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A zone-by-zone list of Full Active Time Events, or FATEs, found in Final Fantasy XIV.

Abalathia's Spine Azys Lla - The Diadem - The Sea of Clouds
The Black Shroud Central Shroud - East Shroud - North Shroud - South Shroud
Coerthas Coerthas Central Highlands - Coerthas Western Highlands - The Firmament
Dravania The Churning Mists - The Dravanian Forelands - The Dravanian Hinterlands
Gyr Abania The Fringes - The Lochs - The Peaks
La Noscea Eastern La Noscea - Lower La Noscea - Middle La Noscea - Outer La Noscea - Upper La Noscea - Western La Noscea
Mor Dhona Mor Dhona
Norvrandt Amh Araeng - Il Mheg - Kholusia - Lakeland - The Rak'tika Greatwood - The Tempest
Thanalan Central Thanalan - Eastern Thanalan - Northern Thanalan - Southern Thanalan - Western Thanalan
??? The Bozjan Southern Front (Skirmishes - Critical Engagements) - Eureka Anemos - Eureka Hydatos - Eureka Pagos - Eureka Pyros
Annual events All Saints' Wake - Hatching-tide - Heavensturn - Little Ladies' Day - Moonfire Faire - The Rising (The Calamity Retold) - Starlight Celebration
Special events A Nocturne for Heroes - Breaking Brick Mountains - Burgeoning Dread - Lightning Strikes - The Maiden's Rhapsody

Abalathia's Spine[]

Azys Lla[]

Name Level Location Time limit Objective
Spawn conditions (if any)
Defense FATE. A Bug's Death 59-63 Alpha Quadrant (x18 y18) 15 minutes Protect the verification nodes from the clockwork engineers.
Several verification nodes have identified a unit of malfunctioning clockwork engineers and are requesting assistance in the deactivation of the faulty machina.

Spawn conditions:

  • Speak with the verification node.
Battle FATE. The Late Escape 59-63 Alpha Quadrant (x19 y7) 15 minutes Defeat the lamia cybrids and thelytokes.
A slither of self-aware lamiae are attempting an escape from Azys Lla. If the biologically engineered warriors were able to reach Eorzea, the realm would run red with the blood of their victims. Stop the lamiae before they can reach Helix.
Boss FATE. Still Ticking 59-63 Alpha Quadrant (x18 y12) 15 minutes Defeat the clockwork carnifex and overlord.
Unauthorized personnel (you!) have been detected in the Alpha Quadrant and a clockwork defragmentation unit has been deployed to neutralize the threat.
Boss FATE. Life of Brain 59-63 Beta Quadrant (x30 y7) 15 minutes Defeat the chimera brain.
Thousands of years of uncontrolled reproduction and mutation have seen one chimera's cranial capacity nearly double, resulting in a creature too clever...and deadly for its own good. Slay the chimera brain, and end its line.
Battle FATE. The Monster Mass 59-63 Beta Quadrant (x37 y6) 15 minutes Defeat the empuses.
Ages of neglect have taken their toll on the functionality of the equipment housed in the Biomass Incubation Complex. A malfunction has caused the machines to awaken and begin the mass regeneration of empuses─hideous creatures engineered to kill.
Boss FATE. Pet, Smart 59-63 Beta Quadrant (x35 y12) 15 minutes Defeat Muchalinda.
A favorite pet of Emperor Xande, the artificially cloned voidsent Muchalinda has been out of temper since the death of her master, and now believes she knows upon who she might place the blame.
Battle FATE. The Root of Evil 59-63 Beta Quadrant (x34 y9) 15 minutes Defeat the mutated corpse flowers.
Water is a scarce resource on the corrupted islands of Azys Lla. To survive, the few plants which grow in the area must extend their roots to any sort of moisture available...even if that includes the chemically enriched incubation fluid in which chimeras are grown.
Battle FATE. The Mystery Machine 59-63 Dreadnaught Landing (x37 y25) 15 minutes Defeat the magitek vanguards L-1.
In an attempt to bypass Allagan security, the VIth Imperial Legion has off-loaded a small army of magitek vanguards L-1 from their dreadnaught and deployed them throughout the Gamma Quadrant. While their main targets are clockwork sentries, the machina could pose a deterrent for the allies of Eorzea. Deactivate the machina and cast the rubble to the lands below.
Battle FATE. Rampant Speculation 59-63 The Cathedral (x24 y28) 15 minutes Defeat the imperial speculators.
Imperial speculators are scouring the Gamma Quadrant for military technology that they may take back to Garlemald and incorporate into their armies. Stop the imperials before they can report to the Gration.
Battle FATE. Put the Knives Down 59-63 Castrum Solus (x34 y36) 15 minutes Defeat the adamantite claws.
When not used to tear enemies of the Empire limb from limb, adamantite claws are often employed at construction sites for digging holes, demolishing old buildings, and lifting objects. Here, they seem intent on tearing you limb from limb.
Boss FATE. Scared Sylla 59-63 Castrum Solus (x34 y36) 15 minutes Defeat Sylla mal Albinus and the magitek vanguard S-1.
Senior magitek technician Sylla mal Albinus has arrived from Garlemald to conduct his inspection of the location chosen for the construction of Castrum Solus. Act quickly, for a similar chance to apprehend the high-ranking imperial official may not present itself again.

Spawn conditions:

Battle FATE. Phi Slamma Gamma East 59-63 Gamma Quadrant (x37 y29) 15 minutes Defeat the 6th Legion hoplomachi and adamantite claws.
Seeking to lay claim to the area before the Eorzean Alliance, the VIth Imperial Legion has dispatched several centuries of soldiers to secure footholds in strategic locations throughout the Gamma Quadrant.
Battle FATE. Phi Slamma Gamma West 59-63 Gamma Quadrant (x30 y32) 15 minutes Defeat the 6th Legion bits and equites.
Seeking to lay claim to the area before the Eorzean Alliance, the VIth Imperial Legion has dispatched several centuries of soldiers to secure footholds in strategic locations throughout the Gamma Quadrant.
Battle FATE. Phi Slamma Gamma South 59-63 Gamma Quadrant (x28 y38) 15 minutes Defeat the 6th Legion laquearii and vanguards.
Seeking to lay claim to the area before the Eorzean Alliance, the VIth Imperial Legion has dispatched several centuries of soldiers to secure footholds in strategic locations throughout the Gamma Quadrant.
Battle FATE. Yak it Up 59-63 The Pappus Tree (x6 y35) 15 minutes Defeat the meracydian brobinyaks.
The Allagan Empire is infamous for its wanton manipulation of the gods' creations─the Meracydian brobinyak being only one of many examples. Put these pitiful creatures out of their misery and restore nature's equilibrium.
Boss FATE. No Greater Goryshche 59-63 Delta Quadrant (x12 y33) 15 minutes Defeat Goryshche.
Even the mighty dragons themselves were subject to the Allagan Empire's incessant tinkering with the very laws of nature─Goryshche is one such product of that imperial hubris. Aimlessly roaming the Azys Lla wastes, the multi-headed abomination silently seeks an end to five thousand years of suffering.
Battle FATE. Harvest Moon 59-63 Alpha Quadrant (x12 y17) 15 minutes Defeat the clockwork harvestmen.
An alarum blares from some unknown source, accompanied by the following message: “Administrative node malfunction! Unit deployment error. Automatic recall failed. Removal request submitted. Authorization code 5670-2H5BB-Q90. Repeat. Administrative node malfunction...”
Boss FATE. Out of Sight, Out of Mind 59-63 Quarantine Block (x9 y21) 5 minutes Defeat Stheno.
Data retrieved from tomestones discovered in the Delta Quadrant provide proof that the chimerical failure code-named Stheno was one of the reasons the quarantine block was originally constructed.
Battle FATE. A Room Without Books 59-63 Delta Quadrant (x12 y29) 15 minutes Defeat the meracydian amphipteres.
Extensive manipulation of not only the body, but the mind, has left most of the Allagans' creations soulless horrors who only act upon instinct. The Meracydian amphiptere will simply kill without thought as to why it does so, death being the only cure to its disease.
Battle FATE. Curiously Strong Things 59-63 Beta Quadrant (x31 y12) 15 minutes Defeat the reptoids.
While it is unclear how they were utilized in battle, it is clear from their muscular build and violent disposition that reptoids were designed for one purpose, and one purpose only─killing.
Boss FATE. Do Spinners Dream of Electric Rooks 59-63 Alpha Quadrant (x12 y13) 15 minutes Defeat the spinner-rick.
Severed communication with spinner-rooks under its administrative control has prompted the emergence of the spinner-rick to assess the problem. Destroy the node and deal a blow to the quadrant's rook activity.
Boss FATE. Prey Online 59-70 Alpha Quadrant (x6 y20)
Beta Quadrant (x27 y5)
The Habisphere (x38 y18)
Does not appear on the map.
30 minutes Defeat Noctilucale and destroy the aether collector.
After five millennia offline, Proto Ultima has restored auxiliary power and begun a full systems check. To recharge its main power cells, the Allagan killing machine has deployed several aether collectors guarded by some of the most frightening of the fallen empire's godless creations.

Spawn conditions:

  • 36 hour spawn window begins after server reset or after 36 hours have passed since last appearance.
  • The weather will change to Hyperelectricity Hyperelectricity and Proto Ultima will appear in the skies of Azys Lla shortly before it appears. The FATE will spawn once the weather returns to normal.

The Diadem[]

These FATEs occurred only in the Trials of the Fury and Matron versions of the Diadem and have since been removed from the game.

Name Level Location Time limit Objective
Spawn conditions (if any)
Battle FATE. Prepare for Gory 60 Northwestern Pavilion (x15 y17, x15 y19) 5 minutes Defeat the kerkes.
Drawn to the Diadem by the islands' extreme concentrations of ambient aether, the carnivorous kerkes strikes fear into all who lay eyes upon it─the kerkes, whose wingspan is so large, its feathers blot out the sun. So prepare to fight in the shade.
Boss FATE. Secret of the Lost Legend 60 Southwestern Pavilion (x11 y32) 30 minutes Defeat the brachiosaur.
Responding to the cries of her child, a mother brachiosaur has launched a merciless attack on a band of adventurers who entered the Diadem looking to capture a baby brachiosaur and return with it to Ishgard where they would auction it to the highest bidder.

Spawn conditions:

  • Only appears during Fog Fog.
Battle FATE. Slaughter of the Lost Legend 60 Southwestern Pavilion (x13 y30) 5 minutes Defeat the baby brachiosaurs.
From out of the morning mist emerge harmless baby brachiosaurs─gentle, well-tempered, kind...yet, allowed to mature to full size and these innocent infants could claim the lives of countless. How exactly that might happen remains to be seen, but orders are orders.
Boss FATE. Embrace of the Serpent 60 Southeastern Pavilion (x25 y28) 30 minutes Defeat the basilosaurus.
Once again, a band of wide-eyed adventurers have bitten off slightly more than they can chew by attempting to capture a basilosaurus─a silver-scaled serpent that can grow to over two score fulms in length from fiery forked tongue to tail.

Spawn conditions:

  • Only appears during Fog Fog.
Battle FATE. The Pelican Grief 60 Northwestern Pavilion (x13 y20) 5 minutes Defeat the crown pelicans.
To subdue their prey, crown pelicans expel from their beaks a fine mist containing a powerful toxin capable of lithifying flesh. The problem is, much of this discharge is carried off by the wind before striking the intended victim, to eventually land on innocent bystanders living in the lands below.
Battle FATE. Late Night Torama Queen 60 Northeastern Pavilion (x26 y14, x27 y17) 5 minutes Defeat the crown torama.
When the sun falls on the Diadem, the islands' royalty comes out to revel 'neath the swollen moon. Said reveling may include the ransacking of expedition base camps, the destruction of airship rigging, and the devouring of leaden-legged adventurers.
Battle FATE. Crawllateral Damage 60 Northwestern Pavilion (x24 y5) 5 minutes Defeat the cloud crawlers.
Scholars have determined that cloud crawlers are able to grow to sizes far exceeding that of their terra firma cousins in part due to killer ants which, in their pursuit of the sweet nectar excreted from the crawlers' pores, end up serving as a defense against predators.
Battle FATE. I Can Wring a Rainbow 60 Northeastern Pavilion (x26 y6, x28 y5)
Southeastern Pavilion (x30 y30)
5 minutes Defeat the Rainbow Brights.
Countless sky pirates claim that during their travels through the Sea of Clouds, they have, at one time or another, witnessed a massive bird attempting to devour a rainbow from the very heavens. Countless sky pirates also claim that they've slain sanuwas with their bare hands, bedded a thousand trollops, and downed entire barrels of rum in a single sitting.
Item FATE. Shard to Get 60 Northwestern Pavilion (x24 y5)
Southeastern Pavilion (x20 y32, x28 y23)
5 minutes Deliver unstable earth shards to the House Haillenarte engineer.
Throughout the Diadem can be found crystals which have been rendered unstable by the extreme aetherial conditions experienced in the area. If the volatile energies within these fragments could somehow be harnessed, it could prove an invaluable boon to House Haillenarte.
Item FATE. Shard to Get 60 Northeastern Pavilion (x28 y5)
Southeastern Pavilion (x25 y26, x30 y34)
5 minutes Deliver unstable fire shards to the House Haillenarte engineer.
Throughout the Diadem can be found crystals which have been rendered unstable by the extreme aetherial conditions experienced in the area. If the volatile energies within these fragments could somehow be harnessed, it could prove an invaluable boon to House Haillenarte.
Item FATE. Shard to Get 60 Northwestern Pavilion (x16 y11)
Southwestern Pavilion (x12 y24, x13 y36)
5 minutes Deliver unstable ice shards to the House Haillenarte engineer.
Throughout the Diadem can be found crystals which have been rendered unstable by the extreme aetherial conditions experienced in the area. If the volatile energies within these fragments could somehow be harnessed, it could prove an invaluable boon to House Haillenarte.
Item FATE. Shard to Get 60 Northeastern Pavilion (x29 y16, x35 y19)
Southwestern Pavilion (x11 y29)
5 minutes Deliver unstable lightning shards to the House Haillenarte engineer.
Throughout the Diadem can be found crystals which have been rendered unstable by the extreme aetherial conditions experienced in the area. If the volatile energies within these fragments could somehow be harnessed, it could prove an invaluable boon to House Haillenarte.
Item FATE. Shard to Get 60 Northwestern Pavilion (x12 y15, x19 y8)
Southeastern Pavilion (x31 y29)
5 minutes Deliver unstable wind shards to the House Haillenarte engineer.
Throughout the Diadem can be found crystals which have been rendered unstable by the extreme aetherial conditions experienced in the area. If the volatile energies within these fragments could somehow be harnessed, it could prove an invaluable boon to House Haillenarte.
Item FATE. Shard to Get 60 Northeastern Pavilion (x31 y8)
Northwestern Pavilion (x15 y19)
Southwestern Pavilion (x10 y31)
5 minutes Deliver unstable water shards to the House Haillenarte engineer.
Throughout the Diadem can be found crystals which have been rendered unstable by the extreme aetherial conditions experienced in the area. If the volatile energies within these fragments could somehow be harnessed, it could prove an invaluable boon to House Haillenarte.
Battle FATE. Late-night Snack 60 Northeastern Pavilion (x28 y5, x31 y8) 5 minutes Defeat the gigantopithecus.
A band of bloodthirsty gigantopithecus have woken from their simian slumber to feed on the sleepy-eyed denizens of the Diadem, and only the bravest of adventurers can provide them with the rude awakening they so deserve.
Battle FATE. Any Which Way 60 Northwestern Pavilion (x14 y14)
Southwestern Pavilion (x12 y24)
5 minutes Defeat the clydopithecus.
Not all gigantopithecus will hunt in large packs, some choosing to take to the starlit isles of the Diadem in bands of two or three. The clydopithecus (or “clydes”) are one such species, but do not let their adorable name fool you. These beasts are natural-born killers who would tear the heart out of their own mother's breast and gnaw at its sinewy flesh while the life slowly faded from her eyes...if most had not already done so.
Battle FATE. Who'll Stop the Sovereign 60 Northwestern Pavilion (x15 y12, x16 y11) 5 minutes Defeat the ufiti sovereign.
Witnessing the wanton slaughter of his entire tribe at the hands of bloodthirsty adventurers has driven the ufiti sovereign into a rage only the sweet ring of cold steel can contain. Send His Royal Excellence to his subjects' side, so that he may rule them from the afterlife.
Battle FATE. Battle Toads 60 Southeastern Pavilion (x21 y33, x24 y33, x25 y31) 5 minutes Defeat the welkinixes.
The relatively small size of each islet in the Diadem can make foraging quite a challenge for the region's wingless inhabitants. It takes the arrival of but a single welkinix, however, to render that challenge an impossibility. Slay the hungry toads before they see the rest of the fauna starve.
Battle FATE. Loose Endymions 60 Southeastern Pavilion (x25 y28) 5 minutes Defeat the Diadem endymions.
Native to the seamlessly never-ending skies above the Northern Empty, Diadem endymions are a rare sight in the Sea of Clouds. When they do appear, however, it is to the sound of screams─screams of hapless victims being carried off to feed the cloudkin's hungry hatchlings.
Battle FATE. Bounty Hunter 60 Southeastern Pavilion (x26 y27, x27 y25) 5 minutes Defeat the Hoita.
Its recent grounding at the hands of high winds is not the first time the infamous pirate vessel, the Bounty, has been stranded on a Diadem islet. Not but a few moons earlier, an attack by a winged monstrosity known amongst the Sea of Clouds' sky brigands as Hoita nearly tore the airship's hull in two.
Battle FATE. Lords of the Sting 60 Northwestern Pavilion (x12 y9)
Southeastern Pavilion (x20 y32, x21 y33)
Southwestern Pavilion (x13 y30)
5 minutes Defeat the jewel wasps.
Wasp only in name, the jewel wasp is in fact a gargantuan jellyfish whose ancestors left the seas eons ago to hunt the skies. Little did they know they would be hunting the most dangerous game, and that game always hunts back.
Battle FATE. Cloudy with a Chance of...Thal's Balls 60 Northwestern Pavilion (x12 y9)
Southeastern Pavilion (x18 y33)
Southwestern Pavilion (x10 y31)
5 minutes Defeat the cumulonimbi.
A storm is the form of bloated sacks of gelatinous ooze known as cumulonimbi. It is difficult to believe that these alarmingly large sky jellyfish have achieved their staggering girth supping solely on small birds and lizards, recent reports of missing Lalafellin adventurers only fueling the flames of doubt.
Boss FATE. Where's the Beef 60 Northeastern Pavilion (x26 y15) 30 minutes Defeat the forgotten wisent.
A pair of adventurers tired of nibbling on stale tack and moldy cheese have followed their empty bellies to remote wisent grazing grounds, intent on bagging a stray bovine or three to roast over the night's bonfire. What they did not expect was one of the herd to (naturally) take offense.

Spawn conditions:

Battle FATE. Sticking Celphies 60 Northwestern Pavilion (x14 y18) 5 minutes Defeat the celphies.
Some creatures have an eye for danger, while others simply have eyes that are dangerous. Celphies sit amongst the latter, their gaze deadly enough to stop the hearts of a thousand kings. Literally.
Battle FATE. Can You Smell the Blood Tonight 60 Northeastern Pavilion (x34 y16, x35 y16) 5 minutes Defeat the cloud lions.
Many summers following the murder of their father─king, nay, emperor of the Diadem─at the paws of their cruel uncle, a pride of cloud lions has returned from exile to reclaim their rightful throne. Unfortunately, their approach thus far has been limited to the indiscriminate slaughter of any and all other wildlife on their homeland isle.
Battle FATE. Hail to the E 60 Northwestern Pavilion (x21 y8) 5 minutes Defeat Eccentric Eve.
There is something rotten in the air and it is literally leaving visitors to the Diadem with a not-so-fresh feeling. The culprit? A monstrous morbol known as Eccentric Eve. The solution? Her immediate slaying. Freshness has never been simpler.
Battle FATE. Whiplash 60 Northwestern Pavilion (x12 y15)
Southeastern Pavilion (x23 y33)
5 minutes Defeat the Jidras.
Not many who encounter the dread seedkin Jidras' wicked tangle of whip-like vines survive to tell the tale, while those who have are forever changed. Forever scarred.
Battle FATE. Blood Wings 60 Northwestern Pavilion (x14 y15) 5 minutes Defeat the bejeweled pegasus.
For centuries, the pegasi lived in relative peace amongst the forgotten isles of the Diadem. Humanity's recent return to the skies, however, has seen the majestic creatures once again made a target. A few defiant denizens such as the bejeweled pegasus are fighting back, but their indiscriminate rampages are now causing more harm than good.

Spawn conditions:

Battle FATE. NOT THE TREES 60 Southeastern Pavilion (x26 y27, x27 y28, x28 y23) 5 minutes Defeat the billowing biloko.
Unnatural concentrations of ambient aether coupled with countless seasons of unobstructed sunlight can be attributed to the freakishly abnormal growth of the Diadem's bilokos─seedkin that if not laid low, will devour any living plant or animal within the reach of their probing roots and branches.
Battle FATE. Tightropen 60 Northeastern Pavilion (x27 y17) 5 minutes Defeat Ropen.
Pteranodons have long been hated amongst fishers, for they are known to greedily devour the selfsame wavekin those men and women depend upon for their livelihoods. Amongst the flying gluttons, there are some which are despised above all others─Ropen, whose mouths are so large, it is said they can scoop a hundred fish in a single dive.
Battle FATE. I'm the Scatman 60 Northeastern Pavilion (x29 y16) 5 minutes Defeat the pteranodons.
A sun-blotting flock of pteranodons is causing headaches for Ishgardian farmers in the most unexpected of manners. The feces of these prehistoric relics is highly corrosive, and can render a plot of land barren with just a single drop...let alone the hundreds that fall with a single flyby.
Battle FATE. Wild Hunt 60 Northwestern Pavilion (x14 y10, x15 y14) 5 minutes Defeat the coelophysis.
Known to hunt in pairs─one acting as a decoy, while another attacks from behind─the coelophysis of the Diadem have abandoned their old hunting grounds and taken to the skies above the adventurer campsites and airship landings so that they might stalk their newest delicacy─Lalafell.
Battle FATE. (You're) Killing My Mitelings 60 Northeastern Pavilion (x35 y19)
Northwestern Pavilion (x14 y10, x21 y8)
Southeastern Pavilion (x30 y34)
5 minutes Defeat the ageless mitelings.
A clutch of mite eggs has hatched and now a swarm of ageless mitelings is crawling about the isle consuming aught that moves. Squash the pests before they grow large enough to squash you.
Battle FATE. (You're) Having My Mitelings 60 Northeastern Pavilion (x28 y15) 5 minutes Defeat the ageless banemites.
For the vilekin of the Diadem, every season is mating season, and so it is not rare to come across the cacophonous chittering and chirping that is an ageless mite orgy. A female mite can lay upwards of a thousand eggs in a single clutch, so it is left to brave adventurers to see the spawn never take seed.
Defense FATE. Nice Pirates 60 Northeastern Pavilion (x34 y13, x26 y15)
Northwestern Pavilion (x12 y9)
5 minutes Protect the stranded sky pirate from the ageless banemites.
A gods-fearing, mother-loving, goodly sky pirate has fallen from the rigging of his crew's airship. While fate deemed it not his time, and saw him land safely upon a tuft of crownbrush, fortune was not as impressed and made certain that tuft was located right in the middle of one of the Diadem's most deadly isles. Needless to say, the plucky picaroon might require some assistance.
Battle FATE. (You're Not) Having My Mitelings 60 Northeastern Pavilion (x26 y6)
Northwestern Pavilion (x19 y8)
5 minutes Defeat the ageless diremites.
Not all diremites are successful in finding a mate, leaving those which don't slightly more agitated than those which do. That agitation oft results in violent outbursts that can last several days until an islet is left a smoldering waste, or until the pent-up sexual tension is fully expelled.
Battle FATE. Root of the Problem 60 Northeastern Pavilion (x32 y10, x34 y13)
Southeastern Pavilion (x30 y30, x33 y27)
5 minutes Defeat the Bariauas.
A scavenger, the Bariaua feeds solely on carrion, setting down its roots into corpses and draining them of their remaining humours. What makes this voracious seedkin different is that when hungry, it will not wait to come across a fallen creature, opting rather to slay its own prey in the most violent of fashions.
Battle FATE. Good-bye Solo 60 Southeastern Pavilion (x32 y29) 5 minutes Defeat Gerjis.
It is not known why Gerjis stalks his prey with a lone companion rather than bring the full strength of his pack to the hunt. What is known is that this practice has honed his skills as a predator, making the beast one of the most deadly sabertooth tigers in the whole Diadem.
Boss FATE. Purple Haze 60 Southwestern Pavilion (x12 y24) 30 minutes Defeat the purple worm.
Purple worms spend nearly the entirety of their lives underground, rising to the surface only once or twice a twelvemoon to feed. It is during these brief forays into the sun that the creatures wreak the most havoc, devouring anything and everything they can before returning to the soil to slowly digest their victims.

