Final Fantasy X-2 menu with 'New Game Plus' option.
New Game Plus or "New Game+" or Chapter Select is a recurring feature in the Final Fantasy series that allows the player to start a new game after they complete the game. Normally, players begin with rare items or abilities from their previous game.
Final Fantasy IV[]
The 3D remakes include a New Game Plus feature.
The things that carry over from playthrough to playthrough include:
- All Augments. Characters keep any assigned augments, while unassigned augments remain in the key items inventory.
- The Bomb, Cockatrice, Goblin and Mindflayer summons for Rydia, as well as the items that teach her these summons.
- All Adamant and Onion equipment, as well as any tails that can be traded for them.
- The number of times ????'s Love has been powered up.
- All Apples (Golden and Silver) and Soma Drops. The stat bonuses they confer do NOT carry over, however, so it's recommended to save these for the final playthrough.
- The Dark Matter item, which can be stolen during the final battle, and which is used to battle the Proto-Babil superboss in a subsequent playthrough.
- The progress of the Namingway questline.
- All map completion, including overworld maps and dungeons mapped out using the Wayfarer's Map.
- The ending of the game can be viewed again in the Event Theater and the epilogue music can be listened to in the Music Box.
Geryon can also now be fought in the Giant of Babil (or on Mount Ordeals, if the Giant is no longer accessible) after the defeat of the Archfiends.
Only three playthroughs total are allowed. At the end of a fresh playthrough, the option to start again in New Game Plus mode is presented at the end of the game, after the credits. On the second playthrough, the option to start a third playthrough in New Game Plus mode is presented. No such option is presented after the third playthrough.
Final Fantasy IV: The After Years[]
The iOS, Android, and Steam releases feature a New Game Plus by loading a save file of a finished game when selecting a New Tale (with the exception of Kain's Tale and The Crystals). In New Game Plus, all characters retain their levels, their band levels, their exact numbers of HP and MP and, for Palom, Porom, and Leonora, the Dualcast command.
Since none of the items carry on while the game conserves the exact number of HP and MP of a character, it is advised to consume any Silver Apples, Golden Apples, and Soma Drops before beginning a New Game Plus.
Rydia does not retain any of her rare summons.
Final Fantasy VII Remake[]
You'll gain access to Chapter Selection once you've cleared the game. If you have any unfinished quests, forgotten items, or undefeated enemies, you'll be able to jump straight to the chapter you need and try to complete what you missed.
Loading screen tip

Chapter Selection menu.
After completing the game on Normal or lower difficulty, players unlock the Chapter Selection menu that allows them to return to any prior chapter while retaining the party's level, materia, and equipment. Fast-travel via Sam's Delivery Service also remains free if the player obtained the lifetime pass.
Completing the game also unlocks the ability to play all chapters on Hard difficulty, which has all enemies performing with their maximum possible attributes at all times, instead of scaling as they did on lower difficulties, while granting them new abilities that change the tactics needed to defeat them. In addition, items cannot be used and benches will not restore MP, making healing in battle difficult and conservation of MP extremely important. Several weapon manuscripts for SP can only be found on Hard difficulty, and achieving the maximum Weapon Level of 6 is only possible by finding these manuscripts. Finally, the Shinra Combat Simulator found in the Shinra Building during Chapter 17 has several battles that can only be fought on Hard difficulty, including the superboss Pride and Joy Prototype.
Co-Director Naoki Hamaguchi wanted to implement a post-game chapter select from early on, and proposed the system to Director Tetsuya Nomura. Hamaguchi wanted players to have easy access to any game segment on a replay, citing his familiarly with the smartphone game Mobius Final Fantasy as inspiration.[1]
Crisis Core -Final Fantasy VII-[]
After completing the game once, players choose a New Game+ option, which allows them to replay the game with all the same items, materia, level, and equipment they had when they finished the game the first time.
However, all Digital Mind Wave characters are lost, except for the defaults Angeal and Sephiroth, along with all Mission data. Zack's weapon returns to being a regular sword rather than the Buster Sword. After completing the game again, there is a "New Game++" option, which acts the same way. There is no new content that can be found on these replays.
Final Fantasy X-2[]
New Game Plus appears as an option on the game's main menu after finishing the game and saving game-clear data. Soft-resetting the game after loading any file that is a New Game Plus also activates this option.
The following is carried over:
- All items in the inventory, with the exception of all Greens (as this would allow a player to catch a chocobo before the Ranch opens).
- Gil obtained.
