Microchu is an enemy in Final Fantasy XIII. It appears alongside Ochu.
See also: Microchu

Other appearances[]
Pictlogica Final Fantasy[]
Microchu from from Final Fantasy XIII appears as an enemy in Pictlogica Final Fantasy.
Final Fantasy Record Keeper[]

Mobius Final Fantasy[]

Microchu is an portmanteau of "micro", meaning small, and "ochu".
The Japanese word ko when written in the Kanji form 子, means child. Thus the Japanese name is a reference to the Microchu being the Ochu's "children".
otyugh. The name in Japanese (and transliterations) comes from the pronunciation; it is pronounced with a short O and T (practically to a ch), making the pronunciation close to "o-chuugh". "オチュー" is the closest the katakana system can get to representing the sound without using compound katakana pronunciations not natively found in Japanese.
"Ochu" comes from Dungeons & Dragons; specifically, it is the