Spawn conditions:

  • Only appears during Wind Wind.
Battle FATE. Fly by Day 60 Southwestern Pavilion (x13 y30) 5 minutes Defeat the hornflies.
More than half of airship accidents in the Diadem are attributed to hornflies─drawn to humming of the vessels' engines─becoming caught in propellers. Drive the vile creatures from the Sea of Clouds before further damage can be done.
Battle FATE. Forest for the Trees 60 Southeastern Pavilion (x25 y26, x27 y25) 5 minutes Defeat the ageless meliae.
The return of the Missing Gem to the Diadem has resulted in further disruption of already erratic ambient aether levels. As a result, species native to the isles such as ageless meliae have grown increasingly violent, posing an immediate threat to scholars and naturalists studying the area.
Battle FATE. Hard of Heren 60 Northwestern Pavilion (x14 y10, x15 y14) 5 minutes Defeat the herensugues.
Having lived for a thousand years encountering neither Lalafell nor Hyur, the Diadem's herensugues no longer fear mankind and his weapons of war. In their ignorance have they grown bold, leading to many attacks on newly arrived explorers to the islands. It is time they are reintroduced to the pain that kept their ancestors at bay.
Battle FATE. The Other White Meat 60 Southwestern Pavilion (x13 y36) 5 minutes Defeat the speckled hakulaqs.
Until recently bottom feeders, many speckled hakulaqs have, of late, developed a taste for more exotic fare─more namely adventurous fishers braving the Diadem in search of their next catch. Volunteers are sought to help frighten off the hakulaqs that all might cast their lines in peace.
Defense FATE. Mad Ventures in Retainer-sitting 60 Southwestern Pavilion (x13 y36) 5 minutes Protect the resolute retainer from the silvershells.
Not content with the paltry pickings his retainer was retrieving from ventures into the Black Shroud, a well-to-do noble recently ordered his humble hireling to the Diadem, forbidding the retainer's return until “treasure worthy of a king” was discovered. All the poor soul discovered, however, was a den of starving sky creatures, and now requires aid in escape.
Defense FATE. Mad Ventures in Retainer-sitting 60 Northwestern Pavilion (x24 y5) 5 minutes Protect the resolute retainer from the cloud crawlers.
Not content with the paltry pickings his retainer was retrieving from ventures into the Black Shroud, a well-to-do noble recently ordered his humble hireling to the Diadem, forbidding the retainer's return until “treasure worthy of a king” was discovered. All the poor soul discovered, however, was a den of starving sky creatures, and now requires aid in escape.
Defense FATE. Mad Ventures in Retainer-sitting 60 Southwestern Pavilion (x11 y29) 5 minutes Protect the resolute retainer from the cutters.
Not content with the paltry pickings his retainer was retrieving from ventures into the Black Shroud, a well-to-do noble recently ordered his humble hireling to the Diadem, forbidding the retainer's return until “treasure worthy of a king” was discovered. All the poor soul discovered, however, was a den of starving sky creatures, and now requires aid in escape.
Defense FATE. Mad Ventures in Retainer-sitting 60 Northwestern Pavilion (x15 y17) 5 minutes Protect the resolute retainer from the speckled hakulaqs.
Not content with the paltry pickings his retainer was retrieving from ventures into the Black Shroud, a well-to-do noble recently ordered his humble hireling to the Diadem, forbidding the retainer's return until “treasure worthy of a king” was discovered. All the poor soul discovered, however, was a den of starving sky creatures, and now requires aid in escape.
Defense FATE. Mad Ventures in Retainer-sitting 60 Northwestern Pavilion (x21 y8) 5 minutes Protect the resolute retainer from the killer ants.
Not content with the paltry pickings his retainer was retrieving from ventures into the Black Shroud, a well-to-do noble recently ordered his humble hireling to the Diadem, forbidding the retainer's return until “treasure worthy of a king” was discovered. All the poor soul discovered, however, was a den of starving sky creatures, and now requires aid in escape.
Defense FATE. Mad Ventures in Retainer-sitting 60 Southeastern Pavilion (x23 y33) 5 minutes Protect the resolute retainer from the jewel wasps.
Not content with the paltry pickings his retainer was retrieving from ventures into the Black Shroud, a well-to-do noble recently ordered his humble hireling to the Diadem, forbidding the retainer's return until “treasure worthy of a king” was discovered. All the poor soul discovered, however, was a den of starving sky creatures, and now requires aid in escape.
Battle FATE. Westwhirled 60 Northeastern Pavilion (x34 y16) 5 minutes Defeat the westerly sanuwas.
Named such for their tendencies to ride the Sea of Clouds' westerly winds, westerly sanuwas are an aggressive cousin to the common sanuwa, and are easily agitated by intruders into their domain. This includes airships, which oft use the westerlies to reduce ceruleum consumption on long voyages.
Battle FATE. Am I Blue 60 Northwestern Pavilion (x11 y17) 5 minutes Defeat the Deep Blue.
The Vundu are not ones to show kindness to the sanuwa they capture and tame, employing pain to force their mounts into ultimate submission. Some, however, resist this training and escape back to the skies, though not without their share of scars to the soul. Those known as the Deep Blue are one such example, their hatred of the foul men who laid hands upon them so great, that now they kill without discretion.
Battle FATE. Excitable Boys 60 Northwestern Pavilion (x24 y7)

Southeastern Pavilion (x28 y32) Southwestern Pavilion (x11 y35 (two versions), x14 y34)

5 minutes NOTE: The enemies involved in the final five instances of this FATE need verification. The Northwestern and Southwestern locations are in their respective caves, while Southeastern location is on the same island as the "Calm Cloudtop" fishing hole.
Aether emitted by unstable elemental crystals is sending even the most docile of creatures into uncontrollable fits of madness. The condition appears to be irreversible, with a swift end the only means of granting these poor souls mercy.
Battle FATE. Excitable Boys 60 Northwestern Pavilion (x17 y13) 5 minutes Defeat the westerly sanuwas.
Aether emitted by unstable elemental crystals is sending even the most docile of creatures into uncontrollable fits of madness. The condition appears to be irreversible, with a swift end the only means of granting these poor souls mercy.
Battle FATE. Excitable Boys 60 Southeastern Pavilion (x24 y33, x28 y29, x30 y27) 5 minutes Defeat the neochus.
Aether emitted by unstable elemental crystals is sending even the most docile of creatures into uncontrollable fits of madness. The condition appears to be irreversible, with a swift end the only means of granting these poor souls mercy.
Battle FATE. Excitable Boys 60 Southeastern Pavilion (x30 y27, x34 y18) 5 minutes Defeat the zeuglodons.
Aether emitted by unstable elemental crystals is sending even the most docile of creatures into uncontrollable fits of madness. The condition appears to be irreversible, with a swift end the only means of granting these poor souls mercy.
Battle FATE. Excitable Boys 60 The Bounty (x7 y19 ) 5 minutes Defeat the jewel flies.
Aether emitted by unstable elemental crystals is sending even the most docile of creatures into uncontrollable fits of madness. The condition appears to be irreversible, with a swift end the only means of granting these poor souls mercy.
Battle FATE. Excitable Boys 60 Northwestern Pavilion (x15 y16) 5 minutes Defeat the celphies.
Aether emitted by unstable elemental crystals is sending even the most docile of creatures into uncontrollable fits of madness. The condition appears to be irreversible, with a swift end the only means of granting these poor souls mercy.
Battle FATE. Excitable Boys 60 Northwestern Pavilion (x11 y17) 5 minutes Defeat the bejeweled unicorns.
Aether emitted by unstable elemental crystals is sending even the most docile of creatures into uncontrollable fits of madness. The condition appears to be irreversible, with a swift end the only means of granting these poor souls mercy.
Battle FATE. Excitable Boys 60 Northeastern Pavilion (x34 y18) 5 minutes Defeat the Diadem marids.
Aether emitted by unstable elemental crystals is sending even the most docile of creatures into uncontrollable fits of madness. The condition appears to be irreversible, with a swift end the only means of granting these poor souls mercy.
Battle FATE. Excitable Boys 60 Northeastern Pavilion (x26 y14) 5 minutes Defeat the pteranodons.
Aether emitted by unstable elemental crystals is sending even the most docile of creatures into uncontrollable fits of madness. The condition appears to be irreversible, with a swift end the only means of granting these poor souls mercy.
Battle FATE. Excitable Boys 60 Northwestern Pavilion (x14 y18) 5 minutes Defeat the proceratosaurs.
Aether emitted by unstable elemental crystals is sending even the most docile of creatures into uncontrollable fits of madness. The condition appears to be irreversible, with a swift end the only means of granting these poor souls mercy.
Battle FATE. Excitable Boys 60 Northwestern Pavilion (x19 y10) 5 minutes Defeat the killer ants.
Aether emitted by unstable elemental crystals is sending even the most docile of creatures into uncontrollable fits of madness. The condition appears to be irreversible, with a swift end the only means of granting these poor souls mercy.
Battle FATE. Excitable Boys 60 Northeastern Pavilion (x28 y7) 5 minutes Defeat the ageless diremites.
Aether emitted by unstable elemental crystals is sending even the most docile of creatures into uncontrollable fits of madness. The condition appears to be irreversible, with a swift end the only means of granting these poor souls mercy.
Battle FATE. Excitable Boys 60 Northwestern Pavilion (x22 y10) 5 minutes Defeat the lunantishees.
Aether emitted by unstable elemental crystals is sending even the most docile of creatures into uncontrollable fits of madness. The condition appears to be irreversible, with a swift end the only means of granting these poor souls mercy.
Battle FATE. Excitable Boys 60 Southwestern Pavilion (x11 y32) 5 minutes Defeat the baby brachiosaurs.
Aether emitted by unstable elemental crystals is sending even the most docile of creatures into uncontrollable fits of madness. The condition appears to be irreversible, with a swift end the only means of granting these poor souls mercy.
Battle FATE. Excitable Boys 60 Southwestern Pavilion (x9 y29) 5 minutes Defeat the cutters.
Aether emitted by unstable elemental crystals is sending even the most docile of creatures into uncontrollable fits of madness. The condition appears to be irreversible, with a swift end the only means of granting these poor souls mercy.
Battle FATE. Excitable Boys 60 Southwestern Pavilion (x11 y24) 5 minutes Defeat the Diadem endymions.
Aether emitted by unstable elemental crystals is sending even the most docile of creatures into uncontrollable fits of madness. The condition appears to be irreversible, with a swift end the only means of granting these poor souls mercy.
Battle FATE. Excitable Boys 60 The Bounty (x7 y19) 5 minutes Defeat the pack paissas.
Aether emitted by unstable elemental crystals is sending even the most docile of creatures into uncontrollable fits of madness. The condition appears to be irreversible, with a swift end the only means of granting these poor souls mercy.
Battle FATE. Excitable Boys 60 Northeastern Pavilion (x27 y13) 5 minutes Defeat the crown torama.
Aether emitted by unstable elemental crystals is sending even the most docile of creatures into uncontrollable fits of madness. The condition appears to be irreversible, with a swift end the only means of granting these poor souls mercy.
Battle FATE. Excitable Boys 60 Southeastern Pavilion (x19 y34) 5 minutes Defeat the triceratops.
Aether emitted by unstable elemental crystals is sending even the most docile of creatures into uncontrollable fits of madness. The condition appears to be irreversible, with a swift end the only means of granting these poor souls mercy.
Battle FATE. Excitable Boys 60 Southwestern Pavilion (x13 y32) 5 minutes Defeat the hornflies.
Aether emitted by unstable elemental crystals is sending even the most docile of creatures into uncontrollable fits of madness. The condition appears to be irreversible, with a swift end the only means of granting these poor souls mercy.
Battle FATE. Excitable Boys 60 Southwestern Pavilion (x14 y34) 5 minutes Defeat the diplocauluses.
Aether emitted by unstable elemental crystals is sending even the most docile of creatures into uncontrollable fits of madness. The condition appears to be irreversible, with a swift end the only means of granting these poor souls mercy.
Battle FATE. Excitable Boys 60 Southeastern Pavilion (x28 y25) 5 minutes Defeat the ageless meliae.
Aether emitted by unstable elemental crystals is sending even the most docile of creatures into uncontrollable fits of madness. The condition appears to be irreversible, with a swift end the only means of granting these poor souls mercy.
Battle FATE. Who's for Dinner 60 Southeastern Pavilion (x27 y28, x32 y29, x33 y27) 5 minutes Defeat the Uncegila.
The serpent-like Uncegila are frighteningly methodical in how they prepare their prey for consumption, first crushing its bones to prevent escape, then delivering a powerful toxin which softens muscle tissue to a paste-like texture, but without killing the victim. The scalekin then devour the quivering mass feetfirst so that they might revel in their prey's final screams.
Boss FATE. On the Inside 60 Northwestern Pavilion (x13 y20) 30 minutes Defeat the charybterix.
While much remains unknown about the charybterix, harrowing accounts of the colossal cloudkin using its scimitar-like claws to disembowel its victims have proven enough to convince House Haillenarte that a preemptive strike is the best interest of any and all who plan future forays into the Diadem.

Spawn conditions:

Battle FATE. Blacker than the Foulest Witch 60 Northwestern Pavilion (x14 y15) 5 minutes Defeat the bejeweled unicorns.
Looking upon these frail creatures, one would not think that unicorns could contain much power. Yet when they are angered, that power oft translates into untold carnage and destruction. Woe betide the man who is fooled by their appearance, for bejeweled unicorns will not hesitate to drive their single majestic horns so deep into your gut, only a spell of temporal reconfiguration might remove them.
Battle FATE. How I Met Your Marid 60 Northwestern Pavilion (x14 y10, x15 y14) 5 minutes Defeat Iriz Ima.
Marids are not known for being nocturnal creatures...yet one of the largest ever observed─Iriz Ima─prefers to feed under cover of night. Its eyes, however, are not suited for seeing in the dark, meaning these evening strolls oft end in the untimely flattening of countless animals, minerals, and Lalafells.
Battle FATE. Lunantishee in the Sky 60 Northwestern Pavilion (x15 y12, x19 y8, x21 y8) 5 minutes Defeat the lunantishee seedlings.
Extreme levels of ambient aether can not only lead to the increased size and ferocity of a creature, but also to enhanced fertility. Case in point: the Diadem currently finds itself overrun with lunantishee seedlings who, if not dealt with swiftly, will grow into a veritable army of bloodsucking shrubbery.
Battle FATE. Pretty Flies 60 Northeastern Pavilion (x26 y6, x32 y10) 5 minutes Defeat the jewel flies.
Jewel flies earn their name from the bright, ruby-like color of their abdomens─a hue achieved by filling those translucent bellies with the blood of any creature luckless enough to cross the vilekin's path.
Emergency Mission 60 The Missing Gem (x18 y26) 15 minutes See The Missing Gem The Missing Gem.
Attention all adventurers and sky pirates! A hyperelectric storm has cleared the path to the Missing Gem! This weather will not hold forever, and House Haillenarte urges any courageous souls to delve into the ruins whilst the door remains ajar. Should the bowels of the Gem hold threats to our expedition, we ask that you abandon petty rivalries and work together to fell whatever terrors lurk within!"

Spawn conditions:

The Sea of Clouds[]

Name Level Location Time limit Objective
Spawn conditions (if any)
Defense FATE. Mint Condition 50-54 Cloudtop (x14 y37) 15 minutes Protect the catmint crates from the gaelicats.
To stave off the myriad vilekin that endlessly nip at the cheeks of the Rose Knights stationed in Cloudtop, several crates filled with seedlings of a natural herb repellent known as catmint were brought in to plant around the camp. Unfortunately, the odor has attracted a clowder of gaelicats who have begun destroying the containers to get at their contents.

Spawn conditions:

  • Speak with the Rose Knight.
Battle FATE. Saved the Nests for Last 50-54 Cloudtop (x20 y32) 15 minutes Destroy the gastornis nests.
The belly of a gastornis is filled with one of the most powerful corrosives known to man, allowing the massive cloudkin to digest almost anything from bones and hair, to crystal and rock. This digestive process produces toxic fumes which are released as the gastornis breathes, making them deadly neighbors...
Boss FATE. One Turned Over the Cloudkin's Nest 50-54 Cloudtop (x20 y32) 15 minutes Defeat Diatryma.
If you believed that destroying a giant nest would not upset the giant creature who called that nest home, then Diatryma would like to have a word with you.

Spawn conditions:

Battle FATE. Food Fight 50-54 Voor Sian Siran (x28 y32) 15 minutes Defeat the paissas and gastornis.
Food is scarce on the floating islets of the Sea of Clouds, so when two species descend on the same hunting grounds, chaos is bound to erupt. That chaos, however, can be a blessing in disguise by providing an opportunity to kill two birds (or more accurately one bird and one rodent-like creature) with one stone.
Battle FATE. Leech the Sky 50-54 Voor Sian Siran (x25 y35) 15 minutes Defeat the obdellas.
Not a soul in the realm would deny that a good leeching now and again keeps the humours clean and the body free of sickness, but pumpkin-sized leeches capable of rendering a man into a husk in a matter of moments? That is a different story altogether.
Battle FATE. Anzu Trois 50-54 Voor Sian Siran (x30 y36) 15 minutes Defeat the anzu crones and pullets.
Once anzu hatchlings reach a certain age, their mothers will begin taking them hunting so that the hatchlings can learn the art of subduing prey. Slay the birds, both young and old, to prevent the fostering of new killers.
Battle FATE. Youth Must Be Severed 50-54 Voor Sian Siran (x30 y30) 15 minutes Defeat the lan'leii Gundu.
As a display of strength, young members of the Gundu tribe will taunt their enemies using petty acts of aggression such as shouting insults or throwing feces. Those especially brave and arrogant, however, will actually physically attack, and without someone to bloody their noses, the violence can only escalate.
Boss FATE. A Long Way Down 50-54 Voor Sian Siran (x36 y32) 15 minutes Defeat Apotamkin.
The paissas are a mischievous bunch, finding amusement in cracking open Rose Knight crates and tossing their contents off Cloudtop to the ground thousands of yalms below. The worst offender─a deceptively adorable misfit named Apotamkin─has been sighted, and the order is out to show him the same fate as the crates.
Battle FATE. This Is How We Gundu 50-54 Voor Sian Siran (x34 y30) 15 minutes Defeat the lan'laii and vuk'laii Gundu.
Armed warriors of the hostile Gundu tribe have gathered before Vundu Ok' Bendu and begun the ritual hooting of insults and stomping of talons which normally serve as a prelude to battle. Rather than wait for the Vanu to attack, the Rose Knights have elected to cast the first stone.
Battle FATE. Come to My Window 57-61 The Blue Window (x6 y21) 15 minutes Defeat the Window wamourae.
One too many puffs on the morrowmote pipe put the Zundu tribe wamourakeeper's mind so at ease that he forgot to lock the gate to the silk pens before retiring to bed. When he woke the next morning to the chaos inflicted by the escaped moths, he wondered why the morrowmotes did not provide him with visions of this particular future.
Item FATE. Obey their Thirst 57-61 The Blue Window (x12 y12) 15 minutes Deliver spring cores to the nat'leii Zundu.
The Zundu tribe discovered long ago that the hearts of cloud sprites are crystals which, when shattered, expel large amounts of clean, drinkable water─a resource quite scarce on their floating islets. The problem is removing the hearts from their owners who, annoyingly enough, require them to live.

Spawn conditions:

  • Speak with the nat'leii Zundu.
Escort FATE. The Fugitive 57-61 The Blue Window (x28 y10) 15 minutes Escort the Zundu fugitive to safety.
A young member of the Zundu tribe, kidnapped and forced to serve as a footrest for a Vundu elder, has escaped his captors and is trying to return home. The elder, displeased that his favorite footrest has flown the coop, has gathered a small army to search every cookhouse, birdhouse, and outhouse in order to reclaim what he rightfully abducted.

Spawn conditions:

  • Speak with the Zundu fugitive.
Defense FATE. Zuns on the Run 57-61 The Blue Window (x17 y9) 15 minutes Protect the Zundu fugitive from the lan'laii and nat'laii Vundu.
The warrior who kindly agreed to escort the former footrest back to the Zundu village has turned out to be a gaelicat's-paw of the Vundu elder who kidnapped the young Zundu. It appears that boy will require further escort if he is ever to arrive home.
Boss FATE. On Dangerous Ground 57-61 The Blue Window (x21 y12) 30 minutes Defeat the groundseater.
After centuries of protecting the land, one groundskeeper had enough and began devouring the very stuff he was tasked with defending. Decommission the groundseater before there are no islets left in the sky.
Battle FATE. Leather and Mace 57-61 The Blue Window (x26 y10) 15 minutes Defeat the lan'laii and nat'laii Vundu.
Tanning techniques are relatively unknown to the Vanu Vanu, making treated leather a rare commodity in the Sea of Clouds. Rather than learn to make their own, some of the tribes would instead forcefully take it from the area's new arrivals clad head to toe in the protective wear.
Battle FATE. Hearts Like Steel, Fists Like Thunder 57-61 Ok' Vundu Vana (x29 y15) 15 minutes Defeat the Vundu and 6th Legion hastati.
Soldiers of the VIth Imperial Legion have engaged with the Vundu tribe. Allow the two sides to weaken each other, then sneak in and claim the heads of both.
Boss FATE. Bones 57-61 Ok' Vundu Vana (x23 y19) 15 minutes Defeat Oonu Vali.
Though average Vanu lifespans would suggest she is not a day over thirty summers, members of the Zundu claim that Vundu warrioress Oonu Vali has been collecting the bones of her victims and adding them to her feathers since the dawn of time.
Boss FATE. Bismarcking Time 59-63 Ok' Vundu Mok (x20 y23) 15 minutes Defeat Kena Vanu.
Vundu high priest Kena Vanu has begun a forbidden rite which, if allowed to continue, will summon forth the very Lord of the Mists, Bismarck. Slay the beastman and prevent certain tragedy.
Battle FATE. Let There Be Acolytes 59-63 Ok' Vundu Mok (x20 y22) 15 minutes Defeat the lan'laii Kena Vanu.
Acolytes of the temporarily dispatched Kena Vanu have sworn revenge on the featherless netherlings who silenced their master before he could finish teaching them all seventy-three mysteries of the skies.

Spawn conditions:

Boss FATE. A Disturbing Lack of Faith 59-63 Ok' Vundu Mok (x20 y22) 15 minutes Defeat Kena Vanu and Skvader.
It appears Kena Vanu was not as thoroughly dispatched as originally believed, and the high priest has returned, not with the Lord of the Mists, but with a creature almost as imposing at his side. Ware the impaling talons of the dread Skvader and slay the beastman who summoned him.

Spawn conditions:

Battle FATE. Guano a Mano 59-63 The Nidifice (x36 y36) 15 minutes Defeat the toco tocos.
Nothing is worse than finding yourself underneath a flock of toco tocos as they relieve themselves of their recent meals...until you realize that toco toco guano is highly corrosive and can burn your flesh down to the bone. Disperse the converging cloudkin before they carpet bomb the entire area with their fetid feces.
Boss FATE. The Sound of Madness 59-63 Provenance (x10 y25) 15 minutes Defeat Podarge.
Vanu tribes claim that the shrill mating call of Podarge, a fearsome cloudkin who inhabits the Sea of Clouds, can drive men to madness─the most severely affected throwing themselves off islands simply to escape the terrible sound. Silence the creature before your own sanity is lost.
Boss FATE. You Eat What You Aren't 59-63 The Gauntlet (x36 y9) 15 minutes Defeat Akhekhu.
The diet of a griffin is believed to consist mostly of the flesh of small- to medium-sized mountain creatures such as goats and gaelicats. The hulking Akhekhu, however, will only sup on fully grown Vanu Vanu, making the cloudkin both hated and feared by the islet tribes.
Battle FATE. A Dream, Perchance to Eat 59-63 The Gauntlet (x21 y6) 15 minutes Defeat the tsanahales.
Some Vanu Vanu tribes believe that one's soul leaves the body every night to journey to the realm of dreams. It is also believed that cloudkin known as tsanahales will perch atop village huts in an attempt to devour these souls, making the creatures hated across the Sea of Clouds.
Boss FATE. Rebel Yehl 59-63 Hengr's Crucible (x37 y14) 15 minutes Defeat Yehl.
Incensed by the recent influx of free company airships into its territory, the savage cloudkin Yehl has declared a one-bird war on any and all denizens of the lower realm.

The Black Shroud[]

Central Shroud[]

Name Level Location Time limit Objective
Spawn conditions (if any)
Battle FATE. One Enchanted Eve 4-9 Jadeite Thick (x25 y18) 15 minutes Defeat the enchanted funguars.
Some foul sorceress has enchanted the forest's funguars, transforming them into man-eating menaces!
Battle FATE. Clever Girls 5-10 Jadeite Thick (x26 y18) 15 minutes Defeat the anoles.
The anoles of Naked Rock have ventured forth from their territory to hunt. Eliminate the pack before they begin feeding on the smallfolk!
Defense FATE. Training Day 5-10 The Bannock (x21 y19) 15 minutes Help the serpent recruit defeat Miraudont the Madder.
Assist the new recruit to the Order of the Twin Adder who has found himself outmatched in a training exercise with his commanding officer, Miraudont the Madder.

Spawn conditions:

  • Speak with the serpent recruit.
Battle FATE. Lady Killer 7-12 Greentear (x29 y21) 15 minutes Defeat the little ladybugs.
Ladybugs are more than welcome to dine on the aphids which infest the orchards of the Central Shroud; however, some have acquired a taste for the honeybees who pollinate the crops. See that this meal is their last.
Boss FATE. Something in the Water 8-13 Jadeite Thick (x23 y23) 15 minutes Defeat the stagnant water sprite.
Aetherial corruption has rendered one of the forest's water sprites extremely violent. Slay the creature before it harms the smallfolk!
Battle FATE. A Mother Scorned 8-13 Greentear (x30 y23) 15 minutes Defeat the charging hogs.
After losing several of their hoglets to the Trappers' League, massive wild sows have become overtaken with rage, gouging anything and everything that moves. To ensure the area's safety, the beasts must be put down.
Boss FATE. Leader of the Pack 9-14 Naked Rock (x31 y21) 15 minutes Defeat the alpha anole.
A new alpha male has emerged within the local pack of anoles, emboldening the lesser beasts. The leader must be slain before the pack grows even more deadly.
Boss FATE. Alux of the Draw 9-14 Spirithold (x25 y25) 15 minutes Defeat Alux.
A markedly mischievous monster known as Alux has been spotted hiding in Spirithold. Ambush the voidsent, and slay him before he can escape.
Battle FATE. Lethe on My Mind 10-15 Bentbranch (x18 y19) 15 minutes Defeat the arbor buzzards.
The Matron's Lethe serves as an important thoroughfare for merchants and travelers, and to ensure they arrive safely at their destinations, the area must be kept clear of deadly predators.
Battle FATE. Spirithold Run 10-15 Spirithold (x27 y23) 15 minutes Defeat the trickster imps.
A cadre of Spirithold-dwelling imps is planning a mass exodus into the Twelveswood to make their merry mischief. Trap them in the abandoned dungeon and see that they never leave.
Battle FATE. The Sting 11-16 Lilystone (x27 y29) 15 minutes Defeat the hornet swarms.
Aggressive hornet swarms nesting near Lilystone are preventing the smallfolk from tending to their daily tasks. Exterminate the pests and bring peace to the area!
Battle FATE. Love Is in the Air 11-16 Galvanth's Spire (x22 y26) 15 minutes Defeat the diremites.
Scores of diremites have crawled from their nest holes and gathered near Galvanth's Spire to search for mates. Join forces with the local Wood Wailer guard and see that the vilekin die spouseless.
Battle FATE. Sleep Tight 12-17 Bentbranch (x18 y27) 15 minutes Defeat the zombies and magicked bones.
Someone or something has awakened souls laid to rest long ago in the Tam–Tara Deepcroft, and now the restless revenants seek blood!
Boss FATE. Bleeding Green 13-18 The Hedgetree (x20 y30) 15 minutes Defeat Matagaigai.
Help prevent the spread of leafbleed─a sickness causing the death of local foliage─by slaying Matagaigai, an overgrown landtrap known to carry the bane.
Boss FATE. There's Something about Lou 14-19 Everschade (x14 y25) 15 minutes Defeat Lou Carcolh.
A giant slug known by the playful moniker Lou Carcolh has been seen near the Guardian Tree. Slay the beast before he consumes the sacred monument.
Battle FATE. Sprig Cleaning 30-35 Sorrel Haven (x15 y18) 15 minutes Defeat the spriggans.
Ever in search of scrumptious stones, a pack of spriggans has descended into the forest. Join the Wood Wailers to send the scamps back whence they came!

This FATE has been removed from the game.

Item FATE. What's Your Poison 30-35 Hopeseed Pond (x15 y21) 15 minutes Deliver dustings of poisonous mushroom spores to the Wood Wailer lance.
The Wood Wailers seek poisonous mushroom spores to create an antidote...for poisonous mushroom spores. They will purchase any brought to them, as long as the product is pure.

Spawn conditions:

  • Speak with the Wood Wailer Lance.
Boss FATE. My Baby Green 31-36 Hopeseed Pond (x13 y22) 15 minutes Defeat Jaded Jody.
An overgrown tangle of vivified vines lovingly named Jaded Jody is drinking up all the water of Hopeseed Pond. If action is not taken quickly, the whole area will be dry by the next moon.
Battle FATE. The Lindwurm Has Turned 31-36 Sorrel Haven (x15 y17) 15 minutes Defeat the lindwurms.
A pair of lovers on their way home from Hopeseed Pond were brutally attacked by a pack of lindwurms drawn by the sweet smell of the day's catch. See the scalekin slain so that they can never harm another.

Spawn conditions:

  • Speak with the greatloam farmer.
Battle FATE. Revenant Things 31-36 Sorrel Haven (x12 y20) 15 minutes Defeat the revenants.
Sometimes, people are unaware when the end knocks, and their souls miss the opportunity to journey back into the Lifestream. These wretched creatures are known as revenants, and they need your help in realizing there is no place for them in this realm.
Item FATE. If I Only Had a Soul 33-38 The Standing Corses (x11 y16) 15 minutes Deliver golem soulstones to the nameless conjurer.
Many mysteries still surround golems and how the creatures are animated. Stillglade Fane seeks to unlock the secrets of the lithic creatures and require soulstones to do so.

Spawn conditions:

  • Speak with the nameless conjurer.
Boss FATE. Asipatra Attacks 34-39 Sanguine Perch (x17 y22) 15 minutes Defeat Asipatra.
Once believed only a creature of legend, the terrible winged Asipatra has been spotted in the Twelveswood. Slay the monster before he can claim any victims.
Boss FATE. In Spite of It All 43-48 Spriggan Dig (x11 y18) 15 minutes Defeat Spiteful.
Deep within the Twelveswood lives a spriggan with a heart blacker than his stygian shock of fur─his name, Spiteful. So filled with malice, this creature does not distinguish between friend or foe, mercilessly attacking any who cross his path. The elementals have spoken. Spiteful's time in the forest is done.
Boss FATE. Steel Reign 50-70 Hopeseed Pond (x14 y21)
Sorrel Haven (x14 y18)
Does not appear on the map.
30 minutes Defeat Odin.
Atop his mighty steed, clad in armor darker than the void, the elder primal Odin has returned to Eorzea to exact his brutal judgment upon the realm.

Spawn conditions:

  • 36 hour spawn window begins after server reset or after 36 hours have passed since last appearance.
  • Changes weather in the entire Black Shroud to Tension Tension while active.

East Shroud[]

Name Level Location Time limit Objective
Spawn conditions (if any)
Defense FATE. Now I See Bees I Won 11-16 The Honey Yard (x11 y24) 15 minutes Protect the honeybee swarms from the trickster imps.
Honey-seeking imps are killing off peaceful bees, and if the malevolent monsters are not stopped soon, honey production in the Twelveswood could suffer a serious blow.

