Leg Sweep in Final Fantasy XIV.
Leg Sweep (足払い or あしばらい, Ashibarai?, lit. Trip Up), also known as Sweep and Sweepkick, is a recurring ability in the Final Fantasy series.
Final Fantasy VI[]
Sweepkick is an enemy ability used by Dadaluma, which inflicts Sap to one target.
Final Fantasy XI[]
Leg Sweep is a Polearm weapon skill. It is learned by Dragoons (level 33), Warriors (level 34), and Samurai (level 34), and Paladins (level 40). It deals physical damage with a Strength modifier of 100% as well as inflicting Stun. TP is fixed at 1.0 regardless of the amount of TP expended; additional TP only increase the chance of stunning. It requires a combat skill of 100. It can skillchain into Impaction.
Final Fantasy XIV[]
Initially a Lancer skill, Leg Sweep was reintroduced as a role action in Stormblood by any melee DPS job at level 16. It inflicted physical damage with a potency of 130 and stunned the target for 3 seconds, with a recast time of 40 seconds. As of Shadowbringers, it is available at level 10 and no longer deals damage.
Final Fantasy Explorers[]

Final Fantasy Record Keeper[]
Sweepkick is an ability used by Dadaluma.
World of Final Fantasy[]
Leg Sweep is an active physical ability that inflicts neutral physical damage on a single target for 3 AP. It has high topple strength. It can be used by Gilgamesh.
It is also an enemy ability used by Gilgamesh.
The foot sweep (also footsweep) is a move in many different styles of martial arts. It is used to trip an opponent. Foot sweeps are commonly used in Tang Soo Do, karate, and jujutsu.