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Limit Break icon.

FINAL FANTASY XIV - Break the Limit!

Official Shadowbringers LB3 exhibition.

Limit Break (リミットブレイク, Rimittobureiku?) is a party action in Final Fantasy XIV. When in a party of four or more, players will have access to the limit gauge, which gradually fills during the course of battle. When a limit gauge is full, the stored energy can be used to activate limit breaks. The limit break executed is determined by the role of the party member who initiates it. Limit breaks are available only to non-limited combat disciplines.


Spoiler warning: Plot and/or ending details follow. (Skip section)

In the Trial The Porta Decumana The Porta Decumana, a level 3 Limit Break becomes available to the party as part of a scripted event to defeat the Ultima Weapon. This is the first time that level 3 Limit Breaks are available to players in the Main Story Quest.

In the Trial The Seat of Sacrifice The Seat of Sacrifice, Elidibus performs a level 4 Limit Break, which is a a level higher than is possible for players to perform and requires the party to execute a level 3 tank Limit Break to survive.

As revealed by Meteion in the Trial The Final Day The Final Day in Final Fantasy XIV: Endwalker, Limit Breaks can be manifestations of dynamis, which is a form of energy powered by emotions.

Spoilers end here.


Limit breaks have three levels, commonly referred to as LB1, LB2, and LB3; the more limit gauges are filled, the stronger the limit break. A partially-filled subsequent gauge will still be consumed when using a limit break. Light parties have access to one limit gauge, meaning they are only able to use Level 1 limit breaks when it is filled. A full party has two limit gauges. Reaching important bosses in a duty adds an extra limit gauge for a total of two gauges for light parties and three gauges for full parties. During duties which have a single boss and nothing else the extra gauge is unlocked by default. Level 3 limit breaks can only be performed with a job crystal equipped, and each job has a visually unique level 3 limit break. The only exception to these rules is in the 4-man Trial The Porta Decumana where the party will gain access to the 3rd gauge completely filled as part of a scripted event.

The type of limit break used is dependent on the role of the caster. While LB3s are visually unique, their effect is the same as the LB3 of every job with the same role. Limited jobs do not have an LB3.

All limit breaks are unaffected by abilities that reduce cast time, and when used have lengthy animations that prevent the user from moving, which can leave them vulnerable to area of effect (AoE) attacks. Limit breaks are unaffected by the global cooldown. As of patch 6.0, they no longer cancel action combos.


Damage dealing limit breaks scale with the combined item level of the party's main hand equipment slot rather than the individual who performed it. Limit Breaks do not deal physical or magical damage, instead using their own damage type. This damage cannot be a critical or direct hit, and is unaffected by any damage increasing effects caused by players. However, this damage may still be influenced by effects caused from outside factors, such as enemy-induced effects or environmental effects.

While old descriptions dating back to the release of A Realm Reborn gave specific potencies in the ability descriptions that can still be found in the game's data, these potencies cannot be viewed in-game, and the observable damage they deal in comparison to each other does not match the potencies given. The new physical ranged DPS limit breaks added in Heavensward do not even have any description or given potencies in the game's data. In addition, the unique damage mechanics used by limit breaks make their potencies incomparable to regular abilities. As a result, Limit Break potencies are essentially unknown, and all potencies on this page are instead given in how much damage they dealt relative to Braver, the melee LB1.

Gauge generation[]

Passive limit gauge generation
# of gauges # of penalties
0 1 2 3 4 5+
1 75
2 180
3 220 170 160 154 144 140

Each level of the limit gauge is comprised of 10,000 units, for a total of 30,000 across three gauges.


Limit gauges have a passive generation every 3 seconds that increases with each available limit gauge.

Some party compositions can cause penalties to passive gauge generation. Using non-standard party compositions will cause a penalty for each party member off the standard. For example, most 8-man duties have a standard composition of 2 tanks, 2 healers, and 4 DPS; using a party with 1 tank, 1 healer, and 6 DPS in one of these duties will cause two penalties. In addition, when participating in any duty classified as a high-end duty, having any duplicate jobs in the party will cause a penalty for each duplicate. This duplicate penalty does not apply to non-high-end duties.


