Final Fantasy Wiki

The Masked Man is a boss in Final Fantasy IX. He is the first battle of the game and is Baku in disguise.



Enemies Frequency AP
Can't escape. Defeat does not result in Game Over. Characters do not pose on victory.
Masked Man 100% 1


His "Gwahaha!" attack is the strongest, while "Oww!" results in Baku tripping and missing his target. The Masked Man has a Mage Masher to be stolen, a weapon upgrade for Zidane. It is not difficult to steal considering all four characters have the Steal command.

For this battle, a game over is impossible, as the game continues even if the party is annihilated. If a party member ends up in critical health during the battle, Baku will advise the player to use a Potion to heal up after the battle.

AI script[]

Using general variable MaskedMan_UsePotion

Using global variable victorystepbakuargh
Using global variable victorysteprightjump
Using global variable victorystepleftjump
Using global variable victorystepbakudone
Using global variable victorysteprightdone
Using global variable victorystepleftdone

Function Main_Init
   if ( IsBattleInitialized )
      if ( MaskedMan_UsePotion )
         FadeFilter( FILTER_SUBTRACT, 1, WHITE )
         Wait( 1 )
         WindowSync( "Masked Man “Use a Potion to restore HP!”" )
         FadeFilter( FILTER_SUBTRACT, 1, BLACK )
         Wait( 1 )
      CloseAllWindows( )
      Wait( 5 )
      TerminateBattle( )
      InitObject( Masked_Man )
      InitObject( Baku’s_Mask_(Right) )
      InitObject( Baku’s_Mask_(Left) )

Function Main_Loop
   if ( !initflag )
      set initflag = TRUE
      set baku = SV_EnemyTeam[ENEMY_ID] ==$ 0
      set bakumask1 = SV_EnemyTeam[ENEMY_ID] ==$ 1
      set bakumask2 = SV_EnemyTeam[ENEMY_ID] ==$ 2
      set victoryendflag = TRUE
   if ( !MaskedMan_UsePotion && #Matching(SV_PlayerTeam[STATUS_CURRENT], LOW_HP) )
      set MaskedMan_UsePotion = TRUE
   if ( ( GetBattleState == BATTLE_STATE_GAME_OVER ) && !defeatendflag )
      set defeatendflag = TRUE
      while ( IsAttacking != 0 )
         Wait( 1 )
      RunBattleCode( Disable ATB )
      while ( GetBattleState != 1 )
         Wait( 1 )
      Wait( 1 )
      RunBattleCode( End Battle, Defeat )
   if ( victoryendflag && ( baku[HP] <= 10000 ) )
      set victoryendflag = FALSE
      while ( IsAttacking != 0 )
         Wait( 1 )
      RunBattleCode( Disable ATB )
      while ( GetBattleState != 1 )
         Wait( 1 )
      set victorystepbakuargh++
      Wait( 2 )
      set victorysteprightjump++
      set victorystepleftjump++
      set bakumask1[MODEL_ON] = 1
      set bakumask2[MODEL_ON] = 1
      set bakumask1[DISAPPEAR] = 0
      set bakumask2[DISAPPEAR] = 0
      Wait( 1 )
      set baku[MODEL_ON] = 1
      set baku[MODEL_OFF] = 32
      while ( victorystepbakudone + victorysteprightdone + victorystepleftdone < 3 )
         Wait( 1 )
      while ( IsAttacking != 0 )
         Wait( 1 )
      RunBattleCode( End Battle, Victory )
   Wait( 1 )

Function Masked_Man_Init
   set attacklist = [ Get some! ; Gwahaha! ; Oww! ]

Function Masked_Man_Loop
   if ( victorystepbakuargh )
      set victorystepbakuargh = 0
      set SV_Target = SV_FunctionEnemy
      AttackSpecial( ARGHHH )
      while ( IsAttacking != 0 )
         Wait( 1 )
      set victorystepbakudone = 1
   Wait( 1 )

Function Masked_Man_ATB
   set selectedattack = RandomAttack( attacklist )
   if ( selectedattack == Get some! )
      set SV_Target = RandomInTeam(SV_PlayerTeam)
   elseif ( selectedattack == Gwahaha! )
      set SV_Target = RandomInTeam(SV_PlayerTeam)
   elseif ( selectedattack == Oww! )
      set SV_Target = RandomInTeam(SV_PlayerTeam)
   Attack( selectedattack )

Other appearances[]

Pictlogica Final Fantasy[]

Baknamy FFTA2This section about an enemy in Pictlogica Final Fantasy is empty or needs to be expanded. You can help the Final Fantasy Wiki by expanding it.

Final Fantasy Record Keeper[]

FFRK Masked Man FFIX

Masked Man appears as an enemy in Final Fantasy Record Keeper.


Related Enemies[]
