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Noctis is a minor character in World of Final Fantasy Maxima. He is a Grymoirian incarnation of Noctis Lucis Caelum originating from Final Fantasy XV, and is the sole character representative for that game.

Noctis appears in the post-game and can be found fishing in the pier of Port Besaid's Shore. Talking to him allows the player to play the Fishing minigame with him.




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Who's Who[]

CV: Ray Chase / Tatsuhisa Suzuki
Age in Grymoire: 20
Notes: Loves fishing / Drifter / Twists of fate brought him to Grymoire / Ultimate fate in Grymoire left unknown
Young Man Who Loves to Fish
Noctis is a true fishing enthusiast who can spend entire days fishing at his favorite spots. It is said that the fish he catches are cooked by a personal chef, suggesting he comes from wealth. He is not the greatest conversationalist and can be hard to get to know. One would think he would be in a better mood fishing, but that is only the case when the fishing is good. His dream is to one day catch the legendary "God of the Sea" spoken of in Grymoire's ancient tall tales.
First World of Origin:



Noctis is one the three characters the player takes control of in the Fishing minigame, with Lann to his left and Reynn to his right.


Upon obtaining a score of 20,000 points or more in the Fishing minigame, the player earns Noctis's Champion Jewel Noctis's Champion Jewel directly from Noctis (only if the player does not have a full Mirajewel inventory, otherwise the player can obtain it when there's enough room). Equipping this Mirajewel on Lann makes him take on the appearance of Noctis, and inherits the abilities Shift Break Shift Break and Agility++.

Musical theme[]

An arrangement of "Veiled in Black" plays as the background music for the Fishing minigame, and when Lann is equipped with Noctis's Champion Jewel. The player may also select this theme as the background music for battles from the Config section of the main menu, labeled as "Champion Theme: Noctis".

