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FFTA2 Laws

A Law forbidding the following actions.

In Final Fantasy Tactics A2: Grimoire of the Rift, laws are regulations announced by Judges at the start of combat that forbid certain actions. In exchange for heeding these laws, clans are allowed a privilege of their own choosing to also apply during the battle. The forbidden action and the chosen privilege will be shown on the upper screen next to the Judge.



The Law screen.

Laws are slightly changed from their predecessor system. Before each battle, Judges still announce which law will be in effect for the duration of the fight, but there are no more red and yellow cards issued when a law is broken. Instead, when the player breaks a law by committing a forbidden action, the Judge departs, and the upper screen changes to a gray theme to reflect this (unless upholding the law was one of the mission objectives).

Without the support of Judges, players may not be revived, and once they are knocked out, they will be displayed as trapped in a metal cage at the top of the upper screen. Rather than being determined by the time of year, specific laws are tied to specific missions, typically chosen to add extra challenge, such as forbidding an element all enemy units are weak to, or in a mission to defeat a specific enemy, a law that forbids harming the other units. A prime example of this is "Being Robbed", which only appears in missions with lots of thieves.

Clan Trials[]

  • Any law that forbids attacking with weapons does not forbid the use of abilities with weapons.
  • Opportunity commands ignore damage-dealing laws.
  • Multiple attacks (Dual Wield, Double Shot, etc.) are not added together for damage dealing laws (doing 50 and 60 damage will not break the law against doing more than 100 damage).
  • With the exception of when they are specifically banned, reaction abilities do not break laws.
  • Doing an action that violates the law and ends the mission does not result in any penalty. (E.g. defeating the last enemy in a mission where the player must defeat all foes.)
Name Rule
Fire Weapons and abilities that use fire are forbidden.
Ice Weapons and abilities that use ice are forbidden.
Lightning Weapons and abilities that use lightning are forbidden.
Fire, Ice, Lightning Weapons and abilities that use fire, ice, or lightning are forbidden.
Non-elemental Effects Use of non-elemental weapons and abilities is forbidden.
Elemental Effects Use of elemental weapons and abilities is forbidden.
Bladed Weapons Attacks with knives, swords, blades, sabers, katana, axes, knightswords, greatswords and broadswords are forbidden.
Piercing Weapons Attacks with rapiers and spears are forbidden.
Bludgeoning Weapons Attacks with rods, staves, poles, knuckles, hammers and maces are forbidden.
Ranged Weapons Attacks with bows, greatbows, guns, hand-cannons, and cards are forbidden.
Scholarly Weapons Attacks with instruments and books are forbidden.
Harming Humes Actions that harm humes are forbidden. Reaction abilities are excluded. Penelo is not covered by this law, as she is counted as a viera.
Harming Bangaa Actions that harm bangaa are forbidden. Reaction abilities are excluded. Cid is covered by this law despite being a Rev.
Harming Nu Mou Actions that harm nu mou are forbidden. Reaction abilities are excluded.
Harming Viera Actions that harm viera are forbidden. Reaction abilities are excluded. Penelo is included in this law.
Harming Seeq Actions that harm seeq are forbidden. Reaction abilities are excluded.
Harming Gria Actions that harm gria are forbidden. Reaction abilities are excluded.
Harming Males Actions that harm humes, bangaa, nu mou, moogles, and seeq are forbidden. Cid is also covered by this law as he is male, despite not being a member of the listed races. Conversely, Penelo, Adelle, Frimelda Lotice and Illua are indeed female and not covered by this law despite being humes. Since the Night Dancer is actually male, "he" is covered by this law.
Harming Females Actions that harm viera and gria are forbidden. Penelo, Adelle, Frimelda Lotice and Illua are also covered by this law as they are female, despite being humes. The Night Dancer is NOT covered by this law.
Harming the Opposite Sex Actions that harm members of the opposite sex are forbidden.
Harming the Weak Actions that harm a lower level unit are forbidden.
