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The Monk is a job in Final Fantasy Dimensions obtained at the start of the story, and is shared by both parties.


The Monk job class gives all characters more unique clothes than the other jobs, giving a more far-eastern feel. Sol wears a red headband with matching trousers and green arm bands. Glaive wears a purple headband with matching trousers and green arm bands. Alba wears a black dress with pink lining similar to a Chinese Qipao, and wears her hair in the odango fashion.


Of the starting Jobs, Monk is the fast, damage-focused option. Monks equip light armor emphasizing evasion. Much of their armor and headgear come with status-boosting bonuses, namely to strength, speed, and vitality. The Monk is faster than the Warrior, but with lower defenses. Their weaponry consists of claws; in the mid-to-late game they get elemental claws and a few that deal bonus damage to certain enemy types, including beasts, humans, dragons, machines, and demons. Ability-wise, Monk is an all-around performer: they have good multi-target attacks, strong single-target attacks, and can heal in a pinch. Their innate command ability is Focus, which is a self-buff stackable upwards of three times that increase attack and speed for the next attack, whether it be a physical, magical, or Fusion Ability. For an endgame party, levels in Monk are highly desirable for both parties because of the Fusion Abilities they contribute towards, though this requires a full Job grind for the Warriors of Light and almost a full Job grind for the Warriors of Darkness. Final Heaven is the strongest single-target attack available to the Warriors of Light, while Phantom Rush for the Warriors of Darkness is comparable. Earlier, Gale Crescent is a solid multi-target Fusion Ability that remains the go-to physical option for Warriors of Light until the Paladin is unlocked, and Charge and Wide Slash become available.


Monks have high HP, Strength, Vitality, average Speed, and poor MP, Intellect and Mind.

1 56 6 15 9 16 1 2
10 247 19 22 12 23 2 3
20 756 36 28 16 29 2 4
30 1615 53 34 20 36 3 5
40 2696 74 41 23 43 4 6
50 3818 95 47 27 49 4 7
60 4830 117 52 30 54 5 8
70 5661 142 58 34 61 5 9
80 6307 167 63 37 67 6 10
90 6784 192 69 40 73 7 11
99 7100 215 75 43 78 7 12


Martial Arts[]

Ability Job Level AP Needed Slots Description
Kick 0 Deal damage to all enemies.
Martial Arts 1 15 2 Enable use of Martial Arts abilities.
---- 2 30
Focus 3 40 1 Charge energy raising the power of the next attack. Character can charge up to 3 times at once.
Lotus Strike 4 50 Inflict a random status ailment on one enemy (Sleep, Paralysis, Slow, Instant Death).
---- 5 65
Aurablast 6 85 Deal Holy damage to an enemy.
---- 7 100
VIT+20% 8 125 1 Increases VIT by 20%.
---- 9 150
Slot+1 10 180 Number of slots increased by one.
Riposte 11 210 1 Until your next action, there is a fixed chance to cancel and counter normal attacks.
---- 12 240
Chakra 13 280 Recover an ally's HP and cure some status ailments.
---- 14 340
Vacuum Wave 15 370 Cut an enemy's HP in half.
---- 16 410
Dropkick 17 450 Deal damage to one enemy and inflict Confuse.
Raging Fist 18 500 Damage an enemy multiple times.
Slot+1 19 540 Number of slots increased by one.
Earthshatterer 20 610 Deal Earth damage to all enemies.

Fusion Abilities[]

Levelling a Monk can help provide access to twelve Fusion Abilities; two for the Warriors of Light, six for the Warriors of Darkness, and four that are shared by both. They are:

Fusion Ability Required Abilities Use MP Needed Image Notes
Gale Crescent Sylph + Kick Both 7 FFD Gale Crescent Physical attack, about 40% more powerful than Kick. Ranged (full damage regardless of row).
Deals wind damage to all enemies.
Capoeira Kick + Drain Samba Warriors of Darkness 18 FFD-Capoeira-FAbility
Attacks with a random ability.
Self-Destruct Focus + Firaga Both 88 FF Dimensions Self Destruct
Deals damage to a single target equal to own HP and causes self to be knocked out.
Smash Lotus Strike + Precise Shot Warriors of Darkness 10 FFD Smash Physical attack. About 80% more powerful than a regular attack. Delays user's next turn.
Deals heavy damage to a single enemy and causes their wait time to increase.
Piercing Blast Aurablast + Attune Blade Both 18 FFD Piercing Blast Magic-based, pierces reflect. Slightly more powerful than tier 2 Black Magic spells.
Deals magic damage to a single target. Passes through Reflect.
Bonecrusher Riposte + Darkness Warriors of Darkness 1 FFD-Bonecrusher-FAbility
Either makes self impervious to normal attacks or take heavy damage and fiercely counter attacks until the next turn.
White Wind Chakra + Heal Breath Warriors of Light 45 FFD White Wind
Restores all allies' HP based on own HP.
Tempest Vacuum Wave + Gale Warriors of Darkness 42 FF Dimensions Tempest Intellect / magic based. Slightly more powerful than tier 3 Black Magic spells.
Deals wind damage to a single target.
Phantom Rush Dropkick + Trance Warriors of Darkness 34 FFD Phantom Rush Attack power based, 100% accuracy. About 2.3 times as powerful as a regular attack, divided between 6 hits. The sixth hit deals more damage than the first five.
Attacks a single enemy six times.
Sange Raging Fist + Image Warriors of Darkness 6 FF Dimensions Sange Minimum of 1 hit. Each hit's about 60% more powerful than a regular attack.
Attacks an enemy for a number of times equal to the number of own images.
Final Heaven Earthshatter + Holy Warriors of Light 35 Final Fantasy Dimenions Final Heaven Attack power-based, 100% accuracy. About 2.5x as powerful as a regular attack. Ranged (full damage regardless row).
Deals holy damage to a single enemy.




A monk is a person who practices religious asceticism, living either alone or with any number of other monks. A monk may be a person who decided to dedicate his life to serving all other living beings, or to be an ascetic who voluntarily chooses to leave mainstream society and live his life in prayer and contemplation. The concept is ancient and can be seen in many religions and in philosophy.
