Final Fantasy Wiki

Documentation for this module may be created at Module:FFTCG Data/ChapterCards/7-9/doc

return {
        id = "7-001R",
        chapter = 7,
        noinset = 1,
        rarity = "Rare",
        jpnname = "アーロン",
        romname = "Āron",
        engname = "Auron",
        image = "Auron TCG.png",
        width = 400,
        subject = "Auron",
        subjectlink = "Auron",
        medium = "FMV frame",
        element = "Fire",
        cost = 4,
        type = "Forward",
        jpnjob = "ガード",
        engjob = "Guardian",
        jpntext = "あなたがバックアップをフィールドに出すたび、フォワード1体を選ぶ。ターン終了時までそれのパワーを+1000し、ヘイストを与える。//[Fire][Fire]:あなたのコントロールするバックアップ1体を選ぶ。このターン、それは効果によっては選ばれない。",
        engtext = "Whenever you play a Backup onto the field, choose 1 Forward. It gains +1000 power and Haste until the end of the turn.//[Fire][Fire]: Choose 1 Backup you control. It cannot be chosen by effects this turn.",
        power = 8000,
        copyyear = "2001,2008",
        source = "FFX"
    }, {
        id = "7-002C",
        chapter = 7,
        noinset = 2,
        rarity = "Common",
        jpnname = "偽りの勇者",
        romname = "Itsuwari no Yūsha",
        litname = "False Hero",
        ffwname = "False Hero",
        image = "FalseHero TCG.png",
        width = 400,
        subject = "False Hero",
        subjectlink = "Warrior of Light (Dissidia)",
        medium = "Model",
        element = "Fire",
        cost = 3,
        genericcard = true,
        type = "Forward",
        jpnjob = "イミテーション",
        engjob = "Manikin",
        jpntext = "オーバードライブ([Fire])-偽りの勇者がフィールドに出たとき、ターン終了時まであなたのコントロールするすべてのフォワードのパワーを+1000し、先制攻撃を与える。",
        engtext = "Overdrive ([Fire]) - When False Hero enters the field, all Forwards you control gain +1000 power and First Strike until the end of the turn.",
        power = 7000,
        copyyear = "2008,2011",
        source = "D012"
    }, {
        id = "7-003U",
        chapter = 7,
        noinset = 3,
        rarity = "Uncommon",
        opus = "5-003C",
        jpnname = "イフリート",
        romname = "Ifurīto",
        engname = "Ifrit",
        image = "Ifrit TCG.png",
        width = 400,
        subject = "Ifrit",
        subjectlink = "Ifrit#Theatrhythm Final Fantasy",
        medium = "Sprite",
        sourcefile = "Theatrhythm Ifrit.png",
        element = "Fire",
        cost = 2,
        excard = true,
        type = "Summon",
        jpntext = "フォワード1体を選ぶ。それに5000ダメージを与える。それがモンスターでもある場合、代わりにそれに8000ダメージを与える。",
        ffwtext = "Choose 1 Forward. Deal it 5000 damage. If it is also a Monster, deal it 8000 damage instead.",
        copyyear = "2012",
        credits = "Developed by indieszero Co., Ltd.",
        source = "TFF"
    }, {
        id = "7-004C",
        chapter = 7,
        noinset = 4,
        rarity = "Common",
        jpnname = "イルルヤンカシュ",
        romname = "Iruruyankashu",
        ffwname = "Illuyankas",
        image = "Illuyankas TCG.png",
        width = 400,
        subject = "Illuyankas",
        subjectlink = "Illuyankas (Final Fantasy XIII-2)",
        medium = "Render",
        sourcefile = "FFXIII-2 Illuyankas.png",
        element = "Fire",
        cost = 1,
        genericcard = true,
        type = "Monster",
        jpnjob = "飛龍",
        ffwjob = "Wyvern",
        jpntext = "イルルヤンカシュをブレイクゾーンに置く:フォワード1体を選ぶ。それに4000ダメージを与える。//青魔法-[Fire][Fire][Elementless]:フォワード1体を選ぶ。それに7000ダメージを与える。",
        engtext = "Put Illuyankas into the Break Zone: Choose 1 Forward. Deal it 4000 damage.//Blue Magic - [Fire][Fire][Elementless]: Choose 1 Forward. Deal it 7000 damage.",
        copyyear = "2011",
        source = "XIII2"
    }, {
        id = "7-005C",
        chapter = 7,
        noinset = 5,
        rarity = "Common",
        opus = "5-122R",
        jpnname = "ウォースラ",
        romname = "Vōsura",
        engname = "Vossler",
        image = "Vossler TCG.png",
        width = 400,
        subject = "Vossler",
        subjectlink = "Vossler York Azelas",
        medium = "Render",
        sourcefile = "Vossler1.png",
        element = "Fire",
        cost = 2,
        type = "Forward",
        jpnjob = "将軍",
        engjob = "Captain",
        jpntext = "ウォースラがアタックしたとき、ターン終了時までウォースラのパワーを+2000する。あなたがアーシェをコントロールしている場合、代わりにターン終了時までウォースラのパワーを+4000する。",
        engtext = "When Vossler attacks, Vossler gains +2000 power until the end of the turn. If you control Ashe, Vossler gains +4000 power instead.",
        power = 4000,
        copyyear = "2006",
        credits = "CHARACTER DESIGN: Akihiko Yoshida",
        source = "FFXII"
    }, {
        id = "7-006U",
        chapter = 7,
        noinset = 6,
        rarity = "Uncommon",
        opus = "5-007H",
        jpnname = "完熟大王",
        romname = "Kanjuku Daiō",
        engname = "Royal Ripeness",
        image = "RoyalRipeness TCG.png",
        width = 400,
        subject = "Royal Ripeness",
        subjectlink = "Royal Ripeness",
        medium = "Render",
        element = "Fire",
        cost = 5,
        type = "Monster",
        jpnjob = "プリン",
        engjob = "Flan",
        jpntext = "完熟大王は火属性の効果によっては選ばれない。//[Fire][Fire]:ターン終了時まで完熟大王は「完熟大王がアタックしたとき、対戦相手のコントロールするすべてのフォワードに4000ダメージを与える。」を持つパワー9000のフォワードとしても扱う。",
        engtext = "Royal Ripeness cannot be chosen by Fire effects.//[Fire][Fire]: Until the end of the turn, Royal Ripeness also becomes a Forward with 9000 power and \"When Royal Ripeness attacks, deal 4000 damage to all the Forwards opponent controls.\".",
        copyyear = "2011",
        source = "XIII2"
    }, {
        id = "7-007C",
        chapter = 7,
        noinset = 7,
        rarity = "Common",
        jpnname = "幻術士",
        romname = "Genjutsushi",
        engname = "Illusionist/Conjurer",--TA2 card is Illusionist, XIV card is Conjurer
        ffwname = "Illusionist",--if not we can get away with this
        image = "Illusionist TCG.png",
        width = 400,
        subject = "Nu Mou Illusionist",
        subjectlink = "Illusionist (Tactics Advance)",
        medium = "Concept art",
        sourcefile = "Ffta-nu-mou-illusionist.jpg",
        element = "Fire",
        cost = 2,
        genericcard = true,
        type = "Backup",
        jpnjob = "一般兵",
        engjob = "Standard Unit",
        jpntext = "[Fire][Dull]、幻術士をブレイクゾーンに置く:フォワード1体を選ぶ。このターン、それは可能ならばアタックしなければならない。",
        engtext = "[Fire][Dull], put Illusionist into the Break Zone: Choose 1 Forward. It must attack this turn if possible.",
        copyyear = "2003",
        credits = "DESIGN WORK DIRECTION:Hideo Minaba CHARACTER DESIGN:Ryoma Ito",
        source = "FFTA"
    }, {
        id = "7-008C",
        chapter = 7,
        noinset = 8,
        rarity = "Common",
        jpnname = "ゴルゴンゾーラ",
        romname = "Gorugonzōra",
        litname = "Gorgonzola",
        ffwname = "Flangonzola",
        image = "Flangonzola TCG.png",
        width = 400,
        subject = "Flangonzola",
        subjectlink = "Flangonzola",
        medium = "Render",
        sourcefile = "FFXIII2 enemy Flangonzola.png",
        element = "Fire",
        cost = 1,
        genericcard = true,
        type = "Monster",
        jpnjob = "プリン",
        engjob = "Flan",
        jpntext = "[Fire][Dull]:フォワード1体を選ぶ。あなたのコントロールする【ジョブ(プリン)】のモンスター1体につき、それに1000ダメージを与える。",
        engtext = "[Fire][Dull]: Choose 1 Forward. Deal it 1000 damage for each [Job (Flan)] Monster you control.",
        copyyear = "2011",
        source = "XIII2"
    }, {
        id = "7-009U",
        chapter = 7,
        noinset = 9,
        rarity = "Uncommon",
        jpnname = "ザンデ",
        romname = "Zande",
        ffwname = "Xande",
        image = "Xande TCG.png",
        width = 400,
        subject = "Xande",
        subjectlink = "Xande",
        medium = "Sprite",
        element = "Fire",
        cost = 3,
        type = "Forward",
        jpnjob = "魔王",
        ffwjob = "Satan",--now of course, "Satan" isn't a good TL. translated by people without a clue, my source is Final Fantasy Art Museum. that also calls him Zande. i don't know how/if it's TLd in game
        jpntext = "[Fire]:フォワード1体を選ぶ。このターン、それにダメージが与えられる場合、代わりにそのダメージは2000多くなる。このアビリティは1ターンに1度しか使えない。",
        engtext = "[Fire]: Choose 1 Forward. If it receives damage this turn, increase the damage by 2000 instead. You can only use this ability once per turn.",
        power = 7000,
        copyyear = "2012",
        credits = "Developed by indieszero Co., Ltd.",
        source = "TFF"
    }, {
        id = "7-010R",
        chapter = 7,
        noinset = 10,
        rarity = "Rare",
        jpnname = "ジェクト",
        romname = "Jekuto",
        engname = "Jecht",
        image = "Jecht EX-Mode TCG.png",
        width = 400,
        subject = "Jecht",
        subjectlink = "Jecht",
        role = "Braska's Final Aeon",
        medium = "Model",
        element = "Fire",
        cost = 5,
        type = "Forward",
        jpnjob = "ガード",
        engjob = "Guardian",
        jpntext = "[action:キング・オブ・ザ・ブリッツ] [S][Fire][Fire]:あなたのコントロールするすべてのフォワードをアクティブにする。このターン、それらは追加でもう1度アタックすることができる。このアビリティはあなたのターンにしか使えない。",
        ffwtext = "[action:Blitz King] [S][Fire][Fire]: Activate all Forwards you control. They can attack an additional time this turn. You can only use this ability during your turn.",
        power = 9000,
        copyyear = "2008,2011",
        source = "D012"
    }, {
        id = "7-011R",
        chapter = 7,
        noinset = 11,
        rarity = "Rare",
        jpnname = "セルテウス",
        romname = "Seruteusu",
        ffwname = "Selh'teus",
        image = "Selh'teus TCG.png",
        width = 400,
        subject = "Selh'teus",
        subjectlink = "Selh'teus",
        medium = "Screenshot",
        element = "Fire",
        cost = 3,
        type = "Backup",
        jpnjob = "謎の少年",
        engjob = "Mysterious Youth",--Gumbah
        jpntext = "オーバードライブ([Fire][Fire][Elementless][Elementless])-フォワード1体を選ぶ。ターン終了時までそれのコントロールを得、ヘイストを与える。それをアクティブにする。//あなたのコントロールするフォワードがアタックするたび、ターン終了時までそれのパワーを+1000する。",
        ffwtext = "Overdrive ([Fire][Fire][Elementless][Elementless]) - Choose 1 Forward. Until the end of the turn, You gain control of it and it you control gains Haste. Activate it.//Whenever a Forward you control attacks, it gains +1000 power until the end of the turn.",
        copyyear = "2002,2012",
        source = "FFXI",
    }, {
        id = "7-012C",
        chapter = 7,
        noinset = 12,
        rarity = "Common",
        jpnname = "戦士",
        romname = "Senshi",
        litname = "Warrior",
        engname = "Warrior",
        image = "Warrior XI TCG.png",
        width = 400,
        subject = "Male Hume Warrior",
        subjectlink = "Warrior (Final Fantasy XI)",
        medium = "Screenshot",
        element = "Fire",
        cost = 3,
        genericcard = true,
        type = "Forward",
        jpnjob = "一般兵",
        engjob = "Standard Unit",
        jpntext = "",
        engtext = "",
        power = 7000,
        copyyear = "2002,2012",
        source = "FFXI",
    }, {
        id = "7-013C",
        chapter = 7,
        noinset = 13,
        rarity = "Common",
        jpnname = "テンゼン",
        romname = "Tenzen",
        ffwname = "Tenzen",
        image = "Tenzen TCG.png",
        width = 400,
        subject = "Tenzen",
        subjectlink = "Tenzen",
        medium = "Screenshot",
        element = "Fire",
        cost = 3,
        type = "Forward",
        jpnjob = "侍",
        engjob = "Samurai",
        jpntext = "ブレイブ//テンゼンがフィールドからブレイクゾーンに置かれたとき、あなたは手札からコスト2以下の火属性のフォワード1枚をフィールドに出してもよい。",
        engtext = "Brave//When Tenzen is put from the field into the Break Zone, you may play 1 Fire Forward of cost 2 or less from your hand onto the field.",
        power = 7000,
        copyyear = "2002,2012",
        source = "FFXI",
    }, {
        id = "7-014S",
        chapter = 7,
        noinset = 14,
        rarity = "Special Rare",
        jpnname = "パロム",
        romname = "Paromu",
        engname = "Palom",
        image = "Palom2 TCG.png",
        width = 400,
        subject = "Palom",
        subjectlink = "Palom",
        medium = "Concept art",
        sourcefile = "Ff4 palom.jpg",
        element = "Fire",
        cost = 2,
        type = "Forward",
        jpnjob = "黒魔道士",
        engjob = "Black Mage",
        jpntext = "オーバードライブ([Elementless][Elementless][Elementless])-パロムがフィールドに出たとき、対戦相手のコントロールするすべてのフォワードに5000ダメージを与える。//[Elementless]:フォワード1体を選ぶ。それに1000ダメージを与える。//[Fire][Elementless][Elementless]:対戦相手のコントロールするすべてのフォワードに2000ダメージを与える。",
        engtext = "[Elementless][Elementless][Elementless] - When Palom enters the field, deal 5000 damage to all Forwards opponent controls.//[Elementless]: Choose 1 Forward. Deal it 1000 damage.//[Fire][Elementless][Elementless]: Deal 2000 damage to all Forwards opponent controls.",
        power = 3000,
        copyyear = "1991,2007",
        source = "FFIV"
    }, {
        id = "7-015C",
        chapter = 7,
        noinset = 15,
        rarity = "Common",
        jpnname = "ビビ",
        romname = "Bibi",
        litname = "VIVI",
        engname = "Vivi",--Opus III preview
        image = "Vivi TCG.png",
        width = 400,
        subject = "Vivi",
        subjectlink = "Vivi Ornitier",
        medium = "Sprite",
        element = "Fire",
        cost = 2,
        type = "Backup",
        jpnjob = "黒魔道士",
        engjob = "Black Mage",
        jpntext = "オーバードライブ([Fire][Elementless])-ビビがフィールドに出たとき、フォワード1体を選ぶ。それに7000ダメージを与える。",
        engtext = "Overdrive ([Fire][Elementless]) - When Vivi enters the field, choose 1 Forward. Deal it 7000 damage.",
        copyyear = "2012",
        credits = "Developed by indieszero Co., Ltd.",
        source = "TFF"
    }, {
        id = "7-016L",
        chapter = 7,
        noinset = 16,
        rarity = "Legend",
        jpnname = "フリオニール",
        romname = "Furionīru",
        litname = "Frioniel",
        engname = "Firion",
        image = "Firion TCG.png",
        width = 400,
        subject = "Firion",
        subjectlink = "Firion",
        medium = "Concept art",
        sourcefile = "Amano Firion.jpg",
        element = "Fire",
        cost = 3,
        type = "Forward",
        jpnjob = "反乱軍",
        engjob = "Rebel",
        jpntext = "ヘイスト 先制攻撃 ブレイブ//[0]:ターン終了時までフリオニールのパワーを+2000する。フリオニールはあなたに1点のダメージを与える。このダメージでのEXバーストは使用することができない。",
        ffwtext = "Haste First Strike Brave//[0]: Firion gains +2000 power until the end of the turn. Firion deals you 1 point of damage. You cannot use EX Bursts due to this damage.",
        power = 5000,
        copyyear = "1988,2007",
        source = "FFII"
    }, {
        id = "7-017C",
        chapter = 7,
        noinset = 17,
        rarity = "Common",
        reprint = "3-014C",
        jpnname = "魔人ベリアス",
        romname = "Majin Beriasu",
        engname = "Belias, the Gigas",
        image = "Belias2 TCG.png",
        width = 400,
        subject = "Belias",
        subjectlink = "Belias",
        medium = "Render",
        sourcefile = "Belias-FFXII.png",
        element = "Fire",
        cost = 2,
        excard = true,
        type = "Summon",
        jpntext = "フォワード1体を選ぶ。ターン終了時までそれのパワーを+1000し、ヘイストと先制攻撃を与える。",
        engtext = "Choose 1 Forward. Until the end of the turn, it gains +1000 power, Haste, and First Strike.",
        copyyear = "2006",
        credits = "CHARACTER DESIGN: Akihiko Yoshida",
        source = "FFXII"
    }, {
        id = "7-018U",
        chapter = 7,
        noinset = 18,
        rarity = "Uncommon",
        opus = "7-019R",
        jpnname = "ラトフ",
        romname = "Ratofu",
        engname = "Latov",
        image = "Latov TCG.png",
        width = 400,
        subject = "Latov",
        subjectlink = "Latov",
        medium = "Concept art",
        sourcefile = "Ffccrof artwork latov.jpg",
        element = "Fire",
        cost = 4,
        type = "Backup",
        jpnjob = "父",
        engjob = "Father",
        jpntext = "ラトフがフィールドに出たとき、ユーリィかチェリンカ1枚をサーチし、手札に加えてもよい。//[Dull]、ラトフをブレイクゾーンに置く:あなたのコントロールするフォワードのユーリィかチェリンカ1体を選ぶ。ターン終了時までそれのパワーを+2000する。",
        engtext = "When Latov enters the field, you may search for 1 Yuri or Chelinka and add it to your hand.//[Dull], put Latov into the Break Zone: Choose 1 Yuri or Chelinka Forward you control. It gains +2000 power until the end of the turn.",
        copyyear = "2007",
        credits = "CHARACTER DESIGN:Toshiyuki Itahana",
        source = "CCRoF"
    }, {
        id = "7-019U",
        chapter = 7,
        noinset = 19,
        rarity = "Uncommon",
        jpnname = "ルビカンテ",
        romname = "Rubikante",
        engname = "Rubicante",
        image = "Rubicante TCG.png",
        width = 400,
        subject = "Rubicante",
        subjectlink = "Rubicante",
        medium = "Sprite",
        sourcefile = "Theatrhythm Rubicante.png",
        element = "Fire",
        cost = 2,
        type = "Forward",
        jpnjob = "ゴルベーザ四天王",
        engjob = "Archfiend",
        jpntext = "覚醒([Fire][Dull]、ルビカンテをブレイクゾーンに置く)//[action:かえんりゅう] [S][Fire][Dull]:火属性以外のすべてのフォワードに5000ダメージを与える。",
        engtext = "Awakening ([Fire][Dull], put Rubicante into the Break Zone)//[action:Scorch] [S][Fire][Dull]: Deal 5000 damage to all Forwards other than Fire.",
        power = 4000,
        copyyear = "2012",
        credits = "Developed by indieszero Co., Ltd.",
        source = "TFF"
    }, {
        id = "7-020U",
        chapter = 7,
        noinset = 20,
        rarity = "Uncommon",
        jpnname = "レッドキャップ",
        romname = "Reddo Kyappu",
        litname = "Redcap",
        ffwname = "Red Cap",
        image = "RedCap TCG.png",
        width = 400,
        subject = "Red Cap",
        subjectlink = "Red Cap (Tactics Advance)",
        medium = "Concept art",
        element = "Fire",
        cost = 2,
        genericcard = true,
        type = "Monster",
        jpnjob = "ゴブリン",
        engjob = "Goblin",
        jpntext = "あなたの第1メインフェイズ開始時に対戦相手がフォワードを2体以上コントロールしている場合、レッドキャップをブレイクゾーンに置く。そうした場合、対戦相手のコントロールするすべてのフォワードに4000ダメージを与える。",
        engtext = "If your opponent controls 2 or more Forwards when your Main Phase 1 at the beginning of your Main Phase 1, put Red Cap into the Break Zone. If you do so, deal 4000 damage to all Forwards opponent controls.",
        copyyear = "2003",
        credits = "DESIGN WORK DIRECTION:Hideo Minaba CHARACTER DESIGN:Ryoma Ito",
        source = "FFTA"
    }, {
        id = "7-021U",
        chapter = 7,
        noinset = 21,
        rarity = "Uncommon",
        opus = "5-025H",
        jpnname = "アロアダイ",
        romname = "Aroadai",
        engname = "Aloeidai",
        image = "Aloeidai TCG.png",
        width = 400,
        subject = "Aloeidai",
        subjectlink = "Aloeidai",
        medium = "Render",
        sourcefile = "Aloeidai.png",
        element = "Ice",
        cost = 4,
        type = "Monster",
        jpnjob = "虚人",
        engjob = "Voidborn",
        jpntext = "[Ice]:ターン終了時までアロアダイは「アロアダイが対戦相手にダメージを与えたとき、対戦相手は手札を1枚捨てる。」を持つパワー8000のフォワードとしても扱う。",
        engtext = "[Ice]: Until the end of the turn, Aloeidai also becomes a Forward with 8000 power and \"When Aloeidai deals damage to your opponent, your opponent discards 1 card from his/her hand.\"",
        copyyear = "2011",
        source = "XIII2"
    }, {
        id = "7-022C",
        chapter = 7,
        noinset = 22,
        rarity = "Common",
        jpnname = "ウルミア",
        romname = "Urumia",
        ffwname = "Ulmia",
        image = "Ulmia TCG.png",
        width = 400,
        subject = "Ulmia",
        subjectlink = "Ulmia",
        medium = "Screenshot",
        element = "Ice",
        cost = 2,
        type = "Backup",
        jpnjob = "タブナジアの歌姫",
        ffwjob = "Tavnazian Diva",--so this TL derives from the one instance of 歌姫 i know about in the game, アイドル戦士ミュモル★ヒロインショー ~イツワリの歌姫~ -> Fantastic Fraulein Mumor Dark Designs of a Dubious Diva!). i don't know if she's specifically referred to as 歌姫 in-game
        jpntext = "ウルミアがフィールドに出たとき、あなたのブレイクゾーンにあるプリッシュ1枚を選ぶ。それを手札に加える。",
        engtext = "When Ulmia enters the field, choose 1 Prishe in your Break Zone. Add it to your hand.",
        copyyear = "2002,2012",
        source = "FFXI",
    }, {
        id = "7-023R",
        chapter = 7,
        noinset = 23,
        rarity = "Rare",
        opus = "5-031H",
        jpnname = "ギルバート",
        romname = "Girubāto",
        litname = "Gilbart",
        engname = "Edward",
        image = "Edward TCG.png",
        width = 400,
        subject = "Edward",
        subjectlink = "Edward Chris von Muir",
        medium = "Concept art",
        sourcefile = "Edward Amano art.jpg",
        element = "Ice",
        cost = 3,
        type = "Backup",
        jpnjob = "吟遊詩人",
        engjob = "Bard",
        jpntext = "ギルバートがフィールドに出たとき、対戦相手は手札を1枚捨てる。//[action:ちんもくのうた] [S][Ice]:召喚獣1体を選ぶ。それの効果を無効にする。",
        engtext = "When Edward enters the field, your opponent discards 1 card from his/her hand.//[action:Silent Verse] [S][Ice]: Choose 1 Summon. Cancel its effect.",
        copyyear = "1991,2007",
        source = "FFIV"
    }, {
        id = "7-024U",
        chapter = 7,
        noinset = 24,
        rarity = "Uncommon",
        jpnname = "クアール",
        romname = "Kuāru",
        litname = "Coeurl",
        ffwname = "Coeurl (Tactics Advance)",--X's is クァール
        image = "Coeurl TCG.png",
        width = 400,
        subject = "Coeurl",
        subjectlink = "Coeurl (Tactics Advance)",
        medium = "Concept art",
        element = "Ice",
        cost = 1,
        genericcard = true,
        type = "Monster",
        jpnjob = "クアール",
        ffwjob = "Coeurl",
        jpntext = "あなたの第1メインフェイズ開始時にあなたがバックアップを2体以上コントロールしている場合、クアールをブレイクゾーンに置く。そうした場合、対戦相手は手札を3枚捨てる。",
        engtext = "If you control 2 or more Backups when your Main Phase 1 at the beginning of your Main Phase 1, put Coeurl into the Break Zone. If you do so, your opponent discards 3 cards from his/her hand.",
        copyyear = "2003",
        credits = "DESIGN WORK DIRECTION:Hideo Minaba CHARACTER DESIGN:Ryoma Ito",
        source = "FFTA"
    }, {
        id = "7-025R",
        chapter = 7,
        noinset = 25,
        rarity = "Rare",
        jpnname = "クー・チャスペル",
        romname = "Kū Chasuperu",
        engname = "Cu Chaspel",
        image = "CuChaspel TCG.png",
        width = 400,
        subject = "Cu Chaspel",
        subjectlink = "Cu Chaspel",
        medium = "Concept art",
        element = "Ice",
        cost = 2,
        excard = true,
        type = "Backup",
        jpnjob = "仮面の男",
        engjob = "Masked Man",
        jpntext = "クー・チャスペルがフィールドに出たとき、対戦相手のコントロールするバックアップ1体を選ぶ。それをダルにする。それはコントローラーの次のアクティブフェイズにアクティブにならない。",
        engtext = "When Cu Chaspel enters the field, choose 1 Backup opponent controls. Dull it. It will not activate during its controller's next Active Phase.",
        copyyear = "2007",
        credits = "CHARACTER DESIGN:Toshiyuki Itahana",
        source = "CCRoF"
    }, {
        id = "7-026R",
        chapter = 7,
        noinset = 26,
        rarity = "Rare",
        jpnname = "クジャ",
        romname = "Kuja",
        engname = "Kuja",
        image = "Kuja EX-Mode TCG.png",
        width = 400,
        subject = "Kuja",
        subjectlink = "Kuja",
        medium = "Model",
        element = "Ice",
        cost = 4,
        type = "Forward",
        jpnjob = "ジェノム",
        engjob = "Genome",
        jpntext = "オーバードライブ([Ice])-クジャがフィールドに出たとき、対戦相手は手札を1枚捨てる。//クジャが対戦相手の効果によって選ばれたとき、キャラクター1体を選ぶ。それをダルにする。",
        engtext = "Overdrive ([Ice]) - When Kuja enters the field, your opponent discards 1 card from his/her hand.//When Kuja is chosen by your opponent's effects, choose 1 Character. Dull it.",
        power = 8000,
        copyyear = "2008,2011",
        source = "D012"
    }, {
        id = "7-027C",
        chapter = 7,
        noinset = 27,
        rarity = "Common",
        opus = "8-030C",
        jpnname = "黒魔道士",
        romname = "Kuro Madōshi",
        engname = "Black Mage",
        image = "BlackMage XI TCG.png",
        width = 400,
        subject = "Male Tarutaru Black Mage",
        subjectlink = "Black Mage (Final Fantasy XI)",
        medium = "Screenshot",
        element = "Ice",
        genericcard = true,
        cost = 2,
        type = "Forward",
        jpnjob = "一般兵",
        engjob = "Standard Unit",
        jpntext = "[Ice]、黒魔道士をブレイクゾーンに置く:ダル状態のフォワード1体を選ぶ。それに6000ダメージを与える。",
        engtext = "[Ice], put Black Mage into the Break Zone: Choose 1 dull Forward. Deal it 6000 damage.",
        power = 3000,
        copyyear = "2002,2012",
        source = "FFXI",
    }, {
        id = "7-028U",
        chapter = 7,
        noinset = 28,
        rarity = "Uncommon",
        jpnname = "皇帝",
        romname = "Kōtei",
        engname = "The Emperor",
        image = "EmperorMateus EX-Mode TCG.png",
        width = 400,
        subject = "Emperor Mateus",
        subjectlink = "Emperor Mateus",
        medium = "Model",
        element = "Ice",
        cost = 3,
        type = "Forward",
        jpnjob = "皇帝",
        engjob = "Emperor",
        jpntext = "覚醒([Ice][Dull]、皇帝をブレイクゾーンに置く)//皇帝がフィールドからブレイクゾーンに置かれたとき、キャラクター1体を選ぶ。それはコントローラーの次のアクティブフェイズにアクティブにならない。",
        engtext = "Awakening ([Ice][Dull], put The Emperor into the Break Zone)//When Emperor is put from the field into the Break Zone, choose 1 Character. It will not activate during its controller's next Active Phase.",
        power = 6000,
        copyyear = "2008,2011",
        source = "D012"
    }, {
        id = "7-029U",
        chapter = 7,
        noinset = 29,
        rarity = "Uncommon",
        jpnname = "スカリーY",
        romname = "Sukarī Wai",
        ffwname = "Shikaree Y",
        image = "ShikareeY TCG.png",
        width = 400,
        subject = "Shikaree Y",
        medium = "Screenshot",
        element = "Ice",
        cost = 3,
        type = "Forward",
        jpnjob = "罪狩りのミスラ",
        ffwjob = "Mithran Tracker",
        jpntext = "スカリーYがフィールドに出たとき、ダル状態のフォワード1体を選ぶ。あなたがスカリーXかスカリーZをコントロールしている場合、それに7000ダメージを与える。//対戦相手のコントロールするキャラクターが2体以上ダル状態の場合、スカリーYはブレイブを持つ。",
        engtext = "When Shikaree Y enters the field, choose 1 dull Forward. If you control Shikaree X or Shikaree Z, deal it 7000 damage.//If your opponent controls 2 or more dull Characters, Shikaree Y has Brave.",
        power = 7000,
        copyyear = "2002,2012",
        source = "FFXI",
    }, {
        id = "7-030S",
        chapter = 7,
        noinset = 30,
        rarity = "Special Rare",
        opus = "6-033H",
        jpnname = "スコール",
        romname = "Sukōru",
        litname = "Squall",
        engname = "Squall",
        image = "Squall TCG.png",
        width = 400,
        subject = "Squall",
        subjectlink = "Squall Leonhart",
        medium = "Concept art",
        sourcefile = "AmanoSquall1.jpg",
        element = "Ice",
        cost = 4,
        type = "Forward",
        jpnjob = "SeeD候補生",
        engjob = "SeeD Candidate",
        jpntext = "オーバードライブ([Ice][Elementless][Elementless])-スコールがフィールドに出たとき、ダル状態のフォワード1体を選ぶ。それに10000ダメージを与える。//スコールがアタックしたとき、フォワードかモンスター1体を選ぶ。それをダルにする。このターン、それはアクティブにならな。",
        engtext = "Overdrive ([Ice][Elementless][Elementless]) - When Squall enters the field, choose 1 dull Forward. Deal it 10000 damage.//When Squall attacks, choose 1 Forward or Monster. Dull it. It will not activate this turn.",
        power = 8000,
        copyyear = "1999",
        source = "FFVIII"
    }, {
        id = "7-031C",
        chapter = 7,
        noinset = 31,
        rarity = "Common",
        opus = "6-034R",
        jpnname = "スノウ",
        romname = "Sunō",
        litname = "Snow",
        engname = "Snow",
        image = "Snow TCG.png",
        width = 400,
        subject = "Snow",
        subjectlink = "Snow Villiers",
        medium = "Sprite",
        element = "Ice",
        cost = 2,
        type = "Forward",
        jpnjob = "アタッカー",
        engjob = "Commando",
        jpntext = "スノウがフィールドに出たとき、あなたがセラをコントロールしている場合、対戦相手は手札を1枚捨てる。",
        engtext = "When Snow enters the field, if you control Serah, your opponent discards 1 card from his/her hand.",
        power = 4000,
        copyyear = "2012",
        credits = "Developed by indieszero Co., Ltd.",
        source = "TFF"
    }, {
        id = "7-032U",
        chapter = 7,
        noinset = 32,
        rarity = "Uncommon",
        jpnname = "セフィロス",
        romname = "Sefirosu",
        engname = "Sephiroth",
        image = "Sephiroth EX-Mode TCG.png",
        width = 400,
        subject = "Sephiroth",
        subjectlink = "Sephiroth (Final Fantasy VII)",
        medium = "Model",
        element = "Ice",
        cost = 4,
        type = "Forward",
        jpnjob = "英雄",
        engjob = "War Hero",
        jpntext = "先制攻撃//覚醒([Ice][Dull]、セフィロスをブレイクゾーンに置く)",
        engtext = "First Strike//Awakening ([Ice][Dull], put Sephiroth into the Break Zone)",
        power = 7000,
        copyyear = "2008,2011",
        source = "D012"
    }, {
        id = "7-033C",
        chapter = 7,
        noinset = 33,
        rarity = "Common",
        jpnname = "チョコボイーター",
        romname = "Chokobo Ītā",
        ffwname = "Chocobo Eater",
        image = "ChocoboEater TCG.png",
        width = 400,
        subject = "Chocobo Eater",
        subjectlink = "Chocobo Eater (Final Fantasy X)",
        medium = "Concept art",
        sourcefile = "Chocobo Eater.JPG",
        element = "Ice",
        cost = 2,
        genericcard = true,
        type = "Monster",
        jpnjob = "チョコボイーター",
        ffwjob = "Chocobo Eater",
        jpntext = "[Ice][Dull]:コスト3以下のフォワード1体を選ぶ。それをダルにする。それがモンスターでもある場合、チョコボイーターをアクティブにする。",
        ffwtext = "[Ice][Dull]: Choose 1 Forward of cost 3 or less. Dull it. If it is also a Monster, activate Chocobo Eater.",
        copyyear = "2001,2008",
        source = "FFX"
    }, {
        id = "7-034C",
        chapter = 7,
        noinset = 34,
        rarity = "Common",
        jpnname = "時魔道士",
        romname = "Toki Madōshi",
        engname = "Time Mage",
        image = "TimeMage TCG.png",
        width = 400,
        subject = "Moogle Time Mage",
        subjectlink = "Time Mage (Tactics Advance)",
        medium = "Concept art",
        sourcefile = "Ffta-moogle-timemage.jpg",
        element = "Ice",
        cost = 2,
        genericcard = true,
        type = "Backup",
        jpnjob = "一般兵",
        engjob = "Standard Unit",
        jpntext = "[Dull]、時魔道士をブレイクゾーンに置く:対戦相手のコントロールするダル状態のフォワード1体を選ぶ。それはコントローラーの次のアクティブフェイズにアクティブにならない。",
        engtext = "[Dull], put Time Mage into the Break Zone: Choose 1 dull Forward opponent controls. It will not activate during its controller's next Active Phase.",
        copyyear = "2003",
        credits = "DESIGN WORK DIRECTION:Hideo Minaba CHARACTER DESIGN:Ryoma Ito",
        source = "FFTA"
    }, {
        id = "7-035C",
        chapter = 7,
        noinset = 35,
        rarity = "Common",
        jpnname = "ナグモラーダ",
        romname = "Nagumorāda",
        ffwname = "Nag'molada",
        image = "Nag'molada TCG.png",
        width = 400,
        subject = "Nag'molada",
        subjectlink = "Nag'molada",
        medium = "Screenshot",
        element = "Ice",
        cost = 2,
        type = "Backup",
        jpnjob = "アルマター機関員",
        ffwjob = "Armathrwn Society Member",
        jpntext = "ナグモラーダがフィールドに出たとき、あなたは手札からコスト1以下のモンスター1枚をフィールドに出してもよい。この効果でモンスターをフィールドに出した場合、コスト1以下のモンスター1枚をサーチし、手札に加えてもよい。",
        ffwtext = "When Nag'molada enters the field, you may play 1 Monster of cost 1 or less from your hand onto the field. If you play a Monster onto the field with this effect, you may search for 1 Monster of cost 1 or less and add it to your hand.",
        copyyear = "2002,2012",
        source = "FFXI",
    }, {
        id = "7-036C",
        chapter = 7,
        noinset = 36,
        rarity = "Common",
        reprint = "3-032C",
        jpnname = "背徳の皇帝マティウス",
        romname = "Haitoku no Kōtei Matiusu",
        engname = "Mateus, the Corrupt",
        image = "Mateus2 TCG.png",
        width = 400,
        subject = "Mateus",
        subjectlink = "Mateus (Ivalice)",
        medium = "Render",
        sourcefile = "Mateus.jpg",
        element = "Ice",
        cost = 5,
        excard = true,
        type = "Summon",
        jpntext = "対戦相手はアタック中のフォワード1体をブレイクゾーンに置く。",
        engtext = "Opponent puts 1 attacking Forward into the Break Zone.",
        copyyear = "2006",
        credits = "CHARACTER DESIGN: Akihiko Yoshida",
        source = "FFXII"
    }, {
        id = "7-037U",
        chapter = 7,
        noinset = 37,
        rarity = "Uncommon",
        jpnname = "マインドフレア",
        romname = "Maindofurea",
        ffwname = "Mindflayer",
        image = "Mindflayer TCG.png",
        width = 400,
        subject = "Mindflayer",
        subjectlink = "Mindflayer#Final Fantasy IV",
        medium = "Artwork",
        sourcefile = "Mindflayer FFIV DS Art.png",
        element = "Ice",
        cost = 6,
        excard = true,
        type = "Summon",
        jpntext = "フォワードを最大2体まで選ぶ。それらをダルにする。それらはコントローラーの次のアクティブフェイズにアクティブにならない。",
        engtext = "Chose up to 2 Forwards. Dull them. They will not activate during their controller's next Active Phase.",
        copyyear = "1991,2007",
        source = "FFIV_DS"
    }, {
        id = "7-038C",
        chapter = 7,
        noinset = 38,
        rarity = "Common",
        jpnname = "幽玄の少女",
        romname = "Yūgen no Shōjo",
        litname = "Ghostly Girl",
        ffwname = "Phantasmal Girl",
        image = "PhantasmalGirl TCG.png",
        width = 400,
        subject = "Phantasmal Girl",
        subjectlink = "Terra Branford/Dissidia",
        medium = "Model",
        element = "Ice",
        cost = 2,
        genericcard = true,
        type = "Forward",
        jpnjob = "イミテーション",
        engjob = "Manikin",
        jpntext = "幽玄の少女は召喚獣によっては選ばれない。",
        engtext = "Phantasmal Girl cannot be chosen by Summons.",
        power = 4000,
        copyyear = "2008,2011",
        source = "D012", 
    }, {
        id = "7-039R",
        chapter = 7,
        noinset = 39,
        rarity = "Rare",
        opus = "6-040H",
        jpnname = "ラグナ",
        romname = "Raguna",
        engname = "Laguna",
        image = "Laguna TCG.png",
        width = 400,
        subject = "Laguna",
        subjectlink = "Laguna Loire",
        medium = "Concept art",
        sourcefile = "Amanolaguna.jpg",
        element = "Ice",
        cost = 5,
        type = "Forward",
        jpnjob = "大統領",
        ffwjob = "President of Esthar",
        ctxjob = "President",--gdi, there are two other terms TLd President
        engjob = "President",--Opus has no quarrels for this eng name
        jpntext = "あなたのブレイクゾーンにスコールがあり、あなたがスコールをコントロールしていない場合、ラグナのパワーは+2000される。//ラグナがフィールドからブレイクゾーンに置かれたとき、ブレイクゾーンにあるスコール1枚を選ぶ。それを手札に加える。",
        engtext = "If Squall is in your Break Zone and you don't control Squall, Laguna gains +2000 power.//When Laguna is put from the field into the Break Zone, choose 1 Squall in the Break Zone. Add it to your hand.",
        power = 8000,
        copyyear = "1999",
        source = "FFVIII"
    }, {
        id = "7-040C",
        chapter = 7,
        noinset = 40,
        rarity = "Common",
        jpnname = "ランツィーラー型",
        romname = "Rantsīrā Kata",
        engname = "Lancer",--they did this to avoid conflict with XIV job 4-104R
        ffwname = "Lancer",
        image = "Lancer TCG.png",
        width = 400,
        subject = "Lancer",
        subjectlink = "Lancer (Final Fantasy XIII-2)",
        medium = "Render",
        sourcefile = "FFXIII-2 Lancer.png",
        element = "Ice",
        cost = 2,
        genericcard = true,
        type = "Monster",
        jpnjob = "大型機甲兵",
        engjob = "Militarized Unit",
        ffwjob = "Golem Unit",--;_; - because actual Golems have a job. Golem is a sub-type of "Militarized Unit"
        ctxjob = "Golem",
        jpntext = "[Dull]、ランツィーラー型をブレイクゾーンに置く:アクションアビリティ1つを選ぶ。その効果を無効にする。//青魔法-[Ice][Ice][Elementless][Elementless]:オートアビリティ1つを選ぶ。その効果を無効にする。",
        engtext = "[Dull], put Lancer into the Break Zone: Choose 1 action ability. Cancel its effect.//Blue Magic - [Ice][Ice][Elementless][Elementless]: Choose 1 auto-ability. Cancel its effect.",
        copyyear = "2011",
        source = "XIII2"
    }, {
        id = "7-041S",
        chapter = 7,
        noinset = 41,
        rarity = "Special Rare",
        opus = "5-155S",
        jpnname = "ヴァン",
        romname = "Van",
        engname = "Vaan",
        image = "Vaan TCG.png",
        width = 400,
        subject = "Vaan",
        subjectlink = "Vaan",
        medium = "Promo art",
        sourcefile = "Vaan penelo basch.jpg",
        element = "Wind",
        cost = 4,
        type = "Forward",
        jpnjob = "空賊",
        engjob = "Sky Pirate",
        jpntext = "オーバードライブ([Wind])-ヴァンがフィールドに出たとき、あなたのコントロールするすべてのキャラクターをアクティブにする。//[action:メルトクリムゾン] [S][Wind][Wind][Dull]:フォワード1体を選ぶ。それにあなたのコントロールするバックアップ1体につき、2000ダメージを与える。",
        engtext = "Overdrive ([Wind]) - When Vaan enters the field, activate all Characters you control.//[action:Pyroclasm] [S][Wind][Wind][Dull]: Choose 1 Forward. Deal it 2000 damage for each Backup you control.",
        power = 8000,
        copyyear = "2006",
        credits = "CHARACTER DESIGN: Akihiko Yoshida",
        source = "FFXII"
    }, {
        id = "7-042C",
        chapter = 7,
        noinset = 42,
        rarity = "Common",
        jpnname = "キラービー",
        romname = "Kirā Bī",
        litname = "Killer Bee",
        ffwname = "Killer Bee",
        image = "KillerBee TCG.png",
        width = 400,
        subject = "Killer Bee (Final Fantasy X)",
        subjectlink = "Killer Bee (Final Fantasy X)",
        medium = "Concept art",
        sourcefile = "KillerBeeFFX.jpg",
        element = "Wind",
        cost = 2,
        genericcard = true,
        type = "Monster",
        jpnjob = "昆虫",
        ffwjob = "Insect",
        jpntext = "[Dull]、キラービーをブレイクゾーンに置く:フォワードかバックアップを指定する。あなたのコントロールする指定されたタイプのすべてのキャラクターをアクティブにする。//青魔法-[Wind][Wind][Elementless][Elementless]:あなたのコントロールするすべてのキャラクターをアクティブにする。",
        ffwtext = "[Dull], put Killer Bee into the Break Zone: choose \"Forward\" or \"Backup\". Activate all Characters you control of the chosen type.//Blue Magic - [Wind][Wind][Elementless][Elementless]: Activate all Characters you control.",
        copyyear = "2001,2008",
        source = "FFX"
    }, {
        id = "7-043C",
        chapter = 7,
        noinset = 43,
        rarity = "Common",
        jpnname = "シーフ",
        romname = "Shīfu",
        litname = "Thief",
        engname = "Thief",
        image = "Thief TCG.png",
        width = 400,
        subject = "Moogle Thief",
        subjectlink = "Thief (Tactics Advance)",
        medium = "Concept art",
        sourcefile = "Ffta-moogle-thief.jpg",
        element = "Wind",
        cost = 2,
        genericcard = true,
        type = "Backup",
        jpnjob = "一般兵",
        engjob = "Standard Unit",
        jpntext = "[Wind][Dull]、シーフをブレイクゾーンに置く:対戦相手はデッキのカードを上から2枚ブレイクゾーンに置く。",
        engtext = "[Wind][Dull], put Thief into the Break Zone: Your opponent puts the top 2 cards of his/her deck into the Break Zone.",
        copyyear = "2003",
        credits = "DESIGN WORK DIRECTION:Hideo Minaba CHARACTER DESIGN:Ryoma Ito",
        source = "FFTA"
    }, {
        id = "7-044C",
        chapter = 7,
        noinset = 44,
        rarity = "Common",
        imageopus = "8-052C",
        jpnname = "シーフ",
        romname = "Shīfu",
        litname = "Thief",
        engname = "Thief",
        image = "Thief XI TCG.png",
        width = 400,
        subject = "Mithra Thief",
        subjectlink = "Thief (Final Fantasy XI)",
        medium = "Screenshot",
        element = "Wind",
        cost = 2,
        genericcard = true,
        type = "Backup",
        jpnjob = "一般兵",
        engjob = "Standard Unit",
        jpntext = "[Wind][Wind][Dull]:あなたのコントロールするキャラクター1体を選ぶ。このターン、それは対戦相手のアビリティによっては選ばれない。",
        engtext = "[Wind][Wind][Dull]: Choose 1 Character you control. It cannot be chosen by your opponent's abilities this turn.",
        copyyear = "2002,2012",
        source = "FFXI",
    }, {
        id = "7-045C",
        chapter = 7,
        noinset = 45,
        rarity = "Common",
        opus = "6-046C",
        jpnname = "シド・ヘイズ",
        romname = "Shido Heizu",
        litname = "Cid Haze",
        engname = "Cid Haze",
        image = "CidHaze TCG.png",
        width = 400,
        subject = "Cid Haze",
        subjectlink = "Cid Haze",
        medium = "Sprite",
        sourcefile = "Theatrhythm Cid.png",
        element = "Wind",
        cost = 4,
        excard = true,
        type = "Backup",
        jpnjob = "技師",
        engjob = "Engineer",
        jpntext = "シド・ヘイズがフィールドに出たとき、【ジョブ(一般兵)】のキャラクターカード1枚をサーチし、手札に加えてもよい。",
        engtext = "When Cid Haze enters the field, you may search for 1 [Job (Standard Unit)] Character and add it to your hand.",
        copyyear = "2012",
        credits = "Developed by indieszero Co., Ltd.",
        source = "TFF"
    }, {
        id = "7-046R",
        chapter = 7,
        noinset = 46,
        rarity = "Rare",
        opus = "5-056H",
        jpnname = "シド・ポレンディーナ",
        romname = "Shido Porendīna",
        engname = "Cid Pollendina",
        image = "CidPollendina TCG.png",
        width = 400,
        subject = "Cid Pollendina",
        subjectlink = "Cid Pollendina",
        medium = "Concept art",
        sourcefile = "Cidpollendina.jpg",
        element = "Wind",
        cost = 2,
        type = "Backup",
        jpnjob = "技師",
        engjob = "Engineer",
        jpntext = "シド・ポレンディーナがフィールドに出たとき、対戦相手は手札を公開する。//[Dull]:シド・ポレンディーナを手札に戻す。このアビリティは対戦相手のターンにしか使えない。",
        engtext = "When Cid Pollendina enters the field, your opponent reveals his/her hand.//[Dull]: Return Cid Pollendina to its owner's hand. You can only use this ability during your opponent's turn.",
        copyyear = "1991,2007",
        source = "FFIV"
    }, {
        id = "7-047R",
        chapter = 7,
        noinset = 47,
        rarity = "Rare",
        jpnname = "シルフ",
        romname = "Shirufu",
        litname = "Sylph",
        engname = "Sylph",
        image = "Sylph2 TCG.png",
        width = 400,
        subject = "Sylph",
        subjectlink = "Sylph#Final Fantasy IV",
        medium = "Concept art",
        sourcefile = "FFV Sylph.jpg",
        element = "Wind",
        cost = 3,
        type = "Summon",
        jpntext = "対戦相手のコントロールするすべてのフォワードに2000ダメージを与える。ターン終了時まであなたのコントロールするすべてのフォワードのパワーを+2000する。",
        engtext = "Deal 2000 damage to all Forwards opponent controls. All Forwards you control gain +2000 power until the end of the turn.",
        copyyear = "1991,2007",
        source = "FFIV"
    }, {
        id = "7-048U",
        chapter = 7,
        noinset = 48,
        rarity = "Uncommon",
        jpnname = "スカリーX",
        romname = "Sukarī Ekusu",
        ffwname = "Shikaree X",
        image = "ShikareeX TCG.png",
        width = 400,
        subject = "Shikaree X",
        medium = "Screenshot",
        element = "Wind",
        cost = 2,
        type = "Forward",
        jpnjob = "罪狩りのミスラ",
        ffwjob = "Mithran Tracker",
        jpntext = "あなたがスカリーYかスカリーZをコントロールしている場合、スカリーXは対戦相手の効果によっては選ばれない。//スカリーXはコスト4以上のフォワードにブロックされない。",
        engtext = "If you control Shikaree Y or Shikaree Z, Shikaree X cannot be chosen by your opponent's effects.//Shikaree X cannot be blocked by a Forward of cost 4 or more.",
        power = 4000,
        copyyear = "2002,2012",
        source = "FFXI",
    }, {
        id = "7-049U",
        chapter = 7,
        noinset = 49,
        rarity = "Uncommon",
        jpnname = "チェリンカ",
        romname = "Cherinka",
        engname = "Chelinka",
        image = "Chelinka TCG.png",
        width = 400,
        subject = "Chelinka",
        subjectlink = "Chelinka",
        medium = "Concept art",
        sourcefile = "Ffccrof artwork chelinka.jpg",
        element = "Wind",
        cost = 2,
        type = "Backup",
        jpnjob = "少女",
        engjob = "Girl",
        jpntext = "あなたのコントロールするユーリィのパワーを+1000する。//[Dull]、チェリンカをブレイクゾーンに置く:ユーリィ1体を選ぶ。このターン、それはブレイクされない。",
        engtext = "The Yuri you control gain +1000 power.//[Dull], put Chelinka into the Break Zone: Choose 1 Yuri. It cannot be broken this turn.",
        copyyear = "2007",
        credits = "CHARACTER DESIGN:Toshiyuki Itahana",
        source = "CCRoF"
    }, {
        id = "7-050C",
        chapter = 7,
        noinset = 50,
        rarity = "Common",
        jpnname = "チョコボ",
        romname = "Chokobo",
        engname = "Chocobo",
        image = "Chocobo4 TCG.png",
        width = 400,
        subject = "Chocobo",
        subjectlink = "Chocobo (Final Fantasy XIII-2 enemy)",
        medium = "Render",
        sourcefile = "FFXIII2 enemy Chocobo.png",
        element = "Wind",
        cost = 1,
        type = "Monster",
        jpnjob = "チョコボ",
        engjob = "Chocobo",
        jpntext = "[Dull]:あなたのコントロールするフォワード2体を選ぶ。それら同士がパーティを組んでアタックしたとき、ターン終了時までそれらのパワーを+4000する。",
        engtext = "[Dull]: Choose 2 Forwards you control. When they form a party together and attack, they gain +4000 power until the end of the turn.",
        copyyear = "2011",
        source = "XIII2"
    }, {
        id = "7-051U",
        chapter = 7,
        noinset = 51,
        rarity = "Uncommon",
        opus = "5-063H",
        jpnname = "デスゲイズ",
        romname = "Desugeizu",
        litname = "Deathgaze",
        engname = "Deathgaze",
        image = "Deathgaze TCG.png",
        width = 400,
        subject = "Deathgaze",
        subjectlink = "Deathgaze#Theatrhythm Final Fantasy",
        medium = "Sprite",
        sourcefile = "Theatrhythm Deathgaze.png",
        element = "Wind",
        cost = 3,
        type = "Monster",
        jpnjob = "デスゲイズ",
        engjob = "Deathgaze",
        jpntext = "[Wind]:ターン終了時までデスゲイズは「デスゲイズは自身のパワー以下のパワーのフォワードにしかブロックされない。」を持つパワー7000のフォワードとしても扱う。//[action:レベル5デス] [S]:対戦相手のコントロールするすべてのコスト5、10のキャラクターをブレイクする。このアビリティはデスゲイズがフォワードの場合にしか使えない。",
        engtext = "[Wind]: Until the end of the turn, Deathgaze also becomes a Forward with 7000 power and \"Deathgaze can only be blocked by a Forward with a power inferior or equal to its own power.\"//[action:Level 5 Death] [S]: Break all the Characters of cost 5 and 10 opponent controls. You can only use this ability if Deathgaze is a Forward.",
        copyyear = "2012",
        credits = "Developed by indieszero Co., Ltd.",
        source = "TFF"
    }, {
        id = "7-052C",
        chapter = 7,
        noinset = 52,
        rarity = "Common",
        opus = "7-057R",
        jpnname = "ナッシュ",
        romname = "Nasshu",
        engname = "Gnash",
        image = "Gnash TCG.png",
        width = 400,
        subject = "Gnash",
        subjectlink = "Gnash (Ring of Fates)",
        medium = "Concept art",
        sourcefile = "Ffccrof artwork gnash.jpg",
        element = "Wind",
        cost = 3,
        type = "Forward",
        jpnjob = "弓使い",
        engjob = "Archer",
        jpntext = "オーバードライブ([Wind][Elementless][Elementless])-ナッシュがフィールドに出たとき、コスト2以下のバックアップ1体を選ぶ。それをブレイクする。",
        engtext = "Overdrive ([Wind][Elementless][Elementless]) - When Gnash enters the field, choose 1 Backup of cost 2 or less. Break it.",
        power = 6000,
        copyyear = "2007",
        credits = "CHARACTER DESIGN:Toshiyuki Itahana",
        source = "CCRoF"
    }, {
        id = "7-053U",
        chapter = 7,
        noinset = 53,
        rarity = "Uncommon",
        jpnname = "バルバリシア",
        romname = "Barubarishia",
        engname = "Barbaricia",
        image = "Barbariccia2 TCG.png",
        width = 400,
        subject = "Barbariccia",
        subjectlink = "Barbariccia",
        medium = "Sprite",
        sourcefile = "Theatrhythm Barbariccia.png",
        element = "Wind",
        cost = 2,
        type = "Forward",
        jpnjob = "ゴルベーザ四天王",
        engjob = "Archfiend",
        jpntext = "覚醒([Wind][Dull]、バルバリシアをブレイクゾーンに置く)//バルバリシアはコスト3以上のフォワードにブロックされない。",
        engtext = "Awakening ([Wind][Dull], put Barbariccia into the Break Zone)//Barbariccia cannot be blocked by a Forward of cost 3 or more.",
        power = 3000,
        copyyear = "2012",
        credits = "Developed by indieszero Co., Ltd.",
        source = "TFF"
    }, {
        id = "7-054U",
        chapter = 7,
        noinset = 54,
        rarity = "Uncommon",
        jpnname = "フロータイボール",
        romname = "Furōtaibōru",
        litname = "Floateyeball",
        ffwname = "Floateye",
        image = "Floateye TCG.png",
        width = 400,
        subject = "Floateye",
        subjectlink = "Floateye",
        medium = "Concept art",
        element = "Wind",
        cost = 2,
        genericcard = true,
        type = "Monster",
        jpnjob = "アーリマン",
        engjob = "Ahriman",
        jpntext = "あなたの第1メインフェイズ開始時にあなたがバックアップを4体以上コントロールしている場合、フロータイボールをブレイクゾーンに置く。そうした場合、対戦相手はデッキのカードを上から3枚ブレイクゾーンに置く。",
        engtext = "If you control 4 or more Backups when your Main Phase 1 at the beginning of your Main Phase 1, put Floateye into the Break Zone. If you do so, your opponent puts the top 3 cards of his/her deck into the Break Zone.",
