Odin artwork by Yoshitaka Amano.
A legendary knight who rides his beloved horse Sleipnir to deliver a crushing blow, the "Zantetsuken".
Dissidia Final Fantasy Summon Compendium
Odin (オーディン, Ōdin? or オーディーン, Ōdīn?) is a recurring summon in the series. He made his debut in Final Fantasy III and several of his appearances allude to his original encounter.
Most commonly, Odin will appear and slice through enemies with his sword, cleaving them in two and inflicting Instant Death. His ability in most Final Fantasy games is called "Zantetsuken". Other games allow Odin to damage enemies normally as well, should they be immune to instant death.
Odin is a demonic-looking knight with horns, a long, curved scimitar and a cape. This progressed to include a lance-type weapon called Gungnir, as per his mythological origin. The horse Odin rides takes on demonic attributes as well, such as red eyes and body armor. Sleipnir, Odin's steed in Norse mythology, has eight legs. In some games in the series, Odin's steed has six legs. In Final Fantasy III Sleipnir can be encountered as a six-legged enemy, while Odin's steed is a normal horse.
From Final Fantasy III up to Final Fantasy VI, Odin is obtained in a secret passage in a castle. This tradition somewhat continues in later games, with Odin being found in a safe in an abandoned mansion in Final Fantasy VII, in a locked room in old ruins in Final Fantasy VIII, and the skill Odin's Sword is learned from an item found in a secret room in a castle in Final Fantasy IX.
Final Fantasy III[]
Summoners, Evokers, and Sages can cast Odin. Odin can be summoned after being defeated or bought, using the Level 6 Summon Magic spell Catastro.
Depending on the job summoning Odin, he may use the following abilities:
- White summoning: Protective Light: casts Reflect on the party.
- Black summoning: Slash: damages one enemy.
- High summoning: Zantetsuken: instantly KO all enemies.
Final Fantasy IV[]
Odin, the Reaver... Only once has he known defeat, and that only when lightning struck his fearsome blade.
Eidolon Library
- See the Summon sequence here.
The King of Baron takes the role of Odin, having taken the form of a summoned beast after being murdered by Cagnazzo. He can be fought in the basement of Baron Castle after visiting the Passage of the Eidolons. The Feymarch library informs that Odin was undefeated until he was struck by lightning when his sword was raised into the air, which explains his weakness to Lightning.
After defeating him, Odin can be summoned by Rydia. It has a casting time of 2 and cost 45 MP to summon. There is a 50% chance Odin will slay any given foe, but like other instant death attacks, it does not work against bosses.
In the Easy Type version, the casting time was reduced to 1.
Final Fantasy IV -Interlude-[]
Odin is a summon spell for Rydia. There is still a 50% chance that Odin will slice the enemies in pieces at the cost of 45 MP, but it does not work against bosses. He is only available during the final battle.
Final Fantasy IV: The After Years[]
Odin appears in the Gathering Chapter in a boss battle teamed with Cecil Harvey against Ceodore's party. He is under Maenad's control, but comes to his senses and knocks out Cecil, freeing him from Maenad's possession. Odin becomes a summon for Rydia and is also used in a Band move called Iron Flash that grants his power to Cecil, dealing damage to all enemies, and has a chance to inflict instant death.
Odin's attack (upon summon) is Zantetsuken, and functions similarly to the attack from the original Final Fantasy IV.
Final Fantasy V[]
The Summoner job class can call Odin. His attack, Zantetsuken (Sword of Vengeance), slices enemies in two. If there is a heavy enemy on screen, Odin uses an attack called Gungnir (Javelin), which deals non-elemental damage to one opponent.
He is found in the basement of Castle of Bal in the merged world. The basement is accessible through the Jachol Cave and the party has to defeat him in one minute or less or he will use Zantetsuken to finish them off. Odin costs 48 MP to summon.
Final Fantasy VI[]
Odin is the guardian esper of the Ancient Castle, from where he is obtained. Odin performs Zantetsuken (called Atom Edge in earlier translations) when summoned, attempting to dispatch all enemies instantly for a cost of 70 MP. He teaches the Meteor spell at a rate of x1. His level up bonus increases Speed by 1. Odin is the only esper to grant a Speed bonus in the SNES and Anthology versions, causing many players to hold on to him for a while before upgrading Odin to Raiden. However, in the Advance and now-discontinued 2014 versions, the esper Cactuar grants a superior bonus of +2 Speed, so Odin can be safely upgraded. In Pixel Remaster, the speed level up bonus was also added to a different esper (Quetzalli) in a patch.
Final Fantasy VII[]