- O'aka's current debt carries over, with an additional 1,000 gil added to his total.
- All accessories (characters do not, however, begin the new game with any accessories equipped).
- All dresspheres and Garment Grids, including their configuration. The First Steps grid is an exception: it will be reset to its "tutorial" config.
- All abilities (including any progress made towards unlearned ones), and all key items that teach abilities to certain dresspheres.
- Everything in Shinra's Bestiary and Dossiers, except for Shuyin's and Tidus's dossiers (see below).
- All Al Bhed Primers.
- All spheres purchased at the Luca Theater.
- Current high score in the Gunner's Gauntlet (which becomes the new score that must be beaten to clear the mission again).
- Blitzball stats and rankings.
- Completion percentage. Any previously-earned percentage will not be added to this new total.
- Play time.
- Any Fiend Tales completed in Shinra's Creature Creator.
- If the Player finished the fiend tale of Varan, The old Besaid Auroch's locker room in Luca will still be unlocked for the challenge with the Sphere Break Elites, But still needs to defeat each of them again.
- The current roster of eight creatures, as well as their learned abilities and permanent stat increases.
- All unlocked Tournaments in the Fiend Arena, as well as the number of times each one has been cleared.
The following is not carried over:
- Character and creature levels.
- Key items, with the exceptions of those listed above.
- Captured chocobos and any Gysahl Greens.
- All trap pods are lost and replaced with a single Trap Pod S.
- Everything related to the two Calm Lands companies, including PR ratings and credits.
- Matchmaking ratings.
- Bikanel excavation status and wages, as well as the the build status of the Experiment.
- Thunder Plains tower calibration scores.
- Sphere Break coins and their values.
- Checkpoints reached in the Via Infinito.
- Enemy formations unlocked in the Battle Simulator (except for aeons).
- The Fiend Arena config option is reset to Default and the Vibration option is reset to OFF.
- Shuyin's and Tidus's dossiers are reset to their Chapter 1 status (Shuyin's displays as ??? again, and Tidus's is missing)
The following new features are available in New Game+:
- Ending FMV scenes and additional music can be purchased at the Sphere Theater.
- Dossiers for Jecht, Auron, and Braska are unlocked.
- Scenes not viewed during the original playthrough will add percentage.
- International/HD Remaster: Kimahri, Lulu, Ormi, Logos, and Leblanc can be recruited into the Gullwings via Creature Creator.
Final Fantasy XII[]

The player is given the option to start a New Game- in The Zodiac Age.
The Zodiac versions have two New Game Plus modes: New Game+, where all characters begin at level 90, and New Game-, where all characters start at Levels 1/2/2/3/3/3 respectively and do not gain any experience, preventing them from leveling up. Nothing carries over into these new save files.
In the console versions, New Game+ can be started after completing the game, and New Game- can be started after the player completes the game's Trial Mode. In the Steam version, both modes are accessible initially from the title screen. The Nintendo Switch and Xbox One versions also allow players to carry over their equipment into New Game+.
Final Fantasy XIII-2[]
There is no New Game+ feature but special items called Gate Seals allow players to "lock" certain locations and replay the events in them to obtain rare monsters if they had been previously missed, and choose different options during Live Trigger sequences to obtain "prizes" from previous choices that weren't made. Additionally, locking gates and replaying in some fashion is usually required to unlock paradox endings. However, some parts are not replayable in this way; for example, players cannot redo the Temporal Rift anomalies.
Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII[]
There are two types of New Game+: one from running out of time or losing to the final boss and then retreating to the Crystal of Atonement, and one from successfully completing the game by defeating the final boss.
No matter which way a New Game+ starts, the following is always carried over:
- All power from saved souls, including HP, Strength, Magic, EP, ATB, and recovery item slots.
- All non-quest items.
- Most garbs, all adornments, and all accessories.
- Most weapons and shields. The exceptions are Ultima Weapon and Ultima Shield, which will revert to Crimson Blitz and Night Lotus, respectively.
- All EP abilities obtained. Teleport locations will unlock upon taking the monorail to an area.
- Gil obtained.
- All Datalog information, including Bestiary info and Battle Scores for each difficulty.
- Map information (except icons) and markers.
- Game time.
The following additional bonuses apply if a New Game+ is begun in any way after defeating the final boss at least once:
- The player can select Hard mode. On this difficulty, enemies are much tougher and give even less EP upon defeat, but they also drop better items, and triple the usual amount of gil. Merchants across Nova Chrysalia will also stock a number of garbs and equipment exclusively on this difficulty.
