![FF4PSP Cid Portrait](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/finalfantasy/images/0/0a/FF4PSP_Cid_Portrait.png/revision/latest?cb=20110326033556)
Oh, shut up and help me remodel the Mognet (Dissidia) page!
- adding the full text of all letters exactly as they appear in the game.
This request can be discussed on the associated discussion page. Remove this notice upon completion.
![FFVI Relm Arrowny Menu iOS](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/finalfantasy/images/7/7c/FFVI_Relm_Arrowny_Menu_iOS.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/80?cb=20140219011552)
I couldn't miss the chance to practice my drawing!
Mognet is a feature in Dissidia Final Fantasy that is connected to the calendar. Every day, the player receives one or more letters. Yellow letters, received daily, are general correspondence, whereas blue letters are from Mognet Head Office or from the traveling moogle Nomad. Most letters will arrive with 30PP attached to them, and they may also come with Friend Cards, additional PP, or sometimes even special accessories. All letters, apart from the first Mognet Head Office one and those received from Nomad, can be received repeatedly provided that the conditions are met each time.
It is possible to abuse Mognet by manipulating the PlayStation Portable clock or leaving Dissidia started up in sleep mode, the latter of which fails to reset the clock and continues counting. Unlike some handheld games, Dissidia cannot detect this exploit.
The moogle shown on the letters from Mognet Head Office is drawn in a style resembling the moogles in the Kingdom Hearts series.
Blue letters[]
Letters from Mognet Head Office are received based on the frequency with which the player plays Dissidia, while letters from Nomad contain gameplay advice. Unlike all other letters, the Nomad letters can only be obtained once per save file.
Nomad letters seem to be obtained every day after starting a new save file (apart from the day on which it is started), except on days when another blue letter is received from Mognet Head Office. Once the first of the two "Master Dissidia!" letters (number 20 below) has been received, the player receives no more letters from Nomad until an unknown trigger causes him to send the final one (number 21).
1 |
Enjoy Dissidia!
I want lots and lots of people to have fun here! Present ◊ 30PP Sender:Nomad
2 |
Enjoy Dissidia!
If Story Mode is giving you trouble, try a Quick Battle! Present ◊ 30PP Sender:Nomad
3 |
Enjoy Dissidia!
Have you done a Data install? It's a must-try for Present ◊ 30PP Sender:Nomad
4 |
Enjoy Dissidia!
If you can get hold of a friend card, you can Present ◊ 30PP Sender:Nomad
5 |
Enjoy Dissidia!
Guess what! Today I have a friend card for you! Present ◊ 30PP Sender:Nomad
6 |
Enjoy Dissidia!
I know what you're feeling—you've been trying to Present ◊ 30PP Sender:Nomad
7 |
Enjoy Dissidia!
Hey! Paying attention to your calendar Present ◊ 30PP Sender:Nomad
8 |
Enjoy Dissidia!
Don't be afraid to check out the Options Menu. Present ◊ 30PP Sender:Nomad
9 |
Enjoy Dissidia!
Made any artifacts yet? Present ◊ 30PP Sender:Nomad
10 |
Enjoy Dissidia!
Have you checked out Character Viewer yet? Present ◊ 30PP Sender:Nomad
11 |
Enjoy Dissidia!
Been using the Battle Replay? Maybe it's not Present ◊ 30PP Sender:Nomad
12 |
Enjoy Dissidia!
I'm sure when you started out you checked the Present ◊ 30PP Sender:Nomad
13 |
Enjoy Dissidia!
I know you want to hurry through the Story Mode, Present ◊ 30PP Sender:Nomad
14 |
Enjoy Dissidia!
Command battles are more than just an 'easy mode.' Present ◊ 30PP Sender:Nomad
15 |
Enjoy Dissidia!
Certainly a tough fight takes all your attention, Present ◊ 30PP Sender:Nomad
16 |
Enjoy Dissidia!
Listen: here are some hints for getting presents Present ◊ 30PP Sender:Nomad
17 |
Enjoy Dissidia!
With Quick Battle you can jump straight into the Present ◊ 30PP Sender:Nomad
18 |
Enjoy Dissidia!
As you progress through your play plan, chocobos Present ◊ 30PP Sender:Nomad
19 |
Enjoy Dissidia!