Odin in the Steel Bladed Sword animation.
Odin Summon Materia is found within the Mansion in Nibelheim. The Materia contains the instant death effect, which can be used by linking Odin Materia with Added Effect in weapon or armor to either add the effect to physical attacks or make the wearer immune to instant death.
Odin has two attacks: Steel Bladed Sword [sic] and Gunge Lance. Steel Bladed Sword (a rough translation of Zantetsuken) has 92% chance of instantly killing the enemies vulnerable to it and will always kill at least one opponent. Odin uses Gunge Lance when no one on the field would die to Steel Bladed Sword, whether because it would have missed or because the enemy is immune to instant death. Gunge Lance inflicts non-elemental damage to one opponent.
The power of Gunge Lance is equal to 4.875x the base magic damage.
Before Crisis -Final Fantasy VII-[]

Odin can be summoned in battle using the Odin Materia. Odin attempts to inflict instant death on all enemies when summoned. Materia is obtained by taking photos with one's cellphone and converting the images into Materia; the Materia's type depending on the colors on the photo.

Crisis Core -Final Fantasy VII-[]
- See the Summon sequence here.
Odin can be added to the Digital Mind Wave by obtaining his materia by completing Mission 8-1-6. His signature attack remains Zantetsuken and it attempts to remove all enemies from the battle. Only a small group of enemies are immune to this effect. The level of his summon is insignificant, because it has the same effect on all levels.
Final Fantasy VII Rebirth[]
Odin is a summoning materia Chadley can create upon besting Odin as a boss in Chadley's VR simulator in the Nibel Region. Odin is also fought as a boss at Gilgamesh Island.
Final Fantasy VIII[]
Odin is an optional non-controllable Guardian Force who appears randomly at the start of battles to instantly kill the enemies with Zantetsuken, slicing them in half. Odin will not appear against bosses (with one exception), Tonberries, Cactuars, Vysage, Lefty, Righty, or Grats. If the player acquires Odin before battling the boss at the top of Lunatic Pandora, Odin will be replaced by another summon—Gilgamesh—who serves a similar role to Odin as a random summon, though with different effects. If obtained after this battle, the player can keep Odin until the end of the game.
Odin is acquired from the Centra Ruins. Once entered, a 20-minute timer will appear, counting down until the player defeats Odin. The player must solve a few puzzles within the time limit, obtain a code and open the door to where Odin awaits. After the player opens the door, the player may leave Centra Ruins and return to get more time to defeat Odin. Defeating Odin nets his Triple Triad card, and he will appear randomly at the start of a random encounter.
Final Fantasy IX[]

Odin from Final Fantasy IX.
Dagger can gain the ability to summon Odin by equipping the Dark Matter. Odin takes 30 AP to learn. As a summon, Odin performs his Zantetsuken to destroy enemies outright. Before Dagger has her eidolons, extracted Odin costs 112 MP to summon, but after re-acquiring it, it costs 28 MP. Queen Brahne summons Odin to attack Cleyra after she has Princess Garnet's eidolons extracted from her.
If Dagger has the Odin's Sword ability equipped, the Zantetsuken will deal damage to enemies it does not kill. Dagger can learn Odin's Sword for 50 AP by equipping the Ancient Aroma found in Ipsen's Castle. With Odin's Sword the chances of Odin inflicting instant death on enemies is equal to half the number of Ore in the player's inventory.
Odin also has a card for Tetra Master, used by endgame card players in the Treno card stadium and the card phantoms in Memoria.
Final Fantasy XI[]
Mine obsidian blade shall split atwain the threads of thy future, whilst its crimson fuller shalt channel the lifeblood of thy past. Now wail as thy soul is bestrewn across the plains of Valhalla!
Odin while using Zantetsuken
Odin is a celestial avatar and is also the name of a server. The celestial avatar of darkness, Odin is formally known as the "Dark Divinity". Odin was once a sleeping god, like the other celestial avatars, but after the beastmen's attempts to harness his power, he now roams Vana'diel free. Odin's nemesis is Alexander, the "Light Divinity". Odin plays a key role through many of Final Fantasy XI's stories, including Treasures of Aht Urhgan, Wings of the Goddess, Rhapsodies of Vana'diel, and The Voracious Resurgence. Nearly 900 years ago Odin battled and defeated the iron colossus Alexander in a cataclysmic event known as Ragnarok.
Odin grants his power to those he deems worthy, making them his servants. The Shadow Lord, Lady Lilith, and Prince Luzaf are but a few of his known servants. In the Empire of Aht Urhgan, Odin appoints a servant to serve as the Dark Rider, one who will face off against Alexander in the next Ragnarok.
Final Fantasy XII[]
Al-Cid Margrace mentions Odin when he reads his intelligence report to the party during their meeting at Mt Bur-Omisace. Odin is an airship of the 1st Fleet of the Archadian Imperial Army. All Imperial airships are named after recurring Final Fantasy summons.
Final Fantasy XII: Revenant Wings[]
Odin is the true form of Velis and a rank 3 Non-Elemental Physical summon. His special attack, Zantetsuken, deals heavy damage to all enemies in front of him. He can be obtained in the Ring of Pacts after defeating him in the story.
Final Fantasy XIII[]

