Final Fantasy Wiki

The spells a character can cast depend on the materia set to their equipment. Offensive magic, such as Fire, and curative magic, such as Cure, can easily change the tide of battle.

SpellMagic is a type of ability in Final Fantasy VII Remake and "Episode INTERmission" available to characters with the relevant Magic Materia Magic Materia equipped. It allows the user to cast magic with the Spells command. Magic spells can provide offensive and defensive effects, but cost MP as well as ATB bars (normally one) to cast. The only spells usable outside of battle are the curative ones.

Much like in other Final Fantasy titles, elemental magic is divided into three tiers: basic, intermediate and advanced. In Final Fantasy VII Remake, the higher the spell tier, the more damage it will deal with higher MP cost, as well increased cast time. If the caster is interrupted during the cast animation, the spell will not be used but the user may still lose the ATB and MP. Ribbon protects against interruption while spellcasting in "Episode INTERmission". Certain status effects prevent the afflicted from using magic. Tier 1 spells are cast almost instantly, but the higher-tier spells require a bit of a charging time to pull off, and thus are best cast when the caster is not being targeted by enemies' attacks.


Curative spells[]

Spell Effect Materia MP cost
Cure Restore a small amount of HP. Healing Materia Healing Materia(1) 4
Cura Restore a moderate amount of HP. Healing Materia Healing Materia(2) 8
Curaga Restore a large amount of HP. Healing Materia Healing Materia(4) 12
Regen Heal 10% of HP and apply the Regen Regen buff. Healing Materia Healing Materia(3) 6
Poisona Cures Poison Poison. Cleansing Materia Cleansing Materia(1) 3
Esuna Cures all negative debuffs. Cleansing Materia Cleansing Materia(2) 12
Resist Applies the Resist Resist buff, preventing any negative debuffs. Cleansing Materia Cleansing Materia(3) 8
Raise Revives a character at partial HP. Revival Materia Revival Materia(1) 7
Arise Revives a character at full HP. Revival Materia Revival Materia(2) 14

Offensive spells[]

Spell Effect Materia MP cost
Fire Deal a small amount of Fire Fire damage. Fire Materia Fire Materia(1) 4
Fira Deal a moderate amount of fire damage. Fire Materia Fire Materia(2) 10
Firaga Deal a large amount of fire damage. Fire Materia Fire Materia(3) 21
Blizzard Deal a small amount of Ice Ice damage. Ice Materia Ice Materia(1) 4
Blizzara Deal a moderate amount of ice damage. Ice Materia Ice Materia(2) 10
Blizzaga Deal a large amount of ice damage. Ice Materia Ice Materia(3) 21
Thunder Deal a small amount of Lightning Lightning damage. Guaranteed to hit. Lightning Materia Lightning Materia(1) 5
Thundara Deal a moderate amount of lightning damage. Guaranteed to hit. Lightning Materia Lightning Materia(2) 11
Thundaga Deal a large amount of lightning damage. Guaranteed to hit. Lightning Materia Lightning Materia(3) 22
Aero Deal a small amount of Wind Wind damage and pull target closer. Wind Materia Wind Materia(1) 4
Aerora Deal a moderate amount of wind damage and pull target closer. Wind Materia Wind Materia(2) 10
Aeroga Deal a large amount of wind damage and pull target closer. Wind Materia Wind Materia(3) 21
Bio Deal a small amount of damage and inflict Poison Poison. Poison Materia Poison Materia(1) 3
Biora Deal a moderate amount of damage and inflict Poison. Poison Materia Poison Materia(2) 8
Bioga Deal a large amount of damage and inflict Poison. Poison Materia Poison Materia(3) 15

Effect spells[]

Spell Effect Materia MP cost
Barrier Applies the Barrier Barrier buff, granting 50% resistance to physical damage. Barrier Materia Barrier Materia(1) 11
Manaward Applies the Manaward Manaward buff, granting 50% resistance to magic damage. Barrier Materia Barrier Materia(2) 14
Manawall Applies both the Barrier and Manaward buffs, granting 50% resistance to all damage. Barrier Materia Barrier Materia(3) 20
Sleep Inflicts Sleep Sleep, preventing a target from acting until awoken. Binding Materia Binding Materia(1) 5
Silence Inflicts Silence Silence, preventing a target from casting spells. Binding Materia Binding Materia(2) 4
Berserk Inflicts Berserk Berserk, increasing the amount of damage received, but also the amount of damage dealt. Binding Materia Binding Materia(3) 5
Breach Removes the Barrier Barrier, Manaward Manaward, Shield Shield, and Reflect Reflect statuses from a target. Subversion Materia Subversion Materia(1) 10
Dispel Removes all buffs from a target. Subversion Materia Subversion Materia(2) 16
Haste Applies the Haste Haste buff, increasing the rate the target's ATB gauge builds. Time Materia Time Materia(1) 4
Slow Applies the Slow Slow debuff, slowing the rate the target's ATB gauge builds. Time Materia Time Materia(2) 3
Stop Applies the Stop Stop debuff, freezing the target. Time Materia Time Materia(3) 14

Behind the scenes[]

The developers knew from the beginning that the Remake would only cover the story parts in Midgar, and thus they would need to decide which elements to include from the original game. It was deemed that players would not be happy to be locked out of third tier spells, and so they can be unlocked with leveling up their materia, but spells like Flare (tier 4 fire spell in the original Final Fantasy VII) are saved for the sequels.[1]


  1. Team, FF7 (2020, August 28). "Final Fantasy VII Remake Ultimania Interview with Motomu Toriyama, English Translation". From game8. Archived from the original on 23 February, 2021.