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In recent years, demand from collectors and historians has led to a surge of adventurers seeking tomestones, those mysterious relics of the Allagan Empire made to record and keep its secrets. Some small number of the artifacts, unique for the peculiar sort of knowledge contained within, have piqued the interest of the eccentric─in particular, itinerant moogles, who come bearing rare goods of their own to exchange for these "irregular" tomestones.

Official description

Moogle Treasure Trove is a special recurring event in Final Fantasy XIV. The conceit of the event is that itinerant moogles exchange rare wares for particular irregular Allagan tomestones, acquired by adventurers. Each iteration of the event has a different irregular tomestone type that the player is tasked with collecting, acquired through completing certain objectives, most commonly completing particular instanced duties. These duties and objectives, and their tomestone rewards, are different each event. Iterations of the Moogle Treasure Trove event are often released in the leadup to major patches or expansions, ending with the release of these.

The rewards for these events are mostly rare or uncommon items available from other parts of the game, as well as the occasional unique reward, often in the form of cosmetic accessories.


Starting with the thirteenth edition of theevent, "The First Hunt for Genesis", the Moogle Treasure Trove features the Mogpendium menu. The Mogpendium is required to access weekly and overarching tomestone rewards from minimog and ultimog chellenges, as well as weekly objectives. Additionally, players can consult all activities that will earn them irregular tomestones from the Mogpendium, as well as jump to the appropriate duty or map by selecting one of the activities in the Mogpendium.

To obtain the Mogpendium, players need to speak to any of the intinerant moogles present near the aetheryte at one of the three starting city states. After acquiring the Mogpendium it is accesible from the collections menu and can be assigned to a hotbar if so desired.

Editions and rewards[]

The Hunt for Philosophy[]

Irregular Tomestone of Philosophy
Item Category Tomestones Item Category Tomestones
Namazu Earring Gear 100 Seemingly Special Timeworn Map x2 Treasure Map 50
Pegasus Whistle Mount 50 White Lanner Whistle Mount 50
Rose Lanner Whistle Mount 50 Answers Orchestrion Roll Orchestrion Roll 50
Zantetsuken Weapon 30 Hjalmr Gear 30
Herklaedi Gear 30 Middle La Noscea Riding Map Riding Map 30
Lower La Noscea Riding Map Riding Map 30 Eastern La Noscea Riding Map Riding Map 30
Western La Noscea Riding Map Riding Map 30 Upper La Noscea Riding Map Riding Map 30
Outer La Noscea Riding Map Riding Map 30 Central Shroud Riding Map Riding Map 30
East Shroud Riding Map Riding Map 30 South Shroud Riding Map Riding Map 30
North Shroud Riding Map Riding Map 30 Western Thanalan Riding Map Riding Map 30
Central Thanalan Riding Map Riding Map 30 Eastern Thanalan Riding Map Riding Map 30
Southern Thanalan Riding Map Riding Map 30 Northern Thanalan Riding Map Riding Map 30
Coerthas Central Highlands Riding Map Riding Map 30 Mor Dhona Riding Map Riding Map 30
Drake Horn Mount 30 Laurel Goobbue Horn Mount 30
Elbst Horn Mount 30 Bomb Palanquin Horn Mount 30
Aithon Whistle Mount 30 Direwolf Whistle Mount 30
Boreas Whistle Mount 30 Sleipnir Barding Chocobo Barding 30
MGP Platinum Card Miscellany 30 Magic Bucket Minion 15
Baby Brachiosaur Minion 15 Pegasus Colt Minion 15
Wind-up Calofisteri Minion 7 Toy Alexander Minion 7
Construct 8 Minion 7 Brute Justice Card Triple Triad Card 7
Calofisteri Card Triple Triad Card 7 Alexander Prime Card Triple Triad Card 7
Yiazmat Card Triple Triad Card 7 Smoulder Orchestrion Roll Orchestrion Roll 7
Coming Home Orchestrion Roll Orchestrion Roll 7 Inferno Horn Material 4
Demimateria of the Inferno Material 1

The Hunt for Mythology[]

Irregular Tomestone of Mythology
Item Category Tomestones Item Category Tomestones
Mameshiba Earring Gear 100 Falcon Ignition Key Mount 50
Round Lanner Whistle Mount 50 Sophic Lanner Whistle Mount 50
Answers Orchestrion Roll Orchestrion Roll 50 Twilight over Thanalan Orchestrion Roll Orchestrion Roll 50
On Windy Meadows Orchestrion Roll Orchestrion Roll 50 Whisper of the Land Orchestrion Roll Orchestrion Roll 50
Thundercloud Weapon 30 Behemoth Knives Weapon 30
Behemoth Helm Gear 30 Behemoth Mask Gear 30
Ring of Lasting Shelter Gear 30 Pixie Earrings Gear 30
Middle La Noscea Riding Map Riding Map 30 Lower La Noscea Riding Map Riding Map 30
Eastern La Noscea Riding Map Riding Map 30 Western La Noscea Riding Map Riding Map 30
Upper La Noscea Riding Map Riding Map 30 Outer La Noscea Riding Map Riding Map 30
Central Shroud Riding Map Riding Map 30 East Shroud Riding Map Riding Map 30
South Shroud Riding Map Riding Map 30 North Shroud Riding Map Riding Map 30
Western Thanalan Riding Map Riding Map 30 Central Thanalan Riding Map Riding Map 30
Eastern Thanalan Riding Map Riding Map 30 Southern Thanalan Riding Map Riding Map 30
Northern Thanalan Riding Map Riding Map 30 Coerthas Central Highlands Riding Map Riding Map 30
Mor Dhona Riding Map Riding Map 30 Drake Horn Mount 30
Laurel Goobbue Horn Mount 30 Elbst Horn Mount 30
Bomb Palanquin Horn Mount 30 Direwolf Whistle Mount 30
Gullfaxi Whistle Mount 30 Markab Whistle Mount 30
MGP Platinum Card Miscellany 30 Wind-up Scathach Minion 7
Wind-up Exdeath Minion 7 Odin Card Triple Triad Card 7
Hancock Card Triple Triad Card 7 Progenitrix Card Triple Triad Card 7
Nidhogg Card Triple Triad Card 7 Flibbertigibbet Orchestrion Roll Orchestrion Roll 7
Piece of Mind Orchestrion Roll Orchestrion Roll 7 Crag Heart Material 4
Demimateria of Crags Material 1 Magicked Prism (Job Mastery) x10 Miscellany 1

