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It takes a combination of knowledge, experience, and instinct to know where to dig. Yet it's ultimately backbreaking labor that yields you your prize.


The Miner is a Disciple of the Land in Final Fantasy XIV.


Miners are responsible for the excavation and handling of Eorzea's mineral wealth, be it ores, fossils, precious stones, or otherwise. To fully master the advanced techniques developed by the great mining nation of Ul'dah, they undertake a wide range of tasks, from the meticulous prospecting of the most minute deposits to large-scale civil engineering. Many miners subscribe to the theory of continental drift, and take for their patron deity Oschon the Wanderer.


Miners specialize in the excavation and handling of the land's abundant mineral resources. Their most eager customers are the realm's blacksmiths and goldsmiths. The Miners' Guild welcomes adventurers with open arms, as adventurers are well traveled, which serves to expand the guild's sphere of activity.


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FFXIV Shadowbringers Miner

A roegadyn miner with the Minefiend's Pickaxe and armor.

Miners use pickaxes as their primary tool and sledgehammers as their secondary. Their armor is primarily made up of "Gathering" gear that they share with other disciples of the land. Gathering gear provides bonuses to the gathering, perception, and GP attributes. The Gathering and perception attributes, respectively, improve the chance of gathering an item and the chance of receiving a high quality version of said item. GP is the resource they use in place of MP for their abilities.

Lists of miner equipment

Miner's Tools Miner's Tools (Primary|Secondary)

Head Head
Body Body
Hands Hands
Waist Waist
Legs Legs
Feet Feet

Earrings Earrings
Necklaces Necklaces
Bracelets Bracelets
Rings Rings


Class actions[]

Action Level GP Cost Recast
Prospect from Final Fantasy XIV icon
Survey the landscape to locate mineral deposits and rocky outcrops.
Lay of the Land
Lay of the Land from Final Fantasy XIV icon
3 20s
Survey the landscape to locate the nearest mineral deposit or rocky outcrop within skill range. Can only execute while Prospect is active.
Duration: 15s
Sharp Vision
Sharp Vision from Final Fantasy XIV icon
4 50
Increases the chance of obtaining items while gathering by 5%. Does not apply to items at 0%.
Sharp Vision II
Sharp Vision II from Final Fantasy XIV icon
5 100
Increases the chance of obtaining items while gathering by 15%. Does not apply to items at 0%.
Lay of the Land II
Lay of the Land II from Final Fantasy XIV icon
5 20s
Survey the landscape to locate the highest-level mineral deposit or rocky outcrop within skill range. Can only execute while Prospect is active.
Duration: 15s
Sneak MIN from Final Fantasy XIV icon
Tread quietly, enabling you to avoid enemies up to four levels above your own.
Sharp Vision III
Sharp Vision III from Final Fantasy XIV icon
10 250
Increases the chance of obtaining items while gathering by 50%. Does not apply to items at 0%.
Mountaineer's Gift I
Mountaineer's Gift I from Final Fantasy XIV icon
15 50
Increases the chance of triggering Gatherer's Boon by 10%. Does not apply to items at 0%.
The Twelve's Bounty
The Twelve's Bounty MIN from Final Fantasy XIV icon
20 150
Increases elemental shard yields by 2.
Cannot be executed if the gathering node does not yield shards.
Clear Vision
Clear Vision from Final Fantasy XIV icon
23 50
Increases the chance of obtaining items on your next gathering attempt by 15%. Does not apply to items at 0%.
Bountiful Yield
Bountiful Yield from Final Fantasy XIV icon
24 100
Increases the number of items obtained on your next gathering attempt by one.
Solid Reason
Solid Reason from Final Fantasy XIV icon
25 300
Grants another gathering attempt. When gathering collectables, restores 1 integrity.
King's Yield
King's Yield from Final Fantasy XIV icon
30 400
Increases the number of items obtained when gathering by one.
King's Yield II
King's Yield II from Final Fantasy XIV icon
40 500
Increases the number of items obtained when gathering by two.
Truth of Mountains
Truth of Mountains from Final Fantasy XIV icon
Further survey the landscape to uncover unspoiled, legendary, and clouded mineral deposits and rocky outcrops.
Collect MIN from Final Fantasy XIV icon
50 Complete quest "Inscrutable Tastes"
Gathers a collectable item with its current collectability rating. Reduced integrity by 1.
Scour from Final Fantasy XIV icon
50 Complete quest "Inscrutable Tastes"
Increases collectability of an item. Increase is determined by your gathering rating.
Reduces integrity by 1.
Brazen Prospector
Brazen Prospector from Final Fantasy XIV icon
50 Complete quest "Inscrutable Tastes"
Increases the collectability of an item. Increase is a random amount ranging from 50% to 150% of the effectiveness of Scour.
Reduces integrity by 1.
Meticulous Prospector
Meticulous Prospector from Final Fantasy XIV icon
50 Complete quest "Inscrutable Tastes"
Increases collectability of an item. Increase is 75% of the effectiveness of Scour.
Reduces integrity by 1. There is a chance integrity is unaffected, determined by your gathering rating.
Scrutiny from Final Fantasy XIV icon
50 Complete quest "Inscrutable Tastes" 200
Improves next item collectability increase. Effect is determined by your perception rating.
Mountaineer's Gift II
Mountaineer's Gift II from Final Fantasy XIV icon
50 100
Increases the chance of triggering Gatherer's Boon by 30%. Does not apply to items at 0%. Effect cannot be stacked with Mountaineer's Gift I.
Bountiful Yield II
Bountiful Yield II from Final Fantasy XIV icon
68 Complete quest "Where the Money Takes You" 100
Increases the number of items obtained on your next gathering attempt by one, two, or three. Number determined by your gathering rating.
The Giving Land
The Giving Land MIN from Final Fantasy XIV icon
74 200 180s
Increases elemental shard, crystal, and cluster yields by a random amount.
Effect can be stacked with The Twelve's Bounty.
Cannot be executed if the gathering node does not yield shards, crystals, or clusters.
Nald'thal's Tidings
Nald'thal's Tidings from Final Fantasy XIV icon
81 200
Increases item yield from Gatherer's Boon by 1.
Collector's Focus
Collector's Focus MIN from Final Fantasy XIV icon
85 Complete quest "Inscrutable Tastes" 100
Increases the chance to trigger Collector's Intuition by 75% on your next collectable action.
Wise to the World
Wise to the World MIN from Final Fantasy XIV icon
Grants another gathering attempt. When gathering collectables, restores 1 integrity. Can only be executed while under the effect of Eureka Moment.


