A cute little forest animal... or at least that's what it wants you to think. Then, POW! A tail-punch to the jaw! This Mirage has nothing to do with the legendary continent. May or may not squeak "Mu!" when upset.
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Wellspring Woods
Mu *(One-time battle)
Wellspring Woods
Wellspring Woods
Mu x2
Pyreglow Forest - Branch 1
Mu x2, Reaver Mu
Pyreglow Forest - Branch 1
Mu x3
Pyreglow Forest - Branch 1
Mu x2, Right Claw Stack(Mu, Cockatrice, Right Claw)
Pyreglow Forest - Branch 3
Right Claw Stack(Mu, Cockatrice, Right Claw)
Pyreglow Forest - Branch 4
Right Claw Stack(Mu, Cockatrice, Right Claw)
The Coliseum - Forest Fauna 1
Valefor Stack(Mu, Cockatrice, Valefor) x2
The Coliseum - Forest Fauna 2
Valefor Stack(Mu, Cockatrice, Valefor) x2
EX Dungeon Z - Area 6
Mu x6
EX Dungeon Z - Area 6
Mu x2, Behemoth Stack(Chocochick, Babyhemoth, Behemoth)
Battle in Wellspring Woods.
Official artwork.
[view·edit·purge]Mu is the name of a fictional continent that was once believed to have existed in one of Earth's oceans, but disappeared at the dawn of human history.