The Hunt for Soldiery[]

Irregular Tomestone of Soldiery
Item Category Tomestones Item Category Tomestones
Namazu Neckerchief Gear 100 Magitek Predator Identification Key Mount 50
Warring Lanner Whistle Mount 50 Answers Orchestrion Roll Orchestrion Roll 50
Twilight over Thanalan Orchestrion Roll Orchestrion Roll 50 On Windy Meadows Orchestrion Roll Orchestrion Roll 50
Whisper of the Land Orchestrion Roll Orchestrion Roll 50 Spotted Fedora Gear 30
Spotted Spencer Gear 30 Middle La Noscea Riding Map Riding Map 30
Lower La Noscea Riding Map Riding Map 30 Eastern La Noscea Riding Map Riding Map 30
Western La Noscea Riding Map Riding Map 30 Upper La Noscea Riding Map Riding Map 30
Outer La Noscea Riding Map Riding Map 30 Central Shroud Riding Map Riding Map 30
East Shroud Riding Map Riding Map 30 South Shroud Riding Map Riding Map 30
North Shroud Riding Map Riding Map 30 Western Thanalan Riding Map Riding Map 30
Central Thanalan Riding Map Riding Map 30 Eastern Thanalan Riding Map Riding Map 30
Southern Thanalan Riding Map Riding Map 30 Northern Thanalan Riding Map Riding Map 30
Coerthas Central Highlands Riding Map Riding Map 30 Mor Dhona Riding Map Riding Map 30
Drake Horn Mount 30 Laurel Goobbue Horn Mount 30
Elbst Horn Mount 30 Bomb Palanquin Horn Mount 30
Direwolf Whistle Mount 30 Xanthos Whistle Mount 30
Enbarr Whistle Mount 30 MGP Platinum Card Miscellany 30
Lesser Panda Minion 7 Wind-up Kefka Minion 7
Good King Moggle Mog XII Card Triple Triad Card 7 Shiva Card Triple Triad Card 7
Bismarck Card Triple Triad Card 7 Sophia Card Triple Triad Card 7
Indomitable Orchestrion Roll Orchestrion Roll 7 Keepers of the Lock Orchestrion Roll Orchestrion Roll 7
Magicked Prism (Job Mastery) x10 Miscellany 1

The Hunt for Law[]

Irregular Tomestone of Law
Item Category Tomestones Item Category Tomestones
Mameshiba Neckerchief Gear 100 Ixion Clarion Mount 50
Demonic Lanner Whistle Mount 50 Reveling Kamuy Fife Mount 50
Unspoken Orchestrion Roll Orchestrion Roll 50 Rise of the White Raven Orchestrion Roll Orchestrion Roll 50
Qiqirn Earring Gear 30 Middle La Noscea Riding Map Riding Map 30
Lower La Noscea Riding Map Riding Map 30 Eastern La Noscea Riding Map Riding Map 30
Western La Noscea Riding Map Riding Map 30 Upper La Noscea Riding Map Riding Map 30
Outer La Noscea Riding Map Riding Map 30 Central Shroud Riding Map Riding Map 30
East Shroud Riding Map Riding Map 30 South Shroud Riding Map Riding Map 30
North Shroud Riding Map Riding Map 30 Western Thanalan Riding Map Riding Map 30
Central Thanalan Riding Map Riding Map 30 Eastern Thanalan Riding Map Riding Map 30
Southern Thanalan Riding Map Riding Map 30 Northern Thanalan Riding Map Riding Map 30
Coerthas Central Highlands Riding Map Riding Map 30 Mor Dhona Riding Map Riding Map 30
Drake Horn Mount 30 Laurel Goobbue Horn Mount 30
Elbst Horn Mount 30 Bomb Palanquin Horn Mount 30
Direwolf Whistle Mount 30 Aithon Whistle Mount 30
Boreas Whistle Mount 30 MGP Platinum Card Miscellany 30
Calca Minion 7 Brina Minion 7
Charibert Card Triple Triad Card 7 Sephirot Card Triple Triad Card 7
Gaius van Baelsar Card Triple Triad Card 7 Seven Hundred Seventy-Seven Whiskers Orchestrion Roll Orchestrion Roll 7
Primal Judgment Orchestrion Roll Orchestrion Roll 7 Magicked Prism (Job Mastery) x10 Miscellany 1

The Hunt for Esoterics[]

Irregular Tomestone of Esoterics
Item Category Tomestones Item Category Tomestones
Namazu Earring Gear 100 Blissful Kamuy Fife Mount 50
Tyrannosaur Horn Mount 50 Falcon Ignition Key Mount 50
Magitek Predator Identification Key Mount 50 Decisions Orchestrion Roll Orchestrion Roll 50
Ultima Horns Gear 30 Middle La Noscea Riding Map Riding Map 15
Lower La Noscea Riding Map Riding Map 15 Eastern La Noscea Riding Map Riding Map 15
Western La Noscea Riding Map Riding Map 15 Upper La Noscea Riding Map Riding Map 15
Outer La Noscea Riding Map Riding Map 15 Central Shroud Riding Map Riding Map 15
East Shroud Riding Map Riding Map 15 South Shroud Riding Map Riding Map 15
North Shroud Riding Map Riding Map 15 Western Thanalan Riding Map Riding Map 15
Central Thanalan Riding Map Riding Map 15 Eastern Thanalan Riding Map Riding Map 15
Southern Thanalan Riding Map Riding Map 15 Northern Thanalan Riding Map Riding Map 15
Coerthas Central Highlands Riding Map Riding Map 15 Mor Dhona Riding Map Riding Map 15
Drake Horn Mount 30 Laurel Goobbue Horn Mount 30
Elbst Horn Mount 30 Bomb Palanquin Horn Mount 30
Direwolf Whistle Mount 30 Gullfaxi Whistle Mount 30
Markab Whistle Mount 30 Nightmare Whistle Mount 30
MGP Platinum Card Miscellany 30 Iron Dwarf Minion 7
Salt & Pepper Seal Minion 7 Fat Chocobo Card Triple Triad Card 7
The Griffin Card Triple Triad Card 7 Zurvan Card Triple Triad Card 7
Smoulder Orchestrion Roll Orchestrion Roll 7 Coming Home Orchestrion Roll Orchestrion Roll 7
Mariner Cotton Cloth Crafting Material 5 Magicked Prism (Job Mastery) x10 Miscellany 1

