Final Fantasy Wiki

There are two categories of magic in Final Fantasy: White Magic and Black Magic. White Magic is the specialty of White Mages, but lower-level White Magic spells can also be used by Knights. Black Magic is the specialty of Black Mages, but Black Magic spells up to mid-level can also be used by Ninjas. Red Mages can use most of both Black and White Magic, but are unable to learn the highest-level spells of either school.


The original NES version does not use the MP system that would become standard for later games in the series, but instead a variation of the spell slots system from Dungeons & Dragons. Spells are organized into tiers, and a character can learn up to three spells in each tier; learning a new spell requires them to forget one they already know. Each tier of spell has a number of charges, and casting a spell of that tier consumes one charge. Spell charges are replenished by resting at an inn, or by using a Cottage.

The Final Fantasy I & II: Dawn of Souls and 20th Anniversary releases change magic to use an MP system where all spells have a cost and characters have a pool of MP that is consumed. These ports also add Ethers as a means to restore MP. Spells are still divided into tiers with characters only able to learn up to three spells from each tier.

The pixel remaster release returns to the spell slot system of older releases, while also retaining Ethers, which instead restore consumed spell slots.


Hit determination[]

Only spells that target opponents make accuracy checks. For non-damaging spells, this check simply determines whether or not the spell hits. Damaging spells always hit, the accuracy check instead determining whether they receive bonus to their damage dealt.

Hit determination is done by the following formula:

Hit Successful if Random ( 0 ... 200 ) <= [ Base Chance + Spell Accuracy - Target Magic Defense, minimum 0 ]

Base chance to hit starts at 148. If the target resists the spell element, base chance to hit has 148 subtracted from it. If the target is weak to the spell element, base chance to hit is increased by 40. A target can be both weak and resistant against a given element (eg. a Vampire Lord casting NulBlaze), leaving a final base chance to hit of 40.

In practice, casting a spell with 0 Accuracy on a target with 0 Magic Defense has a hit chance of ~74.13%. Each point of Accuracy or Magic Defense respectively increases or decreases this hit chance by ~0.5%. The target resisting the spell's element reduces this by ~73.63%, while it is increased by ~19.9% if they are weak against it. A spell will always hit on a roll of 0 (~0.5%).


NES to Origins

If the hit was successful:

Damage = Random( 2ƗSpell Power ... 4ƗSpell Power )

If the hit was unsuccessful:

Damage = Random ( Spell Power ... 2ƗSpell Power )

If the target resists the element, damage is halved. If the target is weak to the element, damage is multiplied by 1.5.

Dawn of Souls onwards

Damage is determined by the caster's Intellect and Luck, the target's elemental affinities, whether the spell passes its accuracy check, and the target's Magic Defense if they are a player character. Damage is capped at 9999.

Damage = ( [Base Damage x Elemental Affinity] + Hit Bonus ) x Magic Defense Multiplier
Base Damage = Spell Power Ɨ Intellect Multiplier + [ Intellect + Luck ] Ć· 2 + Random ( 0 ... Luck Ć· 2 ).
Elemental Affinity = 1.5 if target is weak to spell element, 0.5 if target resists spell element, 1 otherwise.
Hit Bonus = Intellect Ć· 5 if spell hits, 0 otherwise.
Intellect Multiplier
Intellect Multiplier
ā€” 1
20 2
30 3
40 4
50 5
66 6
82 7
98 8
114 9
130 10
146 11
162 12
Magic Defense Multiplier
Target Magic Defense Multiplier
Player character >200 0.5
>100 0.75
<=100 0.875
Enemy ā€” 1


NES to Origins

When used in-battle:

Healing Amount = Random( Spell Power ... 2ƗSpell Power )

The amount healed is capped to 255 though this value can never be reached without hacking. Curaja, Raise, and Full-Life do not adhere to this formula, instead healing by a fixed amount.

When used out of battle, the amount healed is a set range tied to the spell in question.