Spawn conditions:

  • Speak with the bothered beekeeper.
Battle FATE. Carrion Baggage 11-16 The Honey Yard (x12 y26) 15 minutes Defeat the northern vultures.
Scraps of food left scattered along forest thoroughfares by goblin travelers are attracting all sorts of carrion-craving cloudkin, who, when the fodder is gone, set their sights on poor Lalafellin pilgrims. Discourage further vultures from frequenting the region by slaying the ones already here.
Boss FATE. Royal Rumble 16-21 Nine Ivies (x19 y27) 15 minutes Defeat the Prince of Pestilence.
The Prince of Pestilence has been spotted spreading corruption in the area. Slay His Royal Repugnance.
Battle FATE. Stopping the Spread 17-22 Little Solace (x21 y26) 15 minutes Defeat the giant gnats.
Swift-breeding, disease-carrying gnats threaten to disrupt the balance of nature in the Twelveswood. Slay the vile voidsent before their numbers multiply.
Boss FATE. Jack of All Trades 19-24 Nine Ivies (x21 y29) 15 minutes Defeat the Jackanapes.
The Jackanapes and his rowdy troop are defiling the forest as they roam in search of new territory. Slay the leader of the pack before he can do any further damage.
Battle FATE. Ivy League 19-24 Nine Ivies (x20 y29) 15 minutes Defeat the overgrown ivies.
Some species of ivy will continue growing until they have choked the life out of the entire forest. Assist both the Wood Wailers and the Gods' Quiver in their joint effort to clear the Twelveswood of this menace.
Battle FATE. Protecting the Patch 20-25 The Bramble Patch (x18 y25) 15 minutes Defeat the diseased treants.
Diseased treants were recently seen wandering through the Bramble Patch. Put the poor creatures out of their misery before the infection spreads to the healthy flora.
Boss FATE. Lazy for You 20-25 Nine Ivies (x23 y29) 30 minutes Defeat Lazy Laurence.
The things we love destroy us every time. So it was with Farmer Laurence, who was devoured by his grossly overgrown pet ochu which he named after himself. Slay the rampant creature, that the old farmer's soul might know peace.
Escort FATE. What Have You Done for Mead Lately 21-26 The Hawthorne Hut (x17 y26) 15 minutes Escort the mead-porting Midlander to the Sanctum of the Twelve.
A divine rite is being planned at the Sanctum of the Twelve and the clergy require copious amounts of freshly brewed mead to...uh, purify their spirits. Escort the porter and see that the mead arrives safely.

Spawn conditions:

  • Speak with the mead-porting Midlander.
Battle FATE. Thunderstruck 23-28 The Bramble Patch (x19 y21) 15 minutes Defeat the tempered sylphs.
Sylphs tempered in the levin-light of the primal Ramuh have descended into Little Solace to abduct their untempered brethren. Protect the innocent by delivering lightning-swift justice to the perpetrators.
Item FATE. Collecting Keepsakes 40-45 Larkscall (x27 y24) 15 minutes Deliver sylphic keepsakes to Phanaxio of the New Leaf.
Dear friends of Phanaxio of the New Leaf were killed by a band of sylphs for refusing to join them in their summoning of the primal Ramuh. Though he knows there is naught that will bring his companions back, he seeks their effects, so that their memories may endure.

Spawn conditions:

  • Speak with Phanaxio of the New Leaf.
Battle FATE. All Vine and No Popotoes 40-45 Larkscall (x25 y22) 15 minutes Defeat the ochus.
Ochus released into the forest by sylphs to act as deterrents to those seeking entry into their homeland have begun wandering closer and closer to Gridanian settlements, threatening the smallfolk and their livestock.
Battle FATE. The Enemy of My Enemy 42-47 Larkscall (x27 y21) 15 minutes Defeat the 3rd Cohort secutores and wild jackals.
A band of tempered sylphs has engaged a party of imperial scouts most likely dispatched to the Twelveswood to spy on the Order of the Twin Adder. Wait for the sylphs to weaken the scouts and then finish off the Garlean invaders.

Spawn conditions:

  • Speak with Mianne Thousandmalm.
Defense FATE. The Enmity of My Enemy 42-47 Larkscall (x27 y21) 15 minutes Help Mianne Thousandmalm defeat the sylpheed screeches, sighs, and snarls.
An entry on gratitude missing from their dictionaries, the surviving sylphs have flown back to the Sylphlands to gather reinforcements...and launch an attack on you! Fend off the waves of budding beastmen while seeing that the lightly armed Mianne Thousandmalm stays in the realm of the living.

Spawn conditions:

Boss FATE. A Wrench in the Works 42-47 Larkscall (x29 y21) 15 minutes Defeat the proto armor.
The Garleans have been putting a new and improved suit of armor through its paces in the heart of the Twelveswood. Reduce this marvel of technology to a smoking wreck.
Boss FATE. The Squirrel Trapper's Wife 43-48 Larkscall (x23 y21) 15 minutes Defeat Capricious Cassie.
The grieving widow of a squirrel trapper has offered a bounty for the slaying of the beast that swallowed her husband whole─a sweet-breathed morbol called Capricious Cassie.
Boss FATE. Below His Station 44-49 Larkscall (x32 y20) 15 minutes Defeat Aulus rem Vulso.
Imperial pilus prior Aulus rem Vulso, accompanied by a thin retinue of soldiers, has embarked on a rare outing to personally observe warmachina wreckage. His defeat would deal the Empire a crushing blow. Do not let this chance slip away!
Battle FATE. Got Milkroot 46-50 Sylphlands (x28 y17) 15 minutes Defeat the milkroot saplings.
Milkroot is a curse upon the people of the Twelveswood, destroying lives and tearing apart families. The sylphs who grow the deadly drug must be dealt with, but until they can be found, we must concentrate our efforts on ridding the forest of the saplings.
Boss FATE. Breaking Dawn 47-50 Goldleaf Dais (x32 y14) 10 minutes Defeat Daxio of the Dawn.
Tempered sylphs have prepared a feast for Daxio of the Dawn─a powerful weaver of spells who uses milkroot to conjure visions of the future. The revelry must be stopped lest the sylphs defile the sacred forest and anger the elementals.
Boss FATE. Bush Blade 47-50 Moonspore Grove (x29 y12) 15 minutes Defeat Volxia of the Blade.
Elder sylph Volxia of the Blade has begun his daily rounds of the Sylphlands. Use this opportunity to slay the leader and weaken the beast tribe from the top down.
Battle FATE. Handful of Dreams 49-52 Hanging Barbs (x24 y10) 15 minutes Defeat the dreamtoads.
To induce even more powerful visions, tempered sylphs add the excretions of dreamtoads to their milkroot solutions. This blend, however, oft proves too toxic for the unknowing taker, and can lead to coma or even death. Little can be done to stop the production of milkroot, but the fewer toads to gather oil from, the harder it will be for the sylphs to brew the more potent varieties.
Battle FATE. Everything's Better 49-52 Sylphlands (x23 y14) 10 minutes Defeat the sylph bonnets.
Masters of poisons, the sylphs utilize all manner of the forest's flora and fauna to create their deadly tinctures. One of those materials is a funguar known as the sylph bonnet for the hood-like shape of the cap. The poison from one cap can sicken an entire army, so it is best that the creatures are disposed of before the beastmen find them.
Boss FATE. The Gale that Rocks the Cradle 49-52 The Seedbed (x20 y10) 15 minutes Defeat Pulxio of the Short Gale.
Pulxio of the Short Gale is the stone-hearted sylph tasked with taking newly sprouted sylph bulbs away from the Seedbed for tempering. The first step in stopping a new generation of brainwashed sylphs from ruling the forest is to take Pulxio's life.
Boss FATE. What a Boar 49-52 Sylphlands (x23 y18) 10 minutes Defeat Kafre.
A thoroughbred sylphic fighting boar known as Kafre has turned on its masters and is now wreaking havoc in the Twelveswood. The savage creature has never known defeat; that must change, else there will be more sapshed.
Boss FATE. Steel Reign 50-70 Larkscall (x26 y21, x26 y24)
Nine Ivies (x23 y30)
Does not appear on the map.
30 minutes Defeat Odin.
Atop his mighty steed, clad in armor darker than the void, the elder primal Odin has returned to Eorzea to exact his brutal judgment upon the realm.

Spawn conditions:

  • 36 hour spawn window begins after server reset or after 36 hours have passed since last appearance.
  • Changes weather in the entire Black Shroud to Tension Tension while active.

North Shroud[]

Name Level Location Time limit Objective
Spawn conditions (if any)
Boss FATE. Dschubba Snacks 3-8 Treespeak (x25 y28) 15 minutes Defeat Dschubba.
Every few moons, a miteling hatches that is several times more violent than his brethren. This creature is known by the local smallfolk as Dschubba. Slay the vilekin before it has the chance to reach adulthood.
Battle FATE. Breaking Bud 3-8 Treespeak (x25 y28) 15 minutes Defeat the opo-opos.
Troublemaking opo-opos have expanded their territory slightly too close to Blessed Bud. Bloody their noses a bit to ensure they keep their distance.
Battle FATE. No Birds Allowed 5-10 Treespeak (x27 y23) 15 minutes Defeat the Ixali boldwings, swiftbeaks, and swordfighters.
Ixali scouts have been spotted near Treespeak. Locate the invaders and drive them from the any means necessary!
Defense FATE. The Magical Fruit 7-12 Hyrstmill (x28 y20) 15 minutes Protect the Mun-Tuy sacks from the North Shroud opo-opos.
Opo-opos in search of Mun-Tuy beans have begun raiding Hyrstmill storehouses. Slay the beastkin and prevent any sacks of beans from being stolen.
Boss FATE. Micromanaging 8-13 Peacegarden (x26 y21) 15 minutes Defeat Curupira.
Curupira─an especially savage microchu─is on the loose and must be reduced to mulch, lest it be allowed to roam the forest freely, feeding on cuddly woodland creatures and Lalafellin children.
Defense FATE. The Big Issue 25-30 Alder Springs (x23 y26) 15 minutes Protect the guild-issue supplies from the Ixali boldwings, swiftbeaks, and swordfighters.
A band of Ixali raiders has attacked a Wood Wailer caravan carrying supplies to outlying camps. Drive back the beastmen while ensuring they do not make off with any plunder.
Battle FATE. It Ziz What It Is 27-32 Alder Springs (x18 y26) 15 minutes Defeat the ziz.
Giant carnivorous scalekin known as ziz have wandered near Fallgourd Float in search of fresh meat. Slay the creatures before anyone becomes supper.
Battle FATE. Hare Today 27-32 Alder Springs (x14 y25) 15 minutes Defeat the Shroud hares.
Shroud hares are devouring the young trees of Alder Springs. Throw a little salt into their plans before the damage is beyond repair.
Item FATE. That Which Binds Us 28-33 Alder Springs (x17 y28) 15 minutes Deliver golem fragments to the shifty-eyed prospector.
A local prospector believes that a high mineral content in the stones which make up golems may be what holds the creatures together, and will reward anyone who helps him prove his theory.

Spawn conditions:

  • Speak with the shifty-eyed prospector.
Battle FATE. Waiting for a Moon to Fall 28-33 Alder Springs (x15 y31) 15 minutes Defeat the lunar golems.
Remnants of Dalamud fallen from the celestial satellite have been reanimated by some sinister force, and now roam the region in the form of powerful golems. Destroy the soulkin before they wreak their havoc on the forest.
Battle FATE. Don't Disturb This Grove 37-42 Proud Creek (x22 y22) 15 minutes Defeat the Ixali boundwings, fearcallers, and windtalons.
Gods' Quiver outrunners have spotted several Ixal felling trees within the sacred boundary of the Hedge. Adventurers nearby are asked to drive the beastmen back north out of the Twelveswood.
Boss FATE. Smells Like Tree Spirit 37-42 Gelmorra Ruins (x23 y25) 15 minutes Defeat the Great Oak.
Angered at the needless felling of his brethren, the Great Oak has lifted his roots from the Twelveswood floor and has set out to exact revenge...on anything without roots.
Battle FATE. Air Supply 47-50 Ixali Logging Grounds (x19 y19) 15 minutes Defeat the Ixali swiftbeaks and destroy the airstones.
The Gods' Quiver seeks volunteers to join a raid of the Ixali logging grounds, the main targets being not the Ixal themselves, but the airstones the swiftbeaks use to give their war balloons flight.
Boss FATE. Rude Awakening 48-51 Proud Creek (x21 y19) 15 minutes Defeat Daedalus.
Damage wrought by the Calamity has freed frightening apparitions long bound to the forest for terrible deeds committed in ages past. A vengeful spirit given the name Daedalus is one such prisoner. Send the silent knight back to his eternal prison beneath the loam.
Boss FATE. Steel Reign 50-70 Alder Springs (x16 y27)
Proud Creek (x22 y22, x25 y24)
Does not appear on the map.
30 minutes Defeat Odin.
Atop his mighty steed, clad in armor darker than the void, the elder primal Odin has returned to Eorzea to exact his brutal judgment upon the realm.

Spawn conditions:

  • 36 hour spawn window begins after server reset or after 36 hours have passed since last appearance.
  • Changes weather in the entire Black Shroud to Tension Tension while active.

South Shroud[]

Name Level Location Time limit Objective
Spawn conditions (if any)
Battle FATE. Stag Parting 21-26 Upper Paths (x15 y18) 15 minutes Defeat the antelope stags.
Something has normally placid antelope stags stirred into a frenzy. Put the poor beasts down before they injure themselves or others.
Battle FATE. Kickin' it with the Kedtraps 22-27 Upper Paths (x22 y21) 15 minutes Defeat the kedtraps.
The Upper Paths have become tangled with kedtraps. Slice your way through the seedkin before they choke the life from the forest.
Defense FATE. Another Round 22-27 Buscarron's Druthers (x17 y20) 15 minutes Protect the abused adventurer from Spenser of the Bottomless Cup.
One of Buscarron's Druthers' more unruly patrons─Spenser of the Bottomless Cup─has (once again) had one too many mugs of mead, and begun fighting with another customer. Come and silence the sot.

Spawn conditions:

  • Speak with the abused adventurer.
Battle FATE. To Whom the Toll Goes 22-27 Upper Paths (x21 y20) 15 minutes Defeat the Redbelly gutters, hivekeeps, and sharpeyes.
Footpads have set up illegal checkpoints along major roadways, and are forcefully collecting coin from any who attempt to pass. Seek out these ne'er-do-wells and show them crime doesn't pay.
Boss FATE. The Hunted 23-28 Upper Paths (x19 y22) 15 minutes Defeat Sirocco.
Sirocco, a giant antelope long sought after by the Trappers' League, has been sighted in the area. Fame and fortune await those who can claim this trophy.
Battle FATE. Conspiracy Theory 24-29 Upper Paths (x16 y22) 15 minutes Defeat the Redbelly conspirators.
High-ranking members of the Redbelly Wasps have gathered in an abandoned hovel to discuss their next attack on Gridania's trade routes. See that they do not leave alive.
Battle FATE. The Negotiators 28-33 Silent Arbor (x26 y21) 15 minutes Defeat the Coeurlclaw cutters and goblin thugs.
Negotiations between goblin merchants and a gang of local poachers have turned sour. Use this opportunity to teach both bands of outlaws a lesson!

Spawn conditions:

  • Speak with the Wood Wailer Lance.
Boss FATE. The Coeurl King 29-34 Takers' Rot (x30 y19) 15 minutes Defeat the Coeurlclaw King.
A band of Miqo'te poachers has begun hunting in the Twelveswood, led by a solitary male who has crowned himself King of the Coeurlclaws. Slay the unholy sovereign and send his subjects scampering.

Spawn conditions:

Item FATE. Hide and Seek 29-34 Silent Arbor (x29 y21) 15 minutes Deliver poached hides to the Wood Wailer lance.
The Twelveswood has become a breeding ground for poachers. Slay the lawless fiends, retrieve the hides of their innocent victims, and deliver them to the Wood Wailer.

Spawn conditions:

Item FATE. Robbin' Goblins 29-34 Goblins' Meet (x27 y21) 15 minutes Deliver stolen crates to the crestfallen merchant.
Goblin robbers have attacked a merchant en route to Gridania. Cut down the culprits and reclaim the lost crates!

Spawn conditions:

  • Speak with the crestfallen merchant.
Battle FATE. To Train a Tortoise 30-35 Rootslake (x16 y26) 15 minutes Defeat the Redbelly lookouts and sharpeyes.
The ragtag band of cutthroats and thieves known collectively as the Redbelly Wasps have got it in their heads that an adamantoise might be trained to crush their enemies, and now they dart about Rootslake poking and prodding the otherwise peaceful giants into a frenzy. Cuff the troublemakers before the entire area is overrun with angry adamantoises.
Battle FATE. Fate Is a Fecal Mistress 31-36 Rootslake (x15 y30) 15 minutes Defeat the stropers.
The countless steaming pools of fecal ooze left by the stropers who have invaded Rootslake since its waters were drained are making those stationed at the nearby camp sick and unfit to fight. Help is sought in clearing the area of the vined creatures in a last-ditch effort to clear the air.
Battle FATE. Breaching the Hive 32-37 Redbelly Hive (x22 y17) 30 minutes Destroy the hive gates.
Infiltrate Redbelly Hive by defeating the gatewatches and opening the gates.

Spawn conditions:

Boss FATE. Clearing the Hive 32-37 Redbelly Hive (x22 y17) 15 minutes Defeat Severaint Seven Splinter and Shredder.
Make haste to the heart of Redbelly Hive and defeat the bandit leader Severaint Seven Splinter.

Spawn conditions:

Defense FATE. Defending the Hive 32-37 Redbelly Hive (x22 y17) 30 minutes Protect the hive gates from the Redbelly chanters, gutters, and sharpeyes.
Join forces with the Wood Wailers to defend Redbelly Hive from the bandits who seek to reclaim it.

Spawn conditions:

  • Redbelly Hive must be under control of the Wood Wailers, which can occur by completing Clearing the Hive Clearing the Hive, and maintained by completing this FATE and Keeping the Hive Keeping the Hive.
Defense FATE. Keeping the Hive 32-37 Redbelly Hive (x22 y17) 30 minutes Protect the hive gates from the Redbelly larceners.
Defend Redbelly Hive while demoralizing the remaining Redbellies by slaying their larceners.

Spawn conditions:

Boss FATE. A Tale of Two-tails 32-37 Lower Paths (x15 y33) 15 minutes Defeat Yabi Two-tails.
The Sixth Astral Era airship landing ruins have been transformed by poachers into a black market. Seek out and slay their ringleader, Yabi Two-tails.
Battle FATE. Rogue on the Water 33-38 Rootslake (x19 y29) 15 minutes Defeat the water sprites.
Once a vast lake, home to myriad wavekin, the water of Rootslake has been sucked nigh dry by rogue sprites. Cull the creatures and restore the area's aetherial balance.
Battle FATE. Eft for Dead 34-39 Rootslake (x21 y29) 15 minutes Defeat the black efts.
Black efts from the east have begun taking over Rootslake, forcing out other species native to the area. Help cull their population before it's too late.
Boss FATE. What Gored Before 46-50 Urth's Gift (x32 y25) 15 minutes Defeat Phaia.
Trained for boar fighting by a sylph elder, Phaia had not fought two battles before turning on his master and consuming him in a single bite. Now the former champion of the boar pits roams free in the wood, goring those foolish enough to stand in his way.
Boss FATE. Steel Reign 50-70 Lower Paths (x16 y33)
Upper Paths (x18 y23, x20 y20)
Urth's Fount (x33 y23)
Does not appear on the map.
30 minutes Defeat Odin.
Atop his mighty steed, clad in armor darker than the void, the elder primal Odin has returned to Eorzea to exact his brutal judgment upon the realm.

Spawn conditions:

  • 36 hour spawn window begins after server reset or after 36 hours have passed since last appearance.
  • Changes weather in the entire Black Shroud to Tension Tension while active.


Coerthas Central Highlands[]

Name Level Location Time limit Objective
Spawn conditions (if any)
Battle FATE. Twelve Ilms of Snow 35-40 Dragonhead (x23 y28) 15 minutes Defeat the snow wolf pups.
A pack of starving snow wolves has descended from its hunting grounds on the Nail to prey upon those who reside in and around the Observatorium. Drive the pack back to the mountains before there are any more casualties.
Boss FATE. Gavial 35-40 Skyfire Locks (x25 y22) 15 minutes Defeat Gavial.
Nobles and their pets. One day they will see some tiny creature from the window of their pillowed carriage and simply have to have it...that is, until it grows too large and violent for their quaint seaside villa, at which time they order their majordomo to toss it back into the wild, it now having learned to loathe all who might take advantage of it once again, until it finally has to be put down.
Defense FATE. A Log Up 35-40 First Dicasterial Observatorium of Aetherial and Astrological Phenomena (x26 y27) 15 minutes Protect the astrocope logs from the thrustaevis.
The Dravanian Horde launched a brutal assault on the Observatorium just as her astrologians began moving this moon's astroscope logs to the lower library. Adventurers are needed to fend off the attack while protecting the scattered logs from the thrustaevis's all-consuming flames.
Boss FATE. Baa Baa Black Sheep 36-41 Skyfire Locks (x27 y23) 15 minutes Defeat Downy Dunstan.
A legend amongst local Coerthan shepherds, Downy Dunstan is said to have wool as black as night and as soft as cloud. The problem is, most are never able to get close enough to the sheep to shear him properly, and those who are usually end up sacrificing a finger or two in the attempt. If someone were to pacify the beast, there would surely be those who would pay generously.
Battle FATE. Whiteout 36-41 Dragonhead (x25 y19) 15 minutes Defeat the highland goobbues.
A blinding snowstorm on Abalathia's Spine has caused a pack of goobbues to lose its way and wander down into the more heavily populated areas of the Coerthas highlands. The creatures have already begun feeding on the locals' stock, and if not dealt with soon, there will be nothing left with which to survive the coming winter.
Battle FATE. Croc-y Road 36-41 Dragonhead (x25 y20) 15 minutes Defeat the feral crocs.
A porter on his way to Camp Dragonhead has had his way blocked by a bask of feral crocs. He doesn't dare stray too far from Haldrath's March for fear of being assaulted in the wild, but unless the crocs are dealt with, he will be unable to proceed to his destination.
Escort FATE. Wish Upon a Star 36-41 First Dicasterial Observatorium of Aetherial and Astrological Phenomena (x26 y27) 15 minutes Escort the Ishgardian astrologian to Camp Dragonhead.
The previous evening's star readings are complete, and an astrologian from the Observatorium seeks well-armed adventurers to escort him as he delivers the findings to a courier at Camp Dragonhead, who will take them into Ishgard.

Spawn conditions:

  • Speak with the Ishgardian astrologian.
Battle FATE. A Fire in the Distance 37-42 Providence Point (x32 y12) 15 minutes Defeat the will-o'-the-wisps.
Nothing is worse than being caught in a snowstorm at night than being caught in a snowstorm at night and falling into a bottomless ravine because you thought you spied a lantern in the distance...which actually turned out to be a will-o'-the-wisp. The wisps must be slain, for the safety of travelers throughout the realm.
Battle FATE. Coming to a Head 37-42 Dragonhead (x27 y15) 15 minutes Defeat the thrustaevis.
The Dravanian Horde has begun surrounding Camp Dragonhead. The knights stationed at the outpost seek aid in driving back the scalekin, for they do not believe their reinforcements from Ishgard will arrive in time.
Defense FATE. The Grey 38-43 Providence Point (x27 y11) 15 minutes Protect the injured Fortemps sentry from the snow wolf pups.
Since getting his leg caught in an iron trap, a sentry of House Fortemps has been tracked by a pack of wolves following the scent of his blood. The pack is right on his heels and without aid, he will not make it back to Ishgard alive.

Spawn conditions:

  • Speak with the injured Fortemps sentry.
Battle FATE. Simply Red 38-43 Providence Point (x24 y14) 15 minutes Defeat the redhorn ogres.
A party of redhorn ogres has left its mountain lair to raid the smallfolk villages. It is not enough that they steal their food, but they kidnap their women and children as well. The poor farmers have no means of stopping these voidsent creatures, their fate balanced on the kindness of strangers.
Item FATE. Spring Forward, Fall Back 38-43 The Weeping Saint (x32 y6) 15 minutes Deliver phials of Daniffen's tears to the Coerthan merchant.
A Coerthan merchant come to the Weeping Saint to collect holy water has found the spring guarded by mischievous sprites. Not willing to return to Ishgard empty-handed, he is offering to purchase any phials filled from the pool.
Escort FATE. Svara's Flight 38-43 Camp Dragonhead (x26 y15) 15 minutes Escort the House Fortemps engineer to the Steel Vigil.
The Observatorium reports that the dragon Svara has been seen flying in the direction of the Steel Vigil. Protect the engineer moving into position to ready the siege machine.

Spawn conditions:

  • Speak with the House Fortemps engineer.
Battle FATE. Svara's Fear 38-43 Steel Vigil (x26 y8) 15 minutes Defeat the thrustaevis.
The engineer is in position and has begun readying the dragonslayer cannons; however, deadly threats approach from all sides. Fend off the encroaching horde so that the engineer can finish his preparations.

Spawn conditions:

Boss FATE. Svara's Fall 38-43 Steel Vigil (x26 y8) 15 minutes Defeat Svara.
The mighty dragon Svara has landed and begun its relentless attack on the Ishgardian defenses. Fight alongside Bertha to turn the tide of battle in your favor.

Spawn conditions:

Boss FATE. Svara's Fury 38-43 Steel Vigil (x26 y8) 15 minutes Defeat Svara.
The mighty dragon Svara has landed and begun its relentless attack on the Ishgardian defenses. The cannon that was meant to aid the Ishgardian forces, however, has been destroyed. It appears your blades are the only thing that can prevent utter defeat this day.

Spawn conditions:

Boss FATE. Bellyful 39-44 The Ogre's Belly (x34 y13) 15 minutes Defeat Gargamelle.
A ferocious fiend named Gargamelle, rumored to have devoured twelve sick orphans being carried to the Warmwine Sanitorium for treatment, has been spotted hiding in an ice cave known as the Ogre's Belly. Put a blade through its black heart before it can claim any more innocent victims.
Boss FATE. A Freeze Is Coming 39-44 Whitebrim (x15 y20) 15 minutes Defeat Lutin.
The fall of Dalamud brought an endless winter to the hills of Coerthas, and with the cold there came creatures of pure ice whose mere existence further rimes the land. Lutin is one of those creatures.
Battle FATE. Judge, Jury, and Executioner 39-44 Whitebrim (x18 y17) 15 minutes Defeat the dragonflies.
Dragonflies of the Dravanian Horde have gathered before Ishgard's final line of land defense─the Gates of Judgement. If the bastion is compromised, the Horde's wingless ground troops will gain entry to the city–state and thousands of lives will be lost. The gates must be defended at all costs.
Boss FATE. Roc of Ages 39-44 Whitebrim (x21 y17) 15 minutes Defeat Roc.
Skyfishing is the sole means of survival for countless Ishgardian skyfishers, the strange denizens of the Sea of Clouds crucial to maintaining the fishers' livelihoods. This is why when a giant bird with a seemingly insatiable appetite appears and begins devouring them all, the skyfishers take notice.
Boss FATE. The Eyes Have It 39-44 Whitebrim (x15 y20) 30 minutes Defeat Steropes.
After proving his might on the shores of Turtleback Island, the cyclops Steropes has returned to Eorzea, but this time with a personal army of giants who call themselves the Second Eyes. Defeat Steropes before he can cause any real damage.
Boss FATE. Giant Seps 40-45 Whitebrim (x8 y12) 15 minutes Defeat Seps.
Many fine Ishgardian knights have fallen to the Dravanian Horde, but one dragon in particular has claimed more lives than most─its name, Seps. The winged aberration must be slain if the souls of its victims are to rest in peace.
Battle FATE. Riddle Me This 40-45 Whitebrim (x9 y19) 15 minutes Defeat the giant loggers.
Giants demanding answers to their riddles three are preventing a party of naturalists from returning to Snowcloak. The problem is that even though the naturalists─learned men and women by trade─(somewhat) correctly answered all three riddles, the giants still refuse to let them pass. The only remaining solution is clear─answer the riddles with steel.