The Hunt for Pageantry[]

Irregular Tomestone of Pageantry
Item Category Tomestones Item Category Tomestones
Great Serpent of Ringa Gear 100 Legendary Kamuy Fife Mount 50
Blissful Kamuy Fife Mount 50 Reveling Kamuy Fife Mount 50
Disembodied Head Resonator Mount 50 Ballroom Etiquette - Excessive Petticoats Miscellany 50
Ballroom Etiquette - Insufficient Petticoats Miscellany 80 Modern Aesthetics - Gyr Abanian Plait Miscellany 50
Modern Aesthetics - Form and Function Miscellany 50 Dancing Mad - Movement I Orchestrion Roll Orchestrion Roll 50
Dancing Mad - Movement II Orchestrion Roll Orchestrion Roll 50 Dancing Mad - Movement III Orchestrion Roll Orchestrion Roll 50
Dancing Mad - Movement IV Orchestrion Roll Orchestrion Roll 30 Scarf of Wondrous Wit Gear 1
Goobbue Earring Gear 1 Dodo Earring Gear 1
Cactuar Earring Gear 1 Bomb Earring Gear 1
Coblyn Earring Gear 1 Taoist Moogle Minion 1
Wind-up Ramza Minion 7 OMG Minion 7
Dwarf Rabbit Minion 7 Zenos yae Galvus Card Triple Triad Card 7
Susano Card Triple Triad Card 7 Lakshmi Card Triple Triad Card 7
Augmented Lost Allagan Helm of Fending Gear 15 Augmented Lost Allagan Surcoat of Fending Gear 15
Augmented Lost Allagan Gauntlets of Fending Gear 15 Augmented Lost Allagan Trousers of Fending Gear 15
Augmented Lost Allagan Sabatons of Fending Gear 15 Skallic Cap of Healing Gear 15
Skallic Jacket of Healing Gear 15 Skallic Gloves of Healing Gear 15
Skallic Bottoms of Healing Gear 15 Skallic Shoes of Healing Gear 15
Carbuncle Bathtub Furnishing 30 Eorzean Lantern Tabletop 30
Bomb Stove Table 30 Corner Hedge Partition Outdoor Furnishing 30
Hedge Partition Outdoor Furnishing 30 Miniature Iloh Tabletop 30
Southern Kitchen Table 30 Hingan Cleaning Supplies Tabletop 30
Grand Chair Furnishing 30 Picnic Set Outdoor Furnishing 30
Pot of Cream Stew Tabletop 30 Mahogany Bunk Bed Furnishing 30
Bathroom Floor Tiles Rug 30 Verdant Partition Outdoor Furnishing 30
MGP Platinum Card Miscellany 60 Magicked Prism (Job Mastery) x10 Miscellany 1

The Hunt for Lore[]

Irregular Tomestone of Lore
Item Category Tomestones Item Category Tomestones
Inferno Jacket Inferno Jacket Gear 100 Auspicious Kamuy Fife Auspicious Kamuy Fife Other 50
Dark Lanner Whistle Dark Lanner Whistle Other 50 Modern Aesthetics - Styled for Hire Modern Aesthetics - Styled for Hire Miscellany 50
Battle Orchestrion Roll Battle Orchestrion Roll Orchestrion Roll 50 Ostensibly Special Timeworn Map Ostensibly Special Timeworn Map x 2 Miscellany 30
Ala Mhigan Barding Ala Mhigan Barding Other 30 Drake Horn Drake Horn Other 30
Laurel Goobbue Horn Laurel Goobbue Horn Other 30 Elbst Horn Elbst Horn Other 30
Bomb Palanquin Horn Bomb Palanquin Horn Other 30 Direwolf Whistle Direwolf Whistle Other 30
Xanthos Whistle Xanthos Whistle Other 30 Enbarr Whistle Enbarr Whistle Other 30
MGP Platinum Card MGP Platinum Card Miscellany 30 Tree Slice Tower Tree Slice Tower Table 30
Botanist's Dried Herbs Botanist's Dried Herbs Wall-mounted 30 Steppe Kitchen Steppe Kitchen Table 30
Marimo Lamp Marimo Lamp Tabletop 30 Fat Cat Sofa Fat Cat Sofa Furnishing 30
Bonewicca Whisperer's Mask Bonewicca Whisperer's Mask Head 15 Bonewicca Whisperer's Jacket Bonewicca Whisperer's Jacket Body 15
Bonewicca Whisperer's Gauntlets Bonewicca Whisperer's Gauntlets Hands 15 Bonewicca Whisperer's Sarouel Bonewicca Whisperer's Sarouel Legs 15
Bonewicca Whisperer's Greaves Bonewicca Whisperer's Greaves Feet 15 Middle La Noscea Riding Map Middle La Noscea Riding Map Other 10
Lower La Noscea Riding Map Lower La Noscea Riding Map Other 10 Eastern La Noscea Riding Map Eastern La Noscea Riding Map Other 10
Western La Noscea Riding Map Western La Noscea Riding Map Other 10 Upper La Noscea Riding Map Upper La Noscea Riding Map Other 10
Outer La Noscea Riding Map Outer La Noscea Riding Map Other 10 Central Shroud Riding Map Central Shroud Riding Map Other 10
East Shroud Riding Map East Shroud Riding Map Other 10 South Shroud Riding Map South Shroud Riding Map Other 10
North Shroud Riding Map North Shroud Riding Map Other 10 Western Thanalan Riding Map Western Thanalan Riding Map Other 10
Central Thanalan Riding Map Central Thanalan Riding Map Other 10 Eastern Thanalan Riding Map Eastern Thanalan Riding Map Other 10
Southern Thanalan Riding Map Southern Thanalan Riding Map Other 10 Northern Thanalan Riding Map Northern Thanalan Riding Map Other 10
Coerthas Central Highlands Riding Map Coerthas Central Highlands Riding Map Other 10 Mor Dhona Riding Map Mor Dhona Riding Map Other 10
Griffin Hatchling Griffin Hatchling Minion 7 Aurelia Polyp Aurelia Polyp Minion 7
Hrodric Poisontongue Card Hrodric Poisontongue Card Triple Triad Card 7 Diabolos Hollow Card Diabolos Hollow Card Triple Triad Card 7
Shinryu Card Shinryu Card Triple Triad Card 7 Flibbertigibbet Orchestrion Roll Flibbertigibbet Orchestrion Roll Orchestrion Roll 7
Piece of Mind Orchestrion Roll Piece of Mind Orchestrion Roll Orchestrion Roll 7 Magicked Prism (Job Mastery) Magicked Prism (Job Mastery) x10 Seasonal Miscellany 7

