Eorzea was destroyed by a force of unimaginable power raining down from the sky. It is the dawn of a new age!
The following is a list of Maelstrom Quests from Final Fantasy XIV version 1.0.
Main Quests[]
The Price of Integrity[]
- Journal
- Officer Guincum of the Maelstrom has asked for your assistance in silencing a reporter known to be writing slanderous articles concerning the Admiral and her policies. You are to travel to Wineport and persuade Walcher to desist immediately.
- Walcher has promised to refrain from writing any more articles on the Admiral if you bring him Urianger, a prophet rumored to be one of the mages who brought about the Sixth Umbral Era fifteen centuries ago. The enigmatic character is thought to have made camp somewhere to the east of Wineport.
※ Up to two party members may accompany you.
- After defeating Urianger's familiar, you unexpectedly encounter a mysterious Miqo'te named Y'shtola. She tells you that the mages Walcher accused of attempting to destroy Eorzea during the Sixth Umbral Era may in fact have been responsible for the realm's salvation. And while she suggests that you make ready for a coming catastrophe, she reminds you there is nothing to fear as long as you continue your quest for truth. Return to Walcher in Wineport and report on your findings.
- While disappointed that you were unable to bring him Urianger, Walcher was pleased enough with the information you did bring, and has promised never to write of the Admiral again. Return to Guincum at Maelstrom headquarters and give him the news.
Testing the Waters[]
- Journal
- At the behest of First Storm Lieutenant Guincum, you have joined the Maelstrom on a provisional basis. To learn more of company currency and the items available for purchase, speak with Grizzly Gnat at Maelstrom Command.
Seals for the Whorl[]
- Journal
- Storm Sergeant First Class Grizzly Gnat has informed you of your limited options as an interim recruit, but has assured you that more will be made available upon official enlistment into the Maelstrom. He has also suggested that you use the seals currently in your possession to purchase a stein of dusken draught which will be of use to you on your first mission. Speak with Guincum once you have done so.
Engineering Victory[]
- Journal
- The Maelstrom is planning an attack on a battalion of Garlean soldiers dispatched to upper La Noscea with orders to seize kobold encampments and transform them into imperial strongholds. Officer Guincum seeks volunteers to set an ambush for any Garleans who attempt to escape via the canyon connecting the area to eastern La Noscea.
※ Up to two party members may accompany you.
- You have succeeded in slaying several imperial soldiers who attempted to retreat through the canyon. On one of the bodies, you discovered a magitek transceiver and, in one of your better displays of judgment, decided to take it with you. Return to Maelstrom Command and report your findings.
- Officer Guincum sends a request to Garlond Ironworks to examine the magitek transceiver; however, the cryptographical expert, Ebrelnaux, has just left on an assignment in the Coerthas eastern lowlands. Your new orders are to journey to Millers' Glade and deliver the transceiver to him.
- Upon delivering the transceiver to Ebrelnaux, you learn that the Garlond Ironworks have been sending engineers across Eorzea to take various scientific readings of a nature the engineer is not at liberty to disclose. Now that you have completed your assignment, return to Maelstrom Command to receive the compensation promised you.
An Officer and a Wise Man[]
- Journal
- Merlwyb left Limsa Lominsa unarmed and unattended for a meeting with the city-state's pirates...but has yet to return. Officer Guincum fears the Admiral may be in danger, and has asked that you travel to a clearing southwest of Camp Bloodshore to see if you cannot discover her whereabouts.
※ Up to two party members may accompany you.
- After defeating a band of raiders, you continue to the secluded clearing and discover the Admiral, though she is not alone. Her company, however, is not who you expect. Speak with both Merlwyb and the Archon Urianger to learn more of the situation.
- In order to alleviate any confusion, the Admiral informs you of the Archon's involvement in the re-establishment of the Maelstrom. As thanks for dealing with her pursuers, she has invited you to attend the official Grand Company inauguration ceremony to take place on the Bridge. To access the hall, speak to Zanthael at the Admiral's Lift in the Mizzenmast.
- The ceremony is over, but the Admiral's words still ring loud in your heart. Before leaving the hall, speak with Y'shtola, who also was in attendance, and hear her take on the speech.
Ceruleum Shock[]
- Journal
- Officer Guincum is concerned about how members of the Hollow Barons will conduct themselves while on a classified Maelstrom mission in Thanalan, and has asked you to join the pirates and observe their actions. Journey to the ferry docks in Vesper Bay to begin the mission.
※ Up to two party members may accompany you.
- Upon your arrival in Vesper Bay you are greeted with the sounds of steel on steel, but thanks to your intervention, the day belongs to Limsa Lominsa. Speak with the remaining Hollow Barons to see if they cannot shed some light on the previous battle.