        copyyear = "2003",
        credits = "DESIGN WORK DIRECTION:Hideo Minaba CHARACTER DESIGN:Ryoma Ito",
        source = "FFTA"
    }, {
        id = "7-055R",
        chapter = 7,
        noinset = 55,
        rarity = "Rare",
        opus = "6-056H",
        jpnname = "ポール",
        romname = "Pōru",
        litname = "Paul",
        engname = "Paul",
        image = "Paul TCG.png",
        width = 400,
        subject = "Paul",
        subjectlink = "Paul",
        medium = "Concept art",
        sourcefile = "Amano Paul.jpg",
        element = "Wind",
        cost = 2,
        type = "Forward",
        jpnjob = "盗賊",
        engjob = "Thief",
        jpntext = "ポールはコスト3以上のフォワードにブロックされない。//ポールが対戦相手にダメージを与えたとき、対戦相手はデッキのカードを上から2枚ブレイクゾーンに置く。",
        engtext = "Paul cannot be blocked by a Forward of cost 3 or more.//When Paul deals damage to your opponent, your opponent puts the top 2 cards of his/her deck into the Break Zone.",
        power = 4000,
        copyyear = "1988,2007",
        source = "FFII"
    }, {
        id = "7-056C",
        chapter = 7,
        noinset = 56,
        rarity = "Common",
        jpnname = "まやかしの少年",
        romname = "Mayakashi no Shōnen",
        litname = "Counterfeit Boy",
        ffwname = "Counterfeit Youth",
        image = "CounterfeitYouth TCG.png",
        width = 400,
        subject = "Counterfeit Youth",
        subjectlink = "Onion Knight (Dissidia)",
        medium = "Model",
        element = "Wind",
        cost = 2,
        genericcard = true,
        type = "Forward",
        jpnjob = "イミテーション",
        engjob = "Manikin",
        jpntext = "まやかしの少年がフィールドに出たとき、バックあっプアを最大2体まで選ぶ。それらをアクティブにする。",
        engtext = "When Counterfeit Youth enters the field, choose up to 2 Backups. Activate them.",
        power = 4000,
        copyyear = "2008,2011",
        source = "D012", 
    }, {
        id = "7-057C",
        chapter = 7,
        noinset = 57,
        rarity = "Common",
        reprint = "3-048C",
        jpnname = "密告者シュミハザ",
        romname = "Mikkokusha Shumihaza",
        engname = "Shemhazai, the Whisperer",
        image = "Shemhazai TCG.png",
        width = 400,
        subject = "Shemhazai",
        subjectlink = "Shemhazai",
        medium = "Render",
        sourcefile = "Shemhazai.jpg",
        element = "Wind",
        cost = 1,
        type = "Summon",
        jpntext = "このターン、すべてのフォワードは自身のコスト以下のフォワードにしかブロックされない。",
        engtext = "Each Forward can only be blocked by a Forward of cost equal or inferior to its own this turn.",
        copyyear = "2006",
        credits = "CHARACTER DESIGN: Akihiko Yoshida",
        source = "FFXII"
    }, {
        id = "7-058R",
        chapter = 7,
        noinset = 58,
        rarity = "Rare",
        jpnname = "メーガス三姉妹",
        romname = "Mēgasu San Shimai",
        ffwname = "Magus Sisters",
        image = "MagusSisters TCG.png",
        width = 400,
        subject = "Magus Sisters",
        subjectlink = "Magus Sisters",
        medium = "Concept art",
        sourcefile = "Magussis-amano.jpg",
        element = "Wind",
        cost = 3,
        type = "Forward",
        jpnjob = "魔道士",
        engjob = "Mage",
        jpntext = "メーガス三姉妹は召喚獣によっては選ばれない。//メーガス三姉妹がフィールドにいる場合、あなたの召喚した召喚獣は無効にならない。//[action:リレイズ] [S]:このターン、メーガス三姉妹がブレイクゾーンに置かれたとき、それをフィールドに戻す。",
        ffwtext = "Magus Sisters cannot be chosen by Summons.//If Magus Sisters is on the field, your casting of Summons cannot be cancelled.//[action:Reraise] [S]: When Magus Sisters is put into the Break Zone, return it onto the field.",
        power = 7000,
        copyyear = "1991,2007",
        source = "FFIV"
    }, {
        id = "7-059U",
        chapter = 7,
        noinset = 59,
        rarity = "Uncommon",
        opus = "5-070C",
        jpnname = "レックス",
        romname = "Rekkusu",
        engname = "Reks",
        image = "Reks TCG.png",
        width = 400,
        subject = "Reks",
        subjectlink = "Reks",
        medium = "Render",
        sourcefile = "Reks 1.png",
        element = "Wind",
        cost = 3,
        type = "Forward",
        jpnjob = "ダルマスカ兵",
        engjob = "Dalmascan Soldier",
        jpntext = "ヴァンがあなたのフィールドにいる場合、あなたはレックスをフィールドに出すことができない。//レックスがフィールドからブレイクゾーンに置かれたとき、ヴァン1枚をサーチし、手札に加えてもよい。",
        engtext = "If Vaan is on your field, you cannot play Reks onto the field.//When Reks is put from the field into the Break Zone, you may search for 1 Vaan and add it to your hand.",
        power = 7000,
        copyyear = "2006",
        credits = "CHARACTER DESIGN: Akihiko Yoshida",
        source = "FFXII"
    }, {
        id = "7-060C",
        chapter = 7,
        noinset = 60,
        rarity = "Common",
        imageopus = "6-042C",
        jpnname = "ロック",
        romname = "Rokku",
        litname = "Lock",
        engname = "Locke",
        image = "Locke2 TCG.png",
        width = 400,
        subject = "Locke",
        subjectlink = "Locke Cole",
        medium = "Sprite",
        sourcefile = "Theatrhythm Locke.png",
        element = "Wind",
        cost = 1,
        pcard = true,
        type = "Forward",
        jpnjob = "トレジャーハンター",
        engjob = "Treasure Hunter",
        jpntext = "覚醒([Dull]、ロックをブレイクゾーンに置く)",
        engtext = "Awakening ([Dull], put Locke into the Break Zone)",
        power = 2000,
        copyyear = "2012",
        credits = "Developed by indieszero Co., Ltd.",
        source = "TFF"
    }, {
        id = "7-061U",
        chapter = 7,
        noinset = 61,
        rarity = "Uncommon",
        jpnname = "アルテマウェポン",
        romname = "Arutema Wepon",
        ffwname = "Ultima Weapon",--it's name in TFF it seems
        image = "UltimateWeapon TCG.png",
        width = 400,
        subject = "Ultima Weapon",
        subjectlink = "Ultima Weapon (creature)#Theatrhythm Final Fantasy",
        medium = "Sprite",
        element = "Earth",
        cost = 5,
        type = "Monster",
        jpnjob = "アルテマウェポン",
        ffwjob = "Ultima Weapon",
        jpntext = "[Earth][Earth][Elementless]:ターン終了時までアルテマウェポンは「アルテマウェポンがアタックかブロックしたとき、ダル状態のフォワード1体を選ぶ。それをブレイクしてもよい。」を持つパワー10000のフォワードとしても扱う。",
        engtext = "[Earth][Earth][Elementless]: Until the end of the turn, Ultima Weapon also becomes a Forward with 10000 power and \"When Ultima Weapon attacks or blocks, choose 1 dull Forward. You may break it.\"",
        copyyear = "2012",
        credits = "Developed by indieszero Co., Ltd.",
        source = "TFF"
    }, {
        id = "7-062U",
        chapter = 7,
        noinset = 62,
        rarity = "Uncommon",
        jpnname = "アントリオン",
        romname = "Antorion",
        litname = "Antlion",
        ffwname = "Antlion",
        image = "Antlion TCG.png",
        width = 400,
        subject = "Antlion",
        subjectlink = "Antlion (Tactics Advance)",
        medium = "Concept art",
        sourcefile = "FFTA-Antlion.jpg",
        element = "Earth",
        cost = 3,
        genericcard = true,
        type = "Monster",
        jpnjob = "昆虫",
        ffwjob = "Insect",--apparently 昆虫 and insect are the same deal: spiders are technically not but commonly referred to as
        jpntext = "あなたの第1メインフェイズ開始時にあなたがパワー10000以上のフォワードをコントロールしている場合、アントリオンをブレイクゾーンに置く。そうした場合、土属性以外のすべてのフォワードに8000ダメージを与える。",
        engtext = "If you control a Forward with 10000 power or more when your Main Phase 1 at the beginning of your Main Phase 1, put Antlion into the Break Zone. If you do so, deal 8000 damage to all Forwards other than Earth.",
        copyyear = "2003",
        credits = "DESIGN WORK DIRECTION:Hideo Minaba CHARACTER DESIGN:Ryoma Ito",
        source = "FFTA"
    }, {
        id = "7-063C",
        chapter = 7,
        noinset = 63,
        rarity = "Common",
        jpnname = "いにしえの淑女",
        romname = "Inishie no Shukujo",
        litname = "Ancient Gentlewoman",
        ffwname = "Lady of Antiquity",
        image = "LadyOfAntiquity TCG.png",
        width = 400,
        subject = "Lady of Antiquity",
        subjectlink = "Shantotto/Dissidia",
        medium = "Model",
        element = "Earth",
        cost = 3,
        genericcard = true,
        type = "Backup",
        jpnjob = "イミテーション",
        engjob = "Manikin",
        jpntext = "いにしえの淑女はフィールドにいる場合、火、氷、風、土、雷、水のいずれかの属性のCPを生み出すことができる。",
        engtext = "If Lady of Antiquity is on the field, she can produce CP of Fire, Ice, Wind, Earth, Lightning, and Water.",--she? it?
        copyyear = "2008,2011",
        source = "D012", 
    }, {
        id = "7-064C",
        chapter = 7,
        noinset = 64,
        rarity = "Common",
        imageopus = "5-125C",
        jpnname = "オンドール",
        romname = "Ondōru",
        engname = "Ondore",
        image = "Ondore TCG.png",
        width = 400,
        subject = "Ondore",
        subjectlink = "Halim Ondore IV",
        medium = "Render",
        sourcefile = "Ondore1.png",
        element = "Earth",
        cost = 1,
        type = "Backup",
        jpnjob = "公爵",
        engjob = "Duke",
        --ctxjob = "Marquis",--not even sure. they usually use 侯爵in XII
        jpntext = "[Earth][Dull]、オンドールをブレイクゾーンに置く:あなたのコントロールするバックアップ1体を選ぶ。このターン、それはブレイクされない。",
        engtext = "[Earth][Dull], put Ondore into the Break Zone: Choose 1 Backup you control. It cannot be broken this turn.",
        copyyear = "2006",
        credits = "CHARACTER DESIGN: Akihiko Yoshida",
        source = "FFXII"
    }, {
        id = "7-065C",
        chapter = 7,
        noinset = 65,
        rarity = "Common",
        jpnname = "ガブラス",
        romname = "Gaburasu",
        engname = "Gabranth",
        image = "Gabranth EX-Mode TCG.png",
        width = 400,
        subject = "Gabranth",
        subjectlink = "Gabranth",
        medium = "Model",
        element = "Earth",
        cost = 2,
        type = "Forward",
        jpnjob = "ジャッジ",
        engjob = "Judge",
        jpntext = "覚醒([Earth][Earth][Dull]、ガブラスをブレイクゾーンに置く)//あなたのコントロールするフォワードがブロックしたとき、ターン終了時までそれのパワーを+1000する。",
        engtext = "Awakening ([Earth][Earth][Dull], put Gabranth into the Break Zone)//When a Forward you control blocks, it gains +1000 power until the end of the turn.",
        power = 4000,
        copyyear = "2008,2011",
        source = "D012"
    }, {
        id = "7-066U",
        chapter = 7,
        noinset = 66,
        rarity = "Uncommon",
        jpnname = "ケフカ",
        romname = "Kefuka",
        litname = "Cefca",
        engname = "Kefka",
        image = "Kefka3 TCG.png",
        width = 400,
        subject = "Kefka",
        subjectlink = "Kefka Palazzo",
        medium = "Model",
        element = "Earth",
        cost = 3,
        type = "Forward",
        jpnjob = "道化師",
        ffwjob = "Clown",
        jpntext = "[Elementless][Elementless]、デッキの1番上のカードをゲームから除外する:除外されたカードのコスト1につき、ターン終了時までケフカのパワーを+1000する。//[action:裁きの光] [S]:ケフカ以外のすべてのフォワードをブレイクする。このアビリティはケフカのパワーが12000以上の場合にしか使えない。",
        engtext = "[Elementless][Elementless], remove the top card of the deck from the game: Kefka gains +1000 power for each CP required to play the removed card until the end of the turn.//[action:Light of Judgment] [S]: Break all Forwards other than Kefka. You can only use this ability if Kefka's power is 12000 or more.",--it doesn't say "anata no [dekki]". i think it still makes sense in english just saying "the deck".
        power = 5000,
        copyyear = "2008,2011",
        source = "D012"
    }, {
        id = "7-067R",
        chapter = 7,
        noinset = 67,
        rarity = "Rare",
        jpnname = "ゴードン",
        romname = "Gōdon",
        litname = "Gordon",
        ffwname = "Gordon",
        image = "Gordon TCG.png",
        width = 400,
        subject = "Gordon",
        subjectlink = "Gordon",
        medium = "Concept art",
        sourcefile = "Amano Gordon.jpg",
        element = "Earth",
        cost = 2,
        type = "Forward",
        jpnjob = "王子",
        engjob = "Prince",
        ffwjob = "Royal Prince",--avoid overlap with 皇子
        ctxjob = "Prince",
        jpntext = "[Earth][Elementless]:ターン終了時までゴードンのパワーを+2000する。//[Earth][Earth][Earth][Earth][Elementless][Elementless][Elementless][Elementless]:ターン終了時まであなたのコントロールするすべてのフォワードのパワーを+8000し、ブレイブを与える。",
        engtext = "[Earth][Elementless]:Gordon gains +2000 power until the end of the turn.//[Earth][Earth][Earth][Earth][Elementless][Elementless][Elementless][Elementless]:All Forwards you control gain +8000 power and Brave until the end of the turn.",
        power = 4000,
        copyyear = "1988,2007",
        source = "FFII"
    }, {
        id = "7-068U",
        chapter = 7,
        noinset = 68,
        rarity = "Uncommon",
        opus = "5-081C",
        jpnname = "コカトリス",
        romname = "Kokatorisu",
        litname = "Cockatrice",
        engname = "Cockatrice",
        image = "Cockatrice TCG.png",
        width = 400,
        subject = "Cockatrice",
        subjectlink = "Cockatrice#Final Fantasy IV",
        medium = "Art",
        sourcefile = "Cockatrice FFIV DS Art.png",
        element = "Earth",
        cost = 1,
        excard = true,
        type = "Summon",
        jpntext = "フォワード1体を選ぶ。このターン、それはアタックやブロックできず、ダメージを受けない。",
        engtext = "Choose 1 Forward. During this turn, it cannot attack or block, and doesn't receive any damage.",
        copyyear = "1991,2007",
        source = "FFIV_DS"
    }, {
        id = "7-069C",
        chapter = 7,
        noinset = 69,
        rarity = "Common",
        jpnname = "ザグナル	",
        romname = "Zagunaru",
        ffwname = "Zaghnal",
        image = "Zaghnal TCG.png",
        width = 400,
        subject = "Zaghnal",
        subjectlink = "Zaghnal (Final Fantasy XIII-2)",
        medium = "Render",
        sourcefile = "FFXIII-2 Zaghnal.png",
        element = "Earth",
        cost = 3,
        genericcard = true,
        type = "Monster",
        jpnjob = "ベヒーモス",
        engjob = "Behemoth",
        jpntext = "[Earth][Dull]、あなたのコントロールするフォワード1体を選ぶ。ターン終了時までそれのパワーを+2000する。",
        engtext = "[Earth][Dull], Choose 1 Forward you control. It gains +2000 power until the end of the turn.",
        copyyear = "2011",
        source = "XIII2"
    }, {
        id = "7-070U",
        chapter = 7,
        noinset = 70,
        rarity = "Uncommon",
        jpnname = "スカルミリョーネ",
        romname = "Sukarumiryōne",
        ffwname = "Scarmiglione",
        image = "Scarmiglione2 TCG.png",
        width = 400,
        subject = "Scarmiglione",
        subjectlink = "Scarmiglione",
        medium = "Sprite",
        sourcefile = "Theatrhythm Scarmiglione.png",
        element = "Earth",
        cost = 2,
        type = "Forward",
        jpnjob = "ゴルベーザ四天王",
        engjob = "Archfiend",
        jpntext = "スカルミリョーネが手札以外からフィールドに出たとき、ターン終了時までスカルミリョーネのパワーを+5000し、先制攻撃を得る。//スカルミリョーネがフィールドからブレイクゾーンに置かれたとき、手札から【カード名(スカルミリョーネ)】1枚を捨ててもよい。そうした場合、スカルミリョーネをフィールドに戻す。",
        engtext = "When Scarmiglione enters the field other than from your hand, Scarmiglione gains +5000 power and First Strike until the end of the turn.//When Scarmiglione is put from the field into the Break Zone, you may discard 1 [Card Name (Scarmiglione)] from your hand. If you do so, return Scarmiglione onto the field.",
        power = 5000,
        copyyear = "2012",
        credits = "Developed by indieszero Co., Ltd.",
        source = "TFF"
    }, {
        id = "7-071C",
        chapter = 7,
        noinset = 71,
        rarity = "Common",
        reprint = "3-059C",
        jpnname = "統制者ハシュマリム",
        romname = "Tōseisha Hashumarimu",
        engname = "Hashmal, Bringer of Order",
        image = "Hashmal TCG.png",
        width = 400,
        subject = "Hashmal",
        subjectlink = "Hashmal",
        medium = "Render",
        sourcefile = "Hashmal.jpg",
        element = "Earth",
        cost = 1,
        type = "Summon",
        jpntext = "ジョブ1つか属性1つを指定する。ターン終了時まであなたのコントロールするすべてのフォワードのパワーを+1000し、指定したジョブか属性を与える。",
        engtext = "Name 1 Job or 1 Element. Until the end of the turn, all Forwards you control gain +1000 power and the named Job or Element.",
        copyyear = "2006",
        credits = "CHARACTER DESIGN: Akihiko Yoshida",
        source = "FFXII"
    }, {
        id = "7-072C",
        chapter = 7,
        noinset = 72,
        rarity = "Common",
        imageopus = "8-080C",
        jpnname = "プーマ夜光",
        romname = "Pūma Yakō",
        engname = "Luminous Puma",
        image = "LuminousPuma TCG.png",
        width = 400,
        subject = "Luminous Puma",
        subjectlink = "Luminous Puma",
        medium = "Render",
        sourcefile = "FFXIII-2 Luminous Puma.png",
        element = "Earth",
        cost = 1,
        genericcard = true,
        type = "Monster",
        jpnjob = "ゲバルト式軍用獣",
        ffwjob = "Razorclaw Type",--context: there's a typo here. later an enemy with the real job shows up. this is fixed in Opus
        jpntext = "プーマ夜光をブレイクゾーンに置く:フォワード1体を選ぶ。ターン終了時までそれのパワーを+2000する。//青魔法-[Earth][Earth][Elementless]:フォワード1体を選ぶ。ターン終了時までそれのパワーを+5000する。",
        engtext = "Put Luminous Puma into the Break Zone: Choose 1 Forward. It gains +2000 power until the end of the turn.//Blue Magic - [Earth][Earth][Elementless]: Choose 1 Forward. It gains +5000 power until the end of the turn.",
        copyyear = "2011",
        source = "XIII2"
    }, {
        id = "7-073S",
        chapter = 7,
        noinset = 73,
        rarity = "Special Rare",
        jpnname = "プリッシュ",
        romname = "Purisshu",
        engname = "Prishe",
        image = "Prishe2 TCG.png",
        width = 400,
        subject = "Prishe",
        subjectlink = "Prishe",
        medium = "Screenshot",
        element = "Earth",
        cost = 5,
        type = "Forward",
        jpnjob = "神学生",
        ffwjob = "Theologian",
        jpntext = "オーバードライブ([Elementless][Elementless][Elementless][Elementless][Elementless][Elementless][Elementless])-プリッシュがフィールドに出たとき、ダル状態のすべてのバックアップをブレイクする。//プリッシュがフィールドからブレイクゾーンに置かれたとき、ダル状態のキャラクター1体を選ぶ。それをブレイクしてもよい。",
        engtext = "Overdrive ([Elementless][Elementless][Elementless][Elementless][Elementless][Elementless][Elementless]) - When Prishe enters the field, break all dull Backups.//When Prishe is put from the field into the Break Zone, choose 1 dull Character. You may break it.",
        power = 9000,
        copyyear = "2002,2012",
        source = "FFXI",
    }, {
        id = "7-074U",
        chapter = 7,
        noinset = 74,
        rarity = "Uncommon",
        jpnname = "プリッシュ",
        romname = "Purisshu",
        engname = "Prishe",
        image = "Prishe3 TCG.png",
        width = 400,
        subject = "Prishe",
        subjectlink = "Prishe",
        medium = "Sprite",
        sourcefile = "Theatrhythm Prishe.png",
        element = "Earth",
        cost = 4,
        type = "Forward",
        jpnjob = "忌むべき子",
        engjob = "Abhorrent One",
        jpntext = "ブレイブ//覚醒([Earth][Dull]、プリッシュをブレイクゾーンに置く)",
        engtext = "Brave//Awakening ([Earth][Dull], put Prishe into the Break Zone)",
        power = 8000,
        copyyear = "2012",
        credits = "Developed by indieszero Co., Ltd.",
        source = "TFF"
    }, {
        id = "7-075R",
        chapter = 7,
        noinset = 75,
        rarity = "Rare",
        imageopus = "6-039H",
        jpnname = "ボーゲン",
        romname = "Bōgen",
        engname = "Borghen",
        image = "Borghen TCG.png",
        width = 400,
        subject = "Borghen",
        subjectlink = "Borghen",
        medium = "Concept art",
        sourcefile = "Borghen.jpg",
        element = "Earth",
        cost = 3,
        type = "Forward",
        jpnjob = "将軍",
        engjob = "Captain",
        jpntext = "ブレイブ//[Earth][Dull]、ボーゲンをブレイクゾーンに置く:ダル状態のフォワード1体を選ぶ。それをブレイクする。",
        engtext = "Brave//[Earth][Dull], put Borghen into the Break Zone: Choose 1 dull Forward. Break it.",
        power = 7000,
        copyyear = "1988,2007",
        source = "FFII"
    }, {
        id = "7-076C",
        chapter = 7,
        noinset = 76,
        rarity = "Common",
        jpnname = "魔獣使い",
        romname = "Majūtsukai",
        ffwname = "Beastmaster",
        image = "Beastmaster TCG.png",
        width = 400,
        subject = "Beastmaster",
        subjectlink = "Beastmaster (Tactics Advance)",
        medium = "Concept art",
        sourcefile = "Ffta-nu-mou-beastmaster.jpg",
        element = "Earth",
        cost = 2,
        genericcard = true,
        type = "Backup",
        jpnjob = "一般兵",
        engjob = "Standard Unit",
        jpntext = "[Dull]:フォワードのモンスター1体を選ぶ。ターン終了時までそれのパワーを+1000する。",
        ffwtext = "[Dull]: Choose 1 Monster Forward. It gains +1000 power until the end of the turn.",
        copyyear = "2003",
        credits = "DESIGN WORK DIRECTION:Hideo Minaba CHARACTER DESIGN:Ryoma Ito",
        source = "FFTA"
    }, {
        id = "7-077R",
        chapter = 7,
        noinset = 77,
        rarity = "Rare",
        jpnname = "ミース",
        romname = "Mīsu",
        engname = "Meeth",
        image = "Meeth TCG.png",
        width = 400,
        subject = "Meeth",
        subjectlink = "Meeth Crym",
        medium = "Concept art",
        sourcefile = "Ffccrof artwork meethcrym.jpg",
        element = "Earth",
        cost = 2,
        type = "Backup",
        jpnjob = "錬金術師",--錬金術士 hasn't appeared as a job yet
        engjob = "Alchemist",
        jpntext = "[Dull]、アクティブ状態のバックアップ1体をブレイクゾーンに置く:ブレイクゾーンに置いたバックアップと同じコストのバックアップ1枚をサーチし、ダル状態でフィールドに出す。それのオートアビリティは発動しない。このアビリティはあなたのターンにしか使えない。",
        engtext = "[Dull], put 1 active Backup into the Break Zone: you may search for 1 Backup of cost equal to the Backup put in the Break Zone and play it onto the field dull. Its auto-abilities will not trigger. You can only use this ability during your turn.",
        copyyear = "2007",
        credits = "CHARACTER DESIGN:Toshiyuki Itahana",
        source = "CCRoF"
    }, {
        id = "7-078C",
        chapter = 7,
        noinset = 78,
        rarity = "Common",
        jpnname = "モンク",
        romname = "Monku",
        litname = "Monk",
        engname = "Monk",
        image = "Monk XI TCG.png",
        width = 400,
        subject = "Galka Monk",
        subjectlink = "Monk (Final Fantasy XI)",
        medium = "Screenshot",
        element = "Earth",
        cost = 5,
        genericcard = true,
        type = "Forward",
        jpnjob = "一般兵",
        engjob = "Standard Unit",
        jpntext = "",
        engtext = "",
        power = 9000,
        copyyear = "2002,2012",
        source = "FFXI",
    }, {
        id = "7-079R",
        chapter = 7,
        noinset = 79,
        rarity = "Rare",
        opus = "5-095H",
        jpnname = "ヤン",
        romname = "Yan",
        engname = "Yang",
        image = "Yang TCG.png",
        width = 400,
        subject = "Yang",
        subjectlink = "Yang Fang Leiden",
        medium = "Concept art",
        sourcefile = "Yang art.jpg",
        element = "Earth",
        cost = 5,
        type = "Forward",
        jpnjob = "モンク",
        engjob = "Monk",
        jpntext = "オーバードライブ([Earth][Earth])-ヤンがフィールドに出たとき、対戦相手は自分のコントロールするフォワード1体を選ぶ。ヤンとそれはお互いのパワーに等しいダメージを与えあう。//ヤンは対戦相手の効果でダル状態にならない。",
        ffwtext = "Overdrive ([Earth][Earth]) - When Yang enters the field, your opponent chooses 1 Forward he/she controls. Yang and it deal damage equal to their own power to the other.//Yang cannot become dull by your opponent's effects.",--last effect is only thing in common to Opus
        power = 9000,
        copyyear = "1991,2007",
        source = "FFIV"
    }, {
        id = "7-080C",
        chapter = 7,
        noinset = 80,
        rarity = "Common",
        opus = "5-166S",
        jpnname = "ラスラ",
        romname = "Rasura",
        engname = "Rasler",
        image = "Rasler TCG.png",
        width = 400,
        subject = "Rasler",
        subjectlink = "Rasler Heios Nabradia",
        medium = "Render",
        sourcefile = "Rasler Nabradia.png",
        element = "Earth",
        cost = 2,
        type = "Forward",
        jpnjob = "王子",
        engjob = "Prince",
        ffwjob = "Royal Prince",--avoid overlap with 皇子
        ctxjob = "Prince",
        jpntext = "ラスラが対戦相手の効果に選ばれたとき、あなたがバッシュをコントロールしていない場合、ラスラはブレイクされる。//あなたのコントロールするアーシェはブレイクされない。",--it's missing によって. does it still make grammatical sense without it?
        engtext = "When Rasler is chosen by your opponent's effect, if you don't control Basch, break Rasler.//The Ashe you control cannot be broken.",
        power = 5000,
        copyyear = "2006",
        credits = "CHARACTER DESIGN: Akihiko Yoshida",
        source = "FFXII"
    }, {
        id = "7-081C",
        chapter = 7,
        noinset = 81,
        rarity = "Common",
        jpnname = "赤魔道士",
        romname = "Aka Madōshi",
        engname = "Red Mage",
        image = "RedMage XI TCG.png",
        width = 400,
        subject = "Female Elvaan Red Mage",
        subjectlink = "Red Mage (Final Fantasy XI)",
        medium = "Screenshot",
        element = "Lightning",
        cost = 2,
        genericcard = true,
        type = "Backup",
        jpnjob = "一般兵",
        engjob = "Standard Unit",
        jpntext = "[Elementless][Elementless][Dull]:フォワード1体を選ぶ。ターン終了時までそれに先制攻撃を与える。このアビリティはあなたのターンにしか使えない。",
        engtext = "[Elementless][Elementless][Dull]: Choose 1 Forward. It gains First Strike until the end of the turn. You can only use this ability during your turn.",
        copyyear = "2002,2012",
        source = "FFXI",
    }, {
        id = "7-082R",
        chapter = 7,
        noinset = 82,
        rarity = "Rare",
        imageopus = "7-044H",
        jpnname = "アルハナーレム",
        romname = "Aruhanāremu",
        engname = "Alhanalem",
        image = "Alhanalem TCG.png",
        width = 400,
        subject = "Alhanalem",
        subjectlink = "Alhanalem",
        medium = "Concept art",
        sourcefile = "Ffccrof artwork alhanalem.jpg",
        element = "Lightning",
        cost = 2,
        type = "Backup",
        jpnjob = "魔道師",--Opus uses 魔道士
        ffwjob = "Royal Mage",--魔道士 is used for "Mage". i'd hate if this was used again
        ctxjob = "Mage",
        jpntext = "オーバードライブ([Lightning][Lightning])-アルハナーレムがフィールドに出たとき、ダメージが与えられているフォワード1体を選ぶ。それをブレイクする。//[action:雷の極意] [S][Lightning][Lightning][Dull]:コスト4以下のフォワード1体を選ぶ。それをブレイクする。",
        engtext = "Overdrive ([Lightning][Lightning]) - When Alhanalem enters the field, choose 1 damaged Forward. Break it.//[action:Thunder Master] [S][Lightning][Lightning][Dull]: Choose 1 Forward of cost 4 or less. Break it.",
        copyyear = "2007",
        credits = "CHARACTER DESIGN:Toshiyuki Itahana",
        source = "CCRoF"
    }, {
        id = "7-083U",
        chapter = 7,
        noinset = 83,
        rarity = "Uncommon",
        jpnname = "イエローゼリー",
        romname = "Ierō Zerī",
        litname = "Yellow Jelly",
        ffwname = "Cream",
        image = "Cream TCG.png",
        width = 400,
        subject = "Cream",
        subjectlink = "Cream (Tactics Advance)",
        medium = "Concept art",
        element = "Lightning",
        cost = 1,
        genericcard = true,
        type = "Monster",
        jpnjob = "プリン",
        engjob = "Flan",
        jpntext = "あなたの第1メインフェイズ開始時にあなたがバックアップを4体以上コントロールしている場合、対戦相手のコントロールするコスト4以下のフォワード1体を選ぶ。イエローゼリーをブレイクゾーンに置く。そうした場合、それをブレイクする。",
        engtext = "If you control 4 or more Backups when your Main Phase 1 at the beginning of your Main Phase 1, choose 1 Backup opponent controls of cost 4 or less. Put Cream into the Break Zone. If you do so, break it.",
        copyyear = "2003",
        credits = "DESIGN WORK DIRECTION:Hideo Minaba CHARACTER DESIGN:Ryoma Ito",
        source = "FFTA"
    }, {
        id = "7-084U",
        chapter = 7,
        noinset = 84,
        rarity = "Uncommon",
        jpnname = "イクシオン",
        romname = "Ikushion",
        ffwname = "Ixion",
        image = "Ixion TCG.png",
        width = 400,
        subject = "Ixion",
        subjectlink = "Ixion (Final Fantasy X)",
        medium = "Concept art",
        sourcefile = "FF10 Ixion Artwork.jpg",
        element = "Lightning",
        cost = 4,
        excard = true,
        type = "Summon",
        jpntext = "対戦相手のコントロールするフォワード1体を選ぶ。ターン終了時までそれのパワーを-7000する。このターン、あなたのコントロールするフォワードがフィールドからブレイクゾーンに置かれている場合、代わりにそれをブレイクする。",
        engtext = "Choose 1 Forward opponent controls. It loses 7000 power until the end of the turn. If a Forward you control is put from the field into the Break Zone this turn, break it instead.",
        copyyear = "2001,2008",
        source = "FFX"
    }, {
        id = "7-085C",
        chapter = 7,
        noinset = 85,
        rarity = "Common",
        jpnname = "うつろいの竜騎士",
        romname = "Utsurui no Ryūkishi",
        litname = "Changeable Dragon Knight",
        ffwname = "Delusory Dragoon",
        image = "DelusoryDragoon TCG.png",
        width = 400,
        subject = "Delusory Dragoon",
        subjectlink = "Kain Highwind/Dissidia",
        medium = "Model",
        element = "Lightning",
        cost = 2,
        genericcard = true,
        type = "Forward",
        jpnjob = "イミテーション",
        engjob = "Manikin",
        jpntext = "[Lightning][Lightning]:ターン終了時までうつろいの竜騎士のパワーを+3000する。このアビリティは1ターンに1度しか使えない。",
        engtext = "[Lightning][Lightning]: Delusory Dragoon gains +3000 power until the end of the turn. You can only use this ability once per turn.",
        power = 4000,
        copyyear = "2008,2011",
        source = "D012", 
    }, {
        id = "7-086U",
        chapter = 7,
        noinset = 86,
        rarity = "Uncommon",
        jpnname = "エクスデス",
        romname = "Ekusudesu",
        litname = "Exdeath",
        engname = "Exdeath",
        image = "Exdeath EX-Mode TCG.png",
        width = 400,
        subject = "Exdeath",
        subjectlink = "Exdeath",
        medium = "Model",
        element = "Lightning",
        cost = 4,
        type = "Forward",
        jpnjob = "暗黒魔道士",
        engjob = "Wizard",
        jpntext = "あなたのコントロールする【ジョブ(イミテーション)】のフォワードのパワーを+1000し、ヘイストを与える。//[action:磁場転換] [S][Lightning][Dull]:あなたのブレイクゾーンにある【ジョブ(イミテーション)】のフォワード1枚を選ぶ。それをフィールドに出す。このアビリティはあなたのターンにしか使えない。",
        engtext = "The [Job (Manikin)] Forwards you control gain +1000 power and Haste.//[action:Reverse Polarity] [S][Lightning][Dull]: Choose 1 [Job (Manikin)] Forward in your Break Zone. Play it onto the field. You can only use this ability during your turn.",
        power = 8000,
        copyyear = "2008,2011",
        source = "D012",
    }, {
        id = "7-087U",
        chapter = 7,
        noinset = 87,
        rarity = "Uncommon",
        opus = "5-101H",
        jpnname = "オーディンダスク",
        romname = "Ōdin Dasuku",
        litname = "Odin Dusk",
        engname = "Twilight Odin",
        image = "TwilightOdin TCG.png",
        width = 400,
        subject = "Twilight Odin",
        subjectlink = "Twilight Odin",
        medium = "Render",
        element = "Lightning",
        cost = 4,
        type = "Monster",
        jpnjob = "オーディン",
        engjob = "Odin",
        jpntext = "[Lightning]:ターン終了時までオーディンダスクは「オーディンダスクが対戦相手にダメージを与えたとき、対戦相手のコントロールするフォワード1体を選ぶ。それをブレイクする。」を持つパワー7000のフォワードとしても扱う。",
        engtext = "[Lightning]: Until the end of the turn, Twilight Odin also becomes a Forward with 7000 power and \"When Twilight Odin deals damage to your opponent, choose 1 Forward opponent controls. Break it.\".",
        copyyear = "2011",
        source = "XIII2"
    }, {
        id = "7-088R",
        chapter = 7,
        noinset = 88,
        rarity = "Rare",
        jpnname = "ガーランド",
        romname = "Gārando",
        litname = "Garland",
        engname = "Garland",
        image = "Garland EX-Mode TCG.png",
        width = 400,
        subject = "Garland",
        subjectlink = "Garland (Final Fantasy)",
        medium = "Model",
        element = "Lightning",
        cost = 4,
        type = "Forward",
        jpnjob = "騎士",
        engjob = "Knight",
        jpntext = "ガーランドがフィールドからブレイクゾーンに置かれたとき、カオス1枚をサーチし、手札に加えてもよい。//手札を1枚捨てる:ターン終了時までガーランドのパワーを+1000する。",
        engtext = "When Garland is put from the field into the Break Zone, you may search for 1 Chaos and aadd it to your hand.//Discard 1 card from your hand: Garland gains +1000 power until the end of the turn.",
        power = 8000,
        copyyear = "2008,2011",
        source = "D012",
    }, {
        id = "7-089C",
        chapter = 7,
        noinset = 89,
        rarity = "Common",
        opus = "2-106R",
        jpnname = "グラミス",
        romname = "Guramisu",
        engname = "Gramis",
        image = "Gramis TCG.png",
        width = 400,
        subject = "Gramis",
        subjectlink = "Gramis Gana Solidor",
        medium = "Render",
        sourcefile = "Emperor Gramis.png",
        element = "Lightning",
        cost = 4,
        type = "Backup",
        jpnjob = "皇帝",
        engjob = "Emperor",
        jpntext = "グラミスがフィールドに出たとき、ヴェインかラーサー1枚と【ジョブ(ジャッジ)】1枚をサーチし、手札に加えてもよい。",
        engtext = "When Gramis enters the field, you may search for 1 Vayne or Larsa, and 1 [Job (Judge)] and add them to your hand.",
        copyyear = "2006",
        credits = "CHARACTER DESIGN: Akihiko Yoshida",
        source = "FFXII"
    }, {
        id = "7-090C",
        chapter = 7,
        noinset = 90,
        rarity = "Common",
        jpnname = "黒魔道士",
        romname = "Kuro Madōshi",
        engname = "Black Mage",
        image = "BlackMage TCG.png",
        width = 400,
        subject = "Hume Black Mage",
        subjectlink = "Black Mage (Tactics Advance)",
        medium = "Concept art",
        sourcefile = "Ffta-h-blackmage.jpg",
        element = "Lightning",
        cost = 2,
        genericcard = true,
        type = "Backup",
        jpnjob = "一般兵",
        engjob = "Standard Unit",
        jpntext = "黒魔道士がフィールドに出たとき、フォワード1体を選ぶ。ターン終了時までそれのパワーを-2000する。",
        ffwtext = "When Black mage enters the field, choose 1 Forward. It loses 2000 power until the end of the turn.",
        copyyear = "2003",
        credits = "DESIGN WORK DIRECTION:Hideo Minaba CHARACTER DESIGN:Ryoma Ito",
        source = "FFTA"
    }, {
        id = "7-091C",
        chapter = 7,
        noinset = 91,
        rarity = "Common",
        imageopus = "7-069C",
        jpnname = "コルカ",
        romname = "Koruka",
        engname = "Kolka",
        image = "Kolka TCG.png",
        width = 400,
        subject = "Kolka",
        subjectlink = "Kolka Tawantyn",
        medium = "Concept art",
        sourcefile = "Ffccrof artwork kolkatawantyn.jpg",
        element = "Lightning",
        cost = 3,
        type = "Backup",
        jpnjob = "王",
        engjob = "King",
        jpntext = "光属性のフォワードのパワーを+1000する。//闇属性のフォワードのパワーを-1000する。",
        engtext = "Light Forwards gain +1000 power.//Dark Forwards lose 1000 power.",
        copyyear = "2007",
        credits = "CHARACTER DESIGN:Toshiyuki Itahana",
        source = "CCRoF"
    }, {
        id = "7-092L",
        chapter = 7,
        noinset = 92,
        rarity = "Legend",
        jpnname = "ゴルベーザ",
        romname = "Gorubēza",
        engname = "Golbez",
        image = "Golbez TCG.png",
        width = 400,
        subject = "Golbez",
        subjectlink = "Golbez",
        medium = "Concept art",
        sourcefile = "Golbez.jpg",
        element = "Lightning",
        cost = 5,
        type = "Forward",
        jpnjob  = "魔人",
        engjob = "Warlock",
        jpntext = "あなたの手札にあるゴルベーザのコストは、あなたのコントロールする闇属性のキャラクター1体につき1減る。//ゴルベーザがアタックしたとき、フォワード1体を選ぶ。あなたが闇属性のキャラクターをコントロールしている場合、ターン終了時までそれのコントロールを得、ヘイストを与える。それをアクティブにする。",
        ffwtext = "The cost required for Golbez in your hand is reduced by 1 for each Dark Character you control.//When Golbez attacks, choose 1 Forward. If you control Dark Characters, it gains Haste until the end of the turn. Activate it.",
        power = 9000,
        copyyear = "1991,2007",
        source = "FFIV"
    }, {
        id = "7-093S",
        chapter = 7,
        noinset = 93,
        rarity = "Special Rare",
        imageopus = "6-094L",
        jpnname = "サイファー",
        romname = "Saifā",
        litname = "Seifer",
        engname = "Seifer",
        image = "Seifer3 TCG.png",
        width = 400,
        subject = "Seifer",
        subjectlink = "Seifer Almasy",
        medium = "Promo art",
        sourcefile = "AmanoSeifer1.jpg",
        element = "Lightning",
        cost = 3,
        type = "Forward",
        jpnjob = "SeeD候補生",
        engjob = "SeeD Candidate",
        jpntext = "先制攻撃//サイファーは対戦相手の雷属性の効果によっては選ばれない。//サイファーがブロックするかブロックされたとき、フォワード1体を選ぶ。ターン終了時までそれのパワーを-2000する。",
        engtext = "First Strike//Seifer cannot be chosen by your opponent's Lightning effects.//When Seifer blocks or is blocked, choose 1 Forward. It loses 2000 power until the end of the turn.",
        power = 6000,
        copyyear = "1999",
        source = "FFVIII"
    }, {
        id = "7-094C",
        chapter = 7,
        noinset = 94,
        rarity = "Common",
        jpnname = "サイファー",
        romname = "Saifā",
        litname = "Seifer",
        engname = "Seifer",
        image = "Seifer4 TCG.png",
        width = 400,
        subject = "Seifer",
        subjectlink = "Seifer Almasy",
        medium = "Sprite",
        sourcefile = "Theatrhythm Seifer.png",
        element = "Lightning",
        cost = 1,
        type = "Forward",
        jpnjob = "SeeD候補生",
        engjob = "SeeD Candidate",
        jpntext = "覚醒([Lightning][Dull]、サイファーをブレイクゾーンに置く)//サイファーがアタックしたとき、コスト2以下のフォワード1体を選ぶ。それをダルにしてもよい。",
        engtext = "Awakening ([Lightning][Dull], put Seifer into the Break Zone)//When Seifer attacks, choose 1 Forward of cost 2 or less. You may dull it.",
        power = 2000,
        copyyear = "2012",
        credits = "Developed by indieszero Co., Ltd.",
        source = "TFF"
    }, {
        id = "7-095R",
        chapter = 7,
        noinset = 95,
        rarity = "Rare",
        jpnname = "シーモア",
        romname = "Shīmoa",
        litname = "Seymour",
        engname = "Seymour",
        image = "SeymourNatus TCG.png",
        width = 400,
        subject = "Seymour",
        subjectlink = "Seymour Guado",
        role = "Seymour Natus",
        medium = "Sprite",
        element = "Lightning",
        cost = 4,
        type = "Forward",
        jpnjob = "召喚士",
        engjob = "Summoner",
        jpntext = "オーバードライブ([Lightning][Lightning][Elementless][Elementless])-シーモアがフィールドに出たとき、フォワード1体を選ぶ。それをブレイクする。//シーモアがフィールドからブレイクゾーンに置かれたとき、あなたは手札を2枚捨ててもよい。そうした場合、シーモアをダル状態でフィールドに戻す。",
        engtext = "Overdrive ([Lightning][Lightning][Elementless][Elementless]) - When Seymour enters the field, choose 1 Forward. Break it.//When Seymour is put from the field into the Break Zone, you may discard 2 cards from your hand. If you do so, return Seymour onto the field dull.",
        power = 8000,
        copyyear = "2012",
        credits = "Developed by indieszero Co., Ltd.",
        source = "TFF"
    }, {
        id = "7-096C",
        chapter = 7,
        noinset = 96,
        rarity = "Common",
        jpnname = "ジイリッハ",
        romname = "Jiirihha",
        ffwname = "Fachan",
        image = "Fachan TCG.png",
        width = 400,
        subject = "Fachan",
        subjectlink = "Fachan (Final Fantasy XIII-2)",
        medium = "Render",
        sourcefile = "FFXIII2 enemy Fachan.png",
        element = "Lightning",
        cost = 1,
        genericcard = true,
        type = "Monster",
        jpnjob = "小鬼",
        engjob = "Spook",
        jpntext = "[Dull]:フォワード1体を選ぶ。ターン終了時までそれに先制攻撃を与える。このターン、それがフィールドから離れたとき、ジイリッハをブレイクゾーンに置く。",
        engtext = "[Dull]: Choose 1 Forward. It gains First Strike until the end of the turn. When Fachan leaves the field this turn, put Fachan into the Break Zone.",
        copyyear = "2011",
        source = "XIII2"
    }, {
        id = "7-097U",
        chapter = 7,
        noinset = 97,
        rarity = "Uncommon",
        jpnname = "シド・クレイマー",
        romname = "Shido Kureimā",
        ffwname = "Cid Kramer",
        image = "CidKramer TCG.png",
        width = 400,
        subject = "Cid Kramer",
        subjectlink = "Cid Kramer",
        medium = "Concept art",
        sourcefile = "Cid (Final Fantasy VIII).jpg",
        element = "Lightning",
        cost = 4,
        type = "Backup",
        jpnjob = "学園長",
        ffwjob = "Headmaster",
        jpntext = "シド・クレイマーがフィールドに出たとき、スコールかサイファー1枚をサーチし、手札に加えてもよい。//あなたのコントロールする【ジョブ(SeeD)】と【ジョブ(SeeD候補生)】のフォワードにヘイストを与える。",
        engtext = "When Cid Kramer enters the field, you may search for 1 Squall or Seifer and add it to your hand.//The [Job (SeeD)] and [Job (SeeD Candidate)] Forwards you control gain Haste.",
        copyyear = "1999",
        source = "FFVIII"
    }, {
        id = "7-098U",
        chapter = 7,
        noinset = 98,
        rarity = "Uncommon",
        jpnname = "スカリーZ",
        romname = "Sukarī Zeddo",
        ffwname = "Shikaree Z",
        image = "ShikareeZ TCG.png",
        width = 400,
        subject = "Shikaree Z",
        medium = "Screenshot",
        element = "Lightning",
        cost = 3,
        type = "Forward",
        jpnjob = "罪狩りのミスラ",
        ffwjob = "Mithran Tracker",
        jpntext = "ヘイスト//あなたがスカリーXかスカリーYをコントロールしている場合、スカリーZのパワーは+2000される。//スカリーXとスカリーYとスカリーZをダルにする:キャラクター1体を選ぶ。それをブレイクする。",
        engtext = "Haste//If you control Shikaree X or Shikaree Y, Shikaree Z gains +2000 power.//Dull Shikaree X, Shikaree Y, and Shikaree Z: Choose 1 Character. Break it.",
        power = 5000,
        copyyear = "2002,2012",
        source = "FFXI",
    }, {
        id = "7-099C",
        chapter = 7,
        noinset = 99,
        rarity = "Common",
        imageopus = "7-098R",
        jpnname = "プリン電機兵",
        romname = "Purin Denki-hei",
        engname = "Flanborg",
        image = "Flanborg TCG.png",
        width = 400,
        subject = "Flanborg",
        subjectlink = "Flanborg (Final Fantasy XIII-2)",
        medium = "Render",
        sourcefile = "FFXIII enemy Flanborg.png",
        element = "Lightning",
        cost = 3,
        genericcard = true,
        type = "Monster",
        jpnjob = "プリン型軍用獣",
        engjob = "Militarized Flan",
        ctxjob = "Flan",--XIII-2 types that come in wild and militarised variants often share the same subtype name in EN, but not in JP
        jpntext = "プリン電機兵をブレイクゾーンに置く:フォワード1体を選ぶ。ターン終了時までそれのパワーを-5000する。//青魔法-[Lightning][Elementless]:フォワード1体を選ぶ。ターン終了時までそれのパワーを-2000する。",
        engtext = "Put Flanborg into the Break Zone: Choose 1 Forward. It loses 5000 power until the end of the turn.//Blue Magic - [Lightning][Elementless]: Choose 1 Forward. It loses 2000 power until the end of the turn.",
        copyyear = "2011",
        source = "XIII2"
    }, {
        id = "7-100C",
        chapter = 7,
        noinset = 100,
        rarity = "Common",
        reprint = "3-078C",
        jpnname = "憤怒の霊帝アドラメレク",
        romname = "Funnu no Reitei Adoramereku",
        engname = "Adrammelech, the Wroth",
        image = "Adrammelech2 TCG.png",
        width = 400,
        subject = "Adrammelech",
        subjectlink = "Adrammelech",
        medium = "Render",
        sourcefile = "Adrammelech.jpg",
        element = "Lightning",
        cost = 3,
        excard = true,
        type = "Summon",
        jpntext = "アクティブ状態のフォワード1体を選ぶ。それに7000ダメージを与える。",
        engtext = "Choose 1 active Forward. Deal it 7000 damage.",
        copyyear = "2006",
        credits = "CHARACTER DESIGN: Akihiko Yoshida",
        source = "FFXII"
    }, {
        id = "7-101C",
        chapter = 7,
        noinset = 101,
        rarity = "Common",
        imageopus = "7-043C",
        jpnname = "アーチェス",
        romname = "Āchesu",
        engname = "Aleria",
        image = "Aleria TCG.png",
        width = 400,
        subject = "Aleria",
        subjectlink = "Aleria",
        medium = "Concept art",
        sourcefile = "Ffccrof artwork aleria.jpg",
        element = "Water",
        cost = 2,
        type = "Backup",
        jpnjob = "母",
        engjob = "Mother",
        jpntext = "あなたの手札にあるユーリィとチェリンカのコストは1減る(0にはならない)。//[Dull]:ユーリィかチェリンカ1体を選ぶ。それをアクティブにする。",
        engtext = "The cost required for Yuri and Chelinka in your hand is reduced by 1 (it cannot become 0).//[Dull]: Choose 1 Yuri or Chelinka. Activate it.",
        copyyear = "2007",
        credits = "CHARACTER DESIGN:Toshiyuki Itahana",
        source = "CCRoF"
    }, {
        id = "7-102R",
        chapter = 7,
        noinset = 102,
        rarity = "Rare",
        imageopus = "6-107R",
        jpnname = "アルティミシア",
        romname = "Arutimishia",
        engname = "Ultimecia",
        image = "Ultimecia EX-Mode TCG.png",
        width = 400,
        subject = "Ultimecia",
        subjectlink = "Ultimecia",
        medium = "Model",
        element = "Water",
        cost = 4,
        type = "Forward",
        jpnjob = "魔女",
        engjob = "Witch",
        ctxjob = "Sorceress",
        jpntext = "覚醒([Dull]、アルティミシアをブレイクゾーンに置く)//アルティミシアがフィールドに出たとき、対戦相手のコントロールするすべてのアクティブ状態のフォワードをダルに、すべてのダル状態のフォワードをアクティブにする。",
        engtext = "Awakening ([Dull], put Ultimecia into the Break Zone)//When Ultimecia enters the field, dull all active Forwards opponent controls, and activate all dull Forwards opponent controls.",
        power = 8000,
        copyyear = "2008,2011",
        source = "D012", 
    }, {
        id = "7-103U",
        chapter = 7,
        noinset = 103,
        rarity = "Uncommon",
        opus = "5-124H",
        jpnname = "オズマ",
        romname = "Ozuma",
        engname = "Ozma",
        image = "Ozma TCG.png",
        width = 400,
        subject = "Ozma",
        subjectlink = "Ozma",
        medium = "Sprite",
        sourcefile = "Theatrhythm Ozma.png",
        element = "Water",
        cost = 5,
        type = "Monster",
        jpnjob = "オズマ",
        engjob = "Ozma",
        jpntext = "[0]:ターン終了時までオズマは「オズマは闇属性からのダメージを受けない。」を持つパワー8000のフォワードとしても扱う。//[action:フレアスター] [S][Water][Elementless][Elementless][Dull]:ターン終了時まで対戦相手のコントロールするすべてのフォワードのパワーを自身のコスト1につき、-2000する。このアビリティはオズマがフォワードの場合にしか使えない。",
        engtext = "[0]: Until the end of the turn, Ozma also becomes a Forward with 8000 power and \"Ozma doesn't receive damage from Dark cards.\".//[action:Flare Star] [S][Water][Elementless][Elementless][Dull]: All the Forwards opponent controls lose 2000 power for each CP required to play them until the end of the turn. You can only use this ability if Ozma is a Forward.",
        copyyear = "2012",
        credits = "Developed by indieszero Co., Ltd.",
        source = "TFF"
    }, {
        id = "7-104U",
        chapter = 7,
        noinset = 104,
        rarity = "Uncommon",
        jpnname = "カイナッツォ",
        romname = "Kainattso",
        engname = "Cagnazzo",
        image = "Cagnazzo2 TCG.png",
        width = 400,
        subject = "Cagnazzo",
        subjectlink = "Cagnazzo",
        medium = "Sprite",
        sourcefile = "Theatrhythm Cagnazzo.png",
        element = "Water",
        cost = 2,
        type = "Forward",
        jpnjob = "ゴルベーザ四天王",
        engjob = "Archfiend",
        jpntext = "[Water][Dull]:あなたの次の第1メインフェイズ開始時にカイナッツォがアクティブ状態でフィールドにいる場合、対戦相手のコントロールするすべてのフォワードに5000ダメージを与える。カイナッツォをダルにする。このアビリティはあなたのターンにしか使えない。",
        engtext = "[Water][Dull]: If Cagnazzo is on the field active when your next Main Phase 1 at the beginning of your Main Phase 1, deal 5000 damage to all Forwards opponent controls. Dull Cagnazzo. You can only use this ability during your turn.",
        power = 4000,
        copyyear = "2012",
        credits = "Developed by indieszero Co., Ltd.",
        source = "TFF"
    }, {
        id = "7-105R",
        chapter = 7,
        noinset = 105,
        rarity = "Rare",
        jpnname = "暗闇の雲",
        romname = "Kurayami no Kumo",
        engname = "Cloud of Darkness",
        image = "CloudOfDarkness EX-Mode TCG.png",
        width = 400,
        subject = "Cloud of Darkness",
        subjectlink = "Cloud of Darkness",
        medium = "Model",
        element = "Water",
        cost = 5,
        type = "Forward",
        jpnjob = "妖魔",
        engjob = "Wraith",
        jpntext = "[X][Dull]:フォワード1体を選ぶ。ターン終了時までそれのパワーを支払われたCP1につき、-1000する。//[action:超波動砲] [S][X]:ターン終了時まで対戦相手のコントロールするすべてのフォワードのパワーを支払われたCP1につき、-1000する。このアビリティのコストは水属性のCPでしか支払えない。",
        ffwtext = "[X][Dull]: Choose 1 Forward. It loses 1000 power for each CP spent.//[action:Ultra Particle Beam] [S][X]: All Forwards opponent controls lose 1000 power for each CP spent. You can only use this ability by paying with CP of Water.",
        power = 8000,
        copyyear = "2008,2011",
        source = "D012", 
    }, {
        id = "7-106C",
        chapter = 7,
        noinset = 106,
        rarity = "Common",
        imageopus = "7-111R",
        jpnname = "ジオスゲイノ",
        romname = "Jiosugeino",
        engname = "Geosgaeno",
        image = "Geosgaeno TCG.png",
        width = 400,
        subject = "Geosgaeno",
        subjectlink = "Geosgaeno",
        medium = "Concept art",
        sourcefile = "Geosgaeno FFX.jpg",
        element = "Water",
        cost = 4,
        genericcard = true,--why??