The Hunt for Scripture[]

Irregular Tomestone of Scripture
Item Category Tomestones Item Category Tomestones
Mameshiba Earring Mameshiba Earring Earrings 100 Euphonious Kamuy Fife Euphonious Kamuy Fife Other 50
Modern Aesthetics - Controlled Chaos Modern Aesthetics - Controlled Chaos Miscellany 50 Primogenitor Orchestrion Roll Primogenitor Orchestrion Roll Orchestrion roll 50
Ostensibly Special Timeworn Map Ostensibly Special Timeworn Map x 2 Miscellany 30 Tamamo Headband Tamamo Headband Head 30
Drake Horn Drake Horn Other 30 Laurel Goobbue Horn Laurel Goobbue Horn Other 30
Aithon Whistle Aithon Whistle Other 30 Boreas Whistle Boreas Whistle Other 30
White Lanner Whistle White Lanner Whistle Other 30 Rose Lanner Whistle Rose Lanner Whistle Other 30
MGP Platinum Card MGP Platinum Card Miscellany 30 Botanist's Garden Botanist's Garden Outdoor Furnishing 30
Lily Floor Lamp Lily Floor Lamp Furnishing 30 Lily Wall Lamp Lily Wall Lamp Wall-mounted 30
Simple Curtain Simple Curtain Wall-mounted 30 Oasis Wall-mounted Fountain Oasis Wall-mounted Fountain Wall-mounted 30
Late Allagan Mask of Maiming Late Allagan Mask of Maiming Head 15 Late Allagan Armor of Maiming Late Allagan Armor of Maiming Body 15
Late Allagan Gloves of Maiming Late Allagan Gloves of Maiming Hands 15 Late Allagan Bottoms of Maiming Late Allagan Bottoms of Maiming Legs 15
Late Allagan Sollerets of Maiming Late Allagan Sollerets of Maiming Feet 15 Late Allagan Mask of Striking Late Allagan Mask of Striking Head 15
Late Allagan Armor of Striking Late Allagan Armor of Striking Body 15 Late Allagan Gloves of Striking Late Allagan Gloves of Striking Hands 15
Late Allagan Bottoms of Striking Late Allagan Bottoms of Striking Legs 15 Late Allagan Sollerets of Striking Feet 15
Late Allagan Mask of Scouting Late Allagan Mask of Scouting Head 15 Late Allagan Armor of Scouting Late Allagan Armor of Scouting Body 15
Late Allagan Gloves of Scouting Late Allagan Gloves of Scouting Hands 15 Late Allagan Bottoms of Scouting Late Allagan Bottoms of Scouting Legs 15
Late Allagan Sollerets of Scouting Late Allagan Sollerets of Scouting Feet 15 Middle La Noscea Riding Map Middle La Noscea Riding Map Other 10
Lower La Noscea Riding Map Lower La Noscea Riding Map Other 10 Eastern La Noscea Riding Map Eastern La Noscea Riding Map Other 10
Western La Noscea Riding Map Western La Noscea Riding Map Other 10 Upper La Noscea Riding Map Upper La Noscea Riding Map Other 10
Outer La Noscea Riding Map Outer La Noscea Riding Map Other 10 Behemoth Heir Behemoth Heir Minion 7
Ivon Coeurlfist Doll Ivon Coeurlfist Doll Minion 7 Guidance Node Card Guidance Node Card Triple Triad card 7
Genbu Card Genbu Card Triple Triad card 7 Argath Thadalfus Card Argath Thadalfus Card Triple Triad card 7
Indomitable Orchestrion Roll Indomitable Orchestrion Roll Orchestrion roll 7 Keepers of the Lock Orchestrion Roll Keepers of the Lock Orchestrion Roll Orchestrion roll 7
Magicked Prism (Job Mastery) Magicked Prism (Job Mastery) x10 Seasonal miscellany 1

The Hunt for Verity[]