- The player will gain the ability to upgrade weapons and shields at Forges. The materials required for upgrades can be obtained through Adventuring Essentials shops, and by defeating various enemies.
- The player receives a key item from the Ark which allows them to activate Limit Break. This increases the cap on Lightning's HP/Strength/Magic from 50000/5000/5000 to 99999/9999/9999, respectively. While the Outerworld Services were still active, using this item would disable the ability to upload battle scores to the server.
- EP may be increased to 9, and item slots to 12 by completing main quests again.
- A crystal hourglass will appear in the Ark after the end of Day 2. This hourglass can instantly begin a New Game+ on demand, with all the benefits a standard New Game+ brings. The hourglass will also appear outside the doors leading to the final boss, if Lightning is forced to escape the battle.
All quests will give a different set of rewards if they were completed in any previous playthrough. Lightning will receive smaller stat bonuses for these repeated quests, but 50% more gil. Similarly, as she can only carry one of each accessory, opening a treasure sphere in New Game+ can instead upgrade that accessory (or contain gil instead) if she opened the treasure sphere in a previous playthrough. Previously-opened treasure spheres containing notes on monsters will now contain items that may be sold for gil. Quest items that aren't carried over include any key items that aren't enemy notes or the Proof of Overcoming Limits, such as Soul Seeds, Fireworks, Niblet-defeated Emblems, Pilgrims Cruxes, Bhakti's Oil, Forest Fertilizer, Crimm Mushrooms, Aryas Apples, and Rocky Crag Moles. NPC names and any planted greens will also be reset.
Final Fantasy XIV[]
New Game+ is a feature introduced in patch 5.1. It is unlocked after finishing any one of the chapters available for replay and accepting the Memories Rekindled quest in Western Thanalan.
This system allows players to replay previously completed quests by activating them, while retaining current progression and job level. In its introduction, only the Main Scenario quests from Heavensward, Stormblood, and base Shadowbringers were available. The system has since been steadily expanded to cover more storylines, including Discipline story quests and side stories.
- Main Scenario
- A Realm Reborn
- A Realm Reborn - Part 1 (
To the Bannock/
On to Summerford/
We Must Rebuild -
Call of the Sea)
- A Realm Reborn - Part 2 (
It's Probably Pirates -
Back from the Wood)
- A Realm Reborn - Part 3 (
Shadow of Darkness -
Lord of Crags)
- A Realm Reborn - Part 4 (
All Good Things -
The Ultimate Weapon)
- A Realm Reborn - Part 5 (
The Price of Principles -
Brave New Companions)
- A Realm Reborn - Part 6 (
Traitor in the Midst -
Before the Dawn)
- A Realm Reborn - Part 1 (
- Heavensward
- Heavensward - Part 1 (
Coming to Ishgard -
Heart of Ice)
- Heavensward - Part 2 (
The Wyrm's Lair -
- Heavensward - Part 3 (
An Uncertain Future -
Litany of Peace)
- Heavensward - Part 4 (
Promises Kept -
The Far Edge of Fate)
- Heavensward - Part 1 (
- Stormblood
- Stormblood - Part 1 (
Beyond the Great Wall -
All the Little Angels)
- Stormblood - Part 2 (
Here There Be Xaela -
- Stormblood - Part 3 (
Arenvald's Adventure -
Emissary of the Dawn)
- Stormblood - Part 4 (
Sisterly Act -
A Requiem for Heroes)
- Stormblood - Part 1 (
- Shadowbringers
- Shadowbringers - Part 1 (
The Syrcus Trench -
Out of the Wood)
- Shadowbringers - Part 2 (
When It Rains -
- Shadowbringers - Part 3 (
Shaken Resolve -
Reflections in Crystal)
- Shadowbringers - Part 4 (