        type = "Monster",
        jpnjob = "ジオスゲイノ",--there are fiend types you could have used for jobs yaknow?
        engjob = "Geosgaeno",
        jpntext = "[Dull]:フォワードを最大3体まで選ぶ。ターン終了時までそれらのパワーを-1000する。",
        ffwtext = "[Dull]: Choose up to 3 Forwards. They lose 1000 power until the end of the turn.",
        copyyear = "2001,2008",
        source = "FFX"
    }, {
        id = "7-107C",
        chapter = 7,
        noinset = 107,
        rarity = "Common",
        jpnname = "守護騎士",
        romname = "Shugokishi",
        ffwname = "Defender",
        image = "Defender TCG.png",
        width = 400,
        subject = "Fenrir",
        subjectlink = "Fenrir (summon)#Final Fantasy IX",
        medium = "Concept art",
        sourcefile = "Ffta-bangaa-defender.jpg",
        element = "Water",
        cost = 2,
        genericcard = true,
        type = "Backup",
        jpnjob = "一般兵",
        engjob = "Standard Unit",
        jpntext = "[Dull]、守護騎士をブレイクゾーンに置く:フォワード1体を選ぶ。このターン、次にそれに与えられるダメージを3000減らす。",
        ffwtext = "[Dull], put Defender into the Break Zone: Choose 1 Forward. The next damage it receives this turn is reduced by 3000.",
        copyyear = "2003",
        credits = "DESIGN WORK DIRECTION:Hideo Minaba CHARACTER DESIGN:Ryoma Ito",
        source = "FFTA"
    }, {
        id = "7-108C",
        chapter = 7,
        noinset = 108,
        rarity = "Common",
        opus = "5-129C",
        jpnname = "シュレディンガー",
        romname = "Shuredingā",
        engname = "Schrodinger",
        image = "Schrodinger TCG.png",
        width = 400,
        subject = "Schrodinger",
        subjectlink = "Schrodinger (Final Fantasy XIII-2)",
        medium = "Render",
        sourcefile = "FFXIII-2 Schrodinger.png",
        element = "Water",
        cost = 1,
        genericcard = true,
        type = "Monster",
        jpnjob = "壺猫",
        engjob = "Potcat",
        jpntext = "[Dull]、シュレディンガーをブレイクゾーンに置く:あなたのコントロールするフォワード1体を選ぶ。それを手札に戻す。//青魔法-[Water][Water][Elementless][Elementless]:フォワード1体を選ぶ。それを手札に戻す。",
        engtext = "[Dull], put Schrodinger into the Break Zone: Choose 1 Forward you control. Return it to its owner's hand.//Blue Magic - [Water][Water][Elementless][Elementless]: Choose 1 Forward. Return it to its owner's hand.",
        copyyear = "2011",
        source = "XIII2"
    }, {
        id = "7-109C",
        chapter = 7,
        noinset = 109,
        rarity = "Common",
        jpnname = "白魔道士",
        romname = "Shiro Madōshi",
        engname = "White Mage",
        image = "WhiteMage XI TCG.png",
        width = 400,
        subject = "Female Hume White Mage",
        subjectlink = "White Mage (Final Fantasy XI)",
        medium = "Screenshot",
        element = "Water",
        cost = 2,
        genericcard = true,
        type = "Forward",
        jpnjob = "一般兵",
        engjob = "Standard Unit",
        jpntext = "[Water][Water]:フォワード1体を選ぶ。このターン、次にそれに与えられるダメージを2000減らす。",
        ffwtext = "[Water][Water]: Choose 1 Forward. The next damage it receives is reduced by 2000.",
        power = 3000,
        copyyear = "2002,2012",
        source = "FFXI",
    }, {
        id = "7-110U",
        chapter = 7,
        noinset = 110,
        rarity = "Uncommon",
        jpnname = "スプライト",
        romname = "Supraito",
        litname = "Sprite",
        ffwname = "Sprite",
        image = "Sprite TCG.png",
        width = 400,
        subject = "Sprite",
        subjectlink = "Sprite (Tactics Advance)",
        medium = "Concept art",
        element = "Water",
        cost = 1,
        genericcard = true,
        type = "Monster",
        jpnjob = "妖精",
        engjob = "Fairy",--Opus 5-053R
        jpntext = "あなたの第1メインフェイズ開始時にあなたの手札が8枚以上の場合、スプライトをブレイクゾーンに置く。そうした場合、対戦相手のコントロールするすべてのフォワードとモンスターを手札に戻す。",
        engtext = "If you have 8 or more cards in your hand when your Main Phase 1 at the beginning of your Main Phase 1, put Sprite into the Break Zone. If you do so, return all Forwards and Monsters opponent controls to their owner's hand.",
        copyyear = "2003",
        credits = "DESIGN WORK DIRECTION:Hideo Minaba CHARACTER DESIGN:Ryoma Ito",
        source = "FFTA"
    }, {
        id = "7-111U",
        chapter = 7,
        noinset = 111,
        rarity = "Uncommon",
        jpnname = "せーラ姫",
        romname = "Sēra-hime",
        engname = "Princess Sarah",
        image = "PrincessSarah TCG.png",
        width = 400,
        subject = "Princess Sarah",
        subjectlink = "Sarah (Final Fantasy)",
        medium = "Sprite",
        element = "Water",
        cost = 3,
        type = "Backup",
        jpnjob = "姫",
        ffwjob = "Princess",
        jpntext = "セーラ姫がフィールドに出たとき、光属性のフォワード1枚をサーチし、手札に加えてもよい。",
        engtext = "When Princess Sarah enters the field, you may search for 1 Light Forward and add it to your hand.",
        copyyear = "2012",
        credits = "Developed by indieszero Co., Ltd.",
        source = "TFF"
    }, {
        id = "7-112L",
        chapter = 7,
        noinset = 112,
        rarity = "Legend",
        jpnname = "ティーダ",
        romname = "Tīda",
        litname = "Tida",
        engname = "Tidus",
        image = "Tidus TCG.png",
        width = 400,
        subject = "Tidus",
        subjectlink = "Tidus",
        medium = "Promo art",
        sourcefile = "Amano Steel.jpg",
        element = "Water",
        cost = 5,
        type = "Forward",
        jpnjob = "ガード",
        engjob = "Guardian",
        jpntext = "ゲームから除外されているティーダのコストは1減る(0にはならない)。//ティーダがゲームから除外されている場合、手札にあるかのようにプレイすることができる。//ティーダがフィールドに出たとき、カードを1枚引いてもよい。",
        ffwtext = "The cost of Tidus removed from the game is reduced by 1 (it cannot become 0).//If Tidus is removed from the game, you can play it as if it were in your hand.//When Tidus enters the field, you may draw 1 card.",
        power = 8000,
        copyyear = "2001",
        source = "FFX"
    }, {
        id = "7-113R",
        chapter = 7,
        noinset = 113,
        rarity = "Rare",
        imageopus = "6-122H",
        jpnname = "ヒルダ",
        romname = "Hiruda",
        litname = "Hilda",
        engname = "Hilda",
        image = "Hilda TCG.png",
        width = 400,
        subject = "Hilda",
        subjectlink = "Princess Hilda",
        medium = "Concept art",
        sourcefile = "Amano-FFII-Hilda.jpg",
        element = "Water",
        cost = 5,
        type = "Backup",
        jpnjob = "王女",
        engjob = "Princess",
        ffwjob = "Royal Princess",--avoid conflict with 姫
        ctxjob = "Princess",
        jpntext = "あなたの手札にあるヒルダのコストは、あなたのコントロールするフォワード1体につき1減る。//あなたのコントロールする【ジョブ(王女)】のフォワードのパワーを+1000する。//あなたのコントロールするヒルダ以外の【ジョブ(王女)】が対戦相手の効果によって選ばれるたび、それを手札に戻してもよい。",
        engtext = "The cost required for Hilda in your hand is reduced by 1 for each Forward you control.//The [Job (Princess)] Forwards you control gain +1000 power.//Whenever a [Job (Princess)] you control other than Hilda is chosen by an opponent's effect, you may return it to its owner's hand.",
        copyyear = "1988,2007",
        source = "FFII"
    }, {
        id = "7-114U",
        chapter = 7,
        noinset = 114,
        rarity = "Uncommon",
        jpnname = "ファリス",
        romname = "Farisu",
        litname = "Faris",
        engname = "Faris",
        image = "Faris TCG.png",
        width = 400,
        subject = "Faris",
        subjectlink = "Faris Scherwiz",
        medium = "Sprite",
        sourcefile = "Theatrhythm Faris.png",
        element = "Water",
        cost = 1,
        type = "Forward",
        jpnjob = "海賊",
        engjob = "Pirate",
        jpntext = "覚醒([Water][Elementless][Dull]、ファリスをブレイクゾーンに置く)//あなたのフィールドにファリス以外の【ジョブ(海賊)】か【カード名(バイキング)】が出るたび、カードを1枚引いてもよい。そうじた場合、あなたは手札を1枚捨てる。",
        engtext = "Awakening ([Water][Elementless][Dull], put Faris into the Break Zone)//Whenever a [Job (Pirate)] and [Card Name (Viking)] other than Faris enters the field, you may draw 1 card. If you do so, you discard 1 card from your hand.",
        power = 2000,
        copyyear = "2012",
        credits = "Developed by indieszero Co., Ltd.",
        source = "TFF"
    }, {
        id = "7-115C",
        chapter = 7,
        noinset = 115,
        rarity = "Common",
        reprint = "3-094C",
        jpnname = "不浄王キュクレイン",
        romname = "Fujō Ō Kyukurein",
        engname = "Cúchulainn, the Impure",
        image = "Cúchulainn TCG.png",
        width = 400,
        subject = "Cúchulainn",
        subjectlink = "Cúchulainn",
        medium = "Render",
        sourcefile = "Cuch.jpg",
        element = "Water",
        cost = 4,
        excard = true,
        type = "Summon",
        jpntext = "対戦相手のコントロールするフォワード1体を選ぶ。ターン終了時までそれのパワーを対戦相手のコントロールするダル状態のキャラクター1体につき、-1000する。カードを1枚引く。",
        engtext = "Choose 1 Forward opponent controls. It loses 1000 power for each dull Character opponent controls until the end of the turn. Draw 1 card.",
        copyyear = "2006",
        credits = "CHARACTER DESIGN: Akihiko Yoshida",
        source = "FFXII"
    }, {
        id = "7-116S",
        chapter = 7,
        noinset = 116,
        rarity = "Special Rare",
        opus = "5-135L",--partial ability similarity
        jpnname = "ポロム",
        romname = "Poromu",
        engname = "Porom",
        image = "Porom3 TCG.png",
        width = 400,
        subject = "Porom",
        subjectlink = "Porom",
        medium = "Concept art",
        sourcefile = "Ff4 porom.jpg",
        element = "Water",
        cost = 2,
        type = "Forward",
        jpnjob = "白魔道士",
        engjob = "White Mage",
        jpntext = "オーバードライブ([Elementless][Elementless][Elementless])-ポロムがフィールドに出たとき、あなたのデッキを上から3枚公開する。それらから異なるカードタイプを1枚ずつ手札に加えてもよい。残りをブレイクゾーンに置く。//[action:ホーリー] [S][Water][Dull]:フォワード1体を選ぶ。それにあなたの手札1枚につき、2000ダメージを与える。",
        ffwtext = "Overdrive ([Elementless][Elementless][Elementless]) - When Porom enters the field, reveal the top 3 cards of your deck. From them you may add 1 card of each type to your hand. Put the other cards in your Break Zone.//[action:Holy] [S][Water][Dull]: Choose 1 Forward. Deal it 2000 damage for each card in your hand.",
        power = 3000,
        copyyear = "1991",
        source = "FFIV"
    }, {
        id = "7-117C",
        chapter = 7,
        noinset = 117,
        rarity = "Common",
        jpnname = "まやかしの妖魔",
        romname = "Mayakashi no Yōma",
        litname = "Counterfeit Wraith",
        ffwname = "Counterfeit Wraith",
        image = "CounterfeitWraith TCG.png",
        width = 400,
        subject = "Counterfeit Wraith",
        subjectlink = "Cloud of Darkness/Dissidia",
        medium = "Model",
        element = "Water",
        cost = 3,
        genericcard = true,
        type = "Forward",
        jpnjob = "イミテーション",
        engjob = "Manikin",
        jpntext = "オーバードライブ([Water][Elementless])-まやかしの妖魔がフィールドに出たとき、すべてのプレイヤーは自分のコントロールするフォワード1体をブレイクゾーンに置く。",
        engtext = "Overdrive ([Water][Elementless]) - When Counterfeit Wraith enters the field, both players puts 1 Forward they control into the Break Zone.",
        power = 6000,
        copyyear = "2008,2011",
        source = "D012", 
    }, {
        id = "7-118C",
        chapter = 7,
        noinset = 118,
        rarity = "Common",
        jpnname = "ミンウ",
        romname = "Min'u",
        engname = "Minwu",
        image = "Minwu2 TCG.png",
        width = 400,
        subject = "Minwu",
        subjectlink = "Minwu",
        medium = "Sprite",
        sourcefile = "Theatrhythm Minwu.png",
        element = "Water",
        cost = 1,
        type = "Backup",
        jpnjob = "白魔道士",
        engjob = "White Mage",
        jpntext = "オーバードライブ([Water][Water][Elementless])-ミンウがフィールドに出たとき、手札のコスト7以下の召喚獣1枚をコストを支払わずに召喚してもよい。",
        engtext = "Overdrive ([Water][Water][Elementless]) - When Minwu enters the field, you may cast 1 Summon of cost 7 or less from your hand without paying its cost.",
        copyyear = "2012",
        credits = "Developed by indieszero Co., Ltd.",
        source = "TFF"
    }, {
        id = "7-119C",
        chapter = 7,
        noinset = 119,
        rarity = "Common",
        imageopus = "6-165S",
        jpnname = "ラーサー",
        romname = "Rāsā",
        engname = "Larsa",
        width = 400,
        image = "Larsa2 TCG.png",
        subject = "Larsa",
        subjectlink = "Larsa Ferrinas Solidor",
        medium = "Render",
        sourcefile = "Larsa Solidor.png",
        element = "Water",
        cost = 3,
        type = "Backup",
        jpnjob = "皇子",--ahh man, fuck you. his other card is 王子
        engjob = "Fourthborn Son of the Emperor",--holy shit official translators, you get my struggle!
        ffwjob = "Prince",
        jpntext = "あなたの手札にあるラーサーのコストは、あなたのコントロールしている【ジョブ(ジャッジ)】1体につき1減る(0にはならない)。//[Elementless][Dull]:フォワード1体を選ぶ。それをアクティブにする。",
        engtext = "The cost required for Larsa in your hand is reduced by 1 for each [Job (Judge)] you control (it cannot become 0).//[Elementless][Dull]: Choose 1 Forward. Activate it.",
        copyyear = "2006",
        credits = "CHARACTER DESIGN: Akihiko Yoshida",
        source = "FFXII"
    }, {
        id = "7-120U",
        chapter = 7,
        noinset = 120,
        rarity = "Uncommon",
        imageopus = "5-139C",
        jpnname = "リヴァイアサン",
        romname = "Rivaiasan",
        litname = "Leviathan",
        engname = "Leviathan",
        image = "Leviathan3 TCG.png",
        width = 400,
        subject = "Leviathan",
        subjectlink = "Leviathan#Final Fantasy IV",
        medium = "Art",
        sourcefile = "Leviathan FFIV DS Art.png",
        element = "Water",
        cost = 4,
        excard = true,
        type = "Summon",
        jpntext = "あなたがリディアをコントロールしている場合、水属性のCPを含まなくてもリヴァイアサンを召喚することができる。//ターン終了時まで対戦相手のコントロールするすべてのフォワードのパワーをあなたの手札1枚につき-1000する。",
        ffwtext = "If you control Rydia, you can cast Leviathan without using CP of Water.//All the Forwards opponent controls lose 1000 power for each card in your hand until the end of the turn.",
        copyyear = "1991,2007",
        source = "FFIV_DS"
    }, {
        id = "7-121R",
        chapter = 7,
        noinset = 121,
        rarity = "Rare",
        jpnname = "コスモス",
        romname = "Kosumosu",
        litname = "Cosmos",
        engname = "Cosmos",
        image = "Cosmos TCG.png",
        width = 400,
        subject = "Cosmos",
        subjectlink = "Cosmos (Dissidia)",
        medium = "Sprite",
        element = "Light",
        cost = 2,
        type = "Backup",
        jpnjob = "調和の神",
        engjob = "Goddess of Harmony",
        jpntext = "コスモスはあなたがほかの光属性のキャラクターをコントロールしている場合でもフィールドに出すことができる。//あなたは光属性のキャラクターを2体以上フィールドに出すことができる。//あなたの手札にある光属性のフォワードのコストは1減る(0にはならない)。",
        engtext = "Cosmos can be played onto the field even if you control other Light Characters.//You can play 2 or more Light Characters onto the field.//The cost required for Light Forwards in your hand is reduced by 1 (it cannot become 0).",
        copyyear = "2012",
        credits = "Developed by indieszero Co., Ltd.",
        source = "TFF"
    }, {
        id = "7-122S",
        chapter = 7,
        noinset = 122,
        rarity = "Special Rare",
        imageopus = "1-214S",
        jpnname = "ユウナ",
        romname = "Yūna",
        engname = "Yuna",
        image = "Yuna3 TCG.png",
        width = 400,
        subject = "Yuna",
        subjectlink = "Yuna",
        medium = "FMV frame",
        sourcefile = "SendingWallpaper.jpg",
        element = "Light",
        cost = 4,
        type = "Forward",
        jpnjob = "召喚士",
        engjob = "Summoner",
        jpntext = "あなたの手札にある召喚獣のコストは1減る(0にはならない)。//召喚獣を2枚捨てる:フォワード1体を選ぶ。それをブレイクする。//[Elementless]、召喚獣を1枚捨てる:あなたのコントロールすフォワード1体を選ぶ。このターン、それは対戦相手の効果によっては選ばれない。",
        engtext = "The cost required for Summons in your hand is reduced by 1 (it cannot become 0).//Discard 2 Summons: Choose 1 Forward. Break it.//[Elementless], discard 1 Summon: Choose 1 Forward you control. It cannot be chosen by your opponent's effects this turn.",
        power = 8000,
        copyyear = "2001,2008",
        source = "FFX"
    }, {
        id = "7-123R",
        chapter = 7,
        noinset = 123,
        rarity = "Rare",
        jpnname = "ユーリィ",
        romname = "Yūrī",
        engname = "Yuri",
        image = "Yuri TCG.png",
        width = 400,
        altimage = "Yuri3 TCG.png",
        altwidth = 400,
        subject = "Yuri",
        subjectlink = "Yuri (Crystal Chronicles)",
        medium = "Concept art",
        sourcefile = "Ffccrof artwork yuri.jpg",
        altsubject = "Yuri",
        altsubjectlink = "Yuri (Crystal Chronicles)",
        altmedium = "Concept art",
        altsourcefile = "FFCC-RoF Logo.jpg",--best we got
        element = "Light",
        cost = 3,
        type = "Forward",
        jpnjob = "ハーフクリスタル",
        engjob = "Lay Crystal User",
        jpntext = "オーバードライブ([Elementless][Elementless])-ユーリィがフィールドに出たとき、フォワード1体を選ぶ。あなたがチェリンカをコントロールしている場合、それをブレイクする。//ユーリィがフォワードにダメージを与える場合、代わりにそのダメージは2000多くなる。",
        engtext = "Overdrive ([Elementless][Elementless]) - When Yuri enters the field, choose 1 Forward. If you control Chelinka, break it.//If Yuri deals damage to a Forward, increase the damage by 2000 instead.",
        power = 7000,
        copyyear = "2007",
        credits = "CHARACTER DESIGN:Toshiyuki Itahana",
        source = "CCRoF"
    }, {
        id = "7-124R",
        chapter = 7,
        noinset = 124,
        rarity = "Rare",
        jpnname = "カオス",
        romname = "Kaosu",
        litname = "Chaos",
        engname = "Chaos",
        image = "Chaos TCG.png",
        width = 400,
        subject = "Chaos",
        subjectlink = "Chaos (Final Fantasy)",
        medium = "Sprite",
        element = "Dark",
        cost = 2,
        type = "Backup",
        jpnjob = "混沌の神",
        engjob = "God of Chaos",
        ctxjob = "God of Discord",
        jpntext = "カオスはあなたがほかの闇属性のキャラクターをコントロールしている場合でもフィールドに出すことができる。//あなたは闇属性のキャラクターを2体以上フィールドに出すことができる。//あなたの手札にある闇属性のフォワードのコストは1減る(0にはならない)。",
        engtext = "Chaos can be played onto the field even if you control other Dark Characters.//You can play 2 or more Dark Characters onto the field.//The cost required for Dark Forwards in your hand is reduced by 1 (it cannot become 0).",
        copyyear = "2012",
        credits = "Developed by indieszero Co., Ltd.",
        source = "TFF"
    }, {
        id = "7-125R",
        chapter = 7,
        noinset = 125,
        rarity = "Rare",
        imageopus = "7-129H",
        jpnname = "ガルデス",
        romname = "Garudesu",
        engname = "Galdes",
        image = "Galdes TCG.png",
        width = 400,
        subject = "Galdes",
        subjectlink = "Galdes",
        medium = "Concept art",
        element = "Dark",
        cost = 3,
        type = "Forward",
        jpnjob = "教皇",
        engjob = "Archbishop",
        jpntext = "オーバードライブ([Elementless][X])-ガルデスがフィールドに出たとき、コスト[X]以下のモンスター1枚をサーチし、フィールドに出す。//ガルデスにキャラクターからダメージが与えられる場合、代わりにそれは2000少なくなる。",
        engtext = "Overdrive ([Elementless][X]) - When Galdes enters the field, search for 1 Monster of cost [X] or less and play it onto the field. If you control Chelinka, break it.//If Galdes receives damage from a Character, the damage is reduced by 2000 instead.",
        power = 7000,
        copyyear = "2007",
        credits = "CHARACTER DESIGN:Toshiyuki Itahana",
        source = "CCRoF"
    }, {
        id = "7-126S",
        chapter = 7,
        noinset = 126,
        rarity = "Special Rare",
        imageopus = "7-130L",
        jpnname = "シン",
        romname = "Shin",
        engname = "Sin",
        image = "Sin TCG.png",
        width = 400,
        subject = "Sin",
        subjectlink = "Sin",
        medium = "FMV frame",
        element = "Dark",
        cost = 8,
        type = "Forward",
        jpnjob = "究極召喚獣",
        engjob = "Final Aeon",
        jpntext = "対戦相手の手札にある召喚獣のコストは1増える。//あなたの第1メインフェイズの開始時にいずれかのブレイクゾーンにあるモンスター1枚を選ぶ。それをあなたのフィールドに出してもよい。",
        engtext = "The cost required for Summons in your oppponent's hand increases by 1.//Choose 1 Monster from either Break Zone when your Main Phase 1 at the beginning of your Main Phase 1. You may play it onto your field.",
        power = 10000,
        copyyear = "2001,2008",
        source = "FFX"
    }, {
        id = "8-001U",
        chapter = 8,
        noinset = 1,
        rarity = "Uncommon",
        opus = "5-149S",
        jpnname = "アモダ",
        romname = "Amoda",
        engname = "Amodar",
        image = "Amodar TCG.png",
        width = 868,
        subject = "Amodar",
        subjectlink = "Amodar",
        medium = "Render",
        sourcefile = "Amodar XIII-2 Battle Render.png",
        element = "Fire",
        cost = 4,
        type = "Forward",
        jpnjob = "アタッカー",
        engjob = "Commando",
        jpntext = "対戦相手がコスト3以上のモンスターをコントロールしている場合、アモダのパワーは+2000され、先制攻撃とブレイブを得る。//あなたのコントロールするフォワードがフィールドからブレイクゾーンに置かれるたび、ターン終了時までアモダのパワーは2倍になる。",
        engtext = "If your opponent controls a Monster of cost 3 or more, Amodar gains +2000 power, First Strike, and Brave.//Whenever a Forward you control is put from the field into the Break Zone, double the power of Amodar until the end of the turn.",
        power = 8000,
        copyyear = "2011",
        source = "XIII2"
    }, {
        id = "8-002U",
        chapter = 8,
        noinset = 2,
        rarity = "Uncommon",
        jpnname = "炎蛇将ガダラル",
        romname = "Enjashō Gadararu",
        ffwname = "Flameserpent General Gadalar",
        image = "Gadalar TCG.png",
        width = 868,
        subject = "Gadalar",
        medium = "Screenshot",
        element = "Fire",
        cost = 3,
        type = "Forward",
        jpnjob = "五蛇将",
        ffwjob = "Serpent General",
        jpntext = "炎蛇将ガダラルは可能ならば1ターンに1度アタックしなければならない。//[Fire][Elementless][Dull]:フォワード1体を選ぶ。それに5000ダメージを与える。それが氷属性の場合、代わりにそれに7000ダメージを与える。",
        engtext = "Flameserpent General Gadalar must attack once per turn if possible.//[Fire][Elementless][Dull]: Choose 1 Forward. Deal it 5000 damage. If it is an Ice card, deal it 7000 damage instead.",
        power = 7000,
        copyyear = "2002,2012",
        source = "FFXI",
    }, {
        id = "8-003U",
        chapter = 8,
        noinset = 3,
        rarity = "Uncommon",
        jpnname = "ゲッショー",
        romname = "Gesshō",
        ffwname = "Gessho",
        image = "Gessho TCG.png",
        width = 868,
        subject = "Gessho",
        subjectlink = "Gessho",
        medium = "Screenshot",
        element = "Fire",
        cost = 4,
        type = "Forward",
        jpnjob = "忍者",
        engjob = "Ninja",
        jpntext = "オーバードライブ([Wind])-ゲッショーがフィールドに出たとき、コスト5以上のフォワード1体を選ぶ。それをブレイクする。//[Fire][Elementless]:フォワード1体を選ぶ。それに2000ダメージを与える。このアビリティはゲッショーがアタック中にしか使えない。",
        engtext = "Overdrive ([Wind]) - When Gessho enters the field, choose 1 Forward of cost 5 or more. Break it.//[Fire][Elementless]: Choose 1 Forward. Deal it 2000 damage. You can only use this ability while Gessho is attacking.",
        power = 8000,
        copyyear = "2002,2012",
        source = "FFXI",
    }, {
        id = "8-004C",
        chapter = 8,
        noinset = 4,
        rarity = "Common",
        opus = "6-008C",
        jpnname = "ゴブリン",
        romname = "Goburin",
        litname = "Goblin",
        engname = "Goblin",
        image = "Goblin3 TCG.png",
        width = 868,
        subject = "XI Goblin",
        subjectlink = "Goblin (creature)#Theatrhythm Final Fantasy",
        medium = "Sprite",
        element = "Fire",
        cost = 2,
        genericcard = true,
        type = "Monster",
        jpnjob = "ゴブリン",
        engjob = "Goblin",
        jpntext = "[Dull]、手札を1枚捨てる:以下の2つから1つを選ぶ。「フォワード1体を選ぶ。それに4000ダメージを与える。」「アタック中のフォワード1体を選ぶ。ターン終了時までそれのパワーを+2000する。」",
        engtext = "[Dull]: Discard 1 card from your hand: Select 1 of the 2 following actions.//・Choose 1 Forward. Deal it 4000 damage.//・Choose 1 attacking Forward. It gains +2000 power until the end of the turn.",
        copyyear = "2012",
        credits = "Developed by indieszero Co., Ltd.",
        source = "TFF"
    }, {
        id = "8-005C",
        chapter = 8,
        noinset = 5,
        rarity = "Common",
        jpnname ="侍",
        romname = "Samurai",
        litname = "Samurai",
        engname = "Samurai",
        image = "Samurai XI TCG.png",
        width = 868,
        subject = "Male Hume Samurai",
        subjectlink = "Samurai (Final Fantasy XI)",
        medium = "Screenshot",
        element = "Fire",
        cost = 5,
        genericcard = true,
        type = "Forward",
        jpnjob = "一般兵",
        engjob = "Standard Unit",
        jpntext = "あなたの受けているダメージが5点以上の場合、侍のパワーは+2000され、ブレイブを得る。",
        engtext = "If you have received 5 points of damage or more, Samurai gains +2000 power and Brave.",
        power = 8000,
        copyyear = "2002,2012",
        source = "FFXI",
    }, {
        id = "8-006U",
        chapter = 8,
        noinset = 6,
        rarity = "Uncommon",
        jpnname = "サラマンダー",
        romname = "Saramandā",
        litname = "Salamander",
        engname = "Amarant",
        ffwname = "Salamander",
        image = "Salamander TCG.png",
        width = 868,
        subject = "Salamander",
        subjectlink = "Salamander (summon)#Final Fantasy Tactics",
        medium = "Concept art",
        sourcefile = "FFT Salamander.jpg",
        element = "Fire",
        cost = 5,
        excard = true,
        type = "Summon",
        jpntext = "対戦相手のコントロールするすべてのフォワードに6000ダメージを与える。",
        engtext = "Deal 6000 damage to all Forwards opponent controls.",
        copyyear = "1997",
        source = "FFT"
    }, {
        id = "8-007R",
        chapter = 8,
        noinset = 7,
        rarity = "Rare",
        imageopus = "8-118H",
        jpnname = "スタイナー",
        romname = "Sutainā",
        litname = "Steiner",
        engname = "Steiner",
        image = "Steiner TCG.png",
        width = 868,
        subject = "Steiner",
        subjectlink = "Adelbert Steiner",
        medium = "Artwork",
        sourcefile = "AmanoSteiner.jpg",
        element = "Fire",
        cost = 5,
        type = "Forward",
        jpnjob = "騎士",
        engjob = "Knight",
        jpntext = "スタイナーがフィールドに出たとき、ビビ1枚をサーチし、手札に加えてもよい。//[action:フレア剣] [S][Elementless][Elementless]、アクティブ状態のビビをダルにする:フォワード1体を選ぶ。それに10000ダメージを与える。",
        engtext = "When Steiner enters the field, you may search for 1 Vivi and add it to your hand.//[action:Flare Sword] [S][Elementless][Elementless], dull 1 active Vivi: Choose 1 Forward. Deal it 10000 damage.",
        power = 7000,
        copyyear = "2000",
        source = "FFIX"
    }, {
        id = "8-008C",
        chapter = 8,
        noinset = 8,
        rarity = "Common",
        opus = "5-016C",
        jpnname = "闘士",
        romname = "Tōshi",
        engname = "Fighter",
        image = "Fighter TCG.png",
        width = 868,
        subject = "Fighter",
        subjectlink = "Fighter (Tactics A2)",
        medium = "Concept art",
        sourcefile = "TA2-HumeFighter.jpg",
        element = "Fire",
        cost = 2,
        genericcard = true,
        type = "Forward",
        jpnjob = "一般兵",
        engjob = "Standard Unit",
        jpntext = "[Fire]:フォワード1体を選ぶ。それと闘士に2000ダメージを与える。",
        engtext = "[Fire]: Choose 1 Forward. Deal it and Fighter 2000 damage.",
        power = 4000,
        copyyear = "2007",
        source = "FFTA2"
    }, {
        id = "8-009C",
        chapter = 8,
        noinset = 9,
        rarity = "Common",
        opus = "5-017C",
        jpnname = "忍者",
        romname = "Ninja",
        litname = "Ninja",
        engname = "Ninja",
        image = "Ninja TCG.png",
        width = 868,
        subject = "Ninja",
        subjectlink = "Ninja (Tactics A2)",
        medium = "Concept art",
        sourcefile = "TA2-HumeNinja.jpg",
        element = "Fire",
        cost = 2,
        genericcard = true,
        type = "Backup",
        jpnjob = "一般兵",
        engjob = "Standard Unit",
        jpntext = "[Dull]、忍者をブレイクゾーンに置く:フォワード1体を選ぶ。このターン、それはブロックできない。",
        engtext = "[Dull], put Ninja into the Break Zone: Choose 1 Forward. It cannot block this turn.",
        copyyear = "2007",
        source = "FFTA2"
    }, {
        id = "8-010R",
        chapter = 8,
        noinset = 10,
        rarity = "Rare",
        imageopus = "8-016H",
        jpnname = "ビビ",
        romname = "Bibi",
        litname = "VIVI",
        engname = "Vivi",
        image = "Vivi2 TCG.png",
        width = 868,
        subject = "Vivi",
        subjectlink = "Vivi Ornitier",
        medium = "Artwork",
        sourcefile = "Amano-Vivi.jpg",
        element = "Fire",
        cost = 2,
        type = "Backup",
        jpnjob = "黒魔道士",
        engjob = "Black Mage",
        jpntext = "[X][Dull]、召喚獣を1枚捨てる:対戦相手のコントロールするフォワード1体を選ぶ。それに支払われたCP1につき1000ダメージを与える。その後、もう1度だけこの効果を繰り返す(繰り返したあと、この効果は発動しない)。",
        ffwtext = "[X][Dull], discard 1 Summon: Choose 1 Forward opponent controls. Deal it 1000 damage for each CP spent. Then, repeat this effect once more (this effect will not trigger again after it repeats).",
        copyyear = "2000",
        source = "FFIX"
    }, {
        id = "8-011R",
        chapter = 8,
        noinset = 11,
        rarity = "Rare",
        jpnname = "マルドゥーク",
        romname = "Marudūku",
        litname = "Marduk",
        ffwname = "Faeryl",
        image = "Faeryl TCG.png",
        width = 868,
        subject = "Faeryl",
        subjectlink = "Faeryl",
        medium = "Render",
        sourcefile = "Faeryl.png",
        element = "Fire",
        cost = 2,
        type = "Monster",
        jpnjob = "凶龍",
        ffwjob = "Wrathwyrm",
        jpntext = "フォワードにダメージが与えられる場合、代わりにそのダメージは1000多くなる。",
        engtext = "If a Forward receives damage, increase the damage by 1000 instead.",
        copyyear = "2011",
        source = "XIII2"
    }, {
        id = "8-012C",
        chapter = 8,
        noinset = 12,
        rarity = "Common",
        opus = "4-022R",
        jpnname = "モンブラン",
        romname = "Monburan",
        engname = "Montblanc",
        image = "Montblanc TCG.png",
        width = 868,
        subject = "Montblanc",
        subjectlink = "Montblanc",
        medium = "Concept art",
        sourcefile = "TA2 Montblanc.png",
        element = "Fire",
        cost = 2,
        type = "Backup",
        jpnjob = "モーグリ",
        engjob = "Moogle",
        jpntext = "オーバードライブ([Elementless][Elementless])-モンブランがフィールドに出たとき、ハーディ1枚をサーチし、手札に加える。//[Fire][Fire][Fire][Dull]:フォワード1体を選ぶ。それに5000ダメージを与える。",
        engtext = "Overdrive ([Elementless][Elementless]) - When Montblanc enters the field, search for 1 Hurdy and add it to your hand.//[Fire][Fire][Fire][Dull]: Choose 1 Forward. Deal it 5000 damage.",
        copyyear = "2007",
        source = "FFTA2"
    }, {
        id = "8-013S",
        chapter = 8,
        noinset = 13,
        rarity = "Special Rare",
        jpnname = "ルッソ",
        romname = "Russo",
        engname = "Luso",
        image = "Luso TCG.png",
        width = 868,
        subject = "Luso",
        subjectlink = "Luso Clemens",
        medium = "Art",
        sourcefile = "Luso and Grimoire Artwork.jpg",
        element = "Fire",
        cost = 5,
        type = "Forward",
        jpnjob = "ソルジャー",
        engjob = "SOLDIER",--ah, it's happened again! also again, Opus avoids
        ctxjob = "Soldier",
        jpntext = "ヘイスト//ルッソがフィールドに出たとき、対戦相手のコントロールするフォワードを最大2体まで選ぶ。このターン、それらはブロックできない。//ルッソが対戦相手にダメージを与えたとき、対戦相手のコントロールするフォワード1体を選ぶ。それに5000ダメージを与える。",
        engtext = "Haste//When Luso enters the field, choose up to 2 Forwards opponent controls. They cannot block this turn.//When Luso deals damage to your opponent, choose 1 Forward opponent controls. Deal it 5000 damage.",
        power = 5000,
        copyyear = "2007",
        source = "FFTA2"
    }, {
        id = "8-014C",
        chapter = 8,
        noinset = 14,
        rarity = "Common",
        jpnname = "ルッソ",
        romname = "Russo",
        ffwname = "Luso",
        image = "Luso2 TCG.png",
        width = 868,
        subject = "Luso",
        subjectlink = "Luso Clemens",
        medium = "Concept art",
        sourcefile = "Luso.jpg",
        element = "Fire",
        cost = 2,
        type = "Forward",
        jpnjob = "ソルジャー",
        engjob = "SOLDIER",
        ctxjob = "Soldier",
        jpntext = "覚醒([Fire][Dull]、ルッソをブレイクゾーンに置く)//ルッソがフィールドに出たとき、対戦相手のコントロールするフォワード1体を選ぶ。それに2000ダメージを与える。",
        engtext = "Awakening ([Fire][Dull], put Luso into the Break Zone)//When Luso enters the field, choose 1 Forward opponent controls. Deal it 2000 damage.",
        power = 4000,
        copyyear = "2007",
        source = "FFTA2"
    }, {
        id = "8-015R",
        chapter = 8,
        noinset = 15,
        rarity = "Rare",
        jpnname = "ヴァルファズル",
        romname = "Varufazuru",
        ffwname = "Valfodr",
        image = "Valfodr TCG.png",
        width = 868,
        subject = "Valfodr",
        subjectlink = "Valfodr",
        medium = "Render",
        sourcefile = "Valfodr.jpg",
        element = "Ice",
        cost = 2,
        type = "Monster",
        jpnjob = "冥騎士",
        ffwjob = "Netherknight",
        jpntext = "あなたの効果によって対戦相手が手札を1枚捨てるたび、対戦相手のコントロールするフォワードかモンスター1体を選ぶ。それをダルにする。それはコントローラーの次のアクティブフェイズにアクティブにならない。",
        ffwtext = "Whenever your opponent discards a card by your effects, choose 1 Forward or Monster opponent controls. Dull it. It will not activate during its controller's next Active Phase.",
        copyyear = "2011",
        source = "XIII2"
    }, {
        id = "8-016C",
        chapter = 8,
        noinset = 16,
        rarity = "Common",
        jpnname = "吟遊詩人",
        romname = "Gin'yūshijin",
        litname = "Minstrel",
        engname = "Bard",
        image = "Bard XI TCG.png",
        width = 868,
        subject = "Male Hume Bard",
        subjectlink = "Bard (Final Fantasy XI)",
        medium = "Screenshot",
        element = "Ice",
        cost = 2,
        genericcard = true,
        type = "Forward",
        jpnjob = "一般兵",
        engjob = "Standard Unit",
        jpntext = "[Ice]、吟遊詩人をブレイクゾーンに置く:対戦相手は手札を1枚捨てる。",
        engtext = "[Ice], put Bard into the Break Zone: Your opponent discards 1 card from his/her hand.",
        power = 4000,
        copyyear = "2002,2012",
        source = "FFXI",
    }, {
        id = "8-017S",
        chapter = 8,
        noinset = 17,
        rarity = "Special Rare",
        jpnname = "クジャ",
        romname = "Kuja",
        engname = "Kuja",
        image = "Kuja TCG.png",
        width = 868,
        subject = "Kuja",
        subjectlink = "Kuja",
        medium = "Artwork",
        sourcefile = "AmanoKuja.jpg",
        element = "Ice",
        cost = 3,
        type = "Forward",
        jpnjob = "ジェノム",
        engjob = "Genome",
        jpntext = "オーバードライブ([Ice][Ice][Elementless])-クジャがフィールドに出たとき、フォワード1体を選ぶ。それをダルにする。その後、対戦相手のコントロールするすべてのダル状態のフォワードにクジャのパワーと同じだけのダメージを与える。//[Elementless][Elementless]:ターン終了時までクジャのパワーを+1000する。",
        ffwtext = "Overdrive ([Ice][Ice][Elementless]) - When Kuja enters the field, choose 1 Forward. Dull it. Then, deal all dull Forwards opponent control damage equal to Kuja's power.//[Elementless][Elementless]: Kuja gains +1000 power until the end of the turn.",
        power = 6000,
        copyyear = "2000",
        source = "FFIX"
    }, {
        id = "8-018C",
        chapter = 8,
        noinset = 18,
        rarity = "Common",
        imageopus = "7-026R",
        jpnname = "グレムリン",
        romname = "Guremurin",
        engname = "Gremlin",
        image = "Gremlin TCG.png",
        width = 868,
        subject = "Gremlin",
        subjectlink = "Gremlin (Final Fantasy XIII-2)",
        medium = "Render",
        sourcefile = "FFXIII enemy Gremlin.png",
        element = "Ice",
        cost = 3,
        genericcard = true,
        type = "Monster",
        jpnjob = "小鬼",
        engjob = "Spook",
        jpntext = "グレムリンがフィールドに出たとき、フォワード1体を選ぶ。それをダルにする。//グレムリンをブレイクゾーンに置く:ダル状態のフォワード1体を選ぶ。それはコントローラーの次のアクティブフェイズにアクティブにならない。",
        engtext = "When Gremlin enters the field, choose 1 Forward. Dull it.//Put Gremlin into the Break Zone: Choose 1 dull Forward. It will not activate during its controller's next Active Phase.",
        copyyear = "2011",
        source = "XIII2"
    }, {
        id = "8-019R",
        chapter = 8,
        noinset = 19,
        rarity = "Rare",
        imageopus = "6-112H",
        jpnname = "シューイン",
        romname = "Shūin",
        engname = "Shuyin",
        image = "Shuyin TCG.png",
        width = 868,
        subject = "Shuyin",
        subjectlink = "Shuyin",
        medium = "Promo art",
        sourcefile = "Shuyin and Lenne.jpg",
        element = "Ice",
        cost = 3,
        type = "Forward",
        excard = true,
        jpnjob = "古代ザナルカンド人",
        ffwjob = "Man from Ancient Zanarkand",--more like "Ancient Zanarkand person", or "Ancient Zanarkander" -- but i don't think there's an official term for "of Zanarkand"
        jpntext = "シューインがフィールドに出たとき、対戦相手のコントロールするフォワード2体を選ぶ。対戦相手はそのうち1体をダルにする。ダルにされたフォワードはもう1体に自身のパワーに等しいダメージを与える。",
        engtext = "When Shuyin enters the field, choose 2 Forwards opponent controls. Dull the first. The dulled Forward deals damage equal to its own power to the other.",--based on 6-107R
        power = 7000,
        copyyear = "2003,2005",
        source = "X2"
    }, {
        id = "8-020U",
        chapter = 8,
        noinset = 20,
        rarity = "Uncommon",
        imageopus = "1-193S",
        jpnname = "ジル・ナバート",
        romname = "Jiru Nabāto",
        engname = "Jihl Nabaat",
        image = "Jihl TCG.png",
        width = 868,
        subject = "Jihl Nabaat",
        subjectlink = "Jihl Nabaat",
        medium = "Render",
        sourcefile = "Jihl Nabaat XIII-2 Battle Render.png",
        element = "Ice",
        cost = 3,
        type = "Forward",
        jpnjob = "ジャマー",
        engjob = "Saboteur",
        jpntext = "オーバードライブ([Earth])-ジル・ナバートがフィールドに出たとき、あなたのブレイクゾーンにあるコスト3以下のモンスター1枚を選ぶ。それをフィールドに出す。//[Dull]:手札からコスト3以下のモンスター1枚をフィールドに出す。",
        engtext = "Overdrive ([Earth]) - When Jihl Nabaat enters the field, choose 1 Monster of cost 3 or less in your Break Zone. Play it onto the field.//[Dull]: Play 1 Monster of cost 3 or less from your hand onto the field.",
        power = 6000,