Irregular Tomestone of Verity
Item Category Tomestones Item Category Tomestones
Demon Brick Earring Demon Brick Earring Earrings 100 Lunar Kamuy Fife Lunar Kamuy Fife Other (mount) 50
Ufiti Horn Ufiti Horn Other (mount) 50 Wind-up Elvaan Wind-up Elvaan Minion 50
Modern Aesthetics - Saintly Style Modern Aesthetics - Saintly Style Miscellany (hairstyle) 50 eScape Orchestrion Roll eScape Orchestrion Roll Orchestrion roll 50
Ballroom Etiquette - The Winsome Wallflower Ballroom Etiquette - The Winsome Wallflower Miscellany (emote) 30 Ostensibly Special Timeworn Map Ostensibly Special Timeworn Map x2 Miscellany (treasure map) 30
Thundercloud Thundercloud Lancer's arm 30 Behemoth Knives Behemoth Knives Rogue's arm 30
Heavy Behemoth Helm Heavy Behemoth Helm Head 30 Behemoth Helm Behemoth Helm Head 30
Behemoth Mask Behemoth Mask Head 30 Ring of Lasting Shelter Ring of Lasting Shelter Ring 30
Pixie Earrings Pixie Earrings Earrings 30 Elbst Horn Elbst Horn Other (mount) 30
Bomb Palanquin Horn Bomb Palanquin Horn Other (mount) 30 Gullfaxi Whistle Gullfaxi Whistle Other (mount) 30
Markab Whistle Markab Whistle Other (mount) 30 Round Lanner Whistle Round Lanner Whistle Other (mount) 30
Warring Lanner Whistle Warring Lanner Whistle Other (mount) 30 MGP Platinum Card MGP Platinum Card Miscellany 30
Steppe Bed Steppe Bed Furnishing (bed) 30 Siphon Coffee Brewer Siphon Coffee Brewer Tabletop 30
Fat Cat Wall Chronometer Fat Cat Wall Chronometer Wall-mounted 30 Bomb Cauldron Bomb Cauldron Furnishing 30
Ronkan Rocking Chair Ronkan Rocking Chair Furnishing (chair) 30 Neo-Ishgardian Cap of Aiming Neo-Ishgardian Cap of Aiming Head 15
Neo-Ishgardian Top of Aiming Neo-Ishgardian Top of Aiming Body 15 Neo-Ishgardian Gloves of Aiming Neo-Ishgardian Gloves of Aiming Hands 15
Neo-Ishgardian Bottoms of Aiming Neo-Ishgardian Bottoms of Aiming Legs 15 Neo-Ishgardian Boots of Aiming Neo-Ishgardian Boots of Aiming Feet 15
Western Thanalan Riding Map Western Thanalan Riding Map Other (riding map) 10 Central Thanalan Riding Map Central Thanalan Riding Map Other (riding map) 10
Eastern Thanalan Riding Map Eastern Thanalan Riding Map Other (riding map) 10 Southern Thanalan Riding Map Southern Thanalan Riding Map Other (riding map) 10
Northern Thanalan Riding Map Northern Thanalan Riding Map Other (riding map) 10 Biggs & Wedge Card Biggs & Wedge Card Triple Triad card 10
Frixio Card Frixio Card Triple Triad card 10 Qitian Dasheng Card Qitian Dasheng Card Triple Triad card 7
Yiazmat Card Yiazmat Card Triple Triad card 7 Tora-jiro Tora-jiro Minion 7
Hedgehoglet Hedgehoglet Minion 7 Seven Hundred Seventy-Seven Whiskers Orchestrion Roll Seven Hundred Seventy-Seven Whiskers Orchestrion Roll Orchestrion roll 7
Magicked Prism (Job Mastery) Magicked Prism (Job Mastery) x10 Seasonal miscellany (magicked prism) 1

The Hunt for Creation[]

Item Category Tomestones Item Category Tomestones
Namazu Neckerchief Namazu Neckerchief Necklace 100 Hallowed Kamuy Fife Hallowed Kamuy Fife Other (mount) 50
Albino Karakul Horn Albino Karakul Horn Other (mount) 50 Falcon Ignition Key Falcon Ignition Key Other (mount) 50
Ballroom Etiquette - Overzealous Affirmations Ballroom Etiquette - Overzealous Affirmations Miscellany (emote) 50 The Ancient City Orchestrion Roll The Ancient City Orchestrion Roll Orchestrion roll 50
Heartless Orchestrion Roll Heartless Orchestrion Roll Orchestrion roll 50 Ballroom Etiquette - Intelligent Impressions Ballroom Etiquette - Intelligent Impressions Miscellany (emote) 30
Ishgardian Half Barding Ishgardian Half Barding Other (Chocobo barding) 30 Spotted Fedora Spotted Fedora Head 30
Spotted Spencer Spotted Spencer Body 30 Drake Horn Drake Horn Other (mount) 30
Direwolf Whistle Direwolf Whistle Other (mount) 30 Xanthos Whistle Xanthos Whistle Other (mount) 30
Enbarr Whistle Enbarr Whistle Other (mount) 30 Dark Lanner Whistle Dark Lanner Whistle Other (mount) 30
Sophic Lanner Whistle Sophic Lanner Whistle Other (mount) 30 MGP Platinum Card MGP Platinum Card Miscellany 30
Brick Garden Wall Brick Garden Wall Outdoor furnishing 20 Marble Alcove Bed Marble Alcove Bed Furnishing 20
Mahogany Aqueduct Mahogany Aqueduct Furnishing 20 Indoor Pond Indoor Pond Furnishing 20
Barrel Table Barrel Table Tabletop 20 Giant Beaver Burger Set Giant Beaver Burger Set Tabletop 20
Stage Curtain Stage Curtain Wall-mounted 20 Augmented Lost Allagan Surcoat of Fending Augmented Lost Allagan Surcoat of Fending Body 15
Augmented Lost Allagan Surcoat of Maiming Augmented Lost Allagan Surcoat of Maiming Body 15 Augmented Lost Allagan Coat of Striking Augmented Lost Allagan Coat of Striking Body 15
Augmented Lost Allagan Jacket of Scouting Augmented Lost Allagan Jacket of Scouting Body 15 Augmented Lost Allagan Jacket of Aiming Augmented Lost Allagan Jacket of Aiming Body 15
Augmented Lost Allagan Coat of Casting Augmented Lost Allagan Coat of Casting Body 15 Augmented Lost Allagan Coat of Healing Augmented Lost Allagan Coat of Healing Body 15
Central Shroud Riding Map Central Shroud Riding Map Other (riding map) 10 East Shroud Riding Map East Shroud Riding Map Other (riding map) 10
South Shroud Riding Map South Shroud Riding Map Other (riding map) 10 North Shroud Riding Map North Shroud Riding Map Other (riding map) 10
Mor Dhona Riding Map Mor Dhona Riding Map Other (riding map) 10 Coerthas Central Highlands Riding Map Coerthas Central Highlands Riding Map Other (riding map) 10
Mutamix Bubblypots Card Mutamix Bubblypots Card Triple Triad card 10 Memeroon Card Memeroon Card Triple Triad card 10
Mist Dragon Card Mist Dragon Card Triple Triad card 7 Ultima, the High Seraph Card Ultima, the High Seraph Card Triple Triad card 7
Wind-up Meateater Wind-up Meateater Minion 7 Smoulder Orchestrion Roll Smoulder Orchestrion Roll Orchestrion roll 7
Coming Home Orchestrion Roll Coming Home Orchestrion Roll Orchestrion roll 7 Magicked Prism (Job Mastery) Magicked Prism (Job Mastery) x10 Seasonal miscellany (magicked prism) 1

