Final Fantasy Wiki
Final Fantasy Wiki

I'll distract 'em. You guys take 'em out!


Mortar System is an enemy fought in Perpetouss Keep during Adventurer from Another World quest in Final Fantasy XV. It is a security bot of Niflheim make that patrols the abandoned imperial base. They are similar to the magitek-boosting enemies encountered in Final Fantasy XV: Episode Prompto.



MA-X Patria in Perpetouss Keep from FFXV

Mortar Systems are first fought after following Y'jhimei to her vantage point and pin pointing three points of interest she wants to investigate along with the party. Y'jhimei is with the party as a guest and stands aside casting healing magic should the party need it. The Mortar Systems don't appear in the bestiary, but their stats can be scanned with Libra in wait mode or by Ignis's Analyze.

The Mortar Systems don't attack, and only float away from the player when confronted. They explode upon being killed. They don't drop anything but Gladiolus's Survival may activate.


The player can quickly dispatch them with warp-strikes. Though they explode when defeated, Y'jhimei will heal any damage sustained.
