Firion casts magic.
Magic (まほう, Mahō?) is a command in Final Fantasy II that allows a character to cast one of two forms of magic spells. Spells are learned via Tomes (called Scrolls in Final Fantasy Origins) shown in the party's Items list. A character needs only collect a Tome (found in various locations) and use it to learn the spell. Any character can learn any spell, and all characters have sixteen spell slots.

Magic (NES).
The spells are subject to the same Skill System that affects all other aspects of character development. Spells level up through battle and field use; after a certain number of uses, the spell will gain a level. At higher levels it becomes harder to level up the spells, to the point a player must sometimes increase the rank of the foe for the spell to continue to gain experience. The highest spell level, like that of weapon level, is sixteen; once a spell reaches that point, it will be considered "mastered". Mastered spells gain a new casting effect and increase in effectiveness.
A spell's MP cost is equal to its level, e.g. Fire 8 will cost 8 MP. Thus, a spell can cost anywhere from 1 to 16 MP, and in certain cases, a higher level spell is economically disadvantageous as it brings about only marginally better effects at a higher cost.
Characters can store a maximum of sixteen spells, but can discard spells to make room for new ones. Once a spell is deleted, its gained skill levels and experience will not be retained.
Characters can consume the Tomes directly from their inventory to call on a spell's intended effect with moderate power for a single use. This greatly helps affordable support magic like Blink, Protect, or Shell given that the whole party can use multiple tomes in the same turn with better party accuracy than casting at lower levels. Tomes can be amassed from stores rather than spending time leveling each spell up.
Hit count[]
Upon casting, a spell makes a number of hit attempts on each target equal to its level (e.g., Fire VIII makes 8 hit attempts). Therefore, the maximum hit attempts is 16.
The accuracy of a single spell hit is equal to:
- Accuracy = Caster Bonus Stat - Caster Magic Interference + Spell Accuracy Bonus
- Caster Bonus Stat = either the caster's Intellect for Black Magic or Spirit for White Magic
- Caster Magic Interference = total Magic Interference of the caster's equipment
- Spell Accuracy Bonus = spell's accuracy rating
If the spell is multi-targeted, Accuracy is divided by 2, rounded down.
If the caster is blinded, Accuracy is divided by 2, rounded down. If the caster is affected by toad or mini, all hit attempts fail.
If the spell has an element and the target is weak to it, all hit attempts are successful. Conversely, if a target resists the spell's element, all hit attempts fail.
Magic defence[]
For most offensive magic, a target's magic defence allows them to dodge hits from the incoming spell.
A target makes a number of dodge attempts equal to their magic defence level (left number on stat listing). The success rate of a single dodge is equal to their magic defence rate (right number on stat listing).
If the target is weak to the element of the spell, all dodge attempts fail. Conversely, if the target resists the element of the spell, all dodge attempts succeed.
The number of dodge successes are subtracted from the hit successes. The net hit successes cannot be lower than 0.
Spells that affect HP (such as damage dealing or healing), MP, attack, defense or other non-level-based statistics all have a potency value that controls how powerful they are for each successful hit.
The base potency per hit is equal to:
- Potency Per Hit = Spell Power + Caster Bonus Stat / 2
- Spell Power = spell's power value
- Caster Bonus Stat = either the caster's Intellect for Black Magic or Spirit for White Magic.
In Final Fantasy Origins and prior versions, the formula is instead:
- Potency Per Hit = Spell Power + Caster Bonus Stat / 4
If the spell is multi-targeted, Potency Per Hit is divided by 4 as long as more than a single target is affected.
If the caster is cursed, Potency Per Hit is divided by 2.
Damage and healing spells[]
Damage spells (Fire, Thunder, Blizzard, Scourge, Holy, Flare) and healing (Cure) will add their level to the number of successful hits that cannot fail (e.g., Fire VIII will always deal 8 hits at minimum, and can deal up to an extra 8 hit attempts that were made as described in hit count, for a potential total of 16 hits).
The damage/healing for a single-target spell can be calculated as:
- Number of Hits = Spell Level + Hit Successes - Target Dodge Successes
- Hit Successes = the number of successful hit rolls as described in hit count. On average, this is Spell Level × Accuracy.
