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Final Fantasy Wiki

Hits targets with levels that are multiples of 5.


Level 5 Death, also known as L.5 Doom, is a Blue Magic spell in Final Fantasy V. It causes Death to any enemy whose level is a multiple of 5, ignoring the targets' resistance to Instant Death and the heavy flag. This means even bosses will be killed by the spell. However, it does not work against undead enemies, instead restoring them to full health.

Level 5 Death can also be used by catching and releasing an Executor.


The earliest Level 5 Death can be obtained is from Page 64 in the Library of the Ancients. The spell can only be learned if the learners' level is a multiple of 5, meaning they must be hit by the spell.[note 1] The player must beware that all of the party are not on the same level, or it will spell Game Over. In game versions where the player can adjust EXP intake, the player can temporarily turn off EXP-gain e.g. when just one party member is on a susceptible level to learn it, to avoid micromanaging levels when enemies that use Level 5 Death are around.

Level 5 Death can later be learned from Level Checker, Azulmagia, Executor, Enuo, and Level Tricker. Level Tricker will not normally use the ability, meaning Control is needed.

Level 5 is not missable even if the player got to level 96–99 without learning it yet; it will still be possible to manipulate levels with Dark Spark and Mix (Samson's Might or Dragon Power). However, getting to very high level in Final Fantasy V takes a lot of grinding.


Level 5 Death is an extremely potent ability when used in the right circumstances. If the player knows the level of the enemy in question (which can be checked using Libra or Scan, if needed), Level 5 Death kills them instantly without needing to fight them. This includes a few boss battles whose levels are multiples of five.

In most versions of the game, Level 5 Death can be made to work on any enemy by using certain mixes, like Dragon Power, to raise its level until it hits the maximum of 255, which is a multiple of 5.[note 2]

Level 5 Death has a prohibitive 22 MP cost, meaning that even against enemies the player knows are the right level, it should be used conservatively.

Susceptible enemies[]



  1. In the GBA and later versions, Level 5 Death is not learned if the learner, who has taken the hit, finishes the battle without being revived; so 1) they must die to the spell and be revived, or 2) must be under the Undead status (i.e. wearing the Bone Mail).
  2. This does not work in the defunct mobile and Steam versions.