        source = "FFXIII"
    }, {
        id = "8-021R",
        chapter = 8,
        noinset = 21,
        rarity = "Rare",
        opus = "4-037H",
        jpnname = "セラ",
        romname = "Sera",
        engname = "Serah",
        image = "Serah WhiteMage TCG.png",
        width = 868,
        subject = "Serah",
        subjectlink = "Serah Farron",
        role = "White Mage",
        medium = "Render",
        sourcefile = "Serah Farron - White Mage Attire.png",
        element = "Ice",
        cost = 4,
        type = "Forward",
        jpnjob = "ブラスター",
        engjob = "Ravager",
        jpntext = "[Elementless][Elementless]、モーグリ[XIII-2]を手札に戻す:フォワード1体を選ぶ。それをダルにする。//[action:アルテミスアロー] [S][Ice][Ice][Dull]:対戦相手のコントロールするすべてのダル状態のフォワードに8000ダメージを与える。",
        engtext = "[Elementless][Elementless], return Mog (XIII-2) to its owner's hand: Choose 1 Forward. Dull it.//[action:Ultima Arrow] [S][Ice][Ice][Dull]: Deal 8000 damage to all dull Forwards opponent controls.",
        power = 8000,
        source = "FFXIII"
    }, {
        id = "8-022U",
        chapter = 8,
        noinset = 22,
        rarity = "Uncommon",
        jpnname = "ヌージ",
        romname = "Nūji",
        engname = "Nooj",
        image = "Nooj TCG.png",
        width = 868,
        subject = "Nooj",
        subjectlink = "Nooj",
        medium = "Promo art",
        sourcefile = "GippalNoojBaralai.jpg",
        element = "Ice",
        cost = 4,
        type = "Forward",
        jpnjob = "盟主",
        engjob = "Mevyn",
        jpntext = "ヌージがフィールドに出たとき、対戦相手のコントロールするフォワードを最大2体まで選ぶ。それらをダルにする。//[Ice]:風属性のフォワード1体を選ぶ。それをダルにする。。",
        engtext = "When Nooj enters the field, choose up to 2 Forwards opponent controls. Dull them.//[Ice]: Choose 1 Wind Forward. Dull it.",
        power = 8000,
        copyyear = "2003,2005",
        source = "X2"
    }, {
        id = "8-023C",
        chapter = 8,
        noinset = 23,
        rarity = "Common",
        jpnname = "ハーディ",
        romname = "Hādi",
        engname = "Hurdy",
        image = "Hurdy TCG.png",
        width = 868,
        subject = "Hurdy",
        subjectlink = "Hurdy (Final Fantasy XII)",
        medium = "Concept art",
        sourcefile = "TA2-Hurdy.png",
        element = "Ice",
        cost = 2,
        type = "Backup",
        jpnjob = "モーグリ",
        engjob = "Moogle",
        jpntext = "[Ice][Ice][Elementless][Dull]:対戦相手は手札を1枚捨てる。このアビリティはあなたのターンにしか使えない。//[Elementless][Dull]:対戦相手は手札を1枚捨てる。このアビリティはあなたのターンにあなたがルッソをコントロールしている場合にしか使えない。",
        engtext = "[Ice][Ice][Elementless][Dull]: Your opponent discards 1 card from his/her hand. You can only use this ability during your turn.//[Elementless][Dull]: You can only use this ability during your turn. You can only use this ability if you control Luso.",
        copyyear = "2007",
        source = "FFTA2"
    }, {
        id = "8-024U",
        chapter = 8,
        noinset = 24,
        rarity = "Uncommon",
        opus = "5-044C",
        jpnname = "背徳の皇帝マティウス",
        romname = "Haitoku no Kōtei Matiusu",
        engname = "Mateus, the Corrupt",
        image = "Mateus3 TCG.png",
        width = 868,
        subject = "Mateus",
        subjectlink = "Mateus (Ivalice)",
        medium = "Concept art",
        sourcefile = "FFTA2-Mateus.jpg",
        element = "Ice",
        cost = 3,
        type = "Summon",
        jpntext = "アタック中かブロック中のフォワード1体を選ぶ。それをブレイクする。",
        engtext = "Choose 1 attacking or blocking Forward. Break it.",
        copyyear = "2007",
        source = "FFTA2"
    }, {
        id = "8-025U",
        chapter = 8,
        noinset = 25,
        rarity = "Uncommon",
        imageopus = "6-035R",
        jpnname = "パイン",
        romname = "Pain",
        engname = "Paine",
        image = "Paine TCG.png",
        width = 868,
        subject = "Paine",
        subjectlink = "Paine",
        medium = "Render",
        sourcefile = "FFX-2 HD Paine Render.png",
        element = "Ice",
        cost = 3,
        type = "Forward",
        jpnjob = "カモメ団",
        engjob = "Gullwings",
        jpntext = "あなたがユウナをコントロールしている場合、パインのパワーは+2000される。//パインがアタックしたとき、あなたがリュックをコントロールしている場合、対戦相手は手札を1枚捨てる。",
        ffwtext = "If you control Yuna, Paine gains +2000 power.//When Paine attacks, if you control Rikku, your opponent discards 1 card from his/her hand.",
        power = 7000,
        copyyear = "2003,2005",
        source = "X2"
    }, {
        id = "8-026C",
        chapter = 8,
        noinset = 26,
        rarity = "Common",
        opus = "5-137C",
        jpnname = "緑魔道士",
        romname = "Midori Madōshi",
        engname = "Green Mage",
        image = "GreenMage TCG.png",
        width = 868,
        subject = "Green Mage",
        subjectlink = "Green Mage (Tactics A2)",
        medium = "Concept art",
        sourcefile = "Ffta2-vieragreenmage.jpg",
        element = "Ice",
        cost = 2,
        genericcard = true,
        type = "Backup",
        jpnjob = "一般兵",
        engjob = "Standard Unit",
        jpntext = "[Ice][Dull]、緑魔道士をブレイクゾーンに置く:アクションアビリティ1つを選ぶ。その効果を無効にする。",
        engtext = "[Ice][Dull], put Green Mage into the Break Zone: Choose 1 action ability. Cancel its effect.",
        copyyear = "2007",
        source = "FFTA2"
    }, {
        id = "8-027C",
        chapter = 8,
        noinset = 27,
        rarity = "Common",
        opus = "5-153S",
        jpnname = "モーグリ[XIII-2]",
        romname = "Mōguri [Sātīn Tsū]",
        engname = "Mog (XIII-2)",
        image = "Mog Panda TCG.png",
        width = 868,
        subject = "Mog",
        subjectlink = "Mog (Final Fantasy XIII-2)",
        role = "Panda",
        medium = "Render",
        sourcefile = "Moogle XIII-2 DLC Outfits.png",
        element = "Ice",
        cost = 1,
        type = "Backup",
        jpnjob = "モーグリ",
        engjob = "Moogle",
        jpntext = "[Dull]:フォワードのセラ1体を選ぶ。ターン終了時までそれに先制攻撃かブレイブを与える。",
        engtext = "[Dull]: Choose 1 Serah Forward. It gains First Strike or Brave until the end of the turn.",
        source = "FFXIII"
    }, {
        id = "8-028C",
        chapter = 8,
        noinset = 28,
        rarity = "Common",
        jpnname = "ユエン",
        romname = "Yuen",
        engname = "Ewen",
        image = "Ewen TCG.png",
        width = 868,
        subject = "Ewen",
        subjectlink = "Ewen",
        medium = "Concept art",
        sourcefile = "Ewen.jpg",
        element = "Ice",
        cost = 3,
        type = "Forward",
        jpnjob = "ダークトート",
        engjob = "Nightfall",
        jpntext = "対戦相手がダル状態のキャラクターを5体以上コントロールしている場合、ユエンはブロックされない。",
        engtext = "If your opponent controls 5 or more dull Characters, Ewen cannot be blocked",
        power = 6000,
        copyyear = "2007",
        source = "FFTA2"
    }, {
        id = "8-029R",
        chapter = 8,
        noinset = 29,
        rarity = "Rare",
        jpnname = "アデル",
        romname = "Aderu",
        engname = "Adelle",
        image = "Adelle TCG.png",
        width = 751,
        subject = "Adelle",
        subjectlink = "Adelle",
        medium = "Concept art",
        sourcefile = "Adel.jpg",
        element = "Wind",
        cost = 3,
        type = "Forward",
        jpnjob = "エアレス",
        engjob = "Heritor",
        jpntext = "ヘイスト 先制攻撃//[Wind]:アデルをブロックしているフォワードに1000ダメージを与える。//[action:アデレイト] [S]:このターン、アデルは自身のパワー以下のダメージを受けない。",
        ffwtext = "Haste First Strike//[Wind]: Deal 1000 damage to Forwards blocking Adele.//[action:Adelaite] [S]: Adelle cannot receive damage less than Adelle's power this turn.",--I assume アデレイト is a sic
        power = 5000,
        copyyear = "2007",
        source = "FFTA2"
    }, {
        id = "8-030C",
        chapter = 8,
        noinset = 30,
        rarity = "Common",
        jpnname = "アブクーバ",
        romname = "Abukūba",
        ffwname = "Abquhbah",
        image = "Abquhbah TCG.png",
        width = 868,
        subject = "Abquhbah",
        medium = "Screenshot",
        element = "Wind",
        cost = 2,
        type = "Backup",
        jpnjob = "人事担当",
        ffwjob = "Secretary",--i don't know if this is the 1:1 TL used
        jpntext = "あなたのフィールドにレベルアップか覚醒の効果によってフォワードが出たとき、あなたのコントロールするすべてのバックアップをアクティブにする。",
        ffwtext = "When a Forward enters your field via the effect of Level Up or Awakening, activate all Backups you control.",
        copyyear = "2002,2012",
        source = "FFXI",
    }, {
        id = "8-031U",
        chapter = 8,
        noinset = 31,
        rarity = "Uncommon",
        jpnname = "ヴァルファーレ",
        romname = "Varufāre",
        engname = "Valefor",
        image = "Valefor2 TCG.png",
        width = 868,
        subject = "Valefor",
        subjectlink = "Valefor (Final Fantasy X)",
        medium = "FMV frame",
        element = "Wind",
        excard = true,
        cost = 2,
        type = "Summon",
        jpntext = "ターン終了時まであなたのコントロールするすべてのフォワードはヘイストと先制攻撃を得、対戦相手のコントロールするすべてのフォワードはヘイストと先制攻撃を失う。あなたのコントロールするすべてのフォワードかバックアップをアクティブにする。",
        engtext = "Until the end of the turn, all Forwards you control gain Haste and First Strike, and all Forwards opponent controls lose Haste and First Strike. Activate all Forwards or Backups you control.",
        copyyear = "2001,2008",
        source = "FFX"
    }, {
        id = "8-032C",
        chapter = 8,
        noinset = 32,
        rarity = "Common",
        jpnname = "狩人",
        romname = "Karyūdo",
        engname = "Ranger",
        image = "Ranger XI TCG.png",
        width = 868,
        subject = "Mithra Ranger",
        subjectlink = "Ranger (Final Fantasy XI)",
        medium = "Screenshot",
        element = "Wind",
        cost = 2,
        genericcard = true,
        type = "Backup",
        jpnjob = "一般兵",
        engjob = "Standard Unit",
        jpntext = "[Dull]:コスト2以下のフォワード1体を選ぶ。それに2000ダメージを与える。それが土属性の場合、代わりにそれに5000ダメージを与える。",
        engtext = "[Dull]: Choose 1 Forward of cost 2 or less. Deal it 2000 damage. If it is an Earth card, deal it 5000 damage instead.",
        copyyear = "2002,2012",
        source = "FFXI"
    }, {
        id = "8-033C",
        chapter = 8,
        noinset = 33,
        rarity = "Common",
        imageopus = "7-050R",
        jpnname = "コンドル",
        romname = "Condoru",
        litname = "Condor",
        engname = "Condor",
        image = "Condor TCG.png",
        width = 868,
        subject = "Condor",
        subjectlink = "Condor",
        medium = "Concept art",
        sourcefile = "Condor-artwork-ffx.png",
        element = "Wind",
        cost = 2,
        genericcard = true,
        type = "Monster",
        jpnjob = "鳥",
        engjob = "Bird",
        jpntext = "[Wind][Dull]:対戦相手はデッキのカードを上から1枚ブレイクゾーンに置く。",
        engtext = "[Wind][Dull]: Your opponent puts the top card of his/her deck into the Break Zone.",
        copyyear = "2001,2008",
        source = "FFX"
    }, {
        id = "8-034S",
        chapter = 8,
        noinset = 34,
        rarity = "Special Rare",
        jpnname = "ジタン",
        romname = "Jitan",
        engname = "Zidane",--Opus III
        image = "Zidane2 TCG.png",
        width = 868,
        subject = "Zidane",
        subjectlink = "Zidane Tribal",
        medium = "Artwork",
        sourcefile = "Zidane Amano.jpg",
        element = "Wind",
        cost = 2,
        type = "Forward",
        jpnjob = "盗賊",
        engjob = "Thief",
        jpntext = "ジタンは対戦相手の効果によっては選ばれない。//ジタンは対戦相手の効果によってはダメージを受けない。//ジタンが対戦相手にダメージを与えたとき、キャラクターか召喚獣を指定する。対戦相手は手札を公開する。対戦相手の手札に指定したタイプのカードがある場合、あなたはカードを1枚引く。",
        ffwtext = "Zidane cannot be chosen by your opponent's effects.//Zidane doesn't receive any damage from opponent's effects.//When Zidane deals damage to your opponent, choose \"Character\" or \"Summon\". Your opponent reveals his/her hand. If there is a card of the named type in your opponent's hand, you draw 1 card.",
        power = 1000,
        copyyear = "2000",
        source = "FFIX"
    }, {
        id = "8-035C",
        chapter = 8,
        noinset = 35,
        rarity = "Common",
        opus = "5-058C",
        jpnname = "精霊使い",
        romname = "Seireitsukai",
        engname = "Elementalist",
        image = "Elementalist TCG.png",
        width = 868,
        subject = "Elementalist",
        subjectlink = "Elementalist (Tactics A2)",
        medium = "Concept art",
        sourcefile = "A2vieraelemntalist.jpg",
        element = "Wind",
        cost = 3,
        genericcard = true,
        type = "Forward",
        jpnjob = "一般兵",
        engjob = "Standard Unit",
        jpntext = "[Wind][Dull]:あなたのコントロールするフォワード1体を選ぶ。このターン、それは対戦相手の効果によっては選ばれない。",
        engtext = "[Wind][Dull]: Choose 1 Forward you control. It cannot be chosen by your opponent's effects this turn.",
        power = 7000,
        copyyear = "2007",
        source = "FFTA2"
    }, {
        id = "8-036U",
        chapter = 8,
        noinset = 36,
        rarity = "Uncommon",
        jpnname = "デブチョコボ",
        romname = "Debu Chokobo",
        engname = "Fat Chocobo",
        image = "FatChocobo TCG.png",
        width = 868,
        subject = "Fat Chocobo",
        subjectlink = "Fat Chocobo#Final Fantasy Airborne Brigade",
        medium = "Sprite",
        element = "Wind",
        cost = 4,
        type = "Backup",
        jpnjob = "チョコボ",
        engjob = "Chocobo",
        jpntext = "あなたのコントロールする【ジョブ(チョコボ)】と【カード名(チョコボ)】のフォワードのパワーをそれら1体につき、+1000する。//[Dull]、手札を1枚捨てる:コスト4以下の【ジョブ(チョコボ)】か【カード名(チョコボ)】のフォワード1枚をサーチし、ダル状態でフィールドに出す。",
        ffwtext = "For each [Job (Chocobo)] and [Card Name (Chocobo)] Forward you control, they gain +1000 power.//[Dull], discard 1 card from your hand: Search for 1 [Job (Chocobo)] or [Card Name (Chocobo)] Forward of cost 4 or less and play it onto your field dull.",
        copyright = "DeNA Co,. Ltd.",
        source = "FFAB"
    }, {
        id = "8-037R",
        chapter = 8,
        noinset = 37,
        rarity = "Rare",
        jpnname = "テュポーン",
        romname = "Tyupōn",
        litname = "Typhon",
        ffwname = "Typhon",
        image = "Typhon TCG.png",
        width = 868,
        subject = "Typhon",
        subjectlink = "Typhon (Final Fantasy XIII-2)",
        medium = "Render",
        sourcefile = "XIII-2 Typhon.png",
        element = "Wind",
        cost = 2,
        type = "Monster",
        jpnjob = "テュポーン",
        ffwjob = "Typhon",
        jpntext = "フォワードは自身のコスト以下のフォワードにしかブロックされない。",
        engtext = "Forwards can only be blocked by a Forward of cost equal or inferior to its own.",
        copyyear = "2011",
        source = "XIII2"
    }, {
        id = "8-038R",
        chapter = 8,
        noinset = 38,
        rarity = "Rare",
        jpnname = "ナジャ・サラヒム",
        romname = "Naja Sarahimu",
        ffwname = "Naja Salaheem",
        image = "Naja TCG.png",
        width = 868,
        subject = "Naja",
        subjectlink = "Naja Salaheem",
        medium = "Screenshot",
        element = "Wind",
        cost = 1,
        type = "Backup",
        jpnjob = "社長",
        ffwjob = "Salaheem's Sentinels President",--avoid confusion with 大統領
        ctxjob = "President",
        jpntext = "オーバードライブ([Lightning])-ナジャ・サラヒムがフィールドに出たとき、フォワード1体を選ぶ。あなたのコントロールするフォワード1体をブレイクゾーンに置いてもよい。そうした場合、それをブレイクする。",
        engtext = "Overdrive ([Lightning]) - When Naja Salaheem enters the field, choose 1 Forward. You may put 1 Forward you control into the Break Zone. If you do so, break it.",
        copyyear = "2002,2012",
        source = "FFXI",
    }, {
        id = "8-039C",
        chapter = 8,
        noinset = 39,
        rarity = "Common",
        jpnname = "忍者",
        romname = "Ninja",
        litname = "Ninja",
        engname = "Ninja",
        image = "Ninja XI TCG.png",
        width = 868,
        subject = "Galka Ninja",
        subjectlink = "Ninja (Final Fantasy XI)",
        medium = "Screenshot",
        element = "Wind",
        cost = 3,
        genericcard = true,
        type = "Forward",
        jpnjob = "一般兵",
        engjob = "Standard Unit",
        jpntext = "[Wind][Wind]:このターン、忍者が次にフォワードに与えるダメージと次にフォワードから与えられるダメージは0になる。このアビリティは1ターンに1度しか使えない。",
        ffwtext = "[Wind][Wind]: The next damage Ninja deals to a Forward and the next damage a Forward deals to Ninja this turn becomes 0.",
        power = 7000,
        copyyear = "2002,2012",
        source = "FFXI"
    }, {
        id = "8-040C",
        chapter = 8,
        noinset = 40,
        rarity = "Common",
        jpnname = "パンネロ",
        romname = "Pannero",
        engname = "Penelo",
        image = "Penelo TCG.png",
        width = 868,
        subject = "Penelo",
        subjectlink = "Penelo",
        medium = "Concept art",
        sourcefile = "FFTA2 Penelo.png",
        element = "Wind",
        cost = 2,
        type = "Backup",
        jpnjob = "踊り子",
        engjob = "Dancer",
        jpntext = "[action:剣の舞] [S][Dull]:フォワード1体を選ぶ。それにあなたのブレイクゾーンにある【カード名(パンネロ)】1枚につき、3000ダメージを与える",
        ffwtext = "[action:Blade Dance] [S][Dull]: Choose 1 Forward. Deal it 3000 damage for each [Card Name (Penelo)] in your Break Zone.",
        copyyear = "2007",
        source = "FFTA2"
    }, {
        id = "8-041U",
        chapter = 8,
        noinset = 41,
        rarity = "Uncommon",
        jpnname = "風蛇将ナジュリス",
        romname = "Fūjashō Najurisu",
        ffwname = "Galeserpent General Najelith",
        image = "Najelith TCG.png",
        width = 868,
        subject = "Najelith",
        medium = "Screenshot",
        element = "Wind",
        cost = 5,
        type = "Forward",
        jpnjob = "五蛇将",
        ffwjob = "Serpent General",
        jpntext = "[Dull]:フォワード1体を選ぶ。それに4000ダメージを与える。//[Wind][Wind][Elementless][Elementless][Elementless][Dull]:フォワード1体を選ぶ。それに10000ダメージを与える。",
        engtext = "[Dull]: Choose 1 Forward. Deal it 4000 damage.//[Wind][Wind][Elementless][Elementless][Elementless][Dull]: Choose 1 Forward. Deal it 10000 damage.",
        power = 8000,
        copyyear = "2002,2012",
        source = "FFXI",
    }, {
        id = "8-042U",
        chapter = 8,
        noinset = 42,
        rarity = "Uncommon",
        opus = "6-062R",
        jpnname = "リュック",
        romname = "Ryukku",
        engname = "Rikku",
        image = "Rikku2 TCG.png",
        width = 868,
        subject = "Rikku",
        subjectlink = "Rikku",
        medium = "Render",
        sourcefile = "FFX-2 HD Rikku Render.png",
        element = "Wind",
        cost = 4,
        type = "Forward",
        jpnjob = "カモメ団",
        engjob = "Gullwings",
        jpntext = "オーバードライブ([Wind])-リュックがフィールドに出たとき、【カード名(リュック)】以外の【ジョブ(カモメ団)】のキャラクターカード1枚をサーチし、手札に加える。//リュックがアタックしたとき、あなたのコントロールするリュック以外のフォワード1体を選ぶ。それをアクティブにする。",
        engtext = "Overdrive ([Wind]) - When Rikku enters the field, search for 1 [Job (Gullwings)] Character card other than [Card Name (Rikku)] and add it to your hand.//When Rikku attacks, choose 1 Forward you control other than Rikku. Activate it.",
        power = 8000,
        copyyear = "2003,2005",
        source = "X2"
    }, {
        id = "8-043C",
        chapter = 8,
        noinset = 43,
        rarity = "Common",
        jpnname = "暗黒騎士",
        romname = "Ankoku Kishi",
        engname = "Dark Knight",
        image = "DarkKnight XI TCG.png",
        width = 868,
        subject = "Galka Dark Knight",
        subjectlink = "Dark Knight (Final Fantasy XI)",
        medium = "Screenshot",
        element = "Earth",
        cost = 4,
        genericcard = true,
        type = "Forward",
        jpnjob = "一般兵",
        engjob = "Standard Unit",
        jpntext = "暗黒騎士にダメージが与えられる場合、代わりにそのダメージは2000多くなる。",
        engtext = "If Dark Knight receives damage, increase the damage by 2000 instead.",
        power = 9000,
        copyyear = "2002,2012",
        source = "FFXI"
    }, {
        id = "8-044S",
        chapter = 8,
        noinset = 44,
        rarity = "Special Rare",
        jpnname = "エーコ",
        romname = "Ēko",
        engname = "Eiko",
        image = "Eiko TCG.png",
        width = 868,
        subject = "Eiko",
        subjectlink = "Eiko Carol",
        medium = "Artwork",
        sourcefile = "AmanoEiko.jpg",
        element = "Earth",
        cost = 4,
        type = "Backup",
        jpnjob = "召喚士",
        engjob = "Summoner",
        jpntext = "オーバードライブ([Earth][Elementless])-エーコがフィールドに出たとき、あなたのブレイクゾーンにあるコスト2以下の土属性のフォワード1枚を選ぶ。それをフィールドに出す。//エーコがフィールドに出たとき、あなたのブレイクゾーンにあるコスト3以下の召喚獣1枚を選ぶ。それを手札に加える。",
        engtext = "Overdrive ([Earth][Elementless]) - When Eiko enters the field, choose 1 Earth Forward of cost 2 or less in your Break Zone. Play it onto the field.//When Eiko enters the field, choose 1 Summon of cost 3 or less in your Break Zone. Add it to your hand.",
        copyyear = "2000",
        source = "FFIX"
    }, {
        id = "8-045C",
        chapter = 8,
        noinset = 45,
        rarity = "Common",
        jpnname = "ガフガリオン",
        romname = "Gafugarion",
        engname = "Gaffgarion",
        image = "Gaffgarion TCG.png",
        width = 868,
        subject = "Gaffgarion",
        subjectlink = "Goffard Gaffgarion",
        sourcefile = "Gaffgarigon Brigade.png",
        medium = "Sprite",
        element = "Earth",
        cost = 2,
        type = "Forward",
        jpnjob = "ダークナイト",
        ffwjob = "The Dark Knight",--fortunately this is a unique job so the "the" still works
        ctxjob = "Fell Knight",
        jpntext = "[action:闇の剣] [S]:フォワード1体を選ぶ。ターン終了時までそれのパワーを-5000し、ガフガリオンのパワーを+5000する。",
        engtext = "[action:Shadowblade] [S]: Choose 1 Forward. Until the end of the turn, It loses 5000 power and Gaffgarion gains +5000 power.",
        power = 5000,
        copyright = "DeNA Co,. Ltd.",
        source = "FFAB"
    }, {
        id = "8-046U",
        chapter = 8,
        noinset = 46,
        rarity = "Uncommon",
        opus = "5-103R",--effect not image
        jpnname = "ガリークランのシド",
        romname = "Garī Kuran no Shido",
        engname = "Cid of Clan Gully",
        image = "Cid A2 TCG.png",
        width = 868,
        subject = "Cid",
        subjectlink = "Cid (Tactics A2)",
        medium = "Concept art",
        sourcefile = "TA2-Cid.jpg",
        element = "Earth",
        cost = 4,
        excard = true,
        type = "Backup",
        jpnjob = "リーダー",--it's "Clan Leader" in Opus
        engjob = "Faction Leader",--TL from Gippal
        ffwjob = "Leader",
        jpntext = "ガリークランのシドがフィールドに出たとき、ルッソかハーディかアデル1枚をサーチし、手札に加えてもよい。",
        engtext = "When Cid of Clan Gully enters the field, you may search for 1 Luso, Hurdy, or Adelle and add it to your hand.",
        copyyear = "2007",
        source = "FFTA2"
    }, {
        id = "8-047C",
        chapter = 8,
        noinset = 47,
        rarity = "Common",
        jpnname = "獣使い",
        romname = "Kemonotsukai",
        ffwname = "Beastmaster (XI)",
        image = "Beastmaster XI TCG.png",
        width = 868,
        subject = "Mithra Beastmaster",
        subjectlink = "Beastmaster (Final Fantasy XI)",
        medium = "Screenshot",
        element = "Earth",
        cost = 2,
        genericcard = true,
        type = "Forward",
        jpnjob = "一般兵",
        engjob = "Standard Unit",
        jpntext = "獣使いがフィールドに出たとき、手札からコスト2以下のモンスター1枚をフィールドに出してもよい。",
        ffwtext = "When Beastmaster (XI) enters the field, you may play a Monster of cost 2 or less from your hand onto the field.",
        power = 4000,
        copyyear = "2002,2012",
        source = "FFXI"
    }, {
        id = "8-048R",
        chapter = 8,
        noinset = 48,
        rarity = "Rare",
        imageopus = "8-010H",
        jpnname = "サラマンダー",
        romname = "Saramandā",
        litname = "Salamander",
        engname = "Amarant",
        ffwname = "Salamander",
        image = "Amarant TCG.png",
        width = 868,
        subject = "Amarant",
        subjectlink = "Amarant Coral",
        medium = "Artwork",
        sourcefile = "AmanoSalamander.jpg",
        element = "Earth",
        cost = 3,
        type = "Forward",
        jpnjob = "闘士",
        engjob = "Fighter",--Opus III
        jpntext = "オーバードライブ([Water])-サラマンダーがフィールドに出たとき、カードを1枚引く。//あなたがサラマンダー以外のフォワードをコントロールしていない場合、サラマンダーのパワーは+1000され、ブレイブを得る。",
        engtext = "Overdrive ([Water]) - When Salamander enters the field, draw 1 card.//If you don't control a Forward other than Salamander, Salamander gains +1000 power and Brave.",
        power = 7000,
        copyyear = "2000",
        source = "FFIX"
    }, {
        id = "8-049C",
        chapter = 8,
        noinset = 49,
        rarity = "Common",
        jpnname = "召喚士",
        romname = "Shōkanshi",
        engname = "Summoner",
        image = "Summoner XI TCG.png",
        width = 868,
        subject = "Male Tarutaru Summoner",
        subjectlink = "Summoner (Final Fantasy XI)",
        medium = "Screenshot",
        element = "Earth",
        cost = 3,
        genericcard = true,
        type = "Backup",
        jpnjob = "一般兵",
        engjob = "Standard Unit",
        jpntext = "召喚士がフィールドに出たとき、手札のコスト3以下の召喚獣1枚をコストを支払わず召喚してもよい。",
        engtext = "When Summoner enters the field, you may cast 1 Summon of cost 3 or less from your hand without paying its cost.",
        copyyear = "2002,2012",
        source = "FFXI"
    }, {
        id = "8-050U",
        chapter = 8,
        noinset = 50,
        rarity = "Uncommon",
        opus = "4-087R",
        jpnname = "ディリータ",
        romname = "Dirīta",
        engname = "Delita",
        image = "Delita2 TCG.png",
        width = 868,
        subject = "Delita",
        subjectlink = "Delita Heiral",
        medium = "Promo art",
        sourcefile = "Delita and Ramza.jpg",
        element = "Earth",
        cost = 3,
        type = "Forward",
        jpnjob = "騎士",
        engjob = "Knight",
        jpntext = "ディリータは雷属性の効果によっては選ばれない。//ディリータが効果によって選ばれるたび、ターン終了時までディリータのパワーは+1000される。",
        engtext = "Delita cannot be chosen by Lightning effects.//Whenever Delita is chosen by an effect, Delita gains +1000 power until the end of the turn.",
        power = 7000,
        copyyear = "1997,2007",
        source = "FFT_WotL"
    }, {
        id = "8-051U",
        chapter = 8,
        noinset = 51,
        rarity = "Uncommon",
        jpnname = "土蛇将ザザーグ",
        romname = "Dojashō Zazāgu",
        ffwname = "Stoneserpent General Zazarg",
        image = "Zazarg TCG.png",
        width = 868,
        subject = "Zazarg",
        medium = "Screenshot",
        element = "Earth",
        cost = 6,
        type = "Forward",
        jpnjob = "五蛇将",
        ffwjob = "Serpent General",
        jpntext = "ブレイブ//土蛇将ザザーグがフィールドに出たとき、対戦相手のコントロールするダル状態のフォワード1体を選ぶ。あなたがフォワードを3体以上コントロールしている場合、それをブレイクする。",
        engtext = "Brave//When Stoneserpent General Zazarg enters the field, choose 1 dull Forward your opponent controls. If you control 3 or more Forwards, break it.",
        power = 9000,
        copyyear = "2002,2012",
        source = "FFXI",
    }, {
        id = "8-052C",
        chapter = 8,
        noinset = 52,
        rarity = "Common",
        jpnname = "バルバロイ",
        romname = "Barubaroi",
        litname = "Barbaroi",
        ffwname = "Pulsework Soldier",
        image = "PulseworkSoldier TCG.png",
        width = 868,
        subject = "Pulsework Soldier",
        subjectlink = "Pulsework Soldier (Final Fantasy XIII-2)",
        medium = "Render",
        sourcefile = "FFXIII enemy Pulsework Soldier.png",
        element = "Earth",
        cost = 1,
        type = "Monster",
        jpnjob = "機械兵士",
        ffwjob = "Pulsework Soldier",
        jpntext = "[Dull]、バルバロイをブレイクゾーンに置く:あなたのコントロールするキャラクター1体を選ぶ。このターン、それはダメージ以外の効果によってはブレイクされない。",
        engtext = "[Dull], put Pulsework Soldier into the Break Zone: Choose 1 Character you control. It cannot be broken by effects other than damage this turn.",
        copyyear = "2011",
        source = "XIII2"
    }, {
        id = "8-053R",
        chapter = 8,
        noinset = 53,
        rarity = "Rare",
        jpnname = "ブラネ",
        romname = "Burane",
        engname = "Brahne",
        image = "Brahne TCG.png",
        width = 868,
        subject = "Brahne",
        subjectlink = "Brahne Raza Alexandros XVI",
        medium = "Artwork",
        sourcefile = "FFIX-brahne-amano.jpg",
        element = "Earth",
        cost = 3,
        type = "Backup",
        jpnjob = "女王",
        engjob = "Queen",
        jpntext = "あなたがキャラクターを7体以上コントロールしている場合、あなたのコントロールするフォワードのパワーを+1000する。//ブラネがフィールドからブレイクゾーンに置かれたとき、ガーネットかスタイナー1枚をサーチし、手札に加えてもよい。",
        engtext = "If you control 7 or more Characters, the Forwards you control gain +1000 power.//When Brahne is put from the field into the Break Zone, you may search for 1 Garnet or Steiner and add it to your hand.",
        copyyear = "2000",
        source = "FFIX"
    }, {
        id = "8-054R",
        chapter = 8,
        noinset = 54,
        rarity = "Rare",
        jpnname = "マンドラーズ",
        romname = "Mandorāzu",
        ffwname = "Mandragoras",
        image = "Mandragoras TCG.png",
        width = 868,
        subject = "Mandragoras",
        medium = "Sprite",
        sourcefile = "Theatrhythm Mandragora.png",
        element = "Earth",
        cost = 2,
        type = "Monster",
        jpnjob = "マンドラゴラ",
        ffwjob = "Mandragora",
        jpntext = "あなたのフィールドにいるバックアップは火、氷、風、土、雷、水のいずれかの属性のCPを生み出すことができる。",
        engtext = "Backups on your field can produce CP of Water, Ice, Wind, Earth, Lightning, and Water.",
        copyyear = "2012",
        credits = "Developed by indieszero Co., Ltd.",
        source = "TFF"
    }, {
        id = "8-055U",
        chapter = 8,
        noinset = 55,
        rarity = "Uncommon",
        jpnname = "ようじんぼう",
        romname = "Yōjinbō",
        engname = "Yojimbo",
        image = "Yojimbo TCG.png",
        width = 868,
        subject = "Yojimbo",
        subjectlink = "Yojimbo",
        sourcefile = "Yojimbo Brigade.png",
        medium = "Sprite",
        element = "Earth",
        excard = true,
        cost = 1,
        type = "Summon",
        jpntext = "フォワード1体を選ぶ。手札から好きな枚数のカードを捨ててもよい。捨てた枚数が1枚の場合、ターン終了時までそれのパワーを+5000し、ブレイブを与える。捨てた枚数が3枚以上の場合、それをブレイクする。捨てなかった場合、ターン終了時までそれのパワーを+2000する。",
        ffwtext = "Choose 1 Forward. You may discard any number of cards from your hand. If you discarded 1 card, it gains +5000 power and Brave until the end of the turn. If you discard 3 or more cards, break it. If you did not discard, it gains +2000 power until the end of the turn.",
        copyright = "DeNA Co,. Ltd.",
        source = "FFAB"
    }, {
        id = "8-056C",
        chapter = 8,
        noinset = 56,
        rarity = "Common",
        jpnname = "ラザフォード",
        romname = "Razafōdo",
        engname = "Lezaford",
        image = "Lezaford TCG.png",
        width = 868,
        subject = "Lezaford",
        subjectlink = "Lezaford",
        medium = "Concept art",
        sourcefile = "TA2Lezaford.jpg",
        element = "Earth",
        cost = 4,
        type = "Backup",
        jpnjob = "大魔導師",--in Opus his job is 大魔道師, so his job had to match Unei and Doga
        ffwjob = "Archmage",
        jpntext = "[0]:あなたのコントロールするフォワード1体を選ぶ。ターン終了時までそれにブレイブを与える。このアビリティはあなたのターンに1度しか使えない。",
        ffwtext = "[0]: Choose 1 Forward you control. it gains Brave until the end of the turn. You can only use this ability once per turn of yours.",
        copyyear = "2007",
        source = "FFTA2"
    }, {
        id = "8-057C",
        chapter = 8,
        noinset = 57,
        rarity = "Common",
        jpnname = "アヴゼン",
        romname = "Avuzen",
        ffwname = "Ovjang",
        image = "Ovjang TCG.png",
        width = 868,
        subject = "Ovjang",
        subjectlink = "Ovjang (Final Fantasy XI)",
        medium = "Screenshot",
        element = "Lightning",
        cost = 3,
        type = "Forward",
        jpnjob = "オートマトン",
        ffwjob = "Automaton",
        jpntext = "[Lightning][Lightning][Elementless][Elementless]:アヴゼンをフィールドに出す。このアビリティはあなたのメインフェイズにアヴゼンがブレイクゾーンにあり、あなたがアフマウをコントロールしている場合にしか使えない。",
        ffwtext = "[Lightning][Lightning][Elementless][Elementless]: Play Ovjang onto the field. You can only use this ability during your Main Phase, if Ovjang is in your Break Zone, and if you control Aphmau.",
        power = 7000,
        copyyear = "2002,2012",
        source = "FFXI",
    }, {
        id = "8-058R",
        chapter = 8,
        noinset = 58,
        rarity = "Rare",
        jpnname = "アニマ",
        romname = "Anima",
        ffwname = "Anima",
        image = "Anima TCG.png",
        width = 868,
        subject = "Anima",
        subjectlink = "Anima#Theatrhythm Final Fantasy",
        medium = "Sprite",
        element = "Lightning",
        cost = 4,
        type = "Monster",
        jpnjob = "アニマ",
        ffwjob = "Anima",
        jpntext = "対戦相手のコントロールするフォワードのパワーを-1000する。",
        engtext = "Forwards opponent controls lose 1000 power.",
        copyyear = "2012",
        credits = "Developed by indieszero Co., Ltd.",
        source = "TFF"
    }, {
        id = "8-059U",
        chapter = 8,
        noinset = 59,
        rarity = "Uncommon",
        jpnname = "アフマウ",
        romname = "Afumau",
        ffwname = "Aphmau",
        image = "Aphmau TCG.png",
        width = 868,
        subject = "Aphmau",
        subjectlink = "Aphmau",
        medium = "Screenshot",
        element = "Lightning",
        cost = 2,
        type = "Backup",
        jpnjob = "からくり士",
        ffwjob = "Puppetmaster",
        jpntext = "あなたのコントロールする【ジョブ(オートマトン)】がフォワードにダメージを与える場合、代わりにそのダメージは1000多くなる。//[Dull]:ダメージが与えられているフォワード1体を選ぶ。それに1000ダメージを与える。",
        engtext = "If a [Job (Automaton)] you control deals damage to a Forward, increase the damage by 1000 instead.//[Dull]: Choose 1 damaged Forward. Deal it 1000 damage.",
        copyyear = "2002,2012",
        source = "FFXI"
    }, {
        id = "8-060U",
        chapter = 8,
        noinset = 60,
        rarity = "Uncommon",
        imageopus = "6-085C",
        jpnname = "アルシド",
        romname = "Aru Shido",
        engname = "Al-Cid",
        image = "Al-Cid TCG.png",
        width = 868,
        subject = "Al-Cid",
        subjectlink = "Al-Cid Margrace",
        medium = "Concept art",
        sourcefile = "TA2 Al-Cid.png",
        element = "Lightning",
        cost = 3,
        type = "Forward",
        jpnjob = "エージェント",
        engjob = "Agent",
        jpntext = "オーバードライブ([Lightning])-アルシドがフィールドに出たとき、アクティブ状態のフォワード1体を選ぶ。それに6000ダメージを与える。//[Lightning]:フォワード1体を選ぶ。ターン終了時までそれは先制攻撃を失う。",
        engtext = "Overdrive ([Lightning]) - When Al-Cid enters the field, choose 1 active Forward. Deal it 6000 damage.//[Lightning]: Choose 1 Forward. It loses First Strike until the end of the turn.",
        power = 7000,
        copyyear = "2007",
        source = "FFTA2"
    }, {
        id = "8-061C",
        chapter = 8,
        noinset = 61,
        rarity = "Common",
        jpnname = "からくり士",
        romname = "Karakurishi",
        ffwname = "Puppetmaster",
        image = "Puppetmaster XI TCG.png",
        width = 868,
        subject = "Male Tarutaru Puppetmaster",
        subjectlink = "Puppetmaster (Final Fantasy XI)",
        medium = "Screenshot",
        element = "Lightning",
        cost = 3,
        genericcard = true,
        type = "Backup",
        jpnjob = "一般兵",
        engjob = "Standard Unit",
        jpntext = "からくり士がフィールドに出たとき、あなたのブレイクゾーンにあるコスト2以下の【ジョブ(一般兵)】のフォワード1体を選ぶ。それをフィールドに出す。",
        engtext = "When Puppetmaster enters the field, choose 1 [Job (Standard Unit)] of cost 2 or less in your Break Zone. Play it onto the field.",
        copyyear = "2002,2012",
        source = "FFXI"
    }, {
        id = "8-062R",
        chapter = 8,
        noinset = 62,
        rarity = "Rare",
        opus = "1-207S",
        jpnname = "ギルガメッシュ",
        romname = "Girugamesshu",
        litname = "Gilgamesh",
        engname = "Gilgamesh",
        image = "Gilgamesh2 TCG.png",
        width = 868,
        subject = "Gilgamesh",
        subjectlink = "Gilgamesh (character)",
        medium = "Render",
        sourcefile = "Gilgamesh XIII-2.png",
        element = "Lightning",
        cost = 4,
        type = "Forward",
        jpnjob = "アタッカー",
        engjob = "Commando",
        jpntext = "ギルガメッシュのパワーは増減しない。//ギルガメッシュは対戦相手の効果によっては手札に戻らない。//[action:雪月花] [S][Lightning][Lightning]:フォワード1体を選ぶ。それをブレイクする。このアビリティはあなたが4点以上のダメージを受けている場合にしか使えない。",
        ffwtext = "Gilgamesh's power cannot be increased or reduced.//Gilgamesh cannot be returned to its owner's hand by your opponent's effects.//[action:Divider] [S][Lightning][Lightning]: Choose 1 Forward. Break it. You can only use this ability if you have received 4 points of damage or more.",
        power = 8000,
        copyyear = "2011",
        source = "XIII2"
    }, {
        id = "8-063U",
        chapter = 8,
        noinset = 63,
        rarity = "Uncommon",
        jpnname = "クジャタ",
        romname = "Kujata",
        ffwname = "Kujata",
        image = "Kujata TCG.png",
        width = 868,
        subject = "Kujata",
        subjectlink = "Kujata",
        sourcefile = "Kujata Brigade.png",
        medium = "Sprite",
        element = "Lightning",
        cost = 4,
        excard = true,
        type = "Summon",
        jpntext = "対戦相手のコントロールするフォワード1体とアクティブ状態のフォワード1体とダル状態のフォワード1体を選ぶ。それらに7000ダメージを与える。",
        ffwtext = "Choose 1 Forward opponent controls and 1 active Forward and 1 dull Forward. Deal them 7000 damage.",
        copyright = "DeNA Co,. Ltd.",
        source = "FFAB"
    }, {
        id = "8-064C",
        chapter = 8,
        noinset = 64,
        rarity = "Common",
        jpnname = "黒のワルツ3号",
        romname = "Kuro no Warutsu San-gō",
        litname = "Black Waltz No. 3",
        engname = "Black Waltz 3",
        image = "BlackWaltz3 2 TCG.png",
        width = 868,
        subject = "Black Waltz No. 3",
        subjectlink = "Black Waltz 3",
        medium = "Sprite",
        element = "Lightning",
        cost = 2,
        type = "Forward",
        jpnjob = "黒魔道士兵",
        ffwjob = "Black Mage Soldier",
        jpntext = "覚醒([Dull]、黒のワルツ3号をブレイクゾーンに置く)//黒のワルツ3号がフィールドからブレイクゾーンに置かれたとき、フォワード1体を選ぶ。ターン終了時までそれのパワーを-3000する。",
        engtext = "Awakening ([Dull], put Black Waltz 3 into the Break Zone)//When Black Waltz 3 is put from the field into the Break Zone, choose 1 Forward. It loses 3000 power until the end of the turn.",
        power = 3000,
        copyyear = "2012",