- Target Dodge Successes = the number of successful dodge rolls as described in magic defense. On average, this is the target's Magic Defence level × Magic Defence rate.
For each hit:
- Damage Per Hit = RANDOM ( Potency Per Hit ... 2×Potency Per Hit ) + [Potency Per Hit if 5% critical occurs]
- The average damage per hit would be equal to 1.5×Potency Per Hit + 0.05×Potency Per Hit
If the target is weak to the spell's element, damage is doubled; conversely, if the target resists the spell's element, damage is halved.
The final amount is the sum of all calculated damages per hit. The average damage can be calculated as the average number of hits × the average damage per hit.
Healing spells do not do a magic defence check against the target.
Ailment inflicting spells[]
If a single hit of an ailment inflicting spell is successful, the ailment is inflicted upon the target. Otherwise, the spell fails.
Buffs and debuff spells[]
Many spells have their own behaviour on a successful hit, but generally speaking, the more successful hits, the more powerful the spell is on the target. For instance, Berserk will increase the target's attack by Potency Per Hit for each successful hit.
Due to failing their accuracy checks, it is possible for buffing spells to miss all their hits and do nothing on the target.
Ultima does not follow any of the above information. It always deals 1 single hit, calculated using its own damage formula, and is unaffected by target magic defence.
Black Magic[]
Name | Effect | Acquisition | Cost |
Fire | Deals Fire damage. Spell power 10, accuracy bonus +0. | Buy: Altair, Mysidia, Machanon Find: Semitt Falls Drop: Magician, Dark Magician |
150 gil (GBA/PSP) 400 gil (Famicom/PS) |
Deals fire damage. | |||
Thunder | Deals Lightning damage. Spell power 10, accuracy bonus +0. | Buy: Altair, Mysidia, Machanon Drop: Magician, Dark Magician |
150 gil (GBA/PSP) 400 gil (Famicom/PS) |
Deals lightning damage. | |||
Blizzard | Deals Ice damage. Spell power 10, accuracy bonus +0. | Buy: Altair, Mysidia, Machanon Find: Snow Cave Drop: Ogre Mage, Vampire Lady, Miss Vamp, Dark Soul |
150 gil (GBA/PSP) 400 gil (Famicom/PS) |
Deals ice damage. | |||
Scourge | Deals Poison damage. Spell power 10, accuracy bonus +0. | Find: Tropical Island Drop: Magician, Dark Magician |
— |
Deals poison damage. | |||
Drain | Absorbs the target's HP and gives it to the caster. It works the opposite way if cast on the undead. Spell power 10, accuracy bonus +0. | Find: Cave of Mysidia Drop: Sorcerer, Wizard |
— |
Absorbs foes' HP. | |||
Osmose | Absorbs the target's MP and gives it to the caster. As with Drain, it works the opposite way if cast on the undead. Spell power 10, accuracy bonus +0. | Find: Cave of Mysidia Drop: Wizard |
— |
Absorbs foes' MP. | |||
Flare | Deals non-elemental damage. Spell power 20, accuracy bonus +0. | Buy: Jade Passage, Unknown Cave Find: Mysidian Tower Drop: Wizard, Thunder Gigas, Tiamat, Li'l Murderer, Yamatano Orochi |
40,000 gil |
Sets off a fusion reaction to damage foes. | |||
Sleep | Spectral-elemental. Inflicts the Sleep status on the target. The afflicted character cannot act until it wears off. Accuracy bonus +50. | Find: Tropical Island Drop: Ogre Mage, Dark Soul |
— |
Puts foes to sleep. | |||
Stun | Psychic-elemental. Inflicts the Paralysis status on the target. The afflicted character cannot act until it wears off. Accuracy bonus +40. | Find: Castle Deist Drop: Royal Guard, Magician, Death Knight, Dark Magician |
— |
Paralyzes foes. | |||
