Final Fantasy Wiki
Final Fantasy Wiki

The Neochu, also known as the Naocho in the Nintendo Entertainment System translation, is an enemy in the original Final Fantasy. The Neochu appears as a palette swap of the normal Ochu enemy, having higher stats than its cousin; it is one of the strongest monsters appearing on the rivers of the Overworld. Its attacks inflict Poison. Thunder-based spells and heavy physical attacking should defeat it quickly enough.


Other appearances[]

Final Fantasy Record Keeper[]

FFRK Ultimate Neochu FFI
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Neo is a prefix from the ancient Greek word for "new" or "young".

"Ochu" comes from Dungeons & Dragons; specifically, it is the otyugh. The name in Japanese (and transliterations) comes from the pronunciation; it is pronounced with a short O and T (practically to a ch), making the pronunciation close to "o-chuugh". "オチュー" is the closest the katakana system can get to representing the sound without using compound katakana pronunciations not natively found in Japanese.

Related enemies[]
