Final Fantasy Wiki
Final Fantasy Wiki

Steel hand and forearm guard used by knights. Allows one weapon to be held with both hands.


Mythril Glove, also known as MithrilGlove,[1][2] is a relic in Final Fantasy VI. It automatically casts Protect on the user when their HP is low (and when they are in critical condition), as well as providing a passive +6 boost to Defense. As such, the relic generally protects against physical damage.


Mythril Glove can be found at Imperial Camp in the World of Balance. More commonly, it can be bought for 700 gil at Narshe (in the World of Balance before acquiring the Blackjack), Jidoor (in the World of Balance), and Albrook (in the World of Ruin). It can also be stolen from Devil.


Mythril Glove is a useful way to protect a character from physical damage, as the protect status will half physical damage. Because most damage from enemies is physical, this makes it a valuable way to keep party members alive, especially those with low Defense (due to limited armor available for them) and HP. This means it can give them a chance to survive and be healed.

Against enemies and bosses relying more on magic damage, Barrier Ring effectively serves as the magic equipment of Mythril Glove. The Princess Ring does not provide a passive stat boost, but otherwise fulfills the roles of both Mythril Glove and Barrier Ring at once, although it can only be equipped by Terra, Celes, and Relm.

A good alternate to Mythril Glove is Knight's Code, allowing a beefier party member to protect a critical party member; Knight's Code can also be paired with Black Belt to counterattack when covering. As such, if the party includes a member with Knight's Code, Mythril Glove is less useful, as it will only protect against group physical attacks.

Later on, the limited relic slots and improving armor diminish the usefulness of Mythril Glove. For defensive relics, ones that resist against status effects (especially Ribbon, granting immunity to most) are more valuable. Additionally, simply casting Protect preemptively may be better than relying on Mythril Glove.