Lightning riding Odin in Gestalt Mode.
- See the Gestalt Mode and Summoning sequence here.
Odin is the Eidolon residing in Lightning's rose-shaped eidolith. He is a horned knight who wears a white cape and wields a large double-sided serrated S-shaped sword in one hand, known as the Zantetsuken, with a massive shield on his opposite arm. Lightning and Hope face Odin as a boss on the Vile Peaks, as a test to prove Lightning's strength to him.
Odin is a lightning-elemental Eidolon and has many powerful and diverse physical and magical attacks. He acts as a Sentinel, drawing all enemy attacks; enemies have a "hate value" that determines what party members they attack based on by whom they have been attacked by, and Odin automatically raises this to 100%, making any foe he attacks focus on him.
Lightning's Gestalt Gauge increases by driving up enemy chain gauges and by healing herself and removing status ailments. As Odin struggles driving up enemy chain gauges, it may be better to place Lightning as a Ravager when summoning to increase Odin's Gestalt Gauge, prolonging the time he can spend in Gestalt Mode.
In his Gestalt Mode, Odin transforms into the horse Sleipnir for Lightning to ride. His finishing attack is Zantetsuken, which will inflict instant death to opponents, if certain criteria are met.
Final Fantasy XIII-2[]

Odin is Lightning's Eidolon, fighting alongside her against Caius Ballad in Valhalla. Final Fantasy XIII-2 Fragments After further elaborates that the Eidolons that appear in Valhalla once belonged to other l'Cie, and that the monsters scattered throughout Valhalla are Odin's subordinates.
Twilight Odin is an opponent Serah and Noel encounter within the Vile Peaks. After defeating him in both 10 AF and 200 AF, he can be recruited into the party as a Commando, starting with low stats and requiring highest grade items to level up in the Crystarium system.
Twilight Odin is a paradox, a manifestation of the memories of the real Odin.
Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII[]

Odin appears as the Angel of Valhalla, a white chocobo Lightning encounters in the Wildlands of Nova Chrysalia. He has been attacked and injured by a Chocobo Eater, and she must nurse him back to health. She notes a strange familiarity to the creature, and if she visits Moogle Village at this time, Mog shares her sentiment. After healing Angel of Valhalla, Lightning can ride him around the Wildlands and he will fight alongside her in battle. After Lightning leaves the Temple of the Goddess, Yeul reveals that the Angel of Valhalla is Odin. If Lightning tells Mog of this, he tells her how he first met Odin in Valhalla, and though Lightning hopes Mog and Odin would become friends, Mog remains hesitant.
As Lightning and her friends prepare to depart to the new world, Odin fades away with the other Eidolons.
Lightning can obtain a replica of Odin's weapon as a weapon for herself, called Gagnrad.
Final Fantasy XIV[]
Odin is a roaming primal. Unlike other primals, his essence is contained not within the land itself but within his sword, Zantetsuken. Rather than binding servants to his will to summon him with crystals like the primals of the beast tribes, he ensnares the soul of whoever takes up his blade and uses the aether of the Black Shroud to manifest himself once more.
When Odin appears once more in the Shroud, the Order of the Twin Adder call upon the adventurers to travel defeat him. Though Odin himself vanishes upon his defeat, his sword remains; O-App-Pesi and E-Sumi-Yan study it and determine the true nature of Odin's existence before sending the blade back to Gridania to be sealed away forever. The soldier entrusted with the blade falls prey to Odin's will and flees with it, portending the eventual return of the Dark Divinity.
Apart from the trial at Urth's Fount, he can appear in any one of the four Shrouds around Gridania—his appearance heralded by a sudden change in the weather called "Tension:" skies darkening and motes of light floating in the air. Odin will always appear as the race of the previous adventurer to deal the killing blow, albeit clad in the same armor.
Wind-up Odin is a minion the player can acquire as part of the 360 day Veterans Rewards.
The Final Fantasy XIII version of Odin made a cameo appearance in the event Lightning Strikes, during the final FATE battle in the event sequence.
This specific version of Odin appears in Phantasy Star Online 2 as an Emergency Quest event boss. It also appears rarely on exploration quests, but it will have the head of a random NPC from the game instead of its normal head.
A magicite simulacrum of Odin can be summoned in the new Deep Dungeon Heaven on High, where he will use Zantetsuken to instantly kill any mobs. Unlike the other primals, who only deal high to low damage to bosses, Odin is capable of instantly killing every boss as well.
Final Fantasy XV -The Dawn of the Future-[]

