Final Fantasy Wiki

Magic Pot is an enemy in Crisis Core -Final Fantasy VII-. It can be encountered on the missions M2-2-6, M2-5-4, M2-5-5, M2-5-6, M7-6-6, and M10-2-3. Fulfilling the Magic Pot's requests for the first time unlocks it in the DMW; subsequent times yield a rare item.



The player must use specific attacks to appease the Magic Pot:

The Magic Pot will flee if either the wrong move is used or too much time passes. It will clamor five times per move, giving roughly 40 seconds for each attempt.

The Lucky Stars Limit Break and Octaslash materia can aid in obtaining the Genji Shield, as well as the Cursed Ring to temporarily halt the reels in the PlayStation Portable version. In the Reunion version, the player can pause, forfeit, and restart the battle if it looks like the DMW will not give them Octaslash in time.