Well, that's all I have to teach you. I hope Present ◊ 30PP Sender:Nomad
20 |
Master Dissidia!
Oh! I almost forgot to tell you about completely Present ◊ 30PP Sender:Nomad
21 |
Master Dissidia!
Hey, it's been a while, huh? I know I've left Present ◊ 30PP Sender:Nomad
Mognet Head Office[]
Received on the first day after starting a save file
1 |
About Moogle Letters and PP
Moogles will write you letters every day. Present ◊ 30PP Sender:Mognet Superintendent
Received after playing for five consecutive days
2 |
From the Mognet Head Office
Hey, have you got all of Stiltzkin's Present ◊ 300PP Sender:Manager A
Received after playing for ten consecutive days
3 |
From the Mognet Head Office
Hey, thanks for the help! If you keep it up, Present ◊ 300PP Sender:Manager A
Received after playing for fifteen consecutive days
4 |
From the Mognet Head Office
My! I didn't think you'd last this long! Present ◊ Friend Card "Stiltzkin: 3" Sender:Manager A
Received after playing for twenty consecutive days
5 |
From the Mognet Head Office
Wh-whoa, don't you think you're overdoing it a bit? Present ◊ Friend Card "Stiltzkin: 1" Sender:Manager A
Received after not playing for 6 to 28 days
6 |
From the Mognet Head Office
Well, hello! It's been a while. Present ◊ 300 PP Sender:Manager A
Received after not playing for over 28 days
7 |
From the Mognet Head Office
Hm? —Oh! (player name)! Present ◊ 300PP Sender:Manager A
Received after having received at least 10 letters
8 |
From the Mognet Head Office
Present ◊ Sender:Manager _
Yellow letters[]
Yellow letters are correspondence from a variety of moogles. Each one will continue until that particular chain of letters ends, and then another correspondence will be randomly selected to begin on the next day. All yellow letters start by asking the player a question, then on the following day, the moogle's reaction to the player's answer is received. The next question (or the start of the next correspondence) will be received on the day after that.
Mogstache's quizzes[]
Mogstache is a moogle who likes to test the player's Final Fantasy knowledge, and there are three quizzes that he can set. Each question is rewarded with 30PP regardless of the answer given, but if the player answers incorrectly, the quiz abruptly ends. Correct answers are rewarded with Superslick for all but the last question of each quiz, which instead earns the player a Friend Card.
Moogle Quiz![]
Moogle Quiz!
At the heart of the Final Fantasy series are Present ◊ 30PP Sender:Mogstache
Moogle Quiz!
For starters, how about that aria Celes sang, eh? Present ◊ 30PP Sender:Mogstache
Which is the right lyric, kupo?
So gentle and wise
Correct answer |
Moogle Quiz!
Kupo, we have a winner! Present ◊ 30PP Sender:Mogstache
They look just like pies Such beauty and joy
Incorrect answer |
Moogle Quiz!
"Oops... That wasn't it, was it? Sorry!" Present ◊ 30PP Sender:Mogstache
Moogle Quiz!
How have those piano lessons been going? Remember Present ◊ 30PP Sender:Mogstache
When did you lose the metronome, kupo?
Piano Lesson 5
Correct answer |
Moogle Quiz!
You got it, kupo! You're well on the way to piano Present ◊ 30PP Sender:Mogstache
Piano Lesson 4 Piano Lesson 6
Incorrect answer |
Moogle Quiz!
"Made ya look! Neener neener nee-ner!" Present ◊ 30PP Sender:Mogstache
Moogle Quiz!
Ahhh, the scene with Marcus's moonlight confession Present ◊ 30PP Sender:Mogstache
Which country is Schneider from, kupo?
Correct answer |
Moogle Quiz!
That's right, kupo! As you may know, it shares a Present ◊ 30PP Sender:Mogstache
Canaan Argus
Incorrect answer |
Moogle Quiz!
Ohhh, so close! ...And yet so far, kupo. Present ◊ 30PP Sender:Mogstache
Moogle Quiz!
Hey, there, smartypants—looks like you've Present ◊ 30PP Sender:Mogstache
Moogle Ragtime![]
Moogle Ragtime!
I'm aiming to be the top moogle! But if I want to Present ◊ 30PP Sender:Mogstache
Moogle Ragtime!