A being in the Big Bang artwork that looks like Odin.
Odin is one of the Messengers, magical servants of the Astrals, who fought during the War of the Astrals. While exploring an ancient Solheimian ruin, Lunafreya and Sol discover a giant sword and spear that Lunafreya believes belong to Odin. Though an unseen character, a being that could be Odin is depicted in the Big Bang artwork for the game.
Final Fantasy XVI[]

Odin is an Eikon, a being who exists through a human host, known as their Dominant. Odin's Dominant is Barnabas Tharmr, and he is the Warden of Darkness. Odin is a man clad in dark armor who rides a spectral six-legged flying horse; the steed is a being separate from Odin, known as his Egi. Odin can summon a katana of darkness that can seemingly erase matter from existence.
Final Fantasy Tactics[]

An esper that charges through the battlefield astride a fearsome mount, doing great damage.
- See the Summon sequence here.
Odin can be learned for 900 Job Points in the Summoner job. He attacks for non-elemental damage instead of instantly killing all enemies, unlike other appearances. It costs 50 MP and has a speed of 12. Odin has a 20% chance of randomly being learned in battle by a Summoner who has not yet learned it, and is not KO'd by it, or absorbs at least 1 HP worth of damage. Nullifying the damage does not count.
Final Fantasy Tactics Advance[]
Odin appears in a quest description but never in-person. If the player succeeds in the quest, they will receive Odin Lance, a 2-handed spear with an attack score of 55 (and the most powerful lance in the game).
Final Fantasy Type-0[]

Odin is summonable as an Eidolon, causing the user to sacrifice their own life. A level 99 Odin that does not require a life sacrifice is temporarily summoned at the end of the first chapter in the first battle against Dáinsleif. Odin can be obtained by completing the Chapter 6 mission "The Clash on Big Bridge".
Odin uses three attacks: Moonring Blade, a wide sword slash that can hit a group of enemies; Cavalier Charge, which allows Odin to quickly close distance between him and the enemy to get in range to attack; and Zantetsuken, Odin's trademark attack that can cut an enemy in half, instantly killing them. The player must hold the button to charge Zantetsuken. Prance is a quick sidestep.
Final Fantasy Legend II[]
Odin lives in Valhalla and seeks strong warriors. He will offer to return the party to their last battle whenever they are slain on the condition they return someday to face him in battle. When the party reaches Valhalla during the storyline, he will uphold his end of the bargain after a short conversation. If the party reaches Valhalla without getting a Game Over, Odin will not say anything and immediately segue into battle with the party. True to the story, the player will no longer be able to revive after battle after defeating Odin.
Final Fantasy Dimensions[]
Only those whose brilliance can repel the umber shroud hanging over this troubled land can withstand my might. I, Odin, shall lend thee my power!
Odin is a Level 4 summon found in the King's Castle during Chapter 3: The Dancer, The Warriors of Darkness must fight him to retrieve the summon. He takes 54 MP to summon and has two attacks: Zantetsuken, which can kill enemies; and Gungnir, where he throws a spear at a enemy for moderate magic damage.
Final Fantasy Dimensions II[]