Action Level Description
Auto Prospect
Auto Prospect from Final Fantasy XIV icon
2 Automatically activates Triangulate upon changing your class to botanist.
Stone Whisperer
Stone Whisperer from Final Fantasy XIV icon
11 Allows you to better identify the characteristics of a mineral deposit or rocky outcrop, improving gathering rate when conditions are met.
Stone Whisperer II
Stone Whisperer II from Final Fantasy XIV icon
16 Allows you to better identify the characteristics of a mineral deposit or rocky outcrop, increasing gathering attempts when conditions are met.
Stone Whisperer III
Stone Whisperer III from Final Fantasy XIV icon
21 Allows you to better identify the characteristics of a mineral deposit or rocky outcrop, improving HQ gathering rate when conditions are met.
Stone Whisperer IV
Stone Whisperer IV from Final Fantasy XIV icon
26 Allows you to better identify the characteristics of a mineral deposit or rocky outcrop, improving yield when conditions are met.
Auto Sneak
Auto Sneak from Final Fantasy XIV icon
27 Automatically activates Sneak upon changing your class to miner. Effect is also automatically activated upon changing areas.
Enhanced Twelve's Bounty
Enhanced Twelve's Bounty from Final Fantasy XIV icon
41 The Twelve's Bounty now extends to crystals.
Nymeia's Ward
Nymeia's Ward from Final Fantasy XIV icon
42 Occasionally increases yield for items without HQ versions. Conditions for increase can be confirmed by using Preparation.
Enhanced Twelve's Bounty II
Enhanced Twelve's Bounty II from Final Fantasy XIV icon
50 The Twelve's Bounty now extends to clusters.
Stone Whisperer V
Stone Whisperer V from Final Fantasy XIV icon
53 Complete quest "Sellspade" Allows you to better identify the characteristics of a mineral deposit or rocky outcrop, further improving chances of enhanced gathering when conditions are met.
One with the Mountain
One with the Mountain from Final Fantasy XIV icon
60 Automatically activates Truth of Mountains upon changing your class to botanist.
Bountiful Yield Mastery
Bountiful Yield Mastery from Final Fantasy XIV icon
68 Complete quest "Where the Money Takes You" Upgrades Bountiful Harvest to Bountiful Harvest II.
Enhanced GP Regeneration
Enhanced GP Regeneration MIN from Final Fantasy XIV icon
70 Complete quest "A Miner Success" Raises base GP regeneration rate by one.
Enhanced Twelve's Bounty III
Enhanced Twelve's Bounty III from Final Fantasy XIV icon
71 Increases the base yield of The Twelve's Bounty by one.
Enhanced GP Regeneration II
Enhanced GP Regeneration II MIN from Final Fantasy XIV icon
80 Raises base GP regeneration rate by a total of two. When gathering, raises base regeneration rate by one.
Enhanced GP Regeneration III
Enhanced GP Regeneration III MIN from Final Fantasy XIV icon
83 Raises base GP regeneration rate by a total of three. When gathering, raises base regeneration rate by one.
Enhanced Solid Reason
Enhanced Solid Reason from Final Fantasy XIV icon
90 Adds to Solid Reason a 50% chance that you will be granted Eureka Moment.