The Hunt for Mendacity[]

Item Category Tomestones Item Category Tomestones
Porxie Earrings Earrings 100 Magitek Predator Identification Key Magitek Predator Identification Key Other (mount) 50
Ixion Clarion Ixion Clarion Other (mount) 50 Megalotragus Horn Megalotragus Horn Other (mount) 50
A Long Fall Orchestrion Roll A Long Fall Orchestrion Roll Orchestrion roll 50 Modern Aesthetics - Gyr Abanian Plait Modern Aesthetics - Gyr Abanian Plait Miscellany (hairstyle) 50
Ballroom Etiquette - Emphatic Elucidation Ballroom Etiquette - Emphatic Elucidation Miscellany (emote) 30 Ostensibly Special Timeworn Map Ostensibly Special Timeworn Map x2 Miscellany (treasure map) 30
Qiqirn Earring Qiqirn Earring Earrings 30 Laurel Goobbue Horn Laurel Goobbue Horn Other (mount) 30
Elbst Horn Elbst Horn Other (mount) 30 Aithon Whistle Aithon Whistle Other (mount) 30
Nightmare Whistle Nightmare Whistle Other (mount) 30 White Lanner Whistle White Lanner Whistle Other (mount) 30
Demonic Lanner Whistle Demonic Lanner Whistle Other (mount) 30 Enbarr Whistle Enbarr Whistle Other (mount) 30
Reveling Kamuy Fife Reveling Kamuy Fife Other (mount) 30 Blissful Kamuy Fife Blissful Kamuy Fife Other (mount) 30
MGP Platinum Card MGP Platinum Card Miscellany 30 Floor Sofa Floor Sofa Furnishing 20
Red Brick Kitchen Red Brick Kitchen Outdoor furnishing 20 Nomad's Tent Nomad's Tent Outdoor furnishing 20
Oriental Wooden Deck Oriental Wooden Deck Outdoor furnishing 20 Swag Valance Swag Valance Wall-mounted 20
Homemade Cookie Set Homemade Cookie Set Tabletop 20 Florist's Counter Florist's Counter Furnishing 20
Bonewicca Protector's Coat Bonewicca Protector's Coat Body 15 Bonewicca Skinner's Mail Bonewicca Skinner's Mail Body 15
Bonewicca Wildling's Jacket Bonewicca Wildling's Jacket Body 15 Bonewicca Shadow's Chestpiece Bonewicca Shadow's Chestpiece Body 15
Bonewicca Tracker's Coat Bonewicca Tracker's Coat Body 15 Bonewicca Whisperer's Jacket Bonewicca Whisperer's Jacket Body 15
Bonewicca Soother's Chestpiece Bonewicca Soother's Chestpiece Body 15 Middle La Noscea Riding Map Middle La Noscea Riding Map Other (riding map) 10
Lower La Noscea Riding Map Lower La Noscea Riding Map Other (riding map) 10 Eastern La Noscea Riding Map Eastern La Noscea Riding Map Other (riding map) 10
Western La Noscea Riding Map Western La Noscea Riding Map Other (riding map) 10 Upper La Noscea Riding Map Upper La Noscea Riding Map Other (riding map) 10
Outer La Noscea Riding Map Outer La Noscea Riding Map Other (riding map) 10 Gaelicat Card Gaelicat Card Triple Triad card 10
Vanu Vanu Card Vanu Vanu Card Triple Triad card 10 Byakko Card Byakko Card Triple Triad card 7
Prometheus Card Prometheus Card Triple Triad card 7 Wind-up Succubus Wind-up Succubus Minion 7
Black Hayate Black Hayate Minion 7 Flibbertigibbet Orchestrion Roll Flibbertigibbet Orchestrion Roll Orchestrion roll 7
Piece of Mind Orchestrion Roll Piece of Mind Orchestrion Roll Orchestrion roll 7 Magicked Prism (Job Mastery) Magicked Prism (Job Mastery) x10 Seasonal miscellany (magicked prism) 1

The 10th Anniversary Hunt[]