Spell Amount Healed
Cure 16 ~ 31
Cura 32 ~ 63
Curaga 64 ~ 127
Heal 16 ~ 23
Healara 32 ~ 47
Healaga 64 ~ 95
Dawn of Souls onwards

The caster's Intelligence and the target's Luck both affect the amount healed. Each healing spell additionally has a multiplier attached, making higher level healing spells significantly stronger than the NES release. Curaja, Raise, and Full-Life do not adhere to this formula, instead healing by a fixed amount.

Healing Amount = ( Spell Power + Caster Intelligence ) Ɨ Multiplier + Random( 0 ... Target Luck Ć· 2 )
Spell Multiplier
Cure, Heal 1
Cura, Healara 2
Curaga, Healaga 3

Job key[]

Knight Ninja Red Mage Red Wizard
White Mage White Wizard Black Mage Black Wizard

Black Magic[]

Name Level MP Power Accuracy Element Target Price Buy Jobs
(ćƒ•ć‚”ć‚¤ć‚¢, Faia?)
NES: FIRE; PS: Fire1
1 5 10 24 Fire One enemy 100 Cornelia Ni, RM, RW, BM, BW
Inflicts light Fire damage on one enemy.
Deals fire damage to one enemy.
(ć‚µćƒ³ćƒ€ćƒ¼, Sandā?)
NES: LIT; PS: Bolt1
1 5 10 24 Lightning One enemy 100 Cornelia Ni, RM, RW, BM, BW
Inflicts light Lightning damage on one enemy.
Deals lightning damage to one enemy.
(ć‚·ć‚§ć‚¤ćƒ—, Sheipu?)
NES: LOCK; PS: Focus1
1 3 ā€” 64 ā€” One enemy 100 Cornelia Ni, RM, RW, BM, BW
Attempts to decrease one enemy's Evasion by 20.[note 1]
Lowers one enemy's evasion.
(ć‚¹ćƒŖćƒ—ćƒ«, Suripuru?)
NES: SLEP; PS: Sleep1
1 3 ā€” 24 Spirit[note 2] All enemies 100 Cornelia Ni, RM, RW, BM, BW
Attempts to inflict Sleep on all enemies.
Puts all enemies to sleep.
(惀ć‚Æćƒć‚¹, Dakunesu?)
2 5 ā€” 24 Spirit[note 3] All enemies 400 Pravoka Ni, RM, RW, BM, BW
Attempts to inflict Darkness on all enemies.
Blinds all enemies with darkness.
(惖ćƒŖć‚¶ćƒ‰, Burizado?)
NES: ICE; PS: Ice1
2 8 20 24 Ice One enemy 400 Pravoka Ni, RM, RW, BM, BW
Inflicts light Ice damage to one enemy.
Deals ice damage to one enemy.
(ć‚¹ćƒ­ć‚¦, Surō?)
NES: SLOW; PS: Slow1
2 5 ā€” 64 Spirit[note 4] All enemies 400 Pravoka Ni, RM, RW, BM, BW
Attempts to decrease the hit multiplier of all enemies by 1.
Reduces all enemies' number of attacks.
(ć‚¹ćƒˆćƒ©ć‚¤, Sutorai?)
NES: TMPR; PS: Steel
2 10 ā€” ā€” ā€” One ally 400 Pravoka Ni, RM, RW, BM, BW
Increases one ally's Attack by 14.[note 5]
Raises one ally's attack.
(ćƒ•ć‚”ć‚¤ćƒ©, Faira?)
NES: FIR2; PS: Fire2
3 15 30 24 Fire All enemies 1,500 Elfheim Ni, RM, RW, BM, BW