Stop | Changeable-elemental. Disrupts the target's sense of time. Inflicts the Paralysis status on the target. The afflicted character cannot act until it wears off. Accuracy bonus +30. | Find: Castle Deist Drop: Ice Gigas |
— |
Disrupts foes' sense of time, paralyzing them. | |||
Confuse | Spectral-elemental. Inflicts the Confuse status on the target. The afflicted character will attack wildly, harming both party members and him or herself, until the effect wears off. Accuracy bonus +30. | Drop: Fire Gigas, Thunder Gigas, Li'l Murderer, Twin Heads | — |
Confuses foes. | |||
Blind | Psychic-elemental. Inflicts the Darkness status on the target. The afflicted character has a reduced likelihood of landing physical attacks. Accuracy bonus +50. | Find: Tropical Island Drop: Ogre Mage, Dark Soul |
— |
Blinds foes with darkness. | |||
Curse | Spectral-elemental. Inflicts the Curse status on the target. The afflicted character's Attack and Defense are cut in half. Accuracy bonus +40. | Find: Castle Deist Drop: Captain, Puroboros, Mini Satana |
— |
Curses foes. | |||
Toad | Changeable-elemental. Inflicts the Toad status on the target. The afflicted character can still attack, but with reduced Accuracy. They also cannot use magic until the status is treated. Instantly kills enemies. Accuracy bonus +30. | Find: Fynn Castle Drop: Captain, Sorcerer, Puroboros, Mini Satana |
— |
Transforms foes into toads. | |||
Break | Changeable-elemental. Inflicts the Stone status on the target. The afflicted character cannot act until it is treated, but also cannot be attacked. Instantly kills enemies. If the entire party is turned to Stone, it will result in a Game Over. Accuracy bonus +20. | Find: Fynn Castle | — |
Petrifies foes. | |||
Death | Instant Death-elemental. Instantly kills the target. The afflicted character cannot act until (s)he is revived. If the entire party is KO'd, it will result in a Game Over. The undead absorb this spell. Accuracy bonus +10. | Buy: Jade Passage Find: Fynn Castle Drop: Sorcerer |
10,000 gil |
Kills foes instantly. | |||
Warp | Changeable-elemental. Transports the party to the previous floor (outside of battle), or instantly kills the target (in battle). Accuracy bonus +10. | Buy: Salamand, Mysidia Drop: Ogre Mage, Royal Guard, Wizard, Death Knight, Dark Soul |
1,000 gil (GBA/PSP) 1,500 gil (Famicom/PS) |
Banishes foes to another dimension or transports party to previous floor. | |||
Berserk | Increases the Attack of the character(s) targeted by potency value per successful hit. Can stack up to 255. Spell power 5, accuracy bonus +50. | Buy: Jade Passage, Unknown Cave Drop: Magician, Dark Magician |
10,000 gil |
Temporarily raises attack. | |||
Haste | Increases the target's number of hits by one for each successful hit. Does not stack, but a stronger Haste spell that has more successful hits can overwrite a Haste spell that hit fewer times on the target(s). Maximum of +16 to hit count. Accuracy bonus +50. | Buy: Jade Passage, Unknown Cave Drop: Gottos, Sorcerer |
20,000 gil |
Temporarily increases number of attacks. | |||
Aura | Bestows the Aura status upon the target. Adds effectiveness to the target's physical attacks against certain enemy types, depending on how many levels of the spell hit. The enemy types, in order of increasing spell level, are Flying (non-dragons), Aquatic (fish and sea dragons), Earth (most grounded and human-like enemies), Giants (Ogres), Spellcasters (Magicians), Dragons, Werebeasts, and Undead. Having a type bonus grants an additional +20 damage per hit for physical attacks. In Pixel Remaster only, casts one level lower when multi-targeted. Accuracy bonus +50. | Find: Fynn Castle, Unknown Cave Drop: Sorcerer |
— |
