Cloud Strife: No way! That thing's just a machine.
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The fretful Arkasodara seeks someone to brave the wilderness.
Search for the wizened Arkasodara to the north of Palaka's Stand.
Speak with the wizened Arkasodara.
Collect the fish.
Deliver the fish to the wizened Arkasodara.
Speak with the fretful Arkasodara.
My Father My Fisher script
I've heard about all the good you've done for our village, and we're all thankful for it. I hate to impose upon your generosity further, but if you have a moment to spare, could you lend me your stout arm?
I would ask you to search for my father. I haven't seen him for bells, and after asking around it seems he may have left the village and ventured north.
The divinities only know why he went alone, but if I were to follow him I'd likely end up at the bottom of some beast's belly within a malm. Please, find him and return him safely to our home.
Please, bring my father back. He's even less of a fighter than I am!
Oh, thank the heavens! I had resigned myself to becoming food for those dreadful things!
What's that? My daughter sent you to find me? I thought no one saw me leave the village, but I suppose I am not so sly as I thought. And now I've caused her, and you, no end of worry.
The number of people fleeing to our village increases by the day, and although I would never begrudge them protection, it does put a strain on our food supplies. I took up my old fishing equipment hoping I could make some small contribution.
Children need hearty meals to grow, after all. Filling our stores is the least I can do to ease us through these troubled times. Think you could help this old fool on his errand?
Your generosity is much appreciated. I've already set up several cages near the water. All you have to do is check them and bring me anything they've caught.
I've set up cages around the river. See if they've caught anything, and if so, bring it here.
I trust the river wasn't too cold for you. So, what'd you find? I hope my fishing skills haven't gone rusty in my old age.
Ah, that's what I like to see. Plump and juicy, just what we need. This'll keep the refugees fed for another day, I reckon.
And that's how we have to get through this: one day at a time. All right, let's return to my daughter. I'm sure she's had her fill of worry on my account.
I've been waiting for you! My father returned and told me about all you did for him and for our village. It seems I owe you thanks for two good deeds today.
Palaka's Stand has long been a place where the stewards of the shrines and tombs resided. That's to say, we've been focused mainly on meeting the needs of the departed, not the living.
As such, I understand my father's desire to see our food stores bolstered, but if he gets himself killed, we'll all be worse off for it.
Thankfully, we needn't worry about that. For today, at least. Take this as a gesture of gratitude from both Father and I.