Inflicts moderate Fire damage on all enemies.
Deals fire damage to all enemies.
(ćƒ›ćƒ¼ćƒ«ćƒ‰, Hōrudo?)
3 10 ā€” 64 Spirit[note 6] One enemy 1,500 Elfheim Ni, RM, RW, BM, BW
Attempts to inflict Paralysis on one enemy.
Paralyzes one enemy.
(ć‚µćƒ³ćƒ€ćƒ©, Sandara?)
NES: LIT2; PS: Bolt2
3 15 30 24 Lightning All enemies 1,500 Elfheim Ni, RM, RW, BM, BW
Inflicts moderate Lightning damage on all enemies.
Deals lightning damage to all enemies.
(ć‚·ć‚§ć‚¤ćƒ©, Sheira?)
NES: LOK2; PS: Focus2
3 10 ā€” 64[note 7] ā€” All enemies 1,500 Elfheim Ni, RM, RW, BM, BW
Attempts to decrease the Evasion of all enemies by 20.[note 8]
Lowers evasion of all enemies.
(ć‚³ćƒ³ćƒ•ćƒ„, Konfyu?)
NES: CONF; PS: Muddle
4 15 ā€” 64 Spirit[note 9] All enemies 4,000 Elfheim Ni, RM, RW, BM, BW
Attempts to inflict Confuse on all enemies.
Causes enemies to turn on each other.
(ćƒ˜ć‚¤ć‚¹ćƒˆ, Heisuto?)
4 15 ā€” ā€” ā€” One ally 4,000 Elfheim Ni, RM, RW, BM, BW
Increases the hit multiplier of one ally by 1.
Doubles one ally's number of attacks.
(惖ćƒŖć‚¶ćƒ©, Burizara?)
NES: ICE2; PS: Ice2
4 18 40 24 Ice All enemies 4,000 Elfheim Ni, RM, RW, BM, BW
Inflicts moderate Ice damage on all enemies.
Deals ice damage to all enemies.
(ć‚¹ćƒŖćƒ—ćƒ©, Suripura?)
NES: SLP2; PS: Sleep2
4 15 ā€” 64 Spirit[note 10] One enemy 4,000 Elfheim Ni, RM, RW, BM, BW
Attempts to inflict Sleep on one enemy.
Puts one enemy to sleep.
(ć‚Æćƒ©ć‚¦ćƒ€, Kurauda?)
NES: BANE; PS: Poison
5 28 ā€” 40 Poison All enemies 8,000 Melmond RW, BM, BW
Attempts to inflict KO on all enemies.
Instantly kills all enemies.
(ćƒ•ć‚”ć‚¤ć‚¬, Faiga?)
NES: FIR3; PS: Fire3
5 30 50 24 Fire All enemies 8,000 Melmond RM, RW, BM, BW
Inflicts heavy Fire damage on all enemies.
Deals fire damage to all enemies.
(ćƒ©ć‚¹ćƒ­ć‚¦, Rasurō?)
NES: SLO2; PS: Slow2
5 18 ā€” 64 ā€” One enemy 8,000 Melmond RM, RW, BM, BW
Attempts to decrease one enemy's hit multiplier by 1.
Reduces one enemy's number of attacks.
(ćƒ†ćƒ¬ćƒ, Terepo?)
NES: WARP; PS: Warp1
5 5 0 ā€” ā€” All allies 8,000 Melmond RW, BW
Returns to the previous floor of a dungeon.
Transports the party to the previous floor.
(ć‚µćƒ³ć‚¬ćƒ¼, Sangā?)
NES: LIT3; PS: Bolt3
6 35 60 24 Lightning All enemies 20,000 Crescent Lake RW, BM, BW
Inflicts heavy Lightning damage on all enemies.
Deals lightning damage to all enemies.