Active generation can occur when specific events happen during battle. The specifics of these events can vary from duty to duty, with a marked divide between content from before the release of Shadowbringers and those released after. Pre-Shadowbringers content still uses pre-Shadowbringers generation rules.

  • Critical health recovery: Generates 200 units per gauge whenever a party member receives a direct heal from another party member at 10% HP or less. Pets such as Eos cannot generate gauge in this manner. In Shadowbringers content, this is reduced to 100 per gauge if the healing is from an AoE action, and healing actions used by non-healer roles (eg. Clemency Clemency) will not generate any gauge.
  • Surviving lethal damage: Generates 500 units per gauge whenever a party member survives damage greater than their current HP, typically via barrier effects such as Manaward Manaward or effects such as Holmgang Holmgang. In Shadowbringers content, this is reduced to 100 per gauge.
  • Interrupts: Interrupting enemy casts can generate limit gauge, be it via dedicated interrupts like Interject Interject or inflicting statuses such as Stun Stun. The amount generated can vary depending on the duty or the action interrupted.
  • Killing adds: Killing adds in boss encounters can generate a varying amount of units depending on the duty or the add killed.
  • Encounter specific mechanics: Some encounters award varying amounts of units upon the successful completion of a particular mechanic or phase.

List of Limit Breaks[]


Tank limit breaks focus on drastically raising the defense and magic defense of the entire party for a short period of time. Typically only used when a large amount of party-wide damage is incoming, and its use is often planned ahead of time rather than spur of the moment.

Prior to patch 3.0, Last Bastion was used by all tanks as their level 3 limit break.

Level Ability Job Image Cast Animation lock Range Area Status
1 Shield Wall FFXIV Tank Shieldwall Instant 1.93s 50y radius Shield Wall Shield Wall
Reduces damage taken by all party members by 20%.

Duration: 10s

2 Stronghold
fka. Mighty Guard
FFXIV Tank Mighty Guard Instant 3.86s 50y radius Stronghold Stronghold
Reduces damage taken by all party members by 40%.

Duration: 15s

3 Last Bastion Paladin Last Bastion from FFXIV Instant 3.86s 50y radius Last Bastion Last Bastion
Land Waker Warrior Land Waker Reduces damage taken by all party members by 80%.

Duration: 8s

Land Waker Land Waker
Dark Force Dark Knight Dark Force Dark Force Dark Force
Gunmetal Soul Gunbreaker FFXIV GNB Gunmetal Soul Gunmetal Soul Gunmetal Soul


Limit breaks for healers focus on restoring a percentage of HP to their allies. Their limit break is the only one to gain an additional function at level 3, as it can revive any KO'd allies. In duties where level 3 limit breaks are available, the limit break is often kept is reserve for use by healers at level 3 in case of emergencies. Healer limit breaks are rarely used for the actual healing provided, as there are few situations that require AoE healing so heavy that it can't be covered by normal spells. Level 1 and 2 healer limit breaks are thus rarely seen.

Unlike regular revives, party members revived by a level 3 limit break are revived instantly with no confirmation prompt and need to be prepared to act immediately, though it still applies the Transcendent Transcendent status to provide invulnerability for 5s or until they act. The Weakness Weakness and Brink of Death Brink of Death statuses will not be applied, but their duration will be reset if players were already afflicted by them. KO'd party members are also revived with 100% MP, but no MP is restored to still-living party members. Healer limit breaks will also revive players where they fell rather than the healer's position, which can be a problem if a player died to an instant-death wall such as in The Binding Coil of Bahamut - Turn 5 The Binding Coil of Bahamut - Turn 5 as they will immediately die again without having an opportunity to move. The Transcendent status will not protect them from such effects.

Prior to patch 3.0, healer limit breaks were also used by physical ranged DPS, and Pulse of Life was used by all healers and physical ranged DPS as their level 3 limit break. Prior to patch 6.0, the healing radius was 30 yalms.

