The Neochu, also known as the Naocho in the Nintendo Entertainment System translation, is an enemy in the original Final Fantasy. The Neochu appears as a palette swap of the normal Ochu enemy, having higher stats than its cousin; it is one of the strongest monsters appearing on the rivers of the Overworld. Its attacks inflict Poison. Thunder-based spells and heavy physical attacking should defeat it quickly enough.
Other appearances[]
Final Fantasy Record Keeper[]
Neo is a prefix from the ancient Greek word for "new" or "young".
otyugh. The name in Japanese (and transliterations) comes from the pronunciation; it is pronounced with a short O and T (practically to a ch), making the pronunciation close to "o-chuugh". "オチュー" is the closest the katakana system can get to representing the sound without using compound katakana pronunciations not natively found in Japanese.
"Ochu" comes from Dungeons & Dragons; specifically, it is the