- After assisting the Hollow Barons in dispatching the party of Immortal Flames, you learn the details of their mission—while the party in Vesper Bay draws the Immortal Flames' attention west, another party, led by the Barons' captain, travels to the ceruleum fields in northern Thanalan to "acquire" fuel for the Maelstrom's new flagship. Seek out the captain and determine if he requires any assistance.
- By the time you arrive at the ceruleum fields, the Hollow Barons have already been discovered by the Immortal Flames, and another battle seems imminent. However, as if on cue, Cid Garlond, owner and chief engineer of the Garlond Ironworks, appears to save the day and bore the aggressors into submission. Before departing, he politely invites you to have a chat with him at the Limsa Lominsa Landing, located on the Mizzenmast.
Till Sea Swallows All[]
- Journal
- You have cut your ties with the Immortal Flames and the Order of the Twin Adder, pledged your allegiance to the Maelstrom, and earned the rank of Storm Private Third Class. To learn more of what opportunities are available now that you are an official member of the Lominsan armada, speak with Second Lieutenant Bharbennsyn.
It Kills with Fire (Limsa Lominsa)[]
- Journal
- First Storm Lieutenant Guincum has assigned you a mission of utmost import. An individual claiming knowledge of how to defeat primals has appeared in Gridania, and now the Order of the Twin Adder is proposing an alliance with the Maelstrom to vanquish the primal Ifrit. The lieutenant suspects this to be a Gridanian ploy, and has asked you to make contact with the visitor, an elderly Elezen named Louisoix, and discern whether he is the genuine article. Make your way to Apkallus Falls in Gridania, where he is said to be.
※ Only parties consisting of four Disciples of War or Magic level 25 or higher will be permitted to battle the primal Ifrit.
※ All party members must have either completed one of the three "It Kills with Fire" quests or fulfilled the quest requirements for entering the battlefield.
※ Winning the battle with a party of four fully enlisted members of the Maelstrom will earn you greater rewards.
- You have met and spoken with Louisoix at Apkallus Falls and learned that he presides over a fellowship called the Circle of Knowing. According to the wizened Elezen, the primals are draining the land of aether. They must be vanquished, lest the power of the crystals be exhausted and Eorzea reduced to a barren wasteland. For the first step, Louisoix requires that you put down the six mighty beasts identified below, and obtain the echo crystals they yield. More will be revealed once you have accomplished this task.
- Eastern La Noscea:
- Barometz, northwest of Camp Bloodshore (wind).
- Slippery Sykes, southeast of Camp Bloodshore (water).
- Western Thanalan:
- The nest commander, northwest of Camp Horizon (earth).
- Pyrausta, west of Camp Horizon (lightning).
- The South Shroud:
- Queen Bolete, southwest of Camp Tranquil (ice).
- The jackanapes, southeast of Camp Tranquil (fire).
- You have successfully obtained the six echo crystals, one for each of the elements. Make haste and report back to Louisoix at Apkallus Falls in Gridania.
- Employing his magicks, Louisoix has merged the six echo crystals to create a harmonizing crystal, an object that grants the bearer entry into the Bowl of Embers, Ifrit's sanctuary. However, in order to summon forth the primal, you must first obtain the Inferno Flambeau. The sacred relic is said to be in the possession of the Amalj'aa Voidtongue Ahzabb Chah, who can be found within a cave situated south of Nophica's Wells in western Thanalan.
- You have relieved Voidtongue Ahzabb Chah of the Inferno Flambeau. Make haste and report back to Louisoix at Apkallus Falls in Gridania.
- You are now ready to confront Ifrit. Make whatever preparations you deem necessary, and then speak to Louisoix once more.
※ Only parties consisting of four Disciples of War or Magic level 25 or higher will be permitted to battle the primal Ifrit.
※ All party members must have either completed one of the three "It Kills with Fire" quests or fulfilled the quest requirements for entering the battlefield.
※ Winning the battle with a party of four fully enlisted members of the Maelstrom will earn you greater rewards.
※ The allotted time for the battle is 30 minutes (Earth time).
※ A waiting time applies between challenges, and you will not be permitted to return to the area immediately. (View the Timers tab located under Attributes in the main menu for more information.)
- You have defeated Ifrit despite overwhelming odds. Your celebration is cut short, however, by the unexpected appearance of Legatus Nael van Darnus of the VIIth Imperial Legion. He proceeds to issue a grim warning concerning the coming of a crimson star which will purge the land of life. Make haste for Gridania and relay to Louisoix all that has transpired.