Spawn conditions:

  • Speak with the House Fortemps guard.
Boss FATE. The Taste of Fear 40-45 Whitebrim (x4 y21) 15 minutes Defeat Sebek.
Since breaking its way into one of the Skyfire Locks and devouring an entire family of refugees as they escaped the flames of the Dravanian Horde, the horrible scalekin Sebek has been sought by the knights of Ishgard to pay for its heinous crimes.
Battle FATE. Front and Center 40-45 Whitebrim (x10 y15) 15 minutes Defeat the dragonflies and thrustaevis.
The Dravanian elders have ordered their minions to attack Whitebrim Front. Hold the line until Ishgardian reinforcements arrive or the elders sound the retreat.
Battle FATE. If This Wall Could Talk 40-45 Whitebrim (x12 y18) 15 minutes Defeat the ice sprites.
With a team of naturalists from across the realm working day and night to discover the origins of Snowcloak and how it might be destroyed, there is one thing they have uncovered─that energy from ice sprites actually works to increase the thickness of the wall. The research team seeks volunteers to clear the area of the pesky sprites.
Boss FATE. In the Saint's Wake 45-50 Daniffen Pass (x12 y23) 15 minutes Defeat Rongeur.
Every year, pilgrims enter Coerthas to trace the steps of Saint Daniffen, who, long ago, journeyed across the realm, aiding the less fortunate. And, every year, a lustful creature known as Rongeur hides in the shadows along the roads to prey on these pilgrims.
Battle FATE. Tower of Power 45-50 Boulder Downs (x11 y29) 15 minutes Defeat the loggers and readers.
As if Ishgard already did not have its hands full with the Dravanian Horde, hostile bands of giants from the north have also descended on Coerthas to wreak their havoc. House Haillenarte guards seek assistance in driving one such band from the area surrounding Monument Tower.

Spawn conditions:

  • Speak with the House Haillenarte guard.
Boss FATE. The Bigger They Are 46-50 Boulder Downs (x13 y26) 15 minutes Defeat Klythios.
Klythios, a leader and champion amongst the giants, has been spotted in the Coerthas highlands. If he is defeated, his dull-witted brethren are certain to think twice before venturing too deep into Ishgardian territory. Find the colossal warrior and send him toppling.
Battle FATE. Turn Off Your Hearthlight 47-50 Boulder Downs (x19 y30) 15 minutes Defeat the giant loggers, luggers, and readers.
Giants in search of fire to cook their prey have begun a chaotic march toward the hearths within the Observatorium. Join the House Durendaire guards in repelling the onslaught.
Battle FATE. What's on Your Mind 47-50 Boulder Downs (x9 y28) 15 minutes Defeat the pure energies.
Very little is known about the void other than that the laws that govern our realm do not always apply. In addition to one-eyed monstrosities, peculiar balls of fur, and nightmarish demons, oddities such as floating orbs of energy also periodically break through the boundaries that separate this realm from the void. Make no mistake, however, everything through those rifts does not belong in Eorzea and must be destroyed.
Battle FATE. Does Anyone Hear It 48-51 Natalan (x33 y21) 15 minutes Destroy the clearcut lumber.
The Ixal are looking to expand their settlement of Natalan and have begun clear-cutting the nearby forests for wood. Infiltrate Natalan and destroy the lumber so as to slow the expansion's progress.
Boss FATE. The Four Winds 49-52 Natalan (x34 y21) 15 minutes Defeat the Huelocs.
The four sisters of the Hueloc high clan are feared even by their fellow Ixal for the lack of mercy they show their victims. Though it would be doing the beast tribe a favor, it will not only be the Ixal who benefit from the slaying of the Huelocs.
Boss FATE. Inspector Hatchet 49-52 Natalan (x33 y23) 15 minutes Defeat Gozol Itzcan the Hatchet.
Gozol Itzcan the Hatchet is infamous for his endless raids into the Twelveswood to fell ancient sentinels. Track down the feathered fiend while he is perched in Natalan, and see that he never swings an axe again.
Boss FATE. The Storm Caller 49-52 Natalan (x34 y23) 15 minutes Defeat Kozol Nomotl the Turbulent.
Kozol Nomotl the Turbulent, chief among the rank of Ixali occultists, has come to Natalan to personally preside over the summoning of the primal Garuda. Slay the Ixal that the land might be spared a stormy fate.
Boss FATE. Behold Now Behemoth 50-70 Whitebrim (x6 y22)
Does not appear on the map.
30 minutes Defeat the behemoth.
The legendary behemoth has left its mountaintop dominion to hunt...and we are his prey. Gather your blades and your wits and pray to the Twelve for strength, for you will need it to quell the beast's infinite rage.

Spawn conditions:

  • 36 hour spawn window begins after server reset; after 36 hours have passed since failure of this FATE; or after 36 hours have passed since last appearance of He Taketh It with His Eyes He Taketh It with His Eyes.
Boss FATE. He Taketh It with His Eyes 50-70 Behemoth's Dominion (x4 y15)
Does not appear on the map.
30 minutes Defeat the behemoth.
The behemoth has taken flight back to its dominion. Make chase and finish the legendary beast once and for all.

Spawn conditions:

Coerthas Western Highlands[]

Name Level Location Time limit Objective
Spawn conditions (if any)
Battle FATE. Eye in the Sky 50-54 Riversmeet (x28 y30) 15 minutes Defeat the deepeyes.
Many of the knights stationed in the Coerthas western highlands to watch the skies for Horde activity complain of a constant feeling of being watched giant furry eyes nonetheless. Search the area for the peeping prowlers and provide them with a slightly more permanent form of “shut-eye.”
Battle FATE. A Dung Deal 50-54 Riversmeet (x31 y31) 15 minutes Defeat the steinbocks.
A noblewoman who recently visited the Pike and Anvil lodged a formal complaint with the Falcon's Nest garrison commander, threatening to strip him of his land and titles after stepping in a rather ripe pile of dung left by the steinbocks which graze in the area. The message is clear─either the beasts go, or he goes.

Spawn conditions:

  • Speak with the garrison knight.
Battle FATE. Land of the Freeze 50-54 Riversmeet (x25 y22) 15 minutes Defeat the ice sprites.
Ice sprites blown off the windswept Gorgagne Holding and into Camp Riversmeet are freezing all the outpost's drinking water. Slay the spirits and ensure thirsts stay slaked.
Battle FATE. Dawn of the Mylodons 50-54 Riversmeet (x31 y20) 15 minutes Defeat the upland mylodons.
Upland mylodons have lumbered their way atop the Black Iron Bridge to bathe in the short winter sun, and refuse to budge, impeding the progress of supply wains going to and from Falcon's Nest. Drive the beasts back so that the deliveries might recommence.
Boss FATE. Don of the Mylodons 50-54 Riversmeet (x31 y20) 15 minutes Defeat Peluda.
Displeased by their violent displacement from the sunbaked stones of the Black Iron Bridge, the upland mylodons have lumbered back, this time accompanied by their great elder, Peluda.

Spawn conditions:

Boss FATE. Apparent Trap 50-54 Riversmeet (x27 y13) 15 minutes Defeat the yetitrap.
While the name “yetitrap” implies that the seedkin is physically capable of actually trapping a full-grown yeti, it is highly unlikely that even a Lalafell's forearm would fit in the plant's mouth. That does not mean, however, that they should be left to roam free nipping at Lalafellin limbs.
Battle FATE. Follow the Sleet 50-54 Riversmeet (x34 y14) 15 minutes Defeat the sleet traps.
The endless winter brought by the Calamity has rendered the once lush Gorgagne Holding a frozen wasteland where naught but man-eating sleet traps thrive. But, as the saying goes, an empty wasteland is better than one teeming with deadly seedkin, so take up your swords and slice away.
Boss FATE. What You See Is What You Get 50-54 Riversmeet (x30 y28) 15 minutes Defeat the Beholder.
It is said that when gazing into the eye of the Beholder, a man can see his deepest desires─those desires usually involving escape from the iron grip of the Beholder's wicked claws.
Battle FATE. Panic Rheum 50-54 Riversmeet (x26 y17) 15 minutes Defeat the white gelati and rheums.
A voidsent by any other name would still be as unsweet as the deceptively sweet-sounding gelato. Case in point, the rheum (though its name is not very sweet-sounding to begin with). In addition to not being very sweet, both are also very deadly, and if the first is not reason enough to cull their numbers, the second definitely is.
Boss FATE. Sugar, Sugar 50-54 Riversmeet (x26 y17) 15 minutes Defeat Tartufo and the White Truffle.
One can tell how well fed an area's residents are by listening to the names given to everyday creatures─playful monikers such as Tartufo and White Truffle suggesting that starvation-induced delirium is causing everything to resemble food. Unable to fight on empty stomachs, the people of Coerthas seek a better-nourished hero to save them.

Spawn conditions:

Battle FATE. Run, Riders, Run 50-54 Riversmeet (x31 y34) 15 minutes Defeat the silver wolves.
Outriders belonging to House Durendaire have been spotted fleeing from a pack of silver wolves which, despite losing over half of its number to the knights' steel, remains in pursuit, knowing the knights cannot run forever. Hurry to the outriders' aid before their legs fail them.
Boss FATE. One Whiskey, One Goat, One Spear 50-54 Riversmeet (x27 y26) 15 minutes Defeat Heidrun.
After stumbling upon a barrel of whiskey stored outside one of the Convictors' tents, Heidrun became one of the happiest mountain goats in Coerthas. Once the whiskey had disappeared, however, he transformed into one of the angriest, destroying large stocks of supplies in a futile search for another sip.
Boss FATE. No Ifs, Ands, or Butts 50-54 Riversmeet (x31 y32) 15 minutes Defeat Alaimbert of the Spiked Butt.
Newly knighted Alaimbert of the Spiked Butt cannot understand why people are always laughing behind his back, so to prove he is worthy of their respect, he seeks a battle-hardened opponent with whom he may cross steel.

Spawn conditions:

  • Speak with the Convictor knight.
Battle FATE. Null and Void 50-54 Riversmeet (x31 y32) 15 minutes Defeat the bergthurs.
Summoned eons ago and then forgotten, bergthurs are voidsent trapped in a realm not their own, determined to tear their way back to the void even if it means destroying this world in the process.

Spawn conditions:

Boss FATE. We Fought a Dzu 51-55 The Bed of Bones (x20 y33) 15 minutes Defeat Dzu-Teh.
Numerous are the legends that tell of Dzu-Teh─a yeti as tall as the Craving Tree and as fast as the Swiftrun River. With a temper as hot as the waters of Dragonspit and a heart as cold as rime-locked Ashpool. With hair as white as the flour once ground at Gorgagne Mills and... In other words, he must needs be slain.
Battle FATE. True Convictions 51-55 Twinpools (x19 y21) 15 minutes Defeat the archaeornis.
Ever yammering about how they seek the glory one might obtain by slaying a dragon, the moment a few archaeornis descend on their camp, the Convictors turn pleading eyes to nearby adventurers, seeking assistance in escaping the day with their lives...and to a lesser extent, their dignities.
Battle FATE. The Polar Express 51-55 Twinpools (x15 y20) 15 minutes Defeat the polar bears.
Food is scarce in the snow-covered north, so when Ishgardian knights bring in large quantities of rations to outfit their camps, it is only a matter of time before all manner of hungry creatures descend from the mountains looking for a bite. Drive away the beasts to keep the knights' bellies full.
Battle FATE. Abominable Me 51-55 Dragonspit (x8 y10) 15 minutes Defeat the lone yetis.
On especially cold nights, yetis from the Slate Mountains will journey down to Dragonspit to find warmth in the thermal pools. On their way back, they will oft raid nearby farms, stealing livestock and the occasional child, whom they keep alive until back in their dens so they may drink the blood hot.
Battle FATE. Requiem for a Dragon 51-55 Twinpools (x13 y19) 15 minutes Defeat the polars bears and wooly yaks.
Ever since its exposure following the Calamity, the ice encasing the Dreaming Dragon of Ashpool has been slowly melting, releasing into the nearby air the fetid stench of rotting dragon flesh─a stench that is now driving local fauna into a frenzy. Slay the slavering wooly yaks and polar bears drawn to the dragon before they set their sights on you.
Battle FATE. Sick Pack 51-55 Twinpools (x12 y10) 15 minutes Defeat the silver wolves.
When the climate in the highlands changed, once fiercely independent wolf packs began doing the unthinkable─combining, forming super packs so as to increase chances of survival in their new harsh environment. These super packs now pose a serious threat to the knights stationed in the area, and assistance is sought in controlling their numbers.
Battle FATE. In Command 51-55 Twinpools (x16 y13) 15 minutes Defeat the ice commanders.
If anything is worse than being maimed by an ice commander, it is being buried alive in an avalanche caused by an ice commander and wishing in the final moments before suffocation that you had instead been maimed by an ice commander. Rid the area of ice commanders, and alleviate the need to worry about either.
Battle FATE. Unsilent Vigil 51-55 Twinpools (x19 y15) 15 minutes Defeat the archaeornis.
Several archaeornis have flown over Lancegate and begun gathering near the Dusk Vigil. Fearing an attack by the Dravanian Horde near, the knights in the area have put a call out to adventurers requesting assistance in dispersing the flock.
Boss FATE. Pico de Gallows 51-55 Twinpools (x19 y15) 15 minutes Defeat Picolaton.
While swift adventurer action has left the archaeornis flock in a state of disarray, the effort may have come too late, as scouts now report the arrival of Picolaton─a terrifying creature known to lay waste to entire companies of knights without suffering more than a few ruffled feathers.

Spawn conditions:

Boss FATE. Dishonored 51-55 Twinpools (x17 y22) 15 minutes Defeat Werner the Cowardly.
Ser Werner and Ser Beaudonet of the Convictors have come to an impasse regarding who dealt the killing blow to a dragon (pup) that wandered into their camp (with a broken leg). Unwilling to even agree to disagree, Ser Werner has dishonored the Convictors and must be punished.

Spawn conditions:

  • Speak with Beaudonet the Blunt.
Battle FATE. Sphenopalatine Ganglioneuralgia 56-60 Red Rim (x22 y27) 15 minutes Defeat the sorbets and ice sprites.
The change in climate experienced by Coerthas after the fall of Dalamud has done more than freeze rivers and prevent the growth of foliage─it has made the region more hospitable for a myriad of terrible creatures normally only found dwelling atop the highest of mountains─creatures that have proven naught but headaches for the residents of the western highlands.
Boss FATE. A Stihi Situation 56-60 Red Rim (x13 y23) 15 minutes Defeat Stihi.
There are very few dragons the Convictors do not dream of slaying─the cold and calculating Stihi being no exception. The knights, however, while skilled at dreaming, have been less than successful at actually subduing the creature...

The Firmament[]

These FATEs, known as concerted works, were only available during the Ishgardian Restoration. They would occur once the Restoration had accrued the necessary stockpile levels and the prior stage was completed. If the works failed, they would restart 8 hours later. Once completed, each stage could not be repeated, making them permanently missable.

Name Level Location Time limit Objective
Spawn conditions (if any)
Firmament FATE. The Mendicant's Court, 1st Stage: First Shift 1-80 The Mendicant's Court (x11 y14) 30 minutes Process and assemble materials.
Facilities are being built for the restoration effort. Obtain material from a supply pile, process it into a component at a work station, and see it assembled.
Firmament FATE. The Mendicant's Court, 1st Stage: Last Shift 1-80 The Mendicant's Court (x11 y14) 30 minutes Process and assemble materials.
Facilities are being built for the restoration effort. Obtain material from a supply pile, process it into a component at a work station, and see it assembled.

Spawn conditions:

Firmament FATE. The Mendicant's Court, 2nd Stage: First Shift 1-80 The Mendicant's Court (x11 y14) 30 minutes Process and assemble materials.
Facilities are being built for the restoration effort. Obtain material from a supply pile, process it into a component at a work station, and see it assembled.

Spawn conditions:

Firmament FATE. The Mendicant's Court, 2nd Stage: Last Shift 1-80 The Mendicant's Court (x11 y14) 30 minutes Process and assemble materials.
Facilities are being built for the restoration effort. Obtain material from a supply pile, process it into a component at a work station, and see it assembled.

Spawn conditions:

Firmament FATE. The Mendicant's Court, 3rd Stage: First Shift 1-80 The Mendicant's Court (x11 y14) 30 minutes Process and burn firewood.
Better lighting is needed for the restoration effort. Obtain material from a supply pile, process it into fuel at a work station, and feed it to a brazier.

Spawn conditions:

Firmament FATE. The Mendicant's Court, 3rd Stage: Last Shift 1-80 The Mendicant's Court (x11 y14) 30 minutes Process and assemble materials.
Equipment is being upgraded and facilities built for the restoration effort. Obtain material from a supply pile, process it into a component at a work station, and see it assembled.

Spawn conditions:

Firmament FATE. The Mattock, 1st Stage 1-80 The New Nest (x13 y12) 30 minutes Break down and dispose of debris.
Debris must be cleared away for the upcoming construction. Break down large pieces of debris, gather up the fragments, and transport them for disposal.

Spawn conditions:

Firmament FATE. The Mattock, 2nd Stage 1-80 The New Nest (x13 y12) 30 minutes Break down and dispose of debris.
Debris must be cleared away for the upcoming construction. Break down large pieces of debris, gather up the fragments, and transport them for disposal.

Spawn conditions:

Firmament FATE. The Mattock, 3rd Stage: First Shift 1-80 The New Nest (x13 y12) 30 minutes Sweep up fine debris.
Fine debris fragments still litter the work site. Clear them away so that construction may proceed.

Spawn conditions:

Firmament FATE. The Mattock, 3rd Stage: Last Shift 1-80 The New Nest (x13 y12) 30 minutes Process and use repair materials.
Repairs are being carried out on the thoroughfare connecting the New Nest. Obtain raw material from a supply pile, process it at a work station, and use it to repair damaged areas.

Spawn conditions:

Firmament FATE. The Mattock, 4th Stage: First Shift 1-80 The New Nest (x13 y12) 30 minutes Process and use building materials.
Construction is being carried out on the main thoroughfare connecting the New Nest. Obtain raw material from a supply pile, process it at a work station, and put it to use at building sites.

Spawn conditions:

Firmament FATE. The Mattock, 4th Stage: Last Shift 1-80 The New Nest (x13 y12) 30 minutes Process and use building materials.
Construction is being carried out on the main thoroughfare connecting the New Nest. Obtain raw material from a supply pile, process it at a work station, and put it to use at building sites.

Spawn conditions:

Firmament FATE. Saint Roelle's Dais, 1st Stage 1-80 The New Nest (x13 y12) 30 minutes Process and assemble materials.
Scaffolds are being built for works on the plaza area. Obtain raw material from a supply pile, process it at a work station, and see it assembled.

Spawn conditions:

Firmament FATE. Saint Roelle's Dais, 2nd Stage 1-80 The New Nest (x13 y12) 30 minutes Break down and dispose of debris.
Debris must be cleared away for the upcoming construction. Break down large pieces of debris, gather up the fragments, and transport them for disposal.

Spawn conditions:

Firmament FATE. Saint Roelle's Dais, 3rd Stage: First Shift 1-80 The New Nest (x13 y12) 30 minutes Sweep up fine debris.
Fine debris fragments still litter the work site. Clear them away so that construction may proceed.

Spawn conditions:

Firmament FATE. Saint Roelle's Dais, 3rd Stage: Last Shift 1-80 The New Nest (x13 y12) 30 minutes Process and use repair materials.
Repairs are being carried out on the plaza area adjoining the New Nest. Obtain raw material from a supply pile, process it at a work station, and use it to repair damaged areas.

Spawn conditions:

Firmament FATE. Saint Roelle's Dais, 4th Stage 1-80 The New Nest (x13 y12) 30 minutes Process and use building materials.
Construction is being carried out on the plaza area adjoining the New Nest. Obtain raw material from a supply pile, process it at a work station, and put it to use at building sites.

Spawn conditions:

Firmament FATE. The New Nest, 1st Stage 1-80 The New Nest (x13 y12) 30 minutes Break down and dispose of debris.
Debris must be cleared away for the upcoming construction. Break down large pieces of debris, gather up the fragments, and transport them for disposal.

Spawn conditions:

Firmament FATE. The New Nest, 2nd Stage 1-80 The New Nest (x13 y12) 30 minutes Break down and dispose of debris.
Debris must be cleared away for the upcoming construction. Break down large pieces of debris, gather up the fragments, and transport them for disposal.

Spawn conditions:

Firmament FATE. The New Nest, 3rd Stage 1-80 The New Nest (x13 y12) 30 minutes Break down and dispose of debris.
Debris must be cleared away for the upcoming construction. Break down large pieces of debris, gather up the fragments, and transport them for disposal.

Spawn conditions:

Firmament FATE. The New Nest, 4th Stage: First Shift 1-80 The New Nest (x13 y12) 30 minutes Sweep up fine debris.
Fine debris fragments still litter the work site. Clear them away so that construction may proceed.

Spawn conditions:

Firmament FATE. The New Nest, 4th Stage: Last Shift 1-80 The New Nest (x13 y12) 30 minutes Process and use repair materials.
Repairs are being carried out on the New Nest. Obtain raw material from a supply pile, process it at a work station, and use it to repair damaged areas.

Spawn conditions:

Firmament FATE. The New Nest, 5th Stage: First Shift 1-80 The New Nest (x13 y12) 30 minutes Process and assemble materials.
Houses are being built in the New Nest. Obtain raw material from a supply pile, process it at a work station, and see it assembled.

Spawn conditions:

Firmament FATE. The New Nest, 5th Stage: Last Shift 1-80 The New Nest (x13 y12) 30 minutes Process and assemble materials.
Houses are being built in the New Nest. Obtain raw material from a supply pile, process it at a work station, and see it assembled.

Spawn conditions:

Firmament FATE. The New Nest, 6th Stage: First Shift 1-80 The New Nest (x13 y12) 30 minutes Process and assemble materials.
Houses are being built in the New Nest. Obtain raw material from a supply pile, process it at a work station, and see it assembled.

Spawn conditions:

Firmament FATE. The New Nest, 6th Stage: Last Shift 1-80 The New Nest (x13 y12) 30 minutes Process and assemble materials.
Houses are being built in the New Nest. Obtain raw material from a supply pile, process it at a work station, and see it assembled.

Spawn conditions:

Firmament FATE. The New Nest, 7th Stage: First Shift 1-80 The New Nest (x13 y12) 30 minutes Process and assemble materials.
Houses are being built in the New Nest. Obtain raw material from a supply pile, process it at a work station, and see it assembled.

Spawn conditions:

Firmament FATE. The New Nest, 7th Stage: Last Shift 1-80 The New Nest (x13 y12) 30 minutes Process and assemble materials.
Houses are being built in the New Nest. Obtain raw material from a supply pile, process it at a work station, and see it assembled.

Spawn conditions:

Firmament FATE. Featherfall, 1st Stage 1-80 The Mattock (x12 y11) 30 minutes Break down and dispose of debris.
Debris must be cleared away for the upcoming construction. Break down large pieces of debris, gather up the fragments, and transport them for disposal.

Spawn conditions:

Firmament FATE. Featherfall, 2nd Stage 1-80 The Mattock (x12 y11) 30 minutes Break down and dispose of debris.
Debris must be cleared away for the upcoming construction. Break down large pieces of debris, gather up the fragments, and transport them for disposal.

Spawn conditions:

Firmament FATE. Featherfall, 3rd Stage 1-80 The Mattock (x12 y11) 30 minutes Break down and dispose of debris.
Debris must be cleared away for the upcoming construction. Break down large pieces of debris, gather up the fragments, and transport them for disposal.

Spawn conditions:

Firmament FATE. Featherfall, 4th Stage: First Shift 1-80 The Mattock (x12 y11) 30 minutes Sweep up fine debris.
Fine debris fragments still litter the work site. Clear them away so that construction may proceed.

Spawn conditions:

Firmament FATE. Featherfall, 4th Stage: Last Shift 1-80 The Mattock (x12 y11) 30 minutes Process and use repair materials.
Repairs are being carried out in Featherfall. Obtain raw material from a supply pile, process it at a work station, and use it to repair damaged areas.

Spawn conditions:

Firmament FATE. Featherfall, 5th Stage: First Shift 1-80 The Mattock (x12 y11) 30 minutes Process and assemble materials.
Houses and markets are being built in Featherfall. Obtain raw material from a supply pile, process it at a work station, and see it assembled.

Spawn conditions:

Firmament FATE. Featherfall, 5th Stage: Last Shift 1-80 The Mattock (x12 y11) 30 minutes Process and assemble materials.
Houses and markets are being built in Featherfall. Obtain raw material from a supply pile, process it at a work station, and see it assembled.

Spawn conditions:

Firmament FATE. Featherfall, 6th Stage: First Shift 1-80 The Mattock (x12 y11) 30 minutes Process and assemble materials.
New houses are being built in Featherfall. Obtain raw material from a supply pile, process it at a work station, and see it assembled.

Spawn conditions:

Firmament FATE. Featherfall, 6th Stage: Last Shift 1-80 The Mattock (x12 y11) 30 minutes Process and assemble materials.
New houses are being built in Featherfall. Obtain raw material from a supply pile, process it at a work station, and see it assembled.

Spawn conditions:

Firmament FATE. Featherfall, 7th Stage: First Shift 1-80 The Mattock (x12 y11) 30 minutes Process and use building materials.
New houses are being built in Featherfall. Obtain raw material from a supply pile, process it at a work station, and see it assembled.

Spawn conditions:

Firmament FATE. Featherfall, 7th Stage: Last Shift 1-80 The Mattock (x12 y11) 30 minutes Process and use building materials.
New houses are being built in Featherfall. Obtain raw material from a supply pile, process it at a work station, and see it assembled.

Spawn conditions:

Firmament FATE. The Abacus, 1st Stage 1-80 The Mattock (x12 y11) 30 minutes Break down and dispose of debris.
Debris must be cleared away for the upcoming construction. Break down large pieces of debris, gather up the fragments, and transport them for disposal.

Spawn conditions:

Firmament FATE. The Abacus, 2nd Stage: First Shift 1-80 The Mattock (x12 y11) 30 minutes Sweep up fine debris.
Fine debris fragments still litter the work site. Clear them away so that construction may proceed.

Spawn conditions:

Firmament FATE. The Abacus, 2nd Stage: Last Shift 1-80 The Mattock (x12 y11) 30 minutes Process and use repair materials.
Repairs are being carried out on Featherfall's main thoroughfare. Obtain raw material from a supply pile, process it at a work station, and use it to repair damaged areas.

Spawn conditions:

Firmament FATE. The Abacus, 3rd Stage 1-80 The Mattock (x12 y11) 30 minutes Process and use building materials.
Repairs are being carried out on Featherfall's main thoroughfare. Obtain raw material from a supply pile, process it at a work station, and use it to repair damaged areas.

Spawn conditions:

Firmament FATE. Hoarfrost Hall, 1st Stage 1-80 The Mattock (x12 y11) 30 minutes Process and assemble materials.
Scaffolds are being built for a new residential district in Featherfall. Obtain raw material from a supply pile, process it at a work station, and see it assembled.

Spawn conditions:

Firmament FATE. Hoarfrost Hall, 2nd Stage 1-80 The Mattock (x12 y11) 30 minutes Process and assemble materials.
Scaffolds are being built for a new residential district in Featherfall. Obtain raw material from a supply pile, process it at a work station, and see it assembled.

Spawn conditions:

Firmament FATE. Hoarfrost Hall, 3rd Stage 1-80 The Mattock (x12 y11) 30 minutes Process and use building materials.
Construction is being carried out in Featherfall's residential district. Obtain raw material from a supply pile, process it at a work station, and put it to use at building sites.

Spawn conditions:

Firmament FATE. Hoarfrost Hall, 4th Stage 1-80 The Mattock (x12 y11) 30 minutes Process and use building materials.
Construction is being carried out in Featherfall's residential district. Obtain raw material from a supply pile, process it at a work station, and put it to use at building sites.

Spawn conditions:

Firmament FATE. Western Risensong Quarter, 1st Stage 1-80 The Mattock (x12 y11) 30 minutes Break down and dispose of debris.
Debris must be cleared away for the upcoming construction. Break down large pieces of debris, gather up the fragments, and transport them for disposal.

Spawn conditions:

Firmament FATE. Western Risensong Quarter, 2nd Stage: First Shift 1-80 The Mattock (x12 y11) 30 minutes Sweep up fine debris.
Fine debris fragments still litter the work site. Clear them away so that construction may proceed.

Spawn conditions:

Firmament FATE. Western Risensong Quarter, 2nd Stage: Last Shift 1-80 The Mattock (x12 y11) 30 minutes Process and use repair materials.
Construction is being carried out in the Risensong Quarter. Obtain raw material from a supply pile, process it at a work station, and use it to repair damaged areas.

Spawn conditions:

Firmament FATE. Western Risensong Quarter, 3rd Stage: First Shift 1-80 The Mattock (x12 y11) 30 minutes Process and use building materials.
Construction is being carried out in the Risensong Quarter. Obtain raw material from a supply pile, process it at a work station, and use it to repair damaged areas.

Spawn conditions:

Firmament FATE. Western Risensong Quarter, 3rd Stage: Last Shift 1-80 The Mattock (x12 y11) 30 minutes Process and use building materials.
Construction is being carried out in the Risensong Quarter. Obtain raw material from a supply pile, process it at a work station, and use it to repair damaged areas.