Level Ability Job Image Cast Animation lock Range Area Status
1 Healing Wind Healing Wind 2s 2.1s 50y radius
Restores 25% of own HP and the HP of all nearby party members.
2 Breath of the Earth Breath of the Earth 2s 5.13s 50y radius
Restores 60% of own HP and the HP of all nearby party members.
3 Pulse of Life White Mage PulseOfLife XIV Limit 2s 8.1s 50y radius Transcendent Transcendent
Angel Feathers Scholar Angel Feathers XIV Restores 100% of own HP and the HP of all nearby party members, and revives KO'd party members with 100% HP and MP.
Astral Stasis Astrologian Astral Stasis
Techne Makre Sage Techne Makre from FFXIV

Melee DPS[]

Limit breaks for melee DPS focus on dealing massive damage to a single enemy. Deals 1.67x the damage of an equivalent magic ranged limit break, or 1.85x the damage of a physical ranged limit break. Their greater potencies make them preferable over ranged limit breaks when used against a single target. Conversely, an equivalent ranged Limit Break will always provide more damage when used against two or more targets; against four or more targets, even a ranged LB1 provides comparable or greater damage than than a melee LB2.

When using the melee LB1 or LB2, the player summons a Buster Sword made of light as part of the attack.

Prior to patch 3.0, Final Heaven was used by all melee DPS as their level 3 limit break.

Level Ability Job Image Cast Animation lock Range Area Status
1 Braver FFXIV Braver 2s 3.86s 8y
Delivers an attack to a single target.
2 Bladedance Bladedance XIV Limit Break 3s 3.86s 8y
Delivers an attack to a single target, dealing 2.2x the damage of Braver.
3 Final Heaven Monk FinalHeavenXIVLimit 4.5s 3.7s 8y
Dragonsong Dive Dragoon Dragonsong Dive Delivers an attack to a single target, dealing 3.5x the damage of Braver.
Chimatsuri Ninja Chimatsuri
Doom of the Living Samurai FFXIV SAM Doom of the Living
The End Reaper FFXIV The End
World-swallower Viper

Physical ranged DPS[]

The physical ranged DPS limit breaks inflict heavy damage to enemies in a straight line originating from the user, requiring a target which determines the direction of the line. Deals 0.54x the damage of an equivalent melee limit break, or 0.9x the damage of a magic ranged limit break. Typically used to quickly eliminate large groups of enemies when chain pulling or during the add phase of a boss encounter. If no melee DPS is present, can also substitute for them against a single target.

Prior to patch 3.0, Archers/Bards (the only physical ranged DPS at the time) instead used the same limit breaks as healers.

Level Ability Job Image Cast Animation lock Range Area Status
1 Big Shot Big Shot XIV 2s 3.1s 30y 30y by 8y line
Delivers an attack to all enemies in a line, dealing 0.54x the damage of Braver.
2 Desperado Desperado XIV 3s 3.1s 30y 30y by 10y line
Delivers an attack to all enemies in a line, dealing 1.17x the damage of Braver.
3 Sagittarius Arrow Bard Saggitarius Arrow 4.5s 3.7s 30y 30y by 16y line
Satellite Beam Machinist FFXIV Satellite Beam Delivers an attack to all enemies in a line, dealing 1.89x the damage of Braver.
Crimson Lotus Dancer FFXIV DNC Crimson Lotus

Magical ranged DPS[]

Caster limit breaks focus on dealing heavy damage to enemies in a target area. Deals 0.6x the damage of an equivalent melee limit break, or 1.11x the damage of a physical ranged limit break. Typically used to quickly eliminate large groups of enemies when chain pulling or during the add phase of a boss encounter. If no melee DPS is present, it can also substitute for them against a single target.

Prior to patch 3.0, Meteor was used by all magical ranged DPS as their level 3 limit break.

Level Ability Job Image Cast Animation lock Range Area Status
1 Skyshard Skyshard XIV 2s 3.1s 25y 8y radius
Delivers an attack to all enemies in the target area, dealing 0.6x the damage of Braver.
2 Starstorm FFXIV ARR Starstorm 3s 5.1s 25y 10y radius
Delivers an attack to all enemies in the target area, dealing 1.3x the damage of Braver.
3 Meteor Black Mage Meteor1 4.5s 8.1s 25y 15y radius
Teraflare Summoner Teraflare Delivers an attack to all enemies in the target area, dealing 2.1x the damage of Braver.
Vermilion Scourge Red Mage Vermillion Scourge from FFXIV
Chromatic Fantasy Pictomancer


Ungarmax is a special limit break that is only available while running a command mission with an Adventurer Squadron. Using the Execute Limit Break squadron command will have the squadron members perform it. Ungarmax consumes only one limit bar, but requires all three squadron members to be conscious. There is no level 2 squadron limit break. Players can also execute the regular limit break of their current discipline instead of using Ungarmax.