Alisaie's Quest -
Death Unto Dawn)
- Shadowbringers - Part 1 (
- Endwalker
- Endwalker - Part 1 (
The Next Ship to Sail -
Returning Home)
- Endwalker - Part 2 (
Skies Aflame -
- Endwalker - Part 1 (
- Chronicles of a New Era
- Raids
- The Binding Coil of Bahamut (
Primal Awakening -
Alisaie's Path)
- Alexander (
Disarmed -
Of Endings and Beginnings)
- Omega (
The Hunt for Omega -
To Kweh under Distant Skies)
- Omega: Beyond the Rift (A Heartless Hypothesis - Goodbye, ε̆│̆│Δ)
- Eden (
In the Middle of Nowhere -
Where I Belong)
- The Binding Coil of Bahamut (
- Alliance Raids
- Trials
- The Warring Triad (
Gods of Eld -
The Last Pillar to Fall)
- The Four Lords (
An Auspicious Encounter -
The Fifth Lord)
- The Sorrow of Werlyt (
Ruby Doomsday -
Forever at Your Side)
- The Warring Triad (
- Side Story
- Hildibrand, Agent of Enquiry
- Hildibrand, Agent of Enquiry (
The Rise and Fall of Gentlemen -
Her Last Vow)
- Further Hildibrand Adventures (
A Gentleman Falls, Rather than Flies -
If I Could Turn Back Time)
- Even Further Hildibrand Adventures (
A Hingan Tale: Nashu Goes East -
Don't Do the Dewprism)
- Hildibrand, Agent of Enquiry (
- Chronicles of Light
- Tales of the Dragonsong War (
The Paths We Walk -
The Burdens We Bear)
- Tales from the Shadows (
One Final Journey)
- Tales of Newfound Adventure (Shadowed Pasts - Shadowed Pasts Once More)
- Tales of the Dragonsong War (
- Saint Endalim's Scholasticate
- Role Quests
- Role Master Quests (Shadowbringers) (
Shadow Walk with Me -
- Role Master Quests (Endwalker) (
Bitter Snow -
Forlorn Glory)
- Role Master Quests (Shadowbringers) (
- Void Quests
- The Void Calls (
The Hero's Journey -
A Bounty of Hunters)
- The Void Calls (
- Tank Quests
- Tank
- Tank Role Quests (Shadowbringers) (
The Man with Too Many Scars -
To Have Loved and Lost)
- Tank Role Quests (Endwalker) (
Shrouded in Peril -
A Path Unveiled)
- Tank Role Quests (Shadowbringers) (
- Gladiator / Paladin
- Gladiator (
Way of the Gladiator/
So You Want to Be a Gladiator -
The Rematch)
- Paladin - Part 1 (
Paladin's Pledge -
Keeping the Oath)
- Paladin - Part 2 (
An Exemplary Example -
This Little Sword of Mine)
- Paladin - Part 3 (
Tournament of the Century -
Raising the Sword)
- Paladin - Part 4 (
Worth Fighting For)
- Gladiator (
- Marauder / Warrior
- Marauder (
Way of the Marauder/
So You Want to Be a Marauder -
Bringing Down the Mountain)
- Warrior - Part 1 (
Pride and Duty (Will Take You from the Mountain) -
How to Quit You)
- Warrior - Part 2 (
Better Axe Around -
And My Axe)
- Warrior - Part 3 (
Curious Gorge Meets His Match -
The Heart of the Problem)
- Warrior - Part 4 (
Once, Twice, Three Times a Warrior)
- Marauder (
- Dark Knight
- Dark Knight - Part 1 (
A Dark Spectacle -
Our Answer)
- Dark Knight - Part 2 (
The Wages of Mercy -
- Dark Knight - Part 3 (
In Memories We Walked -
Our Compromise)
- Dark Knight - Part 4 (
Our Closure)
- Dark Knight - Part 1 (
- Gunbreaker
- Gunbreaker - Part 1 (
The Makings of a Gunbreaker -
Steel against Steel)
- Gunbreaker - Part 2 (
Gunblades of the Patriots)
- Gunbreaker - Part 1 (
- Healer Quests
- Healer
- Healer Role Quests (Shadowbringers) (
Traditions and Travails -
The Soul of Temperance)
- Healer Role Quests (Endwalker) (
Far from Free -
The Gift of Mercy)
- Healer Role Quests (Shadowbringers) (
- Conjurer / White Mage
- Conjurer (
Way of the Conjurer/
So You Want to Be a Conjurer -
In Nature's Embrace)
- White Mage - Part 1 (
Seer Folly -
Heart of the Forest)
- White Mage - Part 2 (
Taint Misbehaving -
Hands of Healing)
- White Mage - Part 3 (
Unease in East End -
What She Always Wanted)
- White Mage - Part 4 (