Spawn conditions:

Firmament FATE. Western Risensong Quarter, 4th Stage: First Shift 1-80 The Mattock (x12 y11) 30 minutes Process and use building materials.
Construction is being carried out in the Risensong Quarter. Obtain raw material from a supply pile, process it at a work station, and use it to repair damaged areas.

Spawn conditions:

Firmament FATE. Western Risensong Quarter, 4th Stage: Last Shift 1-80 The Mattock (x12 y11) 30 minutes Process and use building materials.
Construction is being carried out in the Risensong Quarter. Obtain raw material from a supply pile, process it at a work station, and use it to repair damaged areas.

Spawn conditions:

Firmament FATE. Western Risensong Quarter, 5th Stage: First Shift 1-80 The Mattock (x12 y11) 30 minutes Process and use building materials.
Construction is being carried out in the Risensong Quarter. Obtain raw material from a supply pile, process it at a work station, and use it to repair damaged areas.

Spawn conditions:

Firmament FATE. Western Risensong Quarter, 5th Stage: Last Shift 1-80 The Mattock (x12 y11) 30 minutes Process and use building materials.
Construction is being carried out in the Risensong Quarter. Obtain raw material from a supply pile, process it at a work station, and use it to repair damaged areas.

Spawn conditions:

Firmament FATE. Bright Ballad's Passage, 1st Stage 1-80 The Mattock (x12 y11) 30 minutes Process and use building materials.
Construction is being carried out on the main thoroughfare of the Risensong Quarter. Obtain raw material from a supply pile, process it at a work station, and put it to use at building sites.

Spawn conditions:

Firmament FATE. Bright Ballad's Passage, 2nd Stage 1-80 The Mattock (x12 y11) 30 minutes Process and use building materials.
Construction is being carried out on the main thoroughfare of the Risensong Quarter. Obtain raw material from a supply pile, process it at a work station, and put it to use at building sites.

Spawn conditions:

Firmament FATE. Eastern Risensong Quarter, 1st Stage 1-80 The Mattock (x12 y11) 30 minutes Break down and dispose of debris.
Debris must be cleared away for the upcoming construction. Break down large pieces of debris, gather up the fragments, and transport them for disposal.

Spawn conditions:

Firmament FATE. Eastern Risensong Quarter, 2nd Stage: First Shift 1-80 The Mattock (x12 y11) 30 minutes Sweep up fine debris.
Fine debris fragments still litter the work site. Clear them away so that construction may proceed.

Spawn conditions:

Firmament FATE. Eastern Risensong Quarter, 2nd Stage: Last Shift 1-80 The Mattock (x12 y11) 30 minutes Process and use repair materials.
Construction is being carried out in the Risensong Quarter. Obtain raw material from a supply pile, process it at a work station, and use it to repair damaged areas.

Spawn conditions:

Firmament FATE. Eastern Risensong Quarter, 3rd Stage: First Shift 1-80 The Mattock (x12 y11) 30 minutes Process and use building materials.
Construction is being carried out in the Risensong Quarter. Obtain raw material from a supply pile, process it at a work station, and use it to repair damaged areas.

Spawn conditions:

Firmament FATE. Eastern Risensong Quarter, 3rd Stage: Last Shift 1-80 The Mattock (x12 y11) 30 minutes Process and use building materials.
Construction is being carried out in the Risensong Quarter. Obtain raw material from a supply pile, process it at a work station, and use it to repair damaged areas.

Spawn conditions:

Firmament FATE. Eastern Risensong Quarter, 4th Stage: First Shift 1-80 The Mattock (x12 y11) 30 minutes Process and use building materials.
Construction is being carried out in the Risensong Quarter. Obtain raw material from a supply pile, process it at a work station, and use it to repair damaged areas.

Spawn conditions:

Firmament FATE. Eastern Risensong Quarter, 4th Stage: Last Shift 1-80 The Mattock (x12 y11) 30 minutes Process and use building materials.
Construction is being carried out in the Risensong Quarter. Obtain raw material from a supply pile, process it at a work station, and use it to repair damaged areas.

Spawn conditions:

Firmament FATE. Snowsoak Springs, 1st Stage 1-80 The Mattock (x12 y11) 30 minutes Process and use building materials.
Facilities are being built for Snowsoak Springs. Obtain raw material from a supply pile, process it at a work station, and use it to repair damaged areas.

Spawn conditions:

Firmament FATE. Snowsoak Springs, 2nd Stage 1-80 The Mattock (x12 y11) 30 minutes Process and use building materials.
Facilities are being built for Snowsoak Springs. Obtain raw material from a supply pile, process it at a work station, and use it to repair damaged areas.

Spawn conditions:

Firmament FATE. Skybuilders' Monument 1-80 The Mattock (x12 y11) 30 minutes Process and use building materials.
A monument is being built as the consummation of the restoration effort. Obtain raw material from a supply pile, process it at a work station, and use it to repair damaged areas.

Spawn conditions:


The Churning Mists[]

Name Level Location Time limit Objective
Spawn conditions (if any)
Battle FATE. Wave Good-bye 54-58 Eil Tohm (x27 y32) 15 minutes Defeat the hropkens.
Wavekin in the clouds? It matters not how they arrived, only that they leave─now─before the residents of Moghome find themselves pom-deep in slimy scales and flapping fins.
Battle FATE. The Nuts 54-58 Eil Tohm (x29 y28) 15 minutes Defeat the archaeosaurs.
In retrospect, stuffing an archaeosaur's nostrils full of kupo nuts while it slept probably wasn't the best of ideas. So sayeth the mischievous moogle currently fleeing for its life from a pack of bloodthirsty scalekin.

Spawn conditions:

  • Speak with Mogoosh the Misbehaving.
Boss FATE. Glycon Air 54-58 Landlord Colony (x32 y24) 15 minutes Defeat Glycon.
Direct descendant of the vengeful Tioman, Glycon's blood runs as black as that of his progenitor. Slay the dark dragon and grant his troubled soul peace.
Battle FATE. Supper Time 54-58 Eil Tohm (x36 y32) 15 minutes Defeat the archaeosaurs.
There is one thing that an archaeosaur enjoys more than feeding, and that is feeding on plump, juicy moogles. Stop the slavering scalekin before they make their way into Moghome.
Battle FATE. Sprite Club 54-58 Eil Tohm (x33 y35) 15 minutes Defeat the lightning sprites.
It has been observed that increased activity by lightning-aspected dragons is accompanied by an increase in sprites of the same charge. Slay the sprites and restore aetherial balance to the area.
Boss FATE. Whole Food 54-58 Landlord Colony (x29 y23) 15 minutes Defeat Abelisk.
No, that frantic flurry of “kupos” you hear is not your imagination, but the sound of an unlucky moogle swallowed whole by Abelisk─a towering archaeosaur with an insatiable appetite. Help slice open a path to freedom before the big lizard's bile does its work.
Battle FATE. Say it Tulihand 54-58 Landlord Colony (x27 y19) 15 minutes Defeat the tulihands.
The Dravanian Horde is gathering forces for an aerial attack on Ishgard proper. Scatter the tulihands as they arrive, putting an end to the assault before it begins.
Battle FATE. Vouivre Believre 54-58 Landlord Colony (x26 y19) 15 minutes Defeat the vouivres.
Infuriated at the foiling of their plot, the vouivres who called for the tulihand assault on Ishgard's walls have gathered to mete punishment on the meager mortals who would so foolishly stand against the Horde.

Spawn conditions:

Boss FATE. Waugyl Waugyl Waugyl 54-58 Monsterie (x33 y16) 15 minutes Defeat Waugyl.
Master of the Monsterie, Waugyl the Warring has descended from his perch to prey on those bold, or foolhardy, enough to make the winding journey through the Landlord Colony.
Battle FATE. How to Cane Your Dragon 54-58 Four Arms (x17 y32) 15 minutes Defeat the lower skylords.
A small band of lesser dragons serving the mighty Nidhogg has begun assailing Zenith in a rather futile attempt to topple the spire and please their ever-wroth master. Show the dragons the glimmer of your steel and drive them off before any grave damage is done.
Battle FATE. Aevis Has Left the Building 54-58 Four Arms (x17 y32) 15 minutes Defeat the cloud aevis.
Enraged at seeing their brethren sent back to their lairs with their tails 'twixt their legs, a pack of slightly less witless, yet far more arrogant cloud aevis have come to seek vengeance for pride wounded.

Spawn conditions:

Boss FATE. Asah, I Came, I Conquered 54-58 Four Arms (x21 y29) 15 minutes Defeat Cuelebre.
The road to Asah is already perilous enough without an adamantine monstrosity blocking passage and sucking the marrow from the bones of unfortunate travelers. Slay Cuelebre and ensure that if travelers are to have their marrow sucked, it will not be because of a road-blocking dragon.
Escort FATE. It's the Moogle, Reinvented 54-58 Four Arms (x18 y28) 15 minutes Escort the mouthing-off moogle to Zenith.
Bound by ancient covenant entered with Hraesvelgr, the moogles of the Churning Mists will periodically make the journey to Zenith to clean the sacred spire of any defilement done at the hands of Nidhogg's underlings. A recent increase in Horde activity, however, has made the journey impossible without escort.

Spawn conditions:

  • Speak with the mouthing-off moogle.
Boss FATE. Corporal Pomishment 54-58 Landlord Colony (x21 y23) 15 minutes Defeat Mogoosh the Misbehaving.
A thorough scolding by Mogpo the Magnificent was not enough to convince Mogoosh the Misbehaving that his recent run of mischief has put the lives of all Moghome's moogles in peril. Mogpo has asked you to rough up the rascal until he repents.

Spawn conditions:

  • Speak with Mogpo the Magnificent.
Boss FATE. Ain't Misbehaving 54-58 Four Arms (x16 y31) 15 minutes Defeat Mogoosh the Misbehaving.
Mogoosh is back to his misbehaving ways, this time picking on someone his own size, a brood of newborn dragonlings nesting in Zenith. The good moogles of Moghome have tried reasoning with the mischief-maker, but now seek a more...painful form of persuasion.
Defense FATE. End of the Rainbow 54-58 Ohl Tahn (x13 y24) 15 minutes Protect Rhei End from the cloud aevis.
It appears curiosity is not only suited for killing cats, but dragon pups as well. An ill-advised adventure far from his den has placed Rhei End in the face of imminent danger. Hurry to the pup in peril and see that his inquisitive nature is not the end of him.

Spawn conditions:

  • Speak with the Zenith dragonling.
Boss FATE. Mogicide 54-58 Landlord Colony (x22 y21) 15 minutes Defeat Thuban.
Another of Darkscale's captains has launched an assault on Zenith, but instead of focusing his attacks on the spire itself, the dragon seeks to slaughter Zenith's moogle caretakers.
Item FATE. Coin Toss 55-59 The House of Letters (x34 y21) 15 minutes Deliver Dravanian coins to the modish moogle.
Some moogles are slaves to fashion, others to fortune. And then there are those who are slaves to both and create their fashion out of other's fortunes─in this case, a necklace made of old coins on a string. Coins collected by you, of course.

Spawn conditions:

  • Speak with the modish moogle.
Battle FATE. Waiting for Fjalar to Stall 55-59 Ohl Tahn (x14 y22) 15 minutes Defeat the lower skylords, moss dragons, and thrustaevis.
Mistdragon Fjalar, loyal subject to Hraesvelgr, maintains his vigilant watch over Zenith and the Churning Mists as he awaits the return of his lord. There are those, however, who would see Fjalar fail at his task─minions of the hate-driven Nidhogg.

Spawn conditions:

  • Speak with Fjalar.
Boss FATE. From Dusk Till Gone 55-59 The Rookery (x20 y17) 15 minutes Defeat Minaruja.
One of the final, and most infamous Horde assaults on the Dusk Vigil before the stronghold's eventual fall was the massacre helmed by the merciless wyvern Minaruja. Since that day, the knights of Ishgard have sworn vengeance. Mayhap this is the day it shall be had.
Battle FATE. Treehouse of the Spirits 55-59 Ohl Tahn (x8 y14) 15 minutes Defeat the gnarled meliae.
Blood spilled in recent battles has soaked the dry soil of the Churning Mists, drawing forth thirstful spirits such as the arboreal meliae. As always, satisfaction will not be found in the amount retrieved, and they will soon turn to attacking the living to wet their tongues.
Defense FATE. Infamous 55-59 Four Arms (x13 y24) 15 minutes Protect Galar from the bladed vinegaroons.
The Horde has temporarily turned its vengeful gaze from Ishgard to the few dragons who still maintain their allegiance to Hraesvelgr─Galar of the Second Sun being one such acolyte. Aid the aged dragon in driving back his assailants before he succumbs to the wounds already dealt him.

Spawn conditions:

  • Speak with the Zenith dragonling.
Defense FATE. Darkscale Descendeth 55-59 Olh Tahn (x18 y12) 15 minutes Help Vedrfolnir defeat Darkscale.
Vowing to see Zenith suffer no more at the ravaging claws of the Horde, Hraesvelgr has summoned the mighty Vedrfolnir to do his bidding. Join the white dragon in defending the ancient spire from Darkscale─one of Nidhogg's most fearsome generals.
Defense FATE. Darkscale Disappeareth 55-59 Olh Tahn (x18 y12) 15 minutes Help Vedrfolnir defeat Etamin, Rastaban, and Thuban.
Both body and pride wounded, Darkscale has ordered his three captains to guard his retreat from Zenith. Focus your efforts on the minions before the healing properties of the general's dragon blood see him to a full recovery.

Spawn conditions:

Defense FATE. Darkscale Devoureth 55-59 Tharl Oom Khash (x18 y9) 15 minutes Help Vedrfolnir defeat Darkscale.
Tapping into the aetherial energy of a nearby crystal deposit has filled Darkscale with newfound strength. Engage the unyielding dragon in one last battle to the death.

Spawn conditions:

Battle FATE. Rastaban Vibration 55-59 Ohl Tahn (x14 y13) 15 minutes Defeat Rastaban's minions.
Led by Darkscale's trusted Captain Rastaban, a sizable knot of dragons has begun advancing towards Zenith. Slay Rastaban's minions and put an end to the assault before it can begin.
Battle FATE. Don't Know Wyvern 56-60 Ohl Tahn (x8 y17) 15 minutes Defeat the elder wyverns.
Elder wyverns serving the Dravanian Horde have returned to the Churning Mists after completing a deadly assault on Ishgardian settlements in Coerthas. Attack the creatures while their wounds are still fresh, and see that they never return to the lower realm.
Boss FATE. As the World Burns 56-60 Ohl Tahn (X25 y8) 15 minutes Defeat Kucedre.
As if slaughtering defenseless Ishgardians was not enough, the high dragon Kucedre will go out of his way to defile the most sacred of Ishgardian monuments, so that we may ever be reminded of his power. Slay the unforgivable villain and bring peace to the land once again.
Boss FATE. Vedrfolnir Devoteth 56-60 Greensward (x11 y36) 15 minutes Defeat Vedrfolnir.
Thoroughly impressed with your valor in the slaying of Darkscale, Vedrfolnir has granted you a boon─the honor of matching strength on the field of battle with the white dragon himself.

Spawn conditions:

The Dravanian Forelands[]

Name Level Location Time limit Objective
Spawn conditions (if any)
Boss FATE. By the Horns 52-56 Chocobo Forest (x34 y31) 15 minutes Defeat the bull chocobo.
From the day he is born, a chocobo hunter dreams of capturing an elusive bull chocobo. Fortunately, bull chocobos are abundant enough to provide all with the opportunity to fulfill this dream...whether it be yours or not.
Battle FATE. Ladies First 52-56 Chocobo Forest (x35 y26) 15 minutes Defeat the banished hunters and hunting hounds.
A band of chocobo hunters banished from Tailfeather for trapping only female chocobos has been spotted near the Chocobo Forest doing what they do best. See that their next banishment is from the realm of the living.
Boss FATE. Run, Run Away 52-56 Chocobo Forest (x38 y20) 15 minutes Defeat Yowie.
Swift legs and sharp beaks all but ensure that chocobos can survive the dangers of the Dravanian forelands. Some creatures, however, are simply too much for the majestic cloudkin, Yowie being one such terror.
Item FATE. Birds of a Feather 52-56 Chocobo Forest (x32 y20) 15 minutes Deliver wild chocobo feathers to the Tailfeather hunter.
It takes a feather to catch a feather, or so say the hunters of Tailfeather who use the fallen plumes of wild chocobos to fletch their arrows. A fair sum will be paid for any feathers delivered, but beware of bandersnatches lurking in the bushes!

Spawn conditions:

  • Speak with the Tailfeather hunter.
Boss FATE. Glawackus On, Glawackus Off 52-56 Chocobo Forest (x37 y9) 15 minutes Defeat Glawackus.
Glawackus─a bandersnatch so greedy it was set upon by its own pack─now wanders the forelands alone, devouring anything it can wrap its claws around...which is most often chocobo hatchlings. Hunt down the beast and slay it once and for all.
Battle FATE. Bear Apparent 52-56 Whilom River (x31 y15) 15 minutes Defeat the brown bears.
Brown bears are eating all the salmon returning upriver to spawn before they can lay their eggs. If this continues, there will be a shortage of harvestable wavekin next season. Bloody the bears' noses so that they might seek sustenance elsewhere.
Defense FATE. Who's the Moss 52-56 Chocobo Forest (x35 y17) 15 minutes Help Mossy Peak defeat the feather fleas.
If only poor Mossy Peak had the power to attract Roegadyn maids the way he attracts feather fleas. But he doesn't, and so his only company remains scores of bloodsucking vilekin who, if not dealt with quickly, will suck Mossy Peak dry before he can arrive home.

Spawn conditions:

  • Speak with Mossy Peak.
Battle FATE. The Rite Stuff 52-56 Chocobo Forest (x26 y13) 15 minutes Defeat the Dravanian aevis.
Crazed heretics who have forsaken Halone's guidance to befoul their bodies with the blood of the enemy have made a pilgrimage to Mare's Oath─to no doubt perform some horrible pagan rite. Find the mangled creatures, and send their souls to the Fury for final judgment.
Battle FATE. Dead Meat 52-56 The Smoldering Wasters (x24 y21) 15 minutes Defeat the loaghtans.
Exiled from the Gnath after losing their ties to the Onemind, the Vath must fare for themselves if they are to survive, and if that means looking to an adventurer for aid in slaying loaghtans, they are not too proud to ask.
Battle FATE. The Whole Truth 52-56 The Stained One (x25 y22) 15 minutes Defeat Truthspeaker Huibairten and his harriers.
A band of heretics led by the overzealous Huibairten has gathered near Tailfeather, their sights set on the lightly defended hamlet and its bounteous stores of provisions. Slay the wild-eyed men and women before their leader arrives and the assault is commenced.
Boss FATE. Nothing but the Truth 52-56 The Stained One (x25 y22) 15 minutes Defeat Truthspeaker Huibairten.
Huibairten is overtaken with madness upon seeing the bodies of his loyal servants strewn across the forest floor. The anger sends his tainted blood a-boiling, hastening his transformation into the beast which now looms before you. Slay the heretic before he sees Tailfeather burn.

Spawn conditions:

Battle FATE. Drone Under 52-56 The Smoldering Wastes (x26 y33) 15 minutes Defeat the Gnath cultivators, firedrones, and steeldrones.
Ever looking to expand the Onemind, the Gnath have sent forth a small parade of drones to seek out and claim new lands. Engage the beastmen and hold the line until the enemy sounds the retreat.
Boss FATE. The Migas Touch 52-56 Whilom River (x22 y31) 15 minutes Defeat Migas.
Returning from the hunt to find half her clutch being slurped down by a party of hungry Vath has sent nanka matron Migas into a frenzy, and now she threatens to lay waste to all of Loth ast Vath. Assist the Nonmind in pacifying the pond-dweller.
Boss FATE. Long Live the Coeurl 52-56 Chocobo Forest (x36 y24)
Does not appear on the map.
30 minutes Defeat the coeurls of the royal clowder.
The queen of the coeurls has declared war on Tailfeather and leads an assault on the settlement and its inhabitants. Confront Her Majesty and deliver the kiss of regicide.

Spawn conditions:

Battle FATE. El Miacid 53-57 Whilom River (x22 y33) 15 minutes Defeat the miacids.
A Vath hates three things, and two of them involve the pesky miacid. Aid the Nonmind in clearing the area of the beastkin and alleviate approximately sixty-seven percent of their worries.
Battle FATE. Cerf's Up 53-57 Avalonia Fallen (x19 y28) 15 minutes Defeat the forelands hippocerfs.
Not quite a hippogryph and technically not a griffin, the hippocerf is the awkward little cousin in the lion-eagle hybrid family. Ever trying to prove their worth, they engage in reckless behavior that, while oft simply annoying, will sometimes prove deadly, especially when that behavior involves fragile dragon eggs.
Boss FATE. Elephant in the Brume 53-57 Avalonia Fallen (x16 y35) 15 minutes Defeat Svarog.
Many a wall in Ishgard's Brume still bear the scars of Svarog's numerous assaults on the city–state proper, as do many a heart of those who have lost kin to the fell wyrm's flames. It is time the deeds were repaid.
Battle FATE. Hearing Voices 53-57 Mourn (x13 y18) 15 minutes Defeat the vinegaroons.
Scholars claim that the voice of a dragon somehow manipulates the wind aether upon which it is carried─the aether providing the voice with added potency which, in turn, extends range and authority. Heightened vinegaroon activity in the forelands is believed to be in direct correlation with this phenomenon.
Boss FATE. The Mourning After 53-57 Mourn (x18 y16) 15 minutes Defeat Bloodbearer Robairlain.
The half-man, half-dragon abomination Bloodbearer Robairlain has laid claim to the sacred cavern known as Mourn, slaying several of its peaceful guardians in the process. The Horde and its mindless minions cannot be allowed a foothold so near Ishgardian territories. Find this heretic and expel him from Sohm Al.
Battle FATE. Stamp the Yard 53-57 Sohm Al Foothills (x15 y20) 15 minutes Defeat the gallimimuses.
Driven from their territory by Horde dragons, a herd of gallimimuses has begun to stampede. If allowed to reach the forelands' lower elevations, they will most certainly flatten all in their path, from newly planted crops to unsuspecting children. Head off the heated creatures and attempt to slow the rampage.
Boss FATE. Special Tarasque Force 53-57 Avalonia Fallen (x13 y36) 30 minutes Defeat Tarasque.
While rare, the dragon Tarasque will occasionally descend from the Churning Mists to foul the weak minds of heretics seeking truth in the words of the enemy. This opportunity to slay the master manipulator cannot be allowed to slip through our fingers.
Battle FATE. Come to My Arms 57-61 The Hundred Throes (x28 y8) 15 minutes Defeat the thunder dragons.
A pack of peaceful bandersnatches have begun to clash with several thunder dragons over control of a watering hole. Use the confusion as an opportunity to slay the dragons and calm the bloody waters.
Boss FATE. Ware the Maiden Fair 57-61 Anyx Minor (x12 y39) 15 minutes Defeat the dragon maiden.
Once a beautiful young Elezen with skin like snow and hair like an autumn sun, the dragon maiden was driven to sip the blood of the Horde after being set upon by a pair of highborn knights (who were subsequently tried and hung for their crimes). Since then, she has grown into one of the most ruthless of all wyrm-blooded heretics, attacking even innocent children. Deliver the maiden from this world and give her soul peace once again.
Boss FATE. Coeurls Chase Boys 57-70 Chocobo Forest (x37 y27)
The Smoldering Wastes (x27 y20)
Does not appear on the map.
30 minutes Defeat Coeurlregina.
It appears Coeurlregina's first attack on Tailfeather was naught more than a calculated feint to gauge the collective strength of those defending the hamlet. Now privy to the settlement's weaknesses, she returns with her army's true strength.

Spawn conditions:

Boss FATE. Coeurls Chase Boys Chase Coeurls 60-70 Avalonia Fallen (x9 y36)
The Iron Feast (x31 y5)
Mourn (x12 y11)
Does not appear on the map.
30 minutes Defeat Coeurlregina.
Her main offensive a tactical failure, Coeurlregina has sounded the retreat. However, if allowed the luxury of escape, it will only be a matter of time before the wicked beast is conspiring another assault. Make chase, and end the queen's reign here and now.

Spawn conditions:

The Dravanian Hinterlands[]

Name Level Location Time limit Objective
Spawn conditions (if any)
Item FATE. Metal Gears Rising 58-62 The Arkhitekton (x32 y24) 15 minutes Deliver Illuminati whizzlepops to Slicktrix the Gobnaminous.
Rumors of a new “whizzlepop” gear being developed by the diabolical Illuminati have Idyllshire inhabitants worried for their well-being. All they need do now is acquire several whizzlepops from Illuminati members to find out exactly what the contraptions are and if there actually is any cause for concern.

Spawn conditions:

  • Speak with Slicktrix the Gobnaminous.
Battle FATE. Metal Gears Revengeance 58-62 The Arkhitekton (x32 y22) 15 minutes Defeat the Illuminati revengers
Seeking retribution for whizzlepops fizzled, a party of Illuminati revengers has been dispatched into the Arkhitekton. Slay the gate-crashing goblins and put an end to their virulent vendetta.

Spawn conditions:

Boss FATE. Metal Gears Revengeance 2 58-62 The Arkhitekton (x31 y22) 30 minutes Defeat the jangletype magitek vangob G-III.
The old adage that revenge is a dish best served cold unfortunately does not translate well into gobbiespeak, and the Illuminati have deployed a massive magitek vangob, seeking further revenge for the quashing of their first (failed) attempt at revenge.

Spawn conditions:

Battle FATE. Tarantula Hawk, Pro Stinger 58-62 The Ruling Quarter (x34 y30) 15 minutes Defeat the tarantula hawks.
A lack of tarantulas in the Dravanian hinterlands has tarantula hawks seeking other potential victims to serve as nourishment for their larvae. Exterminate the swarm before they set their compound eyes on puppies or kittens or baby Lalafells.
Battle FATE. Wild Wilde Death 58-62 The Makers' Quarter (x33 y27) 15 minutes Defeat the wildebeests and wild ratels.
What does one do when two breeds of pests known for destroying crops and raiding pens are found fighting each other for territorial dominance? Why, use the opportunity to slay both, what else?
Boss FATE. Gets the Red Out 58-62 The Makers' Quarter (x37 y22) 15 minutes Defeat Epaphus.
Thought to have been bred by a Sharlayan alchemist who was working on an improved recipe for eye drops, Epaphus was abandoned by his master during the exodus which emptied the northwestern city–state, leaving the beast to wreak havoc on the lives of those few who remained.
Battle FATE. Olympus Has Pollen 58-62 The Makers' Quarter (x23 y25) 15 minutes Defeat the narbroois.
Despite their heavy-duty masks, the good goblins of Idyllshire have recently been plagued with watery eyes and sniffly snouts─the culprit believed to be the pollen of the narbroois. Until the beastmen can retool their masks to filter this irksome irritant, a bounty has been placed on the seedkin's heads.
Boss FATE. Feed Me, See More 58-62 The Makers' Quarter (x36 y24) 15 minutes Defeat Ruginis.
While most of Eorzea's carnivorous plants are immobile, limiting the danger they pose to other creatures, narbroois are not bound to the soil, making them possible threats to the realm's inhabitants─Ruginis being the biggest...and hungriest threat of all.
Defense FATE. Pop Goes the Whizzle 58-62 The Collectors' Quarter (x22 y18) 15 minutes Protect the Illuminati whizzlepops from the espertype magitek vangobs G-III and goblin gliders.
After failing to revenge the failed attempt at revenging the theft of their whizzlepops, the Illuminati have given up on revenge and simply decided that if they can't have the items, no one can, sending a small army to destroy them. Help the goblins of Idyllshire protect the whizzlepops, if only to simply spite the Illuminati.
Boss FATE. Revenge of the Vengeful Revengeance 58-62 The Collectors' Quarter (x22 y18) 15 minutes Defeat Moundrinx Eightclinks.
Unable to exact revenge, exact revenge for an inability to exact revenge, or destroy crates because of an inability to exact revenge for an inability to exact revenge, the Illuminati have dispatched the highly decorated Moundrinx Eightclinks in a last-ditch effort to prove they are not nearly as incompetent as everyone now thinks.