- Upon returning to Gridania, you learn that your victory over Ifrit was only fleeting. To compound matters, the likelihood is high that the primal has absorbed the aether that spilled forth from the land, rendering him even stronger than before. With the aetherial gate leading to the Bowl of Embers permanently severed, Louisoix must search for other ways to deal with Ifrit. In light of recent events, you are confident that Louisoix is who he claims to be. Make your way to Maelstrom Command in Limsa Lominsa and apprise First Storm Lieutenant Guincum of your verdict.
- Journal
- Maelstrom Command has received a distress signal from a Garlond Ironworks airship. The vessel is believed to have crashed while on an expedition in upper La Noscea to survey a system of newly discovered ruins. First Storm Lieutenant Guincum has requested your assistance in the location and extraction of any survivors. Report to High Commander R'ashaht Rhiki at Camp Iron Lake for operation details.
- High Commander Rhiki has informed you of the approximate whereabouts of the grounded airship and identified the safest route to the crash site as a mountain pass leading into Oakwood from the north. The route, however, is crawling with imperial operatives who also seek Ironworks survivors. Slay any operatives you encounter and secure the crash site before it falls into enemy hands.
※ Up to two party members may accompany you.
※ Use the imperial disruption from the interaction menu to prevent the imperial operatives from calling for reinforcements.
- Upon defeating the last of the imperial operatives, you spot a Garlean airship heading for the area identified by High Commander Rhiki as the probable scene of the crash. When you arrive, you are confronted by XIVth Legion Legatus Gaius van Baelsar, but escape certain death when Ironworks master engineer Cid Garlond appears and urges the Black Wolf to stand down. Speak with Cid and his colleagues to learn more of what has just transpired.
- According to Cid, the Meteor project is a complex scheme employing arcane magicks and lost Allagan technology to summon the lesser moon Dalamud—a giant machine, if his claims are to be believed—down to Eorzea in an attempt to annihilate all of the beast tribes in one fell swoop. Seemingly in conjunction with the project, Legati Gaius van Baelsar and Nael van Darnus are currently searching for relics known as "tomestones" said to contain records of the past, despite the fact that Ironworks studies have shown these items to be worthless...
- Return to Camp Iron Lake and report your findings to High Commander R'ashaht Rhiki to collect your reward.
Deus ex Machina[]
- Journal
- The Admiral has summoned you to the Coral Tower to discuss a matter of great import. Hurry to the Knights of the Barracuda headquarters located on the Upper Decks so as not to keep her waiting.
Merlwyb has requested your attendance at the historical signing of the Galadion Accord—a landmark treaty that unites the pirates and the Maelstrom once and for all, and further readies Limsa Lominsa for the coming battle with the Garlean Empire. The Admiral awaits you in Aleport.
※ Up to three party members may accompany you. (Recommended)
Before the Galadion Accord can be signed, the Empire launches an attack on the tiny hamlet, unleashing never-before-seen machina weaponry. Hold back the deadly magitek vanguard while the wounded Admiral makes her escape.
※ Up to three party members may accompany you. (Recommended)
In for Garuda Wakening (Limsa Lominsa)[]
- Journal
- Before Apkallus Falls, Archon Louisoix of the Circle of Knowing has asked you to investigate the cause of the unnaturally strong winds buffeting the Gridanian hamlet of Quarrymill. He fears it may be the work of none other than Garuda, the savage primal whom the Ixal are wont to summon. Travel to Quarrymill in the South Shroud, and discover whence these fell winds blow.
※ Only parties consisting of four to eight Disciples of War or Magic level 40 or higher will be permitted to battle the primal Garuda.
※ All party members must have either completed one of the three "In for Garuda Wakening" quests or fulfilled the quest requirements for entering the battlefield.
※ Winning the battle with a party composed only of fully enlisted members of the Maelstrom will earn you greater rewards.
- You discovered the source of the winds buffeting Quarrymill to be a being with the traits of both bird and man. Could this be the primal Garuda? Hasten back to Gridania and report all that you have seen to Louisoix.
Louisoix confirms that the being you witnessed assailing Quarrymill was indeed Garuda. He then constructs for you a vortex catcher from the vortex feathers you obtained at the scene. With it in your possession, he claims that you will be able to use a beastman aetheryte found in a cave in the northeastern part of Feathergorge to reach the Howling Eye. Having made the necessary preparations, sally forth and defeat Garuda.
※ Only parties consisting of four to eight Disciples of War or Magic level 40 or higher will be permitted to battle the primal Garuda.
※ All party members must have either completed one of the three "In for Garuda Wakening" quests or fulfilled the quest requirements for entering the battlefield.
※ Winning the battle with a party composed only of fully enlisted members of the Maelstrom will earn you greater rewards.
※ The allotted time for the battle is 30 minutes (Earth time).
※ A waiting time applies between challenges, and you will not be permitted to return to the area immediately. (View the Timers tab located under Attributes in the main menu for more information.)