Whence the Healing Springs)
- Conjurer (
- Scholar
- Scholar - Part 1 (
Forgotten but Not Gone -
The Beast Within)
- Scholar - Part 2 (
The Green Death -
Forward, the Royal Marines)
- Scholar - Part 3 (
The Vanishing Act -
Our Unsung Heroes)
- Scholar - Part 4 (
True Beauty)
- Scholar - Part 1 (
- Astrologian
- Astrologian - Part 1 (
What's Your Sign -
Spearheading Initiatives)
- Astrologian - Part 2 (
Sharlayan Ascending -
The Hands of Fate)
- Astrologian - Part 3 (
East Meets West -
- Astrologian - Part 4 (
Love, Astrologically)
- Astrologian - Part 1 (
- Sage
- DPS Quests
- Physical DPS Role Quests (Shadowbringers) (
No Greater Sport -
Courage Born of Fear)
- Magical DPS Role Quests (Shadowbringers) (
Hollow Pursuits -
A Tearful Reunion)
- Melee DPS Role Quests (Endwalker) (
Storm Clouds Brewing -
To Calmer Seas)
- Physical Ranged DPS Role Quests (Endwalker) (
Seeds of Disquiet -
Laid to Rest)
- Magical Ranged DPS Role Quests (Endwalker) (
Our Aching Souls -
Ever March Heavensward)
- Physical DPS Role Quests (Shadowbringers) (
- Pugilist / Monk
- Pugilist (
Way of the Pugilist/
So You Want to Be a Pugilist -
Return of the Holyfist)
- Monk - Part 1 (
Brother from Another Mother -
Five Easy Pieces)
- Monk - Part 2 (
The Legend Continues -
Appetite for Destruction)
- Monk - Part 3 (
A Fistful of Resolve -
The Power to Protect)
- Monk - Part 4 (
A Monk's Legacy)
- Pugilist (
- Lancer / Dragoon
- Lancer (
Way of the Lancer/
So You Want to Be a Lancer -
Proof of Might)
- Dragoon - Part 1 (
Eye of the Dragon -
Into the Dragon's Maw)
- Dragoon - Part 2 (
Sky's the Limit -
Dragoon's Fate)
- Dragoon - Part 3 (
Friends through Eternity -
Dragon Sound)
- Dragoon - Part 4 (
Gone but Not Forgiven)
- Lancer (
- Rogue / Ninja
- Rogue (
So You Want to Be a Rogue -
Cloying Victory)
- Ninja - Part 1 (
Peasants by Day, Ninjas by Night -
Master and Student)
- Ninja - Part 2 (
Strangers in a Strange Land -
In Her Defense)
- Ninja - Part 3 (
Search for the Stolen Scroll -
When Clans Collide)
- Ninja - Part 4 (
Oboro's Big Idea)
- Rogue (
- Samurai
- Samurai - Part 1 (
The Way of the Samurai -
The Face of True Evil)
- Samurai - Part 2 (
A Dignified Visitor -
The Battle on Bekko)
- Samurai - Part 3 (
The Legend of Musosai)
- Samurai - Part 1 (
- Reaper
- Archer / Bard
- Archer (
Way of the Archer/
So You Want to Be an Archer -
The One That Got Away)
- Bard - Part 1 (
A Song of Bards and Bowmen -
Requiem for the Fallen)
- Bard - Part 2 (
On the Road Again -
The Ballad of Oblivion)
- Bard - Part 3 (
Three's a Company -
Sweet Dreams Are Made of Peace)
- Bard - Part 4 (
A Harmony from the Heavens)
- Archer (
- Machinist
- Machinist - Part 1 (
So You Want to Be a Machinist -
The Power of a Tourney)
- Machinist - Part 2 (
A Joye-less Celebration -
Rise of the Machinists)
- Machinist - Part 3 (
The Machinists' Choice -
The Mongrel and the Knight)
- Machinist - Part 4 (
Machinists for the Morrow)
- Machinist - Part 1 (
- Dancer
- Dancer - Part 1 (
Shall We Dance -
Save the Last Dance for Me)
- Dancer - Part 2 (
Rising to the Occasion)
- Dancer - Part 1 (
- Thaumaturge / Black Mage
- Thaumaturge (
Way of the Thaumaturge/
So You Want to Be a Thaumaturge -
Facing Your Demons)
- Black Mage - Part 1 (
Taking the Black -
Always Bet on Black)
- Black Mage - Part 2 (
Black Books -
The Defiant Ones)
- Black Mage - Part 3 (
Shades of Shatotto -
One Golem to Rule Them All)
- Black Mage - Part 4 (
A Home for a Tome)
- Thaumaturge (
- Arcanist / Summoner
- Arcanist (
Way of the Arcanist/
So You Want to Be an Arcanist -
Sinking Doesmaga)
- Summoner - Part 1 (
Austerities of Flame -
Primal Burdens)
