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Louisoix Leveilleur: Eorzea was destroyed by a force of unimaginable power raining down from the sky. It is the dawn of a new age!
The following article covers a subject from a previous version of Lancer Quests that has since been removed.

The following is a list of Lancer Quests from Final Fantasy XIV version 1.0.

A Wailing Welcome[]

  • At the Wailing Barracks, the callous Willelda has imparted to you words of whom the Wood Wailers are and what their charge is. The lancers carry out tasks at the behest of Gridania's commonfolk, and patrol the Twelveswood to maintain the peace and expel intruders. If you wish to join their ranks, you too must serve in the name of Gridania and the wood. Go and speak to J'moldva within for your first orders.
  • J'moldva has briefed you on a request from the botanists at the Greatloam Growery concerning a pest problem. Evidently, among the Wailers' tasks there are even those which unavoidably anger the elementals... To avoid the greenwrath in such cases, the ritual masks are used to divert the wood's fury, but such masks are far too valuable to lend out to a newly joined adventurer. Prepare yourself for a fight, and follow the instructions J'moldva has given you.
  • You have defeated the orchard chigoes plaguing the area around Lifemend Stump. But while returning to the city you were confronted by a hostile elemental. Luckily, a moogle came along to save you, but what could you have done to so anger this elemental? Return to the Wailing Barracks and report to J'moldva.
  • You have taken word of your completed task to J'moldva. Your efforts will greatly improve the harvest yields of the Greatloam Growery, and the food stocks of Gridania, as well. Speak to Willelda to receive your reward.

Culture Shock[]

  • J'moldva has entrusted you with your next assignment as a Wood Wailer. You are to travel to Ul'dah to forge an alliance, as Gridania stands no hope of opposing the Garlean Empire alone. J'moldva believes your best chances of finding a contact lie at the Platinum Mirage. It is known that many Ala Mhigan refugees are employed there, some of whom will likely be sympathetic to your cause. Travel south to the Platinum Mirage of Ul'dah, and do whatever you must to find an ally.
  • Gagaruna of the Platinum Mirage expresses the Ul'dahns' concern for Gridania's inability to manage its domestic threats. Word reaches them from the north of merchants and travelers who disappear in the wood never to be heard from again. The negative impact on tourism and trade is undeniable, whether the tales themselves are true or not. He has given you leave to ask about the guild for the aid you seek, but how will your request be received?
  • Seeking no more than words with the quick-tempered Ala Mhigan Dreues, your dialogue results in a physical confrontation. But the fight was simply the man's way of testing your worth, and he takes an immediate liking to you. He promises to take word of your plight to the guild's elite. Return to Gridania and report to J'moldva of your new ally in Ul'dah.
  • J'moldva is pleased by the results of your journey to the Platinum Mirage, and seems confident that the initial steps to forging an alliance between Ul'dah and Gridania have been taken. No sooner have your efforts been praised than word reaches the guild of a caravan of merchants in distress in the wood. J'moldva orders you to travel along the main road south and find them, and prepare yourself for whatever dangers you might face.
  • You come upon the caravan on the south road. The merchants are too terrified of the foreboding and threatening forest before them to travel any farther. Fulfill your duties as a Wood Wailer, and escort the caravan safely to Gridania.
  • Hearing a thunderous roar high above, you look up to see a Garlean juggernaut streaking across the skies. After it passes, a pack of raging beasts surges from the forest and attacks you and the caravan you are escorting. You must fight the beasts and do all in your power to see that the Ul'dahn merchants do not come to harm.
  • After defeating the feral beasts which attacked you, you notice an injured moogle fallen to the ground nearby. It must be tended to as soon as possible! Follow behind the caravan, and make your way quickly back to the Wailing Barracks in Gridania.
  • You report back to the Wailing Barracks to find that the merchants from the caravan have arrived safely. They thank you profusely for all you have done. Locate J'moldva and give her a full report.
  • After hearing of your deeds, J'moldva directs you to speak to Willelda to collect your reward.

Necessary Evils[]

  • Willelda bluntly asks whether or not you are willing to give your life in service of the wood. You feel as though this might be the preface to a very significant task... Speak to J'moldva and learn what the guild asks of you.
  • J'moldva has offered you two reports of goings-on at the Wailing Barracks. The good news is that the merchants you saw safely to town have concluded their business and will take word of Gridania's good faith back south with them. This is offset by the bad news—that your efforts to forge an alliance with Ul'dah at the Platinum Mirage have ended in failure. Immediately after hearing this, word reaches the guild of Garlean spies who have infiltrated the Twelveswood. You have been ordered to find the merchant caravan once again on its return journey south, and ensure that they remain safe from the forest's wrath while the interlopers are dealt with.
  • You find the Ul'dahn merchant caravan facing off against an enraged elemental. What could they have done to waken the greenwrath? Whatever the case, you must save the merchants before all hope of an Ul'dahn alliance is lost.
  • Upon saving the merchants from the elemental's greenwrath, a moogle promptly appears and chastises you for aiding the outsiders rather than the forest. Use the Echo to view what the merchants did to anger the Twelveswood.
  • You learn from the Echo that the merchants had been trying to capture a moogle. But how should you act upon such knowledge now that it is yours? Return to Gridania and speak with J'moldva.
  • Although J'moldva condemns the actions of the merchants as unforgivable, she concedes that the very future of the Twelveswood and Gridania rests upon political relations with the southrons. Punishing the merchants under Gridanian law for their crimes would surely ruin any chance of an alliance with Ul'dah. Keep the secret to which you are privy, and speak to Willelda to collect your reward.
