Final Fantasy Wiki

The Monster Carnival is an event hosted by King Mog in Final Fantasy Brave Exvius. The event is a collaboration with the Dragon Quest franchise, so it incorporates time limited rewards and units.


The event features a time-limited exclusive banner featuring the following units, their description and Trust Master Reward are as follows:

  • Dragonlord: The main antagonist of the first Dragon Quest game. He's a Magic Damage unit with a 5★ base rarity. He's an extremely powerful finisher with his Kafrizzle spell which has a very high modifier (x20). His Trust Master Reward the Domineering Spirit bestows high HP/MP regen to a unit and fills the LB bar, in essence the same as Ayaka's trust master reward.
  • Orochi: A recurring monster from the series. It is a Physical and Magic Damage unit with a 4★ base rarity. It can attack with both Fire and Ice elements although its forte is Physical Damage. Its Trust Master Reward is the Instinctual Guard which bestows 40% ATK and a DEF/SPR boost when HP drops below 50%.
  • Liquid Metal Slime: A recurring monster from the series. It is a Tank unit with a 4★ base rarity. It is a very unique unit with absurdly high base stats, having 999 DEF and 500 SPR, along with 80% resistance to Physical and Magic Damage and a 50% resistance to all elements. To compensate for this its HP is extremely low, however, requires additional abilities and his own Limit Burst to Tank properly and can only equip accessories, having no ability slots. It is highly sought for his unique properties and if needed to, yields 3 million experience when infused, enough to maximize any 6★ unit from Lvl 1 to 100 in one go. Its Trust Master Reward is the Slime Shield which has great DEF boost and immunity to several status ailments.
  • Killing Machine: A recurring monster from the series. It is a Physical Damage unit with a 4★ base rarity. Its damage modifiers are overall low, but can inflict status ailments. Its Trust Master Reward the Trauminator Sword is a powerful Sword embedded with Machine Killer making it a good weapon to acquire.
  • Golem: A recurring monster from the series. It is a Tank and Physical Damage unit with a 3★ base rarity. Its attacks and buff abilities are overall very weak and has low stat boosts. Its Trust Master Reward the Mighty Defense, provides a 40% DEF boost.
  • Robbin' 'Ood: A recurring monster from the series. It is a Physical Damage unit with a 3★ base rarity. Its damage modifiers are very low and has almost null stat boosts, overall a weak unit. Its Trust Master Reward, the Moon Axe is a potent Axe with 125 ATK and can Confuse enemies.
  • Slime: A recurring monster from the series and the franchise's mascot character. It is a Support unit with a 3★ base rarity. It is capable of Magic Damage, Heal and inflict Status Ailments but its modifiers are overall very low. Unlike the rest of the units this one is given for free while logging during the event's duration. Its Trust Master Reward is the Scorch, a decently strong Fire Magic Damage ability.

Differences between versions[]

The Japanese and International versions of the game have differences with one another. For one the units abilities have different modifiers that make the international releases more powerful than the Japanese ones, with ability enhancements scheduled for the event's second week. The Trust Master Rewards have also been modified to be more powerful internationally. The exclusive equipment has also gained slight boosts in power and notorious decreases in event currency cost. For example the Erdrick Sword costed 300,000 Gold in Japan while it costs a mere 120,000 Gold in the International version.