Attack Attacking is forbidden. This does not forbid the use of abilities.
Items Items are forbidden.
Summoning Scions Summoning scions is forbidden.
Opportunity Commands Opportunity commands are forbidden.
Actions by Humes Humes may only move and perform basic attacks.
Actions by Bangaa Bangaa may only move and perform basic attacks. Cid is counted as a bangaa, despite being a rev.
Actions by Nu Mou Nu Mou may only move and perform basic attacks.
Actions by Viera Viera may only move and perform basic attacks. Penelo is counted as a viera, despite being hume.
Actions by Moogles Moogles may only move and perform basic attacks.
Actions by Seeq Seeq may only move and perform basic attacks.
Actions by Gria Gria may only move and perform basic attacks.
Targeting Adjacent Units Actions targeting adjacent tiles are forbidden. Knocking back an enemy still counts.
Targeting Distant Units Actions targeting units two or more tiles away are forbidden. Enemies who are knocked back are considered distant. Being knocked back by an enemy's Blink Counter is allowed.
Targeting an Area Actions targeting two or more tiles are forbidden.
Targeting Self Actions targeting the user are forbidden. This includes all spells that hit the caster.
Targeting All Units Actions targeting all units at once are forbidden.
Restoring HP Actions or abilities that restore HP are forbidden. Regen is allowed.
Restoring MP Actions or abilities that restore MP are forbidden.
Copycat Using the same action as the preceding unit is forbidden. This ignores moving, waiting, and opportunity commands.
Knockback Actions that knock the target back are forbidden. This includes critical hit knockbacks, as well as the Reaction ability Blink Counter. Using Knockback attacks without actually doing so (enemy is against the wall already) does not count.
Back attack Attacking a unit from behind is forbidden.
Missing Missing with an action is forbidden.
Debuffs Debuffs are forbidden.
Buffs Buffs are forbidden.
Buffs and Debuffs Buffs and debuffs are forbidden.
Receiving Buffs and Debuffs Receiving buffs or debuffs is forbidden.
Being Robbed Having gil or items stolen is forbidden.
Reaction Abilities Reaction abilities are forbidden.
< 20 Damage Dealing < 20 damage is forbidden.
< 50 Damage Dealing < 50 damage is forbidden.
< 100 Damage Dealing < 100 damage is forbidden.
> 20 Damage Dealing > 20 Damage is forbidden.
> 50 Damage Dealing > 50 Damage is forbidden.
> 100 Damage Dealing > 100 Damage is forbidden.
HP ≤ 20 Having less than 20 HP is forbidden.
HP ≤ 100 Having less than 100 HP is forbidden.
HP ≤ 200 Having less than 200 HP is forbidden.
Using ≥ 20 MP Actions that consume 20 or more MP are forbidden.
Using MP Actions that consume MP are forbidden. Using items oddly, counts as using MP.
Not using MP Actions that don't consume MP are forbidden. The Attack command will not violate this law.
Smash Gauge ≥ 60% Having a Smash Gauge which is more than 60% full is forbidden.
Grouping Ending the turn next to another unit is forbidden.
Solitude Ending the turn without a unit in an adjacent tile is forbidden.
Not Moving 1 Tile Each unit must move exactly 1 tile before ending its turn.
Not Moving 3 Tiles Each unit must move exactly 3 tiles before ending its turn.
Not Moving Each unit must move at least 1 tile before ending its turn.
Swimming Entering a water tile is forbidden. Despite the wording, simply ending the turn standing in a water tile is forbidden, you can still walk through them.
Height ≥ 10 Moving to a tile with a height of 10 or more is forbidden.


Privileges have replaced recommended moves from Final Fantasy Tactics Advance. They allow the clan special bonuses, such as a boost in speed or agility or extra advantages for certain classes or races. The presence of the Judges enables these privileges, and thus they cease once the Judge leaves.

Clans have an inventory of privileges they can select from, and gain new privileges by completing clan trials. Several privileges can be upgraded in order; completing a trial that can give a level 3 privilege when one only has the level 1 version of it will only award the level 2 version.

Clans begin with a small set of privileges:

  • Power↑ 1 - Slightly increases damage dealt and reduces damage received.
  • Agility↑ 1 - Slightly improves chance to hit and avoid being hit.
  • Speed↑ 1 - Slightly raises speed.
  • Luck 1 - Slightly increases critical hit rate and chance of an Opportunity turn.