Okey-dokey, kup—uh, anyway! Present ◊ 30PP Sender:Mogstache
Pick the right order, kupo!
C → B → A
Correct answer |
Moogle Ragtime!
You got it! I always figured that Josef should've Present ◊ 30PP Sender:Mogstache
B → C → A A → C → B
Incorrect answer |
Moogle Ragtime!
Aww, sorry! Present ◊ 30PP Sender:Mogstache
Which one doesn't have a Crystal, kupo?
Correct answer |
Moogle Ragtime!
Right! That one was easy, kup—ghk— Present ◊ 30PP Sender:Mogstache
Incorrect answer |
Moogle Ragtime!
Aww, sorry! Though, if you remember the plot of Present ◊ 30PP Sender:Mogstache
Which one wasn't in Wonder Square, kupo?*
Mega Sumo
Correct answer |
Moogle Ragtime!
Correct! ...It's so easy to spend hours in there, Present ◊ 30PP Sender:Mogstache
G-Bike Mog's House
Incorrect answer |
Moogle Ragtime!
Guess you don't remember... There WERE a lot of Present ◊ 30PP Sender:Mogstache
Which didn't Laguna whine, kupo?
"The bottom o' my feet are itchhhy!"
Correct answer |
Moogle Ragtime!
That's right! It was his back that was itchy, kupo. Present ◊ 30PP Sender:Mogstache
"I have to go to the bathroom!" "The tip o' my nose itchesss!"
Incorrect answer |
Moogle Ragtime!
Sorry, kupo... I guess it was just too tough of Present ◊ 30PP Sender:Mogstache
Moogle Mysteries![]
Moogle Mysteries!
Greetings, quiz fan. Present ◊ 30PP Sender:Mogstache
Moogle Mysteries!
Okay. Here's one from Final Fantasy XII. Present ◊ 30PP Sender:Mogstache
What does Fran do?
She traces something in the air.
Correct answer |
Moogle Mysteries!
That's right, kupo! You must be a real Fran fan to Present ◊ 30PP Sender:Mogstache
She sings a mysterious song. She lights incense and candles.
Incorrect answer |
Moogle Mysteries!
Boo booo! Bad luck! Told you I'd be making the Present ◊ 30PP Sender:Mogstache
Which is the right Dancing Force, kupo?
Lovely Miracle Waltz!!!
Correct answer |
Moogle Mysteries!
Not bad, kupo. Okay, this one's a fill-in-the-blank Present ◊ 30PP Sender:Mogstache
Neo Crystal Jig!!! Shining Summer Samba!!!
Incorrect answer |
Moogle Mysteries!
Phew! That's a relief, kupo. Present ◊ 30PP Sender:Mogstache
What's the missing verse, kupo?
He didn't know where she was
Correct answer |
Moogle Mysteries!
That's right! Guess you're a fellow Stellazio Present ◊ 30PP Sender:Mogstache
He watched the sunset from the cape The sun had almost set on the sea
Incorrect answer |
Moogle Mysteries!
Present ◊ 30PP Sender:Mogstache
Mogstache's Moogle Reports[]
Mogstache is very knowledgeable about the history of moogles throughout the series, and asks the player which variety s/he wants to know about. This is not a quiz, and the follow-up letter will have 30PP attached regardless of which type of moogle the player asks Mogstache about.
Moogle Reports
If you're talking about Final Fantasy Present ◊ 30PP Sender:Mogstache
Which do you want to know about, kupo?
Final Fantasy III Moogles
First option |
Way back when, moogles didn't have Present ◊ 30PP Sender:Mogstache
Final Fantasy V Moogles
Second option |
Rarely seen, mysterious creatures who communicate Present ◊ 30PP Sender:Mogstache
Final Fantasy VI Moogles
Third option |
Everybody's a hero in VI, especially Mog! A moogle Present ◊ 30PP Sender:Mogstache
Moogle Reports (Continued)
Nowadays, moogles come in all sorts of shapes and Present ◊ 30PP Sender:Mogstache
Gaia Moogles
First option |
Here's where Mognet was born! Gaia has Present ◊ 30PP Sender:Mogstache
Vana'diel Moogles
Second option |
These guys're pretty busy helping out adventurers Present ◊ 30PP Sender:Mogstache
Ivalice Moogles
Third option |
These moogles are cute, with brains to match... Present ◊ 30PP Sender:Mogstache
Reports Completed!