- You have achieved victory in battle over the wind primal Garuda. Tragically, however, the power of the crystals you wrested from her grasp was quickly claimed by Dalamud. Nael van Darnus, legatus of the Empire's VIIth Legion, tells you that the more adventurers struggle against Garlemald, the more power shall find its way to the red moon of Allag. Return to Louisoix and tell him all that has transpired.
- Louisoix contends that Nael van Darnus may be harboring ambitions that differ from those of the Empire at large. To learn what the White Raven could seek by channeling energy to Dalamud, the Archon desires to hear Master Cid Garlond's thoughts on the matter. He will arrange a meeting, and asks that you return to the Maelstrom Command in Limsa Lominsa to attend.
- Back at Maelstrom Command, Cid Garlond tells you much of the man-made red moon, Dalamud. It is known to be drawing nearer and nearer Hydaelyn, on a course that will bring it crashing down upon Eorzea. There can be no doubt that the Empire is using some unknown means to control Dalamud's trajectory, and it is knowledge of that which Master Garlond now seeks. Before returning to his studies, Cid passes on word that Admiral Merlwyb herself wishes to speak with you, and awaits your presence atop the Admiral's Lift.
- You have spoken with Merlwyb in the stateroom atop the Admiral's Lift. Although the Galadion Accord failed to bring together Limsa Lominsa's pirates, the Maelstrom, and the Knights of the Barracuda, she has not yet given up her grand visions of unity and harmony. Now she speaks of an even higher purpose—that of reforging the Eorzean Alliance. Only by uniting the forces of Limsa Lominsa, Gridania, and Ul'dah under a single banner, and adding to that union the strength of the adventurers, can the realm hope to oppose the might of Garlemald. She adds that she is relying upon you to assist her in this great endeavor. Your audience with the Admiral ended, return to Maelstrom Command and claim your reward for felling Garuda from Lieutenant Guincum.
Don't Hate the Messenger (Limsa Lominsa)[]
- Journal
- Maelstrom Command has informed you of a new Garlean stronghold in Mor Dhona. In the midst of her search for a way to break the deadlock Limsa Lominsa finds itself in with the war, Admiral Merlwyb receives a plea from Elder Seedseer Kan-E-Senna, asking for her hand in the reforging of the Eorzean Alliance. As the Admiral's emissary, travel to the Lotus Stand in Gridania, by way of the clearing before Stillglade Fane, and there hear the terms Kan-E-Senna proposes.
- You find Master Cid Garlond at the Lotus Stand. Perhaps he might have some information valuable to the fate of the Eorzean Alliance. Speak to him and find out.
- Cid tells you that the imperial stronghold in Mor Dhona is called Castrum Novum. He goes on to say that it is the likely location of the Garleans' lunar transmitter—the device designed to control the red moon, Dalamud. Though more information is needed, he claims the united forces of the Eorzean Alliance will be necessary to obtain it. Speak to the Elder Seedseer, Kan-E-Senna, to hear what she proposes.
- You have heard the proposal of Kan-E-Senna at the Lotus Stand. Prospects are grim for Gridania, which cannot withstand the brunt of the Garlean offensive for much longer. Should the forest nation fall, the Empire will no doubt set its wrath next upon Ul'dah and Limsa Lominsa, both of which stand alone. The Elder Seedseer has asked you to convince Admiral Merlwyb to commit to the remaking of the Eorzean Alliance. Speak to Cid once more before you set out for Limsa Lominsa.
- Cid has shared his thoughts with you once more at the Lotus Stand. The might of Garlemald is indeed such that Eorzea can only hope to oppose it with the three nations united. Return to Limsa Lominsa and speak to Zanthael to gain entry to the stateroom. There, report all that you have heard to Admiral Merlwyb.
- In the stateroom, Admiral Merlwyb admits that the requests made by the Elder Seedseer present a great burden for Limsa Lominsa and her armada. After deliberation, the Admiral confides that she is unable to commit to the alliance without first knowing the intentions of Ul'dah, and is loath to enter into an alliance in which the desert nation would command the majority rule. She has combined both her and Kan-E-Senna's terms in a letter, which she asks you deliver to Flame General Raubahn. Travel to the Ul'dah's Fragrant Chamber via the Royal Promenade, and there seek his audience.
- Speaking with Flame General Raubahn, you find that he also finds the requests made by Gridania too great a burden for Ul'dah to accept. He seeks a guarantee that the might of the allied nations will indeed be enough to oppose the Empire, and that all three nations will rule the alliance equally. You are also told that a messenger has arrived from Maelstrom Command. Speak to the officer outside to learn more.