- Summoner - Part 2 (
A Fitting Tomestone -
A Flare for the Dramatic)
- Summoner - Part 3 (
A Book with Bite -
An Art for the Living)
- Summoner - Part 4 (
To Be Second Best)
- Arcanist (
- Red Mage
- Red Mage - Part 1 (
Taking the Red -
Stained in Scarlet)
- Red Mage - Part 2 (
The Color of Her Hair -
With Heart and Steel
- Red Mage - Part 3 (
Succession of Steel)
- Red Mage - Part 1 (
- Blue Mage (Limited Job)
- Blue Mage - Part 1 (
Out of the Blue -
Turning Over a Blue Leaf)
- Blue Mage - Part 2 (
Into the Blue Again -
Blue Cheese)
- Blue Mage - Part 3 (
Second-rate Entertainment -
A Future in Blue)
- Blue Mage - Part 1 (
- Crafter Quests
- Carpenter
- Carpenter - Part 1 (
So You Want to Be a Carpenter -
Saving Captain Gairhard)
- Carpenter - Part 2 (
Lance of a Lifetime -
More Fierce than Fire)
- Carpenter - Part 3 (
Uncharted Territory -
Tea Party Rules)
- Carpenter - Part 1 (
- Blacksmith
- Blacksmith - Part 1 (
So You Want to Be a Blacksmith -
Waiting in the Winglet)
- Blacksmith - Part 2 (
Forging Northwards -
- Blacksmith - Part 3 (
A Missive from the Far East -
The Final Face-off)
- Blacksmith - Part 1 (
- Armorer
- Armorer - Part 1 (
So You Want to Be an Armorer -
Rivalry and Respect)
- Armorer - Part 2 (
The Breaking of Blanstyr -
The Pride of Vymelli)
- Armorer - Part 3 (
Original Blanstyr -
A Confluence of Style)
- Armorer - Part 1 (
- Goldsmith
- Goldsmith - Part 1 (
So You Want to Be a Goldsmith -
- Goldsmith - Part 2 (
Form to the Formless -
Two Hearts Beat as One)
- Goldsmith - Part 3 (
A Royal Request -
Sultana Dreaming)
- Goldsmith - Part 1 (
- Leatherworker
- Leatherworker - Part 1 (
So You Want to Be a Leatherworker -
Accept No Imitations)
- Leatherworker - Part 2 (
Turndown Service -
A Winter's Sale)
- Leatherworker - Part 3 (
A Taxing Request -
True to Life)
- Leatherworker - Part 1 (
- Weaver
- Weaver - Part 1 (
So You Want to Be a Weaver -
A Miner Reborn)
- Weaver - Part 2 (
The Social Knitwork -
Never Leave without a Good-bye)
- Weaver - Part 3 (
When East Meets West -
Send Me an Angel
- Weaver - Part 1 (
- Alchemist
- Alchemist - Part 1 (
So You Want to Be an Alchemist -
Momentary Miracle)
- Alchemist - Part 2 (
Without a Trace -
What Death Can Join Together)
- Alchemist - Part 3 (
Not Quite Dead Yet -
A Love Beyond Lifetimes)
- Alchemist - Part 1 (
- Culinarian
- Culinarian - Part 1 (
So You Want to Be a Culinarian -
Revenge of the Chefsbane)
- Culinarian - Part 2 (
Wait on Me -
The Spirit of Hospitality)
- Culinarian - Part 3 (
Flavors of the Far East -
The Way to a Father's Heart)
- Culinarian - Part 1 (
- Gatherer Quests
- Miner
- Miner - Part 1 (
So You Want to Be a Miner -
Canyon of Regret)
- Miner - Part 2 (
Breaking New Ground -
The Hole Truth)
- Miner - Part 3 (
Gift of the Gob -
A Miner Success)
- Miner - Part 1 (
- Botanist
- Botanist - Part 1 (
So You Want to Be a Botanist -
Seeds of Hope)
- Botanist - Part 2 (
Call from the Clouds -
Seeds Know No Borders)
- Botanist - Part 3 (
Never Meet Your Heroes -
Edgyth's Winning Streak)
- Botanist - Part 1 (
- Fisher
- Fisher - Part 1 (
So You Want to Be a Fisher -
So Long, and Thanks for All the Fish)
- Fisher - Part 2 (
Plenty More Fish in the Sea -
Carpe Diem)
- Fisher - Part 3 (
Whither Wawalago Wanders -
Farewell, and Thanks for the Fish)
- Fisher - Part 1 (
Final Fantasy XV[]
New Game+ was added as a part of the version 1.03 patch. Originally, there was no New Game+ feature, though it is mentioned in the "Key Items" section of the official guide, implying that it had always been a part of Square Enix's plan. The New Game+ mode can be accessed after clearing the game once.
