Breastplate that provides a 25% bonus to maximum MP.
The Minerva Bustier, also known as the Minerva,[1][2] is a female-exclusive piece of armor in in Final Fantasy VI. One of the strongest armor pieces in the game, the Minerva Bustier provides a number of bonuses, including nullifying or resisting all elements. The armor can be equipped only by Terra and Celes, and is their best armor piece in the game. Despite being female, Relm cannot equip it, likely because the armor is meant for adults.
Minerva Bustier can be stolen or dropped from Tonberries (as fought in Yeti's Cave), stolen from Goddess, found in Kefka's Tower, and won in the Dragon's Neck Coliseum by betting the Regal Gown. Because Regal Gown is less valuable than Minerva Bustier (as the Behemoth Suit is much more valuable for Relm), it is better to bet it for a Minerva Bustier.
The player should aim to obtain two Minerva Bustiers, where one can be obtained easily by betting the Regal Gown, and the second should be obtained from the Tonberries battle.
The Minerva Bustier's bonuses include a 25% bonus to maximum MP, a +1 Strength and Stamina, +2 Speed, and +4 Magic. The armor nullifies Fire, Ice, Lightning, and Wind-elemental damage, while halving damage from the Earth, Water, Poison, and Holy elements.
The Minerva Bustier is not compatible with the Merit Award.
When acquired, Minerva Bustier is the best piece of armor for both Terra and Celes. Its immense elemental resistance, and strong defensive stats, mean the armor provides excellent protection with no major drawbacks. It boosts the stats that both party members require: the +2 Speed is valuable, while the MP and Magic stat improve their already strong spellcasting prowess.
The Minerva Bustier can be combined well with the Mystery Veil, which provides a +3 Magic and +1 Speed, further improving Terra and Celes as spellcasters. Beyond this, they can equip relics that improve their spellcasting prowess, or that provide status resistance, as Minerva Bustier provides solid protection in other cases.
The Minerva Bustier nullifying fire means that Terra and Celes can use Meltdown, dealing immense damage to the enemy without damaging themselves. If they wish to fully absorb the spell so they are healed by it, Flame Shield or Paladin's Shield can be used; given that Minerva Bustier provides such strong elemental protection already, this is typically overkill and Flame Shield should be prioritized to other members of the party first.
Minerva is the Roman pantheon equivalent to the Greek goddess Athena. Her name is thought to be a mishearing and a corruption of the Latin word mens, meaning "mind".