- The messenger from Maelstrom Command arrived with new orders. You are to travel to the area southwest of Camp Brittlebark in Mor Dhona. You will learn more when you arrive.
- You encounter Cid once again, to the southwest of Camp Brittlebark, where he informs you that the Garlond Ironworks succeeded in shooting down an imperial warship bound for Castrum Novum. He asks that you travel to the site of the wreckage, to the northwest, and search for any remains which might provide insight into the imperial stronghold or the lunar transmitter he believes it houses.
- You obtain an imperial strongbox key after defeating a group of Garleans in the vicinity of the site where the imperial warship came down. Use it to open the nearby strongbox. Perhaps it will contain some information that may be of use.
- You cross paths with one Gaius van Baelsar, Legatus of the XIVth Legion of Garlemald. He states that the destruction of Eorzea is little more than a means to eliminate the primals. But it would seem that Nael van Darnus, Legatus of the VIIth Legion, has sinister ambitions of his own. It is perhaps for this reason that van Baelsar makes no attempt to prevent you from taking the Castrum Novum schematics you discovered and returning to Cid. Find him to the southwest of Camp Brittlebark in Mor Dhona, and tell him all you have learned.
- You have told Cid all that you heard from Gaius van Baelsar. He determines that the set of Garlean schematics you obtained are in fact related to the lunar transmitter. As he suspected, the transmitter has been constructed within the stronghold of Castrum Novum. He informs you that he will analyze the set of Garlean schematics in the hopes of discerning whatever useful information they might contain. Yet to conduct an assault on the stronghold and its transmitter, the united forces of the three-nation alliance will be absolutely essential. The council of leaders called by Kan-E-Senna cannot be ignored. Travel to the Lotus Stand in Gridania, by way of the clearing before Stillglade Fane.
- Upon arriving in Gridania, you encounter the Archons of the Circle of Knowing assembled in the clearing before Stillglade Fane. They, too, have come to attend the council called together by Kan-E-Senna. Find and speak to Y'shtola, who was the Archon instrumental in the forming of the Maelstrom.
- The leaders of the three nations have reached an accord, and the Eorzean Alliance has been remade. Amidst the jubilation, however, word arrives that the lunar transmitter has become functional. Speak to Admiral Merlwyb and Cid to learn what course of action is to be taken.
- Admiral Merlwyb and Cid have asked that you join the forces gathering to stage an assault on the Garlean stronghold of Castrum Novum. Speak with Storm Marshal Slafyrsyn to claim your reward and learn where the allied forces are stationed.
United We Stand (Limsa Lominsa)[]
- Journal
- Arriving at Mor Dhona, you receive new orders from Flame Commander Jakys Ryder. With the Eorzean Alliance reforged, the three Grand Companies are making ready to launch a joint offensive against the Empire. Leading a small contingent, your mission is to infiltrate the imperial stronghold Castrum Novum, and destroy the lunar transmitter housed therein. Serpent Commander Vevina Yarborough will furnish you with additional information regarding your objective.
※ Only parties consisting of four to eight Disciples of War or Magic level 45 or above will be permitted to attempt this mission.
- Serpent Commander Vevina Yarborough has briefed you regarding the finer points of the mission. Upon seeing to your preparations, penetrate Castrum Novum's defenses and lay the lunar transmitter to waste.
※ Only parties consisting of four to eight Disciples of War or Magic level 45 or above will be permitted to attempt this mission.
※ All party members must have fulfilled the entry requirements for one of the three "United We Stand" quests.
※ Completing the objective with a party containing representatives from all three Grand Companies will earn you greater rewards.
※ The allotted time for destroying the lunar transmitter is 30 minutes (Earth time).
※ A waiting time applies between attempts, and you will not be permitted to return to the area immediately. (View the Timers tab located under Attributes in the main menu for more information.)
- Winning your way to the heart of Castrum Novum, you succeed in destroying the lunar transmitter, whereupon Legatus Nael van Darnus of the VIIth Legion emerges. Clearly agitated, the man speaks ominous words before fleeing the scene. From what little sense you can make of his ravings, the White Raven may yet possess the means to summon Dalamud to Eorzea. Deliver these grim tidings to Admiral Merlwyb and Cid, who await at the stateroom in Limsa Lominsa.
- In the stateroom, the Admiral listens intently as you recount all that transpired at Castrum Novum. Your tale told, Merlwyb pledges to spare no resources in the hunt for Nael van Darnus, and asks that you cooperate with Cid Garlond and Louisoix in any way they see fit. For your show of valor, a reward has been prepared, which can be collected from Storm Marshal Slafyrsyn.