        credits = "Developed by indieszero Co., Ltd.",
        source = "TFF"
    }, {
        id = "8-065S",
        chapter = 8,
        noinset = 65,
        rarity = "Special Rare",
        opus = "7-096L",
        jpnname = "ノエル",
        romname = "Noeru",
        engname = "Noel",
        image = "Noel BlackMage TCG.png",
        width = 868,
        subject = "Noel",
        subjectlink = "Noel Kreiss",
        role = "Black Mage",
        medium = "Render",
        sourcefile = "Noel Kreiss - Black Mage Attire.png",
        element = "Lightning",
        cost = 6,
        type = "Forward",
        jpnjob = "アタッカー",
        engjob = "Commando",
        jpntext = "ヘイスト//オーバードライブ([Lightning])-ノエルがフィールドに出たとき、ターン終了時までノエルは「ノエルが対戦相手にダメージを与えたとき、対戦相手のコントロールするフォワード1体を選ぶ。それをブレイクする。」を得る。",
        engtext = "Haste//Overdrive ([Lightning]) - When Noel enters the field, Noel gains \"When Noel deals damage to your opponent, choose 1 Forward opponent controls. Break it.\" until the end of the turn.",
        power = 9000,
        source = "FFXIII"
    }, {
        id = "8-066R",
        chapter = 8,
        noinset = 66,
        rarity = "Rare",
        imageopus = "8-126H",
        jpnname = "フライヤ",
        romname = "Furaiya",
        litname = "Freija",
        engname = "Freya",
        image = "Freya2 TCG.png",
        width = 868,
        subject = "Freya",
        subjectlink = "Freya Crescent",
        medium = "Artwork",
        sourcefile = "AmanoFreya.jpg",
        element = "Lightning",
        cost = 3,
        type = "Forward",
        jpnjob = "竜騎士",
        engjob = "Dragoon",
        jpntext = "あなたのブレイクゾーンに【ジョブ(ドラゴン)】のキャラクターカードがある場合、フライヤはヘイストと先制攻撃を得る。//[action:竜の紋章] [S][Lightning]:フォワード1体を選ぶ。それにあなたのブレイクゾーンにある【ジョブ(ドラゴン)】のキャラクターカード1枚につき、3000ダメージを与える。",
        engtext = "If there is a [Job (Dragon)] Character card in your Break Zone, Freya gains Haste and First Strike.//[action:Dragon's Crest] [S][Lightning]: Choose 1 Forward. Deal it 3000 damage for each [Job (Dragon)] Character card in your Break Zone.",
        power = 7000,
        copyyear = "2000",
        source = "FFIX"
    }, {
        id = "8-067C",
        chapter = 8,
        noinset = 67,
        rarity = "Common",
        jpnname = "ベヒーモス",
        romname = "Behīmosu",
        litname = "Behemoth",
        engname = "Behemoth",
        image = "Behemoth TCG.png",
        width = 868,
        subject = "Behemoth",
        subjectlink = "Behemoth (Tactics)",
        medium = "Concept art",
        sourcefile = "Behemot.png",
        element = "Lightning",
        cost = 1,
        genericcard = true,
        type = "Monster",
        jpnjob = "ベヒーモス",
        engjob = "Behemoth",
        jpntext = "[Lightning]、ベヒーモスをブレイクゾーンに置く:ダメージが与えられているフォワード1体を選ぶ。それをブレイクする。",
        engtext = "[Lightning], put Behemoth into the Break Zone: Choose 1 damaged Forward. Break it.",
        copyyear = "1997",
        source = "FFT"
    }, {
        id = "8-068C",
        chapter = 8,
        noinset = 68,
        rarity = "Common",
        jpnname = "メネジン",
        romname = "Menejin",
        ffwname = "Mnejing",
        image = "Mnejing TCG.png",
        width = 868,
        subject = "Mnejing",
        subjectlink = "Mnejing",
        medium = "Screenshot",
        element = "Lightning",
        cost = 2,
        type = "Backup",
        jpnjob = "オートマトン",
        ffwjob = "Automaton",
        jpntext = "[Elementless][Dull]:アクティブ状態のフォワード1体を選ぶ。それに1000ダメージを与える。",
        engtext = "[Elementless][Dull]: Choose 1 active Forward. Deal it 1000 damage.",
        copyyear = "2002,2012",
        source = "FFXI",
    }, {
        id = "8-069U",
        chapter = 8,
        noinset = 69,
        rarity = "Uncommon",
        opus = "4-117R",
        jpnname = "ラムザ",
        romname = "Ramuza",
        engname = "Ramza",
        image = "Ramza3 TCG.png",
        width = 868,
        subject = "Ramza",
        subjectlink = "Ramza Beoulve",
        medium = "Promo art",
        sourcefile = "Delita and Ramza.jpg",
        element = "Lightning",
        cost = 2,
        type = "Forward",
        jpnjob = "騎士",
        engjob = "Knight",
        jpntext = "オーバードライブ([Fire][Fire][Elementless][Elementless][Elementless][Elementless][Elementless])-ラムザがフィールドに出たとき、対戦相手のコントロールするフォワードを最大2体まで選ぶ。そのうち1体をブレイクし、もう1体に8000ダメージを与える。",
        engtext = "Overdrive ([Fire][Fire][Elementless][Elementless][Elementless][Elementless][Elementless]) - When Ramza enters the field, choose up to 2 Forwards opponent controls. Break the first and deal 8000 damage to the other.",--based on 6-107R, omitting "Forward" because it's on in the JP text
        power = 4000,
        copyyear = "1997,2007",
        source = "FFT_WotL"
    }, {
        id = "8-070C",
        chapter = 8,
        noinset = 70,
        rarity = "Common",
        jpnname = "竜騎士",
        romname = "Ryūkishi",
        litname = "Dragon Knight",
        engname = "Dragoon",
        image = "Dragoon XI TCG.png",
        width = 868,
        subject = "Male Elvaan Dragoon",
        subjectlink = "Dragoon (Final Fantasy XI)",
        medium = "Screenshot",
        element = "Lightning",
        cost = 3,
        genericcard = true,
        type = "Forward",
        jpnjob = "一般兵",
        engjob = "Standard Unit",
        jpntext = "あなたが【ジョブ(ドラゴン)】をコントロールしている場合、竜騎士のパワーは+1000される。",
        engtext = "If you control a [Job (Dragon)], Dragoon gains +1000 power.",   
        power = 7000,
        copyyear = "2002,2012",
        source = "FFXI"
    }, {
        id = "8-071C",
        chapter = 8,
        noinset = 71,
        rarity = "Common",
        jpnname = "青魔道士",
        romname = "Ao Madōshi",
        engname = "Blue Mage",
        image = "BlueMage XI TCG.png",
        width = 868,
        subject = "Female Hume Blue Mage",
        subjectlink = "Blue Mage (Final Fantasy XI)",
        medium = "Screenshot",
        element = "Water",
        cost = 2,
        genericcard = true,
        type = "Backup",
        jpnjob = "一般兵",
        engjob = "Standard Unit",
        jpntext = "[Water][Dull]、青魔道士をブレイクゾーンに置く:あなたのブレイクゾーンにあるコスト3以下の水属性のモンスター1体を選ぶ。それをあなたの手札に加える。",
        engtext = "[Water][Dull], put Blue Mage into the Break Zone: Choose 1 Water Monster of cost 3 or less in your Break Zone. Add it to your hand.",   
        copyyear = "2002,2012",
        source = "FFXI"
    }, {
        id = "8-072S",
        chapter = 8,
        noinset = 72,
        rarity = "Special Rare",
        jpnname = "オヴェリア",
        romname = "Overia",
        engname = "Ovelia",
        image = "Ovelia2 TCG.png",
        width = 868,
        subject = "Ovelia",
        subjectlink = "Ovelia Atkascha",
        medium = "Promo art",
        sourcefile = "Delita and Ovelia.jpg",
        element = "Water",
        cost = 4,
        type = "Backup",
        jpnjob = "王女",
        engjob = "Princess",
        ffwjob = "Royal Princess",--avoid conflict with 姫
        ctxjob = "Princess",
        jpntext = "あなたのコントロールするフォワードにダメージが与えられる場合、代わりにそのダメージは1000少なくなる。//[action:マバリア] [S][Dull]:ターン終了時まであなたのコントロールするすべてのフォワードにヘイストとブレイブを与える。このターン、それらは追加で1回アタックすることができる。",
        engtext = "If a Forward you control receives damage, the damage is reduced by 1000 instead.//[action:Aegis] [S][Dull]: All the Forwards you control gain Haste and Brave until the end of the turn. They can attack once more this turn.",
        copyyear = "1997,2007",
        source = "FFT_WotL"
    }, {
        id = "8-073C",
        chapter = 8,
        noinset = 73,
        rarity = "Common",
        jpnname = "オルトロス",
        romname = "Orutorosu",
        litname = "Orthrus",
        ffwname = "Ultros",
        image = "Ultros TCG.png",
        width = 868,
        subject = "Ultros",
        subjectlink = "Ultros",
        medium = "Render",
        sourcefile = "Ultros XIII-2.png",
        element = "Water",
        cost = 2,
        type = "Forward",
        jpnjob = "オクトパス",
        ffwjob = "Octopus",
        jpntext = "覚醒([Water][Elementless][Elementless][Dull]、オルトロスをブレイクゾーンに置く)//オルトロスがフィールドからブレイクゾーンに置かれたとき、カードを1枚引く。",
        engtext = "Awakening([Water][Elementless][Elementless][Dull], put Ultros into the Break Zone)//When Ultros is put from the field into the Break Zone, draw 1 card.",
        power = 3000,
        copyyear = "2011",
        source = "XIII2"
    }, {
        id = "8-074U",
        chapter = 8,
        noinset = 74,
        rarity = "Uncommon",
        jpnname = "キュクレイン",
        romname = "Kyukurein",
        ffwname = "Cuchulaínn",--good jawb Brigade
        image = "Cúchulainn2 TCG.png",
        width = 868,
        subject = "Cuchulaínn",
        subjectlink = "Cúchulainn#Final Fantasy Airborne Brigade",
        sourcefile = "Cúchulainn Sighted Brigade.png",
        medium = "Sprite",
        element = "Water",
        cost = 5,
        type = "Forward",
        jpnjob = "ルカヴィ",
        ffwjob = "Lucavi",
        jpntext = "キュクレインがアタックしたとき、ターン終了時まで対戦相手のコントロールするすべてのフォワードのパワーを-2000する。//[action:バイオガ] [S][Water][Water]:ターン終了時まで対戦相手のコントロールするすべてのフォワードのパワーを-5000する。このアビリティはキュクレインがアタック中にしか使えない。",
        engtext = "When Cuchulaínn attacks, all Forwards opponent controls lose 2000 power.//[action:Bioga] [S][Water][Water]: All Forwards opponent controls lose 5000 power. You can only use this ability while Cuchulaínn is attacking.",
        power = 8000,
        copyright = "DeNA Co,. Ltd.",
        source = "FFAB"
    }, {
        id = "8-075R",
        chapter = 8,
        noinset = 75,
        rarity = "Rare",
        imageopus = "8-114H",
        jpnname = "クイナ",
        romname = "Kuina",
        engname = "Quina",
        image = "Quina2 TCG.png",
        width = 868,
        subject = "Quina",
        subjectlink = "Quina Quen",
        medium = "Artwork",
        sourcefile = "AmanoQuina.jpg",
        element = "Water",
        cost = 4,
        type = "Forward",
        jpnjob = "青魔道士",
        engjob = "Blue Mage",
        jpntext = "モンスターがゲームから除外されたとき、ターン終了時までクイナは除外されたモンスターのアビリティを持つ。//[Elementless]:ブレイクゾーンにあるモンスター1枚を選ぶ。それをゲームから除外する。ターン終了時までクイナのパワーを+1000する。このアビリティは1ターンに1度しか使えない。",
        engtext = "When a Monster is removed from the game, Quina has the removed Monster's abilities until the end of the turn.//[Elementless]: Choose 1 Monster in the Break Zone. Remove it from the game. Quina gains +1000 power until the end of the turn. You can only use this ability once per turn.",
        power = 8000,
        copyyear = "2000",
        source = "FFIX"
    }, {
        id = "8-076R",
        chapter = 8,
        noinset = 76,
        rarity = "Rare",
        jpnname = "コヨコヨ",
        romname = "KoyoKoyo",
        engname = "PuPu",
        image = "PuPu2 TCG.png",
        width = 868,
        subject = "PuPu",
        subjectlink = "PuPu (Final Fantasy XIII-2)",
        medium = "Render",
        sourcefile = "XIII-2 Pupu.png",
        element = "Water",
        cost = 2,
        type = "Monster",
        jpnjob = "コヨコヨ",
        ffwjob = "PuPu",
        jpntext = "あなたのコントロールするフォワードは自身のパワー未満のダメージを受けない。",
        engtext = "Forwards you control don't receive damage that is less than their power.",
        copyyear = "2011",
        source = "XIII2"
    }, {
        id = "8-077C",
        chapter = 8,
        noinset = 77,
        rarity = "Common",
        jpnname = "コルセア",
        romname = "Korusea",
        litname = "Corsair",
        ffwname = "Corsair",
        image = "Corsair XI TCG.png",
        width = 868,
        subject = "Female Elvaan Corsair",
        subjectlink = "Corsair (Final Fantasy XI)",
        medium = "Screenshot",
        element = "Water",
        cost = 2,
        genericcard = true,
        type = "Forward",
        jpnjob = "一般兵",
        engjob = "Standard Unit",
        jpntext = "コルセアがアタックしたとき、カードを1枚引き、その後手札を1枚捨てる。",
        engtext = "When Corsair attacks, draw 1 card, then discard 1 card from your hand.",
        power = 4000,
        copyyear = "2002,2012",
        source = "FFXI"
    }, {
        id = "8-078C",
        chapter = 8,
        noinset = 78,
        rarity = "Common",
        jpnname = "サハギンチーフ",
        romname = "Sahagin Chīfu",
        litname = "Sahuagin Chief",
        ffwname = "Sahagin Chief",
        image = "SahaginChief TCG.png",
        width = 868,
        subject = "Sahagin Chief",
        subjectlink = "Sahagin Chief (Final Fantasy X)",
        medium = "Concept art",
        element = "Water",
        cost = 2,
        genericcard = true,
        type = "Monster",
        jpnjob = "サハギン",
        engjob = "Sahagin",
        jpntext = "[Water][Dull]:対戦相手のコントロールする光と闇属性以外のキャラクター1体を選ぶ。ターン終了時までそれはすべてのアビリティを失う。",
        engtext = "[Water][Dull]: Choose 1 Character other than Light and Dark opponent controls. It loses all abilities until the end of the turn.",
        copyyear = "2001,2008",
        source = "FFX"
    }, {
        id = "8-079U",
        chapter = 8,
        noinset = 79,
        rarity = "Uncommon",
        jpnname = "水蛇将ミリ・アリアポー",
        romname = "Suijashō Miri Ariapō",
        ffwname = "Springserpent Mihli Aliapoh",
        image = "Mihli TCG.png",
        width = 868,
        subject = "Mihli Aliapoh",
        medium = "Screenshot",
        element = "Water",
        cost = 3,
        type = "Forward",
        jpnjob = "五蛇将",
        ffwjob = "Serpent General",
        jpntext = "[Water][Dull]:フォワード1体を選ぶ。このターン、次にそれに与えられるダメージを4000減らす。//[Elementless][Elementless]:火属性のフォワード1体を選ぶ。ターン終了時までそれのパワーを-2000する。",
        engtext = "[Water][Dull]: Choose 1 Forward. The next damage it receives this turn is reduced by 4000.//[Elementless][Elementless]: Choose 1 Fire Forward. It loses 2000 power until the end of the turn.",
        power = 7000,
        copyyear = "2002,2012",
        source = "FFXI",
    }, {
        id = "8-080C",
        chapter = 8,
        noinset = 80,
        rarity = "Common",
        jpnname = "ナイト",
        romname = "Naito",
        litname = "Knight",
        engname = "Paladin",
        ffwname = "Knight",
        image = "Paladin XI TCG.png",
        width = 868,
        subject = "Male Elvaan Paladin",
        subjectlink = "Paladin (Final Fantasy XI)",
        medium = "Screenshot",
        element = "Water",
        cost = 3,
        genericcard = true,
        type = "Forward",
        jpnjob = "一般兵",
        engjob = "Standard Unit",
        jpntext = "ナイトは可能ならばブロックしなければならない。//[Water]:このターン、次にナイトに与えられるダメージを1000減らす。このアビリティはナイトがブロック中にしか使えない。",
        engtext = "Knight must block if possible.//[Water]: The next damage Knight receives this turn is reduced by 1000. You can only use this ability while Knight is blocking.",
        power = 7000,
        copyyear = "2002,2012",
        source = "FFXI"
    }, {
        id = "8-081U",
        chapter = 8,
        noinset = 81,
        rarity = "Uncommon",
        jpnname = "ビスマルク",
        romname = "Bisumaruku",
        engname = "Bismarck",--Opus 5-133H
        image = "Bismarck TCG.png",
        width = 868,
        subject = "Bismarck",
        subjectlink = "Bismarck (creature)#Final Fantasy Airborne Brigade",
        sourcefile = "FFAB Bismarck.png",
        medium = "Sprite",
        element = "Water",
        cost = 3,
        excard = true,
        type = "Summon",
        jpntext = "フォワード1体を選ぶ。あなたのブレイクゾーンにある水属性のカードを好きな枚数ゲームから除外する。ターン終了時までそれのパワーを除外したカード1枚につき、-1000する。",
        ffwtext = "Choose 1 Forward. Remove any number of Water cards in your Break Zone from the game. Until the end of the turn, it loses 1000 power for each card removed.",
        copyright = "DeNA Co,. Ltd.",
        source = "FFAB"
    }, {
        id = "8-082U",
        chapter = 8,
        noinset = 82,
        rarity = "Uncommon",
        jpnname = "フリメルダ",
        romname = "Furimeruda",
        engname = "Frimelda",
        image = "Frimelda TCG.png",
        width = 868,
        subject = "Frimelda",
        subjectlink = "Frimelda Lotice",
        medium = "Concept art",
        sourcefile = "Frimelda.png",
        element = "Water",
        cost = 4,
        type = "Forward",
        jpnjob = "剣聖",
        engjob = "Sword Saint",
        ctxjob = "Blademaster",
        jpntext = "オーバードライブ([Ice])-フリメルダがフィールドに出たとき、ダル状態のフォワード1体を選ぶ。ターン終了時までそれのパワーを-7000する。",
        engtext = "Overdrive ([Ice]) - When Frimelda enters the field, choose 1 dull Forward. It loses 7000 power until the end of the turn.",
        power = 8000,
        copyyear = "2007",
        source = "FFTA2"
    }, {
        id = "8-083R",
        chapter = 8,
        noinset = 83,
        rarity = "Rare",
        jpnname = "ユウナ",
        romname = "Yūna",
        engname = "Yuna",
        image = "Yuna4 TCG.png",
        width = 868,
        subject = "Yuna",
        subjectlink = "Yuna",
        medium = "Promo art",
        sourcefile = "Ffx-2Yuna.jpg",
        altimage = "Yuna5 TCG.png",
        altwidth = 868,
        altsubject = "Yuna",
        altsubjectlink = "Yuna",
        altmedium = "Render",
        altsourcefile = "FFX-2 HD Yuna Render.png",
        element = "Water",
        cost = 3,
        type = "Forward",
        jpnjob = "カモメ団",
        engjob = "Gullwings",
        jpntext = "あなたのコントロールするユウナ以外のユウナと同じジョブを持つフォワードのパワーを+1000する。//[0]:ジョブ1つを指定する。ターン終了時までユウナは指定したジョブになる。このアビリティは1ターンに1度しか使えない。",
        engtext = "The Forwards you control other than Yuna with the same Job as Yuna gain +1000 power.//[0]: Name 1 Job. Yuna becomes that Job until the end of the turn. You can only use this ability once per turn." ,
        power = 7000,
        copyyear = "2003,2005",
        source = "X2"
    }, {
        id = "8-084C",
        chapter = 8,
        noinset = 84,
        rarity = "Common",
        jpnname = "ルザフ",
        romname = "Ruzafu",
        ffwname = "Luzaf",
        image = "Luzaf TCG.png",
        width = 868,
        subject = "Luzaf",
        medium = "Screenshot",
        element = "Water",
        cost = 1,
        type = "Backup",
        jpnjob = "コルセア",
        ffwjob = "Corsair",
        jpntext = "ルザフがフィールドに出たとき、オーディン1枚をサーチし、あなたのデッキの1番上に置いてもよい。",
        engtext = "When Luzaf enters the field, you may search for 1 Odin and put the card on top of your deck.",
        copyyear = "2002,2012",
        source = "FFXI",
    }, {
        id = "8-085S",
        chapter = 8,
        noinset = 85,
        rarity = "Special Rare",
        jpnname = "アレキサンダー",
        romname = "Arekisandā",
        litname = "Alexander",
        engname = "Alexander",
        image = "Alexander XI TCG.png",
        width = 868,
        subject = "Alexander",
        medium = "Screenshot",
        element = "Light",
        cost = 1,
        type = "Summon",
        excard = true,
        jpntext = "コスト4以上のフォワードかモンスター1体を選ぶ。あなたの手札が0枚の場合、それをブレイクする。",
        engtext = "Choose 1 Forward or Monster of cost 4 or more. If you have 0 cards in your hand, break it.",
        copyyear = "2002,2012",
        source = "FFXI"
    }, {
        id = "8-086L",
        chapter = 8,
        noinset = 86,
        rarity = "Legend",
        jpnname = "ガーネット",
        romname = "Gānetto",
        litname = "Garnet",
        engname = "Garnet",
        image = "Garnet3 TCG.png",
        width = 868,
        subject = "Garnet",
        subjectlink = "Garnet Til Alexandros XVII",
        medium = "Artwork",
        sourcefile = "AmanoGarnet.jpg",
        element = "Light",
        cost = 2,
        type = "Forward",
        jpnjob = "王女",
        engjob = "Princess",
        ffwjob = "Royal Princess",--avoid conflict with 姫
        ctxjob = "Princess",
        jpntext = "あなたが召喚獣を召喚したとき、フォワード1体を選ぶ。ターン終了時までそれのパワーを+2000する。//[action:幻獣] [S][X]:あなたのブレイクゾーンにあるコスト[X]以下の召喚獣を最大2枚まで選ぶ。このターン、それらをコストを支払わずに召喚することができる。それらはブレイクゾーンに置かれる代わりに、ゲームから除外される。",
        ffwtext = "When you cast a Summon, choose 1 Forward. It gains +2000 power until the end of the turn.//[action:Eidolon] [S][X]: Choose up to 2 Summons of cost [X] or less in your Break Zone. Until the end of the turn, they can be cast without paying their cost. Remove them from the game instead of putting them in the Break Zone.",
        power = 5000,
        copyyear = "2000",
        source = "FFIX"
    }, {
        id = "8-087R",
        chapter = 8,
        noinset = 87,
        rarity = "Rare",
        jpnname = "天蛇将ルガジーン",
        romname = "Tenjashō Rugajīn",
        ffwname = "Skyserpent General Rughadjeen",
        image = "Rughadjeen TCG.png",
        width = 868,
        subject = "Rughadjeen",
        medium = "Screenshot",
        element = "Light",
        cost = 5,
        type = "Forward",
        jpnjob = "五蛇将",
        ffwjob = "Serpent General",
        jpntext = "ヘイスト ブレイブ//天蛇将ルガジーンがアタックしたとき、ターン終了時まであなたのコントロールする天蛇将ルガジーン以外のすべてのフォワードのパワーを+1000し、ブレイブを与える。",
        engtext = "Haste Brave//When Skyserpent General Rughadjeen attacks, all Forwards you control other than Skyserpent General Rughadjeen gain +1000 power and Brave.",
        power = 9000,
        copyyear = "2002,2012",
        source = "FFXI",
    }, {
        id = "8-088R",
        chapter = 8,
        noinset = 88,
        rarity = "Rare",
        opus = "5-099H",--effect not image
        jpnname = "イルーア",
        romname = "Irūa",
        engname = "Illua",
        image = "Illua TCG.png",
        width = 868,
        subject = "Illua",
        subjectlink = "Illua",
        medium = "Concept art",
        sourcefile = "FFTA2-Irua.jpg",
        element = "Dark",
        cost = 3,
        type = "Forward",
        jpnjob = "ナイトシェイド",
        engjob = "Nightshade",
        jpntext = "ヘイスト//[action:シェイオル] [S]:あなたのコントロールするすべてのフォワードをアクティブにし、ターン終了時までヘイストと先制攻撃を与える。ターン終了時まで対戦相手のコントロールするすべてのフォワードのパワーを-2000し、それらはヘイストと先制攻撃を失う。",
        engtext = "Haste//[action:Sheol] [S]: Active all the Forwards you control. They gain Haste and First Strike until the end of the turn. Until the end of the turn, all the Forwards opponent controls lose 2000 power, and they lose Haste and First Strike.",--Opus has fewer effects which means i had to change the wording here to fit
        power = 7000,
        copyyear = "2007",
        source = "FFTA2"
    }, {
        id = "8-089S",
        chapter = 8,
        noinset = 89,
        rarity = "Special Rare",
        jpnname = "オーディン",
        romname = "Ōdin",
        litname = "Odin",
        engname = "Odin",
        image = "Odin XI TCG.png",
        width = 868,
        subject = "Odin",
        subjectlink = "Odin#Final Fantasy XI",
        medium = "Screenshot",
        element = "Dark",
        cost = 1,
        type = "Summon",
        excard = true,
        jpntext = "コスト3以下のフォワードかモンスター1体を選ぶ。あなたの手札が0枚の場合、それをブレイクする。",
        engtext = "Choose 1 Forward or Monster of cost 3 or less. If you have 0 cards in your hand, break it.",
        copyyear = "2002,2012",
        source = "FFXI"
    }, {
        id = "8-090R",
        chapter = 8,
        noinset = 90,
        rarity = "Rare",
        imageopus = "8-026L",
        jpnname = "管理者ガーランド",
        romname = "Kanrisha Gārando",
        ffwname = "Overseer Garland",--"それはわたしが『管理者』としてつくられた生命だからだ…">"I was created to oversee Terra..."; "絶対的な存在である『管理者』としてな!">"I am the absolute controller of this planet!" -- "controller" is probably the more supported by game option, but "Overseer" just sounds way better (Update: Garland's job in Opus is 管理者, TLd "Overseer")
        image = "Garland TCG.png",
        width = 868,
        subject = "Garland",
        subjectlink = "Garland (Final Fantasy IX)",
        medium = "Concept art",
        sourcefile = "9 garland.jpg",
        element = "Dark",
        cost = 3,
        type = "Forward",
        jpnjob = "ジェノム",
        engjob = "Genome",
        jpntext = "[Dull]、管理者ガーランド以外のフォワード1体をゲームから除外する:あなたのブレイクゾーンにある除外したフォワードと同じコストのフォワード1枚を選ぶ。それをフィールドに出す。このアビリティはあなたのメインフェイズにしか使えない。",
        engtext = "[Dull], remove 1 Forward other than Overseer Garland from the game: Choose 1 Forward in your Break Zone of cost equal to the removed Forward. Play it onto the field. You can only use this ability during your Main Phase.",
        power = 7000,
        copyyear = "2000",
        source = "FFIX"
    }, {
        id = "9-001C",
        chapter = 9,
        noinset = 1,
        rarity = "Common",
        jpnname = "アイアンソード",
        romname = "Aian Sōdo",
        litname = "Iron Sword",
        ffwname = "Iron Sword",
        image = "IronSword TCG.png",
        width = 398,
        medium = "Artwork",--concept art? not seen it before Artniks
        subject = "FFXI Iron Sword",
        subjectlink = "List of Final Fantasy Artniks cards/Rank R#Iron Sword",
        sourcefile = "FF11 Iron Sword R Artniks.png",
        element = "Fire",
        cost = 1,
        genericcard = true,
        type = "Weapon",
        jpnjob = "剣",
        ffwjob = "Sword",
        jpntext = "装備(フォワード)//アイアンソードを装備しているキャラクターがアタックしたとき、ターン終了時までそれのパワーを+2000する。//はずす-[0]",
        engtext = "Equipment (Forward)//When a Character equipped with Iron Sword attacks, it gains +2000 power until the end of the turn.//Remove - [0]",
        copyright = "GREE, Inc.",
        source = "Artniks"
    }, {
        id = "9-002U",
        chapter = 9,
        noinset = 2,
        rarity = "Uncommon",
        jpnname = "アイギス",
        romname = "Aigisu",
        engname = "Aigis",
        image = "Aigis TCG.png",
        width = 398,
        subject = "Aigis",
        subjectlink = "Aigis",
        medium = "Concept art",
        sourcefile = "FFLWoLaD-Aigis.png",
        element = "Fire",
        cost = 4,
        type = "Forward",
        jpnjob = "光の戦士",
        engjob = "Warrior of Light",
        jpntext = "リンク-火(3)/風(3)/土(3)//あなたがアイギス以外の【ジョブ(光の戦士)】をコントロールしている場合、あなたのコントロールするアイギス以外のフォワードのパワーを+1000する。",
        ffwtext = "Link - Fire (3) / Wind (3) / Earth (3)//If you control a [Job (Warrior of Light)] other than Aigis, the Forwards you control other than Aigis gain +1000 power.",
        power = 7000,
        copyyear = "2010-2012",
        source = "FFD"
    }, {
        id = "9-003C",
        chapter = 9,
        noinset = 3,
        rarity = "Common",
        opus = "4-002C",
        jpnname = "赤魔道師",
        romname = "Aka Madōshi",
        ffwname = "Red Mage (III)",
        engname = "Red Mage",
        image = "IngusRedMage TCG.png",
        width = 398,
        subject = "Ingus",
        subjectlink = "Ingus",
        role = "Red Mage",
        rolelink = "Red Mage (Final Fantasy III)",
        medium = "Concept art",
        sourcefile = "Ingus-RedMage.png",
        element = "Fire",
        cost = 2,
        genericcard = true,
        type = "Backup",
        jpnjob = "一般兵",
        engjob = "Standard Unit",
        jpntext = "[Elementless][Dull]:フォワード1体を選ぶ。このターン、それに与えられるダメージは1000多くなる。",
        engtext = "[Elementless][Dull]: Choose 1 Forward. Its damage increases by 1000 this turn.",
        copyyear = "1990,2011,2012",
        source = "FFIII_PSP",--i don't know either
    }, {
        id = "9-004U",
        chapter = 9,
        noinset = 4,
        rarity = "Uncommon",
        jpnname = "アジドマルジド",
        romname = "Ajido Marujido",
        engname = "Ajido-Marujido",
        image = "Ajido-Marujido TCG.png",
        width = 398,
        subject = "Ajido-Marujido",
        subjectlink = "Ajido-Marujido",
        medium = "Screenshot",
        element = "Fire",
        cost = 4,
        type = "Backup",
        jpnjob = "少年",
        engjob = "Boy",--Opus 5-069H
        jpntext = "オーバードライブ([Fire][Elementless][Elementless])-アジドマルジドがフィールドに出たとき、フォワード1体を選ぶ。それに7000ダメージを与える。//アジドマルジドがフィールドに出たとき、フォワード1体を選ぶ。それに7000ダメージを与える。",
        engtext = "Overdrive ([Fire][Elementless][Elementless]) - When Ajido-Marujido enters the field, choose 1 Forward. Deal it 7000 damage.//When Ajido-Marujido enters the field, choose 1 Forward. Deal it 7000 damage.",
        copyyear = "2002,2013",
        source = "FFXI"
    }, {
        id = "9-005U",
        chapter = 9,
        noinset = 5,
        rarity = "Uncommon",
        jpnname = "A・グリフォン",
        romname = "Ei Gurifon",
        ffwname = "A-Griffon",
        image = "A-Griffon TCG.png",
        width = 398,
        subject = "A-Griffon",
        subjectlink = "A-Griffon",
        medium = "Concept art",
        sourcefile = "A Griffon-ccvii-artwork.jpg",
        element = "Fire",
        cost = 2,
        genericcard = true,
        type = "Monster",
        jpnjob = "グリフォン",
        ffwjob = "Griffon",
        jpntext = "[Dull]、手札を1枚捨てる、A・グリフォンをブレイクゾーンに置く:フォワード1体を選ぶ。それに8000ダメージを与える。//青魔法-[Fire][X]:フォワードを最大2体まで選ぶ。それらに[X]に支払われたCP1につき、1000ダメージを与える。",
        ffwtext = "[Dull], discard 1 card from your hand, put A-Griffon into the Break Zone: Choose 1 Forward. Deal it 8000 damage.//Blue Magic - [Fire][X]: Choose up to 2 Forwards. Deal them 1000 damage for each CP spent to [X].",--they didn't need to mention X /and. CP spent -- X = CP spent. 
        copyyear = "2007",
        source = "VIICC"
    }, {
        id = "9-006C",
        chapter = 9,
        noinset = 6,
        rarity = "Common",
        opus = "4-008C",
        jpnname = "学者",
        romname = "Gakusha",
        engname = "Scholar",
        image = "ArcScholar TCG.png",
        width = 398,
        subject = "Arc",
        subjectlink = "Arc",
        role = "Scholar",
        rolelink = "Scholar (Final Fantasy III)",
        medium = "Concept art",
        sourcefile = "Arc-Scholar.png",
        element = "Fire",
        cost = 2,
        genericcard = true,
        type = "Backup",
        jpnjob = "一般兵",
        engjob = "Standard Unit",
        jpntext = "[Fire][Dull]、学者をブレイクゾーンに置く:対戦相手のコントロールするフォワードを最大2体まで選ぶ。それらに3000ダメージを与える。",
        engtext = "[Fire][Dull], put Scholar into the Break Zone: Choose up to 2 Forwards opponent controls. Deal them 3000 damage.",
        copyyear = "1990,2011,2012",
        source = "FFIII_PSP"
    }, {
        id = "9-007C",
        chapter = 9,
        noinset = 7,
        rarity = "Common",
        opus = "5-005R",
        jpnname = "ガドー",
        romname = "Gadō",
        engname = "Gadot",
        image = "Gadot TCG.png",
        width = 398,
        subject = "Gadot",
        subjectlink = "Gadot",
        medium = "Concept art",
        sourcefile = "Gadot.png",
        element = "Fire",
        cost = 3,
        type = "Forward",
        jpnjob = "戦士",
        engjob = "Warrior",
        jpntext = "ガドーがフィールドに出たとき、手札からコスト2以下のアイテムカード1枚をガドーに装備してもよい。//[Dull]:アイテム1つを選ぶ。それをブレイクする。",
        ffwtext = "When Gadot enters the field, you may equip 1 Item of cost 2 or less from your hand onto Gadot.//[Dull]: Choose 1 Item. Break it.",--alternatively "you may equip Gadot with 1 Item [...]"
        power = 7000,
        copyyear = "2009,2010",--oh, they have copyyears this time
        source = "FFXIII"
    }, {
        id = "9-008R",
        chapter = 9,
        noinset = 8,
        rarity = "Rare",
        jpnname = "グツコー",
        romname = "Gutsukō",
        ffwname = "Gutsco",
        image = "Gutsco TCG.png",
        width = 398,
        subject = "Gutsco",
        subjectlink = "Gutsco",
        medium = "Concept art",
        sourcefile = "Gutsco.jpg",
        element = "Fire",
        cost = 3,
        type = "Forward",
        jpnjob = "盗賊",
        engjob = "Thief",
        ctxjob = "Rogue",
        jpntext = "グツコーがフィールドに出たとき、フォワード1体を選ぶ。このターン、それのパワーを半分にする(1000未満は切り上げる)。//[Fire][Elementless]:グツコーを手札に戻す。このアビリティはあなたのターンにしか使えない。",
        engtext = "When Gutsco enters the field, choose 1 Forward. Reduce its power by half this turn (round down to the nearest 1000).//[Fire][Elementless]: Return Gutsco to it's owner's hand. You can only use this ability during your turn.",
        power = 7000,
        copyyear = "1990,2011,2012",
        source = "FFIII"
    }, {
        id = "9-009C",
        chapter = 9,
        noinset = 9,
        rarity = "Common",
        opus = "4-011C",
        jpnname = "賢者",
        romname = "Kenja",
        engname = "Sage",
        image = "ArcSage TCG.png",
        width = 398,
        subject = "Arc",
        subjectlink = "Arc",
        role = "Sage",
        rolelink = "Sage (Final Fantasy III)",
        medium = "Concept art",
        sourcefile = "Arc-Sage.png",
        element = "Fire",
        cost = 3,
        genericcard = true,
        type = "Backup",
        jpnjob = "一般兵",
        engjob = "Standard Unit",
        jpntext = "[Fire][Dull]:あなたのコントロールするフォワード1体を選ぶ。ターン終了時までそれのパワーを+2000し、ヘイストを与える。このターン、それが対戦相手にダメージを与えたとき、それをブレイクする。このアビリティはあなたのメインフェイズにしか使えない。",
        engtext = "[Fire][Dull]: Choose 1 Forward you control. It gains +2000 power and Haste until the end of the turn. When it deals damage to your opponent this turn, break it. You can only use this ability during your Main Phase.",
        copyyear = "1990,2011,2012",
        source = "FFIII_PSP"
    }, {
        id = "9-010C",
        chapter = 9,
        noinset = 10,
        rarity = "Common",
        reprint = "5-010C",
        jpnname = "賢者",
        romname = "Kenja",
        engname = "Sage",
        image = "LunethSage2 TCG.png",
        width = 398,
        subject = "Luneth",
        subjectlink = "Luneth",
        role = "Sage",
        rolelink = "Sage (Final Fantasy III)",
        medium = "Concept art",
        sourcefile = "Luneth-Sage.png",
        element = "Fire",
        cost = 2,
        genericcard = true,
        type = "Backup",
        jpnjob = "一般兵",
        engjob = "Standard Unit",
        jpntext = "賢者がフィールドに出たとき、フォワード1体を選ぶ。ターン終了時までそれにヘイストを与える。",
        engtext = "When Sage enters the field, choose 1 Forward. It gains Haste until the end of the turn.",
        copyyear = "1990,2011,2012",
        source = "FFIII_PSP"
    }, {
        id = "9-011C",
        chapter = 9,
        noinset = 11,
        rarity = "Common",
        reprint = "1-007C",
        jpnname = "幻術師",
        romname = "Genjutsushi",
        litname = "Illusionist",
        engname = "Evoker",
        image = "ArcEvoker2 TCG.png",
        width = 398,
        subject = "Arc",
        subjectlink = "Arc",
        role = "Evoker",
        rolelink = "Evoker (Final Fantasy III)",
        medium = "Concept art",
        sourcefile = "Arc-Evoker.png",
        element = "Fire",
        cost = 1,
        genericcard = true,
        type = "Backup",
        jpnjob = "一般兵",
        engjob = "Standard Unit",
        jpntext = "",
        engtext = "",
        copyyear = "1990,2011,2012",
        source = "FFIII_PSP"
    }, {
        id = "9-012S",
        chapter = 9,
        noinset = 12,
        rarity = "Special Rare",
        jpnname = "ザックス",
        romname = "Zakkusu",
        litname = "Zax",
        engname = "Zack",
        image = "Zack3 TCG.png",
        width = 398,
        subject = "Zack",
        subjectlink = "Zack Fair",
        medium = "Promo art",
        sourcefile = "Zack fair.jpg",
        element = "Fire",
        cost = 5,
        type = "Forward",
        jpnjob = "ソルジャー",
        engjob = "SOLDIER",
        jpntext = "オーバードライブ([Fire][Fire][Elementless])-ザックスがフィールドに出たとき、フォワード1体を選ぶ。それにザックスのパワーと同じだけのダメージを与える。//あなたのコントロールするバックアップ1体につき、ザックスのパワーは+1000される。",
        engtext = "Overdrive ([Fire][Fire][Elementless]) - When Zack enters the field, choose 1 Forward. Deal it damage equal to Zack's power.//For each Backup you control, Zack gains +1000 power.",
        power = 6000,
        copyyear = "2005,2009",
        source = "VIIAC_C"
    }, {
        id = "9-013U",
        chapter = 9,
        noinset = 13,
        rarity = "Uncommon",
        jpnname = "サッズ",
        romname = "Sazzu",
        engname = "Sazh",
        image = "Sazh TCG.png",
        width = 398,
        subject = "Sazh",
        subjectlink = "Sazh Katzroy",
        medium = "Render",
        element = "Fire",
        cost = 4,
        excard = true,
        type = "Backup",
        jpnjob = "ブラスター",
        engjob = "Ravager",
        jpntext = "サッズがフィールドに出たとき、【カード名(ブリュンヒルデ)】1枚をサーチし、手札に加えてもよい。//[action:デスペラード] [S][Elementless][Elementless][Elementless][Elementless][Elementless][Elementless][Elementless][Elementless][Dull]:フォワードを最大3体まで選ぶ。それらに17000ダメージを好きなように割りふる(ダメージは1000単位とする)。",
        engtext = "When Sazh enters the field, you may search for 1 [Card Name (Brynhildr)] and add it to your hand.//[action:Cold Blood] [S][Elementless][Elementless][Elementless][Elementless][Elementless][Elementless][Elementless][Elementless][Dull]: Choose up to 3 Forwards. Divide 17000 damage among them as you like. (Unit must be 1000.)",
        copyyear = "2009,2010",
        source = "FFXIII"
    }, {
        id = "9-014R",
        chapter = 9,
        noinset = 14,
        rarity = "Rare",
        jpnname = "ザンデ",
        romname = "Zande",
        ffwname = "Xande",
        image = "Xande2 TCG.png",
        width = 398,
        subject = "Xande",
        subjectlink = "Xande",
        medium = "Concept art",
        sourcefile = "Xande.jpg",
        element = "Fire",
        cost = 5,
        type = "Forward",
        jpnjob = "魔王",
        ffwjob = "Satan",
        jpntext = "ザンデがフィールドからブレイクゾーンに置かれたとき、【カード名(暗闇の雲)】1枚をサーチし、ダル状態でフィールドに出すか、手札に加えてもよい。//[action:メテオ] [S][Fire]:対戦相手のコントロールするフォワードを最大3体まで選ぶ。それらに順番に6000ダメージ、4000ダメージ、2000ダメージを与える。",
        ffwtext = "When Xande is put from the field into the Break Zone, you may search for 1 [Card Name (Cloud of Darkness)] and play it onto the field dull or add it to your hand.//[action:Meteor] [S][Fire]: Choose up to 3 Forwards you control. Deal them 6000 damage, 4000 damage, and 2000 damage respectively.",
        power = 9000,
        copyyear = "1990,2011,2012",
        source = "FFIII"
    }, {
        id = "9-015C",
        chapter = 9,
        noinset = 15,
        rarity = "Common",
        jpnname = "戦士",
        romname = "Senshi",
        litname = "Warrior",
        engname = "Warrior",
        image = "ClavatWarrior TCG.png",
        width = 398,
        subject = "Male Clavat Warrior",--i think they're male
        subjectlink = "Warrior (My Life as a King)",
        medium = "Render",
        sourcefile = "Ffccking Clavat Warriors.png",
        element = "Fire",
        cost = 3,
        genericcard = true,
        type = "Forward",
        jpnjob = "一般兵",
        engjob = "Standard Unit",
        jpntext = "戦士がアタックしたとき、フォワード1体を選ぶ。それのパワーが戦士のパワー以下の場合、このターン、それはブロックできない。",
        ffwtext = "When Warrior attacks, choose 1 Forward. If its power is inferior or equal to Warrior's power, it cannot block this turn.",
        power = 6000,
        copyyear = "2003",
        source = "FFCC"--not MLAAK?
