Mariale is a playable character of War of the Visions: Final Fantasy Brave Exvius. Known as the Immoral Spellblade, she was vying for a role as the next chief of Gouga. However, Loreila ended up taking over the title. Mariale held a grudge over this and used one of her retainers to spy on Loreila, discovering that she was having meetings with Skahal.
Event story[]
Gouga and Saiga: Part I[]
Ep. 3: If This Battle Ends[]
After routing the Rundall soldiers, it has started raining in the plains. Loreila tends to a fallen Skahal, asking him how his wounds fare. Skahal tells her that the medicine he took stopped the bleeding and that he will be fine for now. Loreila tells Skahal to return to his village and rest, helping him get back to his feet. Skahal apologizes to Loreila, stating that she had to betray Rundall because of him. Loreila tells him there's nothing to apologize for as there's no just causse for Rundall to just invade Ovis the way they had. She continues to mention that she only joined Rundall to support her clan. However she has come to realize that she cannot bear what it is that they continue to do, stating the battle's outcome was already decided the moment it began. Skahal agrees and mentions that there are those in Gouga who are quite hostile to Saiga. Loreila says it is Mariale, stating that Mariale thinks Loreila stole the role of chieftainess from her. Skahal deduces that Mariale knew Saiga would help Ovis and thereby offered Gouga's support to Rundall. Loreila confirms it to be true and mentions that Mariale had said they need to ally with Rundall to eliminate Saiga. Unfortunately for Loreila, she did not have enough power to stop Mariale. However, Loreila mentions that if the battle ends, she is certain everyone in Gouga would consider the village's future with clearer minds. Loreila states nothing good would come of battle between fellow shinobi.
Skahal asks Loreila what would happen if she cannot gain their acceptance. Loreila hesitates as Skahal asks her if she would consider leaving Gouga and moving to Saiga. Loreila is shocked by Skahal's insinuation, with Skahal stating that Loreila would thrive in Saiga, even going so far as to say she is better suited to Saiga than she is to Gouga. Loreila thanks Skahal for his words but says she wants to do everything she can for Gouga's sake as it is her home. Skahal says he understands as he and Loreila intimately embrace. Skahal says he wishes they could stay like that forever, with Loreila wishing the same. Loreila ceases their embrace, stating that the villagers will be needing her, asking if Skahal can make it back to Saiga. Skahal says he will be fine to go back to Saiga, with Loreila telling him to be careful as his wounds are still open. Skahal reassures Loreila by telling her he will take his time by taking a secret path back. Loreila bids farewell to Skahal, as he does the same for her.
Ep. 5: Mariale's Glare[]
Loreila's about to walk over a bridge, when a voice stops her and asks where the villager leader has been. Mariale walks across to her from the bridge, with Loreila mentioning that she was on the battlefield. She tells Mariale she hasn't joined the fight since it's began. Mariale mentions that she is impressed someone like Loreila could become the chief of Gouga. Loreila tells Mariale that she wanted the fighting to cease and that the elder had felt the same way about it. Mariale tells Loreila to cease her nonsense, as Loreila is caught aback. Mariale tells Loreila that she has wanted for nothing as she is the elder's only daughter. However, Mariale says that the rest of Gouga feels differently, asking if the fighting were stop, what would become of them. She goes on to say that the land inhabited by Gouga is barren and cannot yield crops, how could she expect to feed their people. Loreila tries to respond but Mariale continues to mention that without war, they would lose their livelihoods. Mariale says that she is sick of living a dark and damp cave. A voice tells Mariale that she shouldn't need to worry about that. Loreila asks who the voice is, as Zazan approaches the two to introduce himself as Zazan the Unkillable. Mariale happily mentions she brought him into Gouga as she thought he displayed promise. Loreila asks Mariale why she didn't consult her when it came to inviting a wanderer to Gouga. Mariale decides to ask Loreila right at that moment if Loreila has a problem with allowing Zazan into Gouga. Loreila says they know nothing of Zazan and who knows what would happen if they let him into Gouga. Mariale states that Zazan has brought them some interesting information, with Loreila asking what she means. Zazan says he heard a rumor that Saiga's chief Skahal has been having secret rendez-vous with a person from Gouga. Loreila is shaken by the news, while Mariale comments on how intriguing it is. Loreila states that it's a rumor and that it could be false. Mariale says that may be the case but she trusts Zazan's background as Rairyuu was the one who sent him to Gouga.