Spawn conditions:

Battle FATE. Ratel and Hum 58-62 The Makers' Quarter (x37 y26) 15 minutes Defeat the ratels.
Drawn to the waste piles of Bigwest Shortstop, a pack of diseased ratels has descended from the surrounding mountains to feed. As even a single bite will bring on a dread fever, it is crucial that the beasts be put down swiftly and without mercy.
Boss FATE. Dobharch Did It for the Best 58-62 The Makers' Quarter (x28 y26) 15 minutes Defeat Dobharch.
Drawn to the dying screams of her children, Dobharch─ratel matron─has come seeking payment in blood for the lives lost in the previous day's culling.
Battle FATE. Infant Vangob 58-62 The Makers' Quarter (x26 y23) 15 minutes Defeat the espertype magitek vangobs G-III.
Trouble with the jangletype vangob (namely that its jangling would give away its position to the enemy) has prompted the Illuminati to develop a new model of vangob─the espertype, supposedly capable of anticipating the movements of its targets. Destroy the prototypes before the goblins can begin mass production.
Boss FATE. On Melancholic Hill 58-62 The Answering Quarter (x11 y23) 15 minutes Defeat Melancholic Moira.
What tragic event brought unbalance to poor Moira's humours, resulting in an excess of black bile is unknown. What is known is that the overgrown morbol has already devoured three goblins, four Lalafells, and a rolanberry cake baked to celebrate the nameday of Idyllshire's oldest resident. The seedkin must be stopped before any more pastry is lost.
Battle FATE. Sun Bear, Sun Bear, What Do You Eat 58-62 The Answering Quarter (x16 y22) 15 minutes Defeat the sun bears.
It is said that once a sun bear acquires a taste for the flesh of man, it will eat nothing else. Two missing Miqo'te lovers who were last seen in the Answering Quarter─an area now overrun with violent sun bears─suggest that taste has already been acquired.
Boss FATE. The Bear Up There 58-62 The Answering Quarter (x7 y20) 15 minutes Defeat Dubhe.
Dravanian folklore tells of a mighty Hellsguard forty hands tall who wrestled with Dubhe─the deadliest sun bear on all Abalathia's Spine. Nothing more is mentioned of the Roegadyn, but Dubhe still terrorizes the land today.
Battle FATE. The Birds and the Bears 58-62 The Ruling Quarter (x14 y29) 15 minutes Defeat the sun bears.
Sun bears will often raid the nests of cockatrices looking for eggs to crack open and devour. This practice, obviously, is not looked kindly upon by mother cockatrices who will furiously defend their broods to the death. Bears weakened from cockatrice attacks, however, make easy prey for adventurers looking to earn a little extra coin.
Battle FATE. Toss 'Em Back 58-62 Quickspill Delta (x11 y31) 15 minutes Defeat the opkens.
A school of migrating opken have infested the waters of the Dravanian hinterlands, eating anything and everything the wavekin can fit their maws about, including fish harvested by the goblins of Idyllshire. Seek out the scaled abominations and send them back to the sea.
Item FATE. Tome Raider 58-62 The Answering Quarter (x13 y23) 15 minutes Deliver torn folios to Browfix Turnalot.
On his way back home from the Great Gubal Library, a school of opken attacked young Browfix Turnalot, ripping from his grasp the ancient folios he had collected from the abandoned house of tomes. Browfix seeks assistance in retrieving what he rightfully stole.

Spawn conditions:

  • Speak with Browfix Turnalot.
Battle FATE. Out of the Woodwork 58-62 The Answering Quarter (x10 y25) 15 minutes Defeat the crawlers.
Crawlers have infested Saint Mocianne's Arboretum and are transforming the entire building into a giant cocoon from which more crawlers will eventually emerge. Squash the vilekin...and don't forget to wipe your buskins on the grass.
Boss FATE. Silkworm 58-62 The Answering Quarter (x15 y19) 15 minutes Defeat Habetrot.
The cyclopean crawler Habetrot is a weaver most wicked, and will spin his silk about anything that moves, including his own kin. It is high time the vilekin's threads were snapped.
Battle FATE. Makes the Very Best...Nests 59-63 The Ruling Quarter (x26 y35) 15 minutes Defeat the damselflies.
The absence of bibliothecaries in the Great Gubal Library since the Sharlayan's mass exodus back to their homeland has allowed all manner of vilekin─including the damselfly─to use the remaining tomes as nests. Exterminate the pests so that further damage to the library might be lessened.
Battle FATE. Morbol Man 59-63 Quickspill Delta (x13 y31) 15 minutes Defeat the great morbols.
Seedlings forgotten in Saint Mocianne's Arboretum have since grown into ferocious great morbols. If that was not enough, southerlies off Mount Gubal carry the stench from their maws directly into Idyllshire where the unmasked residents are doomed to suffer until the winds change...or kind adventurers lend a helping hand.
Escort FATE. Poroggo Stuck 59-63 Quickspill Delta (x10 y31) 15 minutes Escort Maro Roggo to Matoya's Cave.
Sent on an errand by her master to fetch eye of newt and toe of frog, Maro Roggo finds herself unable to return with the items, for the road home is now bristling with blood-lusting beasts. Escort the poor poroggo safely back to her master and receive a hefty reward.

Spawn conditions:

  • Speak with Maro Roggo.
Battle FATE. Frog Days of Summer 59-63 The Ruling Quarter (x20 y37) 15 minutes Defeat the poroggos.
When abandoning their Eorzean settlement, the Sharlayans left more than their tomes and their tuffets, they left their poroggo familiars, who now, after waiting patiently for their masters to return home, have decided it is time to release nigh on twenty summers of pent-up rage.
Battle FATE. Cockatrice Block 59-63 The Ruling Quarter (x26 y38) 15 minutes Defeat the cockatrices.
Several domesticated cockatrices have escaped from their coop and taken up residence in the Great Gubal Library, tearing apart priceless tomes to create makeshift nests atop guano-striped bookshelves. The cloudkin will, however, emerge to hunt, offering a rare opportunity for capture.
Battle FATE. Come Shells or High Water 59-63 Quickspill Delta (x15 y33) 15 minutes Defeat the bifericeras.
Without any natural predators in the Dravanian hinterlands, the population of bifericeras introduced to the area by goblins for harvesting has increased exponentially. The residents of Idyllshire are seeking brave men and women to cull their numbers.
Boss FATE. Toad Alone 59-63 Quickspill Delta (x11 y34) 15 minutes Defeat Bero Roggo.
Poor Bero Roggo is just one of many poroggo familiars abandoned by their masters when the Sharlayan exodus took place. Bero, however, never forgot the pain of waking up alone, and has since sworn revenge on anyone who even reminds him of his former life.
Boss FATE. How Do You Feed a Hungry Manlike Monster 59-63 The Ruling Quarter (x15 y37) 15 minutes Defeat the oplo opken.
A remarkably ravenous breed of opken, the oplo opken will devour upwards of a hundred fish a day to fill their seemingly bottomless bellies, moving on once an area has been gutted. Though they appear manlike, the opken are more monster than man─the end of a blade the only reason they will heed.

Gyr Abania[]

The Fringes[]

Name Level Location Time limit Objective
Spawn conditions (if any)
Battle FATE. Showing The Recruits What For 60-64 East End (x8 y16) 15 minutes Defeat the flame, serpent, and storm recruits.
The Eorzean Alliance has no shortage of recruits willing to fight under its ivory standard. What it does have a shortage of is skilled fighters to assist in training the mewling privates. Adventurers are sought to bloody some noses.
Battle FATE. Showing The Officers What For 60-64 East End (x8 y16) 15 minutes Defeat the petty officers and temple knights.
It has been overlong since the Eorzean Alliance has taken part in any serious tactical engagements, and while peace is good for the realm, it dulls both swords and sword arms. Adventurers are sought to serve as the whetstones that will restore the army's edge.

Spawn conditions:

Boss FATE. Showing the Commanders What For 60-64 East End (x8 y16) 15 minutes Defeat the commanders.
Without competent commanders, the Eorzean Alliance would be naught more than an army of drunken farmhands and restless mercenaries, incapable of finding their way out of the South Shroud, let alone driving the Garlean invaders from Eorzea. However, to become a competent commander, one must first train against competent foes...or in other words─you.

Spawn conditions:

Battle FATE. Death Beckons 60-64 East End (x12 y11) 15 minutes Defeat the Velodyna sarcosuchus.
Timmon Beck serves as the sole source of fresh water for many of the residents of East End...which is why the congregation of recently arrived sarcosuchus cannot be suffered to remain.
Battle FATE. Unbearable 60-64 East End (x10 y12) 15 minutes Defeat the mountain grizzlies.
Drawn from their dens by the ripe odor of the Eorzean Alliance's latrines, mountain grizzly sightings have become increasingly common as of late, some of these chance encounters leading to serious maiming or even death. The Allied armies seek adventurers to frighten the beasts back into the hills.
Boss FATE. Dizzy Miss Grizzly 60-64 East End (x11 y16) 15 minutes Defeat the revenant grizzly.
Flame scouts with the Eorzean Alliance are failing to return to their camps. The culprit, however, does not appear to be the Garleans, but a deadly grizzly sow that has acquired a taste for sweet Lalafellin flesh. As the scouts cannot afford to lose any more of their number, they seek adventurers to cleanse the hills in their stead.
Boss FATE. Roid Rage 60-64 Pike Falls (x18 y11) 15 minutes Defeat Crocoroid.
Sightings of a gargantuan sarcosuchus colorfully dubbed the “Crocoroid” have residents of the Gyr Abanian Fringes guessing as to its origins, the most popular theory being it swelled to its unnatural size by consuming the discarded bottles of imperial performance-enhancing elixirs.
Escort FATE. Keeping the Peace 60-64 The Striped Hills (x28 y12) 15 minutes Escort the Resistance fighter on his patrol.
When not plotting the overthrow of imperial regime, members of the Ala Mhigan Resistance are tasked with maintaining the peace in the Fringes─ridding the hills and highlands of aggressive fauna whose populations have exploded since the Garlean occupation claimed the lives of many of the region's hunters.

Spawn conditions:

  • Speak with the Resistance fighter.
Escort FATE. Keeping More Peace 60-64 The Striped Hills (x23 y13) 15 minutes Escort the Resistance fighter on his patrol.
When not plotting the overthrow of imperial regime, members of the Ala Mhigan Resistance are tasked with maintaining the peace in the Fringes─ridding the hills and highlands of aggressive fauna whose populations have exploded since the Garlean occupation claimed the lives of many of the region's hunters.

Spawn conditions:

  • Speak with the Resistance fighter.
Defense FATE. Double Dhara 60-64 The Striped Hills (x23 y11) 15 minutes Help the Resistance fighter defeat the highland dharas.
A Resistance fighter separated from his company finds himself surrounded by vengeful elementals and unable to stave off their methodical assault. Race to his aid and earn the gratitude of all Ala Mhigo...or at least his commanding officer.

Spawn conditions:

  • Speak with the Resistance fighter.
Battle FATE. Bold This Way 60-64 The Striped Hills (x27 y10) 15 minutes Defeat the lesser gaganas.
A pack of young-yet-bold gagana view the sheer cliffs surrounding Rhalgr's Reach as a prime location for their new nests. If allowed to roost on the rocks, it will not be long before the birds are raiding the town's livestock pens. Supplies are already scarce, so a quick solution to this potential problem is sought.
Battle FATE. Thank You for Not Mossling 60-64 East End (x12 y13) 15 minutes Defeat the mosslings.
While they appear harmless, mosslings are a threat to the fish that share the rivers in which they dwell. If left unchecked, a single colony of these swift-spawning, swift-growing seedkin can cover an entire lake in a matter of moons, blocking sunlight from reaching the riverbed, effectively killing the river's flora and the fauna that feed on it.
Battle FATE. The Secret Life of Plants 61-65 East End (x11 y26) 15 minutes Defeat the saprias.
Gyr Abania has its share of unique highland flora, from prickly thistles, to verdant worts, to man-eating sapria. It suffices to say the latter is not one of which the local smallfolk think that highly.
Battle FATE. The Morning After 61-65 Dimwold (x10 y29) 15 minutes Defeat the skimmers.
Swarms of skimmers─some of the vilest of all vilekin─have alighted in the Fringes to mate, and nothing works up an appetite like a frenzied fortnight of fornication. Unfortunately, skimmers have a taste for meat, preferably live, and will attack almost anything and everything that moves, be it livestock, pets, even something as large as a grown Roegadyn.
Defense FATE. The Mail Must Get Through 61-65 East End (x11 y22) 15 minutes Help the storm herald defeat the goosefish.
A storm herald carrying an important communication for his commanders is unable to cross the Velodyna, his way blocked by a school of goosefish. Part the waters and clear the poor man a path to freedom.

Spawn conditions:

  • Speak with the storm herald.
Battle FATE. Diakka Round 61-65 East End (x10 y18) 15 minutes Defeat the diakkas.
A company of Eorzean Alliance regulars has been ordered to slay a pack of deadly diakka believed to be the culprits in a disturbing string of missing draught chocobos. Never ones to underestimate their enemy, the company is requesting the assistance of nearby adventurers and is willing to split any spoils earned in the raid.
Boss FATE. The Evil Seed 61-65 Pike Falls (x14 y23) 30 minutes Defeat Kirnis.
Legend states that all diakka were born of seeds scattered by Kirnis in her wanderings across Gyr Abania. She continues her journey to this day, spawning more of the deadly seedkin while feeding herself upon the blood of unwary bystanders.
Boss FATE. The Spiderweb Chronicles 61-65 Pike Falls (x17 y17) 15 minutes Defeat Ankabut.
The larger the spider, the larger the prey it must capture to sate its hunger...and Ankabut is one of the largest spiders to ever be reported in Eorzea. The muffled whimperings heard from the silken sacs on her webs suggest no one in Eorzea is safe.
Battle FATE. Yes, This Is Dogs 61-65 Bittermill (x13 y20) 15 minutes Defeat the canis perditones.
Trained from birth to kill on command, the Garlean Empire's canis pugnaces are feared across the realm. Now, reports are that several of the murdering machines have escaped their captors' fetters and are roaming the Fringes, taking out their aggressions on any moving thing in sight.
Defense FATE. The Antlion's Share 67-71 Virdjala (x31 y29) 15 minutes Help the M tribe ranger defeat the aggressor antlion.
Ever seeking to expand their own dominion, aggressor antlions have begun encroaching on M tribe territory. If the trend is allowed to continue, it will not be long before young huntresses start disappearing.

Spawn conditions:

  • Speak with the M tribe ranger.
Boss FATE. Really Don't Keratyrannos 67-71 Virdjala (x29 y23) 15 minutes Defeat the keratyrannos.
With their invasion, the Garleans brought with them myriad beasts of war and burden not native to Gyr Abania. Some of these, such as the keratyrannos, have escaped from their masters and now thrive in the highlands where they have no natural predators. Their numbers must be thinned before a disaster strikes.
Item FATE. Get Sharp 67-71 Virdjala (x26 y25) 15 minutes Deliver sharp stones to the M tribe youth.
As she does every day, a young maid of the M tribe has ventured into the wilds to gather sharp stones for her aunt, the village fletcher. This day, however, the hills are alive with deadly dhara. Is there none who would see the area rid of these creatures so that the youth might be spared her aunt's lashing rod?

Spawn conditions:

  • Speak with the M tribe youth.
Battle FATE. The Tele-tale Hunt 67-71 Virdjala (x35 y29) 15 minutes Defeat the rabid teleocerases.
Ala Mhigan Resistance fighters have established supply caches across Gyr Abania in preparation for skirmishes with the Empire. Starved creatures of the region such as the saw-toothed teleoceras will raid these crates and devour their contents, and missions to drive off the scalekin are required to maintain supply stocks.
Boss FATE. Pop the Trunk 67-71 Virdjala (x31 y21) 15 minutes Defeat the rampaging marid.
The Vira keep marids not only for use in battle, but for their rich, fatty milk. The beasts, however, can be quite temperamental, and it is not rare that a beastmaid will lose track of one or two of her herd when grazing them in highland meadows. A good whack or seventeen is usually enough to calm their nerves.
Item FATE. A Pain in the Neck 67-71 Qalyana Nilyu (x35 y26) 15 minutes Deliver carved necklaces to the Vira beadmaid.
Last night, under the cover of darkness, Ananta of the Qalyana tribe raided a Vira beadmaid's workshop, stealing a goodly amount of jewelry meant for a coming ritual. Having no skill in the art of war, the beadmaid seeks aid in the recovery of her livelihood.

Spawn conditions:

  • Speak with the Vira beadmaid.
Boss FATE. Flappy Berda 67-71 Virdjala (x27 y28) 15 minutes Defeat Berda.
Once again, warriors of the M tribe hunt the Scourge of the Skies; the Feathered Fiend; White Death. The warriors hunt Berda, and welcome any who might seek to share in their glory.
Boss FATE. Ananta and Her Sisters 67-71 Virdjala (x28 y17) 15 minutes Defeat Jateryu.
A party of Ananta battlemaids seek revenge for the wanton slaughter of several of their defenseless sisters at the hands of Jateryu─a bloodthirsty monster that rips open the bellies of its victims with its hooked claws. The battlemaids would not turn away those who might endeavor to aid their quest for ultion.
Boss FATE. Raisin' Hell 67-71 Virdjala (x30 y21) 15 minutes Defeat Sunmaid Drisana.
Impressed with your handling of her tribe's unruly marids, the Vira's champion Sunmaid Drisana seeks to ask you one more boon─to cross blades in mock battle.

Spawn conditions:

Battle FATE. M Bop 67-71 Virdjala (x31 y25) 15 minutes Defeat the Qalyana kshatriyas.
Archers of the M tribe will not suffer the likes of the Qalyana defiling their sacred hunting lands and are petitioning local adventurers to join them in driving off the sly serpentesses.

The Lochs[]

Name Level Location Time limit Objective
Spawn conditions (if any)
Battle FATE. Off Their Yabby 69-73 Loch Seld (x23 y29) 15 minutes Defeat the bonza yabbies.
The sweet, succulent flesh of yabby tails was so adored by Ala Mhigan royalty, that an area of Loch Seld was cordoned off to farm the crustaceans. With the fall of the city–state, the nets quickly fell into disrepair, allowing the wavekin to escape into the lake proper where they have since multiplied unchecked. Help is sought by local fishers in thinning the yabby population.
Boss FATE. Foul Bachelor Frogamander 69-73 Loch Seld (x22 y31) 15 minutes Defeat the Frogamander.
Little scares the Empire, years of conditioning rendering their soldiers rocks in the face of even the worst of odds. For some reason, however, not even the hardest of Garlean commanders will muster the courage to stand against the bloated abomination that is Frogamander─archimandrite of the abaddons.
Boss FATE. Old Bucket of Boruta 69-73 The Queen's Gardens (x30 y15) 15 minutes Defeat Boruta.
Locals say that only after a young maiden─grief-stricken upon learning that her father had promised her to an evil baron─flung herself from Lochwatch did the rogue rafflesia Boruta begin terrorizing the region. Is the seedkin a manifestation of the girl's anguish, or simply a creature invigorated after supping on the girl's spilled humours? Does it even matter? The flower is eating children!
Battle FATE. Dusk Till Abaddon 69-73 The Queen's Gardens (x30 y30) 15 minutes Defeat the abaddons.
It has been three nights since the fishers of Loch Seld last slept. Three nights of incessant croaking so loud, even a turnip in each ear cannot muffle the noise. Croaking so thunderous, spines tingle and urns tumble from their boards above the kitchen. The culprits? Abaddons. The solution? Steel.
Boss FATE. The Smell That Leeched Her Heart 69-73 The Divine Audience (x18 y13) 15 minutes Defeat the aroma leech.
The aroma leech is an efficient hunter, emitting a soft, pleasant scent that attracts many a skipping maiden, afield in search of pretty flowers to knit wreaths and garlands. Yet what those maidens find is naught but a slow, agonizing death at the sucking maw of a bloodthirsty monster.
Boss FATE. Tall Tale 69-73 Loch Seld (x21 y25) 30 minutes Defeat Tall Mountain.
Ala Mhigan resident Tall Mountain woke this morning with the city watch at his door claiming he was under arrest for crimes he has no recollection of committing. At the same time, a burly, wan-faced Hellsguard appeared in the Lochs, covered from head to toe with blood that did not appear to be his own. Could this impostor be the true culprit?
Boss FATE. Taking Kurrea Business 69-73 Loch Seld (x19 y21) 15 minutes Defeat Kurrea.
Come mating season while all other ninki nankas were caught in the throes of passionless rutting, Kurrea simply used the opportunity to feed, growing larger...and larger...and larger, until he was nigh abursting. Now that there is naught left to consume, he has taken to his second favorite pastime─the slaughter of innocents.
Boss FATE. Dude, Where's My Karya 69-73 The High Bank (x10 y17) 15 minutes Defeat Karya.
As is the case with most ambulatory trees, warm, freshly drained lifeblood is what ancient Karya craves, the seedkin trapping its victims in its tangle of roots and branches, and keeping them alive with its own sickly sweet fruit so that it might sup slowly.
Boss FATE. Sisyphus Cooling 69-73 The Pauper's Lode (x4 y27) 15 minutes Defeat Sisyphus.
A heretofore unseen golem has been sighted pushing boulders about nearby caves─caves from whose very walls the beast is believed to have been formed. By whom and for what purpose this lithic monster was given life is unknown, but those who have seen their kin torn in two by the massive creature's claws will tell you this: Sisyphus must die.
Boss FATE. Minotaurs on My Mind 69-73 The High Bank (x26 y32) 15 minutes Defeat Asterion.
Until a fortnight ago, many Ala Mhigans believed minotaurs to be naught more than stories told to keep children from exploring the deadly caves surrounding the Lochs. When children began disappearing, people still blamed the caves, boarding their entrances so as to discourage the curious. When a giant minotaur was seen carrying a young Lalafell into the night, however, people finally knew Asterion was real.
Battle FATE. Dive In 69-73 The Divine Audience (x20 y16) 15 minutes Defeat the specters.
So paranoid did the King of Ruin become in his final days, that not a day would go by where servants, aides, cooks─even kin─were not sent plummeting from the Divine Audience to their dooms. It is said that to this day, the Lochs are haunted by restless specters, bound to this realm by their wrath.
Battle FATE. Pounding Salt 69-73 The Firkins (x8 y25) 15 minutes Defeat the salt anilas.
Since the Garlean invasion, the Firkins have remained in a state of disrepair─all attempts at rebuilding hampered not only by the occasional salvo of imperial cannon fire, but by the untamed salt anilas who have taken up residence in the crumbling buildings.
Boss FATE. Lalla Land 69-73 The High Bank (x14 y13) 15 minutes Defeat Lalla Mira.
An ill wind blows down from the hills rendering all caught in its path...well, ill. The cause of this unnatural plague? Lalla Mira─a malevolent spirit of wind whose breath carries with it the very air of death.
Battle FATE. When It Pains It Pours 69-73 The High Bank (x18 y33) 15 minutes Defeat the soblyns.
Long have scholars postulated as to why soblyns are so aggressive compared to their lowland cousins. One theory is that the corrosion to their metallic carapaces caused by the accumulation of salt crystals causes the creatures constant pain, leaving them in a perpetual state of frenzy. Or, it could simply be they are evil, evil beings.
Boss FATE. Sob Story 69-73 The High Bank (x13 y23) 15 minutes Defeat the mixed-up soblyn.
A blend of six impurities in its shell have left one soblyn even more strung out than usual. One might leave the creature to its own devices and hope that it learns to live with its pain without further endangering the lives of the smallfolk who call Loch Seld home. Or, one might just put the poor thing out of its misery and hope the Lifestream has a better plan for it next time around.
Battle FATE. Par for the Course 69-73 The White Aisle (x24 y22) 15 minutes Defeat the vepars.
A hungry fisher once said, “one vepar is never enough.” Said fisher was killed on a half-full stomach by the third vepar he attempted to reel that fateful autumn morning, giving rise to the adage, “a vepar dead is another night safe in bed.”
Battle FATE. Sip When I'm Dead 69-73 Abalathia's Skull (x25 y9) 15 minutes Defeat the kaluks.
When kaluks cannot locate fresh lifeblood to drink, they take to the potter's fields where they probe the soil for freshly buried corpses. This, unsurprisingly, does not sit well with the relatives of the recently deceased.
Battle FATE. Who's Phoebad 69-73 Loch Seld (x24 y31) 15 minutes Defeat the phoebads.
The salt crystals of Loch Seld make for perfect receptacles of errant aether discharge. When enough aether builds in these formations, it can give them life, but most often it is life in only the simplest sense of the word─driven by the basest of urges: sleep, hunger...murder. The phoebad do not belong on this realm. Send them back whence they came.
Boss FATE. Yabby Hunters 69-73 Loch Seld (x18 y27) 15 minutes Defeat the Loch Seld Monster.
There are those who claim the Loch Seld Monster is no more than a hoax, contrived by enterprising Ala Mhigans to dupe rich foreign emissaries into spending sacksful of coin on excursions to find the beast. There are also those who have been sliced in half by the giant yabby's claws. Those are the true believers.
Battle FATE. Enemy Territory 69-73 The High Bank (x13 y17) 15 minutes Defeat the chelones and loch nankas.
Territorial disputes amongst the diverse fauna of Loch Seld are as frequent as they are deadly, the latest featuring a school of chelone overtaking the lake bank several ninki nankas called home. Without a place to hunt and nest, the wavekin are moving towards a new territorial dispute─one between the nankas and a small fishing village.
Boss FATE. One Bad Mother Chukwa 69-73 The High Bank (x13 y17) 15 minutes Defeat Chukwa.
Weakened by the epic battle that resulted in a large swathe of loch nanka territory being claimed by her school of chelone, murderous High Matron Chukwa is at her most vulnerable. If there is to be any chance of slaying this most foul of lake-beasts, it is now.

Spawn conditions:

Battle FATE. Give Bees a Chance 69-73 The Royal Hunting Grounds (x7 y9) 15 minutes Defeat the salt saprias.
Farmers of the Lochs look to the region's many bees and butterflies to help pollinate their meager crops. Sapria look to those same creatures to fill their fathomless bellies. As a sapria is not that satisfying in a salad, the smallfolk have asked that you save the bees instead.
Battle FATE. About Face 69-73 The High Bank (x10 y13) 15 minutes Defeat Creeping Edila.
Named for the queen who saw to the construction of the gardens in which it now resides, Creeping Edila is said even to resemble Her Most Royal Highness, albeit before she made her face in the morning.
Boss FATE. No Time Is a Good Time 69-73 Loch Seld (x26 y27) 15 minutes Defeat Serra.
With serrated teeth strong enough to rip apart even twice-plated Garlean warmachina, Serra is a force of nature not to be reckoned with lightly. Only those who favor unlasting glory over near-certain death need test their fortune in a battle of wits with this wavekin.
Battle FATE. Mazeless Runner 69-73 Loch Seld (x28 y18) 15 minutes Defeat the Abalathian minotaurs.
A minotaur without a labyrinth is like a dog without a bone─prone to wanton killing sprees that most often end in the annihilation of entire villages. In other words, nothing like a dog without a bone. Slay the minotaurs. Prevent annihilation.
Battle FATE. Kingsgrave 69-73 Loch Seld (x26 y12) 15 minutes Defeat the guard bhoots.
Ancient Ala Mhigan kings believed even after they died, the spirits of fallen enemies would harry them far into the afterlife. To combat this, they had their honor guard buried with them...whether they were dead at the time of the regent's passing or not. Several of those spirits, not overly pleased with the fates thrust upon them, still roam the land with vengeance in their hearts.
Defense FATE. Fate No Morpho 69-73 The Royal Hunting Grounds (x7 y9) 15 minutes Protect the royal morphos from the abaddons.
A scholar once claimed that a butterfly flapping its wings in Gyr Abania gave rise to the storms that rocked Othard's eastern shores. If that were true, the amount of flapping caused by the royal morphos trying in vain to escape the gaping maws of hungry abaddons will see Doma under ten yalms of rain by moon's end. Just in case, you may want to slay those abaddons.