    }, {
        id = "9-016C",
        chapter = 9,
        noinset = 16,
        rarity = "Common",
        jpnname = "戦士",
        romname = "Senshi",
        litname = "Warrior",
        engname = "Warrior",
        image = "LiltyWarrior TCG.png",
        width = 398,
        subject = "Lilty Warrior",
        subjectlink = "Warrior (My Life as a King)",
        medium = "Render",
        sourcefile = "Ffccking warrior lilty.jpg",
        element = "Fire",
        cost = 5,
        genericcard = true,
        type = "Forward",
        jpnjob = "一般兵",
        engjob = "Standard Unit",
        jpntext = "",
        engtext = "",
        power = 9000,
        copyyear = "2003",
        source = "FFCC"
    }, {
        id = "9-017U",
        chapter = 9,
        noinset = 17,
        rarity = "Uncommon",
        jpnname = "ソール",
        romname = "Sōru",
        engname = "Sol",
        image = "Sol TCG.png",
        width = 398,
        subject = "Sol",
        subjectlink = "Sol (Dimensions)",
        medium = "Concept art",
        sourcefile = "FFLWoLaD-Sol.png",
        element = "Fire",
        cost = 3,
        type = "Forward",
        jpnjob = "光の戦士",
        engjob = "Warrior of Light",
        jpntext = "あなたがソール以外の【ジョブ(光の戦士)】をコントロールしている場合、ソールはヘイストとブレイブを得る。//ソールがフォワードからダメージを与えられたとき、与えられたダメージの半分をそのフォワードに与える(1000未満は切り上げる)。",
        ffwtext = "If you control a [Job (Warrior of Light)] other than Sol, Sol gains Haste and Brave.//When Sol receives damage from a Forward, that Forward receives damage equal to half that damage (round up to the nearest 1000).",
        power = 7000,
        copyyear = "2010-2012",
        source = "FFD"
    }, {
        id = "9-018C",
        chapter = 9,
        noinset = 18,
        rarity = "Common",
        jpnname = "たまねぎ剣士",
        romname = "Tamanegi Kenshi",
        litname = "Onion Swordsman",
        ffwname = "Onion Knight",
        image = "ArcOnionKnight TCG.png",
        width = 398,
        subject = "Arc",
        subjectlink = "Arc",
        role = "Onion Knight",
        rolelink = "Onion Knight (Final Fantasy III)",
        medium = "Concept art",
        sourcefile = "Arc-OnionKnight.png",
        element = "Fire",
        cost = 2,
        genericcard = true,
        type = "Forward",
        jpnjob = "一般兵",
        engjob = "Standard Unit",
        jpntext = "[Fire][Dull]:フォワード1体を選ぶ。それにあなたのブレイクゾーンにある【カード名(たまねぎ剣士)】1枚につき、1000ダメージを与える。",
        engtext = "[Fire][Dull]: Choose 1 Forward. Deal it 1000 damage for each [Card Name (Onion Knight)] in your Break Zone.",
        power = 4000,
        copyyear = "1990,2011,2012",
        source = "FFIII_PSP"
    }, {
        id = "9-019S",
        chapter = 9,
        noinset = 19,
        rarity = "Special Rare",
        jpnname = "ティファ",
        romname = "Tifa",
        engname = "Tifa",
        image = "Tifa TCG.png",
        width = 398,
        subject = "Tifa",
        subjectlink = "Tifa Lockhart",
        medium = "Promo art",
        sourcefile = "Tifa Hot 2.jpg",
        element = "Fire",
        cost = 3,
        type = "Forward",
        jpnjob = "拳士",
        engjob = "Martial Artist",
        jpntext = "対戦相手は可能ならばティファをブロックしなければならない。//ティファがブロックされたとき、ターン終了時までティファのパワーを+2000する。//[Fire]:ターン終了時までティファはヘイストを得る。//[Fire][Fire]:対戦相手のコントロールするフォワード1体を選ぶ。それをアクティブにする。",
        engtext = "If possible this turn, the opponent must block Tifa.//When Tifa is blocked, Tifa gains +2000 power until the end of the turn.//[Fire]: Tifa gains Haste until the end of the turn.//[Fire][Fire]: Choose 1 Forward opponent controls. Activate it.",
        power = 6000,
        copyyear = "2005,2009",
        source = "VIIAC_C"
    }, {
        id = "9-020R",
        chapter = 9,
        noinset = 20,
        rarity = "Rare",
        jpnname = "ドーガ",
        romname = "Dōga",
        engname = "Doga",
        image = "Doga TCG.png",
        width = 398,
        subject = "Doga",
        subjectlink = "Doga",
        medium = "Concept art",
        sourcefile = "FFIII Doga.jpg",
        element = "Fire",
        cost = 4,
        type = "Forward",
        jpnjob = "大魔道師",
        engjob = "Magus",
        ffwjob = "Great Mage",--I can't remember if this is from the game or not. Magus is surprisingly unclaimed elsewhere so it would be fine if it's what they actually use
        jpntext = "あなたが【カード名(ウネ)】をコントロールしている場合、ドーガはヘイストを得、ドーガがフォワードに与えるダメージは2倍になる。//ドーガがアタックしたとき、フォワード1体を選ぶ。それにあなたのコントロールするモンスター1体につき、2000ダメージを与える。",
        ffwtext = "If you control [Card Name (Unei)], Doga gains Haste, Doga deals double the damage to Forwards.//When Doga attacks, choose 1 Forward. Deal it 2000 damage for each Monster you control.",
        power = 8000,
        copyyear = "1990,2011,2012",
        source = "FFIII"
    }, {
        id = "9-021U",
        chapter = 9,
        noinset = 21,
        rarity = "Uncommon",
        jpnname = "バウガウヴェン",
        romname = "Baugauven",
        engname = "Baugauven",
        image = "Baugauven TCG.png",
        width = 398,
        subject = "Baugauven",
        subjectlink = "Baugauven",
        medium = "Concept art",
        sourcefile = "Ffl-char-baugaven.png",
        element = "Fire",
        cost = 4,
        type = "Forward",
        jpnjob = "四将軍",
        engjob = "The Four Generals",
        jpntext = "バウガウヴェンが火属性の効果によって選ばれるたび、ターン終了時までバウガウヴェンのパワーは+1000される。//[action:零式 炎羅大凶殺] [S]:フォワード1体を選ぶ。それをブレイクする。このアビリティはバウガウヴェンのパワーが10000以上の場合にしか使えない。",
        ffwtext = "Whenever Baugaven is chosen by Fire effects, Baugauven gains +1000 power until the end of the turn.//[action:Final Backdraft] [S]: Choose 1 Forward. Break it. You can only use this ability if Baugauven's power is 10000 or more.",
        power = 7000,
        copyyear = "2010-2012",
        source = "FFD"
    }, {
        id = "9-022R",
        chapter = 9,
        noinset = 22,
        rarity = "Rare",
        jpnname = "バハムート",
        romname = "Bahamūto",
        litname = "Bahamut",
        engname = "Bahamut",
        image = "Bahamut2 TCG.png",
        width = 398,
        subject = "Bahamut",
        subjectlink = "Bahamut",
        medium = "Concept art",
        sourcefile = "Bahamut.jpg",
        element = "Fire",
        cost = 7,
        type = "Summon",
        jpntext = "フォワードかモンスターを最大2体まで選ぶ。それらがフォワードの場合、それらに8000ダメージを与える。それらがモンスターの場合、それらをブレイクする。それらがフォワードとモンスターの場合、そのフォワードに8000ダメージを与え、そのモンスターをブレイクする。",
        ffwtext = "Choose up to 2 Forwards or Monsters. If they are Forwards, deal them 8000 damage. If they are Monsters, break them. If they are a Forward and a Monster, deal the Forward 8000 damage and break the Monster.",--that's a long way to put it
        copyyear = "1990,2011,2012",
        source = "FFIII"
    }, {
        id = "9-023C",
        chapter = 9,
        noinset = 23,
        rarity = "Common",
        jpnname = "フォールランダ",
        romname = "Fōruranda",
        litname = "Fall Rangda",
        ffwname = "Foulander",
        image = "Foulander TCG.png",
        width = 398,
        subject = "Foulander",
        subjectlink = "Foulander (Crisis Core)",
        medium = "Concept art",
        sourcefile = "Foulander-ccvii-artwork.jpg",
        element = "Fire",
        cost = 2,
        genericcard = true,
        type = "Monster",
        jpnjob = "フォールランダ",
        ffwjob = "Foulander",
        jpntext = "[Fire]:ターン終了時までフォールランダは「フォールランダがブロックするかブロックされたとき、それに6000ダメージを与える。」を持つパワー2000のフォワードとしても扱う。",
        engtext = "[Fire]: Until the end of the turn, Foulander also becomes a Forward with 2000 power and \"When Foulander blocks or is blocked, deal it 6000 damage.\"",--it doesn't clarify who it (それ) is
        copyyear = "2007",
        source = "VIICC"
    }, {
        id = "9-024U",
        chapter = 9,
        noinset = 24,
        rarity = "Uncommon",
        reprint = "1-019U",
        jpnname = "ブリュンヒルデ",
        romname = "Buryunhirude",
        litname = "Brynhildr",
        engname = "Brynhildr",
        image = "Brynhildr2 TCG.png",
        width = 398,
        subject = "Brynhildr",
        subjectlink = "Brynhildr (summon)",
        medium = "Render",
        sourcefile = "Ff13-summon-sazhbrynhildr.png",
        element = "Fire",
        cost = 3,
        excard = true,
        type = "Summon",
        jpntext = "フォワード1体を選ぶ。それに7000ダメージを与える。",
        engtext = "Choose 1 Forward. Deal it 7000 damage.",
        copyyear = "2009,2010",
        source = "FFXIII"
    }, {
        id = "9-025U",
        chapter = 9,
        noinset = 25,
        rarity = "Uncommon",
        jpnname = "明珍具足",
        romname = "Myōchin Gusoku",
        ffwname = "Myochin Armor",
        image = "MyochinArmor TCG.png",
        width = 398,
        subject = "FFXI Myochin Armor",
        medium = "Artwork",
        element = "Fire",
        cost = 1,
        genericcard = true,
        type = "Armor",
        jpnjob = "鎧",
        ffwjob = "Body Armor",--it's probably usually just called "Armor". lacking data
        jpntext = "装備(フォワード)//明珍具足を装備しているキャラクターはブレイブを得る。//あなたの受けているダメージが5点以上の場合、明珍具足を装備しているキャラクターのパワーを+2000する。//はずす-[0]",
        engtext = "Equipment (Forward)//The Character equipped with Myochin Armor gains Brave.//If you have received 5 points of damage or more, the Character equipped with Myochin Armor gains +2000 power.//Remove - [0]",
        copyright = "GREE, Inc.",
        source = "Artniks"
    }, {
        id = "9-026R",
        chapter = 9,
        noinset = 26,
        rarity = "Rare",
        imageopus = "8-142S",
        jpnname = "レッドXIII",
        romname = "Reddo Sātīn",
        litname = "Red XIII",
        engname = "Red XIII",
        image = "RedXIII TCG.png",
        width = 398,
        subject = "Red XIII",
        subjectlink = "Red XIII",
        medium = "Promo art",
        sourcefile = "Red XIII 2007 version.jpg",
        element = "Fire",
        cost = 2,
        type = "Forward",
        jpnjob = "戦士",
        engjob = "Warrior",
        jpntext = "あなたが【カード名(クラウド)】をコントロールしている場合、レッドXIIIのパワーは+3000され、先制攻撃を得る。//レッドXIIIがアタックしたとき、フォワード1体を選ぶ。ターン終了時までそれのパワーを+2000する。",
        engtext = "If you control [Card Name (Cloud)], Red XIII gains +3000 power and First Strike.//RedWhen Red XIII attacks, choose 1 Forward. It gains +2000 power until the end of the turn.",
        power = 4000,
        copyyear = "2005,2009",
        source = "VIIAC_C"
    }, {
        id = "9-027R",
        chapter = 9,
        noinset = 27,
        rarity = "Rare",
        jpnname = "アーデルハイト",
        romname = "Āderuhaito",
        ffwname = "Adelheid",
        image = "Adelheid TCG.png",
        width = 398,
        subject = "Adelheid",
        --subjectlink = "Adelheid Sturm",
        medium = "Screenshot",
        element = "Ice",
        cost = 2,
        type = "Backup",
        jpnjob = "学者",
        engjob = "Scholar",
        jpntext = "対戦相手のコントロールするフォワードはブレイブを失う。//対戦相手のコントロールするフォワードはブレイブを得ることができない。//[action:Tube召喚] [S]:ターン終了時まで対戦相手のコントロールするすべてのフォワードはヘイストと先制攻撃を失う。",
        engtext = "Forwards opponent controls lose Brave.//Forwards opponent controls cannot gain Brave.//[action:Summon Tube] [S]; All Forwards opponent controls lose Haste and First Strike until the end of the turn.",
        copyyear = "2002-2013",
        source = "FFXI"
    }, {
        id = "9-028U",
        chapter = 9,
        noinset = 28,
        rarity = "Uncommon",
        jpnname = "エドアルド",
        romname = "Edoarudo",
        engname = "Eduardo",
        image = "Eduardo TCG.png",
        width = 398,
        subject = "Eduardo",
        subjectlink = "Eduardo",
        medium = "Concept art",
        sourcefile = "Ffl-char-eduardo.png",
        element = "Ice",
        cost = 5,
        type = "Forward",
        jpnjob = "吟遊詩人",
        engjob = "Bard",
        jpntext = "リンク-氷(3)/土(3)/雷(3)//エドアルドのリンクによって土属性か雷属性のフォワードがフィールドに出たとき、ダル状態のフォワード1体を選ぶ。それをブレイクする。",
        engtext = "Link - Ice (3) / Earth (3) / Lightning (3)//When an Earth or Lightning Forward enters the field via Eduardo's Link, choose 1 dull Forward. Break it.",
        power = 7000,
        copyyear = "2010-2012",
        source = "FFD"
    }, {
        id = "9-029U",
        chapter = 9,
        noinset = 29,
        rarity = "Uncommon",
        jpnname = "オドラール",
        romname = "Odorāru",
        ffwname = "Haudrale",
        image = "Haudrale TCG.png",
        width = 398,
        subject = "Haudrale",
        subjectlink = "Haudrale",
        medium = "Screenshot",
        element = "Ice",
        cost = 4,
        type = "Forward",
        jpnjob = "冥護四衆",
        ffwjob = "Spitewarden",
        jpntext = "[Ice][Elementless]:このターン、オドラールは召喚獣によっては選ばれない。//[action:サベッジソードハンド] [S][Ice][Elementless][Elementless][Dull]:対戦相手のコントロールするすべてのフォワードをダルにし、5000ダメージを与える。",
        engtext = "[Ice][Elementless]: Hauldrale cannot be chosen by Summons this turn.//[action:Savage Swordhand] [S][Ice][Elementless][Elementless][Dull]: Dull all Forwards opponent controls and deal them 5000 damage.",
        power = 8000,
        copyyear = "2002-2013",
        source = "FFXI"
    }, {
        id = "9-030C",
        chapter = 9,
        noinset = 30,
        rarity = "Common",
        jpnname = "学者",
        romname = "Gakusha",
        engname = "Scholar",
        image = "Scholar XI TCG.png",
        width = 398,
        subject = "Galka Scholar",
        subjectlink = "Scholar (Final Fantasy XI)",
        medium = "Screenshot",
        element = "Ice",
        cost = 3,
        genericcard = true,
        type = "Backup",
        jpnjob = "一般兵",
        engjob = "Standard Unit",
        jpntext = "[Ice][Dull]:対戦相手のコントロールするフォワード1体を選ぶ。このターン、それはあなたにダメージを与えない。",
        engtext = "[Ice][Dull]: Choose 1 Forward opponent controls. It cannot deal damage to you this turn.",
        copyyear = "2002-2013",
        source = "FFXI"
    }, {
        id = "9-031S",
        chapter = 9,
        noinset = 31,
        rarity = "Special Rare",
        jpnname = "カダージュ",
        romname = "Kadāju",
        ffwname = "Kadaj",
        image = "Kadaj TCG.png",
        width = 398,
        subject = "Kadaj",
        subjectlink = "Kadaj",
        medium = "Promo art",
        sourcefile = "Kadaj Render.jpg",
        element = "Ice",
        cost = 5,
        excard = true,
        type = "Forward",
        jpnjob = "思念体",
        ffwjob = "Remnants",
        jpntext = "カダージュがフィールドに出たとき、対戦相手のコントロールするキャラクター1体を選ぶ。それをダルにする。それはコントローラーの次のアクティブフェイズにアクティブにならない。//カダージュによってブレイクされたフォワードは、ブレイクゾーンに置かれる代わりにゲームから除外される。",
        ffwtext = "When Kadaj enters the field, choose 1 Character opponent controls. Dull it. It will not activate during its controller's next Active Phase.//If a Forward is broken by Kadaj, remove it from the game instead of putting it into the Break Zone.",
        power = 9000,
        copyyear = "2005,2009",
        source = "VIIAC_C"
    }, {
        id = "9-032U",
        chapter = 9,
        noinset = 32,
        rarity = "Uncommon",
        jpnname = "カダージュ",
        romname = "Kadāju",
        ffwname = "Kadaj",
        image = "Kadaj2 TCG.png",
        width = 398,
        subject = "Kadaj",
        subjectlink = "Kadaj",
        medium = "Promo art",
        sourcefile = "Kadaj.jpg",
        element = "Ice",
        cost = 3,
        type = "Forward",
        jpnjob = "思念体",
        ffwjob = "Remnants",
        jpntext = "カダージュが召喚獣によって選ばれたとき、それがこのターンにカダージュを選んだ最初の召喚獣の場合、それを無効にする。//カダージュ、【カード名(ヤズー)】、【カード名(ロッズ)】をゲームから除外する:コスト7以上のフォワード1枚をサーチし、フィールドに出す。",
        ffwtext = "When Kadaj is chosen by a Summon, if it is the first Summon to target Kadaj this turn, cancel its effect.//Remove Kadaj, [Card Name (Yazoo), and [Card Name (Loz) from the game: Search for 1 Forward of cost 7 or more and play it onto the field.",--Opus 5-099H is a similar card but uses entirely different wording. 各ターン、[x]が初めて召喚獣によって選ばれたとき
        power = 7000,
        copyyear = "2005,2009",
        source = "VIIAC_C"
    }, {
        id = "9-033U",
        chapter = 9,
        noinset = 33,
        rarity = "Uncommon",
        jpnname = "銀縁メガネ",
        romname = "Ginbuchi Megane",
        ffwname = "Silver Glasses",
        image = "SilverGlasses TCG.png",
        width = 398,
        subject = "Silver Glasses",--?? source game
        medium = "Artwork",
        element = "Ice",
        cost = 1,
        genericcard = true,
        type = "Accessory",
        jpnjob = "メガネ",
        ffwjob = "Glasses",
        jpntext = "装備(フォワード・バックアップ)//銀縁メガネを装備しているキャラクターは、対戦相手のアビリティによっては選ばれず対戦相手のアビリティによってはダメージを受けない。//はずす-[0]",
        engtext = "Equipment (Forward / Backup)//The Character equipped with Silver Glasses cannot be chosen by your opponent's abilities and doesn't receive any damage from opponent's abilities.//Remove - [0]",
        copyright = "GREE, Inc.",
        source = "Artniks"
    }, {
        id = "9-034C",
        chapter = 9,
        noinset = 34,
        rarity = "Common",
        jpnname = "吟遊詩人",
        romname = "Gin'yūshijin",
        litname = "Minstrel",
        engname = "Bard",
        image = "IngusBard TCG.png",
        width = 398,
        subject = "Ingus",
        subjectlink = "Ingus",
        role = "Bard",
        rolelink = "Bard (Final Fantasy III)",
        medium = "Concept art",
        sourcefile = "Ingus-Bard.png",
        element = "Ice",
        cost = 2,
        genericcard = true,
        type = "Backup",
        jpnjob = "一般兵",
        engjob = "Standard Unit",
        jpntext = "吟遊詩人がフィールドに出たとき、対戦相手のコントロールするフォワード1体を選ぶ。それはコントローラーの次のアクティブフェイズにアクティブにならない。",
        engtext = "When Bard enters the field, choose 1 Forward opponent controls. It will not activate during its controller's next Active Phase.",
        copyyear = "1990,2011,2012",
        source = "FFIII_PSP"
    }, {
        id = "9-035R",
        chapter = 9,
        noinset = 35,
        rarity = "Rare",
        jpnname = "クララ",
        romname = "Kurara",
        ffwname = "Klara",
        image = "Klara TCG.png",
        width = 398,
        subject = "Klara",
        medium = "Screenshot",
        element = "Ice",
        cost = 5,
        type = "Forward",
        jpnjob = "戦士",
        engjob = "Warrior",
        jpntext = "あなたが闇属性のキャラクターをコントロールしている場合、あなたの手札にあるクララのコストは1減る。//[Ice][Ice][Dull]:数字1つを指定する。それと同じコストのすべてのフォワードをダルにする。",
        engtext = "If you control a Dark character, the cost required for Klara in your hand is reduced by 1.//[Ice][Ice][Dull]: Select 1 number. Dull all Forwards of that cost.",
        power = 9000,
        copyyear = "2002-2013",
        source = "FFXI"
    }, {
        id = "9-036C",
        chapter = 9,
        noinset = 36,
        rarity = "Common",
        jpnname = "黒魔道士",
        romname = "Kuro Madōshi",
        engname = "Black Mage",
        image = "YukeBlackMage TCG.png",
        width = 398,
        subject = "Yuke Black Mage",
        subjectlink = "Black Mage (My Life as a King)",
        medium = "Render",
        sourcefile = "Ffccking bm yuke.jpg",
        element = "Ice",
        cost = 2,
        genericcard = true,
        type = "Backup",
        jpnjob = "一般兵",
        engjob = "Standard Unit",
        jpntext = "[Dull]、黒魔道士をブレイクゾーンに置く:対戦相手のコントロールするダル状態のフォワードを最大2体まで選ぶ。それらに3000ダメージを与える。",
        engtext = "[Dull], put Black Mage into the Break Zone: Choose up to 2 dull Forwards opponent controls. Deal them 3000 damage.",
        copyyear = "2003",
        source = "FFCC"
    }, {
        id = "9-037C",
        chapter = 9,
        noinset = 37,
        rarity = "Common",
        jpnname = "Gアサシン",
        romname = "Jī Asashin",
        ffwname = "G Assassin",
        image = "GAssassin TCG.png",
        width = 398,
        subject = "G Assassin",
        subjectlink = "G Assassin",
        medium = "Concept art",
        sourcefile = "G-Copy-Soldier.jpg",
        element = "Ice",
        cost = 2,
        genericcard = true,
        type = "Monster",
        jpnjob = "Gコピー",
        ffwjob = "Genesis Copy",
        jpntext = "[Ice]:ターン終了時までGアサシンは「Gアサシンがフィールドからブレイクゾーンに置かれたとき、対戦相手は手札を1枚捨てる。」を持つパワー6000のフォワードとしても扱う。",
        engtext = "[Ice]: Until the end of the turn, G Assassin also becomes a Forward with 6000 power and \"When G Assassin is put from the field into the Break Zone, your opponent discards 1 card from his/her hand.\"", 
        copyyear = "2007",
        source = "VIICC"
    }, {
        id = "9-038U",
        chapter = 9,
        noinset = 38,
        rarity = "Uncommon",
        jpnname = "Gデリーター",
        romname = "Jī Derītā",
        ffwname = "G Deleter",
        image = "GDeleter TCG.png",
        width = 398,
        subject = "G Deleter",
        subjectlink = "G Deleter",
        medium = "Concept art",
        sourcefile = "G Devastator Artwork.jpg",
        element = "Ice",
        cost = 2,
        genericcard = true,
        type = "Monster",
        jpnjob = "Gコピー",
        ffwjob = "Genesis Copy",
        jpntext = "[Dull]、Gデリーターをブレイクゾーンに置く:フォワード1体を選ぶ。それに自身のパワーより1000少ないダメージを与える。//青魔法-[Ice]:フォワード1体を選ぶ。それに自身のパワーの半分のダメージを与える(1000未満は切り上げる)。",
        engtext = "[Dull], put G Deleter into the Break Zone: Choose 1 Forward. Deal it damage equal to its power minus 1000.//Blue Magic - [Ice]: Choose 1 Forward. Deal it damage equal to half its power (round up to the nearest 1000).",
        copyyear = "2007",
        source = "VIICC"
    }, {
        id = "9-039R",
        chapter = 9,
        noinset = 39,
        rarity = "Rare",
        jpnname = "シヴァ",
        romname = "Shiva",
        litname = "Shiva",
        engname = "Shiva",
        image = "Shiva TCG.png",
        width = 398,
        subject = "Shiva",
        subjectlink = "Shiva",
        medium = "Concept art",
        sourcefile = "Amanoshiva.jpg",
        element = "Ice",
        cost = 5,
        type = "Summon",
        jpntext = "対戦相手のコントロールするダル状態のフォワード1体を選ぶ。それに8000ダメージを与え、対戦相手のコントロールするそれと同じ属性のそれ以外のすべてのフォワードに4000ダメージを与える。",
        ffwtext = "Choose 1 dull Forward opponent controls. Deal it 8000 damage and deal all Forwards opponent controls that share its Element other than it 4000 damage.",
        copyyear = "1990,2011,2012",
        source = "FFIII"
    }, {
        id = "9-040U",
        chapter = 9,
        noinset = 40,
        rarity = "Uncommon",
        jpnname = "シヴァ",
        romname = "Shiva",
        litname = "Shiva",
        engname = "Shiva",
        image = "Shiva2 TCG.png",
        width = 398,
        subject = "Shiva",
        subjectlink = "Shiva#Theatrhythm Final Fantasy",
        medium = "Sprite",
        sourcefile = "Theatrhythm Shiva.png",
        element = "Ice",
        cost = 2,
        type = "Summon",
        jpntext = "対戦相手は手札を公開する。あなたはその中から1枚を指定する。対戦相手はそれを捨てる。",
        engtext = "Your opponent reveals his/her hand. Choose 1 card from it. Your opponent discards it.",
        copyyear = "2012",
        credits = "Developed by indieszero Co., Ltd.",
        source = "TFF"
    }, {
        id = "9-041R",
        chapter = 9,
        noinset = 41,
        rarity = "Rare",
        jpnname = "シュルツ",
        romname = "Shurutsu",
        ffwname = "Schultz",
        image = "Schultz TCG.png",
        width = 398,
        subject = "Schultz",
        medium = "Screenshot",
        element = "Ice",
        cost = 3,
        type = "Backup",
        jpnjob = "参謀長",
        ffwjob = "Chief of Staff",--not found term from game
        jpntext = "コスト3以上のバックアップ2体をダルにする:フォワード1体を選ぶ。それをダルにする。",
        engtext = "Dull 2 Backups of cost 3 or more: Choose 1 Forward. Dull it.",
        copyyear = "2002-2013",
        source = "FFXI"
    }, {
        id = "9-042C",
        chapter = 9,
        noinset = 42,
        rarity = "Common",
        reprint = "1-036C",
        jpnname = "召喚士",
        romname = "Shōkan-shi",
        litname = "Summoner",
        engname = "Summoner",
        image = "SummonerFemale2 TCG.png",
        width = 398,
        subject = "Female Summoner",
        subjectlink = "Summoner (Tactics)",
        medium = "Concept art",
        sourcefile = "FFTSummonerFemale.png",
        element = "Ice",
        cost = 1,
        genericcard = true,
        type = "Backup",
        jpnjob = "一般兵",
        engjob = "Standard Unit",
        jpntext = "",
        engtext = "",
        copyyear = "1997",
        source = "FFT"
    }, {
        id = "9-043C",
        chapter = 9,
        noinset = 43,
        rarity = "Common",
        jpnname = "白魔道士",
        romname = "Shiro Madōshi",
        engname = "White Mage",
        image = "YukeWhiteMage TCG.png",
        width = 398,
        subject = "Yuke White Mage",
        subjectlink = "White Mage (My Life as a King)",
        medium = "Render",
        sourcefile = "Ffccking yuke whitemage.png",
        element = "Ice",
        cost = 2,
        genericcard = true,
        type = "Forward",
        jpnjob = "一般兵",
        engjob = "Standard Unit",
        jpntext = "[Ice]、白魔道士をブレイクゾーンに置く:スペシャルアビリティ1つを選ぶ。その効果を無効にする。",
        engtext = "[Ice], put White Mage into the Break Zone: Choose 1 special ability. Cancel its effect.",
        power = 4000,
        copyyear = "2003",
        source = "FFCC"
    }, {
        id = "9-044R",
        chapter = 9,
        noinset = 44,
        rarity = "Rare",
        imageopus = "6-119C",
        jpnname = "チャイム",
        romname = "Chaimu",
        engname = "Chime",
        image = "Chime TCG.png",
        width = 398,
        subject = "Chime",
        subjectlink = "Chancellor Chime",
        medium = "Concept art",
        sourcefile = "FFCC-littlekingchime.png",
        element = "Ice",
        cost = 2,
        type = "Backup",
        jpnjob = "大臣",
        engjob = "Minister",--other CC games refer to her as a minister, but i assume it's because they're dumb. in Opus "Chancellor" is taken...
        ffwjob = "Chancellor",--i've switched Minister and Chancellor from what Opus uses
        jpntext = "あなたのフィールドに【ジョブ(一般兵)】のフォワードが出るたび、フォワード1体を選ぶ。あなたは[Ice]を支払ってもよい。そうした場合、それをダルにする。それはコントローラーの次のアクティブフェイズにアクティブにならない。",
        engtext = "Whenever a [Job (Standard Unit)] Forwards enters your field, choose 1 Forward. You may pay with [Ice]. If you do so, dull it. It will not activate during its controller's next Active Phase.",
        copyyear = "2008",
        source = "CCMLaaK"
    }, {
        id = "9-045C",
        chapter = 9,
        noinset = 45,
        rarity = "Common",
        jpnname = "導師",
        romname = "Dōshi",
        engname = "Devout",
        image = "LunethDevout TCG.png",
        width = 398,
        subject = "Luneth",
        subjectlink = "Luneth",
        role = "Devout",
        rolelink = "Devout (Final Fantasy III)",
        medium = "Concept art",
        sourcefile = "Luneth-Devout.png",
        element = "Ice",
        cost = 3,
        genericcard = true,
        type = "Backup",
        jpnjob = "一般兵",
        engjob = "Standard Unit",
        jpntext = "[Dull]、導師をブレイクゾーンに置く:あなたのコントロールするフォワード1体を選ぶ。それをゲームから除外する。その後、除外したフォワードをダル状態でフィールドに出す。",
        engtext = "[Dull], put Devout into the Break Zone: Choose 1 Forward you control. Remove it from the game. Then, play the removed Forward onto the field dull.",
        copyyear = "1990,2011,2012",
        source = "FFIII_PSP"
    }, {
        id = "9-046C",
        chapter = 9,
        noinset = 46,
        rarity = "Common",
        reprint = "1-045C",
        jpnname = "時魔道士",
        romname = "Toki Madōshi",
        engname = "Time Mage",
        image = "TimeMageFemale TCG.png",
        width = 398,
        subject = "Female Time Mage",
        subjectlink = "Time Mage (Tactics)",
        medium = "Concept art",
        sourcefile = "TimeMageFemale.png",
        element = "Ice",
        cost = 2,
        genericcard = true,
        type = "Backup",
        jpnjob = "一般兵",
        engjob = "Standard Unit",
        jpntext = "[Dull]:フォワード1体を選ぶ。ターン終了時までそれはヘイストと先制攻撃を失う。",
        engtext =  "[Dull]: Choose 1 Forward. It loses Haste and First Strike until the end of the turn.",
        copyyear = "1997",
        source = "FFT"
    }, {
        id = "9-047C",
        chapter = 9,
        noinset = 47,
        rarity = "Common",
        jpnname = "ナイト",
        romname = "Naito",
        litname = "Knight",
        engname = "Paladin",
        ffwname = "Knight",
        image = "LunethKnight TCG.png",
        width = 398,
        subject = "Luneth",
        subjectlink = "Luneth",
        role = "Knight",
        rolelink = "Knight (Final Fantasy III)",
        medium = "Concept art",
        sourcefile = "Luneth-Knight.png",
        element = "Ice",
        cost = 3,
        genericcard = true,
        type = "Forward",
        jpnjob = "一般兵",
        engjob = "Standard Unit",
        jpntext = "ナイトがフォワードにダメージを与えたとき、対戦相手のコントロールするフォワード1体を選ぶ。それをダルにする。それはコントローラーの次のアクティブフェイズにアクティブにならない。",
        engtext = "When Knight deals damage to a Forward, choose 1 Forward opponent controls. Dull it. It will not activate during its controller's next Active Phase.",
        power = 6000,
        copyyear = "1990,2011,2012",
        source = "FFIII_PSP"
    }, {
        id = "9-048U",
        chapter = 9,
        noinset = 48,
        rarity = "Uncommon",
        jpnname = "ヤズー",
        romname = "Yazū",
        ffwname = "Yazoo",
        image = "Yazoo TCG.png",
        width = 398,
        subject = "Yazoo",
        subjectlink = "Yazoo",
        medium = "Promo art",
        sourcefile = "Yazoo.jpg",
        element = "Ice",
        cost = 3,
        type = "Forward",
        jpnjob = "思念体",
        ffwjob = "Remnants",
        jpntext = "オーバードライブ([Ice][Ice])-ヤズーがフィールドに出たとき、【カード名(ロッズ)】1枚をサーチし、手札に加える。//ヤズーがフィールドに出たとき、手札から【カード名(ロッズ)】1枚をフィールドに出してもよい。",
        engtext = "Overdrive ([Ice][Ice]) - When Yazoo enters the field, search for 1 [Card Name (Loz)] and add it to your hand.//When Yazoo enters the field, you may play 1 [Card Name (Loz)] from your hand onto the field.",
        power = 7000,
        copyyear = "2005,2009",
        source = "VIIAC_C"
    }, {
        id = "9-049C",
        chapter = 9,
        noinset = 49,
        rarity = "Common",
        opus = "1-211S",
        jpnname = "リグディ",--what a shit name
        romname = "Rigudi",
        ffwname = "Rygdea",
        image = "Rydgea TCG.png",
        width = 398,
        subject = "Rygdea",
        subjectlink = "Rygdea",
        medium = "Concept art",
        sourcefile = "Rygdeart.jpg",
        element = "Ice",
        cost = 2,
        type = "Forward",
        jpnjob = "騎兵隊",
        engjob = "The Cavalry",
        jpntext = "リグディがフィールドに出たとき、対戦相手のコントロールするダル状態のフォワード1体を選ぶ。それに4000ダメージを与える。このアビリティでそれをブレイクしたとき、対戦相手のコントロールするフォワード1体を選ぶ。それをダルにする。",
        engtext = "When Rygdea enters the field, choose 1 dull Forward opponent controls. Deal it 4000 damage. When this ability breaks it, choose 1 Forward opponent controls. Break it.",
        power = 4000,
        copyyear = "2009,2010",
        source = "FFXIII"
    }, {
        id = "9-050C",
        chapter = 9,
        noinset = 50,
        rarity = "Common",
        jpnname = "レイピア",
        romname = "Reipia",
        litname = "Rapier",
        ffwname = "Rapier",
        image = "Rapier TCG.png",
        width = 398,
        subject = "FFXI Rapier",
        medium = "Artwork",
        subjectlink = "List of Final Fantasy Artniks cards/Rank R#Rapier",
        sourcefile = "FF11 Rapier R Artniks.png",
        element = "Ice",
        cost = 1,
        genericcard = true,
        type = "Weapon",
        jpnjob = "レイピア",
        ffwjob = "Rapier",
        jpntext = "装備(フォワード)//レイピアを装備しているキャラクターがアタックしたとき、フォワード1体かモンスター1体を選ぶ。それをダルにしてもよい。//はずす-[0]",
        engtext = "Equipment (Forward)//When a Character equipped with Rapier attacks, choose 1 Forward or Monster. You may dull it.//Remove - [0]",
        copyright = "GREE, Inc.",
        source = "Artniks"
    }, {
        id = "9-051S",
        chapter = 9,
        noinset = 51,
        rarity = "Special Rare",
        jpnname = "レディ・リリス",
        romname = "Redi Ririsu",
        litname = "Lady Lilith",
        ffwname = "Lady Lilith",
        image = "LadyLilith TCG.png",
        width = 398,
        subject = "Lady Lilith",
        subjectlink = "Lady Lilith",
        medium = "Screenshot",
        element = "Ice",
        cost = 2,
        type = "Forward",
        jpnjob = "女神",
        engjob = "Goddess",
        jpntext = "対戦相手のコントロールするフォワードはアクションアビリティとスペシャルアビリティを使用することができない。//レディ・リリスがアタックしたとき、対戦相手のコントロールするすべてのダル状態のフォワードに4000ダメージを与える。",
        engtext = "Forwards opponent controls cannot use special or action abilities.//When Lady Lilith attacks, deal 4000 damage to all dull Forwards opponent controls.",
        power = 4000,
        copyyear = "2002-2013",
        source = "FFXI"
    }, {
        id = "9-052U",
        chapter = 9,
        noinset = 52,
        rarity = "Uncommon",
        jpnname = "ロッズ",
        romname = "Rozzu",
        ffwname = "Loz",
        image = "Loz TCG.png",
        width = 398,
        subject = "Loz",
        subjectlink = "Loz",
        medium = "Promo art",
        sourcefile = "Loz.jpg",
        element = "Ice",
        cost = 2,
        type = "Forward",
        jpnjob = "思念体",
        ffwjob = "Remnants",
        jpntext = "ロッズがアタックしたとき、フォワード1体かモンスター1体を選ぶ。それをダルにしてもよい。",
        engtext = "When Loz attacks, choose 1 Forward or Monster. You may dull it.",
        power = 3000,
        copyyear = "2005,2009",
        source = "VIIAC_C"
    }, {
        id = "9-053U",
        chapter = 9,
        noinset = 53,
        rarity = "Uncommon",
        reprint = "1-051U",
        jpnname = "アレキサンダー",
        romname = "Arekisandā",
        litname = "Alexander",
        engname = "Alexander",
        image = "Alexander4 TCG.png",
        width = 398,
        subject = "Alexander",
        subjectlink = "Alexander (summon)",
        medium = "Render",
        sourcefile = "Ff13-summon-hopealexander.png",
        element = "Wind",
        cost = 3,
        excard = true,
        type = "Summon",
        jpntext = "コスト5以上のフォワード1体を選ぶ。それをブレイクする。",
        engtext = "Choose 1 Forward of cost 5 or more. Break it.",
        copyyear = "2009,2010",
        source = "FFXIII"
    }, {
        id = "9-054U",
        chapter = 9,
        noinset = 54,
        rarity = "Uncommon",
        imageopus = "7-046R",
        jpnname = "ヴァータ",
        romname = "Vāta",
        engname = "Vata",
        image = "Vata TCG.png",
        width = 398,
        subject = "Vata",
        subjectlink = "Vata",
        medium = "Concept art",
        sourcefile = "Ffl-char-vata.png",
        element = "Wind",
        cost = 3,
        type = "Forward",
        jpnjob = "四将軍",
        engjob = "The Four Generals",
        jpntext = "ヴァータはコスト4以上のフォワードにブロックされない。//[action:ブロウニングブロウ] [S][Wind]:対戦相手のコントロールするフォワード1体を選ぶ。このターン、それはアタックできずブロックできない。対戦相手のコントロールするすべてのフォワードにあなたのコントロールするバックアップ1体につき、1000ダメージを与える。",
        engtext = "Vata cannot be blocked by a Forward of cost 4 or more.//[action:Buffet] [S][Wind] Choose 1 Forward opponent controls. It cannot attack or block this turn. For each Backup opponent controls, deal 1000 damage to all Forwards opponent controls.",
        power = 7000,
        copyyear = "2010-2012",
        source = "FFD"
    }, {
        id = "9-055S",
        chapter = 9,
        noinset = 55,
        rarity = "Special Rare",
        jpnname = "エアリス",
        romname = "Earisu",
        engname = "Aerith",
        image = "Aerith2 TCG.png",
        width = 398,
        subject = "Aerith",
        subjectlink = "Aerith Gainsborough",
        medium = "Promo art",
        sourcefile = "FFVIIAC Aerith Artwork.png",
        element = "Wind",
        cost = 4,
        type = "Backup",
        jpnjob = "古代種",
        engjob = "Ancient",
        jpntext = "あなたのコントロールする風属性のバックアップは対戦相手の光と闇属性以外の効果によっては選ばれない。//[Dull]:このターン、あなたのコントロールするすべてのフォワードは対戦相手の効果によっては選ばれず、対戦相手の効果によってはダメージを受けない。",
        engtext = "The Wind Backups you control cannot be chosen by your opponent's Light and Dark effects.//[Dull]: All Forwards you control cannot be chosen by your opponent's effects and don't receive damage from opponent's effects this turn.",
        copyyear = "2005,2009",
        source = "VIIAC_C"
    }, {
        id = "9-056C",
        chapter = 9,
        noinset = 56,
        rarity = "Common",
        jpnname = "エピオルニス",
        romname = "Epiorunisu",
        litname = "Aepyornis",
        ffwname = "Epiornis",
        image = "Epiornis TCG.png",
        width = 398,
        subject = "Epiornis",
        subjectlink = "Epiornis",
        medium = "Concept art",
        sourcefile = "DoC Epiolnis Artwork.png",
        element = "Wind",
        cost = 2,
        genericcard = true,
        type = "Monster",
        jpnjob = "鳥",
        engjob = "Bird",
        jpntext = "[Wind]:ターン終了時までエピオルニスは「エピオルニスが対戦相手かフォワードにダメージを与えるたび、対戦相手はデッキのカードを上から2枚ブレイクゾーンに置く。」を持つパワー6000のフォワードとしても扱う。",
        engtext = "[Wind]: Until the end of the turn, Epiornis also becomes a Forward with 6000 power and \"Whenever Epiornis deals damage to your opponent or a Forward, your opponent puts the top 2 cards of his/her deck into the Break Zone.\"",
        copyyear = "2007",
        source = "VIICC"
    }, {
        id = "9-057U",
        chapter = 9,
        noinset = 57,
        rarity = "Uncommon",
        imageopus = "6-067R",
        jpnname = "エピタフ",
        romname = "Epitafu",
        litname = "Epitaph",
        engname = "Epitav",
        image = "Epitav TCG.png",
        width = 398,
        subject = "Epitav",
        subjectlink = "Epitav",
        medium = "Render",
        sourcefile = "FFCC-king-Epitav.jpg",
        element = "Wind",
        cost = 2,
        type = "Backup",
        jpnjob = "王",
        engjob = "King",
        jpntext = "オーバードライブ([Wind])-エピタフがフィールドに出たとき、【カード名(レオ)】1枚をサーチし、手札に加える。//エピタフをブレイクゾーンに置く:このターン、あなたのコントロールする【カード名(レオ)】は対戦相手の効果によっては選ばれない。",
        engtext = "Overdrive ([Wind]) - When Epitav enters the field, search for 1 [Card Name (Leo)] and add it to your hand.//Put Epitav into the Break Zone: The [Card Name (Leo)] you control cannot be chosen by your opponent's effects.",
        copyyear = "2008",
        source = "CCMLaaK"
    }, {
        id = "9-058C",
        chapter = 9,
        noinset = 58,
        rarity = "Common",
        jpnname = "踊り子",
        romname = "Odoriko",
        engname = "Dancer",
        image = "Dancer XI TCG.png",
        width = 398,
        subject = "Male Elvaan Dancer",
        subjectlink = "Dancer (Final Fantasy XI)",
        medium = "Screenshot",
        element = "Wind",
        cost = 3,
        genericcard = true,
        type = "Forward",
        jpnjob = "一般兵",
        engjob = "Standard Unit",
        jpntext = "踊り子が対戦相手にダメージを与えたとき、踊り子をアクティブにする。",
        engtext = "When Dancer deals damage to your opponent, activate Dancer.",
        power = 7000,
        copyyear = "2002-2013",
        source = "FFXI"
    }, {
        id = "9-059C",
        chapter = 9,
        noinset = 59,
        rarity = "Common",
        reprint = "1-057C",
        jpnname = "幻術師",
        romname = "Genjutsushi",
        engname = "Evoker",
        image = "LunethEvoker TCG.png",
        width = 398,
        subject = "Luneth",
        subjectlink = "Luneth",
        role = "Evoker",
        rolelink = "Evoker (Final Fantasy III)",
        medium = "Concept art",
        sourcefile = "Luneth-Evoker.png",
        element = "Wind",
        cost = 1,
        genericcard = true,
        type = "Backup",
        jpnjob = "一般兵",
        engjob = "Standard Unit",
        jpntext = "",
        engtext = "",
        copyyear = "1990,2011,2012",
        source = "FFIII_PSP"
    }, {
        id = "9-060U",
        chapter = 9,
        noinset = 60,
        rarity = "Uncommon",
        jpnname = "サポテンダー",
        romname = "Sapotendā",
        ffwname = "Kactuar",--kinda. Kactuer is also Sapotendā
        image = "Kactuar TCG.png",
        width = 398,
        subject = "Kactuar",
        subjectlink = "Kactuar (Crisis Core)",
        medium = "Concept art",
        sourcefile = "DoC Cactuar Artwork.png",
        element = "Wind",
        cost = 1,
        genericcard = true,
        type = "Monster",
        jpnjob = "サボテンダー",
        engjob = "Cactuar",
        jpntext = "[Wind][Dull]、サポテンダーをブレイクゾーンに置く:フォワード1体を選ぶ。それにあなたのブレイクゾーンにある【ジョブ(サボテンダー)】1枚につき、3000ダメージを与える。//青魔法-[Wind][Wind][Wind][Wind][Wind]:フォワード1体を選ぶ。それに10000ダメージを与える。",
        ffwtext = "[Wind][Dull], put Kactuar into the Break Zone: Choose 1 Forward. Deal it 3000 damage for each [Job (Cactuar)] in your Break Zone.//Blue Magic - [Wind][Wind][Wind][Wind][Wind]: Choose 1 Forward. Deal it 10000 damage.",
        copyyear = "2007",
        source = "VIICC"
    }, {
        id = "9-061C",
        chapter = 9,
        noinset = 61,
        rarity = "Common",
        jpnname = "シーフ",
        romname = "Shīfu",
        litname = "Thief",
        engname = "Thief",
        image = "SelkieThief TCG.png",
        width = 398,
        subject = "Selkie Thief",
        subjectlink = "Thief (My Life as a King)",
        medium = "Render",
        sourcefile = "Ffccking selkiethief.png",
        element = "Wind",
        cost = 3,
        genericcard = true,
        type = "Backup",
        jpnjob = "一般兵",
        engjob = "Standard Unit",
        jpntext = "[Dull]:ターン終了時まで対戦相手のコントロールする光と闇属性以外のすべてのバックアップはすべてのアビリティを失う。",
        engtext = "[Dull]: All Backups opponent controls other than Light and Dark lose all abilities until the end of the turn.",
        copyyear = "2003",
        source = "FFCC"
    }, {
        id = "9-062C",
        chapter = 9,
        noinset = 62,
        rarity = "Common",
        jpnname = "シーフ",
        romname = "Shīfu",
        litname = "Thief",
        engname = "Thief",
        image = "ArcThief TCG.png",
        width = 398,
        subject = "Arc",
        subjectlink = "Arc",
        role = "Thief",
        rolelink = "Thief (Final Fantasy III)",
        medium = "Concept art",
        sourcefile = "Arc-Thief.png",
        element = "Wind",
        cost = 1,
        genericcard = true,
        type = "Forward",
        jpnjob = "一般兵",
        engjob = "Standard Unit",
        jpntext = "シーフが対戦相手にダメージを与えたとき、対戦相手はデッキのカードを上から2枚ブレイクゾーンに置く。",
        engtext = "When Thief deals damage to your opponent, your opponent puts the top 2 cards of his/her deck into the Break Zone.",
        power = 2000,
        copyyear = "1990,2011,2012",
        source = "FFIII_PSP"
    }, {
        id = "9-063R",
        chapter = 9,
        noinset = 63,
        rarity = "Rare",
        jpnname = "シド・ハイウインド",
        romname = "Shido Haiuindo",
        litname = "Cid Highwind",
        engname = "Cid Highwind",
        image = "CidHighwind TCG.png",
        width = 398,
        subject = "Cid Highwind",
        subjectlink = "Cid Highwind",
        medium = "Promo art",
        sourcefile = "CG Cid Highwind.jpg",
        element = "Wind",
        cost = 4,
        type = "Forward",
        jpnjob = "パイロット",
        engjob = "Pilot",
        jpntext = "リンク-風(3)/雷(3)/水(3)//シド・ハイウインドのリンクによってフォワードがフィールドに出たとき、バックアップを最大2体まで選ぶ。それらをアクティブにする。//シド・ハイウインドが【武器】を装備している場合、シド・ハイウインドのパワーを+2000する。",
        engtext = "Link - Wind (3) / Earth (3) / Water (3)//When a Forward enters the field via Cid Highwind's Link, choose up to 2 Backups. Activate them.//If Cid Highwind is equipped with a [Weapon], Cid Highwind gains +2000 power.",
        power = 7000,
        copyyear = "2005,2009",
        source = "VIIAC_C"
    }, {
        id = "9-064R",
        chapter = 9,
        noinset = 64,
        rarity = "Rare",
        jpnname = "シド・ヘイズ",
        romname = "Shido Heizu",
        litname = "Cid Haze",
        engname = "Cid Haze",
        image = "CidHaze2 TCG.png",
        width = 398,
        subject = "Cid Haze",
        subjectlink = "Cid Haze",
        medium = "Concept art",
        sourcefile = "FFIII Cid.jpg",
        element = "Wind",
        cost = 3,
        excard = true,
        type = "Backup",
        jpnjob = "技師",
        engjob = "Engineer",
        jpntext = "シド・ヘイズがフィールドに出たとき、アイテムカード1枚をサーチし、手札に加えてもよい。",
        engtext = "When Cid Haze enters the field, you may search for 1 Item Card and add it to your hand.",
        copyyear = "1990,2011,2012",
        source = "FFIII"
    }, {
        id = "9-065C",
        chapter = 9,
        noinset = 65,
        rarity = "Common",
        jpnname = "ショートボウ",
        romname = "Shōtobō",
        litname = "Shortbow",
        ffwname = "Shortbow",
        image = "Shortbow TCG.png",
        width = 398,
        subject = "FFXI Shortbow",
        subjectlink = "List of Final Fantasy Artniks cards/Rank N#Shortbow",
        medium = "Artwork",
        sourcefile = "FF11 Shortbow N Artniks.png",
        element = "Wind",
        cost = 1,
        genericcard = true,
        type = "Weapon",
        jpnjob = "弓",
        ffwjob = "Bow",
        jpntext = "装備(フォワード・バックアップ)//ショートボウを装備しているキャラクターは「[Wind][Dull]:フォワード1体を選ぶ。それに3000ダメージを与える」を得る。//はずす-[0]",
        engtext = "Equipment (Forward / Backup)//The Character equipped with Shortbow gains \"[Wind][Dull]: Choose 1 Forward. Deal it 3000 damage.\".//Remove - [0]",
        copyright = "GREE, Inc.",
        source = "Artniks"
    }, {
        id = "9-066C",
        chapter = 9,
        noinset = 66,
        rarity = "Common",
        jpnname = "白魔道士",
        romname = "Shiro Madōshi",
        engname = "White Mage",
        image = "ClavatWhiteMage TCG.png",
        width = 398,
        subject = "Female Clavat White Mage",
        subjectlink = "White Mage (My Life as a King)",
        medium = "Render",
        sourcefile = "CCLilKing-WM.jpg",
        element = "Wind",
        cost = 3,
        genericcard = true,
        type = "Forward",
        jpnjob = "一般兵",
        engjob = "Standard Unit",
        jpntext = "対戦相手の効果は可能ならば白魔道士を選ばなければならない。",
        engtext = "Effects of your opponent must choose White Mage if possible.",
        power = 6000,
        copyyear = "2003",
        source = "FFCC"
    }, {
        id = "9-067C",
        chapter = 9,
        noinset = 67,
        rarity = "Common",
        jpnname = "白魔道師",
        romname = "Shiro Madōshi",
        engname = "White Mage",
        ffwname = "White Mage (III)",
        image = "ArcWhiteMage TCG.png",
        width = 398,
        subject = "Arc",
        subjectlink = "Arc",
        role = "White Mage",
        rolelink = "White Mage (Final Fantasy III)",
        medium = "Concept art",
        sourcefile = "Arc-WhiteMage.png",
        element = "Wind",
        cost = 2,
        genericcard = true,
        type = "Backup",
        jpnjob = "一般兵",
        engjob = "Standard Unit",
        jpntext = "[Dull]:対戦相手のブレイクゾーンにあるカード1枚を選ぶ。それをゲームから除外する。",
        engtext = "[Dull]: Choose 1 Card from your opponent's Break Zone. Remove it from the game.",
        copyyear = "1990,2011,2012",
        source = "FFIII_PSP"
    }, {
        id = "9-068U",
        chapter = 9,
        noinset = 68,
        rarity = "Uncommon",
        jpnname = "スティルツキン",
        romname = "Sutirutsukin",
        ffwname = "Stiltzkin",
        image = "Stiltzkin TCG.png",
        width = 398,
        subject = "Stiltzkin",
        subjectlink = "Stiltzkin",
        medium = "Concept art",
        sourcefile = "Ffccking stiltskin.jpg",
        element = "Wind",
        cost = 1,
        type = "Backup",
        jpnjob = "モーグリ",
        engjob = "Moogle",
        jpntext = "スティルツキンがアクティブ状態からダル状態になるたび、スティルツキンを手札に戻す。//[Dull]:手札からコスト3以下のバックアップ1枚をフィールドに出す。",
        engtext = "Whenever Stiltzkin becomes active or becomes dull, return Stiltzkin to its owner's hand.//[Dull]: Play 1 Backup of cost 3 or less from your hand onto the field.",
        copyyear = "2008",
        source = "CCMLaaK"
    }, {
        id = "9-069C",
        chapter = 9,
        noinset = 69,
        rarity = "Common",
        jpnname = "たまねぎ剣士",
        romname = "Tamanegi Kenshi",
        litname = "Onion Swordsman",
        ffwname = "Onion Knight",
        image = "LunethOnionKnight TCG.png",
        width = 398,
        subject = "Luneth",
        subjectlink = "Luneth",
        role = "Onion Knight",
        rolelink = "Onion Knight (Final Fantasy III)",
        medium = "Concept art",
        sourcefile = "Luneth-OnionKnight.png",
        element = "Wind",
        cost = 2,
        genericcard = true,
        type = "Forward",
        jpnjob = "一般兵",
        engjob = "Standard Unit",
        jpntext = "たまねぎ剣士がフィールドからブレイクゾーンに置かれたとき、対戦相手はデッキのカードをあなたのブレイクゾーンにある【カード名(たまねぎ剣士)】2枚につき、上から1枚ブレイクゾーンに置く。",
        ffwtext = "When Onion Knight is put from the field into the Break Zone, For each 2 [Card Name (Onion Knight)] in your Break Zone, your opponent puts the top card of his/her deck into the Break Zone.",
        power = 2000,
        copyyear = "1990,2011,2012",
        source = "FFIII_PSP"
    }, {
        id = "9-070R",
        chapter = 9,
        noinset = 70,
        rarity = "Rare",
        jpnname = "チョコボ",
        romname = "Chokobo",
        engname = "Chocobo",
        image = "Chocobo5 TCG.png",
        width = 398,
        subject = "Chocobo",
        subjectlink = "Chocobo",
        medium = "Concept art",
        sourcefile = "FFII Chocobo.jpg",
        element = "Wind",
        cost = 1,
        excard = true,
        type = "Summon",
        jpntext = "あなたのデッキの1番上のカードをゲームから除外する。それがバックアップ以外の場合、このターン、すべてのキャラクターはアタックフェイズ中にダメージを与えない。それがバックアップの場合、チョコボを手札に戻す(EXバーストの場合は手札に戻らない)。",
        ffwtext = "Remove the top card of your deck from the game. If it is not a Backup, all Characters cannot receive damage during the attack phase. If it is a Backup, return Chocobo to its owner's hand (if it is an EX Burst, do not return to its owner's hand).",
        copyyear = "1990,2011,2012",
        source = "FFIII"
    }, {
        id = "9-071R",
        chapter = 9,
        noinset = 71,
        rarity = "Rare",
        jpnname = "デッシュ",
        romname = "Desshu",
        ffwname = "Desch",
        image = "Desch TCG.png",
        width = 398,
        subject = "Desch",
        subjectlink = "Desch",
        medium = "Concept art",
        sourcefile = "FF3DeschArt.jpg",
        element = "Wind",
        cost = 4,
        excard = true,
        jpnjob = "古代人",
        ffwjob = "Ancient (III)",--*_* - maybe should just turn VII Ancient to Cetra. it's not the correct translation but i won't have to disambig
        type = "Forward",
        jpntext = "デッシュがフィールドに出たとき、対戦相手のコントロールするすべてのフォワードに3000ダメージを与える。//デッシュをブレイクゾーンに置く:フォワード1体を選ぶ。このターン、それがダメージを与える場合、代わりにそのダメージを0にする。",
        engtext = "When Desch enters the field, deal 3000 damage to all Forwards opponent controls.//Put Desch into the Break Zone: Choose 1 Forward. If it deals damage this turn, the damage becomes 0 instead.",
        power = 8000,
        copyyear = "1990,2011,2012",
        source = "FFIII"
    }, {
        id = "9-072C",
        chapter = 9,
        noinset = 72,
        rarity = "Common",
        imageopus = "6-076C",
        jpnname = "パブロフ",
        romname = "Paburofu",
        engname = "Pavlov",
        image = "Pavlov TCG.png",
        width = 398,
        subject = "Pavlov",
        subjectlink = "Pavlov",
        medium = "Concept art",
        sourcefile = "Ffccmlaak artwork pavlov.png",
        element = "Wind",
        cost = 2,
        type = "Backup",
        jpnjob = "ペンギン",
        engjob = "Penguin",
        jpntext = "パブロフがフィールドに出たとき、あなたのデッキのカードを上から5枚見て好きな順番に並べかえてもよい。//[Dull]:あなたのデッキをシャッフルする。",
        ffwtext = "When Pavlov enters the field, you may look at the top 5 cards of your deck and arrange them in any order.//[Dull]: Shuffle your deck.",--並 doesn't appear in any Opus card
        copyyear = "2008",
        source = "CCMLaaK"
    }, {
        id = "9-073U",
        chapter = 9,
        noinset = 73,
        rarity = "Uncommon",
        jpnname = "マヤコフ",
        romname = "Mayakofu",--evrybody's Russian!