Removed actions[]

The following abilities have been removed. Removed abilities will still appear on the hotbar, their icon greyed out icon with a red strikethrough. They will have no effect and must be removed by the player. The given statistics represent their last form before their removal.

Action Level GP Cost Recast
Stealth MIN from Final Fantasy XIV icon
Conceal yourself and tread quietly, reducing movement speed, but enabling you to avoid enemies level 20 and below.

Removed in patch 5.1.

Preparation MIN from Final Fantasy XIV icon
Reveals the conditions for obtaining HQ items while gathering.

Removed in patch 6.0.

Unearth from Final Fantasy XIV icon
15 100
Increases the chance of obtaining HQ items while gathering by 10%. Does not increase chances for items which start at 0%.

Removed in patch 6.0.

Byregot's Ward
Byregot's Ward from Final Fantasy XIV icon
20 400
Increases lightning shard yield by two.

Removed in patch 5.1.

Nald'thal's Ward
Nald'thal's Ward from Final Fantasy XIV icon
20 400
Increases fire shard yield by two.

Removed in patch 5.1.

Thaliak's Ward
Thaliak's Ward from Final Fantasy XIV icon
20 400
Increases water shard yield by two.

Removed in patch 5.1.

Deep Vigor
Deep Vigor from Final Fantasy XIV icon
Increases the chance of obtaining regular or HQ items to 100%. Does not apply to items at 0%. Can only be activated after chain #4.

Removed in patch 6.0.

Unearth II
Unearth II from Final Fantasy XIV icon
35 300
Increases the chance of obtaining HQ items while gathering by 30%. Does not increase chances for items which start at 0%.

Cannot be used with Unearth.

Removed in patch 6.0.

Toil of the Mountaineer
Toil of the Mountaineer from Final Fantasy XIV icon
50 300
Renders all out-of-reach items reachable.

Removed in patch 5.1.

Collector's Glove
Collector's Glove MIN from Final Fantasy XIV icon
Utilize your expansive knowledge of mining to uncover collectables amongst regular items.

Removed in patch 5.4.

Methodical Appraisal
Methodical Appraisal MIN from Final Fantasy XIV icon
Appraise a gathering node for collectables.

Increases item rarity by perception x1.
Increases item wear by 10.
Uses one gathering attempt.

Removed in patch 5.4.

Discerning Eye
Discerning Eye MIN from Final Fantasy XIV icon
50 200
Improves next item rarity increase by 50%.

Removed in patch 5.4.

Instinctual Appraisal
Instinctual Appraisal MIN from Final Fantasy XIV icon
Appraise a gathering node for collectables.

