Final Fantasy Wiki
XIII-2 Main Menu

The main menu in Final Fantasy XIII-2.

The following entails the contents of the main menu in Final Fantasy XIII-2.

Party Paradigms[]

Paradigm Pack[]

Paradigm Pack menu

The Paradigm Pack menu.

In the Paradigm Pack menu, the player can assign up to three different monsters to the Paradigm Pack layout. Once the monsters are chosen, the player is taken to the Paradigm section to customize their paradigms.

When in battle, the monster selected for a paradigm will appear. If the player shifts to a paradigm with a different monster, the old monster will switch out and the new monster will take its place. The Paradigm Pack menu shows the monster's stats and what grade of materials they require in the Crystarium. If a creature has a full Feral Link gauge, its border in the menu will glow green.


XIII-2 Paradigm Customize Menu

The Customize menu.

The Customize menu allows the player to set and tune their paradigms. Up to three different layouts can be saved and loaded at will.


Crystarium learn an ability

Serah's Crystarium menu.

In the Crystarium menu, the player can level up Serah, Noel and the Paradigm Pack monsters. Serah and Noel level up by expending Crystogen Points obtained from battles, and monsters level up via the use of items. The player can expend their CP to any role the character has available, and the section in the bottom right corner shows which abilities will come up next on the Crystarium path.


Final Fantasy XIII-2 Chichu

The Monsters menu.

The Monsters menu displays all of the monsters the player has captured, which may be used in Paradigm Packs. Here, the player can view their stats, traits, and abilities, and dress them up with various adornments. They can also be infused into other monsters, giving them additional abilities and passive abilities.


XIII-2 Equipment Menu

Serah's Equipment menu.

In the Equipment menu, the player can equip Serah and Noel with weapons and accessories. Accessories have a "weight", the stronger ones being "heavier" than the weaker ones; as the characters advance through their Crystaria, they can increase the capacity on how much they can equip at once. Equipping certain accessories at once unlocks synthesized passive abilities that also take effect during battle.

Change Leader[]

This option allows the player to switch the party leader between Serah or Noel, which is preserved after battles. It is not accessible during certain periods.


XIII-2 Status Menu

Noel's Status menu.

The Status menu displays stats, abilities, and passive abilities for each party member and monster.


XIII-2 Inventory menu

The Inventory menu.

In the Inventory, the player can view and sort the items they possess. Key items and specialty items are used automatically at specific points in the story, while items are used during battle, weapons and accessories in the Equipment menu, components at Chocolina's shops, monster materials in the Crystarium menu, and adornments and monster crystals in the Monsters menu. Unlike in Final Fantasy XIII, an exclamation mark will not appear next to newly-obtained items.


XIII-2 Datalog

The Datalog menu.

The Datalog is a journal for the people, terms, and events in the game. It is frequently updated as the story progresses with information on events, enemies, characters, and gameplay.

  • The Significant Persons section gathers information about notable people and provides story background.
  • The Paradoxes section gathers information about paradoxes, time gates, artefacts and fragments.
  • The Society section gives information about technology, as well as parts of mythology and events.
  • Locales entries provide information about locales along with their history, background, and events connected to them.
  • History and Myth entries provide information about myths and legends, covering the goddess Etro, Valhalla, chaos, and such.
  • Each of the primers sections provide various information on gameplay.
    • The For Beginners primer covers the game's various mechanics, such as basic controls, jumping, and battle difficulties.
    • Gameplay Basics covers mechanics like Live Triggers, and Cinematic Actions.
    • Battle entries cover information regarding battles, such as roles, wound damage, and summoning.
    • Exploration entries cover information regarding exploration, such as maps.
    • Casino entries describe the mechanics of the games available in Serendipity.


FFXIII-2 Bestiary

The Bestiary menu.

The Bestiary displays a list of monsters the player has slain during the game, showing an animated model of the target and their stats, including weaknesses and strengths. Unlike in Final Fantasy XIII, an exclamation mark will not appear next to new enemies.


XIII-2 Fragments menu

The Fragments menu.

In the Fragments menu, the player can view tidbits of information that are uncovered when obtaining fragments during the game. It functions similarly to the Datalog section in providing additional information on people, locations, folklore and legends.

Fragment Skills[]

FFXIII-2 Fragment Skills

The Fragment Skills menu.

In this menu, the player can turn fragment skills on or off. Fragment skills are obtained from the Mystic in Serendipity by finding more fragments.


This displays a map of the current area, which can also be accessed by pressing Square/X on the field.


XIII-2 Outfits menu

The Outfits menu.

Added in with a post-release patch, the Outfits menu allows the player to change the in-game appearance for Serah, Noel or Mog. Outfits cannot be obtained from the game itself and must be downloaded.


XIII-2 Settings menu

The Settings menu.

In the Settings menu, the player can change the game's settings, and adjust the camera, screen brightness, subtitles, battle difficulty, and others.
