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A knight from the Kingdom of Grandshelt. Although fairly close in age to Rain and his friends, as a late bloomer Lawrence never stood out much within his order. Nonetheless, he never minded it enough to let it affect his good rapport with Rain and Lasswell. On the field he leads a commando unit and fights gracefully with a rapier type blade.

In-game description

Lawrence is a character and summonable unit from Final Fantasy Brave Exvius. A knight hailing from Grandshelt, he is Rain, Lasswell and Charlotte's compatriot.


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Spoiler warning: Plot and/or ending details follow. (Skip section)

An inhabitant of the Kingdom of Grandshelt, Lawrence is a knight and member of the Royal Guard, serving the monarchy and its subjects. He leads a commando unit composed of experienced warriors. Although fairly close in age to Rain and Lasswell, Lawrence never stood out much within his order as a late bloomer.

Nonetheless, he has good rapport with Rain and Lasswell, having established a friendly relationship as peers who may share supper from time to time. His womanizing tendencies, however, made him quite infamous in the eyes of female knights, like Charlotte.

Following the destruction of the Earth Crystal and the siege on Grandshelt Castle by Veritas of the Dark, Rain and Lasswell set off to protect the world's remaining crystals. Due to his admiration for Rain and his comrades' courage, Lawrence's emotions have crystallized, enabling his spirit to be summoned by those with the power of visions.

Spoilers end here.


Lawrence's job is listed as Warrior. A 3-5★ Rare Summon, his roles is that of Physical Damage. He has no natural status or element resistances. His Trust Master reward is the Monster Breastplate - which boosts stats (DEF+46, ATK+12, MAG +12) only.

Weaponry-wise, Lawrence can equip daggers, swords, katanas. Armor-wise, Lawrence can wear light shields, hats, clothes, light armor. He may be equipped with accessories as well.

His awakening materials are as follows:


Depending on his rarity, Lawrence has two (3★), three (4★) or four (5★) ability slots. He has no magic affinity.

Ability Rarity Level
Swarmstrike 3★ 1
Mirage 3★ 18
Deflect*(Passive) 3★ 23
HP +20%*(Passive) 3★ 40
ATK +20%*(Passive) 4★ 5
Shadowstick 4★ 33
DEF +10%*(Passive) 4★ 42
Power Fall 4★ 55
Magic Fall 4★ 60
Mirage Shot 5★ 24
Swallowtail 5★ 68
Barrage 5★ 80


Lawrence's stats at his highest levels are as follows (with no passive abilities taken into account), along with the maximum amount of stat points that can be increased through pot-enhancements:

Rarity Level HP MP ATK DEF MAG SPR Drop Check*(Maximum burst stone drops per hit)
3★ 40 1545 (+150) 69 (+25) 66 (+14) 52 (+10) 53 (+10) 51 (+10) 6
4★ 60 2008 (+210) 89 (+35) 86 (+18) 67 (+14) 69 (+14) 66 (+14) 8
5★ 80 2611 (+240) 116 (+40) 112 (+24) 87 (+16) 90 (+16) 86 (+16) 10

Limit Bursts[]

Lawrence's Limit Burst is a damage-type ability. Depending on her rarity, she does fifteen (3★), sixteen (4★), or seventeen (5★) hits.

Rarity Name Effect Cost
3★ Falling Strike Base: Physical damage (2.1x) to one enemy; decrease DEF/SPR (10%) for 3 turns to one enemy
Max: Physical damage (2.55x) to one enemy; decrease DEF/SPR (19%) for 3 turns to one enemy
10 FFBE Limit Burst crystal
4★ Falling Strike Base: Physical damage (2.3x) to one enemy; decrease DEF/SPR (20%) for 3 turns to one enemy
Max: Physical damage (3x) to one enemy; decrease DEF/SPR (34%) for 3 turns to one enemy
12 FFBE Limit Burst crystal
5★ Falling Strike Base: Physical damage (2.5x) to one enemy; decrease DEF/SPR (30%) for 3 turns to one enemy
Max: Physical damage (3.45x) to one enemy; decrease DEF/SPR (49%) for 3 turns to one enemy
14 FFBE Limit Burst crystal



Lawrence comes from the Roman cognomen Laurentius, which meant "from Laurentum". Laurentum was a city in ancient Italy, its name probably deriving from Latin laurus "laurel".