To Kill a Raven (Limsa Lominsa)[]
- Journal
- At Maelstrom Command, Storm Lieutenant Guincum informs you that the Eorzean Alliance has successfully tracked down Nael van Darnus. An emergency council will convene at the Lotus Stand in Gridania to deliberate a course of action. You have been ordered to join Admiral Merlwyb for the proceedings.
- At the Lotus Stand, you learn that Nael van Darnus has fled southeast of Camp Glory in Coerthas, to a place where the Allagan civilization once flourished. The Admiral bids you go to the area in question, whereupon you are to confirm the White Raven's presence and survey the surroundings.
※ Only parties consisting of four to eight Disciples of War or Magic with a level of 45 or above will be permitted to attempt this mission.
- Upon arriving at your destination, southeast of Camp Glory, your eyes are met with a disquieting spectacle: an intense beam of light is being sent skywards to Dalamud from a floating mass of land. As if in answer, the red moon spews forth endless cascades of fiery boulders. You are past certain that Nael van Darnus is responsible for this ominous phenomenon. Deliver these tidings to the Admiral, who awaits you at the Lotus Stand in Gridania.
- Back at the Lotus Stand, Admiral Merlwyb entrusts you with a mission of great import: you are to lead an assault on the floating isle and slay Nael van Darnus. Cid Garlond should be able to assist you in landing a contingent there.
- Cid reveals to you that the tragedy at Bozja Citadel brought him to his senses, and he subsequently fled the Empire. Holding himself accountable that Meteor now threatens Eorzea, he means to do all in his power to foil Nael van Darnus's evil scheme. Cid offers to transport you and your comrades to the floating isle by way of his personal airship, the Enterprise. Make ready your preparations, then meet him at the airship landing in Gridania.※ Only parties consisting of four to eight Disciples of War or Magic with a level of 45 or above will be permitted to attempt this mission.
- Speaking with Cid at the airship landing, you reaffirm your resolve to bring down the White Raven. Finalize your preparations, and then speak with Serpent Private Hodder to board the Enterprise.
※ Only parties consisting of four to eight Disciples of War or Magic with a level of 45 or above will be permitted to attempt this mission.
※ All party members must have fulfilled the entry requirements for one of the three "To Kill a Raven" quests.
※ Completing the objective with a party containing representatives from all three Grand Companies will earn you greater rewards.
※ The allotted time for the battle is 30 minutes (Earth time).
※ A waiting time applies between attempts, and you will not be permitted to return to the area immediately. (View the Timers tab located under Attributes in the main menu for more information.)
- Following an epic struggle, you and your comrades emerge triumphant over Nael van Darnus. Although the White Raven is forever grounded, you cannot suppress a sense of dread that disaster still looms. Perhaps Cid will be able to lay your doubts to rest...
- Cid reassures you that the Seventh Umbral Era has been averted. With Nael van Darnus dead and the floating isle collapsed, Dalamud can no longer descend. The Admiral will be much relieved to hear these tidings. Make haste back to the Lotus Stand, where she awaits.
Rank Advancement Quests[]
The Weakest Link[]
- Journal
- Lieutenant Guincum has commanded you to travel to upper La Noscea in order to assess Storm Sergeant Second Class Brooks's handling of the Maelstrom assault on a kobold encampment. While on site, you are to provide whatever additional assistance is required to fulfill the mission objectives. The sergeant's unit is situated directly to the east of the beast tribe fortification.
- Sergeant Brooks has chosen not to engage the enemy while his captain is injured...effectively ruining any chance the Maelstrom had of effectively implementing its wave assault stratagem. He has given you permission to attempt an attack on your own, but insists that you go alone, for he does not want the fate of a single soul—save yours—on his conscience. Perform well, and the sergeant will send Maelstrom Command a gleaming report detailing your service.
※ No party members may accompany you.
※ Slay kobold cragsmen, roundsmen, and bedesmen at the kobold encampment until you earn 1000 War Merit.
※ This duty has a time limit of 30 minutes (Earth time).
※ All amassed War Merit will be lost should you be KO'd, run out of time, or abandon the duty.
- You have weakened the kobold forces enough to ensure the southern unit will not face any difficulty in conducting their assault on the encampment. Return to Sergeant Brooks to report.
- The sight of glorious victory dripping from your hands and uniform has caused poor Sergeant Brooks to have a funny turn. Hurry back to Maelstrom Command before he covers you in something smellier and significantly less glorious.
- Duly impressed with how you handled the situation in upper La Noscea, Maelstrom Command has seen fit to promote you from enlisted soldier to petty officer, your new rank being Storm Sergeant Third Class. Treat Lieutenant Guincum to your finest Storm Salute as a demonstration of your continued allegiance.
※ To perform a Storm Salute, first target Lieutenant Guincum and then either select Storm Salute from the emote list, or input the /gcsalute text command.