        ffwname = "Mayakov",
        image = "Mayakov TCG.png",
        width = 398,
        subject = "Mayakov",
        subjectlink = "Alexei Mayakov",
        medium = "Screenshot",
        element = "Wind",
        cost = 3,
        type = "Forward",
        jpnjob = "踊り子",
        engjob = "Dancer",
        jpntext = "あなたのコントロールするマヤコフ以外の【カード名(踊り子)】と【ジョブ(踊り子)】は対戦相手の効果によっては選ばれない。//アクティブ状態の【カード名(踊り子)】か【ジョブ(踊り子)】をダルにする:対戦相手のコントロールするすべてのフォワードに1000ダメージを与える。",
        engtext = "The [Card Name (Dancer)] and [Job (Dancer)] you control other than Mayakov cannot be chosen by your opponent's effects.//Dull active [Card Name (Dancer)] or [Job (Dancer)]: deal 1000 damage to all Forwards opponent controls.",
        power = 7000,
        copyyear = "2002-2013",
        source = "FFXI"
    }, {
        id = "9-074S",
        chapter = 9,
        noinset = 74,
        rarity = "Special Rare",
        imageopus = "8-141S",
        jpnname = "ユフィ",
        romname = "Yufi",
        engname = "Yuffie",
        image = "Yuffie3 TCG.png",
        width = 398,
        subject = "Yuffie",
        subjectlink = "Yuffie Kisaragi",
        medium = "Promo art",
        sourcefile = "Yuffie 2007 version.jpg",
        element = "Wind",
        cost = 5,
        type = "Forward",
        jpnjob = "忍者",
        engjob = "Ninja",
        jpntext = "ユフィがフィールドに出たとき、【武器】1枚をサーチし、手札に加えてもよい。それが【武器(手裏剣)】の場合、代わりにそれをユフィに装備してもよい。//ユフィがアイテムを装備している場合、ユフィはヘイストを得、コスト5以上のフォワードにブロックされず、対戦相手の効果によっては選ばれない。",
        ffwtext = "When Yuffie enters the field, you may search for 1 [Weapon] and add it to your hand. If it is [Weapon (Shuriken)], you may equip it to Yuffie instead.//If Yuffie is equipped with an Item, Yuffie gains Haste, will not be blocked by a Forward of cost 5 or more, and cannot be chosen by your opponent's effects",--されず not in Opus
        power = 8000,
        copyyear = "2005,2009",
        source = "VIIAC_C"
    }, {
        id = "9-075C",
        chapter = 9,
        noinset = 75,
        rarity = "Common",
        reprint = "1-072C",
        jpnname = "弓使い",
        romname = "Yumi-tsukai",
        engname = "Archer",
        image = "ArcherMale3 TCG.png",
        width = 398,
        subject = "Male Archer",
        subjectlink = "Archer (Tactics)",
        medium = "Concept art",
        sourcefile = "ArcherMale.png",
        element = "Wind",
        cost = 2,
        genericcard = true,
        type = "Backup",
        jpnjob = "一般兵",
        engjob = "Standard Unit",
        jpntext = "[Wind][Wind][Dull]、弓使いをブレイクゾーンに置く:コスト3以下のバックアップ1体を選ぶ。それをブレイクする。",
        engtext = "[Wind][Wind][Dull], put Archer into the Break Zone: Choose 1 Backup of cost 3 or less. Break it.",
        copyyear = "1997",
        source = "FFT"
    }, {
        id = "9-076U",
        chapter = 9,
        noinset = 76,
        rarity = "Uncommon",
        jpnname = "リネンクローク",--although it's just クローク in FFXI
        romname = "Rinen Kurōku",
        litname = "Linen Cloak",
        ffwname = "Cloak",
        image = "LinenCloak TCG.png",
        width = 398,
        subject = "FFXI Cloak",
        subjectlink = "List of Final Fantasy Artniks cards/Rank R#Cloak",
        sourcefile = "FF11 Cloak R Artniks.png",
        medium = "Artwork",
        element = "Wind",
        cost = 2,
        genericcard = true,
        type = "Armor",
        jpnjob = "クローク",
        ffwjob = "Cloak",
        jpntext = "装備(フォワード)//リネンクロークを装備しているキャラクターは対戦相手の効果によっては選ばれない。//はずす-[0]",
        engtext = "Equipment (Forward)//The Character equipped with Cloak cannot be chosen by your opponent's effects.//Remove - [0]",
        copyright = "GREE, Inc.",
        source = "Artniks"
    }, {
        id = "9-077R",
        chapter = 9,
        noinset = 77,
        rarity = "Rare",
        jpnname = "レコ・ハボッカ",
        romname = "Reko Habokka",
        ffwname = "Lehko Habhoka",
        image = "Lehko TCG.png",
        width = 398,
        subject = "Lehko",
        subjectlink = "Lehko Habhoka",
        medium = "Screenshot",
        element = "Wind",
        cost = 2,
        type = "Backup",
        jpnjob = "参謀長",
        ffwjob = "Tactical Advisor",--not found term from game
        jpntext = "あなたの手札にある【カード名(ロマー・ミーゴ)】のコストは2減る。//[Wind][Elementless][Dull]、レコ・ハボッカをブレイクゾーンに置く:闇属性のキャラクター1体を選ぶ。それをブレイクする。",
        engtext = "The cost required for [Card Name (Romaa Mihgo)] in your hand is reduced by 2.//[Wind][Elementless][Dull], put Lehko Habhoka into the Break Zone: Choose 1 Dark Character. Break it.",
        copyyear = "2002-2013",
        source = "FFXI"
    }, {
        id = "9-078U",
        chapter = 9,
        noinset = 78,
        rarity = "Uncommon",
        jpnname = "ロマー・ミーゴ",
        romname = "Romā Mīgo",
        ffwname = "Romaa Mihgo",
        image = "Romaa TCG.png",
        width = 398,
        subject = "Romaa Mihgo",
        subjectlink = "Romaa Mihgo",
        medium = "Screenshot",
        element = "Wind",
        cost = 4,
        type = "Backup",
        jpnjob = "団長",
        ffwjob = "Group Leader",
        jpntext = "ロマー・ミーゴがフィールドに出たとき、【カード名(ナナー・ミーゴ)】1枚をサーチし、手札に加えてもよい。//あなたがレコ・ハボッカをコントロールしている場合、あなたのコントロールするフォワードのパワーを+1000する。",
        engtext = "When Romaa Mihgo enters the field, you may search for 1 [Card Name (Nanaa Mihgo)] and add it to your hand. If you control Lehko Habhoka, Forwards you control gain +1000 power.",
        copyyear = "2002-2013",
        source = "FFXI"
    }, {
        id = "9-079U",
        chapter = 9,
        noinset = 79,
        rarity = "Uncommon",
        imageopus = "7-064R",
        jpnname = "アシュマダイ",
        romname = "Ashumadai",
        engname = "Asmodai",
        image = "Asmodai TCG.png",
        width = 398,
        subject = "Asmodai",
        subjectlink = "Asmodai",
        medium = "Concept art",
        sourcefile = "Ffl-char-asmodai.png",
        element = "Earth",
        cost = 6,
        type = "Forward",
        jpnjob = "四将軍",
        engjob = "The Four Generals",
        jpntext = "リンク-土(4)/水(4)/火(4)//アシュマダイに風属性からのダメージが与えられる場合、代わりにそのダメージは2倍になる。//アシュマダイがフィールドに出たとき、アシュマダイは次のあなたのターン開始時までブレイクされなくなる。",
        ffwtext = "Link - Earth (4) / Water (4) / Fire (4)//If Asmodai receives damage from a Wind card, deal it double the damage instead.//When Asmodai enters the field, Asmodai will not break until the beginning of your next turn.",
        power = 8000,
        copyyear = "2010-2012",
        source = "FFD"
    }, {
        id = "9-080U",
        chapter = 9,
        noinset = 80,
        rarity = "Uncommon",
        jpnname = "ヴァニラ",
        romname = "Vanira",
        litname = "Vanilla",
        engname = "Vanille",
        image = "Vanille TCG.png",
        width = 398,
        subject = "Vanille",
        subjectlink = "Oerba Dia Vanille",
        medium = "Render",
        sourcefile = "FFXIIIOerbaDiaVanilleS.png",
        element = "Earth",
        cost = 2,
        type = "Backup",
        jpnjob = "ジャマー",
        engjob = "Saboteur",
        jpntext = "[Earth][Earth][Elementless][Elementless][Dull]、ヴァニラをブレイクゾーンに置く:ダル状態のフォワード1体を選ぶ。それをブレイクする。",
        engtext = "[Earth][Earth][Elementless][Elementless][Dull], put Vanille into the Break Zone: Choose 1 dull Forward. Break it.",
        copyyear = "2009,2010",
        source = "FFXIII"
    }, {
        id = "9-081R",
        chapter = 9,
        noinset = 81,
        rarity = "Rare",
        jpnname = "ヴィンセント",
        romname = "Vinsento",
        litname = "Vincent",
        engname = "Vincent",
        image = "Vincent4 TCG.png",
        width = 398,
        subject = "Vincent",
        subjectlink = "Vincent Valentine",
        medium = "Promo art",
        sourcefile = "Vincent 2007 version.jpg",
        element = "Earth",
        cost = 4,
        excard = true,
        type = "Forward",
        jpnjob = "ガンナー",
        engjob = "Gunslinger",
        jpntext = "ヴィンセントがフィールドに出たとき、あなたのブレイクゾーンにあるフォワード1枚を選ぶ。それを手札に加えてもよい。//ヴィンセントがアイテムを装備している場合、ヴィンセントのパワーは+2000され、それが【武器(銃)】の場合、追加で先制攻撃を得る。",
        ffwtext = "When Vincent enters the field, choose 1 Forward in your Break Zone. You may add it to your hand.//If Vincent is equipped with an Item, Vincent gains +2000 power, and if it is [Weapon (Gun)], additionally gains First Strike.",
        power = 5000,
        copyyear = "2005,2009",
        source = "VIIAC_C"
    }, {
        id = "9-082R",
        chapter = 9,
        noinset = 82,
        rarity = "Rare",
        jpnname = "ウェライ",
        romname = "Werai",
        ffwname = "Werei",
        image = "Werei TCG.png",
        width = 398,
        subject = "Werei",
        medium = "Screenshot",
        element = "Earth",
        cost = 4,
        type = "Forward",
        jpnjob = "長老",
        ffwjob = "Elder",
        jpntext = "あなたのコントロールするウェライ以外の土属性のフォワードにブレイブを与える。//[Earth][Earth]:ターン終了時までウェライのパワーを+2000し、ブレイブを得る。このアビリティはあなたのメインフェイズにしか使えない。",
        engtext = "The Earth Forwards you control other than Werei gain Brave.//[Earth][Earth]: Werei gains +2000 power and Brave until the end of the turn. You can only use this ability during your Main Phase.",
        power = 8000,
        copyyear = "2002-2013",
        source = "FFXI"
    }, {
        id = "9-083R",
        chapter = 9,
        noinset = 83,
        rarity = "Rare",
        jpnname = "ウネ",
        romname = "Une",
        engname = "Unei",
        image = "Unei TCG.png",
        width = 398,
        subject = "Unei",
        subjectlink = "Unei",
        medium = "Concept art",
        sourcefile = "FFIII Unei.jpg",
        element = "Earth",
        cost = 5,
        type = "Backup",
        jpnjob = "大魔道師",
        engjob = "Magus",
        ffwjob = "Great Mage",--I can't remember if this is from the game or not. Magus is surprisingly unclaimed elsewhere so it would be fine if it's what they actually use
        jpntext = "ウネがフィールドに出たとき、手札のコスト4以下の召喚獣1枚をコストを支払わず召喚してもよい。//[Earth][Elementless][Dull]、ウネをブレイクゾーンに置く:あなたのブレイクゾーンにある召喚獣1枚を選ぶ。それを手札に加える。",
        ffwtext = "When Unei enters the field, you may cast 1 Summon of cost 4 or less from your hand without paying its cost.//[Earth][Elementless][Dull], put Unei into the Break Zone: Choose 1 Summon in your Break Zone. Add it to your hand.",
        copyyear = "1990,2011,2012",
        source = "FFIII"
    }, {
        id = "9-084C",
        chapter = 9,
        noinset = 84,
        rarity = "Common",
        jpnname = "空手家",
        romname = "Karateka",
        litname = "Karate Practitioner",
        engname = "Black Belt",
        image = "RefiaBlackBelt TCG.png",
        width = 398,
        subject = "Refia",
        subjectlink = "Refia",
        role = "Black Belt",
        rolelink = "Black Belt (Final Fantasy III)",
        medium = "Concept art",
        sourcefile = "Refia-BlackBelt.png",
        element = "Earth",
        cost = 3,
        genericcard = true,
        type = "Forward",
        jpnjob = "一般兵",
        engjob = "Standard Unit",
        jpntext = "ブレイブ//[Earth]:ターン終了時まで空手家のパワーを+1000する。",
        engtext = "Brave//[Earth]: Black Belt gains +1000 power until the end of the turn.",
        power = 6000,
        copyyear = "1990,2011,2012",
        source = "FFIII_PSP"
    }, {
        id = "9-085U",
        chapter = 9,
        noinset = 85,
        rarity = "Uncommon",
        jpnname = "ギガースの腕輪",
        romname = "Gigāsu no Udewa",
        ffwname = "Gigas Armlet",
        image = "GigasBangle TCG.png",
        width = 398,
        subject = "FFVII Gigas Armlet",
        subjectlink = "List of Final Fantasy Artniks cards/Rank SR#Gigas Armlet",
        medium = "Artwork",
        sourcefile = "FF7 Gigas Armlet SR Artniks.png",--there is a similar LQ artwork for VII, but i think Artniks artwork recreated it based on that
        element = "Earth",
        cost = 1,
        genericcard = true,
        type = "Accessory",
        jpnjob = "腕輪",
        ffwjob = "Armlet",
        jpntext = "装備(フォワード)//ギガースの腕輪を装備しているキャラクターはブレイブを得る。//ギガースの腕輪を装備しているキャラクターに与えられるダメージは1000少なくなる。//はずす-[0]",
        engtext = "Equipment (Forward)//The Character equipped with Gigas Armlet gains Brave.//Reduce the damage dealt to the Character equipped with Gigas Armlet by 1000.//Remove - [0]",
        copyright = "GREE, Inc.",
        source = "Artniks"
    }, {
        id = "9-086U",
        chapter = 9,
        noinset = 86,
        rarity = "Uncommon",
        jpnname = "グレイブ",
        romname = "Gureibu",
        engname = "Glaive",
        image = "Glaive TCG.png",
        width = 398,
        subject = "Glaive",
        subjectlink = "Glaive (Dimensions)",
        medium = "Concept art",
        sourcefile = "FFLWoLaD-Glaive.png",
        element = "Earth",
        cost = 4,
        type = "Forward",
        jpnjob = "闇の戦士",
        engjob = "Warrior of Darkness",
        jpntext = "グレイブがアタックしたとき、グレイブはあなたの次のアクティブフェイズにアクティブにならない。//[Earth][Earth]:ターン終了時までグレイブのパワーを+1000する。",
        engtext = "When Glaive attacks, Glaive will not activate during your next active phase.//[Earth][Earth]: Glaive gains +1000 power until the end of the turn.",
        power = 9000,
        copyyear = "2010-2012",
        source = "FFD"
    }, {
        id = "9-087C",
        chapter = 9,
        noinset = 87,
        rarity = "Common",
        reprint = "1-088C",
        jpnname = "幻術師",
        romname = "Genjutsushi",
        litname = "Illusionist",
        engname = "Evoker",
        image = "IngusEvoker2 TCG.png",
        width = 398,
        subject = "Ingus",
        subjectlink = "Ingus",
        role = "Evoker",
        rolelink = "Evoker (Final Fantasy III)",
        medium = "Concept art",
        sourcefile = "Ingus-Evoker.png",
        element = "Earth",
        cost = 1,
        genericcard = true,
        type = "Backup",
        jpnjob = "一般兵",
        engjob = "Standard Unit",
        jpntext = "",
        engtext = "",
        copyyear = "1990,2011,2012",
        source = "FFIII_PSP"
    }, {
        id = "9-088C",
        chapter = 9,
        noinset = 88,
        rarity = "Common",
        jpnname = "ジェネラルタンク",
        romname = "Jeneraru Tanku",
        ffwname = "General's Tank",
        image = "General'sTank TCG.png",
        width = 398,
        subject = "General's Tank",
        subjectlink = "General's Tank",
        medium = "Concept art",
        sourcefile = "CC Machine Artwork.jpg",
        element = "Earth",
        cost = 4,
        genericcard = true,
        type = "Monster",
        jpnjob = "戦車",
        ffwjob = "Tank",
        jpntext = "[Earth]:ターン終了時までジェネラルタンクはパワー9000のフォワードとしても扱う。",
        engtext = "[Earth]: General's Tank also becomes a Forward with 9000 power until the end of the turn.",
        copyyear = "2007",
        source = "VIICC"
    }, {
        id = "9-089C",
        chapter = 9,
        noinset = 89,
        rarity = "Common",
        jpnname = "戦士",
        romname = "Senshi",
        litname = "Warrior",
        engname = "Warrior",
        image = "ClavatWarrior2 TCG.png",
        width = 398,
        subject = "Male Clavat Warrior",
        subjectlink = "Warrior (My Life as a King)",
        medium = "Render",
        sourcefile = "3D-White Warrior M.jpg",
        element = "Earth",
        cost = 4,
        genericcard = true,
        type = "Forward",
        jpnjob = "一般兵",
        engjob = "Standard Unit",
        jpntext = "[Earth]、戦士をブレイクゾーンに置く:フォワード1体を選ぶ。それに戦士のパワーと同じだけのダメージを与える。",
        engtext = "[Earth]: put Warrior into the Break Zone: Choose 1 Forward. Deal it damage equal to Warrior's power.",
        power = 7000,
        copyyear = "2003",
        source = "FFCC"
    }, {
        id = "9-090R",
        chapter = 9,
        noinset = 90,
        rarity = "Rare",
        jpnname = "タイタン",
        romname = "Taitan",
        litname = "Titan",
        engname = "Titan",
        image = "Titan2 TCG.png",
        width = 398,
        subject = "Titan",
        subjectlink = "Titan#Final Fantasy III",
        medium = "Concept art",
        sourcefile = "Titan.jpg",
        element = "Earth",
        cost = 4,
        type = "Summon",
        jpntext = "以下の2つから1つを選ぶ。//・フォワード1体を選ぶ。それに8000ダメージを与える。//・対戦相手のコントロールするすべてのフォワードに4000ダメージを与える。",
        ffwtext = "Select 1 of the 2 following actions.//・Choose 1 Forward. Deal it 8000 damage.//・Deal 4000 damage to all Forwards opponent controls.",
        copyyear = "1990,2011,2012",
        source = "FFIII"
    }, {
        id = "9-091C",
        chapter = 9,
        noinset = 91,
        rarity = "Common",
        jpnname = "たまねぎ剣士",
        romname = "Tamanegi Kenshi",
        litname = "Onion Swordsman",
        ffwname = "Onion Knight",
        image = "IngusOnionKnight TCG.png",
        width = 398,
        subject = "Ingus",
        subjectlink = "Ingus",
        role = "Onion Knight",
        rolelink = "Onion Knight (Final Fantasy III)",
        medium = "Concept art",
        sourcefile = "Ingus-OnionKnight.png",
        element = "Earth",
        cost = 2,
        genericcard = true,
        type = "Forward",
        jpnjob = "一般兵",
        engjob = "Standard Unit",
        jpntext = "たまねぎ剣士のパワーはあなたのブレイクゾーンにある【カード名(たまねぎ剣士)】1枚につき、+1000される。",
        engtext = "For each [Card Name (Onion Knight)] in the Break Zone, Onion Knight gains +1000 power.",
        power = 4000,
        copyyear = "1990,2011,2012",
        source = "FFIII_PSP"
    }, {
        id = "9-092U",
        chapter = 9,
        noinset = 92,
        rarity = "Uncommon",
        jpnname = "鉄巨人",
        romname = "Tetsukyojin",
        ffwname = "Iron Giant",
        image = "IronGiant TCG.png",
        width = 398,
        subject = "Iron Giant",
        subjectlink = "Iron Giant#Theatrythm Final Fantasy",
        medium = "Sprite",
        element = "Earth",
        cost = 1,
        type = "Monster",
        jpnjob = "鉄巨人",
        ffwjob = "Iron Giant",
        jpntext = "鉄巨人をブレイクゾーンに置く:フォワード1体を選ぶ。このターン、次にそれにダメージが与えられる場合、代わりにそのダメージは0になる。//青魔法-[Earth][Earth]:キャラクター1体か召喚獣1体を選ぶ。このターン、それが効果によってフォワードにダメージを与える場合、代わりにそのダメージは0になる。",
        ffwtext = "Put Iron Giant into the Break Zone: Choose 1 Forward. During this turn, the next damage dealt to it becomes 0 instead.//Blue Magic - [Earth][Earth]: Choose 1 Character or Summon. If it deals damage to a Forward with its effect this turn, damage becomes 0 instead.",--it looks like i'm taking a big liberty, but its "next damage dealt becomes 0" deviates from its standard a lot too anyway
        copyyear = "2012",
        credits = "Developed by indieszero Co., Ltd.",
        source = "TFF"
    }, {
        id = "9-093U",
        chapter = 9,
        noinset = 93,
        rarity = "Uncommon",
        jpnname = "ナハト",
        romname = "Nahato",
        engname = "Nacht",
        image = "Nacht TCG.png",
        width = 398,
        subject = "Nacht",
        subjectlink = "Nacht",
        medium = "Concept art",
        sourcefile = "FFLWoLaD-Nacht.png",
        element = "Earth",
        cost = 2,
        type = "Forward",
        jpnjob = "闇の戦士",
        engjob = "Warrior of Darkness",
        jpntext = "あなたの受けているダメージ1点につき、ナハトのパワーは+1000される。//あなたの第1メインフェイズ開始時に対戦相手がコントロールするアイテム1つを選ぶ。それをブレイクする。",
        engtext = "Nacht gains +1000 power for each point of damage you have received.//Choose 1 Item your opponent controls when your Main Phase 1 at the beginning of your Main Phase 1. Break it.",
        power = 3000,
        copyyear = "2010-2012",
        source = "FFD"
    }, {
        id = "9-094S",
        chapter = 9,
        noinset = 94,
        rarity = "Special Rare",
        imageopus = "8-145S",
        jpnname = "バレット",
        romname = "Baretto",
        litname = "Bullet",
        engname = "Barret",
        image = "Barret3 TCG.png",
        width = 398,
        subject = "Barret",
        subjectlink = "Barret Wallace",
        medium = "Promo art",
        sourcefile = "Barret AC 2007 Art.jpg",
        element = "Earth",
        cost = 5,
        type = "Forward",
        jpnjob = "戦士",
        engjob = "Warrior",
        jpntext = "オーバードライブ([Earth])-バレットがフィールドに出たとき、対戦相手のコントロールするすべてのフォワードにバレットのパワーを均等に割ったダメージを与える(1000未満は切り上げる)。//[action:カタストロフィ] [S][Earth][Dull]:フォワード1体を選ぶ。それに10000ダメージを与える。",
        engtext = "Overdrive ([Earth]) - When Barret enters the field, divide damage equal to Barret's power equally among all Forwards the opponent controls (round up to the nearest 1000).//[action:Catastrophe] [S][Earth][Dull]: Choose 1 Forward. Deal it 10000 damage.",
        power = 9000,
        copyyear = "2005,2009",
        source = "VIIAC_C"
    }, {
        id = "9-095C",
        chapter = 9,
        noinset = 95,
        rarity = "Common",
        jpnname = "ハンドアックス",
        romname = "Handoakkusu",
        litname = "Handaxe",
        ffwname = "Handaxe",
        image = "Handaxe TCG.png",
        width = 398,
        subject = "FFXII Handaxe",
        subjectlink = "List of Final Fantasy Artniks cards/Rank N#Handaxe",
        medium = "Artwork",
        sourcefile = "FF12 Handaxe N Artniks.png",
        element = "Earth",
        cost = 1,
        genericcard = true,
        type = "Weapon",
        jpnjob = "斧",
        ffwjob = "Axe",
        jpntext = "装備(フォワード)//ハンドアックスは対戦相手の効果によってはブレイクされない。//ハンドアックスを装備しているキャラクターのパワーを+2000する。//はずす-[0]",
        engtext = "Equipment (Forward)//Handaxe cannot be broken by opposing effects.//The Character equipped with Handaxe gains +2000 power.//Remove - [0]",
        copyright = "GREE, Inc.",
        source = "Artniks"
    }, {
        id = "9-096C",
        chapter = 9,
        noinset = 96,
        rarity = "Common",
        jpnname = "風水師",
        romname = "Fūsuishi",
        ffwname = "Geomancer (III)",
        engname = "Geomancer",
        image = "RefiaGeomancer TCG.png",
        width = 398,
        subject = "Refia",
        subjectlink = "Refia",
        role = "Geomancer",
        rolelink = "Geomancer (Final Fantasy III)",
        medium = "Concept art",
        sourcefile = "Refia-Geomancer.png",
        element = "Earth",
        cost = 3,
        genericcard = true,
        type = "Backup",
        jpnjob = "一般兵",
        engjob = "Standard Unit",
        jpntext = "あなたのコントロールする土属性のフォワードがブロックしたとき、ターン終了時までそれのパワーを1000する。",
        engtext = "When an Earth Forward you control blocks, it gains +1000 power until the end of the turn.",
        copyyear = "1990,2011,2012",
        source = "FFIII_PSP"
    }, {
        id = "9-097U",
        chapter = 9,
        noinset = 97,
        rarity = "Uncommon",
        reprint = "1-097U",
        jpnname = "ヘカトンケイル",
        romname = "Hekatonkeiru",
        litname = "Hecatoncheir",
        engname = "Hecatoncheir",
        image = "Hecatoncheir3 TCG.png",
        width = 398,
        subject = "Hecactonheir",
        subjectlink = "Hecatoncheir (summon)",
        medium = "Render",
        sourcefile = "Hecatoncheir.png",
        element = "Earth",
        cost = 3,
        type = "Summon",
        jpntext = "バックアップ1体を選ぶ。それをブレイクする。",
        engtext = "Choose 1 Backup. Break it.",
        copyyear = "2009,2010",
        source = "FFXIII"
    }, {
        id = "9-098C",
        chapter = 9,
        noinset = 98,
        rarity = "Common",
        jpnname = "魔剣士",
        romname = "Makenshi",
        ffwname = "Dark Knight (III)",
        engname = "Dark Knight",
        image = "ArcDarkKnight TCG.png",
        width = 398,
        subject = "Arc",
        subjectlink = "Arc",
        role = "Dark Knight",
        rolelink = "Dark Knight (Final Fantasy III)",
        medium = "Concept art",
        sourcefile = "Arc-DarkKnight.png",
        element = "Earth",
        cost = 2,
        genericcard = true,
        type = "Forward",
        jpnjob = "一般兵",
        engjob = "Standard Unit",
        jpntext = "あなたの受けているダメージが対戦相手の受けているダメージより多い場合、魔剣士のパワーは+3000される。",
        engtext = "If you have received more damage than your opponent has received, Dark Knight (III) gains +3000 power.",
        power = 4000,
        copyyear = "1990,2011,2012",
        source = "FFIII_PSP"
    }, {
        id = "9-099C",
        chapter = 9,
        noinset = 99,
        rarity = "Common",
        jpnname = "モンク",
        romname = "Monku",
        litname = "Monk",
        engname = "Monk",
        image = "IngusMonk TCG.png",
        width = 398,
        subject = "Ingus",
        subjectlink = "Ingus",
        role = "Monk",
        rolelink = "Monk (Final Fantasy III)",
        medium = "Concept art",
        sourcefile = "Ingus-Monk.png",
        element = "Earth",
        cost = 2,
        genericcard = true,
        type = "Backup",
        jpnjob = "一般兵",
        engjob = "Standard Unit",
        jpntext = "[Earth][Dull]:あなたのコントロールするブレイブを持つフォワード1体を選ぶ。ターン終了時までそれのパワーを+2000する。",
        engtext = "[Earth][Dull]: Choose 1 Forward you control with Brave. It gains +2000 power until the end of the turn.",
        copyyear = "1990,2011,2012",
        source = "FFIII_PSP"
    }, {
        id = "9-100C",
        chapter = 9,
        noinset = 100,
        rarity = "Common",
        reprint = "1-100C",
        jpnname = "モンク",
        romname = "Monku",
        litname = "Monk",
        engname = "Monk",
        image = "MonkMale3 TCG.png",
        width = 398,
        subject = "Male Monk",
        subjectlink = "Monk (Tactics)",
        medium = "Concept art",
        sourcefile = "FFTMonkMale.png",
        element = "Earth",
        cost = 2,
        genericcard = true,
        type = "Backup",
        jpnjob = "一般兵",
        engjob = "Standard Unit",
        jpntext = "[Earth][Dull]、モンクをブレイクゾーンに置く:フォワード1体を選ぶ。ターン終了時までそれのパワーを+2000する。",
        engtext = "[Earth][Dull], put Monk into the Break Zone: Choose 1 Forward. It gains +2000 power until the end of the turn.",
        copyyear = "1997",
        source = "FFT"
    }, {
        id = "9-101U",
        chapter = 9,
        noinset = 101,
        rarity = "Uncommon",
        jpnname = "ラーゾス",
        romname = "Rāzosu",
        ffwname = "Larzos",
        image = "Larzos TCG.png",
        width = 398,
        subject = "Larzos",
        subjectlink = "Larzos",
        medium = "Screenshot",
        element = "Earth",
        cost = 3,
        type = "Forward",
        jpnjob = "冥護四衆",
        ffwjob = "Spitewarden",
        jpntext = "ラーゾスがフィールドに出たとき、あなたのブレイクゾーンにあるコスト2以下のアイテムカード1枚を選ぶ。それをラーゾスに装備させてもよい。//ラーゾスが【武器】を装備している場合、ラーゾスはブレイブを得る。",
        engtext = "When Larzos enters the field, choose 1 Item of cost 2 or less in your Break Zone. You may equip it to Larzos.//If Larzos is equipped with a Weapon, Larzos gains Brave.",
        power = 5000,
        copyyear = "2002-2013",
        source = "FFXI"
    }, {
        id = "9-102R",
        chapter = 9,
        noinset = 102,
        rarity = "Rare",
        imageopus = "8-108R",
        jpnname = "ルード",
        romname = "Rūdo",
        engname = "Rude",
        image = "Rude TCG.png",
        width = 398,
        subject = "Rude",
        subjectlink = "Rude",
        medium = "Promo art",
        sourcefile = "Rufus-reno-and-rude.jpg",--not him in isolation
        element = "Earth",
        cost = 3,
        type = "Forward",
        jpnjob = "タークス",
        engjob = "Member of the Turks",--no consisteny man
        jpntext = "あなたのコントロールするフォワードの【カード名(レノ)】のパワーを+1000し、ブレイブを与える。//あなたがフォワードの【カード名(レノ)】をコントロールしている場合、ルードのパワーは+2000され、対戦相手のダメージ以外の効果によってはブレイクされない。",
        engtext = "The [Card Name (Reno)] Forwards you control gain +1000 power and Brave.//If you control a [Card Name (Reno)] Forward, Rude gains +2000 power, and cannot be broken by opposing effects that don't deal damage.",
        power = 7000,
        copyyear = "2005,2009",
        source = "VIIAC_C"
    }, {
        id = "9-103C",
        chapter = 9,
        noinset = 103,
        rarity = "Common",
        jpnname = "ルード",
        romname = "Rūdo",
        engname = "Rude",
        image = "Rude2 TCG.png",
        width = 398,
        subject = "Rude",
        subjectlink = "Rude",
        medium = "Movie frame",
        sourcefile = "Rude.jpg",
        element = "Earth",
        cost = 2,
        type = "Backup",
        jpnjob = "タークス",
        engjob = "Member of the Turks",
        jpntext = "[Dull]:フォワード1体を選ぶ。ターン終了時までそれにブレイブを与える。//[Earth][Dull]:ブロック中のフォワード1体を選ぶ。ターン終了時までそれのパワーを+1000する。",
        engtext = "[Dull]: Choose 1 Forward. It gains Brave until the end of the turn.//[Earth][Dull]: Choose 1 blocking Forward. It gains +1000 power until the end of the turn.",
        copyyear = "2005,2009",
        source = "VIIAC_C"
    }, {
        id = "9-104S",
        chapter = 9,
        noinset = 104,
        rarity = "Special Rare",
        jpnname = "ロベルアクベル",
        romname = "Roberu Akuberu",
        ffwname = "Robel-Akbel",
        image = "Robel-Akbel TCG.png",
        width = 398,
        subject = "Robel-Akbel",
        subjectlink = "Robel-Akbel",
        medium = "Screenshot",
        element = "Earth",
        cost = 3,
        type = "Backup",
        jpnjob = "大魔元帥",
        ffwjob = "Warlock Warlord",
        jpntext = "ロベルアクベルがフィールドに出たとき、キャラクター1体を選ぶ。あなたは[Earth][Elementless][Elementless]を支払ってもよい。そうした場合、それをブレイクする。//ロベルアクベルがフィールドにいる場合、火氷風土雷水の属性を持つ。//光か闇属性のキャラクターがフィールドに出るたび、ロベルアクベルを手札に戻してもよい。",
        ffwtext = "When Robel-Akbel enters the field, choose 1 Character. You may pay [Earth][Elementless][Elementless]. If you do so, break it.//If Robel-Akbel is on the field, Robel-Akbel has Fire, Ice, Wind, Earth, Lightning, and Water Elements.//Whenever a Light or Dark Characters enters the field, you may return Robel-Akbel to its owner's hand.",
        copyyear = "2002-2013",
        source = "FFXI"
    }, {
        id = "9-105C",
        chapter = 9,
        noinset = 105,
        rarity = "Common",
        opus = "5-097C",
        jpnname = "赤魔道師",
        romname = "Aka Madōshi",
        ffwname = "Red Mage (III)",
        engname = "Red Mage",
        image = "LunethRedMage TCG.png",
        width = 398,
        subject = "Luneth",
        subjectlink = "Luneth",
        role = "Red Mage",
        rolelink = "Red Mage (Final Fantasy III)",
        medium = "Concept art",
        sourcefile = "Luneth-RedMage.png",
        element = "Lightning",
        cost = 2,
        genericcard = true,
        type = "Backup",
        jpnjob = "一般兵",
        engjob = "Standard Unit",
        jpntext = "[Lightning][Elementless][Dull]:フォワード1体を選ぶ。それに1000ダメージを与える。それがアクティブ状態の場合、代わりにそれに2000ダメージを与える。",
        engtext = "[Lightning][Elementless][Dull]: Choose 1 Forward. Deal it 1000 damage. If it is active, deal it 2000 damage instead.",
        copyyear = "1990,2011,2012",
        source = "FFIII_PSP",
    }, {
        id = "9-106C",
        chapter = 9,
        noinset = 106,
        rarity = "Common",
        reprint = "1-101C",
        jpnname = "赤魔道師",
        romname = "Aka Madōshi",
        ffwname = "Red Mage (III)",
        engname = "Red Mage",
        image = "RefiaRedMage2 TCG.png",
        width = 398,
        subject = "Refia",
        subjectlink = "Refia",
        role = "Red Mage",
        rolelink = "Red Mage (Final Fantasy III)",
        medium = "Concept art",
        sourcefile = "Refia-RedMage.png",
        element = "Lightning",
        cost = 2,
        genericcard = true,
        type = "Backup",
        jpnjob = "一般兵",
        engjob = "Standard Unit",
        jpntext = "[Lightning][Dull]:フォワード1体を選ぶ。ターン終了時までそれにヘイストを与える。",
        engtext = "[Lightning][Dull]: Choose 1 Forward. It gains Haste until the end of the turn.",
        copyyear = "1990,2011,2012",
        source = "FFIII_PSP",
    }, {
        id = "9-107U",
        chapter = 9,
        noinset = 107,
        rarity = "Uncommon",
        jpnname = "アクウィラ",
        romname = "Akuwira",
        ffwname = "Aquila",
        image = "Aquila TCG.png",
        width = 398,
        subject = "Aquila",
        subjectlink = "Aquila (Final Fantasy XI)",
        medium = "Screenshot",
        element = "Lightning",
        cost = 3,
        type = "Forward",
        jpnjob = "冥護四衆",
        ffwjob = "Spitewarden",
        jpntext = "ヘイスト//あなたが【カード名(レディ・リリス)】をコントロールしている場合、アクウィラのパワーは+3000される。//[action:アルタイルブレット] [S]:パワー6000以下のフォワード1体を選ぶ。それをブレイクする。",
        engtext = "Haste//If you control [Card Name (Lady Lilith)], Aquila gains +3000 power.//[action:Altair Bullet] [S]: Choose 1 Forward of power 6000 or less. Break it.",
        power = 5000,
        copyyear = "2002-2013",
        source = "FFXI"
    }, {
        id = "9-108U",
        chapter = 9,
        noinset = 108,
        rarity = "Uncommon",
        imageopus = "7-086C",
        jpnname = "アルジイ",
        romname = "Arujii",
        engname = "Argy",
        image = "Argy TCG.png",
        width = 398,
        subject = "Argy",
        subjectlink = "Argy",
        medium = "Concept art",
        sourcefile = "Ffl-char-argy.png",
        element = "Lightning",
        cost = 2,
        type = "Forward",
        jpnjob = "メモリスト",
        engjob = "Memorist",
        jpntext = "[Elementless][X]:ターン終了時までアルジイのパワーは[X]に支払われたコスト1につき、2000になる(0は支払えない)。//[action:プロトメモリーズ] [S][X]:ターン終了時まであなたのコントロールするすべてのフォワードのパワーは支払われたコスト1につき、2000になる(0は支払えない)。",
        ffwtext = "[Elementless][X]: Until the end of the turn, Argy gains +2000 power for each CP paid to [X] (cannot pay 0).//[action:Proto-Recollect] [S][X]: Until the end of the turn, all Forwards you control gain +2000 power for each CP paid (cannot pay 0).",
        power = 4000,
        copyyear = "2010-2012",
        source = "FFD"
    }, {
        id = "9-109U",
        chapter = 9,
        noinset = 109,
        rarity = "Uncommon",
        jpnname = "アルバ",
        romname = "Aruba",
        engname = "Alba",
        image = "Alba TCG.png",
        width = 398,
        subject = "Alba",
        subjectlink = "Alba",
        medium = "Concept art",
        sourcefile = "FFLWoLaD-Alba.png",
        element = "Lightning",
        cost = 3,
        type = "Backup",
        jpnjob = "闇の戦士",
        engjob = "Warrior of Darkness",
        jpntext = "アルバがフィールドに出たとき、フォワード1体を選ぶ。それのパワーが7000以下の場合、それをブレイクする。",
        engtext = "When Alba enters the field, choose 1 Forward. If it has 7000 power or less, break it.",
        copyyear = "2010-2012",
        source = "FFD"
    }, {
        id = "9-110R",
        chapter = 9,
        noinset = 110,
        rarity = "Rare",
        jpnname = "エグセニミル",
        romname = "Egusenimiru",
        ffwname = "Excenmille",
        image = "Excenmille TCG.png",
        width = 398,
        subject = "Excenmille",
        subjectlink = "Excenmille M Aurchiat",
        medium = "Screenshot",
        element = "Lightning",
        cost = 4,
        type = "Forward",
        jpnjob = "少年騎士",
        ffwjob = "The Young Griffons",
        jpntext = "リンク-雷(3)/火(3)/氷(3)//エグゼニミルがアイテムを装備している場合、あなたのコントロールするエグゼニミル以外のフォワードのパワーを+1000する。//あなたが【カード名(ラーアル)】をコントロールしている場合、エグゼニミルはヘイストを得る。",
        engtext = "Link - Lightning (3) / Fire (3) / Ice (3)//If Excenmille is equipped with an Item, the Forwards you control other than Excenmille gain +1000 power.//If you control [Card Name (Rahal)], Excenmille gains Haste.",
        power = 7000,
        copyyear = "2002-2013",
        source = "FFXI"
    }, {
        id = "9-111C",
        chapter = 9,
        noinset = 111,
        rarity = "Common",
        opus = "5-102C",
        jpnname = "学者",
        romname = "Gakusha",
        engname = "Scholar",
        image = "LunethScholar TCG.png",
        width = 398,
        subject = "Luneth",
        subjectlink = "Luneth",
        role = "Scholar",
        rolelink = "Scholar (Final Fantasy III)",
        medium = "Concept art",
        sourcefile = "Luneth-Scholar.png",
        element = "Lightning",
        cost = 2,
        genericcard = true,
        type = "Backup",
        jpnjob = "一般兵",
        engjob = "Standard Unit",
        jpntext = "[Dull]、学者をブレイクゾーンに置く:対戦相手のコントロールするアクティブ状態のフォワードを最大2体まで選ぶ。それらに3000ダメージを与える。",
        engtext = "[Dull], put Scholar into the Break Zone: Choose up to 2 active Forwards opponent controls. Deal them 3000 damage.",
        copyyear = "1990,2011,2012",
        source = "FFIII_PSP"
    }, {
        id = "9-112S",
        chapter = 9,
        noinset = 112,
        rarity = "Special Rare",
        jpnname = "ケット・シー[XI]",
        romname = "Ketto Shī [Erebun]",
        ffwname = "Cait Sith (XI)",
        image = "CaitSith XI TCG.png",
        width = 398,
        subject = "Cait Sith",
        subjectlink = "Cait Sith (Final Fantasy XI)",
        medium = "Screenshot",
        element = "Lightning",
        cost = 2,
        type = "Backup",
        jpnjob = "獣人",
        ffwjob = "Beastman",
        jpntext = "[Elementless][Elementless][Dull]:【ジョブ(一般兵)】のフォワード1枚をサーチし、手札に加える。//[Lightning][Lightning][Elementless][Elementless][Dull]:フォワード1枚をサーチし、手札に加える。//[action:召喚【アトモス】] [S][Dull]、すべてのキャラクターをブレイクゾーンに置く:このターンの後にあなたは追加の1ターンを行う。",
        ffwtext = "[Elementless][Elementless][Dull]: Search for 1 [Job (Standard Unit)] Forward and add it to your hand.//[Lightning][Lightning][Elementless][Elementless][Dull]: Search for 1 Forward and add it to your hand.//[action:Summon: Atomos] [S][Dull], put all Characters into the Break Zone: After this turn, take an extra turn.",
        copyyear = "2002-2013",
        source = "FFXI"
    }, {
        id = "9-113U",
        chapter = 9,
        noinset = 113,
        rarity = "Uncommon",
        jpnname = "さんごの剣",
        romname = "Sango no Tsurugi",
        litname = "Coral Sword",
        ffwname = "Coral Sword",
        image = "CoralSword TCG.png",
        width = 398,
        medium = "Artwork",
        subject = "FFIX Coral Sword",
        subjectlink = "List of Final Fantasy Artniks cards/Rank R#Coral Sword",
        sourcefile = "FF9 Coral Sword R+ Artniks.png",
        element = "Lightning",
        cost = 2,
        genericcard = true,
        type = "Weapon",
        jpnjob = "剣",
        ffwjob = "Sword",
        jpntext = "装備(フォワード)//さんごの剣を装備しているキャラクターのパワーを+2000する。装備しているキャラクターが雷属性の場合、追加でそれはヘイストを得る。//はずす-[0]",
        engtext = "Equipment (Forward)//The Character equipped with Coral Sword gains +2000 power. If it is a Lightning Character, it additionally gains Haste.//Remove - [0]",
        copyright = "GREE, Inc.",
        source = "Artniks"
    }, {
        id = "9-114U",
        chapter = 9,
        noinset = 114,
        rarity = "Uncommon",
        jpnname = "Gエリミネーター",
        romname = "Jī Eriminētā",
        ffwname = "G Eliminator",
        image = "GEliminator TCG.png",
        width = 398,
        subject = "G Eliminator",
        subjectlink = "G Eliminator",
        medium = "Concept art",
        sourcefile = "G Elliminator-ccvii-artwork.jpg",
        element = "Lightning",
        cost = 3,
        genericcard = true,
        type = "Monster",
        jpnjob = "Gコピー",
        ffwjob = "Genesis Copy",
        jpntext = "[Lightning]、Gエリミネーターをブレイクゾーンに置く:フォワード1体を選ぶ。それのコストがあなたのコントロールするバックアップの数以下の場合、それをブレイクする。//青魔法-[Lightning][Lightning][Lightning][Elementless][Elementless][Elementless]:フォワード1体を選ぶ。それをブレイクする。",
        ffwtext = "[Lightning], put G Eliminator into the Break Zone: Chosoe 1 Forward. If its cost is less than or equal to the number of Backups you control, break it.//Blue Magic - [Lightning][Lightning][Lightning][Elementless][Elementless][Elementless]: Choose 1 Forward. Break it.",
        copyyear = "2007",
        source = "VIICC"
    }, {
        id = "9-115C",
        chapter = 9,
        noinset = 115,
        rarity = "Common",
        reprint = "1-113C",
        jpnname = "召喚士",
        romname = "Shōkanshi",
        engname = "Summoner",
        image = "FFTCG Chapter 9-115C Summoner.png",
        width = 398,
        subject = "Male Summoner",
        subjectlink = "Summoner (Tactics)",
        medium = "Concept art",
        sourcefile = "FFTSummonerMale.png",
        element = "Lightning",
        cost = 1,
        genericcard = true,
        type = "Backup",
        jpnjob = "一般兵",
        engjob = "Standard Unit",
        jpntext = "",
        engtext = "",
        copyyear = "1997",
        source = "FFT"
    }, {
        id = "9-116C",
        chapter = 9,
        noinset = 116,
        rarity = "Common",
        jpnname = "神羅兵",
        romname = "Shinra-hei",
        litname = "Shinra Soldier",
        ffwname = "Shinra Troop",--from enemy name
        image = "ShinraTroop TCG.png",
        width = 398,
        subject = "Shinra Troop",
        subjectlink = "Shinra Troop",--we don't really have a page for the Shirna Army somehow
        medium = "Concept art",
        sourcefile = "CCSoldier.jpg",
        element = "Lightning",
        cost = 3,
        genericcard = true,
        type = "Forward",
        jpnjob = "一般兵",
        engjob = "Standard Unit",
        jpntext = "あなたが【カード名(ルーファウス)】か【ジョブ(ソルジャー)】をコントロールしている場合、あなたの手札にある神羅兵のコストは1減る(0にはならない)。//あなたのコントロールする【カード名(神羅兵)】1体につき、神羅兵のパワーは+1000される。",
        engtext = "If you control [Card Name (Rufus)] or a [Job (SOLDIER)], the cost required for Shinra Troop in your hand is reduced by 1 (it cannot become 0).//For each [Card Name (Shinra Troop)] you control, Shinra Troop gains +1000 power.",
        power = 5000,
        copyyear = "2007",
        source = "VIICC"
    }, {
        id = "9-117R",
        chapter = 9,
        noinset = 117,
        rarity = "Rare",
        jpnname = "スカリーG",
        romname = "Sukarī Jī",
        ffwname = "Shikaree G",
        image = "ShikareeG TCG.png",
        width = 398,
        subject = "Shikaree G",
        medium = "Screenshot",
        element = "Lightning",
        cost = 5,
        excard = true,
        type = "Forward",
        jpnjob = "罪狩りのミスラ",
        ffwjob = "Mithran Tracker",
        jpntext = "スカリーGがフィールドに出るかスカリーGがブレイクゾーンに置かれたとき、【カード名(スカリーG)】か【ジョブ(罪狩りのミスラ)】1枚をサーチし、手札に加えてもよい。",
        engtext = "When Shikaree G enters the field or Shikaree G is put into the Break Zone, you may search for 1 [Job (Mithran Tracker)] other than [Card Name (Shikaree G)] and add it your hand.",
        power = 8000,
        copyyear = "2002-2013",
        source = "FFXI",
    }, {
        id = "9-118C",