Enhances effectiveness against various foes. | |||
Destroy | Deals 9999 damage to all opponents and allies, leaving only the caster alive with 1 HP and zero MP. This Tome is only available on the 20th Anniversary Edition release for PSP. | Defeat: Deumion (Arcane Labyrinth) | — |
Sealed black magic that annihilates all. |
White Magic[]
Name | Effect | Acquisition | Cost |
Cure | Restores HP. Deals damage to the undead. Can be used outside of battle. Spell power 20, accuracy bonus +50. | Buy: Altair, Paloom, Poft, Mysidia, Machanon Find: Kashuan, Castle Deist |
100 gil (GBA/PSP) 200 gil (Famicom/PS) |
Restores HP. | |||
Life | Revives one or more allies that have been KO'd. When a character is revived, their HP is restored by 1 / (16 - successful hits) of their maximum HP. Instantly kills undead enemies. Can be used outside of battle. Accuracy bonus +50. | Buy: Salamand, Mysidia, Machanon Drop: Tiamat, Yamatano Orochi |
1,000 gil (GBA/PSP) 1,500 gil (Famicom/PS) |
Revives a KO'd ally. | |||
Basuna | Cures statuses that fade after a battle is over. The spell level affects which statuses it has a chance to cure; the statuses are, by order of increasing spell level, Venom, Sleep, Silence, Mini, Paralysis, and Confuse. Accuracy bonus +50. | Buy: Bafsk, Mysidia, Machanon | 600 gil (GBA/PSP) 800 gil (Famicom/PS) |
Cures status ailments that wear off after battle. | |||
Esuna | Cures statuses that persist after a battle is over. The spell level affects which statuses it has a chance to cure; the statuses are, by order of increasing spell level, Poison and Darkness, Curse, Amnesia, Toad, Stone and KO. Outside of battle, Esuna must be at least at the level of the status in order to cure it; for example, Stone cannot be cured unless Esuna is at or above level 5. Can be used outside of battle. Accuracy bonus +50. | Buy: Bafsk, Mysidia, Machanon | 600 gil (GBA/PSP) 800 gil (Famicom/PS) |
Cures status ailments. | |||
Barrier | Grants a character resistances against elements, halving their damage and granting immunity to ailment-inducing spells of the resisted elements. The elements are, by order of increasing spell level, Changeable, Fire, Spectral, Lightning, Instant Death, Poison, Psychic, and Ice. Does not stack with equipment granted resistance. Accuracy bonus +50. | Buy: Mysidia | 5,000 gil (GBA/PSP) 8,000 gil (Famicom/PS) |
Raises a barrier to defend against special attacks. | |||
Blink | Increases the target's Evasion (the left number on the Status screen) by one point per level of the spell that hits. Effectively stacks up to 16 total Evasion. Accuracy bonus +50. | Buy: Paloom, Poft, Mysidia, Machanon Drop: Ogre Mage, Dark Soul |
300 gil (GBA/PSP) 400 gil (Famicom/PS) |
Creates a double image, raising evasion. | |||
Protect | Increases the Defense of the character(s) targeted by potency value per successful hit. Can stack up to 255. Spell power 0, accuracy bonus +50. | Buy: Paloom, Poft, Mysidia, Machanon | 300 gil (GBA/PSP) 400 gil (Famicom/PS) |
Creates a magic curtain, raising defense. | |||
Shell | Increases the target's Magic Defense (the left number on the Status screen) by one point per level of the spell that hits. Effectively stacks up to 16 total Magic Defense. | Buy: Paloom, Poft, Mysidia, Machanon | 300 gil (GBA/PSP) 400 gil (Famicom/PS) |
Envelops target in magic, raising magic defense. | |||
Wall | Pixel Remaster: Grants a Wall that negates all Black Magic spells (even beneficial ones) against the target when the Black Magic spell's level is lower than the number of successful hits by the Wall spell cast. When multi-targeted, casts one level lower.
