Cloud Strife: No way! That thing's just a machine.
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A grateful Slowfix is ready to grant you your heart's desire.
In a simple ceremony, Slowfix names you and your companions honored citizens of Idyllshire, thus according you the right to cross the Thaliak River. Speak with the gobwatch when you are ready to continue your journey.
The gobwatch has cleared your path of rubble. Speak with Y'shtola to learn about your next destination.
According to Y'shtola, Matoya's Cave is but a short distance away. The end of your journey is in sight.
Speak with the gobwatch.
Speak with Y'shtola.
Leaving Idyllshire script
Pssshkoh... Uplanders have upheld bargain most highly. As promised, Slowfix makes uplanders honored citizens of Idyllshire, free to cross river at will.
Though uplanders must leave for now, Slowfix hopes that uplanders will pay many visits and help build great new nation!
You are most kind, my friend. You may be certain that we will return.
I must confess, at first it upset me to learn that my home had been occupied by others. But I see now that it is in good hands.
Under your care, I look forward to seeing Sharlayan thrive once more, to become a home to people of all races and creeds.
Slowfix has already ordered the gobwatch to let uplanders through. Safe travels!
Alphinaud, [Player Name]─shall we, then?
'Twould be an understatement to say that I am quite ready to move on.
Let us hope there are no further surprises.
I shall be very cross if we are asked to clear this mountain of rubble.
So we are free to go...where exactly?
Pshhh... Shkohhh...
By order of Chief Slowfix, uplanders can come and go at will.
One moment for clearing away barricade.
Finally, we can continue our journey.
Ahem. Barring any misadventure, we shall soon arrive at the cave where Matoya resides. Unless you have unfinished business in Idyllshire, let us strike out at once.
Ahead lies the Answering Quarter, where the scholars of Sharlayan gathered to hone their knowledge.
Even from this distance, 'tis plain that much of it has been given back to the wilderness.
I am ready whenever you are. Let us go and meet the legendary Matoya.