There is an additional privilege a clan has at the beginning of the game, selected by a series of questions asked by an NPC during the introductory phase of play.

Name Benefit Reward from
Power↑ 1-5 Increases damage dealt and reduces damage received. Aptitude I (Machinist and Dab Hands)

Aptitude II (Wrights and Master Artificers)

Agility↑ 1-5 Improves chance to hit and avoid being hit. Adaptability I (Surveyors and Mimics)

Adaptability II (Trailblazers and Master Improvisers)

Speed↑ 1-5 Raises speed. Teamwork I (Relations and Old Friends)

Teamwork II (Boon Companions and Master Allies)

Luck↑ 1-5 Increases critical hit rate and chance of an Opportunity turn. Negotiation I (Barterers and Orators)

Negotiation II (Conciliators and Master Negotiators)

Move↑ 1-2 Units can move additional tiles. One for Move↑ 1, two for Move↑ 2 General Training II - Adepts and Master Adventurers
Empowered Humes Hume units (excluding Penelo) receive bonuses to Attack, Defense, and other Attributes. General Training I (Novices)
Empowered Bangaa Bangaa units (and Cid) receive bonuses to Attack, Defense, and other Attributes. Aptitude I (Grease Monkeys)
Empowered Nu Mou Nu Mou units receive bonuses to Attack, Defense, and other Attributes. Negotiation I (Hagglers)
Empowered Viera Viera units (and Penelo) receive bonuses to Attack, Defense, and other Attributes. Teamwork I (Acquaintances)
Empowered Moogles Moogle units receive bonuses to Attack, Defense, and other Attributes. Adaptability I (Scouts)
Empowered Seeq Seeq units receive bonuses to Attack, Defense, and other Attributes. Aptitude II (Craftsmen)
Empowered Gria Gria units receive bonuses to Attack, Defense, and other Attributes. Teamwork II (Comrades)
Regen/Regenra/Regenga Units regain a small/medium/large amount of HP each turn. (Does not stack with the Regen buff) General Training I (Journeymen)

General Training II (Braves and Heroes)

MP Channeling Units regain additional MP each turn. (20 as opposed to the normal 10.) Aptitude-Adaptability (Master Explorers)
MP Efficiency Abilities cost less MP. (MP cost reduced by 50%, stacking with any MP cost altering support abilities) Teamwork-Aptitude (Master Hands)
Non-Elemental Attacks All weapons and abilities are treated as though they have no elemental affinity Adaptability-Negotiation (Master Intercessors)
Debuff Resistance 1-5 Grants immunity to:
Rank 1 - Poison
Rank 2 - Poison and Blindness
Rank 3 - Poison, Blindness and Silence
Rank 4 - Poison, Blindness, Silence, Immobilize and Disable
Rank 5 - Poison, Blindness, Silence, Immobilize, Disable, Confuse, Charm and Toad
Aptitude-Adaptability (Travelers)
Teamwork-Aptitude (Hands of Silver)
Adaptability-Negotiation (Outriders)
Negotiation-Teamwork (Champions)
General Training II (Legends)
Libra Reveals all traps. Adaptability II (Contrivers)

Inserting FFTA cartridge

Smash Gauge Bonus 1-3 Increases growth rate of Smash Gauge. Aptitude-Adaptability (Prospectors, Pioneers, and Voyagers)
Bonus AP 1-3 Increases the ability points awarded for completing a quest. (+20/+40/+60) Negotiation-Teamwork (Speakers, Lectors, and Advocate)
Bonus EXP 1-3 Increases the experience points awarded for completing a quest. Teamwork-Aptitude (Hands of Steel, Hands of Gold, and Hands of Divinity)
Bonus CP 1-3 Increases the clan points awarded for completing a quest. General Training I (Trainees, Professionals, and Veterans)
Bonus Gil 1-3 Increases the gil awarded for completing a quest. Adaptability-Negotiation (Followers, Compromisers, and Catalysts)
Safe Keeping Prevents items from being stolen or destroyed. Negotiation II (Mediators)
Always Counter Units with no other reaction ability set will counter enemy attacks. Negotiation-Teamwork (Master Judicers)