The following is a list of Lominsan Sidequests, also known as La Noscean Sidequests, in Final Fantasy XIV.
- Coming to Limsa Lominsa
- Proper Procedure
- The Right Price
- Duty Calls
- A Sheepish Request
- A Thousand Words
- Licensed to Reave
- Lost and Found
- Back in the Water
- Edelweiss, Edelweiss
- Out to Dry
- A Bridge Too Full
- Failure to Lunch
- Constant Carvings
- Forbidden Island
- Say It with Flowers
- Rocks in a Hard Place
- Moegramm Had a Little Lamb
- Whack-a-Mole
- What Goes Around
- Fire and Brimstone
- The Rats in the Wharf
- Soothing the Savage Siren
- My Little Chocobo (Maelstrom)
- The Hottest of Box Lunches
- Costa Beach Party
- Grave Happenings
- Pickled and Brined
- Too Many Cooks
- Sea Wasp Run
- No Sea Wasp for You
- Treasures and Tribulations
- Where the Heart Is (Mist)
- Like Cats and Dogs
- It's Time to Duel
- Making a Name
- I Stay the Streetlight
- What Counts
- Nailed It
- Much Ado about Dodos
- Beetle Juice
- Buried Truth
- The Wind, It Passes
- The Crystal (Line's) Call
- Earning Your Wings
- Man's Best Fiend
- Curiosity Killed the Coeurl
- Suspiciously Sober
- Fool Me Once
- Glory Days
- Bird's-eye View
- The Time Is Ripe
- Cry Me a Liver
- All the Fish in the Sea
- Orange Crush
- Wool's Errand
- Kobolds Ahoy
- Flour Power
- Yarzon, Yarzoff
- Kobolds and Indigents
- A Pound of Cure
- Bait and Swat
- Leves of Swiftperch
- Meet, Greet, and Deceit
- Keeping It Fresh
- Leves of Wineport
- Leves of Aleport
- Leves of Moraby
- Leves of Costa del Sol
- Baiting Buzzards
- Need to Breed
- The Beast of Brewer's Beacon
- Feast of Famine
- Good for What Ales You
- Keep Your Day Job
- On a Wing and a Prayer
- Rising to the Challenge
- Beauty Is Only Scalp Deep
- Mountains out of Molehills
- Mummy Dearest
- Walk of Shame
- Toxic Avenger
- Nest We Forget
- My Brother's Not a Keeper
- Flowers for Aerghaemr
- Scythe Extra Large
- I Hereby Relieve You
- A Faerie Tale Come True
- An Egi by Any Other Name
- Who Moved My Headcheese
- Unrefined Methods
- Buffaloed All the Way
- Raptor 'round Your Little Finger
- Put a Cork in It
- Get a Grip
- To You from Failing Hands We Throw
- Pests in the Pillars
- Mona Lisa Smile
- The Stench of Danger
- Anise, Chocolate, and a Hint of Toad
- The Monster of Bronze Lake
- Red, Red Wine
- One Swallow Does Not a Victory Make
- Dead or Sumfin' Like It
- Deduce, Reuse, Recycle
- The Adventure of the Fainting Goldsmith
- Never Trout That I Love
- Don't Let the Cat out of the Bag
- Return to Your Dust
- Looking for Trouble
- Helm Me You Love Me
- Pier Review
- A Pirate's Life for Me
- Honor the Fallen
- Long Walk off a Short Pier
- Operation Crucible Down
- The Way the Crystals Crumble
- Culling the Horde
- To Catch a Cutthroat
- Serpent's Tongue-lashing
- Claiming the Booty
- Sibling Rivalry
- Sirius Business
- Wag the Sea Dogs
- Why So Sirius
- Things Are Getting Sirius
- Storming the Hull