(ć‚Æć‚Ø悤ć‚Æ, Kueiku?)
6 32 ā€” 40 Earth All enemies 20,000 Crescent Lake BM, BW
Attempts to inflict KO on all enemies.
Calls an earthquake to swallow enemies.
(ćƒ‡ć‚¹, Desu?)
NES: RUB; PS: Reaper
6 30 ā€” 24 Instant Death One enemy 20,000 Crescent Lake BM, BW
Attempts to inflict KO on one enemy.
Instantly kills one enemy.
(ć‚¹ć‚æćƒ³, Sutan?)
6 20 ā€” ā€” Spirit[note 6] One enemy 20,000 Crescent Lake BM, BW
Attempts to inflict Paralysis on one enemy. Always succeeds if the target has 300 or less HP and is not resistant against the Spirit[note 6] element. Always fails if the target has over 300 HP, or resists the Spirit[note 6] element.
Paralyzes one enemy.
(ćƒ–ćƒ©ć‚¤ćƒ³, Burain?)
7 25 ā€” ā€” Spirit[note 3] One enemy 45,000 Onrac BM, BW
Attempts to inflict Darkness on one enemy. Always succeeds if the target has 300 or less HP and is not resistant against the Spirit[note 3] element. Always fails if the target has over 300 HP, or resists the Spirit[note 3] element.
Blinds one enemy with darkness.
(ćƒ–ćƒ¬ć‚¤ć‚Æ, Bureiku?)
7 30 ā€” 64 Poison[note 11] One enemy 45,000 Gaia Black Wizard
Attempts to inflict Stone on one enemy.
Petrifies one enemy.
(惖ćƒŖ悶悬, Burizaga?)
NES: ICE3; PS: Ice3
7 40 70 24 Ice All enemies 45,000 Gaia RW, BM, BW
Inflicts heavy Ice damage on all enemies.
Deals ice damage to all enemies.
(ć‚»ćƒ¼ćƒćƒ¼, Sēbā?)
7 25 ā€” ā€” ā€” Self 45,000 Onrac Black Wizard
Increases own Attack by 16 and Accuracy by 10.[note 12]
Raises caster's attack and accuracy.
(ćƒ•ćƒ¬ć‚¢ćƒ¼, Fureā?)
8 50 100 107 ā€” All enemies 60,000 Lufenia Black Wizard
Inflicts massive non-elemental damage on all enemies.
Blasts all enemies with light and heat.
(ć‚¹ćƒˆćƒƒćƒ—, Sutoppu?)
8 30 ā€” 48 Time All enemies 60,000 Gaia Black Wizard
Attempts to inflict Paralysis on all enemies.
Stops time and paralyzes all enemies.
(ć‚­ćƒ«, Kiru?)
8 40 ā€” ā€” Instant Death One enemy 60,000 Gaia Black Wizard
Attempts to inflict KO on one enemy. Always succeeds if the target has 300 or less HP and is not resistant against the Instant Death element. Always fails if the target has over 300 HP, or resists the Instant Death element.
Instantly kills one enemy.
(惇ć‚øćƒ§ćƒ³, Dejon?)
NES: ZAP!; PS: Banish
8 38 ā€” 32 Time All enemies 60,000 Gaia Black Wizard
Attempts to inflict KO on all enemies.
Banishes enemies to another dimension.

