Final Fantasy Wiki

Cures [Frog]


Maiden's Kiss is a recovery item item in Final Fantasy VII that cures the Frog status, a status that greatly limits what the player can do in battle.


Buy North Corel, Gold Saucer (Battle Square; 50 BP), Gongaga, Cosmo Canyon, Temple of the Ancients (50 gil)
Drop Touch Me


FFVII Maiden's Kiss

Maiden's Kiss is a moderately useful item to cure Frog, if the player does not have access to the Toad spell or White Wind Enemy Skill. However, Frog is not inflicted very much throughout the game. The player may utilize the following to nullify the need of Maiden's Kiss:


The item's name derives from the The Frog Prince fairy tale in which a princess befriends a frog who ends up magically transforming into a handsome prince. Although in modern versions the transformation is invariably triggered by the princess kissing the frog, in the original Grimm version of the story, the frog's spell is broken when the princess throws it against a wall in disgust.
