Increases the level of the linked materia by one. Has no effect when paired with materia at maximum level.
Level boost materia is a Support Materia in Final Fantasy VII Rebirth. When linked with any materia, it will boost the linked materia's level by one, granting it access to spells or abilities not yet unlocked for that materia.

A level boost materia found in the prologue.
A level boost materia is also found at the Mako Measurement Facility on Mt. Nibel: up the stairs from the main gate, left next to some unbreakable boxes. At this is in the prologue, "Fall of a Hero", it does not carry over to chapter 2.
A level boost materia is found in the middle peninsula of the Junon Region, at the bottom of a crater located southwest of the Buffeted Cape remnawave tower and north of a chocobo stop.
A level boost materia can also be purchased from Chadley's materia development for 10 Junon Region data points.
A level boost materia can be purchased from the exchange at the Gold Saucer Musclehead Colosseum for 2,500 GP.
Cait Sith joins the party with a level boost materia equipped in chapter 8, "All That Glitters".
A level boost materia is a reward for completing "Cosmo Battle Intel: Nature's Vengeance" in the combat simulator, which becomes available after defeating a Pyrowire and an Elder Golem.
Level boost materia is sold in the Moogle Emporium at Merchant Rank 5 for 6 moogle medals.
Level boost materia boosts the level of its linked materia while paired. For example, it can grant a level 1 Fire Materia access to Fira, or a level 2
Healing Materia access to Regen. Early on this can be a useful way to grant access to more powerful spells when necessary, but as the materia level up, becomes less useful.
Another use for the materia is pairing it with some Complete Materia, such as
HP Up Materia, to increase their attribute boost.