Gimme some Elixir!
Magic Pot
The Magic Pot is an enemy in Final Fantasy V. It is encountered in Phoenix Tower, hiding in pots on every five floors. Giving it Elixirs will reward the player with 100 ABP per Magic Pot.
Magic Pot has high defense and HP, fully restores its HP every turn, and is immune to status ailments. All magic is disabled during the battle, making it nearly impossible to win by defeating the Magic Pot. Only defense-ignoring attacks, such as the Ranger's Rapid Fire, can damage it, but since it restores its HP every turn, only extremely high level characters with the strongest weapons will be able to kill it in one turn.
However, Magic Pot is a friendly monster, and pleasing it will allow the player to reap its rewards. Each time an Elixir is given to it, there is a 1/3 chance it will flee and give the party 100 ABP. Otherwise, it continues to ask for more Elixirs. This will allow nearly any character to instantly gain several job levels, or help cut into the high cost to learn abilities, like Mime and Dualcast. As there are only five Magic Pots in the game, it is strongly encouraged to take advantage of them, since enemies with comparable ABP yields are not otherwise encountered until the furthest areas of the final dungeon.
The best way to handle Magic Pots is to have a character equipped with the Wonder Wand, found in the Fork Tower. Since magic is disabled in the Magic Pot battles, using the Wonder Wand as an item is the only way to cast the spell Return, which resets the battle, including consumed items. This allows the player to use an Elixir, then reset the battle and recover the item if the Magic Pot does not flee on the first given Elixir. Using the Mime's Mimic ability directly after the character who uses the Elixir will also not consume the item, and can be used for increased chances to make the Magic Pot flee without wasting more than one Elixir.
On the now discontinued Matrix Software Android version, if the player wants to use the 100 ABP on neither Mime nor a job that can equip a Wonder Wand, the player can use Task Manager to end the game, then restart the app. The Android version autosaves a reloadable quicksave file every time a battle is finished or a new screen is entered, so the player can reattempt the fight.
Other appearances[]
Pictlogica Final Fantasy[]
Magic Pot from Final Fantasy V appears as an enemy in Pictlogica Final Fantasy.
Final Fantasy Record Keeper[]

Final Fantasy Portal App[]
Magic Pot from Final Fantasy V appears as a Triple Triad card.