Final Fantasy Wiki

The Metamorph is a mage-like enemy in Final Fantasy V found mainly in Ghido's Cave, who also appears as a rare encounter in the waterfall cave section of the Interdimensional Rift.



Metamorph can transform into more powerful versions of previously encountered monsters and summons. While transformed, its HP and MP remain the same, but its stats and abilities are different, as are the items that can drop. After attacking once, Metamorph will revert to its original form, and then morph again on its next turn. While transformed, it has no elemental strengths or weaknesses, regardless of the type of monster it transforms into, but it also has no status immunities and cannot be controlled.

The possible transformations and their attacks are:

There are four possible encounters with Metamorph, each having three different monsters it will randomly transform into. The four encounter variations are:

  • Shiva, Gaelicat, Elf Toad
  • Ifrit, Wyvern, Enchanted Fan
  • Ramuh, Crew Dust, Zombie Dragon
  • Shiva, Ifrit, Ramuh

The most valuable transformation is the Enchanted Fan, since it is the first opportunity the party has to learn the Blue Magic Aeroga.

The encounter in the Interdimensional Rift uses the Ramuh/Crew Dust/Zombie Dragon encounter.

The Metamorph is weak against wind and water, and instant death or fractional damage attacks work while Metamorph is transformed.


The Ninja's Water Scroll, or the Blue Magics Aera and Aeroga with the Air Knife equipped, will do large damage.

It is advised to fight Metamorphs until one drops a Staff of Light, which can be used as an item to cast Holy and cannot be purchased or gained from any other monster, aside from the boss, Halicarnassus. Metamorph must be defeated in its original form for the Staff of Light to drop. If the player misses this chance to encounter the Metamorph, it is possible to still encounter one in the Interdimensional Rift, but it is the area's rarest encounter, and it will be much more difficult to obtain the Staff of Light at that point.

The easiest way to ensure the Metamorph is defeated while in its original state is to cast Berserk on it as soon as possible to prevent it from transforming and ensure it only uses regular attacks. Berserk can be purchased in Moore before going to Ghido's Cave for 6,000 Gil.

Alternatively, since the Metamorph is also susceptible to the Sleep status, the Spellblade command Sleep Blade in conjunction with Haste on a melee fighter can also be a great approach to prevent it from transforming.

Other appearances[]

Pictlogica Final Fantasy[]

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Metamorphosis is a biological process by which an animal physically develops after birth or hatching, involving a change in its body structure through cell growth and differentiation. Some insects, amphibians, molluscs, crustaceans, cnidarians, echinoderms and tunicates undergo metamorphosis, which is usually accompanied by a change of habitat or behavior.

Related enemies[]