I couldn't finish 'em. Looks like this's gonna get complicated.
Odin appears as a high ranked wind-elemental summon whose special attack is Zantetsuken, which deals wind-elemental damage to all enemies and has a chance to inflict instant death. All versions of the summon are able to go up to rank 7. Summoning Odin costs 3 points from the Consumption Gauge. Depending on which update the player is on, Morrow may have a rank 7 Odin Signet equipped to him during the prologue.
Depending on the Odin summon's type and rank, the user is able to learn the following abilities:
Upgrading stats[]
Rank | Maximum Level | Signet Cost | Max HP | Max MP | Max Attack | Max Magic | Max Speed | Components Needed |
☆5 | 50 | 16 | 995 | 56 | 85 | 74 | 58 | None |
☆6 | 60 | 16 | 1220 | 67 | 103 | 89 | 70 | ? |
☆7 | 70 | 16 | 1421 | 78 | 119 | 103 | 80 | ? |
Dissidia Final Fantasy (2008)[]

The automatic version of Odin.

The manual version of Odin.
Odin is a summon that uses Zantetsuken, which creates a Break on the opponent's Bravery points, with a 50% accuracy. Odin can be summoned by two ways: automatically, where his Crisis Core -Final Fantasy VII- artwork appears, and manually, where his Final Fantasy VI artwork appears.
Odin's auto version can be obtained in the third stage of the Shade Impulse I storyline, and its manual version can be obtained in the third stage of the Shade Impulse II storyline. The auto version will only be summoned when enemy's Bravery exceeds the player's current HP.
Dissidia 012 Final Fantasy[]
Odin is a summonstone, with the same function as in Dissidia. His auto version is now found in Chapter Five: Forsaken Kingdom of Scenario 012. The manual version can be purchased from certain Moogle Shops for 40 KP.
Dissidia Final Fantasy NT[]
Your lives shall end as rust upon my steel.
Odin prior to battle
Odin is one of seven summons obtainable by the player, though he can be acquired at the start by random. When summoned, Odin attacks mainly by charging across the arena on Slepnir and slashing with his sword while raining down electrified spears. His finishing move is Zantetsuken, which when perceived on the receiving end, is shown as a powerful slash that causes the screen to crumble away, showing the results underneath. His pre-summoning effect is Greased Lightning, which increases the rate at which the dash gauge recovers. Afterwards, it become Bladeglint, which also increases movement speed. When summoned, the controller's sync light becomes light purple. In the console's story mode, he is confronted by Lightning and Squall.
As a boss, Odin rides on Slepnir, attacking party members by charging at them with his sword, occasionally swapping it out with a lance for a thrusting attack. Slepnir will also raise his forelegs to slam the arena with a mighty shockwave that launches anyone grounded. He can also counter attacks with his shield up. His HP attacks are Verhawen, attacking with a low sweeping wave of energy launched from a sword swing, Scheitelhau being a vertical variation and Gungir, where he tosses a lance into the sky where it splits into multiple lances that rain down on a target.
When his HP is down to half, his Bravery attacks now have follow-ups and his HP attacks now strike twice with Verhawen becoming Doppelhau, Scheitelhau becoming Doppelrundstreich, and Gungir becoming Redoubled Efforts. He also gains access to Zantetsuken, which has a large wind-up but will instantly damage anyone, regardless of their distance from him

Dissidia Final Fantasy Opera Omnia[]
Odin appears as a summon.

