Minotaur is a boss in Final Fantasy V. He is found in the Fork Tower, guarding the Holy spell. In the Finest Fantasy for Advance and the now-discontinued 2013 versions, Minotaur is also fought in the Sealed Temple's Cloister of the Dead.
The party cannot use any form of magic. This makes Black, White, Red, Blue, Spellblade, Summon, and Sing useless. Minotaur only uses physical attacks. He absorbs the holy element. Once Minotaur has lost all his HP, he will try to cast Holy as a final attack, but will fail since he does not have any MP. He can still perform Holy at the end of the battle, if the player gives him an Ether.
Minotaur is a fight best suited to the party's hardest-hitting physical attackers. The party should not have the Excalibur or Holy Lance equipped. The easiest strategy is to have Ninjas or Monks who know the Guard skill. The Ninjas can cast Image so Minotaur cannot hit them, and the party can just throw items for high damage. The Monks can guard repeatedly to nullify all physical damage, and since Minotaur uses only physical attacks, he will be unable to do harm, letting the Monk's automatic counterattacks finish him off.
The battle will end immediately if a Ninja throws the Assassin Dagger, but this is only recommended if the player has another way of defeating the charging form of Twintania.
This battle can be simply taken on with a character who has the Blood Sword equipped and the Rapid Fire command. Zeninage also works well, and the Samurai who have it also come with innate Shirahadori that provides some protection against physical attacks.
If the player feels unsure of the party's defensive capacity, a party member with the Healing Staff equipped may be brought, since it restores HP without using magic.
Wearing a Mirage Vest would also enable the player to refresh their image status by changing weapons mid-battle.
Other appearances[]
Pictlogica Final Fantasy[]

Final Fantasy Record Keeper[]

Other media[]
The Brothers Guardian Force in Final Fantasy VIII is based on Minotaur and Sekhmet from Final Fantasy V.
Minotaur was a creature from Greek mythology with the head of a bull and the body of a man. He is descended from the union of the Queen of Crete and a white bull. He roamed the Labyrinth, where he hunted and killed a tribute of young men and women until he was slain by Theseus.