Ungarmax was at one point the centerpiece of an exploit that allowed it to be used outside of Command Missions via the /ac Ungarmax text command due to a programming oversight when it was implemented in patch 4.1. The exploit went mostly undiscovered for over 5 months before news of it began to spread throughout the playerbase, with players finding that the significant damage boost it provided allowed it to outperform even level 3 limit breaks. In response the development team took down all servers for emergency maintenance to remove the exploit, punish players who had abused it, and to improve their anti-cheat measures.[1]

Level Ability Cast Range Area Status
1 Ungarmax
Ungarmax from Final Fantasy XIV icon
3s 14y 20y radius (buff only) Damage Up Damage Up
Orders squadron to execute a limit break on a single target. Also increases damage dealt by party members within a 20-yalm range.

Can only be executed while on a command mission, limit gauge is at level 1, and all three squadron members are conscious.

PvP Limit Breaks[]

Prior to the release of patch 6.1, Limit Breaks were not available in Player vs. Player environs, with Adrenaline Rushes taking their place. Following the PvP rework and introduction of Crystalline Conflict Crystalline Conflict with said patch, Adrenaline Rushes were replaced with brand new Limit Breaks exclusive to PvP. Each Limit Break available in PvP fills at different speeds, depending on the job, and features unique mechanical usage per job.

Job Gauge fill time Action Name Cast Range Area Status
Paladin 120s Phalanx
Phalanx PvP from Final Fantasy XIV icon
Instant 0y Circle 15y (Phalanx status only) Hallowed Ground Hallowed Ground (caster)
Blade of Faith Ready (caster)
Phalanx (teammates)
Grants the effect of Hallowed Ground to self and Phalanx to nearby party members.

Hallowed Ground Effect: Renders you impervious to all attacks
Duration: 10s
Phalanx Effect: Reduces damage taken by 50%
Duration: 10s
Additional Effect: Grants Blade of Faith Ready
Duration: 10s
Can only be executed when the limit gauge is full.

※Action changes to Blade of Faith upon execution.

Warrior 90s Primal Scream
Primal Scream PvP from Final Fantasy XIV icon
Instant 0y Cone 12y Inner Release Inner Release
Thrill of Battle Thrill of Battle
Let out a bloodcurdling cry in a cone before you, rendering enemies unable to use Guard.

Duration: 15s
Additional Effect: Grants Inner Release and Thrill of Battle
Inner Release Effect: Increases the potency of Primal Rend and Chaotic Cyclone, while also increasing movement speed, and granting immunity to Stun, Heavy, Bind, Silence, Half-asleep, Sleep, Deep Freeze, and knockback and draw-in effects
Duration: 15s
Cannot execute Guard while under the effect of Inner Release.
Thrill of Battle Effect: Increases maximum HP by 20% and restores the amount increased
Duration: 30s
Can only be executed when the limit gauge is full.

※Storm's Path Combo changes to Fell Cleave while under the effect of Inner Release.

Dark Knight 90s Eventide
Eventide PvP from Final Fantasy XIV icon
Instant 0y Line 30y Undead Redemption
Delivers an attack to all enemies in a straight line before and behind you.

Potency increases up to 20,000 as HP nears maximum.
HP is reduced to 1 upon execution.
Additional Effect: Grants Undead Redemption
Undead Redemption Effect: Attacks cannot reduce your HP to less than 1, and you absorb 100% of weaponskill damage dealt as HP
Duration: 10s
Additional Effect: Grants Blackblood
Duration: 10s
Can only be executed when the limit gauge is full.

※Souleater Combo changes to Bloodspiller while under the effect of Blackblood.

Gunbreaker 60s Relentless Rush
Relentless Rush PvP from Final Fantasy XIV icon
Instant 0y Circle 5y Relentless Rush (caster)
Relentless Shrapnel (target)
Unleashes a flurry of blade strikes on nearby enemies, dealing damage over time with a potency of 4,000 and reducing damage taken by 25% until effect expires.