        chapter = 9,
        noinset = 118,
        rarity = "Common",
        jpnname = "戦士",
        romname = "Senshi",
        litname = "Warrior",
        engname = "Warrior",
        image = "ClavatWarrior3 TCG.png",
        width = 398,
        subject = "Female Clavat Warrior",
        subjectlink = "Warrior (My Life as a King)",
        medium = "Render",
        sourcefile = "Ffccking Clavat Warriors.png",
        element = "Lightning",
        cost = 3,
        genericcard = true,
        type = "Forward",
        jpnjob = "一般兵",
        engjob = "Standard Unit",
        jpntext = "戦士がブロックされたとき、ターン終了時までブロックしているフォワードのパワーを-2000する。",
        engtext = "When Warrior is blocked, the blocking Forward loses 2000 power until the end of the turn.",
        power = 6000,
        copyyear = "2003",
        source = "FFCC"
    }, {
        id = "9-119U",
        chapter = 9,
        noinset = 119,
        rarity = "Uncommon",
        jpnname = "ディアナ",
        romname = "Diana",
        ffwname = "Diana",
        image = "Diana TCG.png",
        width = 398,
        subject = "Diana",
        subjectlink = "Diana",
        medium = "Concept art",
        sourcefile = "FFLWoLaD-Diana.png",
        element = "Lightning",
        cost = 4,
        type = "Backup",
        jpnjob = "闇の戦士",
        engjob = "Warrior of Darkness",
        jpntext = "あなたのコントロールする雷属性のフォワードに先制攻撃を与える。//あなたがディアナ以外の【ジョブ(闇の戦士)】をコントロールしている場合、あなたのコントロールする雷属性のフォワードのパワーを+1000する。",
        engtext = "The Lightning Forwards you control gain First Strike.//If you control a [Job (Warrior of Darkness)] other than Diana, the Lightning Forwards you control gain +1000 power.",
        copyyear = "2010-2012",
        source = "FFD"
    }, {
        id = "9-120R",
        chapter = 9,
        noinset = 120,
        rarity = "Rare",
        jpnname = "バルバラ",
        romname = "Barubara",
        engname = "Barbara",
        image = "Barbara TCG.png",
        width = 398,
        subject = "Barbara",
        subjectlink = "Barabara",
        medium = "Concept art",
        sourcefile = "Barbara Sky.jpg",
        element = "Lightning",
        cost = 4,
        type = "Forward",
        jpnjob = "竜騎士",
        engjob = "Dragoon",
        jpntext = "[Lightning]:ターン終了時までバルバラのパワーを+2000する。このアビリティは1ターンに1度しか使えない。",
        engtext = "[Lightning]: Barbara gains +2000 power until the end of the turn.//You can only use this ability once per turn.",
        power = 7000,
        copyyear = "2010-2012",
        source = "FFD"
    }, {
        id = "9-121C",
        chapter = 9,
        noinset = 121,
        rarity = "Common",
        jpnname = "ブラッディアクトン",
        romname = "Buraddi Akuton",
        ffwname = "Bloody Aketon",
        image = "BloodyAketon TCG.png",
        width = 398,
        subject = "FFXI Bloody Aketon",
        subjectlink = "List of Final Fantasy Artniks cards/Rank R+#Bloody Aketon",
        medium = "Artwork",
        sourcefile = "FF11 Bloody Aketon R+ Artniks.png",
        element = "Lightning",
        cost = 1,
        genericcard = true,
        type = "Armor",
        jpnjob = "アクトン",
        ffwjob = "Aketon",
        jpntext = "装備(フォワード)//ブラッディアクトンを装備しているキャラクターがブロックしたとき、ターン終了時までそれにブロックされているフォワードのパワーを-2000する。//はずす-[0]",
        engtext = "Equipment (Forward)//When the Character equipped with Bloody Aketon blocks, the blocked Forward loses 2000 power until the end of the turn.//Remove - [0]",
        copyright = "GREE, Inc.",
        source = "Artniks"
    }, {
        id = "9-122C",
        chapter = 9,
        noinset = 122,
        rarity = "Common",
        jpnname = "モススラッシャー",
        romname = "Mosu Surasshā",
        litname = "Moss Slasher",
        ffwname = "Moth Slasher",
        image = "MothSlasher TCG.png",
        width = 398,
        subject = "Moth Slasher",
        subjectlink = "Moth Slasher (Crisis Core)",
        medium = "Concept art",
        sourcefile = "Moth Slasher-ccvii-artwork.jpg",
        element = "Lightning",
        cost = 2,
        genericcard = true,
        type = "Monster",
        jpnjob = "戦闘メカ",
        ffwjob = "Combat Mech",--TL not based on anything in-game
        jpntext = "[Lightning]:ターン終了時までモススラッシャーは先制攻撃を持つパワー6000のフォワードとしても扱う。",
        engtext = "Until the end of the turn, Moth Slasher also becomes a Forward with 6000 power and First Strike.",
        copyyear = "2007",
        source = "VIICC"
    }, {
        id = "9-123C",
        chapter = 9,
        noinset = 123,
        rarity = "Common",
        jpnname = "ラーアル",
        romname = "Rāaru",
        ffwname = "Rahal",
        image = "Rahal TCG.png",
        width = 398,
        subject = "Rahal",
        subjectlink = "Rahal S Lebrart",
        medium = "Screenshot",
        element = "Lightning",
        cost = 3,
        type = "Forward",
        jpnjob = "少年騎士",
        ffwjob = "The Young Griffons",
        jpntext = "ラーアルがアタックしたとき、ターン終了時まであなたのコントロールするすべての雷属性のフォワードのパワーを+2000する。",
        engtext = "When Rahal attacks, all Lightning Forwards you control gain +2000 power.",
        power = 5000,
        copyyear = "2002-2013",
        source = "FFXI"
    }, {
        id = "9-124U",
        chapter = 9,
        noinset = 124,
        rarity = "Uncommon",
        jpnname = "ラジュリーズ",
        romname = "Rajurīzu",
        ffwname = "Ragelise",
        image = "Ragelise TCG.png",
        width = 398,
        subject = "Ragelise",
        subjectlink = "Ragelise B Baloumat",
        medium = "Screenshot",
        element = "Lightning",
        cost = 5,
        type = "Forward",
        jpnjob = "冥護四衆",
        ffwjob = "Spitewarden",
        jpntext = "あなたのコントロールする【ジョブ(踊り子)】1体につき、ラジュリーズのパワーは+1000される。//[Dull]、【カード名(ポーシャ)】をダルにする:【カード名(リリゼット)】1枚をサーチし、手札に加える。このアビリティはあなたのターンにしか使えない。",
        engtext = "For each [Job (Dancer)] you control, Ragelise gains +1000 power.//[Dull], dull [Card Name (Portia)]: Search for 1 [Card Name (Lilisette)] and add it to your hand. You can only use this ability during your turn.",
        power = 8000,
        copyyear = "2002-2013",
        source = "FFXI"
    }, {
        id = "9-125R",
        chapter = 9,
        noinset = 125,
        rarity = "Rare",
        jpnname = "ラムウ",
        romname = "Ramū",
        engname = "Ramuh",
        image = "Ramuh2 TCG.png",
        width = 398,
        subject = "Ramuh",
        subjectlink = "Ramuh#Final Fantasy III",
        medium = "Concept art",
        sourcefile = "Ramuh amano.jpg",
        element = "Lightning",
        cost = 5,
        excard = true,
        type = "Summon",
        jpntext = "対戦相手のコントロールするアクティブ状態のフォワード1体を選ぶ。それに8000ダメージを与え、対戦相手のコントロールするそれと同じ属性のそれ以外のすべてのフォワードに4000ダメージを与える。",
        ffwtext = "Choose 1 active Forward opponent controls. Deal it 8000 damage and deal all Forwards opponent controls that share its Element other than it 4000 damage.",
        copyyear = "1990,2011,2012",
        source = "FFIII"
    }, {
        id = "9-126U",
        chapter = 9,
        noinset = 126,
        rarity = "Uncommon",
        imageopus = "5-117C",
        jpnname = "ラムウ",
        romname = "Ramū",
        engname = "Ramuh",
        image = "Ramuh3 TCG.png",
        width = 398,
        subject = "Ramuh",
        subjectlink = "Ramuh#Theatrhythm Final Fantasy",
        medium = "Sprite",
        element = "Lightning",
        cost = 2,
        excard = true,
        type = "Summon",
        jpntext = "コスト3以下のアクティブ状態のフォワード1体を選ぶ。それをブレイクする。",
        engtext = "Choose 1 active Forward of cost 3 or less. Break it.",
        copyyear = "2012",
        credits = "Developed by indieszero Co., Ltd.",
        source = "TFF"
    }, {
        id = "9-127C",
        chapter = 9,
        noinset = 127,
        rarity = "Common",
        jpnname = "竜騎士",
        romname = "Ryūkishi",
        litname = "Dragon Knight",
        engname = "Dragoon",
        image = "LunethDragoon TCG.png",
        width = 398,
        subject = "Luneth",
        subjectlink = "Luneth",
        role = "Dragoon",
        rolelink = "Dragoon (Final Fantasy III)",
        medium = "Concept art",
        sourcefile = "Luneth-Dragoon.png",
        element = "Lightning",
        cost = 3,
        genericcard = true,
        type = "Forward",
        jpnjob = "一般兵",
        engjob = "Standard Unit",
        jpntext = "[Lightning]:ターン終了時まで竜騎士のパワーを-1000し、ヘイストか先制攻撃を得る。",
        engtext = "[Lightning] Dragoon loses 1000 power and gains Haste until the end of the turn.",
        power = 7000,
        copyyear = "1996,2011,2012",
        source = "FFIII_PSP"
    }, {
        id = "9-128S",
        chapter = 9,
        noinset = 128,
        rarity = "Special Rare",
        opus = "8-109L",
        jpnname = "ルーファウス",
        romname = "Rūfausu",
        engname = "Rufus",
        image = "Rufus TCG.png",
        width = 398,
        subject = "Rufus",
        subjectlink = "Rufus Shinra",
        medium = "Promo art",
        sourcefile = "Rufus-reno-and-rude.jpg",
        element = "Lightning",
        cost = 4,
        type = "Forward",
        jpnjob = "プレジデント",
        ffwjob = "President",
        jpntext = "ルーファウスがフィールドに出たとき、【ジョブ(タークス)】1枚をサーチし、手札に加えてもよい。//対戦相手のコントロールするフォワードのパワーをあなたのコントロールする【ジョブ(タークス)】1体につき、-1000する。",
        engtext = "When Rufus enters the field, you may search for 1 [Job (Member of the Turks)] and add it to your hand.//For each [Job (Member of the Turks)] you control, Forwards opponent controls lose 1000 power.",
        power = 6000,
        copyyear = "2005,2009",
        source = "VIIAC_C"
    }, {
        id = "9-129R",
        chapter = 9,
        noinset = 129,
        rarity = "Rare",
        imageopus = "8-110R",
        jpnname = "レノ",
        romname = "Reno",
        engname = "Reno",
        image = "Reno TCG.png",
        width = 398,
        subject = "Reno",
        subjectlink = "Reno",
        medium = "Promo art",
        sourcefile = "Rufus-reno-and-rude.jpg",
        element = "Lightning",
        cost = 4,
        type = "Forward",
        jpnjob = "タークス",
        ffwjob = "Turks",
        jpntext = "あなたがフォワードの【カード名(ルード)】をコントロールしている場合、あなたの手札にあるレノのコストは2減る。//オーバードライブ([Lightning][Elementless])-レノがフィールドに出たとき、ターン終了時まで対戦相手のコントロールするすべてのフォワードのパワーを-4000する。",
        engtext = "If you control a [Card Name (Rude)] Forward, the cost required for Reno in your hand is reduced by 2.//Overdrive ([Lightning][Elementless]) - When Reno enters the field, all Forwards opponent controls lose 4000 power until the end of the turn.",
        power = 8000,
        copyyear = "2005,2009",
        source = "VIIAC_C"
    }, {
        id = "9-130C",
        chapter = 9,
        noinset = 130,
        rarity = "Common",
        jpnname = "レノ",
        romname = "Reno",
        engname = "Reno",
        image = "Reno2 TCG.png",
        width = 398,
        subject = "Reno",
        subjectlink = "Reno",
        medium = "Movie frame",
        sourcefile = "Reno3.jpg",
        element = "Lightning",
        cost = 1,
        type = "Backup",
        jpnjob = "タークス",
        engjob = "Member of the Turks",
        jpntext = "オーバードライブ([Elementless][Elementless])-レノがフィールドに出たとき、フォワード1体を選ぶ。それをダルにする。//[Lightning][Dull]:レノを手札に戻す。",
        engtext = "Overdrive ([Elementless][Elementless]) - When Reno enters the field, choose 1 Forward. Dull it.//[Lightning][Dull]: Return Reno to its owner's hand",
        copyyear = "2005,2009",
        source = "VIIAC_C"
    }, {
        id = "9-131U",
        chapter = 9,
        noinset = 131,
        rarity = "Uncommon",
        jpnname = "アトモス",
        romname = "Atomos",
        litname = "Atomos",
        engname = "Atomos",--Opus III
        image = "Atomos XI TCG.png",
        width = 398,
        subject = "Atomos",
        subjectlink = "Atomos (creature)#Final Fantasy XI",
        medium = "Screenshot",
        element = "Water",
        cost = 2,
        excard = true,
        type = "Summon",
        jpntext = "バックアップ以外のキャラクター1体を選ぶ。それをゲームから除外する。次の第1メインフェイズ開始時にそれをフィールドに出す。この効果によってフィールドに出たキャラクターのオートアビリティは発動しない。",
        ffwtext = "Choose 1 non-Backup Character. Remove it from the game. Play it onto the field at the beginning of the next Main Phase 1. This effect will not trigger the Character's auto-abilities.",
        copyyear = "2002-2013",
        source = "FFXI"
    }, {
        id = "9-132R",
        chapter = 9,
        noinset = 132,
        rarity = "Rare",
        jpnname = "アルス",
        romname = "Arusu",
        ffwname = "Alus",
        image = "Alus TCG.png",
        width = 398,
        subject = "Alus",
        subjectlink = "Alus Restor",
        medium = "Concept art",
        sourcefile = "Alus.jpg",
        element = "Water",
        cost = 5,
        type = "Backup",
        jpnjob = "王子",
        engjob = "Prince",
        ffwjob = "Royal Prince",--avoid overlap with 皇子
        ctxjob = "Prince",
        jpntext = "あなたの手札にあるアルスのコストは、あなたのコントロールする【ジョブ(一般兵)】1体につき1減る。//あなたのコントロールする【ジョブ(一般兵)】のフォワードのパワーを+1000する。",
        ffwtext = "The cost required for Alus in your hand is reduced by 1 for each [Job (Standard Unit)] you control.//[Job (Standard Unit)] Forwards you control gain +1000 power.",
        copyyear = "1990,2011,2012",
        source = "FFIII"
    }, {
        id = "9-133U",
        chapter = 9,
        noinset = 133,
        rarity = "Uncommon",
        jpnname = "アルテニア",
        romname = "Arutenia",
        ffwname = "Altennia",
        image = "Altennia TCG.png",
        width = 398,
        subject = "Altennia",
        medium = "Screenshot",
        element = "Water",
        cost = 4,
        type = "Backup",
        jpnjob = "騎士",
        engjob = "Knight",
        ctxjob = "Paladin",
        jpntext = "アルテニアがフィールドに出たとき、【カード名(エグゼニミル)】か【カード名(ラーアル)】1枚をサーチし、手札に加えてもよい。//[Water][Dull]:【ジョブ(騎士)】か【ジョブ(少年騎士)】のフォワード1体を選ぶ。ターン終了時までそれのパワーを+2000する。",
        engtext = "When Altennia enters the field, you may search for 1 [Card Name (Excenmille)] or [Card Name (Rahal)] and add it to your hand.//[Water][Dull]: Choose 1 [Job (Knight)] or [Job (The Young Griffons)] Forward. It gains +2000 power until the end of the turn.",
        copyyear = "2002-2013",
        source = "FFXI"
    }, {
        id = "9-134R",
        chapter = 9,
        noinset = 134,
        rarity = "Rare",
        jpnname = "エリア",
        romname = "Eria",
        engname = "Aria (III)",
        image = "Aria2 TCG.png",
        width = 398,
        subject = "Aria",
        subjectlink = "Aria Benett",
        medium = "Concept art",
        sourcefile = "FFIII Aria.jpg",
        element = "Water",
        cost = 3,
        type = "Backup",
        jpnjob = "水の巫女",
        ffwjob = "Maiden of Water",--Opus goes 巫女
        jpntext = "エリアがフィールドに出たとき、【ジョブ(光の戦士)】1枚をサーチし、手札に加えてもよい。",
        engtext = "When Aria (III) enters the field, you may search for 1 [Job (Warrior of Light)] and add it to your hand.",
        copyyear = "1990,2011,2012",
        source = "FFIII"
    }, {
        id = "9-135C",
        chapter = 9,
        noinset = 135,
        rarity = "Common",
        jpnname = "踊り子",
        romname = "Odoriko",
        engname = "Dancer",
        image = "Dancer2 XI TCG.png",
        width = 398,
        subject = "Female Tarutaru Dancer",
        subjectlink = "Dancer (Final Fantasy XI)",
        medium = "Screenshot",
        element = "Water",
        cost = 3,
        genericcard = true,
        type = "Forward",
        jpnjob = "一般兵",
        engjob = "Standard Unit",
        jpntext = "[Water][Elementless]:ターン終了時まで踊り子は自身のパワー未満のダメージを受けない。",
        engtext = "[Water][Elementless]: Dancer doesn't receive damage that is less than its power.",
        power = 7000,
        copyyear = "2002-2013",
        source = "FFXI"
    }, {
        id = "9-136R",
        chapter = 9,
        noinset = 136,
        rarity = "Rare",
        jpnname = "ガウェイン",
        romname = "Gawein",
        engname = "Gawain",
        image = "Gawain TCG.png",
        width = 398,
        subject = "Gawain",
        subjectlink = "Gawain",
        medium = "Concept art",
        sourcefile = "FF Legends Gawain Chapter.jpg",
        element = "Water",
        cost = 4,
        type = "Forward",
        jpnjob = "騎士",
        engjob = "Knight",
        ctxjob = "Paladin",
        jpntext = "あなたが【カード名(セーラ)】をコントロールしている場合、ガウェインはブレイブを得る。//アクティブ状態のガウェインにダメージが与えられる場合、代わりにそのダメージは1000少なくなる。",
        ffwtext = "If you control [Card Name (Sarah)], Gawain gains Brave.//If Gawain receives damage when active, the damage is reduced by 1000 instead.",
        power = 8000,
        copyyear = "2010-2012",
        source = "FFD"
    }, {
        id = "9-137C",
        chapter = 9,
        noinset = 137,
        rarity = "Common",
        jpnname = "学者",
        romname = "Gakusha",
        engname = "Scholar",
        image = "Scholar2 XI TCG.png",
        width = 398,
        subject = "Male Hume Scholar",
        subjectlink = "Scholar (Final Fantasy XI)",
        medium = "Screenshot",
        element = "Water",
        cost = 2,
        genericcard = true,
        type = "Backup",
        jpnjob = "一般兵",
        engjob = "Standard Unit",
        jpntext = "[Dull]:このターン、パーティを組んでいるフォワードにダメージが与えられる場合、代わりにそのダメージは2000少なくなる。",
        engtext = "[Dull]: If a Forward forming a party receives damage this turn, the damage is reduced by 2000 instead.",
        copyyear = "2002-2013",
        source = "FFXI"
    }, {
        id = "9-138C",
        chapter = 9,
        noinset = 138,
        rarity = "Common",
        reprint = "1-131C",
        jpnname = "幻術師",
        romname = "Genjutsushi",
        litname = "Illusionist",
        engname = "Evoker",
        image = "RefiaEvoker2 TCG.png",
        width = 398,
        subject = "Refia",
        subjectlink = "Refia",
        role = "Evoker",
        rolelink = "Evoker (Final Fantasy III)",
        medium = "Concept art",
        sourcefile = "Refia-Evoker.png",
        element = "Water",
        cost = 1,
        genericcard = true,
        type = "Backup",
        jpnjob = "一般兵",
        engjob = "Standard Unit",
        jpntext = "",
        engtext = "",
        copyyear = "1990,2011,2012",
        source = "FFIII_PSP"
    }, {
        id = "9-139U",
        chapter = 9,
        noinset = 139,
        rarity = "Uncommon",
        jpnname = "Gダイバー",
        romname = "Jī Daibā",
        ffwname = "G Diver",
        image = "GDiver TCG.png",
        width = 398,
        subject = "G Diver",
        subjectlink = "G Diver",
        medium = "Concept art",
        sourcefile = "G Diver-ccvii-artwork.jpg",
        element = "Water",
        cost = 1,
        genericcard = true,
        type = "Monster",
        jpnjob = "Gコピー",
        ffwjob = "Genesis Copy",
        jpntext = "[Water]、Gダイバーをブレイクゾーンに置く:すべてのプレイヤーは自分のコントロールするコスト3以下のフォワード1体をブレイクゾーンに置く。//青魔法-[Water][Water][Elementless][Elementless][Elementless]:すべてのプレイヤーは自分のコントロールするフォワード1体をブレイクゾーンに置く。",
        engtext = "[Water], put G Diver into the Break Zone: Both players put 1 Forward of cost 3 or less they control into the Break Zone.//Blue Magic - [Water][Water][Elementless][Elementless][Elementless]: Both players put 1 Forward they control into the Break Zone.", 
        copyyear = "2007",
        source = "VIICC"
    }, {
        id = "9-140U",
        chapter = 9,
        noinset = 140,
        rarity = "Uncommon",
        jpnname = "シェルシールド",
        romname = "Sheru Shīrudo",
        ffwname = "Shell Shield",
        image = "ShellShield TCG.png",
        width = 398,
        subject = "Shell Shield",
        medium = "Artwork",
        element = "Water",
        cost = 1,
        genericcard = true,
        type = "Armor",
        jpnjob = "盾",
        ffwjob = "Shield",
        jpntext = "装備(フォワード)//シェルシールドを装備しているキャラクターにダメージが与えられる場合、代わりにそのダメージは2000少なくなる。//はずす-[0]",
        engtext = "Equipment (Forward)//If the Character equipped with Shell Shield receives damage, the damage is reduced by 2000 instead.//Remove - [0]",
        copyright = "GREE, Inc.",
        source = "Artniks"
    }, {
        id = "9-141C",
        chapter = 9,
        noinset = 141,
        rarity = "Common",
        jpnname = "白魔道師",
        romname = "Shiro Madōshi",
        engname = "White Mage",
        ffwname = "White Mage (III)",
        image = "RefiaWhiteMage TCG.png",
        width = 398,
        subject = "Refia",
        subjectlink = "Refia",
        role = "White Mage",
        rolelink = "White Mage (Final Fantasy III)",
        medium = "Concept art",
        sourcefile = "Refia-WhiteMage.png",
        element = "Water",
        cost = 2,
        genericcard = true,
        type = "Backup",
        jpnjob = "一般兵",
        engjob = "Standard Unit",
        jpntext = "[Elementless][Dull]、白魔道師をブレイクゾーンに置く:フォワード1体を選ぶ。それをアクティブにする。このターン、次にそれに与えられるダメージを1000減らす。",
        engtext = "[Elementless][Dull], put White Mage into the Break Zone: Choose 1 Forward. Activate it. The next damage it receives this turn is reduced by 1000.",
        copyyear = "1990,2011,2012",
        source = "FFIII_PSP"
    }, {
        id = "9-142U",
        chapter = 9,
        noinset = 142,
        rarity = "Uncommon",
        imageopus = "7-113R",
        jpnname = "スティクス",
        romname = "Sutikusu",
        engname = "Styx",
        image = "Styx TCG.png",
        width = 398,
        subject = "Styx",
        subjectlink = "Styx",
        medium = "Concept art",
        sourcefile = "Ffl-char-styx.png",
        element = "Water",
        cost = 3,
        type = "Forward",
        jpnjob = "四将軍",
        engjob = "The Four Generals",
        jpntext = "スティクスが対戦相手の効果によって選ばれたとき、フォワード1体を選ぶ。このターン、それはアタックできずブロックできない。//[action:ローレライの悲涙] [S][Water][Water]:フォワード1体を選ぶ。それを手札に戻す。",
        engtext = "When Styx is chosen by your opponent's effects, choose 1 Forward. It cannot attack or block this turn.//[action:Lorelei's Tears] [S][Water][Water]: Choose 1 Forward. Return it to its owner's hand.",
        power = 7000,
        copyyear = "2010-2012",
        source = "FFD"
    }, {
        id = "9-143U",
        chapter = 9,
        noinset = 143,
        rarity = "Uncommon",
        jpnname = "セーラ",
        romname = "Sēra",
        ffwname = "Sarah",--in Opus she's "セーラ[FFD]" because Mobius
        image = "Sarah TCG.png",
        width = 398,
        subject = "Sarah",
        subjectlink = "Sarah (Dimensions)",
        medium = "Concept art",
        sourcefile = "FFLWoLaD-Sarah.png",
        element = "Water",
        cost = 5,
        type = "Forward",
        jpnjob = "光の戦士",
        engjob = "Warrior of Light",
        jpntext = "リンク-水(2)/氷(2)/風(2)//リンクによってフォワードがあなたのフィールドに出たとき、以下の3つから1つを選ぶ。「フォワード1体を選ぶ。それをアクティブにする。」「フォワード1体を選ぶ。それをダルにする。」「カードを1枚引く。」",
        ffwtext = "Link - Water (2) / Ice (2) / Wind (2)/When a Forward enters the field via Link, select 1 of the 3 following actions. Choose 1 Forward and activate it, choose 1 Forward and discard it, or draw 1 card.",--Liberty! usually if i encounter one of these that has multiple options which take more than a sentence, and use ja-quotes, i'll bullet them on their own lines. but since there's three here i merged the wording into one sentence each
        power = 7000,
        copyyear = "2010-2012",
        source = "FFD"
    }, {
        id = "9-144U",
        chapter = 9,
        noinset = 144,
        rarity = "Uncommon",
        imageopus = "8-038C",
        jpnname = "ソピアー",
        romname = "Sopiā",
        engname = "Sophia",
        image = "Sophia TCG.png",
        width = 398,
        subject = "Sophia",
        subjectlink = "Sophia (Dimensions)",
        medium = "Concept art",
        sourcefile = "Ffl-char-sophia.png",
        element = "Water",
        cost = 2,
        type = "Backup",
        jpnjob = "大長老",--different job in Opus
        ffwjob = "Great Elder",
        jpntext = "[Water][Elementless][Elementless][Dull]:フォワード1体を選ぶ。それと同じコストのあなたのコントロールするすべてのフォワードをアクティブにする。",
        ffwtext = "[Water][Elementless][Elementless][Dull]: Choose 1 Forward. Activate all Forwards of cost equal to the chosen Forward's that you control.",
        copyyear = "2010-2012",
        source = "FFD"
    }, {
        id = "9-145U",
        chapter = 9,
        noinset = 145,
        rarity = "Uncommon",
        jpnname = "ダスク",
        romname = "Dasuku",
        engname = "Dusk",
        image = "Dusk TCG.png",
        width = 398,
        subject = "Dusk",
        subjectlink = "Dusk",
        medium = "Concept art",
        sourcefile = "FFLWoLaD-Dusk.png",
        element = "Water",
        cost = 3,
        type = "Forward",
        jpnjob = "光の戦士",
        engjob = "Warrior of Light",
        jpntext = "[Water]:あなたのコントロールするフォワード1体を選ぶ。それをアクティブにする。このアビリティはあなたのターンに1度しか使えない。",
        ffwtext = "[Water]: Choose 1 Forward you control. Activate it. You can only use this ability once per turn of yours.",
        power = 7000,
        copyyear = "2010-2012",
        source = "FFD"
    }, {
        id = "9-146C",
        chapter = 9,
        noinset = 146,
        rarity = "Common",
        jpnname = "たまねぎ剣士",
        romname = "Tamanegi Kenshi",
        litname = "Onion Swordsman",
        ffwname = "Onion Knight",
        image = "RefiaOnionKnight TCG.png",
        width = 398,
        subject = "Refia",
        subjectlink = "Refia",
        role = "Onion Knight",
        rolelink = "Onion Knight (Final Fantasy III)",
        medium = "Concept art",
        sourcefile = "Refia-OnionKnight.png",
        element = "Water",
        cost = 2,
        genericcard = true,
        type = "Forward",
        jpnjob = "一般兵",
        engjob = "Standard Unit",
        jpntext = "たまねぎ剣士がフィールドに出たとき、フォワード1体を選ぶ。それのコストがあなたのブレイクゾーンにある【カード名(たまねぎ剣士)】の数以下の場合、それを手札に戻す。",
        ffwtext = "When Onion Knight enters the field, choose 1 Forward. If its cost is inferior or equal to the number of [Card Name (Onion Knight)] in your Break Zone, return it to its owner's hand.",
        power = 3000,
        copyyear = "1990,2011,2012",
        source = "FFIII_PSP"
    }, {
        id = "9-147C",
        chapter = 9,
        noinset = 147,
        rarity = "Common",
        jpnname = "導師",
        romname = "Dōshi",
        engname = "Devout",
        image = "ArcDevout TCG.png",
        width = 398,
        subject = "Arc",
        subjectlink = "Arc",
        role = "Devout",
        rolelink = "Devout (Final Fantasy III)",
        medium = "Concept art",
        sourcefile = "Arc-Devout.png",
        element = "Water",
        cost = 2,
        genericcard = true,
        type = "Forward",
        jpnjob = "一般兵",
        engjob = "Standard Unit",
        jpntext = "導師が対戦相手の効果によって選ばれたとき、あなたはカードを1枚引いてもよい。",
        engtext = "When Devout is chosen by your opponent's effects, you may draw 1 card.",
        power = 4000,
        copyyear = "1990,2011,2012",
        source = "FFIII_PSP"
    }, {
        id = "9-148C",
        chapter = 9,
        noinset = 148,
        rarity = "Common",
        jpnname = "ネックハンター",
        romname = "Nekku Hantā",
        litname = "Neck Hunter",
        ffwname = "Head Hunter",
        image = "HeadHunter TCG.png",
        width = 398,
        subject = "Head Hunter",
        subjectlink = "Head Hunter (Crisis Core)",
        medium = "Concept art",
        sourcefile = "Head Hunter-ccvii-artwork.jpg",
        element = "Water",
        cost = 2,
        genericcard = true,
        type = "Monster",
        jpnjob = "グラシュトライク",
        ffwjob = "Grashtrike",
        jpntext = "[Water]:ターン終了時までネックハンターは「ネックハンターがフィールドからブレイクゾーンに置かれたとき、対戦相手のコントロールするフォワード1体を選ぶ。ターン終了時までそれのパワーを-5000する。」を持つパワー3000のフォワードとしても扱う。",
        engtext = "[Water]: Until the end of the turn, Head Hunter also becomes a Forward with 3000 power and \"When Head Hunter is put from the field into the Break Zone, choose 1 Forward opponent controls. It loses 5000 power until the end of the turn.\"",
        copyyear = "2007",
        source = "VIICC"
    }, {
        id = "9-149C",
        chapter = 9,
        noinset = 149,
        rarity = "Common",
        jpnname = "バイキング",
        romname = "Baikingu",
        litname = "Viking",
        engname = "Viking",
        image = "ArcViking TCG.png",
        width = 398,
        subject = "Arc",
        subjectlink = "Arc",
        role = "Viking",
        rolelink = "Viking (Final Fantasy III)",
        medium = "Concept art",
        sourcefile = "Arc-Viking.png",
        element = "Water",
        cost = 2,
        genericcard = true,
        type = "Forward",
        jpnjob = "一般兵",
        engjob = "Standard Unit",
        jpntext = "バイキングがアタックするかブロックしたとき、カードを1枚引く。",
        engtext = "When Viking attacks or blocks, draw 1 card.",
        power = 1000,
        copyyear = "1990,2011,2012",
        source = "FFIII_PSP"
    }, {
        id = "9-150C",
        chapter = 9,
        noinset = 150,
        rarity = "Common",
        jpnname = "ポーシャ",
        romname = "Pōsha",
        ffwname = "Portia",
        image = "Portia TCG.png",
        width = 398,
        subject = "Portia",
        subjectlink = "Portia Fonteyn",
        medium = "Screenshot",
        element = "Water",
        cost = 2,
        type = "Backup",
        jpnjob = "踊り子",
        engjob = "Dancer",
        jpntext = "ポーシャがフィールドに出たとき、あなたが【カード名(ラジュリーズ)】をコントロールしている場合、【カード名(リリゼット)】1枚をサーチし、手札に加えてもよい。//あなたの手札にある【カード名(ラジュリーズ)】と【カード名(リリゼット)】のコストは1減る。",
        engtext = "When Portia enters the field, if you control [Card Name (Ragelise)], you may search for 1 [Card Name (Lilisette)] and add it to your hand.//The cost required for [Card Name (Ragelise)] and [Card Name (Lilisette)] in your hand is reduced by 1.",
        copyyear = "2002-2013",
        source = "FFXI"
    }, {
        id = "9-151C",
        chapter = 9,
        noinset = 151,
        rarity = "Common",
        reprint = "2-090C",
        jpnname = "魔界幻士",
        romname = "Makaigenshi",
        ffwname = "Summoner (III)",
        engname = "Summoner",
        image = "RefiaSummoner2 TCG.png",
        width = 398,
        subject = "Refia",
        subjectlink = "Refia",
        role = "Summoner",
        rolelink = "Summoner (Final Fantasy III)",
        medium = "Concept art",
        sourcefile = "Refia-Summoner.png",
        element = "Water",
        cost = 2,
        genericcard = true,
        type = "Backup",
        jpnjob = "一般兵",
        engjob = "Standard Unit",
        jpntext = "[Dull]、魔界幻士をブレイクゾーンに置く:コスト3以下の召喚獣1体を選ぶ。それの効果を無効にする。",
        engtext = "[Dull], put Summoner (III) into the Break Zone: Choose 1 Summon of cost 3 or less. Cancel its effect.",
        copyyear = "1990,2011,2012",
        source = "FFIII_PSP"
    }, {
        id = "9-152R",
        chapter = 9,
        noinset = 152,
        rarity = "Rare",
        jpnname = "ライラ",
        romname = "Raira",
        ffwname = "Laila",
        image = "Laila TCG.png",
        width = 398,
        subject = "Laila",
        medium = "Screenshot",
        element = "Water",
        cost = 4,
        type = "Forward",
        jpnjob = "団長",
        ffwjob = "Group Leader",
        jpntext = "ライラがフィールドに出たとき、【カード名(踊り子)】か【ジョブ(踊り子)】のカード1枚をサーチし、手札に加えてもよい。//[Dull]:【カード名(踊り子)】か【ジョブ(踊り子)】のフォワード1体を選ぶ。それをアクティブにする。",
        engtext = "When Laila enters the field, you may search for 1 [Card Name (Dancer)] or [Job (Dancer)] and add it to your hand.//[Dull]: Choose 1 [Card Name (Dancer)] or [Job (Dancer)] Forward. Activate it.",
        power = 5000,
        copyyear = "2002-2013",
        source = "FFXI"
    }, {
        id = "9-153R",
        chapter = 9,
        noinset = 153,
        rarity = "Rare",
        jpnname = "リヴァイアサン",
        romname = "Rivaiasan",
        litname = "Leviathan",
        engname = "Leviathan",
        image = "Leviathan4 TCG.png",
        width = 398,
        subject = "Leviathan",
        subjectlink = "Leviathan#Final Fantasy III",
        medium = "Concept art",
        sourcefile = "Leviathan.jpg",
        element = "Water",
        cost = 5,
        excard = true,
        type = "Summon",
        jpntext = "対戦相手のコントロールするフォワードを最大2体まで選ぶ。そのうち1体を手札に戻し、ターン終了時までもう1体のパワーを手札に戻したフォワードのコスト1につき、-1000する。",
        ffwtext = "Choose up to 2 Forwards opponent controls. You may return the first to their owner's hand, and the other loses 1000 power for each CP required to play the card returned to hand until the end of the turn.",--手札に戻した not in Opus
        copyyear = "1990,2011,2012",
        source = "FFIII"
    }, {
        id = "9-154C",
        chapter = 9,
        noinset = 154,
        rarity = "Common",
        jpnname = "リボン",
        romname = "Ribon",
        ffwname = "Ribbon",
        image = "Ribbon TCG.png",
        width = 398,
        subject = "FFVII Ribbon",--VII's a guess because it closely resembles the VII artwork. we don't have the Artniks card on wiki
        medium = "Artwork",
        element = "Water",
        cost = 1,
        genericcard = true,
        type = "Accessory",
        jpnjob = "リボン",
        ffwjob = "Ribbon",
        jpntext = "装備(フォワード)//リボンを装備しているキャラクターは、召喚獣によっては選ばれず召喚獣によってはダメージを受けない。//はずす-[0]",
        engtext = "Equipment (Forward)//The Character equipped with Ribbon cannot be chosen by Summons and cannot receive damage from Summons.//Remove - [0]",
        copyright = "GREE, Inc.",
        source = "Artniks"
    }, {
        id = "9-155S",
        chapter = 9,
        noinset = 155,
        rarity = "Special Rare",
        jpnname = "リリゼット",
        romname = "Ririzetto",
        ffwname = "Lilisette",
        image = "Lilisette TCG.png",
        width = 398,
        subject = "Lilisette",
        subjectlink = "Lilisette",
        medium = "Screenshot",
        element = "Water",
        cost = 3,
        type = "Forward",
        jpnjob = "踊り子",
        engjob = "Dancer",
        jpntext = "[Water][Elementless]:リリゼットをアクティブにする。//[Dull]:フォワード1体を選ぶ。このターン、次にそれに与えられるダメージを1000減らす。//[Elementless][Dull]:フォワード1体を選ぶ。ターン終了時までそれのパワーを-1000する。",
        engtext = "[Water][Elementless]: Activate Lilisette.//[Dull]: Choose 1 Forward. The next damage it receives is reduced by 1000.//[Elementless][Dull]: Choose 1 Forward. It loses 1000 power until the end of the turn.",
        power = 7000,
        copyyear = "2002-2013",
        source = "FFXI"
    }, {
        id = "9-156S",
        chapter = 9,
        noinset = 156,
        rarity = "Special Rare",
        jpnname = "レフィア",
        romname = "Refia",
        engname = "Refia",
        image = "Refia TCG.png",
        width = 398,
        subject = "Refia",
        subjectlink = "Refia",
        role = "White Mage",
        rolelink = "White Mage (Final Fantasy III)",
        medium = "Promo art",
        sourcefile = "Changing Jobs FFIII DS Yoshida Artwork.jpg",
        element = "Water",
        cost = 5,
        excard = true,
        type = "Forward",
        jpnjob = "光の戦士",
        engjob = "Warrior of Light",
        jpntext = "レフィアがフィールドに出たとき、コスト2以下のアイテムカード1枚をサーチし、手札に加えてもよい。//レフィアにアイテムが装備されている場合、レフィアのパワーを+1000し、「[Water]:レフィアをアクティブにする。」を得る。",
        engtext = "When Refia enters the field, you may search for 1 Item Card of cost 2 or less and add it to your hand. If Refia equips an Item, Refia gains +1000 power and \"[Water]: Activate Refia\".",
        power = 7000,
        copyyear = "1990,2011,2012",
        source = "FFIII_PSP"
    }, {
        id = "9-157S",
        chapter = 9,
        noinset = 157,
        rarity = "Special Rare",
        jpnname = "クラウド",
        romname = "Kuraudo",
        litname = "Cloud",
        engname = "Cloud",
        image = "Cloud3 TCG.png",
        width = 398,
        subject = "Cloud",
        subjectlink = "Cloud Strife",
        medium = "Promo art",
        sourcefile = "Cloud AC 2007 Art.jpg",
        altimage = "Cloud2 TCG.png",
        altwidth = 398,
        altsubject = "Cloud",
        altsubjectlink = "Cloud Strife",
        altmedium = "Promo art",
        altsourcefile = "Cg-promo07.jpg",
        element = "Light",
        cost = 4,
        type = "Forward",
        jpnjob = "闘う者",
        ffwjob = "One Who Fights",--so his name more literally means "Fight Person" or basically "Fighter". but the theme "Those Who Fight" is called 闘う者達 -- 達 essentially pluralises it. so "One Who Fights" is the singular form of "Those Who Fight". i imagine that's where the name comes from, don't know if it's said anywhere
        jpntext = "クラウドがアタックしたとき、ターン終了時までクラウドのパワーを+2000する。//[action:超究武神覇斬ver.5] [S]:フォワード1体を選ぶ。ターン終了時までそれはすべてのアビリティを失う。それをゲームから除外する。",
        engtext = "When Cloud attacks, Cloud gains +2000 power until the end of the turn.//[action:Omnislash ver. 5] [S]: Choose 1 Forward. It loses all its abilities until the end of the turn. Remove it from the game.",
        power = 8000,
        copyyear = "2005,2009",
        source = "VIIAC_C"
    }, {
        id = "9-158R",
        chapter = 9,
        noinset = 158,
        rarity = "Rare",
        jpnname = "サラ",
        romname = "Sara",
        ffwname = "Sara",
        image = "Sara TCG.png",
        width = 398,
        subject = "Sara",
        subjectlink = "Sara Altney",
        medium = "Concept art",
        sourcefile = "FFIII Sara.jpg",
        element = "Light",
        cost = 2,
        type = "Backup",
        jpnjob = "王女",
        engjob = "Princess",
        ffwjob = "Royal Princess",--avoid conflict with 姫
        ctxjob = "Princess",
        jpntext = "サラをフィールドに出す場合、闇属性以外の属性1つを指定する。サラはその属性になる(この効果はターン終了時に終わらない)。//[Dull]:あなたのコントロールするフォワード1体を選ぶ。このターン、次にそれに与えられるダメージを2000減らす。",
        ffwtext = "When Sara enters the field, name 1 Element other than Dark. Sara becomes that Element (this effect does not end at the end of the turn).//[Dull]: Chose 1 Forward you control. The next damage it receives is reduced by 2000.",
        copyyear = "1990,2011,2012",
        source = "FFIII"
    }, {
        id = "9-159R",
        chapter = 9,
        noinset = 159,
        rarity = "Rare",
        jpnname = "レオ",
        romname = "Reo",
        engname = "Leo",
        image = "Leo2 TCG.png"  ,
        width = 398,
        subject = "Leo",
        subjectlink = "King Leo (Crystal Chronicles)",
        medium = "Concept art",
        sourcefile = "FFCC-littlekingleo.png",
        element = "Light",
        cost = 2,
        type = "Backup",
        jpnjob = "王",
        engjob = "King",
        jpntext = "[X][Dull]:コスト[X]以下の【ジョブ(一般兵)】1枚をサーチし、手札に加える。//あなたの第1メインフェイズ開始時にあなたが【ジョブ(一般兵)】を10体以上コントロールしている場合、あなたはこのゲームに勝利する。",
        ffwtext = "[X][Dull]: Search for 1 [Job (Standard Unit)] of cost [X] or less and add it to your hand.//If you control 10 or more [Job (Standard Unit)] cards at the beginning of your Main Phase 1, you win the game.",--or "A WINRAR IS YOU"
        copyyear = "2008",
        source = "CCMLaaK"
    }, {
        id = "9-160R",
        chapter = 9,
        noinset = 160,
        rarity = "Rare",
        jpnname = "暗闇の雲",
        romname = "Kurayami no Kumo",
        engname = "Cloud of Darkness",
        image = "CloudOfDarkness TCG.png",
        width = 398,
        subject = "Cloud of Darkness",
        subjectlink = "Cloud of Darkness",
        medium = "Concept art",
        sourcefile = "Amano cod.jpg",
        element = "Dark",
        cost = 3,
        type = "Forward",
        jpnjob = "妖魔",
        engjob = "Wraith",
        jpntext = "オーバードライブ([Elementless][Elementless][Elementless][Elementless])-暗闇の雲がフィールドに出たとき、対戦相手は自分のコントロールするフォワード1体をブレイクゾーンに置く。//[Elementless][Elementless][Elementless][Elementless][Elementless]:対戦相手は自分のコントロールするキャラクター1体をブレイクゾーンに置く。",
        engtext = "Overdrive ([Elementless][Elementless][Elementless][Elementless]) - When Cloud of Darkness enters the field, your opponent puts 1 Forward he/she controls into the Break Zone.//[Elementless][Elementless][Elementless][Elementless][Elementless]: Your opponent puts 1 Character he/she controls into the Break Zone.",
        power = 6000,
        copyyear = "1990,2011,2012",
        source = "FFIII"
    }, {
        id = "9-161S",
        chapter = 9,
        noinset = 161,
        rarity = "Special Rare",
        jpnname = "セフィロス",
        romname = "Sefirosu",
        engname = "Sephiroth",
        image = "Sephiroth TCG.png",
        width = 398,
        subject = "Sephiroth",
        subjectlink = "Sephiroth (Final Fantasy VII)",
        medium = "Promo art",
        sourcefile = "Sephiroth AC CGI artwork.jpg",
        element = "Dark",
        cost = 8,
        type = "Forward",
        jpnjob = "片翼の天使",
        ffwjob = "One-Winged Angel",--like Cloud, this job comes from music
        jpntext = "セフィロスがフィールドに出たとき、キャラクター1体を選ぶ。それをゲームから除外する。//セフィロスがフィールドから離れる場合、代わりにゲームから除外される。//同じ属性を持つキャラクター3体をゲームから除外する:セフィロスをフィールドに出す。このアビリティはセフィロスがゲームから除外されている場合にしか使えない。",
        engtext = "When Sephiroth enters the field, choose 1 Character. Remove it from the game.//If Sephiroth leaves the field, remove Sephiroth from the game instead.//Remove 3 Characters of the same Element from the game: Play Sephiroth onto the field. You can only use this ability if Sephiroth is removed from the game.",
        power = 8000,
        copyyear = "2005,2009",
        source = "VIIAC_C"
    }, {
        id = "9-162R",
        chapter = 9,
        noinset = 162,
        rarity = "Rare",
        opus = "6-016H",
        jpnname = "ダークロード",
        romname = "Dāku Rōdo",
        engname = "Dark Lord",
        image = "Darklord TCG.png",
        width = 398,
        subject = "Dark Lord",
        subjectlink = "Darklord Craydall",
        medium = "Concept art",
        sourcefile = "FFCC-king-DarkLord.jpg",
        element = "Dark",
        cost = 2,
        type = "Backup",
        jpnjob = "王",
        engjob = "King",
        jpntext = "[X][X][Dull]:対戦相手がコントロールするコスト[X]以下の【ジョブ(一般兵)】1体を選ぶ。それをゲームから除外する。//あなたの第1メインフェイズ開始時にダークロードの効果によってゲームから除外されているキャラクターカードが5枚以上の場合、対戦相手はこのゲームに敗北する。",
        ffwtext = "[X][X][Dull]: Choose 1 [Job (Standard Unit)] opponent controls of cost [X] or less. Remove it from the game.//If 5 or more Character cards have been removed by Dark Lord's effects at the beginning of your Main Phase 1, your opponent loses the game.",
        copyyear = "2008",
        source = "CCMLaaK"