Older versions: Wall also negates Black Magic spells of equal level to the successful hit count of Wall. Wall's level is not reduced when multi-targeted. Wall is broken when the target is hit by a Black Magic spell with a level higher than the successful hit count of Wall. Accuracy bonus +50. |
Buy: Mysidia | 5,000 gil (GBA/PSP) 8,000 gil (Famicom/PS) |
Forms a magic wall, raising magic defense. | |||
Dispel | Attempts to remove a target's elemental resistance (but cannot affect their elemental absorptions). The number of successes determines which resistances are removed in the following order: Changeable, Fire, Spectral, Lightning, Instant Death, Poison, Psychic, and Ice. Accuracy bonus +40. | Buy: Fynn | 2,000 gil (GBA/PSP) 3,000 gil (Famicom/PS) |
Removes protective magic barriers. | |||
Mini | Changeable-elemental. Inflicts the Mini status on the target. The afflicted character's physical attacks are weakened considerably. Instantly kills enemies. Accuracy bonus +20. | Buy: Fynn, Machanon Find: Cave of Mysidia |
2,000 gil (GBA/PSP) 3,000 gil (Famicom/PS) |
Shrinks foes. | |||
Silence | Psychic-elemental. Inflicts the Silence status on the target. The afflicted character cannot use magic until it wears off. Accuracy bonus +30. | Buy: Bafsk, Mysidia | 600 gil (GBA/PSP) 800 gil (Famicom/PS) |
Silences foes. | |||
Sap (PS: Faze) |
Spectral-elemental. Reduces the target's MP. Spell power 5, accuracy bonus +40. | Buy: Salamand, Mysidia, Machanon | 1,000 gil (GBA/PSP) 1,500 gil (Famicom/PS) |
Reduces foes' MP. | |||
Fog | Spectral-elemental. Inflicts the Amnesia status on the target. The afflicted character cannot use magic until the effect is treated. Accuracy bonus +20. | Buy: Fynn | 2,000 gil (GBA/PSP) 3,000 gil (Famicom/PS) |
Inflicts amnesia on foes. | |||
Slow | Psychic-elemental. Inflicts the Slow status on the target. Reduces the target's number of hit attempts by one per level of the spell that hits. Does not stack, but a stronger Slow with more successful hits can overwrite a weaker one. Accuracy bonus +30. | Buy: Fynn | 2,000 gil (GBA/PSP) 3,000 gil (Famicom/PS) |
Temporarily reduces foes' number of attacks. | |||
Swap | Changeable-elemental. Switches the caster's HP and MP with the target. Accuracy bonus +30. | Buy: Mysidia | 5,000 gil (GBA/PSP) 8,000 gil (Famicom/PS) |
Switches HP and MP with foes. | |||
Fear | Spectral-elemental. Pixel Remaster: Effectively does nothing. Dawn of Souls to 20th Anniversary Edition: Raises the target's fear value by 5 per successful hit. Older versions: Raises the target's fear value by potency value per successful hit. A high flee value means the target is more likely to escape from the battle. Fear values cap at 255. Only works on enemies. Spell power 20, accuracy bonus +50. |
Buy: Bafsk, Mysidia | 600 gil (GBA/PSP) 800 gil (Famicom/PS) |
Strikes fear in foes' hearts, making them more likely to flee. | |||
Holy | Draws on the power of light to deal intense damage to foes. Deals non-elemental damage. Spell power 15, accuracy bonus +0. | Buy: Mysidia, Unknown Cave Drop: Tiamat, Yamatano Orochi |
20,000 gil |
Deals holy damage. | |||
Teleport | Changeable-elemental. Transports the party out of a dungeon and drains the caster's HP to critical levels (outside of battle), or instantly kills the target (in battle). Accuracy bonus +20. NOTE: In the Origins version this is a Black Magic spell. +55 prior to PR to DOS. +0 prior to DOS. | Buy: Salamand, Mysidia Find: Semitt Falls |
1,000 gil (GBA/PSP) 1,500 gil (Famicom/PS) |
Banishes foes to another dimension or transports party out of dungeons. | |||
Ultima | The ultimate magic tome, sealed away by those who feared its power. Deals non-elemental damage that ignores magic defense. Damage is unaffected by armor penalties on the caster. For most characters, damage is based on the sum of their weapon skill levels and their magic spell levels. For Minwu only, damage is based on Spirit. See Ultima for more information. | Find: Mysidian Tower | — |
The ultimate magic, sealed away by the ancients. | |||
Revive | Revives all party members and enemies, and restores them to full HP and MP. This Tome is only available on the 20th Anniversary Edition release for PSP. | Other: Give Light of Hope to Deumion (Arcane Labyrinth) | — |
White magic of the highest order. Bestows well being upon all. |
Other appearances[]

Ultima 1 in World of Final Fantasy.
Ultima, which debuted in Final Fantasy II, has since gone on to become the series's staple "final spell". Ultima 1 is an active magic ability in World of Final Fantasy that inflicts neutral magical damage on a single enemy for 1 AP. It can be used by Lann (Firion's Champion Jewel).
Magic specifically from Final Fantasy II has also appeared in spin-off games to the main series in Pictlogica Final Fantasy, Final Fantasy Record Keeper, Final Fantasy Brave Exvius, and Final Fantasy Airborne Brigade.
Magic or sorcery is an attempt to understand, experience and influence the world using rituals, symbols, actions, gestures and language that are believed to exploit supernatural forces.