- Features that carry over
- Experience and levels
- Gil and Totomostro medallions
- Ascension progress and AP
- Survival, Fishing, Cooking, and Photography levels
- Chocobo levels, rental ability, and customization
- Weapons, including royal arms and the Ring of the Lucii (the player also gains a basic Engine Blade and Drain Lance), accessories, attire, and items, as well as purchased music and camera filters
- Elemancy magic and Magic Flasks (Magic Flask locations reset so the player can collect more than 14)
- Regalia customization and paint jobs, decals, and Auto Parts
- All recorded information contained in the Archives, including saved photos, recipes, caught fish, bestiary entries, dossiers, and the datalog.
- Features that don't carry over
- Completed main quests
- Completed side quests
- Completed hunts and rank
- Map information, map points, and parking spots
- The Regalia Type-F and Type-D
- Specific key items, such as the Sealbreaker's Key (and Menace Dungeon access), and the quest items for the Regalia Type-F and Type-D
- Pending auto-snapshots will be lost
Final Fantasy XVI[]
New Game Plus is available only when the game is completed.
Features that carry over:
- Experience, level (including Torgal's), Attributes, and AP
- Learned, upgraded, and mastered Eikon abilities
- Gil
- Smithing materials
- Side quest rewards (except Ambrosia)
- Gear
- Items
Features that do not carry over:
- Completed main quests
- Completed side quests
- Completed hunts
- Map information, Obelisks, and Chronolith stones
Vagrant Story[]
The New Game Plus feature is available only to all players who have completed the game, allowing them to replay the game with the same weapons and stats as the end of their first journey. They are also given the item "Rood Inverse" which allows them to enter new passageways originally blocked-off during the first playthrough, such as the Iron Maiden.
Final Fantasy Type-0[]
The New Game Plus feature is available after completing the game for the first time. Any character experience, weapons, and accessories the player has gained carry over from the previous save file, as well as the Setzer airship if the player has attained it. As the game was designed to be played more than once, new missions, classified as "Code Crimson", are unlocked during the second playthrough, which feature new cutscenes and enemies. Progress through certain sidequests, such as Emina's and Kazusa's, is carried over to the next playthrough; however, if such sidequests are completed, they are reset so as to allow them to be completed again. Finis difficulty (enemy level +50) is unlocked on New Game Plus as well, and some rewards can only be obtained on this difficulty setting.
If starting a New Game Plus from a save which has completed the Code Crimson order "Machina's Struggle", the player can fight True Gilgamesh to obtain the party's ultimate weapons.
Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Ring of Fates[]
The New Game Plus feature is available after completing the game for the first time. New Game Plus saved games are indicated with a Crown and a Star symbol to the left of it. All Gil, equipment, experience points and items are carried over from the last game. New equipment are also available to buy and craft, and a new dungeon, River Belle, is unlocked together with a new boss. Enemies are also stronger in the new playthrough, and they now drop new loot.
Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Echoes of Time[]
The New Game Plus feature is implemented here, under the name Start+. Virtually everything from the old file is carried over to the new one, including party members and mercenaries, character levels, equipped armor, and the entire inventory.
Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: The Crystal Bearers[]
After completing the game, the player will be asked to save a "clear file", which is differentiated from first-playthrough files by the addition of a small medal icon. By loading this file, the player can begin a second playthrough in which Layle's health total and inventory from the end of the first, are carried over. Also, the Layle Moogle now offers his services from the beginning of the game, and can be found in the entrance corridor of Alfitaria Capital City.
Uniquely, New Game Plus mode also contains new and expanded scenes that provide clearer context for certain storyline events:
- At the very beginning of the game, Althea discovers her father's crystallized corpse in the cockpit of the decommissioned Alexis.
- When Jegran boards the Selkie Train in search of Layle, the letter he is given by the mail moogle is revealed to be from Belle, attempting to extort 10,000,000 gil from him in exchange for the continued secrecy of his being a crystal bearer.
Dissidia 012 Final Fantasy[]
On starting a new game, players are able to choose whether they would like to transfer save data from Dissidia Final Fantasy. If one opts to do so, there are two options: "New Game +", which carries over character levels, abilities, accessory slots, AP, Player Icons and bought PP Catalog items, and "Reset character levels", which does the same but resets levels, abilities and AP. Both options present the player with an "Elixir Pack" as bonus for transferring data.