Patrol, Interrupted[]
- Journal
- Lieutenant Guincum has commanded you to travel to Mistbeard Cove, northeast of Camp Bald Knoll. Maelstrom patrols in the area have been plagued by the attacks of a rampaging great buffalo, and your duty is to track down and slay the massive beast.
※ The great buffalo appears only during daylight hours (Eorzea time).
- You have slain the great buffalo and secured the area for future patrols. Return to Maelstrom Command and report your success to Lieutenant Guincum.
- Duly impressed with your achievements in the field, Maelstrom Command has seen fit to promote you from petty officer to officer, your new rank being Second Storm Lieutenant. Treat Lieutenant Guincum to your finest Storm Salute as a demonstration of your continued allegiance.
※ To perform a Storm Salute, first target Lieutenant Guincum and then either select Storm Salute from the emote list, or input the /gcsalute text command.
Imperial Devices (Limsa Lominsa)[]
- Journal
- Officer Guincum of the Maelstrom has ordered you to gather a party of battle-ready individuals and obtain a ceruleum-driven magitek device from equipment reported to be hidden somewhere in an old, abandoned Gridanian dungeon known as the Thousand Maws of Toto-Rak. First, however, you will need to gain access to the area by delivering a special petition to Brother Zerig at Stillglade Fane.
※ Only parties of two to four Disciples of War or Magic level 25 or higher will be granted entry to the dungeon.
※ By accepting this quest, "Imperial Devices (Gridania)" and "Imperial Devices (Ul'dah)" will become unavailable and remain so until the quest is completed or abandoned.
- Brother Zerig foresaw your coming and has agreed to grant you entry into the Thousand Maws of Toto-Rak, but only if you aid him by delivering a vessel containing an earth elemental to a location within the dungeon that has been tampered with by outside forces. Travel to Silent Arbor in the South Shroud to begin your mission.
※ Only parties of two to four Disciples of War or Magic level 25 or higher will be granted entry to the dungeon.
- Bloisirant of the Wood Wailers has briefed you on what lies beyond the dungeon entrance, including the frenzied monsters and abnormally high concentrations of aetheric energy. Once inside Toto-Rak, you will have 60 minutes (Earth time) to complete your mission before Bloisirant's magicks teleport you back to his side. If you fail to locate the magitek device and place the urn at the corrupted location, you will have to wait before attempting another foray.
※ Only parties of two to four Disciples of War or Magic level 25 or higher will be granted entry to the dungeon.
※ Dungeon timers can be found on the Timers tab located under Attributes in the main menu.
- You have located a strange imperial device and retrieved one of its magitek cells, all while rescuing a party of moogles from certain demise. It seems that it would be in your best interest to entrust the earth elemental to the moogles so that they may release the spirit without putting you in any danger. After that, return to the entrance of Toto-Rak and report what you have found to the sentry, Bloisirant.
- Bloisirant has revealed to you that Gridania and the Order of the Twin Adder plan to utilize the aetheric energy concentrated in the Thousand Maws of Toto-Rak to forge giant crystals which will ultimately power an assault against the Garleans. Return to Maelstrom Command to deliver the magitek device and report your findings.
Into the Dark (Limsa Lominsa)[]
- Journal
- Guincum has ordered you to explore the Dzemael Darkhold and gather any clues as to why the Empire has chosen the location to establish a base of operations. First, however, you must find a way to gain access to the underground caverns. Hasthwab, an undercover operative posing as a member of the Bloody Executioners, may possess information on how to do just that. Travel to the Astalicia to speak with him.
※ Only parties of four to eight Disciples of War or Magic level 45 or higher will be granted entry to the Darkhold.
※ By accepting this quest, "Into the Dark (Gridania)" and "Into the Dark (Ul'dah)" will become unavailable and remain so until the quest is completed or abandoned.
- Hasthwab has given you the name of his contact in an underground mercenary organization based in Coerthas known as the Faces of Mercy. Travel to the hamlet of Owl's Nest and seek out a woman named Quiliane.
- In exchange for bringing her back a magitek dowsing rod, Quiliane has agreed to allow you to work under contract with the Faces of Mercy, effectively granting you access to the Dzemael Darkhold located in the Coerthas central highlands.
※ Only parties of four to eight Disciples of War or Magic level 45 or higher will be granted entry to the Darkhold.
- Dyrstweitz has briefed you on what lies beyond the Darkhold entrance, including the otherworldly voidsent and abnormally high concentrations of aetheric energy. Once inside the caverns, you will have 60 minutes (Earth time) to complete your mission before Dyrstweitz's magicks teleport you back to his side. If you fail to locate a magitek dowsing rod, you will have to wait before attempting another foray. Dungeon timers can be found on the Timers tab located under Attributes in the main menu.