Increases item rarity by perception x0.8-1.5.
Increases item wear by 10.
Uses one gathering attempt.

Removed in patch 5.4.

Utmost Caution
Utmost Caution MIN from Final Fantasy XIV icon
51 200
Reduces next item wear increase by 10.

Removed in patch 5.4.

Deep Breath
Deep Breath MIN from Final Fantasy XIV icon
52 300
Nullifies item wear increase for one of the next three appraisal attempts.

Removed in patch 4.0.

Impulsive Appraisal
Impulsive Appraisal MIN from Final Fantasy XIV icon
Appraise a gathering node for collectables.

Increases item rarity by perception x0.9.
Increases item wear by 10.

Additional Effect: 30% chance Discerning Eye activates

Uses one gathering attempt.

Removed in patch 5.4.

Luck of the Mountaineer
Luck of the Mountaineer from Final Fantasy XIV icon
55 Complete quest "The Same Vein"
Uncovers a gathering node's hidden items. Can only be executed after HQ chain #2.

Removed in patch 6.0.

Single Mind
Single Mind MIN from Final Fantasy XIV icon
57 200
Execute an appraisal without using a gathering attempt.

Removed in patch 5.4.

Dredge from Final Fantasy XIV icon
58 Complete quest "Digging Deeper" 100
Increases the chance of obtaining an HQ item on your next gathering attempt by 10%. Does not increase chances for items which start at 0%.

Removed in patch 6.0.

Last Ditch
Last Ditch MIN from Final Fantasy XIV icon
59 50
Increases the collectability of an item. Can only be executed when item wear is beyond its maximum.

Removed in patch 4.0.

Dredge II
Dredge II from Final Fantasy XIV icon
60 Complete quest "The Hole Truth" 200
Increases the chance of obtaining an HQ item on your next gathering attempt by 20%. Does not increase chances for items which start at 0%.

Removed in patch 6.0.

Impulsive Appraisal II
Impulsive Appraisal II MIN from Final Fantasy XIV icon
Appraise a gathering node for collectables.

Increases item rarity by perception x0.9. Increases item wear by 10.

Additional Effect: 30% - 100% chance Discerning Eye activates

Percentage determined by your perception rating.
Uses one gathering attempt.

Removed in patch 5.4.

Unearth III
Unearth III from Final Fantasy XIV icon
63 Complete quest "Thick Skin" 300
Increases the chance of obtaining HQ items while gathering by 30% - 100%. Increase is determined by your perception rating. Does not increase chances for items which start at 0%.

Cannot be used with Unearth.

Removed in patch 6.0.

Nald'thal's Counsel
Nald'thal's Counsel from Final Fantasy XIV icon
67 10
Increases the chance of obtaining an HQ item on your next gathering attempt. Increase is random and is only overwritten if the value is higher than the current one. Does not increase chances for items which start at 0%.

Can be used with any action that increases chance of obtaining an HQ item.

Removed in patch 6.0.

Stickler MIN from Final Fantasy XIV icon
Appraise a gathering node for collectables.

Increases item rarity by perception x0.5.
Does not affect item wear. Can only be used once on a single gathering node.
Uses one gathering attempt.

Removed in patch 5.4.

Pick Clean
Pick Clean MIN from Final Fantasy XIV icon
77 250
Reduces the chance of obtaining HQ items to 0% but increases item yield by up to three. Number determined by your perception rating.
Does not increase item yield if all gathering node items start at 0%.

Removed in patch 6.0.

Mind of the Mountaineer
Mind of the Mountaineer from Final Fantasy XIV icon
78 300
Increases the chance of obtaining items while gathering by 10%, while increasing the chance of obtaining HQ items by 20%. Does not increase chances for items which start at 0%.

Removed in patch 6.0.

Other appearances[]

Final Fantasy Trading Card Game[]

Miner appears in Final Fantasy Trading Card Game as Earth-elemental Backup cards.

Behind the scenes[]

An NPC in the quests for the Miner's Guild will mistakenly call players by the wrong name at least twice depending on their race. Midlander Hyur will be called "Cloud" and "Tidus". Miqo'te will be called "Quina" and "Aerith". All are characters from previous Final Fantasy games.


External links[]