Loreila remains silent as Zazan says he's a hard worker and to leave it to him. Zazan then notices a strange scent on Loreila, walking towards her to get a closer look. Loreila asks him what's going on and Zazan says she smells of blood. Loreila wonders if she does and Zazan says her clothes reek of blood. Zazan states that Loreila may look harmless but she has the stench of blood on her of at least seven men. Loreila remains silent as Zazan proclaims the rumors about Gouga really are true. As Zazan says he's ready for work, Mariale tells him of a new mission she had heard from their scouts. Mariale tells him that they heard that the chief of Saiga was heavily wounded and is escaping as they speak. Loreila realizes what Mariale has said and Zazan makes mention of hunting down Skahal like his prey. He tells Mariale that he will have his head for her and he goes off to find Skahal. Mariale tells Loreila that she needs to find something more chiefly to do in the meantime. Loreila is at odds on what to do as Skahal is in danger. She proclaims that she needs to stop Zazan so she runs in his direction. Mariale appears behind Loreila and watches her run, curious about her intentions.
Ep. 7: Breakdown I[]
After running to look for Zazan, Loreila takes a moment to catch her breath. She states that she needs to reach Skahal before Zazan can find him. Loreila is alarmed when she smells the scent of blood, indicating Zazan is close. She runs in the direction of the blood, finding him surrounded by Gouga shinobi. She yells for him and he notices she's arrived. The Gouga shinobi notice Loreila is there and tells Skahal he won't last long while Loreila's there, telling him to say his prayers. Loreila remains silent at first but then tells the shinobi to let Skahal go. The shinobi question what she said. Loreila tells them to return to the village as she'll take care of it. The shinobi tell her they can't do that as Skahal, the chief of Saiga is a big target for them, also mentioning that they can't just look the other way. Loreila tells the shinobi that she became chief in order to stop the fighting and to accomplish her goal, they need to join up with Saiga. The shinobi then mention that Mariale was right. Loreila is taken aback by his statement as he continues to state that someone in Gouga was communing with the enemy, Saiga.
Another shinobi is shocked that it turned out to be Loreia, taking a swing at her. Loreila runs to Skahal's side and tells Loreila to get out of there. Loreila tells the shinobi she'll only ask them one more time to leave. The shinobi are incessant about not stopping the war and telling Loreila if she knows what'll happen to them. Loreila tells the shinobi to listen to her as nothing good will come of a battle between Gouga and Saiga. The shinobi mentions he has a better idea, saying that bringing back the heads of the chief of Saiga and the traitor of Gouga will have them handsomely rewarded for their efforts. Loreila is shocked at their claim, with the shinobi continuing to say that Saiga will fall and the mercenary business will solely belong to Gouga. Loreila says they're wrong while the shinobi says she's the one who's wrong, with another shinobi proclaiming that it is Gouga's true way. The shinobi brandish their blades against the duo as Skahal stands and tells Loreila to run as the shinobi have no interest in listneing to reason. Skahal shouts for Loreila to move. Loreila mentions that a village thriving at the expense of others doesn't need to exist. Skahal tries to call out for Loreila once more but Loreila tells him that she will protect him. The Gouga shinobi ready their blades against Loreila.
Ep. 10: Zazan the Unkillable[]
Loreila and Skahal have their backs faced to each other as they have just eliminated all of the Gouga shinobi. A voice states that it is impressed that not a single soul was left alive. Zazan arrives, with Skahal asking who he is and Loreila telling him it's a helper in Gouga. Zazan mentions it was strange that there was a sweet scent mixed in with the blood on her clothes. Loreila wonders what he means by sweet scent. Zazan deduces that the Saiga man is Loreila's lover and that they had been meeting in secret. Loreila tells him that now he knows, she cannot let Zazan return to the village. Zazan laughs and says it's cute, mentioning he might die from laughing. He ponders on the idea of becoming famous for slaughtering the chiefs of both Saiga and Gouga. Suddenly, several Gouga shinobi appear and Zazan asks if the duo want to have a little fun. Zazan and the shinobi then engage Loreila and Skahal in battle.