Item Category Tomestones Item Category Tomestones
ten year anniversary framer's kit Miscellany (framer's kit) 10 Fat Cat Parasol Fat Cat Parasol Miscellany (fashion accessory) 100
Warrior of Light Card Warrior of Light Card Triple Triad card 100 Modern Aesthetics - Both Ways Modern Aesthetics - Both Ways Miscellany (hairstyle) 100
Samurai Barding Samurai Barding Other (barding) 100 Ballroom Etiquette - Insufficient Petticoats Ballroom Etiquette - Insufficient Petticoats Miscellany (emote) 80
Ballroom Etiquette - Excessive Petticoats Ballroom Etiquette - Excessive Petticoats Miscellany (emote) 50 Ballroom Etiquette - Uncouth Congratulations Ballroom Etiquette - Uncouth Congratulations Miscellany (emote) 50
Ballroom Etiquette - Next, Godliness Ballroom Etiquette - Next, Godliness Miscellany (emote) 50 Ballroom Etiquette - Pointed Misgivings Ballroom Etiquette - Pointed Misgivings Miscellany (emote) 50
Fae Gwiber Trumpet Fae Gwiber Trumpet Other (mount) 50 Big Shell Whistle Big Shell Whistle Other (mount) 50
Tyrannosaur Horn Tyrannosaur Horn Other (mount) 50 Disembodied Head Resonator Disembodied Head Resonator Other (mount) 50
Answers Orchestrion Roll Answers Orchestrion Roll Orchestrion roll 50 To the Edge Orchestrion Roll To the Edge Orchestrion Roll Orchestrion roll 50
The Final Day Orchestrion Roll The Final Day Orchestrion Roll Orchestrion roll 50 Modern Aesthetics - Styled for Hire Modern Aesthetics - Styled for Hire Miscellany (hairstyle) 50
Shoebill Shoebill Minion 50 Forgiven Hate Forgiven Hate Minion 50
Verdant Partition Verdant Partition Furnishing 50 Reveling Kamuy Fife Reveling Kamuy Fife Other (mount) 30
Blissful Kamuy Fife Blissful Kamuy Fife Other (mount) 30 Legendary Kamuy Fife Legendary Kamuy Fife Other (mount) 30
Auspicious Kamuy Fife Auspicious Kamuy Fife Other (mount) 30 Lunar Kamuy Fife Lunar Kamuy Fife Other (mount) 30
Euphonious Kamuy Fife Euphonious Kamuy Fife Other (mount) 30 Hallowed Kamuy Fife Hallowed Kamuy Fife Other (mount) 30
Dancing Mad - Movement I Orchestrion Roll Dancing Mad - Movement I Orchestrion Roll Orchestrion roll 30 Dancing Mad - Movement II Orchestrion Roll Dancing Mad - Movement II Orchestrion Roll Orchestrion roll 30
Dancing Mad - Movement III Orchestrion Roll Dancing Mad - Movement III Orchestrion Roll Orchestrion roll 30 Sky Blue Parasol Sky Blue Parasol Miscellany (fashion accessory) 30
Toad Head Toad Head Head 30 Toad Suit Toad Suit Body 30
Skylight Chandelier Skylight Chandelier Ceiling light 20 Rustic Chocobo Counter Rustic Chocobo Counter Table 20
Wood Slat Partition Wood Slat Partition Furnishing 20 Paissa Swing Chair Paissa Swing Chair Furnishing 20
La Noscean Grape Pergola La Noscean Grape Pergola Outdoor furnishing 20 Fruitful Fountain Fruitful Fountain Outdooor furnishing 20
Cloud Acorn Chandelier Cloud Acorn Chandelier Ceiling light 20 Gnath Card Gnath Card Triple Triad card 10
Yugiri Mistwalker Card Yugiri Mistwalker Card Triple Triad card 10 Suzaku Card Suzaku Card Triple Triad card 7
Ultima, the High Seraph Card Ultima, the High Seraph Card Triple Triad card 7 Paissa Patissier Paissa Patissier Minion 7
Paissa Threadpuller Paissa Threadpuller Minion 7 Treasure Box Treasure Box Minion 7
Fat Cat Fat Cat Minion 7 The Garden's Gates Orchestrion Roll The Garden's Gates Orchestrion Roll Orchestrion roll 7
Scarf of Wondrous Wit Scarf of Wondrous Wit Head 1 Goobbue Earring Goobbue Earring Earrings 1
Dodo Earring Dodo Earring Earrings 1 Cactuar Earring Cactuar Earring Earrings 1
Bomb Earrings Bomb Earrings Earrings 1 Coblyn Earring Coblyn Earring Earrings 1
Taoist Moogle Taoist Moogle Minion 1 Magicked Prism (Job Mastery) Magicked Prism (Job Mastery) x10 Seasonal miscellany (magicked prism) 1

The First Hunt for Genesis[]

Item Category Tomestones Item Category Tomestones
Mameshiba Neckerchief Mameshiba Neckerchief Necklace 100 Antelope Doe Horn Antelope Doe Horn Other (mount) 50
Titania Barding Titania Barding Other (barding) 50 Modern Aesthetics - Modern Legend Modern Aesthetics - Modern Legend Miscellany (hairstyle) 50
Yukinko Snowflake Yukinko Snowflake Minion 50 Dhalmel Whistle Dhalmel Whistle Other (mount) 30
Ultima Horns Ultima Horns Head 30 Decisions (Omega) orchestrion roll Orchestrion roll 30
Twilight over Thanalan Orchestrion Roll Twilight over Thanalan Orchestrion Roll Orchestrion roll 30 Ostensibly Special Timeworn Map Ostensibly Special Timeworn Map x2 Miscellany (treasure map) 30
Bomb Palanquin Horn Bomb Palanquin Horn Other (mount) 30 Boreas Whistle Boreas Whistle Other (mount) 30
Rose Lanner Whistle Rose Lanner Whistle Other (mount) 30 Legendary Kamuy Fife Legendary Kamuy Fife Other (mount) 30
MGP Platinum Card MGP Platinum Card Miscellany 30 Back Bar Back Bar Table 20
Pixie Apple Basket Pixie Apple Basket Tabletop 20 Bar Rack Bar Rack Wall-mounted 20
Late Allagan Armor of Fending Late Allagan Armor of Fending Body 15 Late Allagan Armor of Maiming Late Allagan Armor of Maiming Body 15
Late Allagan Armor of Striking Late Allagan Armor of Striking Body 15 Deepeye Card Deepeye Card Triple Triad card 10
Archaeornis Card Archaeornis Card Triple Triad card 10 Stormblood Gilgamesh Card Stormblood Gilgamesh Card Triple Triad card 7
Titania Card Titania Card Triple Triad card 7 Little Leannan Little Leannan Minion 7
Griffin Hatchling Griffin Hatchling Minion 7 Indomitable Orchestrion Roll Indomitable Orchestrion Roll Orchestrion roll 7
Magicked Prism (Job Mastery) Magicked Prism (Job Mastery) x10 Seasonal miscellany (magicked prism) 1

The Second Hunt for Genesis[]