Duration: 4s
Activates Terminal Trigger when effect duration expires.
Additional Effect: Afflicts target with Relentless Shrapnel, increasing damage taken by 4% per stack
Duration: 5s
Maximum Stacks: 5
Can be executed while moving.
Can only be executed when the limit gauge is full.

※Action changes to Terminal Trigger upon execution.

Terminal Trigger
Terminal Trigger PvP from Final Fantasy XIV icon
1s recast 0y Circle 5y Relentless Shrapnel (target)
Delivers an attack with a potency of 12,000 to all nearby enemies.

Additional Effect: Stun
Duration: 3s
Can only be executed while under the effect of Relentless Rush.
Relentless Rush effect expires upon execution.

※This action cannot be assigned to a hotbar.

Job Gauge fill time Action Name Cast Range Area Status
White Mage 60s Afflatus Purgation
Afflatus Purgation PvP from Final Fantasy XIV icon
Instant 40y Line 40y Temperance Temperance
Deals unaspected damage with a potency of 18,000 to all enemies in a straight line before you.

Additional Effect: Stun
Duration: 2s
Additional Effect: Grants Temperance
Temperance Effect: Increases damage dealt and healing potency by 10%, and grants Regen to self and nearby party members within 30 yalms
Cure Potency: 4,000
Duration: 15s
Can only be executed when the limit gauge is full.

Scholar 90s Summon Seraph
Summon Seraph PvP from Final Fantasy XIV icon
Instant 30y Circle 10y Recitation Recitation
Summons Seraph to fight at a designated location.

Seraph will execute Seraph Flight immediately after being summoned.
Automatically casts Seraphic Veil on party members who suffer damage.
Additional Effect: Grants Recitation
Recitation Effect: Increases the potency of Galvanize, Biolysis, and Biolytic effects
Duration: 15s
Can only be executed when the limit gauge is full.

※Action changes to Consolation upon execution.

Seraph Flight
Seraph Flight PvP from Final Fantasy XIV icon
1s recast 0y Circle 10y Seraph Flight, Excogitation Excogitation
Grants Seraph Flight and Excogitation to all nearby party members.

Seraph Flight Effect: Nullifies the next status affliction that can be removed by Purify
Duration: 20s
Excogitation Effect: Restores HP when HP falls below 50% or upon effect duration expiration
Cure Potency: 8,000
Duration: 20s

※This action cannot be assigned to a hotbar.

Astrologian 120s Celestial River
Celestial River PvP from Final Fantasy XIV icon
Instant 0y Circle 15y Celestial River
Reduces damage dealt by nearby enemies by 30%. Effect is reduced by 10% every 5 seconds.

Duration: 15s
Additional Effect: Increases damage dealt by self and nearby party members by 30%. Effect is reduced by 10% every 5s.
Duration: 15s
Can only be executed when the limit gauge is full.

Sage 120s Mesotes
Mesotes PvP from Final Fantasy XIV icon
Instant 0y Circle 15y Mesotes, Mesotes (party), Lype (enemies)
Erects a magicked barrier at a select location, granting party members the effect of Mesotes and afflicting enemies with the effect of Lype when standing inside.

Duration: 15s
Mesotes Effect: Negates all damage from enemies who are not under the effect of Lype
Duration: 5s
Lype Effect: Damage over time
Potency: 8,000
Duration: 5s
The barrier can be relocated once before its effect expires, but the effect duration will not be reset.
Can only be executed when the limit gauge is full.

Melee DPS
Job Gauge fill time Action Name Cast Range Area Status
Monk 60s Meteodrive
Meteodrive PvP from Final Fantasy XIV icon
Instant 20y None 0y Meteodrive (on target)
Rushes target and delivers an attack with a potency of 12,000.

Additional Effect: Removes target's Guard
Additional Effect: Afflicts target with Meteodrive, rendering them unable to move
Duration: 3s
If target does not have an active Guard effect, deals additional damage with a potency of 12,000.
Effect cannot be applied to players riding machina or non-player combatants.
Can only be executed when the limit gauge is full.
Cannot be executed while bound.

Dragoon 90s Sky High
Sky High PvP from Final Fantasy XIV icon
Instant 0y None 0y
Jump high into the air, preventing enemies from targeting you. Movement is still possible before landing.