In the aftermath of the battle, Skahal and Loreila stand over a defeated Zazan, with Loreila stating that they were able to pull it off. A voice agrees with her and says that she really did. Loreila turns and sees Mariale, who mentions that she can't talk her way out of this one. Mariale says it's ironic that Loreila talks about ending the fighting and yet Loreila is the one bring about all the death. She asks Loreila how many of her shinobi brethren need to fall before she is satisfied. Loreila tells Mariale she's wrong, as Mariale interjects by asking her if there is something she's missing. Mariale bluntly asks Loreila if she just wants to be with that man, pointing to Skahal. She tells Loreila that Loreila doesn't care how many of her own people need to be sacrificed because of it, then mentioning that Loreila does all this and then also claims she wants Gouga and Saiga to be one. Mariale calls out Loreila, expresses her disgust at her and calls her a traitor. Loreila bows her head in shame, as Skahal tries to approach Mariale to explain. Suddenly, Mariale commands Zazan to act. Skahal is taken aback as Zazan tries to stab Skahal with his sword. However, Loreila notices Zazan and steps in front of Skahal, ending up impaled by Zazan's sword. Zazan laments on how what Loreila did is love, stating it's too bad for Skahal and that he won't miss next time. Zazan laughs it off as Mariale laughs as well and comments on Zazan's moniker, stating him to be a master at playing dead.
Skahal is bewildered by what happened to Loreila, with Zazan saying Skahal will see her soon enough. Skahal mutters something to which Zazan tries to make it out. Skahal says it's unforgivable, absolutely unforgivable. Zazan says Skahal doesn't realize the position he's in as he's already surrounded by Gouga shinobi. Zazan continues to ask if Skahal gets it now and mentions it's the end for Saiga. Skahal says he will send Zazan to his grave, while Zazan gives the shinobi the order to kill him. Skahal takes a swing and goes through some shinobi and then chants a ritual which takes out all of the shinobi. Zazan is bewildered by what happened, with Skahal mentioning that Zazan is next. Zazan wonders how Skahal was able to do that if he was on the brink of death. A voice is heard having found Skahal. Zazan is bewildered as the Saiga shinobi have appeared around Skahal, frustrated that reinforcements have arrived. Mariale tells Zazan they need to withdraw, with Skahal cursing at Gouga and mentioning that ther villages will never be one. Skahal proclaims that he will crush Gouga, destroy it and erase it from the world. With Loreila slain, thus ended Gouga and Saiga's bid for unification as Skahal wanted to end Gouga. As Mariale became the new chief of Gouga, she swore to destroy Saiga.
A female spellblade from Gouga. Though she was aiming to become the next chief, the title was taken from her by Loreila, causing her to harbor a murderous grudge. By having one of her subordinates observe Loreila, she has come to know about her repeated rendezvous with the chief of Saiga.
Character description
Mariale is an MR-rarity unit of the Light element whose main job is Spellblade, while her sub jobs are Arithmetician and Thief. She can equip the following items: Sword, Helm, Armor, Accessory. Her unit cost is 60.
Her Master Ability increases her Area Attack Resistance by 15 and her Hate by 5. She has no limit burst.
A unique magic sword forged from a tensile metal. In the hands of a skilled user, it is extremely difficult to read, deceiving the eye like the legs of a spider and appearing to be multiple blades in unison. While it is not suited for assassinations, Mariale continues to use it regardless of this fact in order to flaunt her strength over those she cuts down.
Prancing Spider description
Her Trust Master Reward is the Prancing Spider weapon which bestows HP +62, ATK +64, MAG +108 and Normal Attack (SPR Down) Granted.
- Portraits
- Renders