Eorzea was destroyed by a force of unimaginable power raining down from the sky. It is the dawn of a new age!
The following is a list of Monk Quests from Final Fantasy XIV version 1.0.
Brother from Another Mother[]
- Journal
- Gagaruna of the Platinum Mirage has asked you to see to the protection of Professor Erik, an eminent scholar of Eorzean military history. Go and find this learned man at Ul'dah's chocobo stables, and guard his life with yours.
- You have learned that Professor Erik means to study Eorzea's ancient battlefields using a revolutionary new method. His survey will begin with one such site closely related to the now centuries-dead nation of Sil'dih. Travel to Mythril Pit T-8, located to the south of Camp Drybone. There slay the indigenous runagate imps to ensure the Professor's well-being.
※ Up to three party members may accompany you. (Recommended)
※ The next monk quest will be available from Erik upon reaching level 35.
Insulted Intelligence[]
- Journal
- Professor Erik has asked that you aid him in measuring the aether concentrations of ancient battlefields. You are to travel to the area south of Cedarwood in lower La Noscea. There put down the beast known as Gluttonous Gertrude. Only after eliminating the dire threat she poses to the Professor's research can you safely use the brand-new aetheriometer he has provided.
※ It is recommended that three party members accompany you.
※ The next monk quest will be available from Erik upon reaching level 40.
The Pursuit of Power[]
- Journal
- The Professor is satisfied with the results of the measurements you took, and has requested that you aid him with two further tasks. You are to first collect the aetheriometer kept by Widargelt, after which he asks that you measure the aetherial concentration of the Mun-Tuy Cellars. Begin by heading south of Camp Drybone in southern Thanalan to Little Ala Mhigo, and seek out Widargelt.
- Widargelt suspiciously informs you that his aether measurements are not yet complete. While waiting for his aetheriometer, see to the Professor's second task. Head to the North Shroud and find the Mun-Tuy Cellars, which lie to the north of Emerald Moss. Before safely taking your measurements, you will need to defeat yet another enemy of science and knowing—the Prince of Pestilence.
※ It is recommended that three party members accompany you.
- You have defeated the Prince of Pestilence near the Mun-Tuy Cellars. Now find a suitable location for the outdated aetheriometer and carry out the measurements requested by the Professor.
※ The next monk quest will be available from Erik upon reaching level 45.
Good Vibrations[]
- Journal
- Professor Erik is absolutely livid that you and Widargelt took measurements at the same location. After careful consideration of the results, however, he is on the verge of formulating yet another revolutionary new theory. To find the evidence he requires, take measurements in the area northwest of Camp Horizon in western Thanalan—a place where the aether is known to be in a state of great flux. Doing so will almost certainly require you to slay Apep, a basilisk known to inhabit the region.
※ It is recommended that seven party members accompany you.
※ The next monk quest is now available from Widargelt.
Five Easy Pieces[]
- Journal
- Widargelt demands to know what you have told Professor Erik about him. He goes on to share with you knowledge about the monk's garb he is wearing. It seems the garb serves to channel and amplify the power of its wearer's chakras. Travel to the following ancient battlegrounds, and there search for the four artifacts he has hidden as part of your trial.
- Dzemael Darkhold, southwest of Camp Dragonhead in the Coerthas central highlands.
- The U'Ghamaro Mines, northeast of Iron Lake in upper La Noscea.
- Turning Leaf, south of Camp Crimson Bark in the West Shroud.
- A cliff overlooking the Sagolii desert, southeast of Ul'dah.
※ The next monk quest will be available from Erik upon reaching level 50.
Return of the King...of Ruin[]
- Journal
- The release of Professor Erik's theorem has been met with accolades in the scholarly community. All attempts to contact Widargelt and share the good news, however, have failed, nor has Widargelt responded to being hailed via linkpearl. The Professor concludes that he must have set out for Silvertear Falls—the only location where it is thought possible to open the seventh chakra. Hurry to the Falls and put an end to Widargelt's ambitions before disaster strikes.
※ Up to seven party members may accompany you. (Recommended)
- You arrive at Silvertear Falls only to find you are too late. Widargelt has already opened his seventh chakra, and with his newfound powers summarily annihilated a number of Garlean soldiers. The power flowing through his chakra is too great, however, and he has lost control over it. Defeat him to quell the rampant energy surging through him.
※ Up to seven party members may accompany you. (Recommended)
- Widargelt explains that he sought power only to enable him to reclaim Ala Mhigo from the Empire's evil clutches. Already left physically devastated by the opening of his seventh chakra, Professor Erik adds insult to injury by lecturing Widargelt on the laws and ethics of power. Comfort Widargelt by speaking to him and telling him that everything is going to be just fine.