White Magic[]

Name Level MP Power Accuracy Element Target Price Buy Jobs
(ć‚±ć‚¢ćƒ«, Kearu?)
NES: CURE; PS: Cure1
1 3 16 ā€” ā€” One ally 100 Cornelia Kn, RM, RW, WM, WW
Restores a small amount of HP to one ally.
Restores a little HP to one ally.
(ćƒ—ćƒ­ćƒ†ć‚¹, Purotesu?)
NES: FOG; PS: Shld1
1 3 ā€” ā€” ā€” One ally 100 Cornelia Kn, RM, RW, WM, WW
Increases one ally's Defense by 8.
Raises one ally's defense.
(ćƒ‡ć‚£ć‚¢, Dia?)
1 5 20 24 ā€” All enemies 100 Cornelia WM, WW
Inflicts light non-elemental damage on all Undead enemies.
Deals damage to all undead enemies.
(惖ćƒŖćƒ³ć‚Æ, Burinku?)
1 3 ā€” ā€” ā€” Self 100 Cornelia Kn, RW, WM, WW
Increases own Evasion by 80.
Raises caster's evasion.
(ćƒć‚µćƒ³ćƒ€, Basanda?)
NES: ALIT; PS: NulBolt
2 8 ā€” ā€” ā€” All allies 400 Pravoka Kn, RM, RW, WM, WW
Grants resistance to Lightning to all allies.
Reduces lightning damage by half for the entire party.
(ć‚¤ćƒ³ćƒ“ć‚ø, Inbiji?)
NES: INVS; PS: Invis1
2 5 ā€” ā€” ā€” One ally 400 Pravoka Kn, RM, RW, WM, WW
Increases one ally's Evasion by 40.
Raises one ally's evasion.
(ćƒ–ćƒ©ćƒŠ, Burana?)
2 3 ā€” ā€” ā€” One ally 400 Pravoka Kn, RM, RW, WM, WW
Removes Darkness from one ally.
Cures darkness.
(ć‚µć‚¤ćƒ¬ć‚¹, Sairesu?)
2 5 ā€” 64 ā€”[note 13] All enemies 400 Pravoka Kn, RM, RW, WM, WW
Attempts to inflict Silence on all enemies.
Casts silence on all enemies.
(ćƒćƒ•ć‚”ć‚¤, Bafai?)
NES: AFIR; PS: NulFire
3 8 ā€” ā€” ā€” All allies 1,500 Elfheim Kn, RM, RW, WM, WW
Grants resistance to Fire to all allies.
Reduces fire damage by half for the entire party.
(ć‚±ć‚¢ćƒ«ć‚¢, Kearua?)
NES: CUR2; PS: Cure2
3 10 33 ā€” ā€” One ally 1,500 Elfheim Kn, RM, RW, WM, WW
Restores a moderate amount of HP to one ally.
Restores HP to one ally.
(ćƒ’ćƒ¼ćƒ«, HÄ«ru?)
NES: HEAL; PS: Heal1
3 10 12 ā€” ā€” All allies 1,500 Elfheim WM, WW
Restores a small amount of HP to all allies.
Restores a little HP to entire party.
(ć‚¢ćƒ‡ć‚£ć‚¢, Adia?)
NES: HRM2; PS: Dia2
3 12 40 24 ā€” All enemies 1,500 Elfheim WM, WW
Inflicts moderate non-elemental damage on all Undead enemies.
Deals damage to all undead enemies.
(ćƒć‚³ćƒ«ćƒ‰, Bakorudo?)
4 8 ā€” ā€” ā€” All allies 4,000 Elfheim RM, RW, WM, WW
Grants resistance to Ice to all allies.
Reduces ice damage by half for the entire party.
(ćƒœć‚­ćƒ£ćƒ«, Bokyaru?)
4 3 ā€” ā€” ā€” One ally 4,000 Elfheim RW, WM, WW
Removes Silence from one ally.
Cures silence.
(ćƒ•ć‚£ć‚¢ćƒ¼, Fiā?)
4 10 ā€” 24 Spirit[note 4] All enemies 4,000 Elfheim WM, WW
Attempts to reduce Morale of all enemies by 40, making them more likely to flee.[note 14]
Drives all foes away in terror.
(ćƒć‚¤ć‚¾ćƒŠ, Poizona?)
NES: PURE; PS: Esuna
4 3 ā€” ā€” ā€” One ally 4,000 Elfheim RM, RW, WM, WW
Removes Poison from one ally.
Cures poison.
(ć‚±ć‚¢ćƒ«ćƒ€, Kearuda?)
NES: CUR3; PS: Cure3
5 20 66 ā€” ā€” One ally 8,000 Melmond RM, RW, WM, WW
Restores a large amount of HP to one ally.
