate. | Evoker |
Sword Cleaved Foes! | ? | Deals non-elemental damage to one enemy. | Evoker |
Zantetsuken! Foes Annihilated! | - | Attempts to instantly knock all enemies out. Has a 50% accuracy rate. | Summoner, Sage |
3D and Pixel Remaster abilities[]
Ability | Spell Power | Effect | Job |
Protective Light | - | Casts Reflect on all allies. | Evoker, Sage (3D versions only) |
Slash | 117 | Non-elemental damage to one enemy. | Evoker, Sage (3D versions only) |
Zantetsuken | 255 | Instantly knocks all enemies out. | Summoner, Sage (Pixel Remaster only) |
Boss encounters[]

The party battling Odin (DS).
Odin is encountered as an optional boss in the Saronia Catacombs. Odin has access to moderate damaging physical attacks and the more dangerous Zantetsuken during the encounter, dealing heavy non-elemental damage to the party.
In the 3D versions of the game, Odin carries the most powerful spear, the Gugnir, as a rare steal.
Other appearances[]
Final Fantasy Record Keeper[]

Final Fantasy Dimensions II (Free-to-play)[]
Catastro was the player ability available to the Summoner Refia and Summoner RE signets. When used, it restored MP to the entire party, while also granting them a SPD boost for three turns. The attack also dealt three neutral damage attacks to all enemies, which had a chance to inflict insant death. The attack does not appear in the premium release of the game.
- Abilities
Odin (from Old Norse Óðinn) is a widely revered god. In Norse mythology, from which stems most of our information about the god, Odin is associated with healing, death, royalty, the gallows, knowledge, battle, sorcery, poetry, frenzy, and the runic alphabet, and is the husband of the goddess Frigg.
In Germanic mythology,