Spawn conditions:

Battle FATE. I Can Feel the Earth Move 69-73 The High Bank (x29 y35) 15 minutes Defeat the salt dharas.
Dhara feed by draining the soil of its earth-aspected aether, leaving the land brittle and prone to erosion. To prevent deadly sinkholes and landslides, the dhara must be dealt with.
Battle FATE. To Leech His Own 69-73 The High Bank (x14 y19) 15 minutes Defeat the loch leeches.
Unable to bear the thought of his beloved leeches being disposed of by the Empire, the royal physicker liberated his blood-loving assistants on the night of the invasion by tossing them into the privy where they eventually swam their way out into Loch Seld. And there, for the past three decades, have the wavekin thrived, growing fat on the blood of hapless travelers and foolish children.
Boss FATE. Tellus a Tale 69-73 The High Bank (x12 y27) 15 minutes Defeat Tellus.
Where Tellus walks, the ground moves─or so sayeth those who swear that the region's recurrent tremors are not, as scholars claim, movements of the land's crust atop rivers of molten rock, but in fact the lumbering gait of a modern-day giant.
Battle FATE. OK, Golem 69-73 The High Bank (x14 y31) 15 minutes Defeat the dark clay beasts.
Though the Eorzean Alliance has claimed the Seventh Umbral Era concluded, there are still parts of the realm which suffer the lasting effects of Dalamud's fall. One such area can be found in the mountains circling Loch Seld where aetherial instability engenders mindless golems.
Battle FATE. Ancelot's Fear 69-73 The Song of Kings (x16 y7) 15 minutes Defeat the royal ants.
The Empire's outlawing of religion in Ala Mhigo has seen sacred sites fall into ruin, those once tasked with their upkeep forced to abandon all labors of faith. As a result, locations such as the royal crypts are now overrun with creatures threatening to defile thousands of years of history.
Battle FATE. Ancelot's Folly 69-73 The Song of Kings (x14 y6) 15 minutes Defeat the specter guards.
The chants of ceremonies that once assured that restless spirits remained beyond the corporeal realm no longer echo through the royal crypts, allowing specters and ghosts to return to the world of the living unmolested. If allowed to escape the palace halls, it will be but a matter of time before they descend upon the Loch's villages.

Spawn conditions:

Boss FATE. Ancelot's Finale 69-73 The Song of Kings (x12 y7) 15 minutes Defeat King Manfred the Dead.
Unaware of his own death, King Manfred has risen from his tomb to rule once again─or so that is what the evil spirit possessing the rotting corpse of the long-deceased regent wants you to believe.

Spawn conditions:

Boss FATE. A Horse Outside 70-80 Abalathia's Skull (x4 y15, x29 y9)
The Highbank (x16 y22)
Does not appear on the map.
30 minutes Defeat Ixion.
It is said on a mighty levinbolt doth the warsteed Ixion ride─thunder, the rumbling of his hooves as they pound the very heavens. Ware the coming storm, for hell descendeth.

Spawn conditions:

  • 36 hour spawn window begins after server reset or after 36 hours have passed since last appearance.
  • Changes weather in the Lochs to Quicklevin Quicklevin while active.

The Peaks[]

Name Level Location Time limit Objective
Spawn conditions (if any)
Escort FATE. A New Leaf 60-64 The Last Forest (x11 y11) 15 minutes Escort Mimiroon Leafgrinder to the Ziggurat.
Mimiroon Leafgrinder's companions have been ratnapped, and the kindly Qiqirn finds himself unable to free them on his own. Mimiroon seeks an equally kind adventurer to serve as his sword while he uses his sensitive snout to suss out the location of his soul-shrews.
Battle FATE. Salad Days 60-64 The Last Forest (x13 y15) 15 minutes Defeat the Qiqirn meatseekers.
It appears Mimiroon Leafgrinder and his herbivorous helpers are not as opposed to consuming meat as his own name would suggest...and it appears you are on the menu.

Spawn conditions:

Boss FATE. A Bone To Pick 60-64 The Last Forest (x13 y15) 15 minutes Defeat Mimiroon Bonecruncher.
The Bonecruncher formerly known as Leafgrinder has proven himself a right scoundrel, and this affront cannot well be forgiven lest he endeavor to repeat the ruse on another unsuspecting rube.

Spawn conditions:

Defense FATE. And the Bandits Played On 60-64 The Last Forest (x15 y7) 15 minutes Protect the frightened villager from the Qiqirn meateaters.
Residents of Ala Gannha tend not to stray too far from the protective walls of their humble hamlet, for when they do, a Qiqirn bandit is usually there waiting to steal their clothes, their coin, or worse...their lives. Escorts are thoroughly appreciated, and handsomely paid.
Battle FATE. Of Mice and Men 60-64 The Last Forest (x20 y14) 15 minutes Defeat the Qiqirn meateaters.
Ever the greedy gluttons, a band of Qiqirn cutthroats have descended the Peaks to raid local farmsteads of their bountiful harvest. The smallfolk cannot defend their land armed with but spades and hoes. An adventurer, however, may have more success.
Boss FATE. Churlish Chapuli 60-64 The Last Forest (x7 y14) 15 minutes Defeat the supernal chapuli.
Those who have chosen to make their homes on the unforgiving slopes of the Peaks have done well to coax whatever plant they can from the barren soil. Which is why it is all the more disheartening to see those hard-earned crops torn from the fields by gluttonous vilekin─vilekin like the dread chapuli.
Battle FATE. Down with the Sickness 60-64 The Last Forest (x20 y16) 15 minutes Defeat the bloodgliders.
The lichyard behind Ala Gannha is full to bursting with the freshly buried bodies of those to have recently succumbed to the Weeping Cough─an affliction that induces hacking fits so terrible, that it makes the victim shed tears. The cause of this illness? The scales shed by the giant moth-like bloodgliders that fly over the village at night. If they were to be slain, the people might be saved.

Spawn conditions:

  • Speak with the frightened villager.
Battle FATE. Child's Plague 60-64 The Last Forest (x17 y11) 15 minutes Defeat the chapulis.
Ala Mhigan legend tells of an ancient Gyr Abanian king whose pride angered the gods and brought upon his fertile land a plague of winged insects that devoured all grass and trees, leaving the desolate Peaks that remain to this day. The vilekin chapulis are believed by some to be the remnants of that plague.
Boss FATE. Winging It 60-64 The Last Forest (x13 y8) 15 minutes Defeat Etain.
Wings of orange herald the morn
Wings of white herald the night
Wings of gold herald the cold
Wings of purple...are filled with deadly poison what will melt your organs from the inside. Always take care when dealing with wings of purple, and Etain─queen of the fluturini─has a pair of the purplest.
Battle FATE. Beat Boxes 60-64 The Last Forest (x19 y15) 15 minutes Destroy the strong lockboxes.
Qiqirn cutthroats are preparing an assault on Ala Gannha and have consolidated their weaponry in conveniently labeled lockboxes conveniently located not far from the humble hamlet. If someone were to destroy these boxes and their contents, the bumbling bandits would be oh, so inconvenienced.
Battle FATE. Days of Fluturini Past 60-64 The Last Forest (x11 y6) 15 minutes Defeat the fluturinis.
Adult fluturini will lay hundreds of eggs each day, and while some of these eggs will be consumed by predators, their sheer number ensures that many will survive to hatch...grow...and kill. Seek out and swat the swarms which threaten to wreak havoc in the Peaks.
Boss FATE. Venting 60-64 Rustrock (x21 y15) 15 minutes Defeat Ventus.
Anila are dreadful creatures whose incessant gyrations birth hot, sand-filled storms that ruin crops and send caravans tumbling from canyon-tops. Ventus is by far the worst of this breed, grown fat on the flesh of its lesser brothers.
Battle FATE. Attack of the Groans 60-64 The Last Forest (x10 y14) 15 minutes Defeat the dust anilas.
When an anila spins, it kicks up copious amounts of dust─dust that is coarse and rough and irritating and gets literally everywhere. Every anila slain, a dervish averted. Every dervish averted, a pair of knickers free of sand's itchy burden.
Boss FATE. Moth to a Flame 60-64 The Last Forest (x15 y10) 15 minutes Defeat Ignamoth.
To hear the smallfolk of the Peaks tell it, one in three of every home set to flame is done so by the notorious pyromantic, Ignamoth. While these numbers may be inflated, that does not change the fact that a massive fire-starting vilekin is flying loose about the countryside, and should probably be put down. Quickly.
Defense FATE. Resist, Die, Repeat 60-64 The Last Forest (x9 y9) 15 minutes Help the wounded fighter defeat the chapulis.
A Resistance fighter is putting up his best resistance against a flock of fighting chapuli who are resisting all his attempts to break free from the fighting. Are you so cold as to resist the call to aid in his fight?

Spawn conditions:

  • Speak with the wounded fighter.
Battle FATE. Das Bhoot 60-64 The Last Forest (x21 y9) 15 minutes Defeat the horrific bhoots.
Their rage binding them to the corporeal realm, the spirits of young Ala Mhigans slain at the hands of Garlean invaders roam the Peaks seeking vengeance even now, more than twenty summers removed from the fall of their kingdom. Release the spirits from this world that they might finally find respite in the beyond.
Boss FATE. You Don't Know Jack 61-65 Rustrock (x27 y15) 15 minutes Defeat Lumber Jack.
While some beetles will scour forests for entire days in search of wounded trees from which they can sip sticky sweet sap, one particular vilekin simply uses its head. Literally. Lumber Jack is notorious for violently butting against solemn sentinels until they topple so he may suck the life from the exposed trunk. If let to continue, there might not be a single tree left in all the Peaks come winter.
Boss FATE. Barbershoppe 61-65 Rustrock (x23 y9) 15 minutes Defeat the Brutal Barber.
Despite his title, the Brutal Barber is by no means a licensed practitioner of medicine, and any limbs entrusted to his care will most likely be lopped off, regardless of whether or not they require medical treatment.
Boss FATE. Diceman Cometh 61-65 Rustrock (x34 y8) 15 minutes Defeat Crapaud.
Pious men say that gambling is a sin and that those who lose themselves in games of trump and dice will be damned to the seven hells where their spirits will become corporeal manifestations of their worldly vice. As ridiculous as this may sound, the mere existence of the fell Crapaud makes a good case in favor of the pious.
Battle FATE. Stuck in the Muud 61-65 Rustrock (x25 y13) 15 minutes Defeat the muud suuds.
Muud suuds have been cursed by the gods with an insatiable hunger that drives the creatures to madness. When not devouring flesh, be it rotting or fresh, they are searching for it rotting or fresh.
Item FATE. Fletching Returns 68-72 Mount Yorn (x25 y28) 15 minutes Deliver griffin feathers to the sorry sutler.
Seeing an opportunity to profit off the coming conflict, an independent sutler is collecting griffin feathers that he plans on crafting into arrows─arrows that he will sell at a premium to the Ala Mhigan Resistance, the griffin being the symbol of their fallen city–state. The sutler will gladly purchase any feathers you happen upon, as well.

Spawn conditions:

  • Speak with the sorry sutler.
Battle FATE. Eat Big or Go Home 68-72 Wightrock (x16 y28) 15 minutes Defeat the highland erucas.
To sate their appetites, highland erucas do not bother with “smaller” prey such as rabbits, tigers, and chocobos. Qiqirn merchants, Ananta battlemaids, Roegadyn mercenaries. These are what the vilekin crave.
Boss FATE. Love Me, Tindalos 68-72 Mount Yorn (x12 y30) 15 minutes Defeat Tindalos.
They say that dogs are a man's best friend. Tindalos, on the other hand, is no friend to man...or woman, for that matter. Tindalos is merely hungry, and would rather devour any and all who dare cross his path than make their humble acquaintance.
Battle FATE. Home on the Range 68-72 Wightrock (x13 y36) 15 minutes Defeat the highland erucas.
Upset that his father insisted he take up the plow over the sword, a young boy of Rustrock decided he would leave the safety of his family's farmstead behind and join the Ala Mhigan Resistance. What he failed to take into consideration were all the ravenous beasts that would be waiting for him in-between, and now desperately needs an escort home.
Boss FATE. Rattle and Humbaba 68-72 Goodblade (x15 y30) 30 minutes Defeat Humbaba.
Life in the Peaks can be downright difficult, but the people of the J tribe somehow manage with what little they have. Yet, when what little they have is constantly being stolen by a heartless brute by the name of Humbaba, that is simply salt in their wounds. The J seek a champion that might ease their pain.

Spawn conditions:

Defense FATE. Forget-me-not 68-72 Mount Yorn (x24 y34) 15 minutes Protect the Coldhearth resident from the kongamato.
A warrior of Coldhearth who journeyed to the Bull's Bath for his weekly dip forgot his sword by the pond, and now finds himself assailed by kongamato with no way to defend himself. Assist the man home where he may procure a second sword to help him retrieve his first.

Spawn conditions:

  • Speak with the Coldhearth resident.
Battle FATE. The Day of the Griffins 68-72 Wightrock (x14 y25) 15 minutes Defeat the true griffins.
The founders of Ala Mhigo chose the griffin for their kingdom's standard for its strength, ferocity, cunning, and endurance─all traits that make the winged beastkin one of the most deadly creatures you will ever meet, if not the last creature you ever meet.
Boss FATE. Breakneck 68-72 Mount Yorn (x26 y25) 15 minutes Defeat Neckbreaker.
When the King of Ruin fell, his head executioner, refusing to be subjected to the same cold justice he dealt his entire life, slit his own throat. Unable to bear the loss, the executioner's pet beast─Neckbreaker─took to the Peaks, where he has been continuing his kind master's work ever since, much to the chagrin of the region's innocent residents.
Boss FATE. Slaughterwife-five 68-72 Mount Yorn (x23 y30) 15 minutes Defeat the Nenaunir.
Nenaunir is said to have taken five wives─five wives he all loved with equal measure. When those wives were hunted and slain, he swore revenge against all mankind, and will not stop killing until he, himself, is killed.
Boss FATE. 5-year Energy 68-72 Mount Yorn (x28 y31) 15 minutes Defeat Energetic Eruca.
Their large bodies and relatively bright coloring make erucas easy targets for hungry predators large enough not to become prey themselves. There lives, however, one worm so full of vim and vigor that it has eluded capture for five whole summers, allowing it to swell to its current gargantuan girth. It should be noted that vim and vigor came from consuming the local citizenry.
Defense FATE. Mouth For Water 68-72 Wightrock (x18 y34) 15 minutes Help J'najaq Sunflare defeat the panteras.
Try as she might, J'najaq Sunflare is struggling to fend off the bloodthirsty panteras that threaten to maim and maul the J tribe maid who has come to the river to gather water. The warrioress sees you approach and sends a pleading glance.

Spawn conditions:

  • Speak with J'najaq Sunflare.
Chase FATE. The Magitek Is Back 68-72 Wightrock (x14 y26) 15 minutes Defeat the Lethal Weapon before it arrives at its destination.
The Lethal Weapon was meant to give the Empire the upper hand against the armies of Eorzea, yet it proved too difficult to control for even the most experienced of magitek operators. The test model created was decommissioned and stored in a lonely warehouse where it was to await dismantling...until it came to life! Destroy the contraption before it lays waste to the entire front!

La Noscea[]

Eastern La Noscea[]

Name Level Location Time limit Objective
Spawn conditions (if any)
Battle FATE. Careless Whiskers 30-35 Bloodshore (x28 y33) 15 minutes Defeat the Qiqirn gullroasters.
A flea-ridden pack of Qiqirn is attempting to transform the sorely undermanned Gullperch Tower into a rat nest. Drive the beastmen off before they get a tailhold.
Battle FATE. Crab and Go 30-35 Bloodshore (x29 y35) 15 minutes Defeat the snippers.
Giant crabs known as snippers have invaded the once-pristine beaches of Bloodshore, making it difficult for Costa del Sol retirees to take their morning walks without having their raiments sliced to ribbons. The problem requires immediate attention, and adventurers are sought to cull the sidestepping sea creatures.
Battle FATE. Just a Matter of Rut 31-36 Bloodshore (x27 y28) 15 minutes Defeat the rutting buffalos.
The buffaloes of Bloodshore are in rut, and a shortage of females this season means that the males who have yet to find mates are especially violent. Deal with the roused beasts before they harm themselves or others.
Defense FATE. Finding Wine 32-37 Raincatcher Gully (x21 y23) 15 minutes Protect the wine crates from the Windborn buccaneers.
A band of buccaneers is bound for the borders of the bustling borough of Wineport in search of beverages to sate their bacchanalian cravings. Steer the scoundrels from the settlement while seeing they stay sober.

Spawn conditions:

  • Speak with the perturbed porter.
Battle FATE. The Thirst 32-37 Raincatcher Gully (x17 y24) 15 minutes Defeat the Windborn buccaneers.
A band of parched buccaneers are looking to quench their thirsts the pirate way─a good old-fashioned raid─and have gathered in a copse near Wineport to hammer out their plan of attack. Join the Maelstrom in stopping the attack before it can happen.
Item FATE. The Pelican Briefing 32-37 Raincatcher Gully (x20 y32) 15 minutes Deliver pelican eggs to Jijiroon of the Silver Clutch.
Jijiroon of Jijiroon's Trading Post is looking to replenish his stock of pelican eggs─a favorite amongst Qiqirn─and has traveled all the way to eastern La Noscea to do so. Assist the enterprising beastman by slaying pelicans, collecting their eggs, and delivering them before they hatch!

Spawn conditions:

  • Speak with Jijiroon of the Silver Clutch.
Boss FATE. Jewels of the Isle 32-37 Bloodshore (x26 y32) 15 minutes Defeat Kokoroon Quickfingers.
Notorious sneak thief Kokoroon Quickfingers has been sighted swiping jewelry from the lockboxes of wealthy Costa del Sol retirees. Find the bandit and give him a good thumping.
Boss FATE. It's Not Lupus 32-37 Bloodshore (x31 y35) 30 minutes Defeat Cancer.
Claws so powerful they can split a rock in two. A shell so hard, not even the hammer of a mighty hecatoncheir can crack it. Cancer, a crab rumored to have been spawned in the heavens, has appeared in eastern La Noscea. Slay him and become the stuff of legends!
Battle FATE. 9 to 5 32-37 Raincatcher Gully (x24 y20) 15 minutes Defeat the Mamool Ja breeders, executioners, and sophists.
After the Calamity devastated much of Eorzea's workforce, Mamool Ja mercenaries were called over from their homeland to do everything from slay aether-crazed monsters to tile rooves. However, now with the return of a much more stable workforce in adventurers, many of the Mamool Ja find themselves out of work...and have turned to banditry to make ends meet.
Boss FATE. Say My Name 32-37 Raincatcher Gully (x18 y25) 15 minutes Defeat Metshaldjas.
Local legend states that he who calls the name of Metshaldjas three times will summon the unspeakable woodland monstrosity from deep beneath the earth to wield destruction on the world above. Fortunately, few can pronounce the name. Unfortunately, it appears someone was lucky.
Battle FATE. Cliff Hanger 32-37 Raincatcher Gully (x18 y33) 15 minutes Defeat the cork bulbs.
Cork bulbs will often choose to set their roots deep in the side of cliffs to better protect themselves from hungry predators. This, unfortunately, is a major cause of landslides which block thoroughfares and claim the lives of countless chocobos. Seek out the bulbs and slay the seedkin before they can dig any deeper.
Defense FATE. Thrill of the Hunt 33-38 Raincatcher Gully (x20 y29) 15 minutes Protect the Lominsan merchant from the grass raptors.
A moment in the bushes to drain the morning dew is all it took for a poor Lominsan merchant to be left behind by his caravan. Now, to make matters worse, he is being tracked by a pack of raptors who see the hapless hawker as naught more than a light snack. Slay the scalekin and protect the merchant.

Spawn conditions:

  • Speak with the Lominsan merchant.
Battle FATE. Them 33-38 Red Mantis Falls (x15 y27) 15 minutes Defeat the cluster mantises.
A cluster of red mantis eggs has hatched and now the jungle is crawling with tiny red monsters. If not put down immediately, the jungle will soon be crawling with giant red monsters!
Item FATE. No Lip 33-38 Bloodshore (x32 y24) 15 minutes Deliver rainbowlip oysters to the oyster hunter.
The Bloodshore colibri are devouring the area's rainbowlip oysters, leaving none for the poor young women who maintain their livelihood by selling the shells to Ul'dahn goldsmiths. Slay the gluttonous birds and retrieve the shells from the corpses' bellies.

Spawn conditions:

  • Speak with the oyster hunter.
Battle FATE. Follow the Light 33-38 Costa del Sol (x30 y27) 15 minutes Defeat the will-o'-the-wisps.
The mischievous spirits of fallen pirates are luring drowsy Costa del Sol retirees from their bedchambers into the churning sea. Save the poor septuagenarians so that they may continue to spend their hard-earned wealth at the Flying Shark. Now open for brunch!

Spawn conditions:

  • Speak with the thrill-seeking milksop.
Escort FATE. Consigned, Sealed, and Undelivered 33-38 Costa del Sol (x30 y29) 15 minutes Escort the cute courtesan to Hidden Falls.
An important client of Master Gegeruju's─one Aismurl Goldmember─is visiting Costa del Sol to complete a sizable business transaction. To ensure that things go smoothly, the master has prepared a special incentive for his guest...and she requires proper escort to Hidden Falls.

Spawn conditions:

  • Speak with the cute courtesan.
Item FATE. Sweeter than Honey 33-38 Raincatcher Gully (x16 y27) 15 minutes Deliver pots of raincatcher nectar to the vineyard bond.
To attract more bees to pollinate the vineyard, one of the bonds has come up with the idea of applying sweet raincatcher nectar to the grape trestles, and now seeks volunteers to aid him in collecting the liquid from the giant flowers.

Spawn conditions:

  • Speak with the vineyard bond.
Boss FATE. Ho Ho Ho 33-38 Raincatcher Gully (x16 y31) 15 minutes Defeat Jolly Green.
Do not be fooled by his jovial laugh, for Jolly Green is aught but joyful. The overgrown goobbue will snatch up and swallow everything within his grasp, and this includes adventurers. Now is the time to turn his frown upside down.
Battle FATE. Long Way Home 33-38 Raincatcher Gully (x17 y31) 15 minutes Defeat the dung midge swarms and grass raptors.
Slavering beasts block a wine porter's way back to the arms of his loving wife. Put a fear into the creatures so that the lonely lad and his libido can make it home.
Boss FATE. Closing Time 34-39 Raincatcher Gully (x17 y28) 15 minutes Defeat Sekhmet.
Some creatures crave blood, others treasure. But there is one fiend of the night who craves neither. What Sekhmet craves is wine, and he will cease at nothing to get his thieving claws on a bottle of fine grape, be it red or white. He will even go as far as killing a man...which is why he must now be stopped.

Lower La Noscea[]

Name Level Location Time limit Objective
Spawn conditions (if any)
Boss FATE. I Melt with You 3-8 Moraby Bay (x25 y25) 15 minutes Defeat Cuachac.
Some creatures are best left alone. Cuachac is a giant jellyfish which consumes its prey by stunning it with its poisonous tentacles, then dousing it in a corrosive liquid which slowly reduces the prey into an easy-to-digest pile of gelatinous ooze. Cuachac is best not left alone. Cuachac must be slain.
Battle FATE. You Call that a Toad 4-9 Moraby Bay (x24 y22) 15 minutes Defeat the cane toads.
When the wheat farmers of lower La Noscea were losing large portions of their crops to locusts, they turned to Mealvaan's Gate who introduced Cieldalaes cane toads to the fields to devour the vilekin. Unfortunately, the cane toads, who have no natural predators on Vylbrand, have taken over the region, leaving the farms with no choice but to slay them all.
Battle FATE. Fight the Flower 5-10 Cedarwood (x30 y19) 15 minutes Defeat the ocean roselings.
They say every rose has its thorn. When it comes to roselings, however, thorns are the least of your problems. The strangling vines, the poisonous pollen, the ability to rise up from the ground and chase you all the way into your nightmares─these make roselings a force to be reckoned with...and the day of reckoning is come.

Spawn conditions:

  • Speak with the furious farmer.
Battle FATE. Caving In 7-12 Blind Iron Mines (x26 y17) 15 minutes Defeat the cave bats.
The cave bats living in Blind Iron Mines are believed to carry in their bite a sickness which can cause a man to froth at the mouth and lust after the blood of his kin. While this has not actually been proven, when it comes to bat bites, it is better to be safe than sorry.
Battle FATE. Man of the Flour 8-13 Cedarwood (x35 y15) 15 minutes Defeat the galagos.
Galagos from nearby Raincatcher Gully have found their way into the granaries which store the flour milled by the Grey Fleet. Why galagos would want flour when there are berries aplenty in the jungle is a mystery that might never be solved because the millers want those galagos dead.

Spawn conditions:

  • Speak with the miller in need.
Battle FATE. Enter Beastman 9-14 Cedarwood (x31 y15) 15 minutes Defeat the kobold dustmen, potmen, and supplicants.
The kobolds of O'Ghomoro have once again descended into Cedarwood, blatantly disregarding the treaty formed between the beast tribe and Limsa Lominsa which strictly forbids the kobolds from extending their claims beyond the northern reaches of outer La Noscea. Drive the creatures back to the mountains whence they came.
Boss FATE. One Pickman Enters 9-14 Cedarwood (x31 y13) 15 minutes Defeat 426th Order Pickman Bu Ga.
Enraged by their defeat in Cedarwood, the kobolds have summoned one of their champions, 426th Order Pickman Bu Ga, to avenge the loss. Make swift work of the creature so he knows not to return.

Spawn conditions:

Boss FATE. In the Name of Love 10-15 Candlekeep Quay (x21 y38) 15 minutes Defeat Anselm Larkscall and Fiebras the Dull.
Unemployed pirates Anselm Larkscall and Fiebras the Dull are fighting again, more than likely over the same woman they were with last night. A little cold steel should help the two cool their heads.

Spawn conditions:

  • Speak with the Yellowjacket.
Boss FATE. Under the Bridge 10-15 The Gods' Grip (x20 y33) 15 minutes Defeat Padfoot.
More and more merchants are refusing to make the trip to the Gods' Grip due to rumors of a giant wolflike creature called Padfoot who is said to hide below Oschon's Embrace, attacking any who attempt to cross the bridge. Hunt the beast down and restore peace to the area.
Defense FATE. Away in a Bilge Hold 11-16 Candlekeep Quay (x20 y38) 15 minutes Help the Yellowjacket veteran defeat Ahctstymm Shadowlurker.
Men of a Yellowjacket patrol have cornered a stowaway they believe might be the notorious Ahctstymm Shadowlurker, but the ne'er-do-well has elected to put up a fight. The Yellowjackets could use any aid nearby adventurers might offer.

Spawn conditions:

  • Speak with the Yellowjacket veteran.
Battle FATE. Don't Drink the Water 12-17 Empty Heart (x22 y34) 15 minutes Defeat the wild dodos and jackals.
Despite being surrounded on all sides by the sea, fresh water remains difficult to come by on Vylbrand, which is why the few springs that do exist must be protected at all costs from blighted dodos and jackals who come to the water to drink...and defecate.
Boss FATE. One Prince 13-18 The Gods' Grip (x19 y37) 15 minutes Defeat the mandragora prince.
While little is known about mandragoras, what is known tends to be quite disturbing. Such is the case with the mandragora prince, who is rumored to journey to the sites of slaughters so it might feed off the blood-soaked loam. It is probably best to not let it feed off the blood-soaked loam.

Middle La Noscea[]

Name Level Location Time limit Objective
Spawn conditions (if any)
Battle FATE. On the Lamb 3-8 Zephyr Drift (x22 y24) 15 minutes Defeat the lost lambs.
A flock of sheep bitten by diseased bats has grown frenzied and is charging at full speed towards the Zephyr Gate. The infected creatures cannot be allowed to enter the city, so they must be driven off or put down.
Battle FATE. Taking It to the Streams 4-9 Summerford (x21 y22) 15 minutes Defeat the pugils.
The Rogue River has become a breeding ground for giant carnivorous fish known as pugils. Help clear the shallows so the local fishers can cast their lines in relative peace.
Battle FATE. Overnight Migration 5-10 Summerford (x22 y20) 15 minutes Defeat the tiny mandragoras.
Not only did the Calamity bring with it destruction, pain, and suffering, but it also brought with it mandragoras. Thousands and thousands of mandragoras. Mandragoras who, if not dealt with swiftly and firmly, will continue to multiply until the land is overrun with the creatures.
Battle FATE. Yellow-bellied Greenbacks 5-10 Zephyr Drift (x24 y27) 15 minutes Defeat the Yellowjacket recruits.
The newest batch of Yellowjacket recruits is softer than a rotten rat corpse, and fights little better. Whip the raw lads into shape. And remember, mercy is the last thing they need.

Spawn conditions:

  • Speak with the Yellowjacket drill sergeant.
Battle FATE. Thwack-a-Mole 6-11 Summerford (x23 y18) 15 minutes Defeat the Moraby moles.
The orchards of middle La Noscea are riddled with dangerous holes dug by Moraby moles. It is high time the pests were given a good thumping.