As you can see, moogles are beloved by all! Present ◊ 30PP Sender:Mogstache
Benjamin's Travels[]
Benjamin is a moogle who wants to explore the world, but wants advice from the player.
The Traveling Moogle[]
The Traveling Moogle
I'm not gonna be shown up by that Stiltzkin, Present ◊ 30PP Sender:Benjamin
Where should I go, kupo?
Information gathering in town!
First option |
The Impulsive-Buyer Moogle
You are one smart cookie, kupo! Present ◊ 30PP Sender:Benjamin
Treasure hunting in the caves!
Second option |
The Freaked-Out Moogle
I went to a cave rumored to have buried treasure. Present ◊ 30PP Sender:Benjamin
Just go east.
Third option |
The Frustrated Moogle
I traveled east for a while, and eventually came Present ◊ 30PP Sender:Benjamin
The Pondering Moogle
I guess I've gotten off to a bad start, but Present ◊ 30PP Sender:Benjamin
What should I not forget, kupo?
Be careful with your money.
First option |
The Reliable Moogle
A-ahhh, I guess you're right... It's no time to Present ◊ 30PP Sender:Benjamin
All you need is blazing passion!
Second option |
The Irritated Moogle
Hmm, that kind of zeal is a definite plus... Present ◊ 30PP Sender:Benjamin
Everything's more fun with friends!
Third option |
The Rambling Moogle
Yeah! With a good friend at my side, nothing would Present ◊ 30PP Sender:Benjamin
The Moogle Tourist[]
The Moogle Tourist
Believe it or not, I'm really a deposed prince... Present ◊ 30PP Sender:Benjamin
What castle do you recommend, kupo?
First option |
From Lindblum
I rode the air cab over to the castle, kupo! Present ◊ 30PP Sender:Benjamin
One that can hide under the desert.
Second option |
From Figaro
The most incredible thing about this place is that Present ◊ 30PP Sender:Benjamin
A pretty one hidden in the mountains.
Third option |
From Tycoon
A big dance out on a sprawling terrace, and two Present ◊ 30PP Sender:Benjamin
More of the Moogle Tourist
All that castle-viewing was a little overwhelming... Present ◊ 30PP Sender:Benjamin
If I wanna relax with nature, kupo...
First option |
From the Serpent Trench
I held my breath and prepared to die, then jumped Present ◊ 30PP Sender:Benjamin
Second option |
From Lake Macalania
The pyrefly light reflecting off the water is just Present ◊ 30PP Sender:Benjamin
Third option |
From the Forgotten Capital
With all the coral and snails around, even the Present ◊ 30PP Sender:Benjamin
The Moogle Challenger[]
The Moogle Challenger
Know what I just decided? I'm setting off to Present ◊ 30PP Sender:Benjamin
My first mission, should I choose to accept it:
Sneaking into a castle basement!
First option |
From Castle Walse
I figured there would be some creepy-looking ruins Present ◊ 30PP Sender:Benjamin
Second option |
From the Salikawood
Ahh, walking in the woods is always so relaxing, Present ◊ 30PP Sender:Benjamin
Third option |
From Goldor Manor
Is sneaking into some gaudy mansion supposed to be Present ◊ 30PP Sender:Benjamin
More of the Moogle Challenger
I see you aren't the type to go easy on a body... Present ◊ 30PP Sender:Benjamin
You've got to want...
First option |
From the Adamant Isle Grotto
I crossed the shoals and came across a tiny Present ◊ 30PP Sender:Benjamin
Second option |
From Guadosalam
I always thought meeting somebody who'd already Present ◊ 30PP Sender:Benjamin
...to be stronger than anyone else!
Third option |
From Chocobo's Paradise
Hi from Chocobo's Paradise, kupo! This place is Present ◊ 30PP Sender:Benjamin
The Moogle Who Chases[]
The Moogle Who Chases
Whaaat!? Present ◊ 30PP Sender:Benjamin
You seen anyone blue, kupo!?
I've seen a dragoon dressed in blue!
First option |
Mr. Highwind
I chased that dragoon in blue to Mount Ordeals, Present ◊ 30PP Sender:Benjamin
I've seen a bounty hunter wearing blue!
