Moogle Intel, also known as Moogle Mischief, is a minigame in Final Fantasy VII Rebirth, and one of many types of World Intel. One Moogle Intel objective appears in each region of the game (aside from the Corel Region with two), as a mogstool for the region reveals a moogle habitat. Completing the objective unlocks that region's moogle shop, which sells rare items such as Maghnata books, in exchange for moogle medals.
The minigame requires Cloud Strife to herd a group of moogles back into the hut. The player must chase them all under the conditions.
How to play[]
The minigame requires Cloud to chase all mooglets back into the mogstool. The moogles will ran away from Cloud in the direction he is facing when he runs toward them, but Cloud can grab them if they are temporarily knocked out, such as by luring them to a whirlwind.
Most of the moogles are harmless and must simply be guided back to the hut. Some will be surrounded by hazards such as tornadoes, and others will throw bombs at Cloud. These must be avoided, as sustaining three hits will fail the minigame.
Prairie Moogle[]
Grasslands is home to Moogle Intel: Prairie Moogle, found just southeast of Bill's Ranch. Five mooglets—Mokey, Molala, Moog, Molulu, and Mosh—must be guided back to the mogstool.
There is no time limit for this objective, and few hazards. The mooglets will fire magic at Cloud, which can easily be dodged with rolling or running past them, while Moog drops bombs on the ground that can be avoided, and Mokey drops banana peels that are also avoidable. As such this is a straightforward objective.
Mariner Moogle[]
Junon Region is home to Moogle Intel: Mariner Moogle, found on the eastern part of the region but just west of Crow's Nest. The five mooglets are hidden across a larger map, and whirlwinds appear to grant opportunities to grab the mooglets. There is however no time limit, and the hazards are the same as in Prairie Moogle.
Tropical Moogle[]
Moogle Intel 1: Tropical Moogle is the first of two Moogle Intel objectives in the Corel Region, and is found west of Costa del Sol. The five mooglets are hidden across a larger map, with several islands spaced out from the mogstool.
The mooglets have the same hazards as before but in larger numbers (for instance, fire more magic attacks, and throw more bombs). If a mooglet is accidentally guided over the sea, Cloud must swim to guide it back on land to guide it again, preferably toward a whirlwind to catch it and make this easier. There is once again no time limit.
Wasteland Moogle[]
Moogle Intel 2: Wasteland Moogle is the second Moogle Intel objective in the Corel Region, found in the desert, far southeast of the Gold Saucer.
A larger map is used for this Moogle Mischief objective, with switches on the ground to create whirlwinds there when needed. The mooglets fire more sophisticated hazards however, which are crucial to avoid. However, the lack of time limit means that the only key here is to be patient with avoiding them when guiding them toward the mogstool.
Woodland Moogle[]
Moogle Intel: Woodland Moogle is found in the Gongaga Region, centrally to the south.
This challenge has a four minute time limit, and mooglets use the same hazards as before. It is therefore important to be efficient with time by rounding up mooglets close together. Three mooglets are found on the island with the stool, while Molulu and Molala are on islands in a distant, and can be caught later.
Some fences have gaps in them that Cloud cannot use, but can guide the mooglets over them to get around the more quickly. For this, the aim is to be quick and efficient while avoiding hazards, meaning that Cloud's runs must be well-aimed to guide them efficiently and that shortcuts can be taken. For instance, Molulu and Molala can be guided from their islands fairly easily by swimming toward the main island.
Highlands Moogle[]
Moogle Intel: Highlands Moogle is found in the Cosmo Canyon Region, to the south.
This challenge has a 3:30 minute time limit, meaning that once again efficiency must be practiced while avoiding hazards. The mushroom jump pads serve as a good way of jumping around the area fairly quicklythe whirlwind switches can help often during the minigame.
Highland Moogle[]
Moogle Intel: Highland Moogle is found in the Nibel Region, just south of Nibelheim.
The challenge has a three minute time limit, and has all elements introduced in previous Moogle Mischief challenges. Mokey is on a distant island, while the others are all located on the island closest to the mogstool. It is therefore ideal to guide Mokey back first (using the whirlwind switch will help), and use the remaining time to catch the others with a mix of whirlwinds and well-aimed runs.