Theatrhythm Final Fantasy[]
It is said this summon was once a human who risked his own life to save his fellows in a time of war. The proud warrior cuts down any enemy with a merciless blade, faster than lightning and stronger than steel.
The disembodied soul of a great warrior who once gambled his own life for those of his allies. If proud Odin deigns to join you in battle, his cleaving blade will strike with a speed no mortal eye can perceive.
Final Fantasy III version CollectaCard
Odin is a summon that appears occasionally after a successful summon, and uses his signature attack Zantetsuken. Odin is one of the higher tier summons, and has a greater chance of appearing the better the player is doing. By using the Odin's Magicite item, the player guarantees Odin will be summoned.
Odin with his Final Fantasy III incarnation also has a CollectaCard, this is CollectaCard #35 and can be unlocked with the passwords include "Zantetsuken" and "Sleipnir's rider".
Theatrhythm Final Fantasy Curtain Call[]
Odin is a summon, and is now exclusively used by a number of characters. As before, equipping the Odin Magicite enables any character to summon Odin.
The characters that can exclusively summon Odin are:
- Final Fantasy II - Minwu
- Final Fantasy IV - Cecil Harvey, Kain Highwind, Rosa Farrell
- Final Fantasy V - Lenna Charlotte Tycoon
- Final Fantasy VII - Vincent Valentine
- Final Fantasy XI - Aphmau
- Final Fantasy XIII - Lightning
- Final Fantasy XIV - Y'shtola Rhul
- Dissidia Final Fantasy - Cosmos
- Final Fantasy Type-0 - Rem Tokimiya
- Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII - Lightning #2
Theatrhythm Final Fantasy All-Star Carnival[]
Odin is a summon, with Zantetsuken dealing high damage to several monsters in a music stage.
The characters that can exclusively summon Odin are:
- Final Fantasy - Garland
- Final Fantasy IV - Cecil Harvey, Kain Highwind
- Final Fantasy VII - Vincent Valentine
- Final Fantasy VIII - Seifer Almasy
- Final Fantasy XIII - Lightning
- Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII - Lightning #2
The characters that can summon Odin are a reference to their own game, such as the King of Baron becoming Odin in Final Fantasy IV, unlocking the safe required to obtain Vincent in Final Fantasy VII, and Seifer's reversal of Odin's Zantetsuken in Final Fantasy VIII.
Theatrhythm Final Bar Line[]

Pictlogica Final Fantasy[]

Pictlogica Final Fantasy ≒[]

Final Fantasy Airborne Brigade[]
Odin appears as an Esper. In addition, the Final Fantasy XIII version of Odin appears as an enemy during the second part of the "Shattered World" event, and when Lightning uses Zantetsuken. In battle, Odin uses Crushing Blow.
Final Fantasy Artniks[]

Final Fantasy All the Bravest[]
Odin is one of two summoned monsters that is summoned by Krile through her Summoner's Dualcast ability. Odin has the same appearance from when he appeared in Final Fantasy V.
Final Fantasy Record Keeper[]
Odin (Enemy) appears as the boss of 'The Vile Peaks 2' FF(13) record area (difficulty 35)
FFIII Odin: The Earth Stirs
FFIV Odin: The Burning Blade, Twin Stars of Mysidia
FFV Odin: Heir of the Dawn
FFVIII Odin: Rains of Ruin, A Meeting Beyond Time
FFXIII Odin: Dawn Over the Big Bridge, Defying Destiny, Fang's Oath, Lightning Strikes, Conquer Odin (raid)
Odin is fought multiple times as part of The Five Dooms.
Odin is also one of the bosses in the Neo Bahamut Nightmare Dungeon.
Dark Odin is found in the Lord of Knights record. He has a different form depending on which element is used against him. Ardent Odin similarly has different forms as well as magical and physical splits except for Poison. Defeating Ardent Odin grants a form of his magicite.
The Knights of the Fallen Blade section of The Cardia Islands features FF III Odin, FFIV Odin, FFVI Odin, FFVIII Odin, and FFVI Raiden as bosses.
Odin is a rank 5 summon ability, he will either instantly KO enemies, or if immune attack them all for non-elemental damage, and after ability update also lowers Defense and Resistance.
Odin is also the Super Soul Break for Rydia, contained in her Mystic Whip.

Final Fantasy Explorers[]

Final Fantasy Brave Exvius[]

War of the Visions: Final Fantasy Brave Exvius[]

Mobius Final Fantasy[]
Odin from Final Fantasy XIII appears on ability cards and as an enemy boss during the Final Fantasy XIII collaboration event. He can also be fought in multiplayer.
World of Final Fantasy[]
Odin appears as a summon.

Chocobo Racing[]