Second option |
Mr. Coral
I heard that a bounty hunter in blue was Present ◊ 30PP Sender:Benjamin
I've seen a young noble wearing blue!
Third option |
Mr. Margrace
Gah! What a snobby little—kupo! Present ◊ 30PP Sender:Benjamin
The Moogle Who Still Chases
Kupo kupo kupo! Present ◊ 30PP Sender:Benjamin
Who's the animal crook!?
Some sweet-talking cat-girl, I bet.
First option |
Nanaa Mihgo?
I found a cute girl, but... Present ◊ 30PP Sender:Benjamin
Second option |
Lone Wolf?
Ahhh, that's gotta be him! My eternal Present ◊ 30PP Sender:Benjamin
Third option |
Cait Sith?
Uh, so I found him. The big moogle. Present ◊ 30PP Sender:Benjamin
The Moogle Who Finished Chasing
So, in the end, I never got my stuff back, kupo. Present ◊ 30PP Sender:Benjamin
Won't you be Linaly's pen pal?[]
Linaly is a moogle who wants a pen-pal. She's a little sensitive, so the player must respond carefully in order to get a Friend Card. However, if the player already has that Friend Card, there is a greater amount of PP available by being mean to Linaly!
Part I[]
To You, Wherever You Are
Um, I'm not really used to writing letters, Present ◊ 30PP Sender:Linaly
Would you exchange letters with me, kupo?
If you tell me something happy, sure.
First option |
A Happy Tale
Um, alright, I'll write about something fun! Present ◊ 30PP Sender:Linaly
I'd love to.
Second option |
My Story
Oh! Thank you! Your reply made me so happy, Present ◊ 30PP Sender:Linaly
Nope, I'm kinda busy.
Third option |
An Apology
Oh... I'm sorry, I didn't mean to bother you. Present ◊ 30PP Sender:Linaly
It's a little strange to be able to talk to Present ◊ 30PP Sender:Linaly
What sort of friends do you have, kupo?
Strong friends.
First option |
Good Friends
So, your friends are really strong, kupo? Present ◊ 30PP Sender:Linaly
Cheerful friends.
Second option |
Good Friends
So, your friends are really cheery, kupo? Present ◊ 30PP Sender:Linaly
Friends who hate being alone.
Third option |
Good Friends
So, your friends hate being alone, kupo? Present ◊ 30PP Sender:Linaly
Thank You
Thank you so much for talking with me! Present ◊ 30PP Sender:Linaly
Part II[]
To (player name)
Hello, (player name)! Present ◊ 30PP Sender:Linaly
Random letters are...
...exciting! / ...thrilling! |
To (player name)
I love unexpectedly receiving mail, too, kupo. Present ◊ 30PP Sender:Linaly
...annoying. |
To (player name)
Oh... I'm sorry. Present ◊ 30PP Sender:Linaly
(If the player answered "...annoying.") Why do you read these letters?
Sometimes I just feel like it.
First option |
To (player name)
Ah, I see. Present ◊ 30PP Sender:Linaly
I get PP.
Second option |
To (player name)
Ah, I see. Present ◊ 30PP Sender:Linaly
I just wanted to check the calendar.
Third option |
To (player name)
Present ◊ 30PP Sender:Linaly
(If the player answered "...exciting!" or "...thrilling!")
To (player name)
What sorts of things do you like? Present ◊ 30PP Sender:Linaly
What would you like?
Superslick |
To (player name)
Surprise! One flask of super-special Superslick, Present ◊ 30PP Sender:Linaly
Moogle Pom-pom / Moogle Nose |
To (player name)
O-oh... Well, I... Present ◊ 30PP Sender:Linaly
Many of the letters (especially Mogstache's quizzes) make direct and obvious references to things in the rest of the Final Fantasy series. Other letters contain references that are less overt, such as the following.
- "the paintings in the Old Chaos Shrine" are of the Four Fiends
- "Just like that guy" appears to be a reference (to what?)
- Manager A is evidently using Superslick to treat his fur, like Artemicion does in Final Fantasy IX
- The mention of a Gold Hairpin is a reference to the event in Final Fantasy VI where Mog is recruited
- The mention of racing and dungeon spinoffs is a reference to the games of the other main Final Fantasy series mascot, namely the Chocobo Racing and Chocobo's Dungeon sub-series.