Mount Gulg from Final Fantasy is one of the most iconic mountains in the series, even though it's a volcano.
Mountains (山, Yama?) are a recurring type of location found throughout the Final Fantasy series, starting with Final Fantasy III. They usually appear as dungeons that serve as passages between areas, normally stalled by a boss battle. Caves are almost always found at mountain ranges.
Mountains appear in every game with an overworld, and there they work as a barrier for the characters, since they are generally impassable by anything other than an airship.
Final Fantasy[]
Mount Duergar and Mount Gulg are two mountains explored in the original Final Fantasy, but despite their names, the explored areas are caves underneath the mountains.
Final Fantasy II[]
Palamecia Castle, the Emperor's base is unreachable by foot.
Castle Palamecia is located atop a mountain range, rendering it inaccessible by anything other than a flying airship. It is later replaced by the infernal palace of Pandaemonium, which cannot be reached by an airship. A special passage must be crossed instead.
Final Fantasy III[]
The Dragon's Peak is the very first location in the series that is actually a mountain. Like its name implies, Dragons are a common sight at its summit.
In Final Fantasy III, airships cannot fly over mountains, and the Invincible can only cross smaller peaks, such as the ones found in the mountain range near the Cave of Shadows, which no other airship can.
Final Fantasy IV[]
Mt. Hobs is located in a route between Damcyan and Fabul. Mount Ordeals is a mystical mountain located east of Mysidia.
In the underworld, some mountain ranges can be found and airships can land on some of them. However, there is no passage to the ground. In the Red Moon, due to the rough terrain filled with craters, the Lunar Whale must normally land atop mountain ranges and the party must walk to other locations.
Final Fantasy IV -Interlude-[]
Mt. Hobs is the only accessible mountain.
Final Fantasy IV: The After Years[]
Mt. Hobs and Mt. Ordeals are accessible. Mist Cliff is a mountain cliff formed by Titan’s earthquake when Rydia summoned him to fight Cecil Harvey and Kain Highwind.
Final Fantasy V[]

Tycoon's Wind Drake flies to the North Mountain after it's separate from King Tycoon.
At the North Mountain in Bartz's World, grows Dragon Grass, a plant poisonous to humans that has medical properties when ingested by wind drakes. Likewise, in Galuf's World, the Drakenvale contains many Dragon Grass.
In the overworld, airships can fly over mountains. Black chocobos can fly over mountains except ones with snow on top. Wind drakes cannot fly over mountains at all.
Final Fantasy VI[]
Several mountains are explored, and none appear in both the World of Balance and World of Ruin simultaneously:
- Mt. Kolts is located near South Figaro.
- Sabre Mountains are located beyond Mt. Kolts and serve as an hideout for the Returners.
- Narshe's mountain range is explored early in the game and is filled with mines and caves.
- The Baren Falls are located beyond the Phantom Forest and flow into the Veldt.
- The Crescent Mountain is located at the southern Veldt and is an entrance to the Serpent Trench.
- The Esper Caves are located in a mountain range at the Crescent Island.
- Mt. Zozo is explored in the World of Ruin. Like its name implies, it is located in the mountain range surrounding Zozo.
- Phoenix Cave is located in the center of the mountain range north of Tzen.
- The mountain range between Figaro and Kohlingen is home to the Ancient Castle.
Final Fantasy VII[]

