I couldn't miss the chance to practice my drawing!

Life's Anthem in Final Fantasy IV DS.
A song praising the vibrance of life. Restores HP.
Final Fantasy Tactics: The War of the Lions Description
Life's Anthem (回復の歌 or 命の詩, inoshi no uta?), also called Life Song, is an ability in the Final Fantasy series. It is used through the Sing command, and heals the HP of the party.
Final Fantasy IV[]
In the DS and mobile versions, Life's Anthem is used through the Bardsong command available to Edward and any party member through the Bardsong Augment. It can be used once the singer is at Level 10, and grants a Regen-like status to the party, recovering their HP over time.
Final Fantasy IV: The After Years[]
Life's Anthem is usable by Edward through the Bardsong command. It heals the party's HP, roughly equivalent to a Cura spell.
Final Fantasy Tactics[]
Bards can use Life's Anthem to restore the HP of all allies on the field. It has the speed of 17 and it cost 100 JP to learn.
Pictlogica Final Fantasy[]

Pictlogica Final Fantasy ≒[]

Final Fantasy Brave Exvius[]