Odin appears as a scenery element in Fantasia Track, with the same appearance as in the Chocobo Mysterious Dungeon series.
Chocobo no Fushigina Dungeon[]
Odin can be summoned via the use of a summon stone and uses an instant death attack.
Chocobo's Dungeon 2[]
Odin is the second most powerful summon in the game, behind Bahamut. Summoning Feathers allow the player to summon a monster. Feathers that allow one to replace the current companion with a summoned monster are lost if the summoned monster dies. Breaking Chocobo's equipment is the most prevalent way to get most every feather; when Chocobo wears a piece of equipment in a dungeon, its Durability hits 0, and the piece of equipment turns into a feather.
If Chocobo already has the feather given when his equipment breaks, the old feather disappears and is replaced by the new feather. Odin feather is obtained when Chocobo's Multi Claw or Counter Saddle have been upgraded from +6 to +9, they break and turn into a feather.
Summons can also be used via summon stones and Chocobo does not need the corresponding feather to use these stones.
When Odin is summoned he uses a strong non-elemental attack on all enemies. It has no weaknesses or strengths. Its abilities include Fenris-Bane and Grungir.
Odin is a useful summon against the most powerful enemy in the game, Death (who has a different name depending on how it appears). Death's defenses render most attacks useless, and even summons like Bahamut deal only two-digit damage. Odin is the only summon able to deal damage in the hundreds to Death.
Final Fantasy Fables: Chocobo Tales[]
Odin is a non-elemental card, and has six cards under its name.
Odin | |||
![]() | |||
#097 | ★★ | Gray | |
Attack | None | None | Defend |
Zantetsuken | |||
Crystal Ability (***)
Deal 3 damage for each * in opponent's CP gauge. You receive 2 damage for each * in your CP gauge. |
Odin | |||
![]() | |||
#098 | ★★★ | Gray | |
None | Defend | Attack | None |
Zantetsuken+ | |||
Crystal Ability (***)
Deal 3 damage for each * in opponent's CP gauge. You receive 2 damage for each * in your CP gauge. |
Odin | |||
![]() | |||
#099 | ★ | Gray | |
None | None | None | Attack |
Gungnir | |||
Zone Boost
Deal 3 damage for each guard zone on opponent's card. |
Odin | |||
![]() | |||
#100 | ★★★ | Gray | |
None | Attack | None | None |
Gungnir+ | |||
Deal 3 damage.
CP Crush Destroy all crystals of the most abundant color in opponent's CP gauge. |
Odin | |||
![]() | |||
#101 | ★★ | Gray | |
Defend | None | None | None |
Sleipnir | |||
Deal 7 damage and casts haste. |
Odin | |||
![]() | |||
#102 | ★★★ | Gray | |
Attack | None | None | Defend |
Dark Lance | |||
Crystal Ability (***)
Deal damage equal to 1/2 of your remaining HP. |
Final Fantasy: Unlimited[]

Odin appears as a summon to destroy Cube Arusha. The Soil Charge Triad (Soil is like the colored bullet of a Magun, used to summon creatures) needed to summon Odin is:
- The light that shines in face of courage, Bullet Silver!
- The darkness that devours in the face of destruction, Destroy Black!
- Facing the road of extinction in a flash of an instant, Steel Gray!
Followed by saying: "Pierce! Summoned Creature! Odin!"
In the English audio version, the Soil Charge Triad was changed to:
- The light that dictates the time of eternity, Luminous Silver!
- The darkness that dictates the time of destruction, Demolition Black!
- The moment that dictates the time of extinction, Steel Gray!
Followed by saying: "Penetrate! I summon you! Odin!"
Final Fantasy Trading Card Game[]
Odin appears in Final Fantasy Trading Card Game as multiple cards, most of them being Lightning-elemental cards. He appears six times as a Lightning summon, in his Final Fantasy IX, Final Fantasy XIII; Final Fantasy Tactics; Final Fantasy Type-0; Theatrhythm Final Fantasy and Crisis Core -Final Fantasy VII- incarnations, this last appearance being a promotional card. His appearance as Twilight Odin in Final Fantasy XIII-2 appears as Lightning-elemental monster cards, and his appearance as an Avatar from Final Fantasy XI is a Dark-elemental summon card. Primal Odin from Final Fantasy XIV appears as a Lightning-elemental forward card.
Final Fantasy Portal App[]
Assorted incarnations of Odin from throughout the series appear as Triple Triad cards.
Non-Final Fantasy guest appearances[]
Bahamut Lagoon[]
Odin is a spear-wielder riding on the back of a dragon, he is the holy form of the some of the MuniMuni class dragons. Odin's attack attempts to kill everything in battle with his Fatal Blade ability. Since most bosses are immune to instant death attacks, this ability will make Odin waste a turn if he attempts to use it against them.
Crystal Conquest[]

Odin is one of three summons in this Japan-only, free-to-play browser game. Its ability deals massive damage to other summoned monsters.
Dragon Quest & Final Fantasy in Itadaki Street[]
Odin appears in Dragon Quest Final Fantasy in Itadaki Street Special.
Odin appears in Dragon Quest Final Fantasy in Itadaki Street Portable. Odin's card effect is to cut all rent by 50%.

