Final Fantasy Wiki

Documentation for this module may be created at Module:IncompleteTable/doc

local p = {}
local data = require("Module:Codename").tables.rel
local getArgs = require('Dev:Arguments').getArgs

function p.main(frame)
    local args = getArgs(frame)
    local releases = {}
    local reason = ""
    for i, arg in ipairs(args) do
        if data[arg] then table.insert(releases, arg)
        else reason = arg end
    local text = "The following tables are incomplete "
    if string.len(reason) > 0 then text = text .. "and require the " .. reason .. " entries to be filled"
    else text = text .. "for one or more reasons" end
    text = text .. ". If you wish, please examine the table and add anything missing. Remove this notice upon completion. [[Category:Articles with incomplete tables]]"
    for i, rel in ipairs(releases) do text = text + "[[Category:" + data[rel].name + " articles with incomplete tables]]" end
    return text

return p