Item Category Tomestones Item Category Tomestones
Emerald Carbuncle Earring Emerald Carbuncle Earring Earrings 100 Ufiti Horn Ufiti Horn Other (mount) 50
Gabriel α Identification Key Gabriel α Identification Key Other (mount) 50 Domakin Domakin Minion 50
Blinding Indigo Orchestrion Roll Blinding Indigo Orchestrion Roll Orchestrion roll 50 Ala Mhigan Barding Ala Mhigan Barding Other (barding) 30
On Windy Meadows Orchestrion Roll On Windy Meadows Orchestrion Roll Orchestrion roll 30 Cheerful Checkered Parasol Cheerful Checkered Parasol Miscellany (fashion accessory) 30
potentially special timeworn map x2 Miscellany (treasure map) 30 Direwolf Whistle Direwolf Whistle Other (mount) 30
Gullfaxi Whistle Gullfaxi Whistle Other (mount) 30 Auspicious Kamuy Fife Auspicious Kamuy Fife Other (mount) 30
MGP Platinum Card MGP Platinum Card Miscellany 30 Philosopher's Stone Table Philosopher's Stone Table Table 20
Crystarium Wardrobe Crystarium Wardrobe Furnishing 20 Low Bookshelf Low Bookshelf Table 20
Late Allagan Armor of Scouting Late Allagan Armor of Scouting Body 15 Late Allagan Armor of Aiming Late Allagan Armor of Aiming Body 15
Late Allagan Coat of Healing Late Allagan Coat of Healing Body 15 Late Allagan Armor of Maiming Late Allagan Armor of Maiming Body 15
Late Allagan Coat of Casting Late Allagan Coat of Casting Body 15 Paissa Card Paissa Card Triple Triad card 10
Dhalmel Card Dhalmel Card Triple Triad card 10 Innocence Card Innocence Card Triple Triad card 7
9S Card 9S Card Triple Triad card 7 Petit Pteranodon Petit Pteranodon Minion 7
Behemoth Heir Behemoth Heir Minion 7 Keepers of the Lock Orchestrion Roll Keepers of the Lock Orchestrion Roll Orchestrion roll 7
Magicked Prism (Job Mastery) Magicked Prism (Job Mastery) x10 Seasonal miscellany (magicked prism) 1

The Hunt for Goetia[]

Item Category Tomestones Item Category Tomestones
donut earring Earrings 100 Great Serpent of Ringa Great Serpent of Ringa Ring 50
Innocent Gwiber Trumpet Innocent Gwiber Trumpet Other (mount) 50 Alte Roite Prism Alte Roite Prism Other (mount) 50
Hades Barding Hades Barding Other (barding) 50 Modern Aesthetics - Early to Rise Miscellany (hairstyle) 50
Twice Stricken Orchestrion Roll Twice Stricken Orchestrion Roll Orchestrion roll 30 Ballroom Etiquette - Dark Entreaty Ballroom Etiquette - Dark Entreaty Miscellany (emote) 50
Ballroom Etiquette - Ideal Gossip Ballroom Etiquette - Ideal Gossip Miscellany (emote) 30 Casual Attire Coffer Casual Attire Coffer Miscellany (gear coffer) 30
Towels Towels Tabletop 30 MGP Platinum Card MGP Platinum Card Miscellany 30
Drake Horn Drake Horn Other (mount) 30 Laurel Goobbue Horn Laurel Goobbue Horn Other (mount) 30
Lunar Kamuy Fife Lunar Kamuy Fife Other (mount) 30 Euphonious Kamuy Fife Euphonious Kamuy Fife Other (mount) 30
Qiqirn Shelf Qiqirn Shelf Table 20 Mogbureau Mogbureau Table 20
Glade GazeboGlade Gazebo Glade GazeboGlade Gazebo Outdoor furnishing 20 Garden Tool Shelf Garden Tool Shelf Outdoor furnishing 20
Heavenly Ornamental Array Heavenly Ornamental Array Wall-mounted 15 Wind-up Amalj'aa Wind-up Amalj'aa Minion 15
Shisui Joi of Fending Shisui Joi of Fending Body 15 Shisui Kohakama of Fending Shisui Kohakama of Fending Legs 15
Shisui Joi of Maiming Shisui Joi of Maiming Body 15 Shisui Kohakama of Maiming Shisui Kohakama of Maiming Legs 15
Shisui Joi of Striking Shisui Joi of Striking Body 15 Shisui Kohakama of Striking Shisui Kohakama of Striking Legs 15
Shisui Joi of Scouting Shisui Joi of Scouting Body 15 Shisui Kohakama of Scouting Shisui Kohakama of Scouting Legs 15
Shisui Joi of Aiming Shisui Joi of Aiming Body 15 Shisui Kohakama of Aiming Shisui Kohakama of Aiming Legs 15
Shisui Joi of Casting Shisui Joi of Casting Body 15 Shisui Kohakama of Casting Shisui Kohakama of Casting Legs 15
Shisui Joi of Healing Shisui Joi of Healing Body 15 Shisui Kohakama of Healing Shisui Kohakama of Healing Legs 15
Seemingly Special Timeworn Map Seemingly Special Timeworn Map Miscellany (treasure map) 15 Ostensibly Special Timeworn Map Ostensibly Special Timeworn Map Miscellany (treasure map) 15
potentially special timeworn map Miscellany (treasure map) 15 Coerthas Western Highlands Riding Map Coerthas Western Highlands Riding Map Other (riding map) 10
Dravanian Forelands Riding Map Dravanian Forelands Riding Map Other (riding map) 10 Dravanian Hinterlands Riding Map Dravanian Hinterlands Riding Map Other (riding map) 10
Fringes Riding Map Fringes Riding Map Other (riding map) 10 Peaks hinterlands riding map Other (riding map) 10
Lochs Riding Map Lochs Riding Map Other (riding map) 10 Bandersnatch Card Bandersnatch Card Triple Triad card 10
Crawler Card Crawler Card Triple Triad card 10 Tsukuyomi Card Tsukuyomi Card Triple Triad card 7
Hades Card Hades Card Triple Triad card 7 2P Card 2P Card Triple Triad card 7
Wind-up Nu Mou Wind-up Nu Mou Minion 7 Armadillo Bowler Armadillo Bowler Minion 7
Seven Hundred Seventy-Seven Whiskers Orchestrion Roll Seven Hundred Seventy-Seven Whiskers Orchestrion Roll Orchestrion roll 7 Curiel Root Curiel Root x6 Miscellany (chocobo feed) 5
Magicked Prism (Job Mastery) Magicked Prism (Job Mastery) Seasonal miscellany (magicked prism) 1