Guardian Cross[]
From atop his fiery steed Sleipnir, this knight in armor of black and gold cleaves all before him in two.
FFV description
It is whispered this ancient primal roams the Black Shroud astride his steed Sleipnir, seeking worthy foes.
FFXIV description

Lord of Vermilion[]
Odin is one of the summons. Its ability deals lightning based damage to all enemies in range. Odin reappears in the sequels Lord of Vermilion II and Lord of Vermilion III.
Phantasy Star Online 2[]
The Final Fantasy XIV incarnation of Odin is a boss enemy in the game as part of collaboration agreement between Square Enix and Sega. This Odin is base on the battle of Odin's appearance at Urth's Fount. He has a variety of attacks, like his Gungnir and Sanngetal. The player must defeat him before he finishes casting his ultimate move, Shin-Zantetsuken, or face total annihilation and failure of the quest.
Super Smash Bros.[]

Odin in SSB4
Odin's incarnation from Final Fantasy VII appears as a hazard in the Midgar stage. When Odin's Summon Materia is used, he will appear in the background. Odin slices the stage in half, turning it into two separate islands with an empty hole in the middle to knock off players. His initial attack will also OHKO any player caught unaware.
Monster Strike[]
Odin from Final Fantasy XIII appears as Lightning's steed.
Action figures of Odin from Final Fantasy VIII were released along figures of the other Guardian Forces. Odin could be purchased separately, or alongside his horse Sleipnir. As a curious detail, the action figure of Sleipnir shows two stumps for his fourth pair of legs, not present in his Final Fantasy VIII in-game model. A "crystal" colored version of this set also exists. Odin cannot be posed mounted on Sleipnir.
Odin from Final Fantasy VIII has appeared in Final Fantasy Creatures Vol. 2 as a secret figurine featuring both Odin and Sleipnir. Different colored versions of the figures exist: crystalline, metallic, and full color. The figures were released exclusively in Japan in 2002. Odin can be posed in two different ways: mounted on Sleipnir, or standing on his own.
A limited edition statue of Seifer and Odin has also been released. Every statue comes with a serial number.
Odin from Final Fantasy IX appears in the Final Fantasy Master Creatures Vol 2 series of monster figures.
T-shirts with Final Fantasy XIII Eidolon designs have been on sale in the Japanese Square Enix store. The shirts cost ¥3,900, with two versions, Odin or Shiva. Final Fantasy XIII Play Arts Kai figure of Odin was released in July 2010; it has two forms, Sleipnir or Odin, and the Play Arts figure of Lightning can be mounted on the Sleipnir form. The Eidolons from Final Fantasy XIII have also been made into action figures in the Final Fantasy Creatures Kai Vol. 3 series.
Attendees of the Final Fantasy XIV Fan Festivals in 2014 who defeated the Odin group battle received an "I Beat Odin" t-shirt, similar in fashion to other shirts handed out at trade shows featuring primal battle events. The shirt features a print of Odin performing Zantetsuken in gold, with the two halves of the picture slightly off-set, to simulate reality being cut by Odin's attack.
Odin (from Old Norse Óðinn) is a widely revered god. In Norse mythology, from which stems most of our information about the god, Odin is associated with healing, death, royalty, the gallows, knowledge, battle, sorcery, poetry, frenzy, and the runic alphabet, and is the husband of the goddess Frigg. Odin is attributed with the discovery of Runes. He, along with his two brothers, Vili and Vé, is credited with the creation of the realm of mankind, Miðgarðr (Midgard), and for mankind itself. He is the employer of the female warriors known as Valkyries (who control the fate of battles and collect the dead from the battleground), and he reigns over the hall of Valhöll (Valhalla), the Norse equivalent of heaven (only those who fought bravely and died in combat were eligible to enter).
In Germanic mythology,Óðinn sacrificed his left eye to drink from Mimir's Well of Wisdom to gain knowledge of past, present, and future. His eight legged horse, Sleipnir, and his magical dwarven spear Gungnir have also been depicted. At Ragnarök (the end of the gods) Óðinn shall rally the dead warriors to fight on the side of the gods. Óðinn fathered Þór (Thor), the god of thunder, and many others.