Spawn conditions:

  • Speak with the troubled tiller.
Battle FATE. Hello, Work 7-12 Summerford (x22 y16) 15 minutes Defeat the grounded raiders.
During the Calamity, many bands of pirates lost their ships to either Garlean attackers or the flames of Bahamut. Most found new crews to join, but those who didn't simply turned to banditry on land. Use your blades to convince the lads it is high time they seek new employment.
Battle FATE. Crying over Spilled Salt 7-12 Summerford (x19 y20) 15 minutes Defeat the aureliae.
Coastal winds blow floating aureliae from their native habitat over the Rhotano Sea to the shores of middle La Noscea, where they release their salty ballast onto the soil, rendering it unsuitable for farming. Slay the creatures before they become the salt of the earth.
Boss FATE. Menuis at Work 8-13 The Cookpot (x18 y17) 15 minutes Defeat Menuis.
The once-gentle aurochs living in the Cookpot have grown bold since the arrival of a bull known as Menuis. Slay the beast and show the other creatures who it is they should truly fear.
Defense FATE. The Orange Boxes 9-14 Summerford (x21 y15) 15 minutes Protect the crates of oranges from the wharf rats.
Crates of freshly picked oranges waiting to be delivered to Galadion Bay's pleasure boats are in danger of being infested by rats lured by the sweet smell of the fruit. Drive back the vermin until the chocobo caravan arrives.

Spawn conditions:

  • Speak with the farmer in need.
Boss FATE. Shearing Is Caring 10-15 Three-malm Bend (x16 y14) 15 minutes Defeat Shearing Sheridan.
Shearing Sheridan has been shearing his share of luckless passersby since long before the Calamity. What the megalocrab needs now is a good shell-shocking.
Battle FATE. Sister Crustacean 12-17 Three-malm Bend (x15 y12) 15 minutes Defeat the spawning megalocrabs.
A spawning megalocrab will do whatever it takes to see its brood safe, and that includes slicing in half Lalafellin fishers who draw too close to the wavekin's unhatched offspring. Slay a crab, save a lad.

An alternate version of Sister Crustacean Sister Crustacean appears during the Lightning Strikes event.

Battle FATE. Go Wespe 13-18 Three-malm Bend (x14 y14) 15 minutes Defeat the king wespes.
The Yellowjackets stationed in middle La Noscea have a royal problem. Wespes so large the smallfolk have dubbed them “kings” are terrorizing the countryside and need to be dethroned immediately.
Defense FATE. A Mad, Mad, Mad Sergeant 14-19 Three-malm Bend (x17 y8) 15 minutes Help the Maelstrom recruits defeat the mad sergeants.
The storm soldiers stationed at the De Nevelle Checkpoint are short a few men, and require volunteers to aid them with their regular training exercises in which they attempt to fend off a mock imperial assault.

Spawn conditions:

  • Speak with Storm Sergeant Doenfarr.
Battle FATE. The Boy Who Cried Jackal 14-19 Three-malm Bend (x17 y9) 15 minutes Defeat the pack jackals.
A young porter thought it would be clever to fool his companions into believing that they were being stalked by a pack of jackals so while the others were off hunting the beasts, he could slip off and frolic with a local milkmaid. The only problem being, jackals truly were stalking him, and now he's in a pickle.
Boss FATE. The Truth Is out There 14-19 Three-malm Bend (x17 y9) 15 minutes Defeat the Chupacabra.
Middle La Noscea is abuzz following sightings of the Chupacabra─a dog-like creature rumored to drink the blood of virgins. Is the beast real, or just a legend!?

Spawn conditions:

Outer La Noscea[]

Name Level Location Time limit Objective
Spawn conditions (if any)
Boss FATE. Peryton, Perhaps 30-35 The Long Climb (x14 y18) 15 minutes Defeat Peryton.
Recently, a grizzled old scout with a single rheumy eye returned from the Floating City of Nym claiming he had seen the shadow of a giant dragon land on one of the suspended isles. Now the entire region is crawling with would-be dragonslayers eager to claim the creature's hoard.
Battle FATE. The Only Way Is Up 34-39 The Long Climb (x17 y16) 15 minutes Defeat the basalt golems.
The long and winding road known as the Long Climb is one of only two means to reach Camp Overlook, and when this road is blocked by golems wielded by powerful warlocks looking to rob couriers and caravans, it is the residents of that camp who suffer. Defeat the basalt golems and ensure the safety of those who walk the Long Climb.
Boss FATE. By a Whisker 34-39 The Long Climb (x16 y15) 15 minutes Defeat Ose.
It is not enough that he killed and devoured a total of twenty-seven of the original laborers sent to outer La Noscea to build Camp Overlook, but Ose─king among coeurls─is once again terrorizing the storm soldiers stationed at the remote outpost.
Battle FATE. When the Coeurl's Away 34-39 The Long Climb (x15 y11) 15 minutes Defeat the coeurls.
A pride of coeurls is roaming along the narrow mountain road leading to and from Camp Overlook, preying on anything that is foolish enough to pass their way. Defeat the beastkin and secure the road.
Battle FATE. Restless in O'Ghomoro 34-39 The Long Climb (X18 y15) 15 minutes Defeat the restless raptors.
Something further up O'Ghomoro has sent a pack of raptors into a frenzy, and now the restless scalekin threaten to injure the residents of Camp Overlook and beyond. Find the creatures and put them down.
Boss FATE. I'm a Rock, Not a Number 34-39 The Floating City of Nym (x14 y15) 15 minutes Defeat Number 128.
An ungodly experiment in creation gone wrong, Number 128 does not belong in this world. Hunt down the masterless golem and put an end to the abomination.
Defense FATE. Overlooking the Obvious 34-39 Iron Lake (x22 y17) 15 minutes Protect the cowering coachman from the kobold bedesmen, quarrymen, and roundsmen.
While escorting a carriage of supplies to Camp Overlook, a Maelstrom unit was ambushed by kobolds and slaughtered to the last man. Now, the lone remaining coachman scrambles to stay alive while awaiting rescue. Any and all assistance is welcome.

Spawn conditions:

  • Speak with the cowering coachman.
Boss FATE. Schism 41-46 Kobold Dig (X25 y16) 15 minutes Destroy the kobold toolboxes and defeat 59th Order Matriarch Go Zu.
Under command by Matriarch Go Zu, the kobolds of the 59th Order have commenced drilling at their makeshift dig site. Impede their progress by destroying the kobolds' tools.

Spawn conditions:

  • Speak with the storm private.
Battle FATE. Fire in the Hole 41-46 The Long Climb (x21 y16) 15 minutes Defeat the grenades.
Drawn by whatever it is that draws voidsent from their midnight realm to this one, a cloud of grenades slowly floats in the direction of Camp Overlook. If it were to arrive at the outpost, the results would be deadly; therefore the cloud must be diverted at once.
Boss FATE. Make it Rain 41-46 Iron Lake (x25 y17) 15 minutes Defeat Brounger.
Whether or not you believe the stories of Brounger─a mythical spirit said to conjure terrible storms in the heavens─it does not change the fact that currently in outer La Noscea roams a mythical spirit said to conjure terrible storms in the heavens.
Boss FATE. The Miner in the Mirror 44-49 Iron Lake (x23 y12) 15 minutes Defeat 59th Order Pickman Be Ze.
Be Ze─pickman of the 59th Order of kobolds and enemy of miners across La Noscea─is infamous for ruthlessly exploiting mineral deposits of all their resources, leaving them barren for all those who come to O'Ghomoro in search of ore. The greedy beastman must be taught a lesson that Hydaelyn's bounty is meant for all Her children.
Boss FATE. Spandy Balidet 47-50 U'Ghamaro Mines (x21 y5) 15 minutes Defeat Balidet.
In their incessant diggings, the kobolds have unearthed something that was better left buried─a living statue of a time long past, awoken from an eternity of slumber to kill once again.

This FATE has been removed from the game.

Boss FATE. Stopping the Shakes 47-50 Iron Lake (x22 y11) 15 minutes Defeat 5th Order Patriarch Ze Bu.
5th Order Patriarch Ze Bu, chosen of Titan, has come to U'Ghamaro Mines to personally preside over the summoning of his lord. See the kobold returned to the earth, else the land shall be made to tremble once more.
Boss FATE. Making the Rounds 47-50 U'Ghamaro Mines (x21 y5) 10 minutes Defeat 59th Order Roundsman Ge Ga.
Sparing no effort to see every last speck of wealth in the mines funneled directly into his personal coffers, the covetous Zo Ga has sent a savage henchman, 59th Order Roundsman Ge Ga, to claim a new tunnel in his name. In lieu of delivering a lecture of the merits of proper wealth distribution, cut the blackguard down where he stands.
Boss FATE. Full Metal Alchemist 48-51 U'Ghamaro Mines (x24 y6) 10 minutes Defeat 59th Order Bedesman Bi Go.
59th Order Bedesman Bi Go is a skilled alchemist, known for his experimentations on coblyns. His research has led to vast improvements in kobold metallurgical techniques, which, in time, will lead to better kobold weapons, which, ultimately, will lead to more Maelstrom casualties. Locate the holy man and cease his advancements.

Upper La Noscea[]

Name Level Location Time limit Objective
Spawn conditions (if any)
Defense FATE. Poor Maid's Mess 20-25 Poor Maid's Mill (x11 y24) 15 minutes Protect the grain hampers from the dirty rats.
Most likely assuming that there would still be poor maids living there, former-pirates-turned-model-citizens have exchanged their cutlasses for brooms and hammers in an effort to restore Poor Maid's Mill to its former pre-Calamity glory. Aid the men and women in clearing the farmstead of rats who now infest the ruins.
Boss FATE. Poor Maid's Mishap 20-25 Poor Maid's Mill (x11 y24) 15 minutes Defeat 382nd Order Pickman Ge Bu.
A band of kobolds led by 382nd Order Pickman Ge Bu has descended on Poor Maid's Mill in search of food and supplies. Aid the Salthounds in driving back the beastmen and defeating their commander.
Boss FATE. Poor Maid's Misfortune 20-25 Poor Maid's Mill (x11 y24) 15 minutes Defeat Slasher.
The Salthounds looking to restore Poor Maid's Mill cannot seem to catch a break, as now a pack of bloodthirsty coeurls has surrounded the ruins and has already dragged a few of the injured boatswains off into the wood. Join hands with the former pirates as they attempt to defend their little piece of La Noscea.
Boss FATE. Poor Maid's Misadventure 20-25 Poor Maid's Mill (x11 y24) 15 minutes Defeat the greater buffalo.
If it isn't diseased rats, thieving kobolds, or bloodthirsty coeurls threatening to undo all the Salthounds have accomplished at Poor Maid's Mill, it's frenzied buffaloes looking to stomp the old farmstead into oblivion. Join with the former pirates one last time to see that all their efforts weren't for naught.

This FATE has been removed from the game.

Boss FATE. Giant Enemy Crab 21-26 Oakwood (x14 y24) 15 minutes Defeat Karkinos.
A crab released into Bronze Lake by Qiqirn so that the beastmen might harvest its sweet eggs has grown into an uncontrollable nuisance. Not only does it not produce any eggs of its own (on the account of being a male), it also ravages the nests of the local waterfowl, devouring their eggs. Karkinos must be slain.
Boss FATE. Simurgh Is the Word 23-28 Fool Falls (x9 y21) 15 minutes Defeat Simurgh.
Simurgh, a colossal cloudkin who is thought to nest high upon O'Ghomoro, has descended into upper La Noscea to feed─his prey of choice? Lalafells. Slay the creature before he finds his next tender, juicy victim.
Battle FATE. The Road More Traveled 30-35 Bronze Lake (x31 y24) 15 minutes Defeat the Mamool Ja.
A party of Mamool Ja mercenaries hired by the local kobolds is attacking travelers using the main thoroughfares through upper La Noscea. Engage the mercenaries and make them regret ever taking this contract.
Boss FATE. Truth in Faerie Tales 30-35 Bronze Lake (x34 y24) 15 minutes Defeat Oannes.
Legend says deep beneath the waters of Bronze Lake dwells a terrible creature with jaws so powerful they can tear a man in two with a single bite. Common sense would suggest that Oannes is merely a tale to frighten babes, but the local smallfolk would have us believe otherwise.
Battle FATE. Nine-ilm Snails 31-36 Bronze Lake (x32 y25) 15 minutes Defeat the uragnites.
Not a day passes without the physickers of the Warmwine Sanitorium having to clean their bathing pools of uragnite hatchlings, and they have had enough. They seek volunteers to hunt down and slay the root of the problem─the adult creatures laying the eggs in the springs.
Boss FATE. Shell Shocked 31-36 Bronze Lake (x28 y24) 15 minutes Defeat Zoredonite.
Heated by the molten rock coursing deep below O'Ghomoro, the waters of Bronze Lake are warm year-round. This unique environment has allowed creatures, which normally only grow to a few ilms, to balloon into terrifying monstrosities. The wavekin Zoredonite is one such abomination.
Boss FATE. Peeping Ja 33-38 Bronze Lake (x28 y23) 15 minutes Defeat Scarface Bugaal Ja.
After repeatedly harassing a party of Miqo'te bathers, a Mamool Ja mercenary who goes by the name of Scarface Bugaal Ja was banned for life from the hot springs at Camp Bronze Lake. The degenerate, however, is back once again, and must needs be dealt with.

Spawn conditions:

  • Speak with the storm sergeant.
Battle FATE. Hop, Skip, and a Jump 33-38 Bronze Lake (x28 y22) 15 minutes Defeat the waterskippers.
A plague of waterskipper yarzons has converged upon the shores of Bronze Lake, looking to lay eggs. Waterskipper numbers are already at an all-time high, and if any more were allowed to hatch, the area would be overrun with the ravenous pests. Slay the yarzons before they can mate.
Defense FATE. Surprise 34-39 Zelma's Run (x26 y19) 15 minutes Help the supply troops defeat the kobold pitmen and supplicants.
A lightly armed Maelstrom transportation unit en route to Camp Overlook has been ambushed by a band of savage kobolds. Fend off the assailants and protect the supply troops to ensure that the unit can complete its delivery.

Western La Noscea[]

Name Level Location Time limit Objective
Spawn conditions (if any)
Battle FATE. Shredding Wheat 10-15 The Flock (x34 y29) 15 minutes Defeat the wild dodos and jackals.
The wheat fields abandoned after the Calamity have turned into a breeding ground for wild animals who prey on Swiftperch's crops and stock. Drive the creatures from the overgrowth and slay as many as possible.
Boss FATE. Barometz Soup 10-15 Quarterstone (x36 y28) 15 minutes Defeat Barometz.
Already known for its size in the Sixth Astral Era, the overgrown landtrap Barometz has grown even larger since the Calamity, feeding on weakened dodos and aldgoats until reaching its current size of almost two score hands. Slice it down to size, or you might be its next victim!
Battle FATE. The Last Straw 12-17 The Flock (x33 y29) 15 minutes Destroy the dodo's nests.
What nature did not reclaim of Quarterstone after the Calamity, the dodos did, but now it is time to take the land back. Destroy nests and drive the cloudkin from the fields, so that the settlers might piece back together their lives.
Boss FATE. Tender Buttons 12-17 The Flock (x32 y28) 15 minutes Defeat Gluttonous Gertrude.
Gluttonous Gertrude was just another plump dodo on the farm...until she bit the arse off one of the stable boys at Swiftperch and escaped into Quarterstone. Seek out the ravenous bird and slay her before another rump goes missing.

An alternate version of Tender Buttons Tender Buttons appears during the Lightning Strikes event.

Boss FATE. (I Just) Died in Six Arms Tonight 13-18 Quarterstone (x30 y29) 15 minutes Defeat Old Six-arms.
It is believed most crabs only live for two to three years─fewer if nearby Lominsans are hungry. There is one crab, however, that is rumored to have survived since the Fifth Astral Era, surviving on the blood of man (though no one can truly back that claim). All things must die, and Old Six-arms's time has come.
Battle FATE. Goblin Chain 15-20 Skull Valley (x27 y24) 15 minutes Defeat the goblin hunters.
A band of goblins turned away from Aleport is taking out its frustrations on the hamlet by blockading its entrance. Put the creatures down so that business may carry on as usual.
Battle FATE. Between Aurochs 15-20 Skull Valley (x29 y26) 15 minutes Defeat the aurochs.
Several aurochs have begun grazing alongside the De Nevelle Westroad, frightening merchants and preventing the transport of goods to and from the area. Use any means necessary to urge the beasts from the thoroughfare.
Escort FATE. Absolutely, Positively 16-21 Skull Valley (x25 y25) 15 minutes Escort the storm courier to the South Tidegate.
An important missive from the Admiral must be delivered to South Tidegate. See to it the storm courier tasked with carrying the message reaches her destination unharmed.

Spawn conditions:

  • Speak with the storm courier.
Battle FATE. In the Sac 16-21 Skull Valley (x22 y23) 15 minutes Defeat the killer mantises.
A killer mantis egg sac has burst open, releasing countless of the deadly vilekin into western La Noscea. It is best they are slain now while young before given the opportunity to live up to their name.
Battle FATE. Don't Call Him a Fishback 17-22 Skull Valley (x24 y23) 15 minutes Defeat the shallowclaw and shallowtail Reavers.
The Serpent Reavers─mindless servants of the Sahagin─are raiding the farmsteads of western La Noscea, killing the men, savaging the women, and selling the children into servitude. Aid the Maelstrom in putting these foul turncloaks down.
Defense FATE. Letters from Tidegate 17-22 Skull Valley (x24 y24) 15 minutes Protect the careless carrier from the drowned crofter and butchers.
A letter carrier tasked with delivering messages from soldiers on the front lines back to their loved ones in Limsa Lominsa is being harassed by bandits who seek to claim the personal effects enclosed in the packages. Slay the perpetrators and defend the young man.
Item FATE. Iron Contra Affair 18-23 Skull Valley (x26 y23) 15 minutes Deliver crates of contraband to the Yellowjacket captain.
Goblins from Iron Lake, now encamped in Skull Valley, are peddling items strictly prohibited by thalassocratic decree. Yellowjackets stationed in the area are seeking to confiscate the contraband and are entreating adventurers for aid.

Spawn conditions:

  • Speak with the Yellowjacket captain.
Boss FATE. Tryp Fantastic 18-23 Skull Valley (x26 y22) 15 minutes Defeat Tryptix Stumblemox.
The goblins encamped in Skull Valley have hired a named mercenary to help them raid the nearby farmsteads. Hunt down Tryptix Stumblemox and slay him.
Battle FATE. Dead Man's Rest 40-45 The Isles of Umbra (x16 y32) 15 minutes Defeat the dead man's moans.
There are some sailors who, even after death, cannot bear to part from the sea, their moans a testament to the chains that bind them to the corporeal realm. Slay these wandering spirits and sever those bonds so that they may return to the Lifestream.
Boss FATE. The King's Justice 40-45 The Ship Graveyard (x14 y34) 15 minutes Defeat the mantis king.
There are many creatures in Eorzea who call themselves “king”; however, only one of those is a mantis with claws powerful enough to decollate a stone golem─the mantis king. Stay on your toes, or it is off with your head.
Battle FATE. Gauging North Tidegate 44-49 Halfstone (x20 y19) 15 minutes Defeat the Sahagin sappers.
A party of Sahagin scouts has approached North Tidegate in an attempt to gauge the strength of its defenses. Drive the beastmen back to the sea.
Boss FATE. Breaching North Tidegate 44-49 Halfstone (x20 y19) 15 minutes Defeat Meww the Pusher and the Sahagin skirmishers.
A failed attempt by the garrison at North Tidegate to drive back a party of Sahagin scouts has emboldened the beastmen into launching an attempt to breach the massive wall. The Sahagin and their leader Meww the Pusher must not be allowed to pass at any cost.

Spawn conditions:

Boss FATE. Sharknado 44-49 Halfstone (x18 y19) 15 minutes Defeat Voll the Sharkskinned.
High-ranking Sahagin official (if such a thing exists) Voll the Sharkskinned has arrived at Tidegate to observe the work of his subordinates. There will never be a better opportunity to take the known killer's head. Do not let him slip from our grasp!
Quest FATE. The Mandragoras 45-50 The Ship Graveyard (x16 y35)
Does not appear on the map.
15 minutes Defeat the mandragoras.
Sensing weakness in the realm following the Calamity, five rogue vegetables (well, technically four and a fruit) have risen up to rid the land of all meat─including YOU. Cool off the Mandragoras before their verdant insurgence gains steam.

Spawn conditions:

  • Speak with Hildibrand.
  • Must be on the quest Seeds of Rebellion Seeds of Rebellion to initiate.
  • FATE provides no rewards, and players not on the quest can participate without level syncing.
Battle FATE. Gauging South Tidegate 45-50 Sahagin Landbase (x18 y21) 15 minutes Defeat the Sahagin sappers.
A party of Sahagin scouts has approached South Tidegate in an attempt to gauge the strength of its defenses. Drive the beastmen back to the sea.
Boss FATE. Breaching South Tidegate 45-50 Sahagin Landbase (x18 y21) 15 minutes Defeat Mouu the Puller.
A failed attempt by the garrison at South Tidegate to drive back a party of Sahagin scouts has emboldened the beastmen into launching an attempt to breach the massive wall. The Sahagin and their leader Mouu the Puller must not be allowed to pass at any cost.

Spawn conditions:

Battle FATE. Tail of a Whale 46-50 Sapsa Spawning Grounds (x17 y16) 15 minutes Defeat Worr the Whalefin and the drowned steersmen.
Instead of killing his victims, the primal Leviathan will “drown” them, erasing their wills and rendering them mindless servants of the Lord of the Whorl. Sahagin leader Worr the Whalefin commands an army of these pitiless souls, and that army is on the move, looking for their master's next victims!
Boss FATE. Watch Your Tongue 48-51 Halfstone (x13 y16) 10 minutes Defeat Aermswys the Stained and the Reaver right hands.
Notorious Serpent Reaver captain Aermswys the Stained is believed to be hiding somewhere in the Serpent's Tongue. Hunt down the wanted criminal and send her to the abyss.
Boss FATE. Making Waves 49-52 Sapsa Spawning Grounds (x17 y15) 15 minutes Defeat Yarr the Wavefiend.
Yarr the Wavefiend, he who speaks with Leviathan's voice, has come to the Sapsa Spawning Grounds to see his lord resurrected. Suffice it to say he cannot be allowed to succeed. Slay him, and send his ambitions sinking to the briny depths.

Mor Dhona[]

Name Level Location Time limit Objective
Spawn conditions (if any)
Battle FATE. Mud about You 44-49 The Tangle (x14 y12) 15 minutes Defeat the mudpuppies.
The endless maze of roots and trees already creates enough trouble for those travelers who brave the Tangle; the last thing any of them want to think upon is how to fend off a pack of hungry mudpuppies. Clear the waters of these wavekin, but ware the morbols lurking nearby.
Battle FATE. Good to Be Bud 44-49 The Tangle (x13 y12) 15 minutes Defeat the budding morbols.
When a morbol begins to bud, it can only mean one thing─more morbols. The realm does not need any more morbols.
Boss FATE. V for Vinedetta 44-49 Fogfens (x13 y10) 15 minutes Defeat Voluptuous Vivian.
More than one weary adventurer has wandered into the Tangle, lured by the sweet smell of a noblewoman's perfume, only to find the gaping maw of Voluptuous Vivian─a massive morbol with a taste for the flesh of man.
Battle FATE. Toll Collector 45-50 Camp Revenant's Toll (x18 y8) 15 minutes Defeat the nixes.
An adventurer returned to Camp Revenant's Toll to see if she could locate items abandoned there five years past has found the site overrun with poisonous gigantoads. She seeks assistance in clearing away the wavekin.

Spawn conditions:

  • Speak with the seasoned adventurer.
Boss FATE. Black and Nburu 45-50 Fogfens (x15 y14) 15 minutes Defeat Nburu.
The adventurers of Revenant's Toll whisper rumors of a long-dead spirit who is damned to roam the Tangle for eternity, preying on the souls of the living out of pure spite─his name, Nburu.
Battle FATE. Among Giants 45-50 North Silvertear (x25 y11) 15 minutes Defeat the gigas bonzes, shramanas, and sozu.
Driven south by the cold weather and lack of prey, many gigas have taken a foothold on the northern shore of Silvertear Lake, much to the chagrin of the Sons of Saint Coinach who are currently in the area studying the ancient ruins and crystalline phenomena. The Sons seek assistance in driving the colossi from the area.
Escort FATE. The Prodigal Son 45-50 Revenant's Toll (x22 y7) 15 minutes Escort the rugged researcher to Saint Coinach's Find.
One of the Sons of Saint Coinach requires an escort deep into dangerous territory so that he may continue his research on the acoustic properties of the aetherial manifestations of the area.

Spawn conditions:

  • Speak with the rugged researcher.
Battle FATE. Standing Guard 46-50 Fogfens (x12 y12) 15 minutes Defeat the magitek vanguards H-3.
Garlean engineers are constantly at work modifying and improving the design of their machina. A new make of vanguard, the H-3, has recently been deployed into the field for testing. Destroy them and stall the march of imperial progress.
Defense FATE. One Giant Leap 46-50 North Silvertear (x29 y13) 15 minutes Protect the boxes of documents from the gigas bonzes, shramanas, and sozu.
It has recently been discovered in ancient Sharlayan documents that the gigas believe the Crystal Tower a holy place, and that is the reason why the colossal beings have begun gathering in north Silvertear. This, unfortunately, has made it difficult for the Sons of Saint Coinach to conduct their research, what with the gigas constantly destroying their findings.

Spawn conditions:

  • Speak with the porter.
Battle FATE. Another Day, Another Demon 46-50 North Silvertear (x27 y10) 15 minutes Defeat the hippogryphs.
Most only simple naturalists─their wits the sharpest weapon in their packs─the Sons of Saint Coinach are finding it difficult to carry out their research when it seems like every day they are being hunted by some pack of mythical wild beasts. Today's excitement─a flock of hungry hippogryphs.
Boss FATE. That's What Adventurers Are For 46-50 North Silvertear (x29 y14) 15 minutes Defeat Dione.
The Sons of Saint Coinach find themselves in a bind once again, this time thanks to one Dione─a gigas high priest rumored to be older than time itself. The naturalists won't sleep easy until this menace is resting at the bottom of Silvertear Lake.
Battle FATE. Home Is Where the Horn Is 46-50 North Silvertear (x33 y11) 15 minutes Defeat the hapalits.
Hapalits, foul cousins of the ogres, are on the move in search of a new lair, far from the levinbolts of their former abode. The violent creatures have a natural tendency to tear anything moving into two, and so while one might sympathize with their plight to find a new home, it is for the best that they are not allowed to set up camp anywhere nearby.
Boss FATE. Gone with the Shadow 46-50 North Silvertear (x27 y6) 15 minutes Defeat Gwyllgi.
Over the course of the past three nights, three Sons of Saint Coinach have gone missing from their tents. The guards claim they saw nothing but shadows, but perhaps therein lies the answer to this mystery. Let the dark hunt begin!
Boss FATE. Another Notch on the Torch 48-51 North Silvertear (x31 y5) 15 minutes Defeat Porus.
Gorer of a thousand guts, Porus of the redhorns has taken refuge in the Singing Shards after being pursued halfway across Coerthas by a band of bounty hunters─the bounty hunters his 997th, 998th, 999th, and 1000th victims. See that you aren't his 1001st.


Amh Araeng[]

Name Level Location Time limit Objective
Spawn conditions (if any)
Defense FATE. Scavengers Hunted 70-74 The Fields of Amber (x31 y19) 15 minutes Help Darmal defeat the ambushing scissorjaws.
Exactly what Rhal Ral and Darmal expect to scavenge in this part of the desert is unclear. It is abundantly obvious, however, that they will fall victim to the horde of ambushing scissorjaws unless someone intervenes.
Battle FATE. Reptilian Roadblock 70-74 The Fields of Amber (x33 y25) 15 minutes Defeat the lightbellied lizards.
After discovering an ancient map, Rhal Ral and Darmal follow a trail that supposedly leads to treasure. However, a pack of hungry lizards bars their way, and Darmal will be hard-pressed to slay them all by himself.

Spawn conditions:

Boss FATE. Cactus Makes Perfect 70-74 The Fields of Amber (x35 y24) 15 minutes Defeat Cuijatender.
The treasure map leads Rhal Ral and Darmal into the territory of the towering Cuijatender. Undaunted by this formidable adversary, Darmal rushes headlong into battle, although it will take more than a few swings from his axe to fell this fiend.

Spawn conditions:

Boss FATE. Theft from Above 70-74 The Fields of Amber (x34 y27) 15 minutes Defeat Offscoursman.
Rhal Ral and Darmal finally lay their hands on the treasure only to have it snatched away by the terrifying Offscoursman. The pair of scavengers have tracked down the gargantuan bird in the hope of retrieving their hard-earned prize.

Spawn conditions:

Battle FATE. Harbingers of Bloom 70-74 Qasr Sharl (x33 y11) 15 minutes Defeat the unclassified gigantenders.
Gigantenders often wander beyond their usual haunts when flowering season is upon them. For the people of the Red Serai, the presence of additional obstructions on the road to Mord Souq is most unwelcome, and they are offering handsome rewards for their disposal.