World of Final Fantasy[]
New Game+ is included in the Maxima version, unlocked on the title screen menu after the player clears the Postscript on their original file.
Upon selecting New Game+, the player is given a description of what does and does not carry over from their current save file, and a confirmation to overwrite their original file to start the game over in this mode.
What carries over includes the following:
- Lann and Reynn's level.
- Up to 200 Mirages in the Prism Case. Whatever Mirages the player had in their previous file retain their level, Skill Points, transfigurations, and Mirage Board parameters: spaces activated, Ability Seeds placed, and mastery bonuses.
- Gilgamesh and Mel.
- Gil obtained.
- Battle items, prisms and mementos, and Ability Seeds.
- Coliseum Tickets
- The "Secret Memory" Key Item, used for the Intervention Quest, "A Bridge's Woes".
- The Treasure Tracker(s)
- Mirajewels and Champion Jewels.
- Any tips from the Tip Jar.
- The Mirage Manual, and its progress.
- Characters from Who's Who.
- Scenes from Theater Mode.
- Play time from the player's previous file. Time elapsed on a New Game+ file is added to the previous file's original playtime, in the new file.
The player can obtain more than one copy of certain items in a New Game+ file, such as the Treasure Tracker and any Mirage mementos the player has acquired in their previous file (excluding the Gigantuar and Gigantrot mementos).
What does not carry over:
- Almost all Key Items (excluding Mirage mementos)
- The Teleport Stone
- Seraphones
- The items from The Coliseum used to unlock Lann and Reynn's final two Mirajewel slots: Rat Tail, Griffin's Heart, Doga's Artifact, and Unei's Mirror.
- Champion Medals and the Champion Gauge.
- Eldboxes
Arma Gems
- Character information in Who's Who.
- For unknown reasons, the "Prismarium Prison Breaks" section of Rydia's entry is not available, even if the player had this section in their previous file, and manages to have 100% completion for Who's Who in the New Game+ file. So far, this has been discovered in the PlayStation 4 and Nintendo Switch versions.
- The Fast-travel Windway feature in Nine Wood Hills.
- The full list of wares at the Chocolatte Mart. Status inducing items that were once available at the start of a regular file are not available until later in the New Game+ file.
- Completion progress of matches at The Coliseum, Normal and Time Attack.
Certain unique Mirages (such as Tama) do not carry over at the start of a New Game+ file, but once acquired will retain the levels and SP from the previous file. The player is given a new set of prisms at the start of the game for most unique Mirages for them to capture again (if they have actually captured them before), excluding those that join the player already in prismariums. The Mirages' Mirage Boards will also be reset, removing any Ability Seeds placed in Blank Spaces, but with the restored SP, the player can refill the Mirage Boards again and collect duplicate Mirajewels and even change the Mirages' permanent mastery bonus. The Mirages that must be reacquired are the following:
The exceptions to this rule are Gilgamesh and Mel, which if already acquired in the original file, do not need to be reacquired again as the player is not given their respective prisms (unless the player has dismissed them from their Prism Case).
The following new features are added in a New Game+ file:
- A "Nightmare" difficulty level that makes enemies and bosses much stronger, while rewarding the player with much more EXP, gil and better items. This difficulty level can be switched back to the normal difficulty at any point in the Config menu, by going to the new "Difficulty Setting" option. Coliseum battles are not affected when Nightmare difficulty is activated, however. This difficulty level becomes available after the player vanquishes the Gimme Golem in Wellspring Woods.
- A
Read Ahead Mirajewel that significantly reduces random enemy encounters when equipped, moreso than the
Stealth Mirajewel. It can be found in Wellspring Woods.
- Items from the Chocolatte Mart that were only available as the player progresses through a normal save file are now available at the beginning of the game, and are the following:
- Stronger healing items: Hi-Potions, X-Potions, Ethers, and Hi-Ethers.
- Gold Hourglasses and Tranquilizers.
- All low-tier elemental battle items.
- All low-tier elemental, Cure, and Esuna Ability Seeds.
- Gysahl Greens
- Also included in the Chocolatte Mart are the following items that could not be bought at all on a normal file:
- Half Mega-Potions and Half Mega-Ethers, rare items that can only be obtained from Maxima version exclusive enemies or Time Attack Battles at the Coliseum, on a normal file.
- A new item: the Toy Hammer, which inflicts nonlethal physical damage.
- Twelve "WOFF Apocrypha" excerpts located throughout Grymoire.