Lexa is a character and summonable vision from Final Fantasy Brave Exvius.
Lexa's Trust Master reward is the Modish Witch.
Lexa is a young woman with blonde hair tied into a bun and green eyes. She is shown wearing a small witch hat and wears a black dress with a black coat.
4★ - No. 0918:A young woman who serves a mysterious organization from Paladia that works in complete secrecy. Although a few people resembling Lexa have been spotted throughout Paladia now and again, their place of origin and background are a total mystery. Apparently her organization is set on finding and collecting a very particular item, although no one seems to know what they are.
5★ - No. 0919:A young woman who serves a mysterious organization from Paladia that works in complete secrecy. Although the purpose of Lexa's organization remains an enigma, it seems that her and her colleagues are traveling from place to place looking for a particular item. A mage proficient in wind magic and easygoing in nature, Lexa is often surrounded by many comrades who hold her in high regard.
6★ - No. 0920:A young woman who serves the Morze's Soiree organization from Paladia that works in complete secrecy. Lexa is but one of the many members assembled by a certain person of noble standing who founded the organization some decades past. Over time she has grown through her passionate research of black magic and ancient ruins, and has thus come to be respected as the leader of the organization.
Entries for different versions of Lexa.
Lexa's stats at her highest levels are as follows (with no passive abilities taken into account), along with the maximum amount of stat points that can be increased through pot-enhancements:
Lexa can equip the following weapons: Dagger, Staff, Rode, Mace
She can equip the following armor: Hat, Clothes, Robe She can equip accessories.