Duration: 5s
Additional Effect: Removes Heavy, Bind, and Half-asleep
Executes Sky Shatter automatically when effect duration expires.
Can only be executed when the limit gauge is full.

※Action changes to Sky Shatter upon execution.

Sky Shatter
Sky Shatter PvP from Final Fantasy XIV icon
Instant 0y Circle 10y
Delivers an attack with a potency of 20,000 to all nearby enemies.

Potency increases by 50% when targets are within 5 yalms.
Additional Effect: Creates a barrier that absorbs damage totaling 25% of your maximum HP
Duration: 10s
Can only be executed while under the effect of Sky High.

※This action cannot be assigned to a hotbar.

Ninja 90s Seiton Tenchu
Seiton Tenchu PvP from Final Fantasy XIV icon
Instant 20y None 0y Death Link (target), Seiton Tenchu Ready (self)
Rushes target and delivers an attack with a potency of 10,000, incapacitating foes whose HP is below 50%.

Additional Effect: Afflicts target with Death Link
Duration: 5s
Defeating an enemy with this action, or one under the effect of Death Link, will grant Seiton Tenchu Ready, allowing a second execution of this action.
Duration: 10s
Effect cannot be applied to players riding machina or non-player combatants.
Can only be executed when the limit gauge is full or while under the effect of Seiton Tenchu Ready.
Cannot be executed while bound.

Samurai 120s Zantetsuken
Zantetsuken PvP from Final Fantasy XIV icon
Instant 20y Circle 5y
Swiftly charges forward, dealing damage to target and all enemies nearby it with a potency of 24,000.

If target is afflicted with Kuzushi, deals damage equal to 100% of their maximum HP.
Ignores the effects of Guard when dealing damage.
The additional effect of Kuzushi cannot be applied to players riding a machina and non-player combatants.
Can only be executed when the limit gauge is full.
Cannot be executed while bound.

Reaper 90s Tenebrae Lemurum
Tenebrae Lemurum PvP from Final Fantasy XIV icon
Instant 0y Circle 10y Enshrouded Enshrouded (self), Hysteria Hysteria (enemies)
Offers your flesh as a vessel to your avatar, gaining 5 stacks of Enshrouded.

Duration: 15s
Additional Effect: Afflicts nearby enemies with Hysteria
Hysteria Effect: Afflicted enemies are unable to act of their own free will
Duration: 2s
Can only be executed when the limit gauge is full.

※Action changes to Communio while under the effect of Enshrouded.
※Grim Swathe changes to Lemure's Slice while under the effect of Enshrouded.
※Infernal Slice Combo changes to Void Reaping while under the effect of Enshrouded.

Viper 10s World-swallower
File:World-swallower PvP from Final Fantasy XIV icon.png
Instant 0y Circle 10y
Physical Ranged DPS
Job Gauge fill time Action Name Cast Range Area Status
Bard 120s Final Fantasia
Final Fantasia PvP from Final Fantasy XIV icon
Instant 0y Circle 30y Final Fantasia (self), Heroes' Fantasia (party members)
Grants Final Fantasia to self and Heroes' Fantasia to nearby party members.

Final Fantasia Effect: Reduces weaponskill cast time and recast time by 10% while also increasing movement speed
Duration: 30s
Heroes' Fantasia Effect: Increases damage dealt by 10% and gradually fills the limit gauge
Duration: 30s
Can only be executed when the limit gauge is full.
Effect can only be activated while target is in combat.

Machinist 90s Marksman's Spite
Marksman's Spite PvP from Final Fantasy XIV icon
Instant 50y None 0y
Delivers a ranged attack with a potency of 36,000.

Can only be executed when the limit gauge is full.

Dancer 90s Contradance
Contradance PvP from Final Fantasy XIV icon
Instant 0y Circle 15y Seduced Seduced
Charms nearby enemies.

Duration: 2s
Damage you deal to charmed enemies will extend the effect duration by 2s. This effect can only be extended once.
Can only be executed when the limit gauge is full.

Magical Ranged DPS
Job Gauge fill time Action Name Cast Range Area Status
Black Mage 60s Soul Resonance
Soul Resonance PvP from Final Fantasy XIV icon
Instant 0y None 0y Polyglot, Apocatastasis Apocatastasis
Grants 6 stacks of Soul Resonance, upgrading Fire to Flare and Blizzard to Freeze.