※ Only parties of four to eight Disciples of War or Magic level 45 or higher will be granted entry to the Darkhold.
- You've retrieved a magitek dowsing rod and escaped from the Darkhold alive. Return to Owl's Nest and speak with Quiliane.
- If Quiliane is to be believed, the magitek dowsing rod is a device that can be used to locate crystals, and the Empire is actively scouring the realm for crystallized aether in order to summon a primal. Hurry back to Maelstrom Command and report your findings to Guincum.
Saving the Stead Instead[]
- Hasthwab has an idea on how to sate his shipmates' ever-building bloodlust and help out a local farmstead, all in one fell swoop. It will, however, require the assistance of an acting member of the Maelstrom—namely, you. Travel to a system of caves located northeast of Camp Bloodshore in eastern La Noscea and rendezvous with a party of Bloody Executioners. Once you have completed your preparations, slay any kobolds hiding in the caverns.
- A pack of bloodthirsty kobolds is lurking somewhere in this cave. Find them and slay them all.
※ Up to two party members may accompany you.
- You've defeated all the kobolds you could find. Return to Hasthwab on the Astalicia and collect your reward.
The Cove[]
- Journal
- To feed the swelling ranks of the Maelstrom, Clifton has been tasked with finding an efficient method of catching more fish. After witnessing a display of magic atop Widow Cliffs, he believes he has the answer, but requires help in clearing the shores of a secluded cove before he can begin his experiment. The dart slug-infested spot in question lies to the northwest of Aleport, and would be immeasurably improved by the disposal of six of its slimy inhabitants. Do not forget to apply the anti-venom given to you by Clifton should the dart slugs' poisonous secretions begin to sap your strength.
※ Up to two party members may accompany you.
※ Anti-venom is applied via the interaction menu.
- You have slain the number of dart slugs specified by Clifton and watched the puller dive into the cove to perform his experiment. Head back to the Fishermen's Guild and await Clifton's return.
It's a Piece of Cake to Bake a Poison Cake[]
- Journal
- R'sushmo, chef at the world-renowned Bismarck, has developed a new type of ration that not only prevents the scurvy, but also tastes great—suncakes. The problem, however, is that before she was able to present her new creation to the Maelstrom, it was stolen from the restaurant kitchens by one Kikkiroon Irongut. To render the Qiqirn incapable of perpetrating further acts of gastronomic larceny, R'sushmo took the rather drastic step of poisoning a second batch of suncakes, knowing that Kikkiroon would be unable to resist their sweet, lemony allure. Now she wants you to travel to Cedarwood and make sure that her plan was a success...and on the off-chance that it was not, to finish the job.
※ Up to two party members may accompany you.
- After finding Kikkiroon Irongut very much unaffected by the Nightbreath poison, you proceed to beat the beastman to a bloody pulp when, out of nowhere, a high-ranking official from the Maelstrom happens to wander by. Perhaps you should speak with her before dealing the final blow. No sense rushing justice, after all.
Kobold and the Beautiful[]
- Journal
- Lilina, assessor at Mealvaan's Gate, believes that kobolds have been stealing shipments of a rare ore called sthalite from trading vessels moored in Galadion Bay. According to sketchy reports from Knights of the Barracuda patrols in upper La Noscea, kobold activity near a system of caverns known as the U'Ghamaro Mines has recently seen a dramatic increase. After putting two and two together, Lilina is now worried that the kobolds may be using the ore in preparation to wage war on Limsa Lominsa. She wants you to travel to the Mines and investigate, but only after first visiting Camp Iron Lake, an outpost in the vicinity.
- Upon arriving at Camp Iron Lake, you speak with a Sergeant Nolan of the Maelstrom. He tells you that your mission for Mealvaan's Gate is over, and that you now report to him. After briefing you on sthalite and cobalt iron, he hands you several vials of a strange liquid taken from coblyns and orders you to apply it to metal objects you find within the U'Ghamaro Mines, noting whether or not the fluid turns from yellow to green upon contact.
- You have used all the liquid given to you by the Storm Sergeant, but noticed no changes in color. Report back to Camp Iron Lake to relay your findings and receive your reward.
Oil Crisis[]
- Journal
- To protect their creations from the elements and keep them in good working order, the armorers of Naldiq & Vymelli's require a rare lubricant pressed from the seeds of the deadly nightshade. This virulent vegetation can only be found growing on the shores of Iron Lake in Upper La Noscea, and is renowned amongst botanists for being rather...aggressive. Syngsmyd seems to believe that the oil from six will be enough to replenish his supply.
- You have extracted the oil from six deadly nightshades. Now return to Naldiq & Vymelli's and deliver the lot to Syngsmyd to receive your reward.