Mount Nibel is a location of great importance in the Compilation of Final Fantasy VII.
Several mountains and mountain ranges of the Planet are explored.
- Fort Condor is located atop a mountain in the Junon Area.
- Mt. Corel is located on the western continent and is home to a mako reactor. It is located near Barret's hometown.
- Cosmo Canyon is a center of study of the Lifestream. It is Red XIII's homeland and AVALANCHE was founded there.
- Mt. Nibel is located at the mountain range surrounding Nibelheim.
- The harsh Gaea's Cliff is side of the monstrous North Crater.
- The Da-chao Statue is located in the mountain ranges of Wutai.
Final Fantasy VIII[]
The Vienne Mountains are a natural northern border of Esthar.
Final Fantasy IX[]
The South Gate is composed of a great airship tunnel at the top, and a ferry service on the ground.
In Gaia, the Mist Continent is the most hilly area; it has several areas of high altitude, which are where the greatest settlements are found due to the nefarious Mist that overruns the lower areas of the continent. In Disc 3, Gaia is purged of Mist, but in Disc 4, the Mist returns, this time to cover the entire planet.
Three mountains appear as locations in this game:
- The Aerbs Mountains are a long chain of peaks in the Mist Continent. It splits the kingdoms of Alexandria, Lindblum, and Burmecia. Only the border between Alexandria and Lindblum, the South Gate, is crossed.
- The Conde Petie Mountain Path at the Outer Continent is a route between Conde Petie, Madain Sari, and the Iifa Tree.
- Mount Gulug is a prominent volcano at the Lost Continent. Esto Gaza is located on its slope.
Final Fantasy X[]
Mt. Gagazet is a sacred mountain range, and homeland of the Ronso. It also features a series of caverns and springs, along with ferocious fiends. It is the final test of a summoner's pilgrimage before reaching Zanarkand Ruins. The fayth scar is located at its summit.
Final Fantasy XI[]

Final Fantasy XII[]

The Mosphoran Highwaste is a natural border between Dalmasca and Nabradia.
The Paramina Rift is an icy mountain pass between the Golmore Jungle and the holy mountain of Bur-Omisace.
Mt Bur-Omisace is a sacred mountain that serves as the center of the Kiltia religion. It is located in the edge of Jagd Ramooda, which in a way prevents war from reaching it.
The Mosphoran Highwaste is located in the region of Nabradia, annexed by Archadia. It is a mountain pass between Nalbina Fortress and the Salikawood. It is also home to the Esper Exodus.
Final Fantasy XII: Revenant Wings[]
Arda, Heaven's Pillar is an enormous landmass of the Purvama of Lemurés where a mountain range can be found. Throughout the other islands of Lemurés, several temples and underfanes can be found at mountain ranges.
Final Fantasy XIII[]
FMVs reveal that there are mountain ranges on Cocoon from which only the Vile Peaks is visited. Near the Sunleth Waterscape there are also mountains.
Most of Gran Pulse is covered in mountain ranges, especially south: canyon of Vallis Media and Yaschas Massif. Also there are Sulyya Springs surrounded by mountains.
Final Fantasy XIII-2[]
The Vile Peaks and Yaschas Massif return and a new area of the Archylte Steppe, which is surrounded from three sides, appears. New Bodhum is built upon a shore and surrounded by mountains and the Dying World is a mountainous area.
Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII[]
The Temple of the Goddess is located over the bridge in Rocky Crag in the Wildlands. The northern Dead Dunes appears to be the remnants of a mountain range.
Final Fantasy XV[]
The Rock of Ravatogh is a volcanic mountain that towers over the landscape. The player can climb it, and it counts as a dungeon.
Final Fantasy Tactics[]

Mount Germinas is the oldest peak in the entire continent.
Several passes and mountains are found in Final Fantasy Tactics.
- The Lenalian Plateau is found at northwestern Gallionne.
- The Balias Tor is a hilly region found in Lionel.
- Mount Bervenia is a volcano located at the center of the Ivalice region, in Lesalia.
- Grogh Heights are filled with crop fields.
- Dugeura Pass is a pass at Mount Landria in Lesalia.
- Mount Germinas is a mountain located in far east Ivalice.
Final Fantasy Mystic Quest[]
Mount Gale located in the Windia region.
Final Fantasy Adventure[]
Both Cara Mountain Range and Mt. Rocks are the only two mountains the player can explore. Mount Illusia is another mountain that is mentioned where the Temple of Mana and Mana Shrine are located.
Final Fantasy Legend III[]
There's a unnamed mountain located on Floatland. The player needs to climb up the mountain to reach Maitreya's Tower. In Pureland, there's Mt. Hasbid and Mt. Goht.
Final Fantasy Dimensions[]

Dissidia 012 Final Fantasy[]
As Dissidia 012 Final Fantasys World B is based on that of the original Final Fantasy, the iconic Mount Gulug can be found, but this time as a tall mountain with an icy summit. A volcano also marks Chaos's throne, and is located on the floating landmasses near the ruins of Onrac.
Pictlogica Final Fantasy[]

Final Fantasy Airborne Brigade[]

World of Final Fantasy[]

The Dragon Scars.