Restores a lot of HP to one ally.
(ćƒ’ćƒ¼ćƒ©, HÄ«ra?)
NES: HEL2; PS: Heal2
5 25 24 ā€” ā€” All allies 8,000 Melmond WM, WW
Restores a moderate amount of HP to all allies.[note 15]
Restores HP to entire party.
(ćƒ€ćƒ‡ć‚£ć‚¢, Dadia?)
NES: HRM3; PS: Dia3
5 25 60 24 ā€” All enemies 8,000 Melmond WM, WW
Inflicts heavy non-elemental damage on all Undead enemies.
Deals damage to all undead enemies.
(ćƒ¬ć‚¤ć‚ŗ, Reizu?)
NES: LIFE; PS: Life1
5 20 ā€” ā€” ā€” One ally 8,000 Melmond RW, WM, WW
Revives one ally from KO with 1 HP.
Revives one KO'd ally.
(ćƒ€ćƒ†ćƒ¬ćƒ, Daterepo?)
NES: EXIT; PS: Warp2
6 10 ā€” ā€” ā€” All allies 20,000 Crescent Lake RW, WW
Warp out of dungeon.
Transports the party out of dungeons.
(ćƒ—ćƒ­ćƒ†ć‚¢, Purotea?)
NES: FOG2; PS: Shld2
6 20 ā€” ā€” ā€” All allies 20,000 Crescent Lake RW, WM, WW
Increases Defense of all allies by 12.
Raises the party's defense.
(ć‚¤ćƒ³ćƒ“ć‚¢, Inbia?)
NES: INV2; PS: Invis2
6 25 ā€” ā€” ā€” All allies 20,000 Crescent Lake RW, WM, WW
Increases Evasion of all allies by 40.
Raises the party's evasion.
(ć‚¹ćƒˆćƒŠ, Sutona?)
6 10 ā€” ā€” ā€” One ally 20,000 Crescent Lake WM, WW
Removes Stone from one ally.
Cures stone.
(惐惞ć‚øć‚Æ, Bamajiku?)
7 28 ā€” ā€” ā€” All allies 40,000 Onrac RW, WM, WW
Grants immunity to all status effects and resistance to the Earth, Spirit, Poison, Time, and Instant Death elements to all allies.[note 16][note 17]
Enhances the party's defense against instant death.
(ć‚±ć‚¢ćƒ«ć‚¬, Kearuga?)
NES: CUR4; PS: Cure4
7 35 ā€” ā€” ā€” One ally 45,000 Gaia White Wizard
Restores 999 HP to one ally[note 18] and removes Confuse, Darkness, Paralysis, Poison, Silence, and Sleep.
Fully restores one ally's HP and cures some status effects.
(ćƒ©ćƒ’ćƒ¼ćƒ©, RahÄ«ra?)
NES: HEL3; PS: Heal3
7 38 48 ā€” ā€” All allies 40,000 Onrac WM, WW
Restores a large amount of HP to all allies.
Restores a lot of HP to entire party.
(ć‚¬ćƒ‡ć‚£ć‚¢, Gadia?)
NES: HRM4; PS: Dia4
7 35 80 48 ā€” All enemies 40,000 Gaia White Wizard
Inflicts massive non-elemental damage on all Undead enemies.
Deals damage to all undead enemies.
(ćƒ›ćƒ¼ćƒŖćƒ¼, HōrÄ«?)
8 50 80 107 ā€” All enemies 60,000 Gaia White Wizard
Inflicts massive non-elemental damage on all enemies.
Damages all enemies with holy light.
(ć‚¢ćƒ¬ć‚¤ć‚ŗ, Areizu?)
NES: LIF2; PS: Life2
8 40 ā€” ā€” ā€” One ally 60,000 Lufenia White Wizard
Removes KO from one ally and restores 999 HP.[note 19]
Revives one ally and fully restores HP.
(惐ć‚Ŗ惫, Baoru?)
8 40 ā€” ā€” ā€” One ally 60,000 Gaia White Wizard
Grants immunity to all status effects and resistance to all elements to one ally.[note 17]
Reduces damage from spells by half.
(ćƒ‡ć‚¹ćƒšćƒ«, Desuperu?)
8 35 ā€” 107 ā€” One enemy 60,000 Gaia White Wizard
Attempts to remove all elemental resistances and status immunities from one enemy.[note 20][note 21]
Negates one enemy's magical defenses.

