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Massive Mochi Mayhem was a seasonal event in Final Fantasy VII Ever Crisis.
Having traversed Mt. Nibel, the party is rent in twain as Tifa, Aerith, and Vincent slip through a portal to a Wutai celebrating the New Year. As the party begins to get its bearings in this reality, they find themselves with the Yuffie of this time period, surrounded by mochi-themed mechs out to ruin preparations. The notorious crime boss Don Corneo is up to his old tricks, and has stolen the mochi treats that Yuffie had prepared. She launches "Operation Mitts Off My Mochi" to get them back. Tifa and Aerith are then assigned to spread merriment around town in festive dress, while Vincent is tasked with eliminating the mechs and recovering the mochi.
As Yuffie pleads with Corneo for the mochi, Corneo issues a vague list of demands for its return. Another wave of mechs surrounds the party, during which Shinra exec Palmer arrives to collect more mochi in exchange for the weapons; but Corneo rebuffs Palmer, turning the mochi mechs on him as well. This draws the attention of the Turks trio, to whom Palmer confesses handing over the weapons to Corneo. Now, instead of merely covering up Palmer's miscue, the three must go aftter Corneo to get the mechs, marked for scrap, back. The party manages to spy on the entire conversation, and realizes that it and the Turks are united in wanting to catch Corneo for his misdeeds thus far. Thus do the two groups agree to work together to apprehend Corneo.
Corneo escapes to the Wutai Arena and gloats over his haul with delusions of having duped the populace and becoming a mochi mafioso, but neither the party nor the Turks will have any of it as they box him in. The Turks then back off and allow the party to do as they will. This leaves Corneo with an opening to send more mechs to cover his escape, but he fails. Now completely cornered, Corneo attempts to sweet talk his way out of it. Again, the party will not fall for his tricks, bar his cryptic riddle. Vincent takes a shot, allowing the party to at last apprehend Corneo. The mochi is recovered forthwith, and everyone in Wutai is once again able to celebrate the New Year.
In a post-story scene, Vincent is offered a portion of mochi, but refuses, leaving Yuffie to wolf down the unclaimed treats. She chokes on them, but Vincent drops in to dislodge the sweets and save her.
Event rewards[]
Players fought the Mochi Scorpion (based on the standard Scorpion Sentinel boss) for Golden Bells, Silver Bells, and Festive Fans for exchange in the shops. Also featured was the Rare Enemy Medal, acquired from the Cactuars that may appear during battle. The featured weapons were the Chocobo Paddle (a decorated hagoita for Cloud) and the Mallet of Luck (a handheld mallet for Yuffie). Event missions and bingo missions offered three new wallpapers as well as other valuable loot.
Featured draws[]
Stamp Card draws for this event debuted new festive gear for Cloud, Tifa, Aerith, and Vincent, with the first three obtained by exchange voucher in Volume 1. Completing any of the first four cards awarded one of four vouchers good on any New Year's gear released in 2024 or 2025. For Volume 2, Vincent received an exclusive draw for his Devil Gunner's Coat set. All draws offered the chance to acquire Tifa's Premium Heart Ultimate Weapon.