Casts Protect, Shell, and Levitate on all allies.
Mighty Guard, also known as Guardian, is a Blue Magic spell in Final Fantasy V. It grants the protect, shell, and float statuses to the entire party in one turn, making it a very turn-efficient way to protect the whole team.
The spell can also be used by catching and releasing a Crystelle.
Because Mighty Guard targets the caster, enemies will never use it on the party normally. To learn it, the party can cast Reflect on the opponent and have it bounce onto the party. Otherwise the party can control or confuse the enemy, though the Stingray is the only enemy susceptible to these methods.
The earliest Mighty Guard can be obtained is from Stingray in the coastal waters above the sunken Walse Tower. The spell is also used by Ironclad, Azulmagia, Shinryu, and Neo Shinryu.
When available, Mighty Guard is an extremely strong spell to use for any boss battle due to the turn-efficient protection it provides. Protect and shell halve physical and magic damage taken respsectively, while float will avoid a lot of attacks. The only downside to the ability is its prohibitively high MP cost, which means it should be preserved for bosses and for battles against very challenging enemies.
Another downside is that it is obtained late into the game. A substitute to using Mighty Guard could be Golem, who will tank physical damage on the party for a time, or Carbuncle, who will reflect magical attacks on the party. Another potential substitutes are the "Protect Drink" and "Dragon Armor" mixes, but they only affect one target.