Other appearances[]

Final Fantasy Airborne Brigade[]

Ability Cards
Legend Cards

Final Fantasy Brave Exvius[]

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Behind the scenes[]

Early design documents for Final Fantasy depict magic spells organized into different tiers, some bore slightly different names, and there were only three spells per tier. There were no third-level Fire, Blizzard, or Thunder spells at this point in development. Two spells not present in the final game were planned: a White Magic spell named "Paralyna" that cured both the Sleep and Paralysis ailments, and a Black Magic "Misaira" (ćƒŸć‚µć‚¤ćƒ«, Missile) that "fired a small arrow of flame", likely a reference to the Dungeons & Dragons spell Magic Missile. In the final product many spells were shuffled between tiers and both Paralyna and Misaira were removed. A spell named Paralyna appeared much later in Final Fantasy XI.[1]

White Magic
  1. Cure, Dia, Protect
  2. Pararana, Silence, Bacold
  3. Cura, Vox, Bafire
  4. Poisona, Diara, Protera
  5. Curaga, Raise, Bathunder
  6. Stona, Exit, Fear
  7. Curaga, Diaga, Bamagik
  8. Full-Life, Holy, Baol
Black Magic
  1. Misaira, Sleep, Focus
  2. Thunder, Dark, Temper
  3. Fire, Hold, Haste
  4. Blizzard, Slow, Confuse
  5. Thundara, Clouda, Teleport
  6. Fira, Death, Quake
  7. Blizzara, Break, Saber
  8. Flare, Stop, Warp



Magic or sorcery is an attempt to understand, experience and influence the world using rituals, symbols, actions, gestures and language that are believed to exploit supernatural forces.



  1. ā†‘ Always misses in the NES release.
  2. ā†‘ Sleep in Dawn of Souls and 20th Anniversary.
  3. ā†‘ 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 Darkness in Dawn of Souls and 20th Anniversary.
  4. ā†‘ 4.0 4.1 Mind in Dawn of Souls and 20th Anniversary.
  5. ā†‘ Has no effect in the NES release.
  6. ā†‘ 6.0 6.1 6.2 6.3 Paralysis in Dawn of Souls and 20th Anniversary.
  7. ā†‘ 40 in NES release.
  8. ā†‘ Increases Evasion by 20 in the NES release.
  9. ā†‘ Confusion in Dawn of Souls and 20th Anniversary.
  10. ā†‘ Non-elemental prior to pixel remaster.
  11. ā†‘ Stone in Dawn of Souls and 20th Anniversary.
  12. ā†‘ In NES release was intended to increase only Attack, but is bugged and does nothing.
  13. ā†‘ Silence in Dawn of Souls and 20th Anniversary; Spirit in NES and Origins.
  14. ā†‘ Has no effect in the pixel remaster.
  15. ā†‘ In the NES release, works as intended out of combat, but in combat instead has the same power as Healaga.
  16. ā†‘ In Dawn of Souls and 20th Anniversary, substitute Spirit for Confusion, Darkness, Mind, Paralysis, Silence, Sleep, and Stone.
  17. ā†‘ 17.0 17.1 Does not grant immunity to status effects prior to pixel remaster.
  18. ā†‘ Restores 9,999 HP in releases prior to pixel remaster. In pixel remaster, Chaos uses a unique variant of Curaja that continues to restore 9,999 HP.
  19. ā†‘ Restores 9,999 HP in releases prior to pixel remaster.
  20. ā†‘ Only removes elemental resistances prior to pixel remaster.
  21. ā†‘ Only works when used by enemies in the NES release.


  1. ā†‘ Oya, K. (Ed.) (2012) Final Fantasy Ultimania Archive Vol. 1, p. 33