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Nyx is a summonable vision and optional playable character in Final Fantasy Brave Exvius. He serves as a character representative from Final Fantasy XV, and has been available for summoning since the event Battle at the Borders (which originally ran in October 2017 in the Global version).

One of his daggers, called Ulric's Kukri, was available as a mission reward to the challenge event The Wicked Beast Cerberus.


A young man spoken of in stories from the faraway land of Eos. Nyx is a member of the Kingsglaive, a special task force entrusted with protecting King Regis, ruler of the magic-sustained Kingdom of Lucis. Although the Kingsglaive is composed of the most elite and talented warriors, among them Nyx displays a special affinity to the magical power they borrow from the king to fight. Although he is originally from a remote region far away from the reach of the royal family, he was saved by King Regis as a child, and for this he strongly believes he owes a debt of gratitude to his liege.

Nyx (5★) description

A young man spoken of in stories from the faraway land of Eos. Nyx is a member of the Kingsglaive, a special task force entrusted with protecting King Regis, ruler of the magic-sustained Kingdom of Lucis. On the day that a peace treaty was to be signed between the Kingdom of Lucis and the Empire of Niflheim, which boasts of great technological advancements thanks to its knowledge of magitek, things go awry. Niflheim had betrayed Lucis, stealing its Crystal and leaving the Crown City without its magical barrier, the Wall, in the process. Despite the odds being against him, Nyx chooses to fight to protect the future of the kingdom.

Nyx (6★) description


Nyx is a 5-7★ Rare Summon. His job is listed as Kingsglaive, and his role is Physical Damage. He has no innate element or status ailment resistances. His Trust Master reward is the passive ability materia Guard of the Future, which gives the equipped unit ATK, DEF, MAG, SPR +20%, as well as 5% MP refresh and auto-heal HP per turn. His Super Trust Master reward is a dagger simply called Nyx's Dagger (ATK+158, DEF+50). It grants HP +20% and gives +20% resistance to all elements.

His awakening materials are the following:


Nyx's stats at his highest levels are as follows (with no passive abilities taken into account), along with the maximum amount of stat points that can be increased through pot-enhancements:

Rarity Level HP MP ATK DEF MAG SPR Drop Check*(Maximum burst stone drops per hit)
5★ 80 2781 (+240) 121 (+40) 123 (+24) 102 (+16) 88 (+16) 100 (+16) 6 FFBE Limit Burst crystal
6★ 100 3622 (+390) 162 (+65) 157 (+34) 120 (+26) 119 (+26) 130 (+26) 6 FFBE Limit Burst crystal
7★ 120 4708 (+540) 210 (+90) 202 (+65) 177 (+40) 154 (+40) 177 (+40) 6 FFBE Limit Burst crystal


Nyx has four ability slots. He also has affinity to Black Magic and Green Magic (both Lvl 5-6).

While he has no innate status ailment resistance, his passive "Loyalty Oath" gives him immunity to (Poison, Disease and Sleep.

Nyx has a chaining move, "Kingsglaive". Due to its frames (82-8-8-8-8-8-8-8), it perfectly chains with Yun's Blazing Combo (+1/+2).

Rarity 5★
Ability Lv. Learned
Thunder Black Magic 1
Fire Black Magic 1
Dagger Mastery*(Passive) 35
Dual Wield*(Passive) 48
Warp Plunder 62
Phase*(Passive) 67
HP +20%*(Passive) 70
ATK +20%*(Passive) 70
MAG +20%*(Passive) 70
Warp Charge 74
Warp Strike 80
Rarity 6★
Ability Lv. Learned
Loyalty Oath*(Passive) 1
Protectga Green Magic 16
Shellga Green Magic 16
Thundaga Black Magic 24
Firaga Black Magic 24
Auto-Refresh*(Passive) 40
Kingsglaive 63
Hero's Pride 79
Life Giver 85
Desperate Blow 100
Rarity 7★
Limit Burst

Lethal Combat (リーサルコンバット, Rīsaru Konbatto?) is Nyx's Limit Burst. A damage-type ability, it is a 4-hit attack that deals partially-unmitigated, physical damage to all enemies, ignoring their DEF by 50%.

The damage modifier will depend on Nyx's LB level:

Rarity Name Change in Effect Cost
5★ Lethal Combat Base (Lv. 1) Damage dealt (3x) 16 FFBE Limit Burst crystal
Max (Lv. 20) Damage dealt (3.95x)
6★ Lethal Combat Base (Lv. 1) Damage dealt (4x) 20 FFBE Limit Burst crystal
Max (Lv. 25) Damage dealt (5.2x)
7★ Lethal Combat Base (Lv. 1) Damage dealt (?x) 24 FFBE Limit Burst crystal
Max (Lv. 30) Damage dealt (?x)


FFBE Nyx's Dagger

Nyx's Dagger

Nyx can equip the following weapon types: daggers, swords and throwing weapons.

He can equip the following armor types: light shields, hats, helms, clothes, light armor and heavy armor.

He can equip accessories.