Additional Effect: Grants Polyglot and Apocatastasis
Polyglot Effect: Action changes to Foul
Duration: 60s
Apocatastasis Effect: Damage taken is reduced by 10%
Duration: 15s
Additional Effect: Reduces the recast time of Superflare by 15 seconds
Can only be executed when the limit gauge is full.

Summoner 90s Summon Bahamut
Summon Bahamut PvP from Final Fantasy XIV icon
Instant (10s recast) 30y Circle 15y Dreadwyrm Trance Dreadwyrm Trance
Enters Dreadwyrm Trance and summons Demi-Bahamut to fight at a designated location.

Duration: 20s
Demi-Bahamut will execute Megaflare upon being summoned, then execute Wyrmwave automatically, prioritizing targets with the lowest HP within 30 yalms.
Can only be executed when the limit gauge is full.

※Action changes to Enkindle Bahamut upon execution.
※Ruin III changes to Astral Impulse while under the effect of Dreadwyrm Trance.

Megaflare PvP from Final Fantasy XIV icon
Instant (1s recast) 0y Circle 15y
Deals unaspected damage with a potency of 18,000 to all nearby enemies.

※This action cannot be assigned to a hotbar.

Summon Phoenix
Summon Phoenix PvP from Final Fantasy XIV icon
Instant 30y Circle 15y
Enters Firebird Trance and summons Demi-Phoenix to fight at a designated location.

Duration: 20s
Demi-Phoenix will execute Everlasting Flight upon being summoned, then execute Scarlet Flame automatically, prioritizing the closest target within 30 yalms.
Can only be executed when the limit gauge is full.

※Action changes to Enkindle Phoenix upon execution.
※Ruin III changes to Fountain of Fire while under the effect of Firebird Trance.

Everlasting Flight
Everlasting Flight PvP from Final Fantasy XIV icon
Instant (1s recast) 0y Circle 15y Everlasting Flight Everlasting Flight
Gradually restores own HP and the HP of all nearby party members.

Cure Potency: 4,000
Duration: 15s
Additional Effect: Restores HP when HP falls below 25% or upon effect duration expiration
Cure Potency: 12,000

※This action cannot be assigned to a hotbar.

Red Mage 90s Southern Cross
Southern Cross PvP from Final Fantasy XIV icon
Instant 30y Cross 15y
Emblazons a grand cross on the ground beneath a party member or enemy, restoring HP of party members within range while damaging enemies.

Cure Potency: 6,000
Damage Potency: 6,000
White Shift Effect: Cure potency is doubled
Black Shift Effect: Damage potency is doubled
Targets standing at the cross's center will receive the effects of this action twice.
Can only be executed when the limit gauge is full.

Pictomancer 10s Advent of Chocobastion
File:Advent of Chocobastion PvP from Final Fantasy XIV icon.png

Roleplay and Duty Support[]

A number of non-playable characters can make use of limit break mechanic when directly centrolled in certain Quest Battles, or when used as Duty Support party members. In the latter case, they generally have the same limit breaks as the player, but in some cases they have a unique one.

  • Ysayle has a unique level 2 limit break, reminiscent of Shiva's Diamond Dust, when used as a DPS Duty Support in Sohm Al Sohm Al.
  • Alphinaud can use the "Starstorm" limit break during Emissary of the Dawn Emissary of the Dawn. It is identical to the player version, but only needs a single Limit Break segment.
  • Nyelbert can use the "Falling Star" limit break during Nyelbert's Lament Nyelbert's Lament. It is identical to the player's "Starstorm", but only needs a single Limit Break segment.
  • Alisaie can use the "Vermillion Pledge" limit break during As the Heavens Burn As the Heavens Burn. She can also use it as a unique level 2 Limit Break as a Duty Support in Endwalker.
  • Venat has a unique level 2 limit break, "Thelema", when used as a DPS Duty Support in Ktisis Hyperboreia Ktisis Hyperboreia.
  • Godbert Manderville uses an unnamed limit break in order to defeat Suprae-Lugae in Generational Bonding

External links[]


  1. Naoki Yoshida (n.d.) . "The Ungarmax Exploit and Our Response". Accessed August 29, 2021. Archived from the original on August 29, 2021.